コード例 #1
def get_fits(shots, dt=1):
    if plt.is_string_like(shots) and ',' in shots:
        shots = [[utc_ns(nls), utc_ns(nls) + int(dt * 1000000000)]
                 for nls in shots.split(',')]

    i_data = [
        dev.acq.getdata(sh, ichans, exceptions=exceptions) for sh in shots
    vsweep_data = [dev.acq.getdata(sh, vsweep) for sh in shots]

    ichan_names = np.array([ch.name for ch in i_data[0].channels])
    gain_used = np.array(
        [[i_dat.params[ch.name]['gain_used'] for ch in i_dat.channels]
         for i_dat in i_data])
    if gain_used.std(axis=0).sum() != 0:
        print('inconsistent gain_used')
    gain_used = gain_used[0]
    npts = len(vsweep_data[0].timebase)
    cm_part = np.array([np.sum(dat.signal, axis=1) for dat in i_data]).T / npts
    v_sum = np.array([float(np.sum(vdat.signal))
                      for vdat in vsweep_data]) / npts

    fits = [np.polyfit(v_sum, cm, 1, full=True) for cm in cm_part]
    if len(fits[0][1]) == 0:
        res = [None for fit in fits]
        res = np.array([
            np.sqrt(fit[1][0] / len(shots)) / np.max(np.abs(cm_part))
            for fit in fits

    return (dict(fits=[fit[0] for fit in fits],
コード例 #2
ファイル: tracpy_class.py プロジェクト: simon-msl/tracpy
    def prepare_for_model_step(self, tind, nc, flag, xend, yend, zend, j, nsubstep, T0):
        Already in a step, get ready to actually do step

        xstart = xend[:,j*self.N]
        ystart = yend[:,j*self.N]
        zstart = zend[:,j*self.N]

        # mask out drifters that have exited the domain
        xstart = np.ma.masked_where(flag[:]==1,xstart)
        ystart = np.ma.masked_where(flag[:]==1,ystart)
        zstart = np.ma.masked_where(flag[:]==1,zstart)
        if T0 is not None:
            T0 = np.ma.masked_where(flag[:]==1,T0)

        # Move previous new time step to old time step info
        self.uf[:,:,:,0] = self.uf[:,:,:,1].copy()
        self.vf[:,:,:,0] = self.vf[:,:,:,1].copy()
        self.dzt[:,:,:,0] = self.dzt[:,:,:,1].copy()
        self.zrt[:,:,:,0] = self.zrt[:,:,:,1].copy()
        self.zwt[:,:,:,0] = self.zwt[:,:,:,1].copy()

        # Read stuff in for next time loop
        if is_string_like(self.z0): # isoslice case
            self.uf[:,:,:,1],self.vf[:,:,:,1],self.dzt[:,:,:,1],self.zrt[:,:,:,1],self.zwt[:,:,:,1] = tracpy.inout.readfields(tind, self.grid, nc, self.z0, self.zpar, zparuv=self.zparuv)
        else: # 3d case
            self.uf[:,:,:,1],self.vf[:,:,:,1],self.dzt[:,:,:,1],self.zrt[:,:,:,1],self.zwt[:,:,:,1] = tracpy.inout.readfields(tind, self.grid, nc)

        # Find the fluxes of the immediately bounding range for the desired time step, which can be less than 1 model output
        # SHOULD THIS BE PART OF SELF TOO? Leave uf and vf as is, though, because they may be used for interpolating the
        # input fluxes for substeps.
        ufsub = np.ones(self.uf.shape)*np.nan
        vfsub = np.ones(self.vf.shape)*np.nan
        # for earlier bounding flux info
        rp = nsubstep/self.nsubsteps # weighting for later time step
        rm = 1 - rp # timing for earlier time step
        ufsub[:,:,:,0] = rm*self.uf[:,:,:,0] + rp*self.uf[:,:,:,1]
        vfsub[:,:,:,0] = rm*self.vf[:,:,:,0] + rp*self.vf[:,:,:,1]
        # for later bounding flux info
        rp = (nsubstep+1)/self.nsubsteps # weighting for later time step
        rm = 1 - rp # timing for earlier time step
        ufsub[:,:,:,1] = rm*self.uf[:,:,:,0] + rp*self.uf[:,:,:,1]
        vfsub[:,:,:,1] = rm*self.vf[:,:,:,0] + rp*self.vf[:,:,:,1]

