def plot_stats_pctl(x, stat, pctl, xlabel, ylabel, ftitle, fname): mean = stat["mean"] std = stat["std"] p10 = pctl['p10'] p90 = pctl['p90'] plt.switch_backend('agg') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(x, mean, 'g-', alpha=0.75, label='Mean') ax1.plot(x, p10, 'b-', alpha=0.25) ax1.plot(x, p90, 'b-', alpha=0.25) ax1.fill_between(x, p10, p90, alpha=0.25, label='90% prediction interval') ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel, color='b') ax1.tick_params('y', colors='b') ax1.grid() ax1.legend() ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(x, std, 'r-', alpha=0.5) ax2.set_ylabel('Standard deviation', color='r') ax2.tick_params('y', colors='r') ax2 = format_exponent(ax2, axis='y') plt.title(ftitle) fig.savefig(fname) plt.close(fig)
def plot_stats(x, stat, xlabel, ylabel, ftitle, fname): mean = np.array(stat["mean"]) var = stat["var"] std = np.array(stat['std']) plt.switch_backend('agg') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(x, mean, 'g-', alpha=0.75, label='Mean') ax1.plot(x, mean-std, 'b-', alpha=0.25) ax1.plot(x, mean+std, 'b-', alpha=0.25) ax1.fill_between(x, mean-std, mean+std, alpha=0.25, label=r'Mean $\pm$ deviation') ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel, color='b') ax1.tick_params('y', colors='b') ax1.grid() ax1.legend() ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(x, var, 'r-', alpha=0.5) ax2.set_ylabel('Variance', color='r') ax2.tick_params('y', colors='r') ax2 = format_exponent(ax2, axis='y') plt.title(ftitle) fig.savefig(fname) plt.close(fig)
def plot_mesh(mesh, key, plot_title, color, *args, **kwargs): import matplotlib as mtpl mtpl.use('pdf') from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.switch_backend('pdf') import seaborn as sns import os print('plotting {0} - {1}'.format(key, plot_title)) path = myfs.setup_output_directory(kwargs.get('expt_dir', ''), kwargs.get('dir_path_full', ''), *args) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) sns.set("paper", "whitegrid", "dark", font_scale=1.5) fmt = 'f' if mesh.dtype == np.float64 else 'd' h = sns.heatmap(mesh, annot=True, fmt=fmt, cmap=color) h.set(xlabel="Mesh map X") h.set(ylabel="Mesh map Y") h.set(title=plot_title + " heat map - " + key) h_fig = h.get_figure() pp = PdfPages( os.path.join(path, plot_title + key + kwargs.get('name', '') + '.pdf')) h_fig.savefig(pp, format='pdf') plt.close() pp.close()
def gromov_wasserstein_distance_TSNE_test(data_path, num_labels, num_clusters, result_path): import scipy as sp import matplotlib.pylab as pl pl.switch_backend('agg') # FIXME: add this line if executed on server. import ot d_t = np.load(data_path + config.statistic_name4d_t) d_s = np.load(data_path + config.statistic_name4d_s) # Compute distance kernels, normalize them and then display xs = d_s.item().get('0') xt = d_t.item().get('0') print(xt.shape) print(xs.shape) n_samples = min(100, xs.shape[0], xt.shape[0]) xs = xs[:n_samples] xt = xt[:n_samples] C1 = sp.spatial.distance.cdist(xs, xs) C2 = sp.spatial.distance.cdist(xt, xt) C1 /= C1.max() C2 /= C2.max() p = ot.unif(n_samples) q = ot.unif(n_samples) gw0, log0 = ot.gromov.gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, q, 'square_loss', verbose=True, log=True) gw, log = ot.gromov.entropic_gromov_wasserstein(C1, C2, p, q, 'square_loss', epsilon=5e-4, log=True, verbose=True) print('Gromov-Wasserstein distances: ' + str(log0['gw_dist'])) print('Entropic Gromov-Wasserstein distances: ' + str(log['gw_dist'])) pl.figure(1, (10, 5)) pl.subplot(1, 2, 1) pl.imshow(gw0, cmap='jet') pl.title('Gromov Wasserstein') pl.subplot(1, 2, 2) pl.imshow(gw, cmap='jet') pl.title('Entropic Gromov Wasserstein') pl.savefig(result_path + "/WD_TSNE.jpg")
def plot_sobols_all(x, sobols, params, ftitle, fname): plt.switch_backend('agg') npar = len(params) plt.switch_backend('agg') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for i in range(npar): s = sobols[params[i]] ax.plot(x, s, label=params[i]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\rho_{tor} ~ [m]$') ax.set_ylabel('Sobol index') ax.set_title(ftitle) plt.legend() fig.savefig(fname) plt.close(fig)
def plot_sobols(x, sobols, params, ftitle, fname): plt.switch_backend('agg') npar = len(params) if npar==2: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) s = sobols[params[0]] ax.plot(x, s, label=params[0]) s = sobols[params[1]] ax.plot(x, s, label=params[1]) ax.legend() ax.grid() ax.set_title(ftitle) fig.savefig(fname) plt.close(fig) if npar==4: fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True) for i in range(npar): ax = axs[i//2, i%2] s = sobols[params[i]] ax.plot(x, s) ax.grid() ax.set_title(params[i]) fig.suptitle(ftitle) fig.savefig(fname) plt.close(fig) if npar==6: fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=True) for i in range(npar): ax = axs[i//3, i%3] s = sobols[params[i]] ax.plot(x, s) ax.grid() ax.set_title(params[i]) fig.suptitle(ftitle) fig.savefig(fname) plt.close(fig)
def __init__(self, gdf_map, path_to_centroids=''): """ Initialize a TrajectoryClustermap objects Parameters: gdf_map: GeoDataFrame to be plotted (typically the municipalities for all Italy) path_to_centroids: str, path to a file containing the controids of each municipality """ plt.switch_backend('agg') self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 15)) = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) self.fontsize = 20 self.city_markersize = 6 self.city_marker = 'o' self.city_markercolor = 'k' = gdf_map self.df_centroids = pd.read_csv(path_to_centroids)
