def ask_color_axis_bgcolor(self, *args, **kwargs): logging.debug("clicked axis_bgcolor button") result = tkColorChooser.askcolor(parent=self.master, initialcolor=None, title="axis_bgclor") ttk.Style().configure("axis_bgcolor.TButton", background=result[1]) logging.debug("setting axis_bgcolor to chose color %s" % (repr(result))) plt.colors() self.mAxes.set_axis_bgcolor(result[1])
def model(a, D): X = [ item[0] for item in a] Y = [ item[1] for item in a] test_value = np.arange(0, np.max(Y), 0.2) test_data = np.array([ [item**i for i in range(D)] for item in test_value ]) test_data_holder = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=(test_value.shape[0], D)) lmbda_holder = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=None) x_data = np.array([ [i**j for j in range(D)] for i in X ], dtype='float64') y_data = x_data[:, 1] print("x shape = {} y shape = {}".format(x_data.shape, y_data.shape)) W = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([D, 1], -0.1, 0.1, dtype=tf.float64)) y = tf.matmul(x_data, W) y = tf.reshape(y, [-1]) test_y = tf.matmul(test_data_holder, W) # lmbda = 1 lmbda = 0 # Gradient descent loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.subtract(y, y_data))) + lmbda_holder*tf.nn.l2_loss(W) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.001) train = optimizer.minimize(loss) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: for step in range(100000):, {lmbda_holder:lmbda}) if step % 1000 == 0: print(step,[loss, W], {test_data_holder:test_data, lmbda_holder:lmbda})) loss, params, out =[loss, W, test_y], {test_data_holder:test_data, lmbda_holder:lmbda}) print(params) print(f"loss = {loss}") plt.colors() plt.scatter(X, Y) plt.plot(X, X) plt.plot(test_value, np.reshape(out, [-1]))
def plot(n, X, Decoded_X): plt.figure(figsize=(30, 30)) for i in range(n): print('original') plt.subplot(2, n, i + 1) plt.imshow(X[i].reshape(500, 500, 3)) plt.colors() plt.axis('off') print('reconstruction') plt.subplot(2, n, i + 1 + n) plt.imshow(Decoded_X[i].reshape(500, 500, 3)) plt.colors() plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout()
def subploters(): charlie = mpimg.imread('mario.png') # colormaps cmaps = set( x = [(4, 3, 1, (1, 0, 0)), (4, 3, 2, (0.5, 0.5, 0)), (4, 3, 3, (0, 1, 0)), (4, 3, 4, (0, 0.5, 0.5)), (4, 3, (5, 8), (0, 0, 1)), (4, 3, 6, (1, 1, 0)), (4, 3, 7, (0.5, 1, 0)), (4, 3, 9, (0, 0.5, 0.5)), (4, 3, 10, (0, 0.5, 1)), (4, 3, 11, (0, 1, 1)), (4, 3, 12, (0.5, 1, 1))] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5)) #fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0, left=0, top = 0.975, right=1) for nrows, ncols, plot_number, factor in x: sub = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, plot_number) sub.set_xticks([]) plt.colors() sub.imshow(charlie * 0.0002, cmap=cmaps.pop()) sub.set_yticks([])
def saveFinalPlots(self, errors_train, errors_test, sparsity_train, sparsity_test, errors_train_vector, errors_test_vector, epoch=0): #plot errors plt.figure(2, figsize=(10, 7)) plt.clf() plt.plot(np.arange(len(errors_train)), errors_train, label='train error') plt.plot(np.arange(len(errors_train)), errors_test, label='test error') plt.colors() plt.legend() plt.title('Reconstruction error convergence') plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('Reconstruction error') plt.savefig('plots/Reconstruction_errors_'+str(epoch)+'.pdf') #plot sparsity, real and non-zero plt.figure(3, figsize=(10, 7)) plt.clf() plt.plot(np.arange(len(sparsity_train)), sparsity_train, label='train error') plt.plot(np.arange(len(sparsity_test)), sparsity_test, label='test error') plt.colors() plt.legend() plt.title('Objective function error convergence') plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('E') plt.savefig('plots/Sparsity_'+str(epoch)+'.pdf') # plot