        # Change the horizontal indices from python to fortran indexing 
        # (vertical are zero-based in tracmass)
        xstart, ystart = tracpy.tools.convert_indices('py2f',xstart,ystart)

        return xstart, ystart, zstart, ufsub, vfsub, T0
コード例 #3
ファイル: tracpy_class.py プロジェクト: gijs/tracpy
    def prepare_for_model_run(self, date, lon0, lat0):
        Get everything ready so that we can get to the simulation.

        # Convert date to number
        date = netCDF.date2num(date, self.time_units)

        # Figure out what files will be used for this tracking
        nc, tinds = tracpy.inout.setupROMSfiles(self.currents_filename, date, self.ff, self.tout, tstride=self.tstride)

        # Read in grid parameters into dictionary, grid, if haven't already
        if self.grid is None:

        # If dostream==1, do transport calculations and initialize to an empty array
        if self.U is None and self.dostream:
            self.U = np.ma.zeros(grid['xu'].shape, order='F')
            self.V = np.ma.zeros(grid['xv'].shape, order='F')

        # Interpolate to get starting positions in grid space
        if self.usespherical: # convert from assumed input lon/lat coord locations to grid space
            xstart0, ystart0, _ = tracpy.tools.interpolate2d(lon0, lat0, self.grid, 'd_ll2ij')
        else: # assume input seed locations are in projected/idealized space and change to index space
            xstart0, ystart0, _ = tracpy.tools.interpolate2d(lon0, lat0, self.grid, 'd_xy2ij')
        # Do z a little lower down

        # Initialize seed locations 
        ia = np.ceil(xstart0)
        ja = np.ceil(ystart0)

        # don't use nan's
        # pdb.set_trace()
        ind2 = ~np.isnan(ia) * ~np.isnan(ja)
        ia = ia[ind2]
        ja = ja[ind2]
        xstart0 = xstart0[ind2]
        ystart0 = ystart0[ind2]

        dates = nc.variables['ocean_time'][:]   
        t0save = dates[tinds[0]] # time at start of drifter test from file in seconds since 1970-01-01, add this on at the end since it is big

        # Initialize drifter grid positions and indices
        xend = np.ones((ia.size,(len(tinds)-1)*self.N+1))*np.nan
        yend = np.ones((ia.size,(len(tinds)-1)*self.N+1))*np.nan
        zend = np.ones((ia.size,(len(tinds)-1)*self.N+1))*np.nan
        zp = np.ones((ia.size,(len(tinds)-1)*self.N+1))*np.nan
        ttend = np.zeros((ia.size,(len(tinds)-1)*self.N+1))
        flag = np.zeros((ia.size),dtype=np.int) # initialize all exit flags for in the domain

        # Initialize vertical stuff and fluxes
        # Read initial field in - to 'new' variable since will be moved
        # at the beginning of the time loop ahead
        lx = self.grid['xr'].shape[0]
        ly = self.grid['xr'].shape[1]
        lk = self.grid['sc_r'].size
        if is_string_like(self.z0): # isoslice case
            # Now that we have the grid, initialize the info for the two bounding model 
            # steps using the grid size
            self.uf = np.asfortranarray(np.ones((lx-1, ly, lk-1, 2)))*np.nan
            self.vf = np.asfortranarray(np.ones((lx, ly-1, lk-1, 2)))*np.nan
            self.dzt = np.asfortranarray(np.ones((lx, ly, lk-1, 2)))*np.nan
            self.zrt = np.asfortranarray(np.ones((lx, ly, lk-1, 2)))*np.nan
            self.zwt = np.asfortranarray(np.ones((lx, ly, lk, 2)))*np.nan
            self.uf[:,:,:,1], self.vf[:,:,:,1], \
                self.dzt[:,:,:,1], self.zrt[:,:,:,1], \
                self.zwt[:,:,:,1] = tracpy.inout.readfields(tinds[0], self.grid, nc, self.z0, self.zpar, zparuv=self.zparuv)