def plot_passage(df, plot_title, path, key, *kwargs): import os import matplotlib as mtpl mtpl.use('pdf') from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.switch_backend('pdf') import seaborn as sns print('plotting {}'.format(plot_title)) phi, t = get_cgs_camera_positions() x, y = np.meshgrid(phi, t) columns = [ "longitude", "latitude", "sum_refine", "sum_match", "mean_refine", "mean_match", "mean_ratio", "mesh_num" ] def plot_data(title, data): plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) sns.set("paper", "whitegrid", "dark", font_scale=1.5) pp = PdfPages( os.path.join(path, plot_title + key + kwargs.get('name', '') + '.pdf'))
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt # Show the plots in the Notebook. plt.switch_backend("nbagg") # --------------------------------------------------------- # Simple finite difference solver # # Acoustic wave equation p_tt = c^2 p_xx + src # 2-D regular grid # --------------------------------------------------------- nx = 200 # grid points in x nz = 200 # grid points in z nt = 1000 # number of time steps dx = 10.0 # grid increment in x dt = 0.001 # Time step c0 = 3000.0 # velocity (can be an array) isx = nx / 2 # source index x isz = nz / 2 # source index z ist = 100 # shifting of source time function f0 = 100.0 # dominant frequency of source (Hz) isnap = 10 # snapshot frequency T = 1.0 / f0 # dominant period nop = 3 # length of operator # Model type, available are "homogeneous", "fault_zone", # "surface_low_velocity_zone", "random", "topography", # "slab" model_type = "fault_zone"
def plot_reputation_networks_fs(network, filename='output/final_state.png', dpi=80, width=15, height=15, alpha=1., colors_dict=None, sfdp_C=2, sfdp_p=6, node_shrink_fac=0.25, font_size=28, binary_decision=None): # calc values color_converter = ColorConverter() agents_pmap = network.vp['agents'] if colors_dict is None: colors_dict = defaultdict(lambda: color_converter.to_rgba('blue')) # covers cases with #words > 3 colors_dict[1] = color_converter.to_rgba('green') # one word colors_dict[2] = color_converter.to_rgba('blue') # two words colors_dict[3] = color_converter.to_rgba('red') # three and more words for key, val in colors_dict.iteritems(): if isinstance(val, str): val = color_converter.to_rgba(val) colors_dict[key] = val[:3] + tuple([alpha]) colors_pmap = network.new_vertex_property('vector<double>') shape_pmap = network.new_vertex_property('int') used_keys = set() for v in network.vertices(): agent_size = len(agents_pmap[v]) if binary_decision is not None: agent_size = 1 if agent_size > 1 else 0 used_keys.add(agent_size) colors_pmap[v] = colors_dict[agent_size] shape_pmap[v] = agent_size colors_dict = {key: val for key, val in colors_dict.iteritems() if key in used_keys} # calc node-size res = (dpi * height, dpi * width) tmp_output_size = min(res) * 0.7 num_nodes = network.num_vertices() if num_nodes < 10: num_nodes = 10 max_vertex_size = np.sqrt((np.pi * tmp_output_size ** 2) / num_nodes) if max_vertex_size < 1: max_vertex_size = 1 min_vertex_size = max(max_vertex_size * node_shrink_fac, 1) deg_pmap = network.degree_property_map('total') verterx_size = prop_to_size(deg_pmap, mi=min_vertex_size, ma=max_vertex_size, power=1) # plot plt.close('all') plt.switch_backend('cairo') f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(width, height)) tmp = ["o", "^", "s", "p", "h", "H", "8", "double_circle", "double_triangle", "double_square", "double_pentagon", "double_hexagon", "double_heptagon", "double_octagon"] if binary_decision: gt_shape_to_plt_shape = {idx: val for idx, val in enumerate(tmp)} else: gt_shape_to_plt_shape = {idx+1: val for idx, val in enumerate(tmp)} for key, val in sorted(colors_dict.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[0]): label = str(key) + ' ' + ('word' if key == 1 else 'words') if binary_decision is not None: label = binary_decision[key] ax.plot(None, label=label, color=val, ms=font_size, marker=gt_shape_to_plt_shape[key], lw=10, alpha=alpha, ls='') pos = sfdp_layout(network, C=sfdp_C, p=sfdp_p) graph_draw(network, pos=pos, vertex_shape=shape_pmap, edge_color=[0.179, 0.203, 0.210, alpha / 6], vertex_size=verterx_size, output_size=res, mplfig=ax, vertex_fill_color=colors_pmap) # , bg_color=color_converter.to_rgba('white')) plt.legend(loc='upper right', prop={'size': font_size}) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi) plt.close('all') plt.switch_backend('Agg')
