def graph_cdf_num_overlap_routes_detection(infos): overlaps_in_detection = defaultdict(lambda: 0) num_detection = 0 for node in infos["nodes"]: print node detection_file = infos["database_dir"] + "/changes." + node detections_by_id = read.read_detection_file(detection_file) for detection_id,detection in detections_by_id.items(): if(detection["changes_old"] == []): continue overlaps_in_detection[len(detection["overlap"])] += 1 num_detection += 1 x = overlaps_in_detection.keys() x.sort() y = [overlaps_in_detection[i]/float(num_detection) for i in x] x_norm = [(z/1000.00) for z in x] cdf = np.cumsum(y) plt.step(x_norm,cdf, where="post") plt.xlabel("Fraction of paths that overlap the detection",fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("CDF of number of detections",fontsize=16) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.savefig('out_cdf_num_overlap.pdf') plt.clf()
def graph_cdf_route_coverage(infos): evaluation_2_files = [x for x in listdir(infos["output_dir"]) if x.find("evaluation_2") != -1] all_dist = list() all_number = 0 routes_num = 0 for f in evaluation_2_files: print f for line in open(infos["output_dir"]+"/"+f,"r"): line = line.strip().split(" ") if(line[3] == "0,0"): #all_dist.append(1.0) continue routes_num += 1 lcz_stats = line[3].split(";") covered = 0 for i,stat in enumerate(lcz_stats): lcz_size,lcz_intersect = stat.split(",") lcz_size = int(lcz_size) lcz_intersect = int(lcz_intersect) if(lcz_intersect > 0): covered += 1 all_dist.append(float(covered)/len(lcz_stats)) uniq_values = list(set(all_dist)) uniq_values.sort() x = uniq_values y = [all_dist.count(i)/float(routes_num) for i in x] cdf = np.cumsum(y) plt.step(x,cdf, where="post") plt.xlabel("% LCZ Covered",fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("CDF of all overlapping changed routes",fontsize=16) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.savefig('out_cdf_route_coverage.pdf') plt.clf()
def graph_cdf_lcz_intersect_relation(infos): intersectionpp_files = [x for x in listdir(infos["output_dir"]) if x.find("intersectionspp") != -1] relation = list() intersect_null = 0 for f in intersectionpp_files: print f for line in open(infos["output_dir"]+"/"+f,"r"): line_parts = line.split(" ") for lcz in line_parts[3].split("#"): lcz_old, lcz_new, intersect = lcz.split(";") if(intersect == ""): intersect_null += 1 continue lcz_old = set([",".join(x) for x in path.hops_fromstr(lcz_old)]) intersect = set([",".join(x) for x in path.hops_fromstr(intersect)]) lcz_old -= set([""]) intersect -= set([""]) len_lcz_old = len(lcz_old) len_lcz_intersect = len(intersect) relation.append(float(len_lcz_intersect)/len_lcz_old) total_values = float(len(relation)) uniq_values = list(set(relation)) uniq_values.sort() x = uniq_values y = [relation.count(i)/total_values for i in x] cdf = np.cumsum(y) plt.step(x,cdf, where="post") plt.xlabel("intersect_size/detection_lcz_old",fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("CDF of all overlap between detection and routes",fontsize=16) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.xlim(0.0, 1.0) plt.savefig('out_lcz_intersect_relation.pdf') plt.clf()
guessIs = np.mean(Int)*0.3 guessLam = np.mean(Int) fitIc, fitIs = pdfs.fitMR(binsS,histS,guessIc, guessIs) fitMR = pdfs.modifiedRician(binsS,fitIc,fitIs) fitLam = pdfs.fitPoisson(binsS,histS,guessLam) fitPoisson = pdfs.poisson(binsS,fitLam) fitMu,fitSig =pdfs.fitGaussian(binsS,histS,guessLam,np.std(Int)) fitGaussian = pdfs.gaussian(binsS,fitMu,fitSig) sww, swp = stats.shapiro(phInt) print stats.shapiro(phInt) print "Shapiro Wilks W,p = %3.3f, %3.3f"%(sww,swp) print "Ic, Is = %3.3f, %3.3f"%(fitIc, fitIs) print "Ic/Is = %3.3f"%(fitIc/fitIs) plt.step(binsS,histS,color="grey",label=r"Histogram of intensities",where="mid") plt.plot(binsS,fitMR,color="black",linestyle="-.",label=r"MR fit to histogram: Ic=%2.2f, Is=%2.2f"%(fitIc, fitIs)) #plt.plot(binsS,fitPoisson,linestyle="--",color="black",label=r"Poisson fit to histogram: $\lambda$=%2.2f"%(fitLam)) plt.plot(binsS,fitGaussian,linestyle=":",color="black",label=r"Gaussian fit to histogram: $\mu$=%2.2f, $\sigma$=%2.2f"%(fitMu,fitSig)) plt.legend() plt.xlabel(r"Intensity",fontsize=14) plt.ylabel(r"Probability",fontsize=14) plt.title(r"Intensity Distribution, %s pixel (%i,%i), t=%i ms"%(target,i,j,shortT*1000),fontsize=14) plt.clf() #plt.savefig(basePath+'%i_%i_%ims_Dist.png'%(i,j,shortT*1000)) wilks.append(sww) intTimes.append(shortT) ratios.append(fitIc/fitIs)
import numpy as np import scipy import matcompat # if available import pylab (from matlibplot) try: import matplotlib.pylab as plt except ImportError: pass syst_fake = tf(np.array(np.hstack((1.))), np.array(np.hstack((1., 2., 3.)))) syst_fake_dis = c2d(syst_fake, 0.01) [output, t] = plt.step(syst_fake_dis) plt.plot(output) out_len = length(output) input = np.arange(1., (out_len)+1) input[:] = 1. [num, den] = stmcb_test(output, input, 0., 2.) #% sys_model=tf(num,den,0.01) #% step(sys_model) #% hold on #% step(syst_fake)
gs.update(left=0.085, right=0.89, top=0.88, bottom=0.115, wspace=0.02*9/12.0, hspace=0.02) ax = [] ax.append(plt.subplot(gs[0,0])) ax.append(plt.subplot(gs[1,0])) ax.append(plt.subplot(gs[0,1])) ax.append(plt.subplot(gs[1,1])) # Plot Cs-137 spectrum[0]) dataset = 'Cs-Plastic/' onset,full,tail = np.loadtxt(mDir + dataset + 'EJ-0000',unpack=True) n,b = np.histogram(full,120,[0,1.2]) x = b[:-1] + 0.5*np.diff(b) plt.step(x*charge_scale_factor,n/1000.0,where='mid', plt.text(0.66*charge_scale_factor,3.05,'477 keV',va='center',ha='right',fontsize=textFS, c = (x > 0.45) * (x < 0.75) p0 = [100,0.6,0.05,-100,0] x2,pars,xfit,yfit = ef.arbFit(ff,x[c],n[c],'Poisson',p0) print pars[0][1],pars[2][1], pars[0][2] plt.axvline(pars[0][1]+pars[0][2],c='k',ls='dashed') plt.plot(xfit*charge_scale_factor ,yfit/1000.0,,lw=2) plt.yticks([0,1,2,3]) plt.xlim(0,0.9) plt.ylim(0,3.5) plt.xticks([0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8]) plt.text(0.075,0.275,r'$^{137}$Cs',ha='left',va='center',fontsize=textFS) plt.tick_params(axis='x',labelbottom='off',labeltop='on') ax[0].xaxis.set_label_position("top")
vk =, np.random.randn(12, 1)) zk = xk + vk #zk = yk + vk xhatk, P = discrete_UKF_update(xhatkm1, ukm1, zk, quadcopter_dynamics, H, param, P, Q, R) omegavec[0:4, ii:ii + 1] = ukm1 states[0:12, ii:ii + 1] = xk measurements[0:12, ii:ii + 1] = zk estimates[0:12, ii:ii + 1] = xhatk # Visualize simulation if 1: # Omega plt.figure(1) plt.step(np.transpose(timevec), np.transpose(omegavec)) plt.legend(['$\omega_1$', '$\omega_2$', '$\omega_3$', '$\omega_4$']) plt.xlabel('Time, [s]') plt.ylabel('Angular velocity, [rad/s]') if 1: # States plt.figure(2) f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2) axarr[0, 0].step(np.transpose(timevec), np.transpose(states[0:3, :])) axarr[0, 0].set_xlabel('Time, [s]') axarr[0, 0].set_ylabel('$\mathbf{r}(t)$') axarr[0, 0].legend(['x', 'y', 'z'], loc=3, fontsize=6) axarr[0, 1].step(np.transpose(timevec), np.transpose(states[3:6, :])) axarr[0, 1].set_xlabel('Time, [s]') axarr[0, 1].set_ylabel('$\dot{\mathbf{r}}(t)$')
def hist(x, bins, weight=None, weights=None, index=None, norm=None, frac=False, total=False, dist=False, cumulative=False, revcumulative=False, bottom=None, filled=False, **kwargs): ''' norm == set max value of hist frac == return the fraction index is of the entire sample ''' rotate = kwargs.pop('rotate', False) noplot = kwargs.pop('noplot', False) if bottom is None: bottom = 0.0 if index is not None: xx = x[index] if weight is not None and weights is not None: raise ValueError( 'Only supply one. This is just so that you can push weight and weights' ) if weight is not None: ww = weight[index] elif weights is not None: ww = weights[index] else: ww = None else: xx = x ww = weight v, l = np.histogram(xx, bins, weights=ww) d = np.diff(l) l = l[:-1] + d / 2.0 if frac: vv = np.histogram(x, bins, weight)[0] ii = np.where(vv == 0) v = np.array(v) * 1.0 / np.array(vv) v[ii] = 0 if cumulative: v = np.cumsum(v) if revcumulative: v = np.cumsum(v[::-1])[::-1] if norm is not None: v = v / float(np.max(v)) * float(norm) if total: v = v / (1.0 * np.sum(v)) if dist: v /= d if bottom is not None: v += bottom # if rotate: # l,v = v,l if not noplot: if filled: kwargs.setdefault('align', 'center') # hack to fix's coloring if 'color' not in kwargs: kwargs['color'] = next(pylab.gca()._get_lines.color_cycle) if rotate: pylab.barh(l, v - bottom, height=d, left=bottom, **kwargs) else:, v - bottom, width=d, bottom=bottom, **kwargs) else: if rotate: pylab.step(v, l, where='mid', **kwargs) else: pylab.step(l, v, where='mid', **kwargs) # if rotate: # l,v = v,l return l, v
def plot_LC_map(xlocs, ylocs, LCmapFile, inspect=False): with open(LCmapFile, 'rb') as handle: LCmap = pickle.load(handle) # print np.shape(LCmap) LCmap = LCmap[:, :, :] # plt.plot(LCmap[60,40]) # plt.figure() # LCmap = temp.downsample(LCmap, factor=10) # plt.plot(LCmap[60,40]) # print np.shape(LCmap) # xinspect = range(35,45) # yinspect = range(85,95) total_map = np.sum(LCmap, axis=2) median_map = np.median(LCmap, axis=2) interval_map = np.sum(LCmap[:, :, :100], axis=2) # if inspect: # plt.imshow(median_map[yinspect[0]:yinspect[-1],xinspect[0]:xinspect[-1]]) # quicklook_im(total_map, logAmp=True, show=False) quicklook_im(median_map, logAmp=True, show=False) quicklook_im(interval_map, logAmp=True, show=False) if os.path.isfile(IratioFile): with open(IratioFile, 'rb') as handle: Ic, Is, Iratio, mIratio = pickle.load(handle) print np.shape(Iratio) else: Iratio = np.zeros((len(xlocs), len(ylocs))) Ic = np.zeros((len(xlocs), len(ylocs))) Is = np.zeros((len(xlocs), len(ylocs))) mIratio = np.zeros((len(xlocs), len(ylocs))) for ix, xloc in enumerate(xlocs): for iy, yloc in enumerate(ylocs): if (ix * len(ylocs) + iy) % 100 == 0: misc.progressBar(value=(ix * len(ylocs) + iy), endvalue=len(xlocs) * len(ylocs)) ints = LCmap[ix, iy] ID = pipe.get_intensity_dist(ints) bincent = (ID['binsS'] + np.roll(ID['binsS'], 1)) / 2. bincent = np.array(bincent)[1:] # popt, _ = curve_fit(gaussian, ID['binsS'][:-1], ID['histS']) # plt.plot(ID['binsS'][:-1], gaussian(ID['binsS'][:-1], *popt), 'r--') # popt, _ = curve_fit(poisson, ID['binsS'][:-1], ID['histS']) # plt.plot(ID['binsS'][:-1], poisson(ID['binsS'][:-1], *popt), 'g--') # bincent = np.linspace(0,100000,len(bincent)) # gauss = gaussian2(bincent, 