        else: # 3d case
            # Now that we have the grid, initialize the info for the two bounding model 
            # steps using the grid size
            self.uf = np.asfortranarray(np.ones((lx-1, ly, lk-1, 2)))*np.nan
            self.vf = np.asfortranarray(np.ones((lx, ly-1, lk-1, 2)))*np.nan
            self.dzt = np.asfortranarray(np.ones((lx, ly, lk-1, 2)))*np.nan
            self.zrt = np.asfortranarray(np.ones((lx, ly, lk-1, 2)))*np.nan
            self.zwt = np.asfortranarray(np.ones((lx, ly, lk, 2)))*np.nan
            self.uf[:,:,:,1], self.vf[:,:,:,1], \
                self.dzt[:,:,:,1], self.zrt[:,:,:,1], \
                self.zwt[:,:,:,1] = tracpy.inout.readfields(tinds[0], self.grid, nc)

        ## Find zstart0 and ka
        # The k indices and z grid ratios should be on a wflux vertical grid,
        # which goes from 0 to km since the vertical velocities are defined
        # at the vertical cell edges. A drifter's grid cell is vertically bounded
        # above by the kth level and below by the (k-1)th level
        if is_string_like(self.z0): # then doing a 2d isoslice
            # there is only one vertical grid cell, but with two vertically-
            # bounding edges, 0 and 1, so the initial ka value is 1 for all
            # isoslice drifters.
            ka = np.ones(ia.size) 

            # for s level isoslice, place drifters vertically at the center 
            # of the grid cell since that is where the u/v flux info is from.
            # For a rho/temp/density isoslice, we treat it the same way, such
            # that the u/v flux info taken at a specific rho/temp/density value
            # is treated as being at the center of the grid cells vertically.
            zstart0 = np.ones(ia.size)*0.5

        else:   # 3d case
            # Convert initial real space vertical locations to grid space
            # first find indices of grid cells vertically
            ka = np.ones(ia.size)*np.nan
            zstart0 = np.ones(ia.size)*np.nan

            if self.zpar == 'fromMSL':
                print 'zpar==''fromMSL'' not implemented yet...'
            #     for i in xrange(ia.size):
            #         # pdb.set_trace()
            #         ind = (self.grid['zwt0'][ia[i],ja[i],:]<=self.z0[i])
            #         # check to make sure there is at least one true value, so the z0 is shallower than the seabed
            #         if np.sum(ind): 
            #             ka[i] = find(ind)[-1] # find value that is just shallower than starting vertical position
            #         # if the drifter starting vertical location is too deep for the x,y location, complain about it
            #         else:  # Maybe make this nan or something later
            #             print 'drifter vertical starting location is too deep for its x,y location. Try again.'
            #         if (self.z0[i] != self.grid['zwt0'][ia[i],ja[i],ka[i]]) and (ka[i] != self.grid['km']): # check this
            #             ka[i] = ka[i]+1
            #         # Then find the vertical relative position in the grid cell by adding on the bit of grid cell
            #         zstart0[i] = ka[i] - abs(self.z0[i]-self.grid['zwt0'][ia[i],ja[i],ka[i]]) \
            #                             /abs(self.grid['zwt0'][ia[i],ja[i],ka[i]-1]-self.grid['zwt0'][ia[i],ja[i],ka[i]])
            elif self.zpar == 'fromZeta':
                # In this case, the starting z values of the drifters are found in grid space as z0 below
                # the z surface for each drifter
                for i in xrange(ia.size):
                    ind = (self.zwt[ia[i],ja[i],:,1]<=self.z0[i])
                    ka[i] = find(ind)[-1] # find value that is just shallower than starting vertical position
                    if (self.z0[i] != self.zwt[ia[i],ja[i],ka[i],1]) and (ka[i] != self.grid['km']): # check this
                        ka[i] = ka[i]+1
                    # Then find the vertical relative position in the grid cell by adding on the bit of grid cell
                    zstart0[i] = ka[i] - abs(self.z0[i]-self.zwt[ia[i],ja[i],ka[i],1]) \