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt import sys #import pickle import uproot plt.switch_backend("Agg") import plotting_tools as pt ################################################################################ # RUN OVER FILES IN THE PID_assignment subdirectory # Variables of interest pars = pt.get_variable_parameters_for_plotting() voi = ['ncharged', 'pp', 'ep', 'mup'] values = {} for v in voi: values[v] = [] infilenames = sys.argv[1:] sptag = pt.get_sptag(infilenames[0]) print(sptag)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import flask from flask.ext.cache import Cache import matplotlib.pylab as plt from matplotlib.colors import hex2color plt.switch_backend("agg") import collections import copy import geojson import json from obspy.imaging.mopad_wrapper import Beach import io import inspect import numpy as np import os import lasif WEBSERVER_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe()))) STATIC_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(WEBSERVER_DIRECTORY, "static") app = flask.Flask("LASIF Webinterface", static_folder=STATIC_DIRECTORY) cache = Cache() def make_cache_key(*args, **kwargs):
def freqtor(yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, duration, ndays, datdir, freq1, freq2, thresholdv, deltaf, masktimes, madtimes, time_thres, distance_thres): #control plot behavior import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.switch_backend("nbagg")'ggplot') plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 18, 12 #width,then height plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 80 from obspy import UTCDateTime import numpy as np import matplotlib.dates as mdates import matplotlib.tri as tri from obspy.signal.trigger import recursive_sta_lta as recSTALTA from obspy.signal.trigger import trigger_onset as triggerOnset import copy, os, bisect, scipy, datetime, itertools import pandas as pd #suppress the chained assignment warning pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap from obspy.taup import TauPyModel as TauP model = TauP(model="iasp91") from obspy.geodetics import locations2degrees as loc2d import Util as Ut import geopy.distance as pydist from obspy.core import read ############################# homedir = '' wb = 5 #which basin # are we working on for station list import maketemplates = 1 tlength = 7200 #nsamples on either side of detection time for template counter =, int(mo), int(dy)).timetuple().tm_yday edgebuffer = 00 duration = duration + edgebuffer #ndays= 2 #however many days you want to generate images for dayat = int(dy) #set parameter values; k = area threshold for detections: #thresholdv= 2.0 #deltaf = 250.0 nseconds = 7200 npts = int(deltaf * (nseconds + edgebuffer)) fftsize = 256 overlap = 4 hop = fftsize / overlap w = scipy.hanning(fftsize + 1)[:-1] #delta=250.0 if duration == 86400: im = 12 elif duration == 7200: im = 1 else: im = 1 #parse the datetime counter_3char = str(counter).zfill(3) datest = yr + str('-') + mo + str('-') + str(dayat) + str('T') + hr + str( ':') + mn + str('.') + sc tt = UTCDateTime(datest) ##################################################################### # Now start making the detections, in 2 hour data chunks, 1 day at a time print(os.getcwd()) for days in range(ndays): plt.close('all') print(str(tt)) sacyear = str( sacmonth = str( sacday = str( if len(sacmonth) == 1: sacmonth = str(0) + sacmonth if len(sacday) == 1: sacday = str(0) + sacday sacname = str(sacyear) + str(sacmonth) + str(sacday) sacdir = datdir + sacyear + sacmonth + sacday + '/' + sacname + '*.sac' ############################# s = homedir + 'basin%s/' % wb + yr + str('_') + counter_3char if not os.path.exists(s): os.makedirs(s) sz = read(sacdir) sz.sort() sz.detrend() sz.trim(starttime=tt, endtime=tt + duration, pad=True, fill_value=000, nearest_sample=False) sz.filter('highpass', freq=1.0) alltimes = Ut.gettvals(sz[0], sz[1], sz[2]) ############################# ######################### #%% nptsf = edgebuffer * deltaf blockette = 0 d = { 'Contributor': 'NA', 'Latitude': 'NA', 'Longitude': 'NA', 'S1': 'NA', 'S1time': 'NA', 'Magnitude': -999.00, 'mag_error': -999.00, 'cent_er': -999.00, 'Confidence': 0, 'S2': 'NA', 'S3': 'NA', 'S4': 'NA', 'S5': 'NA', 'S2time': 'NA', 'S3time': 'NA', 'S4time': 'NA', 'S5time': 'NA', 'Type': 'Event' } index = [0] df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=d, index=index) stations, latitudes, longitudes, distances = [], [], [], [] snames, latitudes, longitudes = [], [], [] for i in range(len(sz)): snames.append(str(sz[i].stats.station)) latitudes.append(sz[i].stats.sac['stla']) longitudes.append(sz[i].stats.sac['stlo']) latmin = min(latitudes) lonmin = max(longitudes) newlat = np.empty([len(snames)]) newlon = np.empty([len(snames)]) stations = copy.copy(snames) for i in range(len(snames)): reindex = stations.index(snames[i]) newlat[i] = latitudes[reindex] newlon[i] = longitudes[reindex] distances.append( pydist.vincenty([newlat[i], newlon[i]], [latmin, lonmin]).meters) #####this is where maths happends and arrays are created for block in range(im): print(blockette, tt) ll, lo, stalist, vizray, dist = [], [], [], [], [] shorty = 0 for z in range(len(snames)): szdata = sz[z].data[blockette:blockette + npts] # if len(szdata)==npts: vizray.append([]) Bwhite = Ut.w_spec(szdata, deltaf, fftsize, freq1, freq2) vizray[shorty].append(np.sum(Bwhite[:, :], axis=0)) ll.append(newlat[z]) lo.append(newlon[z]) dist.append(distances[z]) stalist.append(snames[z]) shorty = shorty + 1 rays = np.vstack(np.array(vizray)) ix = np.where(np.isnan(rays)) rays[ix] = 0 rayz = np.copy(rays) latudes = copy.copy(ll) longitudes = copy.copy(lo) slist = copy.copy(stalist) #sort the array orders by distance from lomin,latmin for i in