1000,np.mean(ints)) + 0.0001 * np.random.normal(size=bincent.size) # popt, _ = curve_fit(gaussian2, bincent, gauss, p0=[100,100]) # print popt # plt.plot(bincent, gauss) # plt.plot(bincent, gaussian2(bincent, *popt), 'g--') # print sum(gauss) # print np.mean(ints) guessIc = np.mean(ints) * 0.7 guessIs = np.mean(ints) * 0.3 # popt, _ = curve_fit(MR, bincent, gauss, p0=[guessIc,guessIs]) # print popt # plt.plot(bincent, MR(bincent, *popt), 'g--') # print sum(MR(bincent, *popt)) # popt, _ = curve_fit(func, bincent, ID['histS']) # plt.plot(bincent, func(bincent, *popt), 'r--') try: popt, _ = curve_fit(MR, bincent, ID['histS'], p0=[guessIc, guessIs]) Ic[ix, iy] = popt[0] Is[ix, iy] = popt[1] Iratio[ix, iy] = popt[0] / popt[1] m = (np.sum(ints) - (popt[0] + popt[0])) / ( np.sqrt(popt[1]**2 + 2 * popt[0] + popt[1]) * len(ints)) mIratio[ix, iy] = m**-1 * (Iratio[ix, iy]) except RuntimeError: pass # print np.shape(ints) # EI = np.sum(ints) # # print EI # EI2 = EI**2 # # print EI2 # var = np.var(ints) # # print var # Is[ix,iy] = EI-np.sqrt(EI2-var) # # print Is[ix,iy] # Ic[ix,iy] = EI-Is[ix,iy] # # print Ic[ix,iy] # Iratio[ix,iy] = Ic[ix,iy]/Is[ix,iy] # exit() if inspect == True: # and xloc in yinspect and yloc in xinspect: plt.figure() plt.plot(ints) print xloc, yloc plt.figure() plt.step(bincent, ID['histS']) plt.plot(bincent, MR(bincent, *popt), 'b--') print popt, popt[0] / popt[1] with open(IratioFile, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump([Ic, Is, Iratio, mIratio], handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) quicklook_im(Ic, logAmp=True, show=False) #, vmax=25)# quicklook_im(Is, logAmp=True, show=False) #,vmax=5,)# quicklook_im(Iratio, logAmp=True, show=False) #,vmax=25,)# quicklook_im(mIratio, logAmp=True, show=False) #, vmax=5,)# quicklook_im(mIratio * Iratio, logAmp=True, show=False) #, vmax=500,)# return total_map, median_map, interval_map, Iratio, mIratio
def hist(x,bins, weight=None, weights=None, index=None, norm=None, frac=False, total=False, dist=False, cumulative=False, revcumulative=False, bottom=None, filled=False, **kwargs): ''' norm == set max value of hist frac == return the fraction index is of the entire sample ''' rotate = kwargs.pop('rotate',False) noplot = kwargs.pop('noplot',False) if bottom is None: bottom=0.0 if index is not None: xx = x[index] if weight is not None and weights is not None: raise ValueError('Only supply one. This is just so that you can push weight and weights') if weight is not None: ww = weight[index] elif weights is not None: ww = weights[index] else: ww = None else: xx = x ww = weight v,l = np.histogram(xx,bins,weights=ww) d = np.diff(l) l = l[:-1] + d/2.0 if frac: vv = np.histogram(x,bins, weight)[0] ii = np.where(vv == 0) v = np.array(v)*1.0/np.array(vv) v[ii] = 0 if cumulative: v = np.cumsum(v) if revcumulative: v = np.cumsum(v[::-1])[::-1] if norm is not None: v = v/float(np.max(v))*float(norm) if total: v = v / (1.0*np.sum(v)) if dist: v /= d if bottom is not None: v += bottom # if rotate: # l,v = v,l if not noplot: if filled: kwargs.setdefault('align', 'center') # hack to fix's coloring if 'color' not in kwargs: kwargs['color'] = next(pylab.gca()._get_lines.color_cycle) if rotate: pylab.barh(l,v-bottom, height=d, left=bottom, **kwargs) else:,v-bottom, width=d, bottom=bottom, **kwargs) else: if rotate: pylab.step(v,l, where='mid', **kwargs) else: pylab.step(l,v, where='mid', **kwargs) # if rotate: # l,v = v,l return l,v
def graph_cdf_changed_overlap_2(infos): intersectionpp_files = [x for x in listdir(infos["output_dir"]) if x.find("intersectionspp") != -1] intersect_num = 0 changed_overlap = list() num_overlapping = 0 for f in intersectionpp_files: print f for line in open(infos["output_dir"]+"/"+f,"r"): infos["node"] = f.split(".",1)[1] line_parts = line.split(" ") overlap_oldpath = path.path_fromstr(line_parts[7]) overlap_newpath = path.path_fromstr(line_parts[11]) lczs_detection_old = [path.hops_fromstr(x.split(";")[0]) \ for x in line_parts[3].split("#")] lczs_detection_new = [path.hops_fromstr(x.split(";")[1]) \ for x in line_parts[3].split("#")] intersections = [x.split(";")[2] \ for x in line_parts[3].split("#") ] changes_old_str = line_parts[13] changes_new_str = line_parts[15] changes_old = [] changes_new = [] if changes_old_str != "empty": changes_old = [x.strip(",").split(",") for x in \ changes_old_str.split("#") if x] changes_new = [x.strip(",").split(",") for x in \ changes_new_str.split("#") if x] statistical.fix_branch_join(overlap_oldpath,overlap_newpath,\ changes_old,changes_new) for j,intersection in enumerate(intersections): intersection_hops = path.hops_fromstr(intersection) intersection_hops = [x for x in intersection_hops \ if x != [""]] if(not intersection_hops): continue total_coverage = set() for i,change_zone_old in enumerate(changes_old): change_zone_old_hops = path.path_get_subpath(overlap_oldpath,\ change_zone_old) coverage_change_zone = statistical.list_intersection(\ change_zone_old_hops, intersection_hops) if(coverage_change_zone): total_coverage = set([",".join(x) for x in coverage_change_zone]) break set_intersect = set([",".join(x) for x in intersection_hops]) v = float(len(total_coverage)) / len(set_intersect) changed_overlap.append(v) num_overlapping += 1 break uniq_values = list(set(changed_overlap)) x = uniq_values x.sort() y = [changed_overlap.count(i)/float(num_overlapping) for i in x] cdf = np.cumsum(y) plt.step(x,cdf, where="post") plt.xlabel("% overlap changed",fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("CDF of all overlaps in overlapping routes",fontsize=16) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.savefig('out_cdf_changed_overlap_Y2.pdf') plt.clf()
def graph_generate_cdf_lcz_size(infos): evaluation_2_files = [x for x in listdir(infos["output_dir"]) if x.find("evaluation_2") != -1] covered_dist = defaultdict(lambda: 0) uncovered_dist = defaultdict(lambda: 0) all_dist = defaultdict(lambda: 0) covered_number = 0 uncovered_number = 0 all_number = 0 for f in evaluation_2_files: print f for line in open(infos["output_dir"]+"/"+f,"r"): line = line.strip().split(" ") if(line[3] == "0,0"): continue lcz_stats = line[3].split(";") lcz_ttls = line[4].split(";") for i,stat in enumerate(lcz_stats): lcz_size,lcz_intersect = stat.split(",") lcz_size = int(lcz_size) lcz_intersect = int(lcz_intersect) if(lcz_intersect > 0): covered_dist[lcz_size] += 1 covered_number += 1 else: uncovered_dist[lcz_size] += 1 uncovered_number += 1 all_dist[lcz_size] += 1 all_number += 1 x = [z for z in covered_dist.keys()] x.sort() y = [covered_dist[i]/float(covered_number) for i in x] cdf = np.cumsum(y) plt.step(x,cdf,label="covered LCZ", where="post") x = [z for z in uncovered_dist.keys()] x.sort() y = [uncovered_dist[i]/float(uncovered_number) for i in x] cdf = np.cumsum(y) plt.step(x,cdf,label="uncovered LCZ", where="post") x = [z for z in all_dist.keys()] x.sort() y = [all_dist[i]/float(all_number) for i in x] cdf = np.cumsum(y) plt.step(x,cdf,linestyle="--",label="all LCZ", where="post") plt.xlabel("LCZ Size",fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("CDF of LCZ in overlapping changed routes",fontsize=16) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.savefig('out_cdf_lcz_size.pdf') plt.clf()
def graph_cdf_lcz_intersect_jaccard(infos): intersectionpp_files = [x for x in listdir(infos["output_dir"]) if x.find("intersectionspp") != -1] relation = list() intersect_null = 0 jaccard_indexes = list() for f in intersectionpp_files: print f for line in open(infos["output_dir"]+"/"+f,"r"): infos["node"] = f.split(".",1)[1] line_parts = line.split(" ") overlap_oldpath = path.path_fromstr(line_parts[7]) overlap_newpath = path.path_fromstr(line_parts[11]) lczs_detection_new = [path.hops_fromstr(x.split(";")[1]) \ for x in line_parts[3].split("#")] intersections = [x.split(";")[2] \ for x in line_parts[3].split("#")] changes_old_str = line_parts[13] changes_new_str = line_parts[15] changes_old = [] changes_new = [] if changes_old_str != "empty": changes_old = [x.strip(",").split(",") for x in \ changes_old_str.split("#") if x] changes_new = [x.strip(",").split(",") for x in \ changes_new_str.split("#") if x] else: continue statistical.fix_branch_join(overlap_oldpath,overlap_newpath,\ changes_old,changes_new) for i,change_zone_old in enumerate(changes_old): change_zone_new = changes_new[i] change_zone_old_hops = path.path_get_subpath(overlap_oldpath,\ change_zone_old) change_zone_new_hops = path.path_get_subpath(overlap_newpath,\ change_zone_new) for j,intersection in enumerate(intersections): intersection_hops = path.hops_fromstr(intersection) coverage_change_zone_old = statistical.list_intersection(\ change_zone_old_hops,intersection_hops) # stars does not make intersections coverage_change_zone = [x for x in coverage_change_zone_old \ if x != [""]] if(coverage_change_zone): set_1 = set([",".join(x) for x in change_zone_new_hops]) set_2 = set([",".join(x) for x in lczs_detection_new[j]]) intersection = len(set_1.intersection(set_2)) union = len(set_1.union(set_2)) jaccard_indexes.append(float(intersection)/union) total_values = float(len(jaccard_indexes)) uniq_values = list(set(jaccard_indexes)) uniq_values.sort() x = uniq_values y = [jaccard_indexes.count(i)/total_values for i in x] cdf = np.cumsum(y) plt.step(x,cdf, where="post") plt.xlabel("jaccard index (detection new, overlap new)",fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("CDF of all LCZ in overlapping changed routes\nthat intersect "+\ "detection",fontsize=12) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.xlim(0.0, 1.0) plt.savefig('out_lcz_jaccard22.pdf') plt.clf()
if opts.npz is not None: npzname = opts.npz + '.npz' else: npzname = '%s_%s_%s_RFI.npz' % (jd, opts.ant, opts.pol) if opts.verb: print 'Writing data to %s' % npzname np.savez(npzname, grid=flg_arr, dJDs=t_arr, percent_f=pcnt_f, percent_t=pcnt_t) #If you don't want plots, let's save everyone a smidgen of time and quit now if not and not opts.save_wfall and not opts.save_freq: sys.exit() ##Plotting freq occupancy if opts.save_freq or if opts.verb: print 'Plotting frequency-occupancy plot' if not opts.chanaxis: pylab.step(fqs, pcnt_f, where='mid') pylab.fill_between(fqs, 0, pcnt_f, color='blue', alpha=0.3) pylab.xlim(fqs[0], fqs[-1]) pylab.xlabel('Frequency [MHz]') else: pylab.step(chans, pcnt_f, where='mid') pylab.fill_between(chans, 0, pcnt_f, color='blue', alpha=0.3) pylab.xlim(chans[0], chans[-1]) pylab.xlabel('Channel number') pylab.ylabel('Occupancy [%]') if len(args) == 1: pylab.suptitle(file2jd(args[0]), size=15) else: pylab.suptitle('%s - %s' % (file2jd(args[0]), file2jd(args[len(args) - 1])), size=15)