reconstruction error output progression over time plt.figure(12, figsize=(10, 7)) plt.clf() image=plt.imshow(np.clip(np.asarray(errors_train_vector).T, 0, 1), interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', origin='lower') plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('Output units \n (Rank Ordered)') plt.colors() plt.colorbar(image, label='reconstruction error') plt.title('Progressive reconstruction input error convergence') plt.savefig('plots/Reconstruction_errors_vector_' + str(epoch) + '.pdf')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'fred' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import scipy.optimize from scipy.interpolate import interp1d filename = "../8)kleinzugroß.txt" # filename = "data/3)250mA.txt" # filename = "data/3)500mA.txt" # filename = "data/3)1000mA.1.txt" plotcolors = plt.colors() # def nextplotcolor(i=0): # def cs(): # while True: # while i >= len(plotcolors): # i -= len(plotcolors) # yield plotcolors[i] # i += 1 # return cs # def fitfunct(t, a, b, c, d, e): return c * np.sin(a * 2 * np.pi * t + d) * np.exp(-b * t) + e
def saveNetworkPlots(self, network, epoch=0, calc_error_surface=False): # plot weights plt.figure(4, figsize=(10, 7)) plt.clf() plt.imshow(self.reshapeWeights(network.weights), interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.axis('off') plt.colors() plt.title('Learned filters') # normalized plt.savefig('plots/Final_filters_' + str(epoch) + '.pdf') plt.pause(0.01) #plot progressive reconstruction plt.figure(5, figsize=(10, 7)) plt.clf() reconstruction = np.ascontiguousarray(network.reconstruction[:, network.output_ranks]) reconstruction[:, -1] = network.input#overwrite last one to show real image plt.imshow(self.reshapeWeights(reconstruction, normalize=False), interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.axis('off') plt.colors() plt.title('Proggressive reconstruction') plt.savefig('plots/Progressive_reconstruction_' + str(epoch) + '.pdf') #plot unit outputs plt.figure(6, figsize=(10, 7)) plt.clf() plt.imshow(self.reshapeWeights(network.weights, normalize=True, modifier=network.output.ravel()), interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.axis('off') plt.colors() plt.title('Proggressive reconstruction filters used') # normalized and possibly sorted plt.savefig('plots/Progressive_reconstruction_usedfilters_' + str(epoch) + '.pdf') #plot current input plt.figure(7, figsize=(5, 5)) plt.clf() plt.imshow(network.input.reshape(network.input_shape), interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.axis('off') plt.colors() plt.title('Current input') plt.savefig('plots/Current_input_' + str(epoch) + '.pdf') #plot reconstruction error surface over n samples if calc_error_surface: step_size = 5 error_surface = np.zeros((network.weights.shape[0]/step_size, network.weights.shape[1]/step_size)) arg_sorted_input = np.argsort(network.input, axis=1, kind='mergesort').ravel()[::-1].astype(np.int32) orig_input = np.copy(network.input) for i in range(0, error_surface.shape[0]): #drop inputs sorted_input_dropped = orig_input[:, arg_sorted_input] sorted_input_dropped[:, (i+1)*step_size:] = 0 #execute network.input[:, arg_sorted_input] = sorted_input_dropped network.execute() network.rank_output() for j in range(0, error_surface.shape[1]): #drop outputs sorted_output_dropped = np.copy(network.output_raw[:, network.output_ranks]) sorted_output_dropped[:, (j+1)*step_size:] = 0 #TAKE ABS VALUE network.output[:, network.output_ranks] = np.abs(sorted_output_dropped) #reconstruct network.reconstruct() network.input = np.copy(orig_input) error_surface[i, j]+= network.get_reconstruction_error() network.input = orig_input network.execute() network.rank_output() network.reconstruct() plt.figure(8, figsize=(10, 