range(len(slist)): junk = np.where(np.array(dist) == max(dist)) rayz[i] = rays[junk[0][0]] ll[i] = latudes[junk[0][0]] lo[i] = longitudes[junk[0][0]] slist[i] = stalist[junk[0][0]] dist[junk[0][0]] = -9999999999 timevector = Ut.getfvals(tt, Bwhite, nseconds, edgebuffer) #clean up the array rayz = Ut.saturateArray(rayz, masktimes) ix = np.where(np.isnan(rayz)) rayz[ix] = 0 #determine which level to use as detections 4* MAD levels = [Ut.get_levels(rayz, madtimes)] #get the ANF catalog events and get closest station localE, globalE, closesti = Ut.getCatalogData(tt, nseconds, lo, ll) #closesti = np.flipud(closesti) #unstructured triangular mesh with stations as verticies, mask out the long edges triang = tri.Triangulation(lo, ll) mask, edgeL = Ut.long_edges(lo, ll, triang.triangles) triang.set_mask(mask) kval = Ut.get_k(lo, ll, triang.triangles, thresholdv) #%% #get contour areas by frame av,aa,xc,yc,centroids,ctimes,ctimesdate,junkx,junky=[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] for each in range(len(rayz[0, :])): # refiner = tri.UniformTriRefiner(triang) # tri_refi, z_refi = refiner.refine_field(rayz[0:,each], subdiv=0) cs = plt.tricontour(triang, rayz[0:, each], mask=mask, levels=levels, colors='c', linewidths=[1.5]) contour = cs.collections[0].get_paths() for alls in range(len(contour)): vs = contour[alls].vertices a = Ut.PolygonArea(vs) aa.append(a) x = vs[:, 0] y = vs[:, 1] points = np.array([x, y]) points = points.transpose() sx = sy = sL = 0 for i in range( len(points)): # counts from 0 to len(points)-1 x0, y0 = points[ i - 1] # in Python points[-1] is last element of points x1, y1 = points[i] L = ((x1 - x0)**2 + (y1 - y0)**2)**0.5 sx += (x0 + x1) / 2 * L sy += (y0 + y1) / 2 * L sL += L xc.append(sx / sL) yc.append(sy / sL) if aa != []: idi = np.where(np.array(aa) > kval) filler = np.where(np.array(aa) <= kval) chained = itertools.chain.from_iterable(filler) chain = itertools.chain.from_iterable(idi) idi = list(chain) filler = list(chained) for alls in range(len(aa)): if aa[alls] > kval: centroids.append([xc[idi[0]], yc[idi[0]]]) ctimes.append(timevector[each]) ctimesdate.append(timevector[each]) av.append(aa[idi[0]]) else: centroids.append([0, 0]) ctimes.append(timevector[each]) ctimesdate.append(timevector[each]) av.append(0) aa, yc, xc = [], [], [] #%% Filter peaks in av above threshold by time and distance to remove redundant. idxx, idx, regionals, localev = [], [], [], [] coordinatesz = np.transpose(centroids) avz = av abovek = np.where(np.array(avz) > 0) idxx = abovek[0] iii = [] for i in range(len(abovek[0]) - 1): junk = ctimes[idxx[i + 1]] - ctimes[idxx[i]] junk1 = centroids[idxx[i]] junk2 = centroids[idxx[i + 1]] if junk.seconds < time_thres and pydist.vincenty( junk2, junk1).meters < distance_thres: iii.append(idxx[i + 1]) idxx = set(idxx) - set(iii) idxx = list(idxx) idxx.sort() idx = idxx ltxlocal, ltxlocalexist = [], [] ltxglobal = [] ltxglobalexist = [] doubles, localev = [], [] dit2 = [] #%% #if there are no picks but cataloged events exist, make null arrays if len(idx) == 0 and len(globalE) > 0: ltxglobalexist = np.ones(len(globalE)) if len(idx) == 0 and len(localE) > 0: ltxlocalexist = np.ones(len(localE)) #try to match detections with known catalog events based on time and location if len(idx) > 0: distarray = [] dmin = np.zeros([5]) dval = np.zeros([5]) closestl = np.empty([len(idx), 5]) dvals = np.empty([len(idx), 5]) closestl = closestl.astype(np.int64) for i in range(len(idx)): #find distance to the 5 nearest stations and save them for plotting templates for each in range(len(ll)): distarray.append( pydist.vincenty([ coordinatesz[1][idx[i]], coordinatesz[0][idx[i]] ], [ll[each], lo[each]]).meters) for all5 in range(5): dmin[all5] = np.argmin(distarray) dmin = dmin.astype(np.int64) dval[all5] = distarray[dmin[all5]] distarray[dmin[all5]] = 9e10 closestl[i][:] = dmin dvals[i][:] = dval dmin = np.zeros_like(dmin) distarray = [] #get timeseries for this pick stg = slist[closestl[i][0]] timeindex = bisect.bisect_left(alltimes, ctimes[idx[i]]) sss = av = sss[0].data[timeindex - tlength:timeindex + tlength] cf = recSTALTA(av, int(40), int(1200)) peaks = triggerOnset(cf, 3, .2) #get rid of peaks that are way off LTX times peaksi = [] for peak in peaks: peak = peak[0] junk = alltimes[timeindex] - alltimes[timeindex - tlength + peak] if abs(junk.seconds) > 45: peaksi.append(i) peaks = np.delete(peaks, peaksi, axis=0) #look for overlap with ANF global for j in range(len(globalE)): #get distance between stations and depth for theoretical ttime calc # the time buffers are somewhat arbitrary dep = globalE.depth[j] dit = loc2d(centroids[idx[i]][1], centroids[idx[i]][0], globalE.Lat[j], globalE.Lon[j]) arrivals = model.get_travel_times(dep, dit, phase_list=['P']) #if no calculated tt but sta/lta peak if len(arrivals) == 0 and len(peaks) != 0: junk = UTCDateTime( alltimes[timeindex - tlength + peaks[0][0]]) - UTCDateTime( globalE.DateString[j]) if junk > -40 and junk < 40: doubles.append(idx[i]) ltxglobal.append( UTCDateTime(alltimes[timeindex - tlength + peaks[0][0]])) ltxglobalexist.append(0) else: ltxglobalexist.append(1) #if no calculated tt and no sta/lta peak use ltx time elif len(arrivals) == 0 and len(peaks) == 0: junk = UTCDateTime( alltimes[timeindex]) - UTCDateTime( globalE.DateString[j]) if junk > -40 and junk < 40: doubles.append(idx[i]) ltxglobal.append( UTCDateTime(alltimes[timeindex])) ltxglobalexist.append(0) else: ltxglobalexist.append(1) #if there are calculated arrivals and sta/lta peak elif len(peaks) != 0: junk = UTCDateTime( alltimes[timeindex - tlength + peaks[0][0]] ) - (UTCDateTime(globalE.DateString[j]) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=arrivals[0].time)) if junk > -30 and junk < 30: doubles.append(idx[i]) ltxglobal.append( UTCDateTime(alltimes[timeindex - tlength + peaks[0][0]])) ltxglobalexist.append(0) else: ltxglobalexist.append(1) #if there are calculated arrivals and no sta/lta peaks else: junk = UTCDateTime(alltimes[timeindex]) - ( UTCDateTime(globalE.DateString[j]) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=arrivals[0].time)) if junk > -60 and junk < 60: doubles.append(idx[i]) ltxglobalexist.append(0) else: ltxglobalexist.append(1) #look for overlap with ANF local if len(localE) > 0 and len(peaks) != 0: for eachlocal in range(len(localE)): #junk= UTCDateTime(alltimes[timeindex-tlength+peaks[0][0]]) - UTCDateTime(localE.DateString[eachlocal]) #took this out because faulty picks disassociated too many events #calculate with LTX pick time instead dep = localE.depth[eachlocal] dit = pydist.vincenty( [centroids[idx[i]][1], centroids[idx[i]][0]], [localE.Lat[eachlocal], localE.Lon[eachlocal] ]).meters junk = UTCDateTime( alltimes[timeindex]) - UTCDateTime( localE.DateString[eachlocal]) if junk > -60 and junk < 60 and dit < 2.0 * edgeL: localev.append(idx[i]) ltxlocal.append( UTCDateTime(alltimes[timeindex - tlength + peaks[0][0]])) ltxlocalexist.append(0) else: ltxlocalexist.append(1) if len(localE) > 0 and len(peaks) == 0: for eachlocal in range(len(localE)): dep = localE.depth[eachlocal] dit = pydist.vincenty( [centroids[idx[i]][1], centroids[idx[i]][0]], [localE.Lat[eachlocal], localE.Lon[eachlocal] ]).meters junk = UTCDateTime( alltimes[timeindex]) - UTCDateTime( localE.DateString[eachlocal]) if junk > -60 and junk < 60 and dit < 2.0 * edgeL: localev.append(idx[i]) ltxlocal.append( UTCDateTime(alltimes[timeindex])) ltxlocalexist.append(0) else: ltxlocalexist.append(1) #if it goes with a local- don't let it go with a double too dupe = [] for dl in range(len(doubles)): if localev.count(doubles[dl]) > 0: dupe.append(doubles[dl]) for repeats in range(len(dupe)): doubles.remove(dupe[repeats]) # detections = [] detections = set(idx) #-set(doubles) detections = list(detections) #or if there are more locals LTX detections than ANF locals, fix it #by assuming double pick on closest pair pdist = [] if len(localev) > len(localE): for i in range(len(localev) - 1): pdist.append(localev[i + 1] - localev[i]) junk = np.where(pdist == min(pdist)) localev.pop(junk[0][0] + 1) #detections.remove(localev[junk[0][0]+1]) detections.sort() idx = detections dtype, cents = Ut.markType(detections, centroids, localev, localE, ctimes, doubles) #get the nearest station also for cataloged events closestd = np.zeros([len(doubles)]) distarray = np.zeros([len(ll)]) for event in range(len(doubles)): for each in range(len(ll)): distarray[each] = pydist.vincenty([ coordinatesz[1][doubles[event]], coordinatesz[0][doubles[event]] ], [ll[each], lo[each]]).meters finder = np.argmin(distarray) closestd[event] = finder distarray[finder] = 9e10 closestd = closestd.astype(np.int64) closestp = [] distarray = np.zeros([len(ll)]) for event in range(len(localev)): for each in range(len(ll)): distarray[each] = pydist.vincenty([ coordinatesz[1][localev[event]], coordinatesz[0][localev[event]] ], [ll[each], lo[each]]).meters finder = np.argmin(distarray) closestp.append(finder) distarray[finder] = 9e10 #%%#save templates from this round of picks to verify on closest station ss = str(tt) ss = ss[0:13] if 'detections' in locals(): index = range(len(detections)) else: index = [0] detections = [] df = pd.DataFrame(data=d, index=index) if maketemplates == 1 and len(detections) > 0: ptimes, confidence = [], [] magi = np.zeros_like(dvals) dum = 0 for fi in range(len(detections)): if localev.count(detections[fi]) == 0: df.Contributor[fi] = 'LTX' else: df.Contributor[fi] = 'ANF,LTX' allmags = [[dum], localE.mb[dum],[dum] ] df.Magnitude[fi] = np.max(allmags) dum = dum + 1 #df.Latitude[fi] = coordinatesz[1][detections[fi]] #df.Longitude[fi]=coordinatesz[0][detections[fi]] df.Latitude[fi] = cents[fi][0] df.Longitude[fi] = cents[fi][1] df.Type[fi] = dtype[fi] plt.cla() ax = plt.gca() timeindex = bisect.bisect_left(alltimes, (ctimes[detections[fi]])) sss = np.zeros([5, tlength * 2]) for stas in range(5): stg = slist[closestl[fi][stas]] tr = if ctimes[detections[fi]] - datetime.timedelta( seconds=80) < tt.datetime: sss[stas][tlength:] = tr[0].data[ timeindex:timeindex + tlength] elif ctimes[detections[fi]] + datetime.timedelta( seconds=80) > tt.datetime + datetime.timedelta( seconds=nseconds + edgebuffer): sss[stas][0:tlength] = tr[0].data[ timeindex - tlength:timeindex] else: sss[stas][:] = tr[0].data[timeindex - tlength:timeindex + tlength] sss = np.nan_to_num(sss) stg = slist[closestl[0][0]] #plt.figure(fi) peak = None plt.suptitle('nearest station:' + stg + ' ' + str(ctimes[detections[fi]]) + 