import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages # mp.rc('font', family = 'serif', serif = 'cmr10') mp.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'cm' mp.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) n=3 α = np.array([0.8,1.0,1.2]) X = np.array([8/15,5/15,2/15]) with PdfPages('water_filling_plot.pdf') as pdf: axis = np.arange(0.5,n+1.5,1) index = axis+0.5 # X = np.asarray(x).flatten() Y = α + X # to include the last data point as a step, we need to repeat it A = np.concatenate((α,[α[-1]])) X = np.concatenate((X,[X[-1]])) Y = np.concatenate((Y,[Y[-1]])) plt.xticks(index) plt.xlim(0.5,n+0.5) plt.ylim(0,1.5) plt.step(axis,A,where='post',label =r'$\alpha$',lw=2) plt.step(axis,Y,where='post',label=r'$\alpha + x$',lw=2) plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.xlabel('channel number') plt.ylabel('power level') pdf.savefig(bbox_inches='tight')
def montecarlorisk(num_trials, annual_escalation, subsystem, output_file): ## define output location; if variable output_file is true then output goes to test.txt in working directory fhold = sys.stdout if output_file: f = open('./test.txt', 'w') sys.stdout = f ######################################################################################### ###################### Some basic values ############################### ######################################################################################### total_contingency = 230694.0 # total contingency in K EUR TBD !!!! nyears = 8 ## number of years with construction activity date_start = "2021-07-01" date_end = "2029-07-31" date_commissioning_start = "2029-08-01" date_base_year = "2021" date_year_start = "2021" date_year_end = "2029" annual_esc = 1.0 + annual_escalation # convert annual fractional escalation to factor yer = [ '2021', '2022', '2023', '2024', '2025', '2026', '2027', '2028', '2029' ] final_totals_distribution = [] #cost_lowest = np.zeros(1000) #cost_expected = np.zeros(1000) #cost_highest = np.zeros(1000) subsystem = subsystem.upper() if subsystem == 'ALL': fundingstring = " " projectname = "SKA" elif subsystem == 'MID': fundingstring = " AND component = 'MID' " projectname = 'MID' elif subsystem == 'LOW': fundingstring = " AND component = 'LOW' " projectname = 'LOW' elif subsystem == 'OCS': fundingstring = " AND component = 'OCS' " projectname = 'OCS' elif subsystem == 'PM': fundingstring = " AND component = 'PM' " projectname = 'PM' ############################################################################## ################### Simple escalation model ############################################################################## escalate = array(10) sum = 0.0 escalate = {} # a dictionary escalate[date_base_year] = 1.0 for jj in range(nyears): escalate[yer[jj + 1]] = escalate[yer[jj]] * annual_esc sum += escalate[yer[jj + 1]] escalate['dist_sum'] = sum / nyears server = "" auth_inf = (username, password) try: jira = JIRA(server=server, basic_auth=auth_inf) except: print( "ERROR: Jira authentication failed. Have you provided the correct username and password?" ) return # AND (cf[12916] is EMPTY OR cf[12916] ='False') query = "project=RM AND issuetype='RM-Risk' AND status='Active Risk/Opportunity' " + fundingstring + "ORDER BY cf[12933]" fields = "components,summary,customfield_12926,customfield_12901,customfield_12905,customfield_12915,customfield_12933,customfield_12936,customfield_12938,description" print(('\n\r Query to database \n\r\n\r' + query + '\n\r')) issues = jira.search_issues(query, maxResults=None, fields=fields) nrisks = len(issues) rows = [] mean_prob_lookup = { '2%': 0.02, '5%': 0.05, '10%': 0.1, '25%': 0.25, '50%': 0.5, '80%': 0.8 } rows = [] for i in range(len(issues)): rows.append({ 'riskid': int(''.join([i for i in issues[i].key if i.isdigit()])), 'projectsystem': xstr(issues[i].fields.components[0].name), 'current_probability': xstr(issues[i].fields.customfield_12926), #map from 13200 'current_expense_expected': (float(issues[i].fields.customfield_12901) if issues[i].fields.customfield_12901 else 0.0), #map from 13404 'current_schedule_cost_expected': (float(issues[i].fields.customfield_12905) if issues[i].fields.customfield_12905 else 0.0), #map from 13606 'meanprobability': mean_prob_lookup[ issues[i].fields.customfield_12926.value], #map from 13200 'total_cost': 0.0, 'obligationmodel': xstr(issues[i].fields.customfield_12915), #map from 13107 'triggerdate': (datetime.datetime.strptime( issues[i].fields.customfield_12933, '%Y-%m-%d').date() if issues[i].fields.customfield_12933 else, 1, 1)), #map from 13108 'randomtrigger': (int(issues[i].fields.customfield_12938) if issues[i].fields.customfield_12938 else 0), #map from 13110 'risktitle': xstr(issues[i].fields.summary), 'riskdescription': xstr(issues[i].fields.description), 'randomperiod': xstr(issues[i].fields.customfield_12936) }) # map from 13111 # setup lists nyears = [1 for i in range(nrisks)] riskheader = [' ' for i in range(20000)] riskid = [] # issue.key projectsystem = [] # issue.fields.components current_probability = [] # issue.fields.customfield_12926 current_expense_expected = [] # issue.fields.customfield_12901 current_schedule_cost_expected = [] # issue.fields.customfield_12905 meanprobability = [] # calculate from cf 12926 total_cost = [] # issue.fields.customfield_12905 + issue.customfield_12901 obligationmodel = [] # issue.fields.customfield_12915 triggerdate = [] # issue.fields.customfield_12933 randomtrigger = [ ] # issue.fields.customfield_12936 and issue.customfield_12938 risktitle = [] # issue.fields.summary riskdescription = [] # issue.fields.description randomperiod = [] ## Rule 0 - Accept all risks, simple passthrough ## print "\n\r Rule 1 - Accept only risks that have total cost of more than €1M \n\r" ## print "\n\r Rule 2 - Accept only risks that have expected exposure of more that €200K \n\r" ## print "\n\r Rule 3 - Accept risks that pass Rule 1 OR Rule 2 \n\r" ## Store the database values into arrays print('\n\r Summary of risks ordered by triggerdate \n\r\n\r') for ii in range(nrisks): lasttotalcost = (float(rows[ii]['current_expense_expected']) + float(rows[ii]['current_schedule_cost_expected'])) ############################################################################## ################### Use simple model of escalation to convert to as-spent dollars ############################################################################## if rows[ii]['obligationmodel'] == "trigger": yr = rows[ii]['triggerdate'].year yr = max(int(date_year_start), int(yr)) yr = min(int(date_year_end), int(yr)) lasttotalcost = lasttotalcost * escalate[str(yr)] else: lasttotalcost = lasttotalcost * escalate['dist_sum'] ############################################################################## if lasttotalcost >= 0.00: ## print("\n\r Rule 0 - Accept all risks, simple passthrough \n\r") ## Rule 1 - Accept only risks that have total cost of more than €1M ## if lasttotalcost >= 1000.00: ## Rule 2 - Accept only risks that have expected exposure of more that €200K ## if float(rows[ii]['meanprobability'])*lasttotalcost >= 200.0: ## Rule 3 - Accept risks that pass Rule 1 OR Rule 2 ## if float(rows[ii]['meanprobability'])*lasttotalcost >= 200.0 or lasttotalcost >= 1000.00: riskid.append(rows[ii]['riskid']) projectsystem.append(rows[ii]['projectsystem']) current_probability.append(rows[ii]['current_probability']) current_expense_expected.append( rows[ii]['current_expense_expected']) current_schedule_cost_expected.append( rows[ii]['current_schedule_cost_expected']) meanprobability.append(float(rows[ii]['meanprobability'])) obligationmodel.append(rows[ii]['obligationmodel']) triggerdate.append(rows[ii]['triggerdate']) randomtrigger.append(rows[ii]['randomtrigger']) risktitle.append(rows[ii]['risktitle']) riskdescription.append(rows[ii]['riskdescription']) total_cost.append(lasttotalcost) randomperiod.append(rows[ii]['randomperiod']) ## Print formatted output print( '{:>30} RM-{:4} {:>10} {:>22} {:>5} [{:>8.2f} {:>8.2f}] {:>8.2f} {:40} {:80}' .format( rows[ii]['projectsystem'], str(rows[ii]['riskid']), str(rows[ii]['triggerdate']), #rows[ii]['obligationmodel'][0:4], rows[ii]['obligationmodel'], #rows[ii]['randomtrigger'] % 1000, rows[ii]['randomtrigger'], lasttotalcost, rows[ii]['meanprobability'], float(rows[ii]['meanprobability']) * lasttotalcost, str(rows[ii]['risktitle']), str(rows[ii]['riskdescription']), )) nrisks = len(riskid) ## Print risks ordered by riskid print(('\n\r Summary of {:>3} risks ordered by riskid \n\r\n\r'.format( str(nrisks)))) hold_riskid, hold_projectsystem, hold_risktitle = (list(t) for t in zip( *sorted(zip(riskid, projectsystem, risktitle)))) for ii in range(nrisks): print('{:>30} RM-{:3} {:40}'.format(hold_projectsystem[ii], str(hold_riskid[ii]), hold_risktitle[ii])) ## Print risk description ordered by totalcost print(('\n\r Summary of {:>3} risks ordered by totalcost \n\r\n\r'.format( str(nrisks)))) hold_total_cost, hold_riskdescription, hold_projectsystem, hold_riskid, hold_meanprobability = ( list(t) for t in zip(*sorted(zip(total_cost, riskdescription, projectsystem, riskid, meanprobability), reverse=True))) for ii in range(nrisks): print('{:>30} RM-{:3} €{:8,.7}K [{:<4}] {:<100}'.format( hold_projectsystem[ii], str(hold_riskid[ii]), hold_total_cost[ii], hold_meanprobability[ii], hold_riskdescription[ii])) ## Figure 4 ## Interaction loop over risks. Also, plot fig 4 with the risk spend curve max_hold = 0.0 fig4 = plt.figure(4) ax1 = fig4.add_subplot(111) ################################################################### ############ Begin main Monte Carlo iteration loop ################ ################################################################### for ii in range(num_trials): delta_this_iteration = [] triggerdate_this_iteration = [] projectsystem_this_iteration = [] riskid_this_iteration = [] ################################################################### ############ Random loop over each risk ################ ################################################################### ## ## Each