7)) plt.clf() plt.colors() image=plt.matshow(np.minimum(1, error_surface), fignum=8) plt.colorbar(image, label='reconstruction error') plt.ylabel('active inputs \n (rank ordered)') plt.colors() plt.title('active outputs \n (rank ordered)') plt.savefig('plots/Real_error_surface_' + str(epoch) + '.pdf') # plot histogram outputs plt.figure(9, figsize=(10, 7)) plt.clf() plt.hist(network.output[0], bins=network.output.shape[1]) plt.title('Histogram output units') plt.xlabel("Value") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.savefig('plots/Histogram_output_' + str(epoch) + '.pdf') # plot histogram outputs negative plt.figure(10, figsize=(10, 7)) plt.clf() plt.hist(network.output_raw[0], bins=network.output.shape[1]) plt.title('Histogram output units') plt.xlabel("Value") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.savefig('plots/Histogram_output_negative_' + str(epoch) + '.pdf') #plot sorted weights plt.figure(11, figsize=(10, 7)) plt.clf() weights_sorted = np.ascontiguousarray(network.weights[:, np.argsort(network.output_average)[::-1]]) plt.imshow(self.reshapeWeights(weights_sorted), interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.axis('off') plt.colors() plt.title('Learned filters sorted') plt.savefig('plots/Sorted_filters_' + str(epoch) + '.pdf')
# G.add_node("spam") # G.add_nodes_from("abc") # G.add_edge('e',1) # G.add_edge('e','spam') # G.remove_node(1) print #节点1的度 print nx.degree_histogram(G) #返回图中所有节点的度分布序列(从0至最大度的出现频次) print "num of nodes:", G.number_of_nodes() print "num of edges:", G.number_of_edges() print "nodes of graph:", G.nodes() print "edges of graph:", G.edges() print "edges of node '1' graph:", G.edges(1) print "the neighbor of node 1 is:", G.neighbors(1) a = nx.number_connected_components(G) #连通分量个数 nx.draw_networkx(G, node_size=10) plt.colors() # nx.draw(G) # plt.savefig("path.png") #将图保存为gml文件 # nx.write_gml(G, 'dataset/aaaa.gml') #networkx 中图格式类型数据的求两点间的最短路径 # path = nx.shortest_path_length(G, start, end) # 求最短路径长度
print(f"iteration {i}: loss={loss_model:.4}") print(f"W = {W}") print(f"b = {b}") TN = 100 test_education = np.full(TN, 22) test_income = np.random.randint(TN, size=test_education.shape[0]) test_income = np.sort(test_income) true_model_Y = true_y(test_education, test_income) true_sample_Y = sample(test_education, test_income) X = np.concatenate((test_education[:, np.newaxis], test_income[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1) out, _, _ = compute_loss(X, W, b) loss_model, _ = mean_square_loss(out, true_model_Y) loss_sample, _ = mean_square_loss(out, true_sample_Y) print(f"testing: loss (compare with Oracle)={loss_model:.6}") print(f"testing: loss (compare with sample)={loss_sample:.2}") plt.colors() plt.scatter(test_income, true_model_Y, alpha=0.4) plt.scatter(test_income, true_sample_Y, alpha=0.4) plt.plot(test_income, out, color="r") plt.legend(['prediction', 'true label', 'sample label'])
def plot_generations(filename, cost=None, g=None, p=None, output_constrained=['EigenValue', ['Weight', 'Lift']], outputs_plotted=['Weight', 'Velocity'], source='raw', units=['N', 'm/s'], n_generation=20, last_best=True, color_scheme='individual', optimizers=['NSGA2', 'SNOPT'], plot_type='all', output_labels=None, label_size=None, pareto=False, pareto_options={'maxX': False, 'maxY': False}): """ :param filename: name of file to read :param cost: function that calculates the cost, if not defined and 'best' used, it is the minimum value in outputs_plotted :param g: constraint function :param p: processing function(eg. convert units after constraints) :param output_constrained: Outputs that will be constrained by g :param outputs_plotted: The two outputs in the axis of the scatter plot. If only one is