'TYPE = ' + dtype[fi]) for plots in range(5): plt.subplot(5, 1, plots + 1) cf = recSTALTA(sss[plots][:], int(80), int(500)) peaks = triggerOnset(cf, 3, .1) peaksi = [] dummy = 0 for pk in peaks: endi = pk[1] peak = pk[0] mcdur = alltimes[timeindex - tlength + endi] - alltimes[timeindex - tlength + peak] mdur = mcdur.total_seconds() if alltimes[timeindex] > alltimes[timeindex - tlength + peak]: junk = alltimes[timeindex] - alltimes[ timeindex - tlength + peak] else: junk = alltimes[timeindex - tlength + peak] - alltimes[timeindex] if (junk.seconds) > 40: peaksi.append(dummy) dummy = dummy + 1 peaks = np.delete(peaks, peaksi, axis=0) sss[plots] = np.nan_to_num(sss[plots]) #if the channel is blank underflow problems occur plotting station name sss = np.round(sss, decimals=10) plt.plot( Ut.templatetimes(alltimes[timeindex], tlength, deltaf), sss[plots][:], 'black') plt.axvline(x=alltimes[timeindex]) plt.text(alltimes[timeindex], 0, slist[closestl[fi][plots]], color='red', fontsize=20) plt.axis('tight') for arc in range(len(peaks)): plt.axvline(x=alltimes[timeindex - tlength - 10 + peaks[arc][0]], color='orange') plt.axvline(x=alltimes[timeindex - tlength - 10 + peaks[arc][1]], color='purple') if len(peaks) > 0: ptimes.append( UTCDateTime(alltimes[timeindex - tlength - 10 + peaks[0][0]])) confidence.append(len(peaks)) magi[fi][plots] = ( -2.25 + 2.32 * np.log10(mdur) + 0.0023 * dvals[fi][plots] / 1000) #magi[fi][plots]=(1.86*np.log10(mdur)-0.85) else: ptimes.append(UTCDateTime(alltimes[timeindex])) confidence.append(2) magi = np.round(magi, decimals=2) magii = pd.DataFrame(magi) magu = magii[magii != 0] if df.Contributor[fi] == 'ANF,LTX': df.mag_error[fi] = np.round(np.max(allmags) - np.mean(magu, axis=1)[fi], decimals=2) df.Magnitude[fi] = str( str(df.Magnitude[fi]) + ',' + str(np.round(np.mean(magu, axis=1)[fi], decimals=2))) df.cent_er[fi] = np.round(pydist.vincenty([ coordinatesz[1][detections[fi]], coordinatesz[0][detections[fi]] ], [cents[fi][0], cents[fi][1]]).meters / 1000.00, decimals=2) else: df.Magnitude[fi] = np.round(np.mean(magu, axis=1)[fi], decimals=2) #ptimes = np.reshape(ptimes,[len(ptimes)/5,5]) df.S1[fi] = slist[closestl[fi][0]] df.S1time[fi] = ptimes[0] df.S2[fi] = slist[closestl[fi][1]] df.S2time[fi] = (ptimes[1]) df.S3[fi] = slist[closestl[fi][2]] df.S3time[fi] = (ptimes[2]) df.S4[fi] = slist[closestl[fi][3]] df.S4time[fi] = (ptimes[3]) df.S5[fi] = slist[closestl[fi][4]] df.S5time[fi] = (ptimes[4]) #df.Confidence[fi]= confidence[0] ptimes = [] if dtype[fi] == 'earthquake': svname = homedir + str(s) + "/image" + ss[ 11:13] + "_pick_" + str(fi + 1) + ".png" plt.savefig(svname, format='png') plt.clf() #%% df1 = [df1, df] df1 = pd.concat(df1) ################################################ #%% fig = plt.figure() plt.cla() ax = plt.gca() #plot it all for i in range(len(detections)): if localev.count(detections[i]) == 1: color = 'c' elif doubles.count(detections[i]) == 1: color = 'blue' else: color = 'white' if dtype[i] == 'blast': facecolor = 'none' else: facecolor = color plt.scatter(mdates.date2num(ctimes[detections[i]]), closestl[i][0], s=200, color=color, facecolor=facecolor) # for i in range(len(globalE)): plt.scatter(mdates.date2num(UTCDateTime(globalE.time[i])), 1, s=100, color='b', alpha=.8) for i in range(len(localE)): plt.scatter(mdates.date2num(UTCDateTime(localE.time[i])), closesti[i], s=100, facecolor='c', edgecolor='grey') plt.imshow(np.flipud(rayz), extent=[ mdates.date2num(tt.datetime), mdates.date2num( (tt + nseconds + edgebuffer).datetime), 0, len(slist) ], aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest', cmap='bone', vmin=np.min(rayz) / 2, vmax=np.max(rayz) * 2) ax.set_adjustable('box-forced') ax.xaxis_date() plt.yticks(np.arange(len(ll))) ax.set_yticklabels(slist) tdate = yr + '-' + mo + '-' + str(dayat).zfill(2) plt.title(tdate) ax.grid(color='black') ss = str(tt) ss = ss[0:13] kurs = "%s/" % s + "%s.png" % ss svpath = homedir + kurs plt.savefig(svpath, format='png') plt.close() #%% blockette = blockette + (npts - nptsf) tt = tt + nseconds detections = [] localev = [] doubles = [] ############################# svpath = homedir + '%s' % s + "/picktable.html" df1.to_html(open(svpath, 'w'), index=False) svpath = homedir + '%s' % s + "/picktable.pkl" df1.to_pickle(svpath) dayat = dayat + 1 counter = counter + 1 counter_3char = str(counter).zfill(3) ############################# if __name__ == '__main__': detection_function()
# assignement: Find Black Hole import pynbody import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.switch_backend("agg") # loading the snapshot s =pynbody.load('/mnt/cptmarvel/cptmarvel.cosmo25cmb.4096g5HbwK1BH.004096/cptmarvel.cosmo25cmb.4096g5HbwK1BH.004096') # convert the units s.physical_units() # the halo that I need is h[5] h = s.halos() h5=h[5] # put your galaxy that you care about in the center of the simulation pynbody.analysis.angmom.faceon(h5) # convert the units s.physical_units() with[5], mode='hyb'): print (h[5]['pos'][0]) print (h[5]['pos'][1]) print (h[5]['pos'][2]) print ('pos') def findBH(s):
import os import torch import random import itertools import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.switch_backend("qt5agg") from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix def accuracy(output,label,topk=(0,)): # compute accuracy for precision@k for the specified k and each class # output : BatchSize x n_classes maxk = max(topk) _, pred_index = torch.topk(output,maxk+1,dim=1,largest=True,sorted=True) # descending order correct = pred_index.eq(label.view(len(label),-1).expand_as(pred_index)) for i in range(len(label)): for j in range(3): if correct[i,j] == 1 : for k in range(j+1,3): correct[i,k] = 1 break res=[] for k in topk: correct_k = float(correct[:,k].sum()) / float(len(label)) res.append(correct_k) cls1, cls3 = list(), list() for i in range(len(label)):