risk has a specified date of possible occurence. A risk can occur at a specified trigger date; # at some random time; or a risk may occur more than once over a specified range of dates. ## Trigger case for jj in range(nrisks): if obligationmodel[jj] == "Trigger date": choice = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, 1) if choice <= meanprobability[jj]: addit = float(total_cost[jj]) else: addit = float(0.0) delta_this_iteration.append(addit) triggerdate_this_iteration.append(triggerdate[jj]) projectsystem_this_iteration.append(projectsystem[jj]) riskid_this_iteration.append(int(riskid[jj])) ## Random case elif obligationmodel[jj] == "Random occurrence(s)": nrandom = randomtrigger[jj] #print("random risk; nrandom = "+str(nrandom)) #periodcode = randomtrigger[jj] / 1000 #print("random risk periodcode = "+str(periodcode)) periodcode = 3 if randomperiod[jj] == 'Construction only': periodcode = 1 elif randomperiod[jj] == 'Commissioning only': periodcode = 2 elif randomperiod[jj] == 'Both Construction and Commissioning': periodcode = 3 date1 = date_start date2 = date_commissioning_start if periodcode == 1: # random during construction only date1 = date_start date2 = date_commissioning_start elif periodcode == 2: # random during commissioning only date1 = date_commissioning_start date2 = date_end elif periodcode == 3: # random throughout project date1 = date_start date2 = date_end for kk in range(nrandom): stime = time.mktime(time.strptime(date1, '%Y-%m-%d')) etime = time.mktime(time.strptime(date2, '%Y-%m-%d')) ptime = stime + np.random.uniform(etime - stime) randomdate = #print(randomdate) choice = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) if choice <= meanprobability[jj]: addit = float(total_cost[jj]) / float(nrandom) else: addit = float(0.0) delta_this_iteration.append(addit) triggerdate_this_iteration.append(randomdate) projectsystem_this_iteration.append(projectsystem[jj]) riskid_this_iteration.append(int(riskid[jj])) ## Distributed case elif obligationmodel[jj] == "Distributed occurrence": if ii == 0: # only on first pass through will triggerdate always have the proper value #print ii,jj,triggerdate[jj],triggerdate[jj].year ny = max( triggerdate[jj].year - 2021, 1 ) # risk is distributed over this many years but must be at least 1 nyears[jj] = min( ny, 8 ) # must store the corect values of nyears for each distributed risk for kk in range(nyears[jj]): year = 2022 + kk #kk starts at zero. Don't include short period in 2021 choice = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, 1) if choice <= meanprobability[jj]: addit = float(total_cost[jj]) / float(nyears[jj]) else: addit = float(0.0) delta_this_iteration.append(addit) triggerdate_this_iteration.append(, randrange(1, 12), 1) ) # random month in year, always assign the first day of the month projectsystem_this_iteration.append(projectsystem[jj]) riskid_this_iteration.append(int(riskid[jj])) else: sys.exit(" obligationmode not defined for risk " + str(projectsystem[jj]) + str(riskid[jj]) + " " + str(jj)) ################################################################### ############ End short random loop over risk ################ ################################################################### # Since random and distributed risks have been added the lists are no longer in date order. # Need to resort the two arrays by effective trigger dates using: list1, list2 = (list(t) for t in zip(*sorted(zip(list1, list2)))) - YIKES #print(riskid_this_iteration) triggerdate_this_iteration, delta_this_iteration, projectsystem_this_iteration, riskid_this_iteration = ( list(t) for t in zip(*sorted( zip(triggerdate_this_iteration, delta_this_iteration, projectsystem_this_iteration, riskid_this_iteration)))) #print(type(riskid_this_iteration),riskid_this_iteration) #print(" ") #print(delta_this_iteration) # Compute the running sum xx_this_iteration = np.cumsum(delta_this_iteration) len_xx = len(xx_this_iteration) ################################################################### ############# Some diagnostic output ############################# ################################################################### nprintout = 5 # number of simulations with diagnostic output diagnostic_steps = num_trials / nprintout if ii % diagnostic_steps == 0: print(('\n\r\n\r\n\r Diagnostic output for iteration ' + str(ii) + ' \n\r')) for mm in range(len_xx): header = riskheader[riskid_this_iteration[mm]] line = [ header, projectsystem_this_iteration[mm], riskid_this_iteration[mm], str(triggerdate_this_iteration[mm]), delta_this_iteration[mm], xx_this_iteration[mm] ] print('{:>6}{:>30} RM-{:3} {:>15} {:12.1f} {:12.1f}'.format( *line)) #print(line) # Store the grand totals # reserve the storage arrays on the first iteration if ii == 0: totals = np.zeros(len_xx) totals2 = np.zeros(len_xx) #print len(xx),len_xx,len(totals),len(totals2) totals += xx_this_iteration totals2 += xx_this_iteration * xx_this_iteration final_totals_distribution.append(xx_this_iteration[len_xx - 1] * 0.001) # Convert from K€ to M€ ## The step method plots the spend curve, plot only every 50th iteration line if ii % 50 == 0: #print len(triggerdate),len(xx) #print(triggerdate) #print(" ") #print(xx) pylab.step(triggerdate_this_iteration, total_contingency - xx_this_iteration, where='post') # plot the spend curve using step max_hold = max([max_hold, max(xx_this_iteration)]) gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(format_date)) ################################################################### ########### End Monte Carlo iteration loop ############### ################################################################### ## Spend curve plot labeling dd1 = date2num(datetime.datetime.strptime('2021-07-01', "%Y-%m-%d").date()) dd2 = date2num(datetime.datetime.strptime('2029-07-31', "%Y-%m-%d").date()) yyy = 5.0 * ceil(total_contingency / 5.0) ax1.set_ylim(0.0, yyy) ax1.set_xlim(dd1, dd2) gcf().autofmt_xdate() # Plot some extra bold lines in the spend curve plot mean = totals / num_trials variance = totals2 / num_trials - mean * mean sigma = np.sqrt(variance) ax1.plot(triggerdate_this_iteration, total_contingency - mean, linewidth=5.0, color='blue') ax1.plot(triggerdate_this_iteration, total_contingency - mean + sigma, linewidth=5.0, color='black') ax1.plot(triggerdate_this_iteration, total_contingency - mean - sigma, linewidth=5.0, color='black') # Print tabular data #print "length of triggerdate",len(triggerdate_this_iteration),type(triggerdate_this_iteration) #print " mean ",len( mean ),type(mean) #print "length of sigma",len( sigma),type(sigma) for mm in range(len(triggerdate_this_iteration)): line = [ str(triggerdate_this_iteration[mm]), total_contingency - mean[mm], total_contingency - mean[mm] - sigma[mm], total_contingency - mean[mm] + sigma[mm] ] print('{:>15} , {:12.1f}, {:12.1f}, {:12.1f}'.format(*line)) # Plot the contingency funding curve in as spent EUR if subsystem == 'NSF': fundingdates = [, 0o7, 0o1),, 10, 0o1),, 10, 0o1),, 10, 0o1),, 10, 0o1),, 10, 0o1),, 10, 0o1),, 10, 0o1),, 10, 0o1) ] fundinglevels = [ 2600., 13100., 23600., 34100, 44600., 55100., 65600., 76100. ] print(fundingdates) print(fundinglevels) # pylab.step(fundingdates,fundinglevels,linewidth=5.0,color='red',where='post') ## ax1.set_ylim([0.0,80.]) pylab.title('%s Contingency spend curve in as-spent K-EUR' % projectname) ax1.set_xlabel('Date') ax1.set_ylabel('Contingency Balance (as-spent K€)') ################################################################### ########### End of spend curve plot ############### ################################################################### # Total probability weighted cost weightedcost = 0.0 for kk in range(nrisks): weightedcost += total_cost[kk] * meanprobability[kk] weightedcost = locale.currency(weightedcost * 0.001, grouping=True) # convert to M€ ## weightedcost = weightedcost*.001 # Expected cost of risks from Monte Carlo expectedcost = locale.currency(mean[len_xx - 1], grouping=True) ## expectedcost = mean[len_xx-1] # Standard deviation of costs from Monte Carlo #deviationcost = sigma[nrisks-1] # 50,70,80,90,99% confidence level; output is formatted string hold50 = percentage(final_totals_distribution, 0.5) cellbound50 = locale.currency(hold50, grouping=True) # cellbound50 = hold50 hold70 = percentage(final_totals_distribution, 0.7) cellbound70 = locale.currency(hold70, grouping=True) # cellbound70 = hold70 hold80 = percentage(final_totals_distribution, 0.8) cellbound80 = locale.currency(hold80, grouping=True) # cellbound80 = hold80 hold90 = percentage(final_totals_distribution, 0.9) cellbound90 = locale.currency(hold90, grouping=True) # cellbound90 = hold90 hold99 = percentage(final_totals_distribution, 0.99) cellbound99 = locale.currency(hold99, grouping=True) # cellbound99 = hold99 # Write the output print("\n\r Total number of iterations %d " % num_trials) print("\n\r Total number of risks %d " % nrisks) print("\n\r Probability weighted total cost of risks: " + str(weightedcost) + "M") print("\n\r Cost at 50 percent confidence level: " + str(cellbound50) + "M") print("\n\r Cost at 70 percent confidence level: " + str(cellbound70) + "M") print("\n\r Cost at 80 percent confidence level: " + str(cellbound80) + "M") print("\n\r Cost at 90 percent confidence level: " + str(cellbound90) + "M") print("\n\r Cost at 99 percent confidence level: " + str(cellbound99) + "M") ## Prepare the data for plotting all plots except the spend curve (Figures 1, 2, and 3) final_totals_distribution.sort( ) # sorts input from lowest to highest value num_trials100 = num_trials / 100. niter = list(range(num_trials)) niter2 = [float(i) / num_trials for i in niter] niter3 = [100. - float(i) / num_trials100 for i in niter] ylim = 1000.0 if (num_trials > 10000): ylim = 1500. elif (num_trials <= 1000): ylim = 500. ## #######################################################################3 # Plotting package below for everything except spend curve #######################################################################3 ## Figure 1 ## fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.hist(final_totals_distribution, bins=30) ax.set_ylim([0.0, ylim]) xlim = 20. * (int(max(final_totals_distribution) / 20.) + 1) ax.set_xlim([0.0, xlim]) pylab.title('%s Risk Monte Carlo' % projectname) ax.set_xlabel('Total Cost as-spent €M') ax.set_ylabel('Number of occurrences') ax.grid(True) textstring = "Number of iterations: %d " % num_trials textstring0 = "Number of risks: %d " % nrisks textstring1 = "Prob weighted risk exposure: " + str(weightedcost) + "M" textstring2 = "Cost at 50% confidence: " + str(cellbound50) + "M" textstring3 = "Cost at 80% confidence: " + str(cellbound80) + "M" pylab.text(.1, .85, textstring, transform=ax.transAxes) pylab.text(.1, .80, textstring0, transform=ax.transAxes) pylab.text(.1, .75, textstring1, transform=ax.transAxes) pylab.text(.1, .70, textstring2, transform=ax.transAxes) pylab.text(.1, .65, textstring3, transform=ax.transAxes) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel('Cumulative fraction of occurances', color='r') ax2.plot(final_totals_distribution, niter2, c='r') ax2.