defined, the x axis is considered the generation :param source: 'raw' or 'processed' :param units: units to be on the scatter plots :param n_generation: number of generations :param last_best: if Trye, the last individual is the best and plot it. :param color_scheme: if 'individual', each point in the scatter plot has a unique color. If 'generation', each individual in the same generation have the same color. :optimizers: list of optimizers (works for plot_type = 'best') :param plot_type: 'all' plots all individuals and 'best' plots only the best individuals (still does not work for multiobjective). 'all and best' plots both together. 'number of evaluations' plots objective functions versus number of objective function evaluations :param output_labels: if defined, defines the labels on the plot. Otherwise the outputs_plotted are used """ # h = # Equality Constraint if g is None or output_constrained is None: process = False else: process = True if source == 'processed': pullData = open(filename).read() dataArray = pullData.split('\n') Drag = [] Weight = [] Generation = [] n_generation = max(Generation) for eachLine in dataArray: # Avoids extra lines if len(eachLine) > 1: x, y, z = eachLine.split('\t') Generation.append(x) Weight.append(y) Drag.append(z) elif source == 'raw': pullData = output_reader(filename) # Creating Generation counter pullData['Generation'] = [] RandomKey = pullData.keys()[0] # Assumes keys have items of same len if RandomKey == 'Generation': RandomKey = pullData.keys()[1] population_size = len(pullData[RandomKey]) / n_generation for i in range(population_size, len(pullData[RandomKey])+population_size): pullData['Generation'].append(i / population_size) # print pullData['Generation'], population_size # If process is True, the values that violate the constrain will be # deleted in all of the dictionaries of pullData if process: for i in range(len(pullData[RandomKey])): for j in range(len(g)): if type(output_constrained[j]) != list: if pullData[output_constrained[j]][i] is not None: if not g[j](pullData[output_constrained[j]][i]): for key in pullData: # try: pullData[key][i] = None # except: # print key elif len(output_constrained[j]) == 2: # Need to verify if values was already annuled if (pullData[output_constrained[j][0]][i] is not None and pullData[output_constrained[j][1]][i] is not None): if not g[j](pullData[output_constrained[j][0]][i], pullData[output_constrained[j][1]][i]): for key in pullData: # try: pullData[key][i] = None # except: # print key while None in pullData[RandomKey]: for key in pullData: pullData[key].remove(None) # Processing if p is not None: for k in range(len(outputs_plotted)): for i in range(len(pullData[outputs_plotted[k]])): pullData[outputs_plotted[k]][i] = p[k](pullData[outputs_plotted[k]][i]) plt.colors() generation = pullData['Generation'] x = pullData[outputs_plotted[0]] if plot_type == 'number of evaluations' and source == 'raw': x = np.array(pullData['Generation'])*population_size y = pullData[outputs_plotted[0]] plt.xlim(0.5, n_generation*population_size + 0.5) elif len(outputs_plotted) == 2: x = pullData[outputs_plotted[0]] y = pullData[outputs_plotted[1]] space = 0.02*(max(x) - min(x)) plt.xlim(min(x) - space, max(x) + space) else: x = pullData['Generation'] y = pullData[outputs_plotted[0]] plt.xlim(0.5, n_generation + 0.5) # print 'x ', x # print 'y ', y if plot_type == 'best' or plot_type == 'all and best' or ( plot_type == 'number of evaluations' and source == 'raw'): global_min = 9999. cost_list = [] generation_list = [] if cost is not None: for j in range(1, n_generation+1): current_min = 9999. for i in range(len(generation)): if generation[i] == j and y[i] < current_min: current_min = y[i] if current_min < global_min: global_min = current_min cost_list.append(global_min) generation_list.append(j) if plot_type == 'number of evaluations' and source == 'raw': plt.plot(np.array(generation_list)*population_size, cost_list, '-o') else: plt.plot(generation_list, cost_list, '-o') plt.xlim(0.5, n_generation + 0.5) if (plot_type == 'all' or plot_type == 'all and best') or ( plot_type == 'number of evaluations' and source == 'raw'): for i in range(len(x)): if color_scheme == 'generation': plt.scatter(x[i], y[i], color=((1.