import numpy as np import chainer import os from chainer import serializers, optimizers, cuda, training from import extension, extensions, updaters import argparse import glob from matplotlib import pylab as plt plt.switch_backend('agg') from chainer.datasets import TransformDataset from user_dataset_3class import UserDataset3Class from guinness_net_yolov2 import GUINNESS_YOLOv2 from yolo_predictor import YOLOv2Predictor from transform_sg import convert_sg, Transform parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='YOLOv2 trainer') parser.add_argument('--batch_size', '-b', type=int, default=6, help='Mini batch size') parser.add_argument('--img_size', '-s', type=int, default=213, help='test image size') parser.add_argument('--gpu', '-g', type=int,
import numpy as np from numpy import exp from numpy import pi from numpy import sqrt from numpy import log import numpy.testing as nut import scipy.integrate as si import mpmath as mp import matplotlib.pylab as plt # these three lines are in case you work with a specific software try: plt.switch_backend("Qt5Agg") except: raise Exception("Failed to set matplotlib backend to Qt5Agg") #DEFINITION OF MATHEMATICAL OBJECTS #Definition of the transformation matrices def matrixFlight(L): # For a flight path of length return np.array([[1,-L,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]) def matrixMonoPlane(b, ThetaB): # For a perfect flat crystal monochromator return np.array([[b,0,0],[0,1/b,(1-1/b)*np.tan(ThetaB)],[0,0,1]]) def matrixMonoBent(b, Fc, ThetaB): # For a perfect curved crystal monochromator (meridionally and sagitally focusing) return np.array([[b,0,0],[1/Fc,1/b,(1-1/b)*np.tan(ThetaB)],[0,0,1]]) def matrixMonoMosaic(ThetaB): # For a mosaic monochromator return np.array([[1,0,0],[0,-1,2*np.tan(ThetaB)],[0,0,1]])
def draw_graph(network, color, min_color=None, max_color=None, groups=None, sizep=None, colormap_name='bwr', min_vertex_size_shrinking_factor=4, output='graph.png', output_size=(15, 15), dpi=80, standardize=False, color_bar=True, crop=True, **kwargs): output_splitted = output.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].split('_graph_') net_name, prop_key = output_splitted[0], output_splitted[-1] print_prefix = utils.color_string('[' + net_name + '] ') + '[' + prop_key + '] [' + str( + '] draw graph' print print_prefix print_prefix += ': ' num_nodes = network.num_vertices() min_vertex_size_shrinking_factor = min_vertex_size_shrinking_factor if num_nodes < 10: num_nodes = 10 max_vertex_size = np.sqrt((np.pi * (min(output_size) * dpi / 2) ** 2) / num_nodes) if max_vertex_size < min_vertex_size_shrinking_factor: max_vertex_size = min_vertex_size_shrinking_factor min_vertex_size = max_vertex_size / min_vertex_size_shrinking_factor if sizep is None: sizep = max_vertex_size + min_vertex_size sizep /= 3 else: sizep = prop_to_size(sizep, mi=min_vertex_size / 3 * 2, ma=max_vertex_size / 3 * 2, power=2) v_shape = 'circle' if isinstance(groups, str): try: v_shape = network.vp[groups].copy() #groups = network.vp[groups] #unique_groups = set(np.array(groups.a)) #num_groups = len(unique_groups) #groups_c_map = colormap.get_cmap('gist_rainbow') #groups_c_map = {i: groups_c_map(idx / (num_groups - 1)) for idx, i in enumerate(unique_groups)} #v_pen_color = network.new_vertex_property('vector<float>') #for v in network.vertices(): # v_pen_color = groups_c_map[groups[v]] v_shape.a %= 14 except KeyError: # print print_prefix + 'cannot find groups property:', groups v_shape = 'circle' cmap = colormap.get_cmap(colormap_name) color = color.copy() v_shape = network.new_vertex_property('int') v_shape.a = np.array( [0 if np.isclose(color[int(v)], 1.) else (1 if color[int(v)] > 1. else 4) for v in network.vertices()], dtype='int') try: _ = color.a except AttributeError: c = network.new_vertex_property('float') c.a = color color = c min_color = color.a.min() if min_color is None else min_color max_color = color.a.max() if max_color is None else max_color if np.isclose(min_color, max_color): min_color = 0 max_color = 2 #orig_color = np.array(color.a) if standardize: color.a -= color.a.mean() color.a /= color.a.var() color.a += 1 color.a /= 2 else: #color.a -= min_color #color.a /= max_color tmp = np.array(color.a) tmp[tmp > 1] = 1 + (tmp[tmp > 1] / (max_color/1)) color.a = tmp color.a /= 2 if not output.endswith('.png'): output += '.png' color_pmap = network.new_vertex_property('vector<float>') tmp = np.array([np.array(cmap(i)) for i in color.a]) color_pmap.set_2d_array(tmp.T) plt.switch_backend('cairo') f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15)) output_size = (output_size[0], output_size[1]*.3) # make space for colorbar edge_alpha = 0.3 if network.num_vertices() < 1000 else 0.01 pen_width = 0.8 if network.num_vertices() < 1000 else 0.1 v_pen_color = [0., 0., 0., 1] if network.num_vertices() < 1000 else [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, edge_alpha] graph_draw(network, vertex_fill_color=color_pmap, mplfig=ax, vertex_pen_width=pen_width, vertex_shape=v_shape, vertex_color=v_pen_color, edge_color=[0.179, 0.203, 0.210, edge_alpha], vertex_size=sizep, output_size=output_size, output=output, **kwargs) if color_bar: cmap = cmap.set_array([0., 2.]) cbar = f.colorbar(cmap, drawedges=False) ticks = [0, 1.0, max_color / 1] cbar.set_ticks([0., 1., 2.]) tick_labels = None non_zero_dig = 1 for digi in range(10): tick_labels = [str("{:2." + str(digi) + "f}").format(i) for i in ticks] if any([len(i.replace('.', '').replace('0', '').replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace('+', '')) > 0 for i in tick_labels]): non_zero_dig -= 1 if non_zero_dig == 0: break #var = stats.tvar(orig_color) cbar.set_label('Bias Factor', labelpad=+30) matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 40}) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(output, bbox_tight=True, dpi=dpi) plt.close('all') plt.switch_backend('Agg') if crop: if output.endswith('.pdf'): os.system('pdfcrop ' + output + ' ' + output) else: pass
# # interpolate using Lagrangian interpolation # import numpy as np from scipy import interpolate as int if '__main__' in __name__: import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.switch_backend('TkAgg') plt.ion() x = lambda n: np.linspace(-1,1,n) f = lambda x: np.cos(np.sin(np.pi*x)) xd = x(300); fd=f(xd) plt.plot(xd,fd,'k') spf = int.interp1d(x(300),fd,kind='cubic') plt.plot(xd,spf(xd),'r')
#!/usr/bin/env python """Init file for pre and post processing""" import os import matplotlib.pylab as plt # Set proper backend for the display try: os.environ["DISPLAY"] except KeyError: plt.switch_backend("Agg")
cos_anneling = (1 + math.cos(math.pi * T / self.phase2_iters)) / 2 for i in range(len(self.optimizer.param_groups)): self.optimizer.param_groups[i][ 'momentum'] = self.momentums[1] - self.mom_diff * cos_anneling return [ final_lr + (base_lr - final_lr) * cos_anneling for base_lr, final_lr in zip(self.base_lrs, self.final_lrs) ] if __name__ == "__main__": import torchvision import torch import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.switch_backend('Agg') resnet = torchvision.models.resnet34() params = {"lr": 0.01, "weight_decay": 0.001, "momentum": 0.9} optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params=resnet.parameters(), **params) epochs = 2 iters_per_epoch = 100 lrs = [] mementums = [] # lr_scheduler = OneCycle(optimizer, epochs, iters_per_epoch) lr_scheduler = Poly(optimizer, epochs, iters_per_epoch) for epoch in range(epochs): for i in range(iters_per_epoch): lr_scheduler.step(epoch=epoch)
items = d.get_items_df() skills = d.get_skills_df() items = items.join(skills, on="skill_lvl_1") concepts = items["name"].unique() sts = {} for concept in concepts: print(concept) its = list(items[items["name"] == concept].index) students = answers[answers["item"].isin(its)].groupby("student").size() students = students[students >= TRASHOLD] print(len(students)) sts[concept] = students data = pd.DataFrame(index=concepts, columns=concepts, dtype=float) for concept1 in concepts: for concept2 in concepts: count = len(set(sts[concept1]) & set(sts[concept2])) print(concept1, concept2, count) data[concept1][concept2] = count print(data) plt.switch_backend('agg') sns.heatmap(data, annot=True) plt.title("Student with {} answer in concept".format(TRASHOLD)) plt.savefig("concepts crossolving - {}.png".format(TRASHOLD))
# # calculate 2nd moments of the power spectrum for the TH and Gaussian filters # import math import numpy as np from scipy import interpolate as intp from scipy import integrate as integrate from matplotlib import pylab as plt from socket import gethostname if ( gethostname()[0:6] == 'midway' ): plt.switch_backend('TkAgg') k,Pk = np.loadtxt('matter_power_kmax10000.dat',usecols=(0,1), unpack=True) lnk = np.log(k); lk = np.log10(k) # # set relevant cosmological parameters # h = 0.7; Omega_m = 0.276; rho_mean = 2.77e11*h*h*Omega_m # in Msun/Mpc^3 lr = np.arange(-1.0,2.5,0.01) r = 10.0**lr # # set a desired grid of masses and corresponding radii # M = 4.0*math.pi*r**3*rho_mean/3.0; lM = np.log10(M) # intial P(k) cutoff scale
import collections import json import sys import os.path import matplotlib import matplotlib.pylab as pylab import numpy as np pylab.switch_backend('agg') stats_file = sys.argv[1] beg_range = int(sys.argv[2]) end_range = int(sys.argv[3]) with open(stats_file) as jsondata: statistics = json.load(jsondata) video_labels = { "67GZuUxV27w_30.000.mkv.gz": "Rooster (C**k)", "9PmzQI8ZYpg_30.000.mkv.gz": "Sewing Machine", "_A30xsFBMXA_40.000.mkv.gz": "Fire Truck", "BUGx2e7OgFE_30.000.mkv.gz": "Harmonica", "eHIlPlNWISg_90.000.mkv.gz": "Polaroid Camera", "eV5JX81GzqA_150.000.mkv.gz": "Race Car", "-OAyRsvFGgc_30.000.mkv.gz": "Electric Guitar", "rctt0dhCHxs_16.000.mkv.gz": "Tree Frog", "rTh92nlG9io_30.000.mkv.gz": "Keyboard", "-XilaFMUwng_50.000.mkv.gz": "Magpie"