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0]) # draw an arrow arga = {'color': 'r'} ax2.arrow(hold50, .50, 10., .00, shape='full', lw=2, head_length=3, head_width=.03, **arga) ## ## Figure 2 ## fig = plt.figure(2) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) pylab.title('%s Risk Monte Carlo' % projectname) ax.set_xlabel('Total Cost as-spent €M') ax.set_ylabel('Percent Probability{Cost > x }') ax.grid(True) # #Xbackground = [[.6, .6],[.5,.5]] # plot the probability line ax.plot(final_totals_distribution, niter3) ax.set_xlim([0.0, xlim]) ax.set_ylim([0.0, 100.0]) # draw the background ## ax.imshow(Xbackground, interpolation='bicubic', cmap=cm.copper, ## extent=(40.0,xlim, 0.0, 100.), alpha=.5) # alpha --> transparency # resample the x-axis xx = [] yy = [] nsteps = 110 delx = xlim / (nsteps - 10) for ii in range(nsteps): xx.append(ii * delx) yy = np.interp(xx, final_totals_distribution, niter3) for jj in range(0, nsteps - 5, 3): x1 = xx[jj - 1] x2 = xx[jj + 1] y2 = yy[jj] ## mybar(ax,x1,x2,y2)[jj], yy[jj], align='center', color='r') # draw a few arrows and vertical lines ax.arrow(hold50 + 10, 50, -10., .0, shape='full', lw=3, length_includes_head=True, head_width=2) ax.vlines(hold50, 0.0, 50, linewidth=4) ax.arrow(hold80 + 10, 20, -10., .0, shape='full', lw=3, length_includes_head=True, head_width=2) ax.vlines(hold80, 0.0, 20, linewidth=4) pylab.text(hold50 + 1, 52, textstring2) # 50% value pylab.text(hold80 + 1, 22, textstring3) # 80% value ax.set_aspect('auto') ## ## Figure 3 subplot 1 ## fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=.75) ## fig.tight_layout() ax3 = fig.add_subplot(211) pylab.title('Histogram of %s risk costs (as-spent EUR)' % projectname) ax3.set_xlabel('Cost as-spent €K') ax3.set_ylabel('Number of risks') ## yy = hist(total_cost,bins=20) ## ax3.set_xlim(0.0,yy[1].max()) ## ax3.set_ylim(0.0,yy[0].max()) ax3.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=None) labels = ax3.get_xticklabels() for label in labels: label.set_rotation(45) ax3.plot = hist(total_cost, bins=20) ## ## Figure 3 subplot 2 ## ax4 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax4.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=None) pylab.title('Histogram of %s prob-wght\'ed as-spent risk costs' % projectname) ax4.set_xlabel('Cost €K') ax4.set_ylabel('Number of risks') temp = [total_cost[ii] * meanprobability[ii] for ii in range(nrisks)] labels = ax4.get_xticklabels() for label in labels: label.set_rotation(45) ax4.plot = hist(temp, bins=20) sys.stdout = fhold
x_T[k], k, dt, a_max, v_max) # Lock the position setpoint if the error is bigger than some value drone_position = 0.0 x_err = x_T_new - drone_position if abs(x_err) > x_err_max: x_T[k + 1] = x_T[k] else: x_T[k + 1] = x_T_new T123 = 5.0 T1 = computeT1_T123(T123, accel_prev=0.0, vel_prev=0.0, vel_setpoint=2.0, max_jerk=10.0) T3 = compute_T3(T1, 0.0, 10.0) T2 = compute_T2_T123(T123, T1, T3) print("T1 = {}\tT2 = {}\tT3 = {}\n".format(T1, T2, T3)) # Plot trajectory and desired setpoint plt.step(t, v_d) plt.step(t, j_T) plt.step(t, a_T) plt.step(t, v_T) plt.step(t, x_T) plt.legend(["v_d", "j_T", "a_T", "v_T", "x_T"]) plt.xlabel("time (s)") plt.ylabel("metric amplitude")
import numpy as np import scipy import matcompat # if available import pylab (from matlibplot) try: import matplotlib.pylab as plt except ImportError: pass syst_fake = tf(np.array(np.hstack((1.))), np.array(np.hstack((1., 2., 3.)))) syst_fake_dis = c2d(syst_fake, 0.01) [output, t] = plt.step(syst_fake_dis) plt.plot(output) out_len = length(output) input = np.arange(1., (out_len) + 1) input[:] = 1. [num, den] = stmcb_test(output, input, 0., 2.) #% sys_model=tf(num,den,0.01) #% step(sys_model) #% hold on #% step(syst_fake)
bottom=0.13, wspace=0.02, hspace=0.075) ax = [] ax.append(plt.subplot(gs[0, 0])) ax.append(plt.subplot(gs[1, 0])) ax.append(plt.subplot(gs[0, 1])) ax.append(plt.subplot(gs[1, 1])) # Upper left[0]) n, b = np.histogram(ejedep, 201, [-0.005, 2.005]) x = b[:-1] + 0.5 * np.diff(b) plt.step(x, n, where='mid', # plt.xlabel(r'EJ299 Energy [keV$_\mathrm{ee}$]') plt.ylabel(r'Counts / 10 keV$_\mathrm{ee}$', labelpad=-3) plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.tick_params(axis='x', labelbottom='off') plt.xlim(0, 1.750) plt.xticks([0, 0.500, 1.000, 1.500]) plt.ylim(5, 5e3) # Lower left[1]) x = ejedep y = np.sum(csiedep, axis=1) plt.scatter(x, y, marker='+', alpha=0.2, plt.axvline(ej_en_th / 1000.0,, linestyle='dashed') plt.xlim(0, 1.750)
import matplotlib.pylab as plt import as sm import numpy as np sample = np.random.uniform(-1000, 1000, 5000) ecdf = x = np.linspace(min(sample), max(sample)) y = ecdf(x) plt.step(x,y) #a = array([...]) # your array of numbers #a = numpy.random.randint(-1000, 1000, size=2000) #num_bins = 20 #counts, bin_edges = numpy.histogram(a, bins=num_bins, normed=True) #print counts, counts.sum() #cdf = numpy.cumsum(counts) #plt.plot(bin_edges[1:], cdf)
alpha=.5, color='orange', step='pre', label="95% boostrap CI") plt.suptitle('Estimated relative risks with 95% confidence bands') axarr[0][1].legend(loc='best') [ax[0].set_ylabel('Relative incidence') for ax in axarr] [ax.set_xlabel('Time after exposure start') for ax in axarr[-1]] if remove_last_plot: fig.delaxes(axarr[-1][-1]) normalize = lambda x: x / np.sum(x) m = np.repeat(np.hstack(refitted_coeffs[-6:]), 125) lb = np.repeat(np.hstack(lower_bound[-6:]), 125) ub = np.repeat(np.hstack(upper_bound[-6:]), 125) plt.figure() plt.plot(np.arange(n_intervals), normalize(np.exp(time_drift(np.arange(n_intervals))))) plt.step(np.arange(n_intervals), normalize(np.exp(m))) plt.fill_between(np.arange(n_intervals), np.exp(lb) / np.exp(m).sum(), np.exp(ub) / np.exp(m).sum(), alpha=.5, color='orange', step='pre') plt.xlabel('Age') plt.ylabel('Normalized Age Relative Incidence') plt.title("Normalized age effect with 95% confidence bands")
import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy as np def my_lines(ax, pos, *args, **kwargs): if ax == 'x': for p in pos: plt.axvline(p, *args, **kwargs) else: for p in pos: plt.axhline(p, *args, **kwargs) bits = [0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0] data = np.repeat(bits, 2) clock = 1 - np.arange(len(data)) % 2 manchester = 1 - np.logical_xor(clock, data) t = 0.5 * np.arange(len(data)) plt.hold(True) my_lines('x', range(13), color='.5', linewidth=2) my_lines('y', [0.5, 2, 4], color='.5', linewidth=2) plt.step(t, data + 2, 'r', linewidth = 2, where='post') plt.ylim([-1,6]) for tbit, bit in enumerate(bits): plt.text(tbit + 0.5, 1.5, str(bit)) plt.gca().axis('off')
xhatKalman = kalmanFilter(x, omega, y) xhatExtended = extendedKalmanFilter(x, omega, y) x = xnew omegavec[0:4, ii:ii + 1] = omega states[0:12, ii:ii + 1] = x measurements[0:7, ii:ii + 1] = y estimatesKalman[0:12, ii:ii + 1] = xhatKalman estimatesExtended[0:12, ii:ii + 1] = xhatExtended # Visualize simulation if 1: # States plt.figure(1) plt.plot(np.transpose(timevec), np.transpose(estimatesKalman[2, :])) plt.plot(np.transpose(timevec), np.transpose(estimatesExtended[2, :])) plt.step(np.transpose(timevec), np.transpose(states[2, :])) plt.xlabel('Time, [s]') plt.ylabel('$\mathbf{r}(t)$') plt.legend(['x', 'y', 'z'], loc=1, fontsize=6) plt.figure(2) plt.plot(np.transpose(timevec), np.transpose(estimatesKalman[6, :])) plt.plot(np.transpose(timevec), np.transpose(estimatesExtended[6, :])) plt.step(np.transpose(timevec), np.transpose(states[6, :])) plt.xlabel('Time, [s]') plt.ylabel('${\mathbf{\eta}}(t)$') plt.legend(['$\phi$', '$\Theta$', '$\psi$'], loc=1, fontsize=6)
def eval(): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) dataset = MNIST(is_train=False, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size) ### Network definition images, labels = dataset.dummy_inputs() ebm = EBM() energies = #### Session setting save_dict = ebm.load_saver_dict() saver = tf.train.Saver(save_dict) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True) session_config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True) list_energies = [] list_images = [] list_labels = [] with tf.train.SingularMonitoredSession( config=session_config, checkpoint_dir=FLAGS.dir_parameter) as sess: num_iter = 0 while not sess.should_stop(): if dataset.completed: break cur_images, cur_labels = dataset.next_batch() cur_energies =, feed_dict={images: cur_images}) list_energies += cur_energies.tolist() list_images += cur_images.tolist() list_labels += cur_labels.tolist() sorted_energies, sorted_images, sorted_labels = zip( *sorted(zip(list_energies, list_images, list_labels), reverse=True)) count_image = 0 for cur_energy, cur_image in zip(sorted_energies, sorted_images): count_image += 1 cur_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.dir_eval, "{:04}.png".format(count_image)) cur_image = dataset.depreprocess(cur_image) cv2.imwrite(cur_path, cur_image) precisions, recalls, thresholds = skmetrics.precision_recall_curve( y_true=sorted_labels, probas_pred=sorted_energies, pos_label=1) # MEMO: mean precision in the paper (maybe) average_precision = skmetrics.average_precision_score( y_true=sorted_labels, y_score=sorted_energies) plt.step(recalls, precisions, color='b', alpha=0.2, where='post') plt.fill_between(recalls, precisions, step='post', alpha=0.2, color='b') plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.title('2-class Precision-Recall curve: AUC={0:0.2f}'.format( average_precision))