-float(generation[i])/n_generation, float(generation[i])/n_generation, 0, 1.))) elif color_scheme == 'individual': plt.scatter(x[i], y[i], color=((1.-float(i)/len(x), float(i)/len(x), 0, 1.))) plt.plot() if last_best: plt.scatter(x[-1], y[-1], marker='s') plt.plot() if pareto is True: p_front = pareto_frontier(x, y, maxX=pareto_options['maxX'], maxY=pareto_options['maxY']) # Then plot the Pareto frontier on top plt.plot(p_front[0], p_front[1], lw=3) plt.grid() if label_size is None: if len(outputs_plotted) == 2: if output_labels is None: if units is not None: plt.xlabel(outputs_plotted[0] + ' (' + units[0] + ')') plt.ylabel(outputs_plotted[1] + ' (' + units[1] + ')') else: plt.xlabel(outputs_plotted[0]) plt.ylabel(outputs_plotted[1]) else: if units is not None: plt.xlabel(output_labels[0] + ' (' + units[0] + ')') plt.ylabel(output_labels[1] + ' (' + units[1] + ')') else: plt.xlabel(output_labels[0]) plt.ylabel(output_labels[1]) else: plt.xlabel('Iteration number') if output_labels is None: if units is not None: plt.ylabel(outputs_plotted[0] + ' (' + units[0] + ')') else: plt.ylabel(outputs_plotted[0]) else: if units is not None: plt.ylabel(output_labels[0] + ' (' + units[0] + ')') else: plt.ylabel(output_labels[0]) else: if len(outputs_plotted) == 2: if output_labels is None: if units is not None: plt.xlabel(outputs_plotted[0] + ' (' + units[0] + ')', fontsize=label_size[0]) plt.ylabel(outputs_plotted[1] + ' (' + units[1] + ')', fontsize=label_size[1]) else: plt.xlabel(outputs_plotted[0], fontsize=label_size[0]) plt.ylabel(outputs_plotted[1], fontsize=label_size[1]) else: if units is None: plt.xlabel(output_labels[0] + ' (' + units[0] + ')', fontsize=label_size[0]) plt.ylabel(output_labels[1] + ' (' + units[1] + ')', fontsize=label_size[1]) else: plt.xlabel(output_labels[0], fontsize=label_size[0]) plt.ylabel(output_labels[1], fontsize=label_size[1]) else: if plot_type == 'number of evaluations': plt.xlabel('Number of objective function evaluations', fontsize=label_size[0]) else: plt.xlabel('Iteration number', fontsize=label_size[0]) if output_labels is None: if units is not None: plt.ylabel(outputs_plotted[0] + ' (' + units[0] + ')', fontsize=label_size[1]) else: plt.ylabel(outputs_plotted[0], fontsize=label_size[1]) else: if units is not None: plt.ylabel(output_labels[0] + ' (' + units[0] + ')', fontsize=label_size[1]) else: plt.ylabel(output_labels[0], fontsize=label_size[1])
In this case, constant values are provided for the error in both the x- and y-directions. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # example data x = np.arange(0.1, 4, 0.5) y = np.exp(-x) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.errorbar(x, y, xerr=0.2, yerr=0.4) ax.plot([0,0],[-0.25,1],'r--') print(plt.colors()) # + from imp4nb import * rnd = np.random.randint(1,200) for i in range(4): rnd = np.random.randint(1,10) time.sleep(rnd) print('睡了'+str(rnd)+'秒……') cnx = lite.connect('data\\quandan.db') df = pd.read_sql("select product.品牌名称 as 品牌, count(*) as 次数, sum(金额) as 销售额" " from xiaoshoumingxi,product" " where (product.商品全名 = xiaoshoumingxi.商品全名) group by 品牌 order by 销售额 desc",cnx) print(df['日期'].max()) print(df['日期'].min()) # print(df)
def nicv2(self, db, idList, top): start_time = time.time() idListLen = len(idList) errList = [] meanList = [] varList = [] cmd = "SELECT message, cipher, data FROM trace WHERE id = '" + str(idList[0]) + "'" db.cur.execute(cmd) one = db.cur.fetchone() tmsg, tcrypt, traw_data = one parse_data = parse_binary(str(traw_data)) points = len(parse_data) print "Points in trace:", points print "Calculating ..." #classList = [[0.0] * points]*256 tclassList = [0.0] * points tMeanList = [0.0] * points tPowerMeanList = [0.0] * points parallels = 20 #tGlobalVarlist = [[]]*parallels tGlobalVarlist = [[] for i in range(parallels)] classList = []*256 #globalVarlist = [0.0] * points globalVarlist = [] byteList = [] #classList.append([1, 2, 3]) #classList.append([1, 2, 3]) #print "Test len:", len(classList[0]), len(classList[1]) collected = 0 classCalcCount = 0 classCountNotIncluded = 0 tracesInClass = 0 #for i in range(points): for i in range(points//parallels): start_time = time.time() if collected == 0: for j in range (idListLen): err = 0 cmd = "SELECT message, data FROM trace WHERE id = '" + str(idList[j]) + "'" db.cur.execute(cmd) one = db.cur.fetchone() msg, raw_data = one try: parse_data = parse_binary(str(raw_data)) except: err = 1 errList.append(idList[j]) #print 'Error. Trace ID: ', idList[j] if err == 0: for k in range(parallels): tGlobalVarlist[k].append(parse_data[i*parallels+k]) parse_data = None byteList.append((int(msg[0:2], 16), idList[j])) if j%parallels == 0 and j != 0: print j, "traces were processed." for m in range(parallels): globalVarlist.append(numpy.var(numpy.array(tGlobalVarlist[m]))) tGlobalVarlist = None tGlobalVarlist = [[] for m in range(parallels)] collected = 1 else: for j in range (idListLen): err = 0 cmd = "SELECT message, data FROM trace WHERE id = '" + str(idList[j]) + "'" db.cur.execute(cmd) #one = db.cur.fetchone() msg, raw_data = db.cur.fetchone() msg = None try: parse_data = parse_binary(str(raw_data)) except: err = 1 if err == 0: for k in range(parallels): tGlobalVarlist[k].append(parse_data[i*parallels+k]) parse_data = None if j%20000 == 0: print j, "traces were processed." for m in range(parallels): globalVarlist.append(numpy.var(numpy.array(tGlobalVarlist[m]))) print "TEST:", len(globalVarlist) tGlobalVarlist = None tGlobalVarlist = [[] for m in range(parallels)] lenn = len(byteList) for i in range(256): tracesInClass = 0 for j in range(lenn): byte, id = byteList[j] if byte == i: cmd = "SELECT message, data FROM trace WHERE id = '" + str(id) + "'" db.cur.execute(cmd) #one = db.cur.fetchone() msg, raw_data = db.cur.fetchone() msg = None parse_data = parse_binary(str(raw_data)) for d in range(points): tMeanList[d] = tMeanList[d] + parse_data[d] tPowerMeanList[d] = tPowerMeanList[d] + parse_data[d]**2 tracesInClass = tracesInClass + 1 parse_data = None if tracesInClass > 0: for m in range(points): #tMeanList[m] = tMeanList[m]/tracesInClass tPowerMeanList[m] = tPowerMeanList[m]/tracesInClass - (tMeanList[m]/tracesInClass)**2 print "Var[E(Y|X)] for class", i, "was calculated" classList.append(tPowerMeanList) else: classCountNotIncluded = classCountNotIncluded + 1 print "Class was empty!" tMeanList = [0.0] * points tPowerMeanList = [0.0] * points print "Classes:", 256 - classCountNotIncluded for i in range(256 - classCountNotIncluded): for j in range(points): if i != 0: classList[0][j] = classList[0][j] + classList[i][j] print "Total Var[E(Y|X)] for all classes was calculated!" lenn = points//parallels*parallels for i in range(lenn): globalVarlist[i] = math.sqrt(classList[0][i]/globalVarlist[i]/lenn) print "NICV function was calculated!" print 'Execution time:', time.time() - start_time t = open("nicv", "w") for i in range(lenn): t.write(str(globalVarlist[i]) + ' ') t.close(), lenn), globalVarlist, color='g') plt.ylabel('NICV') plt.xlabel('samples') plt.colors()