# labcodes.append(continents[labels[i]]) df_countryinfo_final.to_csv('1_' + imgobj + "_cluster.csv", index=False) ## pca analysis pca = PCA(2) # project from 64 to 2 dimensions projected = pca.fit_transform(x_scaled) #c=df_all_data.countrycode, plt.scatter(projected[:, 0], projected[:, 1], c=df_summary.cluster, edgecolor='none', alpha=2.5,'spectral', groups)) plt.xlabel('component 1') plt.ylabel('component 2') plt.colorbar() ## here we see first two components overlap heavily pca = PCA(n_components=14) X_train_pca = pca.fit_transform(x_scaled), 14), pca.explained_variance_ratio_, alpha=0.5, align='center') plt.step(range(0, 14), np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_), where='mid') plt.ylabel('Explained variance ratio') plt.xlabel('Principal components') plt.xticks([], [])
# Typical Arrival rate hours = np.arange(0, 25, 1) typ_a_r = [ 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 0.6, 0.45, 0.6, 0.62, 0.68, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08 ] normalised_a_r = [] for i in typ_a_r: normalised_a_r.append(i * 15) plt.figure() plt.xlabel("hours") plt.ylabel("Arrival Rate") plt.step(hours, normalised_a_r) plt.savefig("figs/typical.png") # Hour price per day (parameters from price function) mu = 0.8 tau = 3 phi = 1.1 gam = 3 a = 0.159 b = 0.7 c = 2 C = 100
#Lazy cold cut coldcut = 5 medSub = medLight - medDark medSub[np.where(medSub <= coldcut)] = np.nan cpsPerArea = medSub / areaMKID QE = cpsPerArea / nPDraw[i] print QE if i == 0: plotArray(medSub) if i == 0: hist, bins = np.histogram(QE, bins=40, range=[0, 0.2]) plt.step(bins[:-1], hist, label=wvls[i]) plt.xlabel(r'QE fraction') plt.ylabel(r'N resonators') plt.legend() medQE = np.nanmedian(QE.flatten()) stdevQE = np.nanstd(QE.flatten()) medQEArray.append(medQE) stdevQEArray.append(stdevQE) #print wvls #print medQEArray #print stdevQEArray
variance = 0.001 y += np.random.normal(0,sqrt(variance),[len(y),1]) xhat = kalmanFilter(x, omega, y) x = xnew omegavec[0:4,ii:ii+1] = omega states[0:12,ii:ii+1] = x measurements[0:7,ii:ii+1] = y estimates[0:12,ii:ii+1] = xhat # Visualize simulation if 1: # Omega plt.figure(1) plt.step(np.transpose(timevec),np.transpose(omegavec)) plt.legend(['$\omega_1$','$\omega_2$','$\omega_3$','$\omega_4$']) plt.xlabel('Time, [s]') plt.ylabel('Angular velocity, [rad/s]') if 1: # States plt.figure(1) f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2) axarr[0,0].step(np.transpose(timevec),np.transpose(estimates[0:3,:])) axarr[0,0].step(np.transpose(timevec),np.transpose(states[0:3,:])) axarr[0,0].set_xlabel('Time, [s]') axarr[0,0].set_ylabel('$\mathbf{r}(t)$') axarr[0,0].legend(['x','y','z'],loc=3,fontsize=6) axarr[0,1].step(np.transpose(timevec),np.transpose(estimates[3:6,:])) axarr[0,1].step(np.transpose(timevec),np.transpose(states[3:6,:]))
plt.plot(lcDict['time'],lcDict['intensity'], label=simLabel) plt.xlabel("Time (s)",fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("Counts",fontsize=14) plt.legend() # take histogram of LC intensities hist, bins = histogramLC(lcDict['intensity'], norm=True, centers=True) guessIc = np.mean(lcDict['intensity'])*0.7 guessIs = np.mean(lcDict['intensity'])*0.3 # fit a MR to the histogram of the lightcurve intensities fitIc, fitIs = pdfs.fitMR(bins, hist, guessIc, guessIs) fitMR = pdfs.modifiedRician(I, fitIc, fitIs) # fit a poisson to the histogram to show it doesn't do as well guessLam = np.mean(lcDict['intensity']) fitLam = pdfs.fitPoisson(bins,hist,guessLam) fitPoisson = pdfs.poisson(I,fitLam) plt.plot(I,simMR,label=simLabel) plt.step(bins,hist,color='grey',label="Histogram of LC Intensities",where='mid') plt.plot(I,fitMR,label="MR fit to histogram: Ic=%2.2f, Is=%2.2f"%(fitIc, fitIs)) plt.plot(I,fitPoisson,label="Poisson fit to histogram: Lambda=%2.2f"%(fitLam)) plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Intensity",fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("Frequency",fontsize=14)
upper_cut_func(xPlot), lower_cut_func(xPlot), color=plotCol, alpha=0.2) plt.legend(loc='upper right', framealpha=0, fontsize=10) plt.xlim(0, 1.4) plt.ylim(0.4, 1.0) plt.tick_params(labelbottom='off', labelleft='off') # Plot top histogram nBins_top = 100 rng_top = [-1, 1][1]) n_top, b_top = np.histogram(onset, nBins_top, rng_top) x_top = np.diff(b_top) * 0.5 + b_top[:-1] plt.step(x_top, n_top, where='mid', plt.xticks([-0.75, 0, 0.75]) plt.xlim(-1, 1) plt.tick_params(labelbottom='off') plt.ylabel(r'Counts / %.2f $\mu$s' % (1.0 * np.diff(rng_top) / nBins_top)) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=5) # Plot side histogram[2]) plt.step(n_side['Signal'], np.arange(npe_max + 1) - 0.5,, label='Signal', where='pre') plt.step((n_side['Low_BG']) / 0.9125 * wd,
plt.ylabel('amplitude') plt.title('output non-linear') yf = fft(y, int(N)) # output fft Y = np.abs(yf[0:int(N/2.0+1.0)]) # single-sided Ydb = mag2db(Y) # convert to db Ydb = Ydb-np.amax(Ydb) n = np.arange(1.0,(N/2.0+1.0)+(1.0), 1.0) plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) indices = Ydb[0:1000] > -90 peakf = n[indices] peaka = Ydb[indices] plt.step(n[0:1000],Ydb[0:1000]) plt.xlabel('KHz') yr = range(40,-121,-20) #yr.insert(0,10) plt.yticks(yr) plt.xticks(range(0,1000,50)) plt.ylabel('magnitude') plt.title('Two-tone output FFT with Intermodulation products') plt.grid(True) for i in range(len(peakf)): plt.annotate("%.0f\n%.1f"%(peakf[i],peaka[i]), xy=(peakf[i],peaka[i]), xycoords='data', xytext=(-15,5), textcoords='offset points',
plt.xlabel('Iteration') plt.ylabel('Precision') bar3 =[float(y)-.1 for y in x], presicion_list,width=0.1,color='r',align='center') bar4 =, presicion_list_desicion,width=0.1,color='g',align='center') ax1.legend((bar3[0], bar4[0]), ('KNN Classifier', 'Decision tree'),loc=2) combined_list = [accuracy_list] # print('----------------------------precision_recall_curve------------------------------------') y_real = np.concatenate(y_real) y_proba = np.concatenate(y_proba) precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y_real, y_proba) lab = 'Overall AUC=%.4f' % (auc(recall, precision)) print(precision) plt.step(recall, precision, label=lab, lw=2, color='black') plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.legend(loc='lower left', fontsize='small') #f.tight_layout()
fitData['S'][ejThreshold].append(minScaling) fitData['S'][ejThreshold].append(maxScaling) fitData['QF'][ejThreshold].append(minQF) fitData['QF'][ejThreshold].append(maxQF) # Plot best fit values plt.scatter([bestScaling/1000.0],[bestQF],marker='.',color='w') # Plot exp residual and scaled simulated spectrum ax1 = plt.subplot(122) _npe = csiEdep* lightYield * bestQF nSim,b = np.histogram(_npe,41,[-0.5,40.5]) nSim = poissonSmear(nSim,kernels) plt.errorbar(xPlot,nExp,yerr=nExpErr,linestyle='None',color=expColor,capsize=0,marker='o') # plt.plot(xPlot,nSim*bestScaling/scalingConversion,c=simColor) plt.step(xPlot,nSim*bestScaling/scalingConversion,c=simColor,where='mid') plt.axhline(0,,linestyle='dashed') plt.ylabel('Counts / photoelectron') plt.xlabel('Number of photoelectrons') plt.xlim(0,30) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.25) plt.savefig(plotDir + '%d-%d-%s.png'%(angle,ejThreshold,qType),dpi=200) plt.savefig(plotDir + '%d-%d-%s.pdf'%(angle,ejThreshold,qType),dpi=200) plt.close('all') # if saveData: with open(dataOutputDir + '%s-%s.dat'%(angle,fileLabel[freeNeutronFluxScaling]),'w') as f: f.write('EJ-Threshold\tBest-QF\tBest-QF-Err1\tBest-QF-Err2\tBest-S\tBest-S-Err1\tBest-S-Err2\tNeg-QF\tNeg-QF-Err1\tNeg-QF-Err2\tNeg-S\tNeg-S-Err1\tNeg-S-Err2\tPos-QF\tPos-QF-Err1\tPos-QF-Err2\tPos-S\tPos-S-Err1\tPos-S-Err2\n') for ejThreshold in ejThresholdArr: f.write('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\t%.5f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.5f\t%.5f\t%.5f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.5f\t%.5f\t%.5f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\n'%(ejThreshold,
eigen_vals, eigen_vecs = np.linalg.eig(cov_mat) #plot the varience explained ratio tot = sum(eigen_vals) var_exp = [(i / tot) for i in sorted(eigen_vals, reverse=True)] cum_var_exp = np.cumsum(var_exp) import matplotlib.pylab as plt, 14), var_exp, alpha=0.5, align='center', label='Individual explained variance') plt.step(range(1, 14), cum_var_exp, where='mid', label='Cumulative explained variance ') plt.ylabel('Explained varieance ratio') plt.xlabel('Principal component index') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout() # make a list of (eigenvalue, eigenvector) tuples eigen_pairs = [(np.abs(eigen_vals[i]), eigen_vecs[:, i]) for i in range(len(eigen_vals))] #sort the (eigenvalue, eigenvector) tuples from high to low eigen_pairs.sort(key=lambda k: k[0], reverse=True) # select the two top eigen pairs that have 60 percent of the variance
Capital = (Capital + df_change.iloc[i]["Adj Close"] * n_stock) n_stock = 0 print("SOLD stock at " + str(df_change.iloc[i] print("Capital: " + str(Capital)) print() value.append(Capital) dates.append(df_change.iloc[i] print("Stocks: " + str(n_stock)) print("Stock Value: " + str(n_stock * df_change.iloc[i]["Adj Close"])) print("Capital: " + str(Capital)) print("Total Value: " + str(Capital + n_stock * df_change.iloc[i]["Adj Close"])) plt.step(dates, value) """ MA20 MA50 """ "BACK TESTING" t1 = (ma20[:-1] > ma50[:-1]).values t2 = (ma20[1:] > ma50[1:]).values plt.plot(t1 == t2) df_ma20ma50 = pd.DataFrame(data=t1, index=omx.index[:-1], columns=['ma20>ma50']) df_SQ = pd.DataFrame(data=(t1 == t2), index=omx.index[:-1], columns=['StatusQuo']) df_test = pd.concat([omx_adj[:-1], df_ma20ma50, df_SQ], axis=1)[49:] #49 because this is where ma50 begins
class TestFreezingMethods: # TODO #599 # @staticmethod # def test_freeze_singular(backend): # pass @staticmethod def test_freeze_time_dependent(plot=False): # Arrange cases = ( {'dt': 5e5, 'N': 1}, {'dt': 1e6, 'N': 1}, {'dt': 5e5, 'N': 8}, {'dt': 1e6, 'N': 8}, {'dt': 5e5, 'N': 32}, {'dt': 1e6, 'N': 32}, ) rate = 1e-9 immersed_surface_area = 1 constant.J_het = rate / immersed_surface_area number_of_real_droplets = 1024 total_time = 2e9 # effectively interpretted here as seconds, i.e. cycle = 1 * si.s # dummy (but must-be-set) values vol = 44 # just to enable sign flipping (ice water uses negative volumes), actual value does not matter dv = 666 # products use concentration, just dividing there and multiplying back here, actual value does not matter hgh = lambda t: np.exp(-0.8 * rate * (t - total_time / 10)) low = lambda t: np.exp(-1.2 * rate * (t + total_time / 10)) # Act output = {} for case in cases: n_sd = int(number_of_real_droplets // case['N']) assert n_sd == number_of_real_droplets / case['N'] assert total_time // case['dt'] == total_time / case['dt'] key = f"{case['dt']}:{case['N']}" output[key] = {'unfrozen_fraction': [], 'dt': case['dt'], 'N': case['N']} formulae = Formulae(heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate='Constant') builder = Builder(n_sd=n_sd, backend=CPU(formulae=formulae)) env = Box(dt=case['dt'], dv=dv) builder.set_environment(env) builder.add_dynamic(Freezing(singular=False)) attributes = { 'n': np.full(n_sd, int(case['N'])), 'immersed surface area': np.full(n_sd, immersed_surface_area), 'volume': np.full(n_sd, vol) } products = (IceWaterContent(specific=False),) particulator =, products=products) env['a_w_ice'] = np.nan cell_id = 0 for i in range(int(total_time / case['dt']) + 1): if i == 0 else 1) ice_mass_per_volume = particulator.products['qi'].get()[cell_id] ice_mass = ice_mass_per_volume * dv ice_number = ice_mass / (const.rho_w * vol) unfrozen_fraction = 1 - ice_number / number_of_real_droplets output[key]['unfrozen_fraction'].append(unfrozen_fraction) # Plot if plot: fit_x = np.linspace(0, total_time, num=100) fit_y = np.exp(-rate * fit_x) for key in output.keys(): pylab.step( output[key]['dt'] * np.arange(len(output[key]['unfrozen_fraction'])), output[key]['unfrozen_fraction'], label=f"dt={output[key]['dt']:.2g} / N={output[key]['N']}", marker='.', linewidth=1 + output[key]['N']//8 ) pylab.plot(fit_x, fit_y, color='black', linestyle='--', label='theory', linewidth=5) pylab.plot(fit_x, hgh(fit_x), color='black', linestyle=':', label='assert upper bound') pylab.plot(fit_x, low(fit_x), color='black', linestyle=':', label='assert lower bound') pylab.legend() pylab.yscale('log') pylab.ylim(fit_y[-1], fit_y[0]) pylab.xlim(0, total_time) pylab.xlabel("time") pylab.ylabel("unfrozen fraction") pylab.grid() # Assert for key in output.keys(): data = np.asarray(output[key]['unfrozen_fraction']) x = output[key]['dt'] * np.arange(len(data)) np.testing.assert_array_less(data, hgh(x)) np.testing.assert_array_less(low(x), data)
def makeplot(tsim, X1, label, pf, *var, **kwargs): """ SUMMARY: It constructs the plot where tsim is on the x-axis, X1,X2,X3 on the y-axis, and label is the label of the y-axis SYNTAX: makeplot(tsim,X1,label,*var): ARGUMENTS: + tsim - x-axis vector (time of the simulation (min)) + X1,X2,X3 - y-axis vectors. X1 represent the actual value X2 the target (eventual) X3 the setpoint (eventual) + label - label for the y-axis + pf - path where the plots are saved + var - positional variables to include another vector/s X2 and X3 to plot together with X1 + kwargs - plot options including linestyle and changing the default legend values """ linetype = '-' #defaul value for linetype lableg = 'Target' #defaul value for legend label for kwkey in kwargs: if kwkey == 'pltopt': linetype = kwargs['pltopt'] if kwkey == 'lableg': lableg = kwargs['lableg'] nt = int(tsim.size) X1 = np.array(X1) sz = old_div(X1.size, nt) Xout1 = np.zeros((nt, sz)) Xout2 = np.zeros((nt, sz)) Xout3 = np.zeros((nt, sz)) for k in range(sz): x1 = X1[k::sz] plt.figure() try: plt.plot(tsim, x1, ls=linetype) except ValueError: plt.step(tsim, x1) plt.xlabel('Time ') plt.ylabel(label + str(k + 1)) plt.gca().set_xlim(left=0, right=tsim[-1]) Xout1[:, k] = np.reshape(x1, (nt, )) for i_var in range(len(var)): # extract dimension of var var_i = var[i_var] Xi = np.array(var_i) xi = Xi[k::sz] try: plt.plot(tsim, xi, ls=linetype) except ValueError: plt.step(tsim, xi) if i_var == 0: plt.legend(('Actual', lableg)) plt.gca().set_xlim(left=0, right=tsim[-1]) Xout2[:, k] = np.reshape(xi, (nt, )) elif i_var == 1: plt.legend(('Actual', 'Target', 'Set-Point')) plt.gca().set_xlim(left=0, right=tsim[-1]) Xout3[:, k] = np.reshape(xi, (nt, )) plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(pf + label + str(k + 1) + '.pdf', format='pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') return [Xout1, Xout2, Xout3]
plt.title('PDF Histogram') plt.xticks(bin_edges) hist_norm, _ = np.histogram(data1, 'sturges', density=True) plt.hist(data1, bins='sturges', color='gray', edgecolor='black', density=True) plt.plot(midpoints, hist_norm, color='black') tpdf = theor_pdf(x_tdf, rel_scale_coeff) plt.plot(x_tdf, tpdf, ls='dashed', color='r') plt.title('PDF histogram') plt.grid(b=True, which='both', axis='y') #plt.savefig('pdf_hist.png', dpi=900) probs = [x / np.sum(hist) for x in hist] cdf = np.cumsum(probs, dtype=float) plt.figure(20) plt.step(midpoints, cdf, where='post', color='black') plt.grid(b=True, which='both', axis='both') plt.xticks(midpoints) plt.title('ECDF') tcdf = theor_cdf(x_tdf, rel_scale_coeff) plt.plot(x_tdf, tcdf, ls='dashed', color='r') #plt.savefig('ecdf.png', dpi = 900) ct = np.array([ x * (np.sum(hist) * bins_width) for x in theor_pdf(midpoints, rel_scale_coeff) ]) chi2_emp = np.sum(((hist - ct)**2) / ct) chi2_crit = st.chi2.ppf(0.99, np.size(bin_edges) - 2)
g1=clf.feature_importances_ ##预测特征得分 y_score = clf.predict_proba(X_train)[:,1] y_test_score=clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1] y_verify_score=clf.predict_proba(X_verify)[:,1] ##pr curve from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score precision, recall, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(y_test, y_test_score) average_precision = average_precision_score(y_test, y_test_score) plt.step(recall, precision, color='b', alpha=0.2,where='post') plt.fill_between(recall, precision, step='post', alpha=0.2,color='b') plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.title('2-class Precision-Recall curve: AP={0:0.2f}'.format(average_precision)) ##计算auc值以及做图 from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve roc_auc_score(y_train, y_score) roc_auc_score(y_test, y_test_score) roc_auc_score(y_verify, y_verify_score)
class TestFreezingMethods: # TODO #599 @staticmethod # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def test_freeze_singular(backend_class): pass @staticmethod def test_freeze_time_dependent(plot=False): # Arrange cases = ( {'dt': 5e5, 'N': 1}, {'dt': 1e6, 'N': 1}, {'dt': 5e5, 'N': 8}, {'dt': 1e6, 'N': 8}, {'dt': 5e5, 'N': 16}, {'dt': 1e6, 'N': 16}, ) rate = 1e-9 immersed_surface_area = 1 number_of_real_droplets = 1024 total_time = 2e9 # effectively interpretted here as seconds, i.e. cycle = 1 * si.s # dummy (but must-be-set) values vol = 44 # for sign flip (ice water has negative volumes), value does not matter d_v = 666 # products use conc., dividing there, multiplying here, value does not matter hgh = lambda t: np.exp(-0.8 * rate * (t - total_time / 10)) low = lambda t: np.exp(-1.2 * rate * (t + total_time / 10)) # Act output = {} for case in cases: n_sd = int(number_of_real_droplets // case['N']) assert n_sd == number_of_real_droplets / case['N'] assert total_time // case['dt'] == total_time / case['dt'] key = f"{case['dt']}:{case['N']}" output[key] = {'unfrozen_fraction': [], 'dt': case['dt'], 'N': case['N']} formulae = Formulae( heterogeneous_ice_nucleation_rate='Constant', constants={ 'J_HET': rate / immersed_surface_area } ) builder = Builder(n_sd=n_sd, backend=CPU(formulae=formulae)) env = Box(dt=case['dt'], dv=d_v) builder.set_environment(env) builder.add_dynamic(Freezing(singular=False)) attributes = { 'n': np.full(n_sd, int(case['N'])), 'immersed surface area': np.full(n_sd, immersed_surface_area), 'volume': np.full(n_sd, vol) } products = (IceWaterContent(name='qi'),) particulator =, products=products) env['a_w_ice'] = np.nan cell_id = 0 for i in range(int(total_time / case['dt']) + 1): if i == 0 else 1) ice_mass_per_volume = particulator.products['qi'].get()[cell_id] ice_mass = ice_mass_per_volume * d_v ice_number = ice_mass / (const.rho_w * vol) unfrozen_fraction = 1 - ice_number / number_of_real_droplets output[key]['unfrozen_fraction'].append(unfrozen_fraction) # Plot fit_x = np.linspace(0, total_time, num=100) fit_y = np.exp(-rate * fit_x) for out in output.values(): pylab.step( out['dt'] * np.arange(len(out['unfrozen_fraction'])), out['unfrozen_fraction'], label=f"dt={out['dt']:.2g} / N={out['N']}", marker='.', linewidth=1 + out['N']//8 ) _plot_fit(fit_x, fit_y, low, hgh, total_time) if plot: # Assert for out in output.values(): data = np.asarray(out['unfrozen_fraction']) arg = out['dt'] * np.arange(len(data)) np.testing.assert_array_less(data, hgh(arg)) np.testing.assert_array_less(low(arg), data)
volume=dv, spectrum=case['ISA'], droplet_volume=droplet_volume, multiplicity=multiplicity, total_time=total_time, number_of_real_droplets=number_of_real_droplets) output[key].append(data) # Plot for key, output_item in output.items(): for run in range(n_runs_per_case): label = f"{key}: σ=ln({int(cases[key]['ISA'].s_geom)}),"\ f"N={int(cases[key]['ISA'].norm_factor * dv)}" pylab.step(dt / si.min * np.arange(len(output_item[run])), output_item[run], label=label if run == 0 else None, color=cases[key]['color'], linewidth=.666) output_item.append(np.mean(np.asarray(output_item), axis=0)) pylab.step(dt / si.min * np.arange(len(output_item[-1])), output_item[-1], color=cases[key]['color'], linewidth=1.666) pylab.legend() pylab.yscale('log') pylab.ylim(1e-2, 1) pylab.xlim(0, total_time / si.min) pylab.xlabel("t / min") pylab.ylabel("$f_{ufz}$") pylab.gca().set_box_aspect(1)
y = 2.0 * x + 1e-3 * (x**2) + 1e-3 * (x**3) plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.plot(t, y) plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('amplitude') plt.title('output non-linear') yf = fft(y, int(N)) # output fft Y = np.abs(yf[0:int(N / 2.0 + 1.0)]) # single-sided Ydb = mag2db(Y) # convert to db Ydb = Ydb - np.amax(Ydb) n = np.arange(1.0, (N / 2.0 + 1.0) + (1.0), 1.0) plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.step(n[0:1000], Ydb[0:1000]) plt.xlabel('KHz') plt.xticks(range(0, 1000, 50)) plt.ylabel('magnitude') plt.title('Two-tone output FFT with Intermodulation products') M1 = M1 + 1.0 # moved 1 bin up in fft M2 = M2 + 1.0 m1dB = Ydb[int(M1) - 1] # tone1 mag m2dB = Ydb[int(M2) - 1] # tone2 mag print 'f1 = %10.1f Hz, f1dB = %f dB' % (f1, m1dB) print 'f2 = %10.1f Hz, f2dB = %f dB\n' % (f2, m2dB) IM1 = Ydb[int((2. * M1 - M2)) - 1] IM2 = Ydb[int((2. * M2 - M1)) - 1] IM3 = (IM1 + IM2) / 2.
x = xnew omegavec[0:4,ii:ii+1] = omega states[0:12,ii:ii+1] = x measurements[0:7,ii:ii+1] = y estimatesKalman[0:12,ii:ii+1] = xhatKalman estimatesExtended[0:12,ii:ii+1] = xhatExtended # Visualize simulation if 1: # States plt.figure(1) plt.plot(np.transpose(timevec),np.transpose(estimatesKalman[2,:])) plt.plot(np.transpose(timevec),np.transpose(estimatesExtended[2,:])) plt.step(np.transpose(timevec),np.transpose(states[2,:])) plt.xlabel('Time, [s]') plt.ylabel('$\mathbf{r}(t)$') plt.legend(['x','y','z'],loc=1,fontsize=6) plt.figure(2) plt.plot(np.transpose(timevec),np.transpose(estimatesKalman[6,:])) plt.plot(np.transpose(timevec),np.transpose(estimatesExtended[6,:])) plt.step(np.transpose(timevec),np.transpose(states[6,:])) plt.xlabel('Time, [s]') plt.ylabel('${\mathbf{\eta}}(t)$') plt.legend(['$\phi$','$\Theta$','$\psi$'],loc=1,fontsize=6)
##Write data to npz if opts.npz is not None: npzname=opts.npz+'.npz' else: npzname='%s_%s_%s_RFI.npz'%(jd,opts.ant,opts.pol) if opts.verb: print 'Writing data to %s'%npzname np.savez(npzname,grid=flg_arr,dJDs=t_arr,percent_f=pcnt_f,percent_t=pcnt_t) #If you don't want plots, let's save everyone a smidgen of time and quit now if not and not opts.save_wfall and not opts.save_freq: sys.exit() ##Plotting freq occupancy if opts.save_freq or if opts.verb: print 'Plotting frequency-occupancy plot' pylab.step(fqs,pcnt_f,where='mid') pylab.fill_between(fqs,0,pcnt_f,color='blue',alpha=0.3) pylab.xlabel('Frequency [MHz]') pylab.ylabel('Occupancy [%]') if len(args)==1: pylab.suptitle(file2jd(args[0]),size=15) else: pylab.suptitle('%s - %s'%(file2jd(args[0]),file2jd(args[len(args)-1])),size=15) #pylab.savefig('%s_%s_%s_F.png'%(jd,opts.ant,opts.pol)) #hard to plug into RTP if not opts.fimg is None: pylab.savefig(opts.fimg) else: pylab.savefig('%s_f.png'%args[0]) #zen.2451234.12345.xx.HH.uvcR_f.png #^ it's being run on each uvcR file in the RTP system if else: pylab.close()
def graph_cdf_changed_overlap_cut_bj_v2(infos): intersectionpp_files = [x for x in listdir(infos["output_dir"]) if x.find("intersections_with") != -1] intersect_num = 0 changed_overlap = list() print "graph_cdf_changed_overlap_cut_bj_v2" for f in intersectionpp_files: print f infos["node"] = f.split(".",1)[1] out_ids_intersect = open("ids/ids_cdf_changed_overlap_cut_bj_v2."+infos["node"] ,"w") for line in open(infos["output_dir"]+"/"+f,"r"): line_parts = line.split(" ") overlap_oldpath = path.path_fromstr(line_parts[7]) overlap_newpath = path.path_fromstr(line_parts[11]) lczs_detection_old = [path.hops_fromstr(x.split(";")[0]) \ for x in line_parts[3].split("#")] intersections = [x.split(";")[2] \ for x in line_parts[3].split("#") ] overlap_changes_old_str = line_parts[13] overlap_changes_new_str = line_parts[15] overlap_changes_old = [] overlap_changes_new = [] if overlap_changes_old_str != "empty": overlap_changes_old = [x.strip(",").split(",") for x in \ overlap_changes_old_str.split("#") if x] overlap_changes_new = [x.strip(",").split(",") for x in \ overlap_changes_new_str.split("#") if x] statistical.fix_branch_join(overlap_oldpath,overlap_newpath,\ overlap_changes_old, overlap_changes_new) for j,intersection in enumerate(intersections): lcz_detection_old = lczs_detection_old[j] branch_detection = lcz_detection_old[0] join_detection = lcz_detection_old[-1] intersection_hops = path.hops_fromstr(intersection) intersection_hops = [x for x in intersection_hops \ if x != [""] and x != branch_detection \ and x != join_detection] if(not intersection_hops): continue total_coverage = set() for i,change_zone_old in enumerate(overlap_changes_old): change_zone_old_hops = path.path_get_subpath(overlap_oldpath,\ change_zone_old[1:-1]) coverage_change_zone = statistical.list_intersection(\ change_zone_old_hops, intersection_hops, ignore_lb=False) if(coverage_change_zone): set_2 = set([",".join(x) for x in coverage_change_zone]) total_coverage |= set_2 set_intersect = set([",".join(x) for x in intersection_hops]) v = float(len(total_coverage)) / len(set_intersect) changed_overlap.append(v) intersect_num += 1 if(v>0): print >> out_ids_intersect, ",".join(line_parts[0:3]),\ len(total_coverage), len(set_intersect) out_ids_intersect.close() uniq_values = list(set(changed_overlap)) x = uniq_values x.sort() y = [changed_overlap.count(i)/float(intersect_num) for i in x] cdf = np.cumsum(y) o1 = open("dots/out_cdf_changed_overlap_cut_bj_v2.txt","w") for i in range(len(x)): print >> o1, x[i],y[i] o1.close() o2 = open("dots/dots_cdf_changed_overlap_cut_bj_v2.txt","w") for i in changed_overlap: print >> o2, i o2.close() plt.step(x,cdf, where="post") plt.xlabel("% of the intersect that has a LCZD",fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("CDF of all intersects on detections",fontsize=16) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.xlim(0.0, 1.0) plt.savefig('out_cdf_changed_overlap_cut_bj_v2.pdf') plt.clf()
# Create a subselection of all bursts and bursts with TS > 25 good_All = numpy.where(tsmap_P8_P301_Error90 > 0) good_HighTS = numpy.where(tsmap_P8_P301_MaxTS > 25) # Obtain the number of bursts that survived the cuts numberOfBurstsP8_90_All = len(angularSeperation_P7toP8[good_All]/tsmap_P8_P301_Error90[good_All]) numberOfBurstsP8_95_All = len(angularSeperation_P7toP8[good_All]/tsmap_P8_P301_Error95[good_All]) numberOfBurstsP8_90_HighTS = len(angularSeperation_P7toP8[good_HighTS]/tsmap_P8_P301_Error90[good_HighTS]) numberOfBurstsP8_95_HighTS = len(angularSeperation_P7toP8[good_HighTS]/tsmap_P8_P301_Error95[good_HighTS]) # Generate a cumulative sum array cumulativeSumP8_90_All = numpy.arange(numberOfBurstsP8_90_All)/(float(numberOfBurstsP8_90_All)-1) cumulativeSumP8_95_All = numpy.arange(numberOfBurstsP8_95_All)/(float(numberOfBurstsP8_95_All)-1) # Plot the angular seperation between P7 and P8 normalized by the P8_P301 90% Error plt.step(numpy.sort(angularSeperation_P7toP8[good_All]/tsmap_P8_P301_Error90[good_All]), cumulativeSumP8_90_All) plt.step(numpy.sort(angularSeperation_P7toP8[good_All]/tsmap_P8_P301_Error95[good_All]), cumulativeSumP8_95_All) i = numpy.where(numpy.sort(angularSeperation_P7toP8[good_All]/tsmap_P8_P301_Error90[good_All]) == angularSeperation_P7toP8[GRB130427A]/tsmap_P8_P301_Error90[GRB130427A]) plt.scatter(angularSeperation_P7toP8[GRB130427A]/tsmap_P8_P301_Error90[GRB130427A], cumulativeSumP8_90_All[i]) plt.annotate('GRB130427A', xy=(angularSeperation_P7toP8[GRB130427A]/tsmap_P8_P301_Error90[GRB130427A], cumulativeSumP8_90_All[i] ), xytext=(-20,-20), textcoords='offset points', ha='center', va='bottom') plt.legend(('P8_301 90% C.L.', 'P8_301 95% C.L.'), frameon=False, scatterpoints=1, loc=4) plt.plot([1,1],[0,1.05], '--') plt.ylim(0,1.05) plt.xlim(0,5) plt.xlabel(r'$\theta_{\rm P7 to P8} / \sigma$') # Select a subset of bursts with known x-ray, optical, or radio localizations #good = numpy.where((LIKE == 1) & (BestSource != 'Fermi-LAT') & (BestSource != 'Fermi-GBM') & (BestSource != 'IPN'))[0] good = numpy.where((tsmap_P8_P301_Error95 > 0) & (BestSource != 'Fermi-LAT') & (BestSource != 'Fermi-GBM') & (BestSource != 'IPN'))[0] GRB130427A = numpy.where(GRBs[good] == '130427324')
def graph_generate_basic(infos): evaluation_2_files = [x for x in listdir(infos["output_dir"]) if x.find("evaluation_2") != -1] number_of_detections = 0 number_of_intersects = 0 number_of_lcz_in_intersects = 0 size_of_lcz = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for f in evaluation_2_files: uniq_detections = set() for line in open(infos["output_dir"]+"/"+f,"r"): number_of_intersects += 1 line_parts = line.strip().split(" ") uniq_detections.add(line_parts[0]) if(line_parts[3] == "0,0"): continue for lcz_info in line_parts[3].split(";"): lcz_size,lcz_coverage = lcz_info.split(",") lcz_size = int(lcz_size) size_of_lcz[lcz_size] += 1 number_of_lcz_in_intersects += 1 number_of_detections += len(uniq_detections) print "number_of_intersects: ",number_of_intersects print "number_of_detections: ",number_of_detections print "number_of_lcz_in_intersects: ", number_of_lcz_in_intersects x = [z for z in size_of_lcz.keys()] x.sort() y = [size_of_lcz[i]/float(number_of_lcz_in_intersects)\ for i in x] cdf = np.cumsum(y) plt.step(x,cdf,label="CDF of LCZ size", where="post") plt.xlabel("LCZ size",fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("CDF of all LCZ in overlapping changed routes",fontsize=16) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.savefig('basic_1.pdf') plt.clf() uniq_size_of_lcz = defaultdict(lambda: 0) uniq_number_of_lcz_in_intersects = 0 uniq_number_of_intersects = 0 for f in evaluation_2_files: overlap_change_ids = set() for line in open(infos["output_dir"]+"/"+f,"r"): line_parts = line.strip().split(" ") overlap_change_id = line_parts[1] + " " + line_parts[2] if overlap_change_id in overlap_change_ids: continue overlap_change_ids.add(overlap_change_id) uniq_number_of_intersects += 1 if(line_parts[3] == "0,0"): continue for lcz_info in line_parts[3].split(";"): if(not lcz_info): continue lcz_size,lcz_coverage = lcz_info.split(",") lcz_size = int(lcz_size) uniq_size_of_lcz[lcz_size] += 1 uniq_number_of_lcz_in_intersects += 1 print "uniq_number_of_lcz_in_intersects", uniq_number_of_lcz_in_intersects print "uniq_number_of_intersects", uniq_number_of_intersects x = [z for z in uniq_size_of_lcz.keys()] x.sort() y = [uniq_size_of_lcz[i]/float(uniq_number_of_lcz_in_intersects)\ for i in x] cdf = np.cumsum(y) plt.step(x,cdf,label="CDF of LCZ size", where="post") plt.xlabel("LCZ size",fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("CDF of all uniq LCZ in overlapping changed routes",fontsize=16) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.savefig('basic_2.pdf') plt.clf()