        # Find initial cell depths to concatenate to beginning of drifter tracks later
        zsave = tracpy.tools.interpolate3d(xstart0, ystart0, zstart0, self.zwt[:,:,:,1])

        # Initialize x,y,z with initial seeded positions
        xend[:,0] = xstart0
        yend[:,0] = ystart0
        zend[:,0] = zstart0

        return tinds, nc, t0save, xend, yend, zend, zp, ttend, flag
コード例 #4
ファイル: DA_datamining.py プロジェクト: bdb112/pyfusion
    def extract(self, dictionary=False, varnames=None, inds=None, limit=None, strict=0, masked=1, debug=0):
        """ extract the listed variables into the dictionary (local by default)
        selecting those at indices <inds> (all be default
        variables must be strings, either an array, or separated by commas

        if the dictionary is False, return them in a tuple instead
        Note: returning a list requires you to make the order consistent

        if varnames is None - extract all.

        e.g. if da is a dictionary or arrays
        da = DA('mydata.npz')

        (shot,beta,n_e) = da.extract(['shot','beta','n_e'], \
        # makes a tuple of 3 arrays of data for high beta.  
        Note   syntax of where()! It is evaluted in your variable space.
               to extract one var, need trailing "," (tuple notation) e.g.
                    (allbeta,) = D54.extract('beta',locals())
               which can be abbreviated to
                    allbeta, = D54.extract('beta',locals())
        start_mem = report_mem(msg="extract")
        if debug == 0:
            debug = self.debug
        if varnames is None:
            varnames = self.da.keys()  # all variables

        if plt.is_string_like(varnames):
            varlist = varnames.split(",")
            varlist = varnames
        val_tuple = ()

        if inds is None:
            inds = np.arange(self.len)
        if len(np.shape(inds)) == 2:
            inds = inds[0]  # trick to catch when you forget [0] on where

        if limit != None and len(inds) > abs(limit):
            if limit < 0:
                np.random.seed(0)  # if positive, should be random
                # negative will repeat the sequence

            print("decimating from sample of {n} and".format(n=len(inds))),
            ir = np.where(np.random.random(len(inds)) < float(abs(limit)) / len(inds))[0]
            inds = inds[ir]

        if len(inds) < 500:
            print("*** {n} is a very small number to extract????".format(n=len(inds)))

        if self.verbose > 0:
            print("extracting a sample of {n} ".format(n=len(inds)))

        for k in varlist:
            if k in self.da:  # be careful that self keys is up to date!
                # this is normally OK if you use self.update
                debug_(debug, key="extract")
                # used to refer to da[k] twice - two reads if npz
                # if masking is enabled and it is a legitimate key for masking, use the masked version
                if masked and hasattr(self, "masked") and k in self.masked.keys():
                    print("extracting masked values for {k} - use masked=0 to get raw values".format(k=k))
                    dak = self.masked[k]
                    dak = self.da[k]  # We know we want it - let's
                    #   hope space is not wasted
                if hasattr(dak, "keys"):  # used to be self.da[k]
                    allvals = dak
                    allvals = np.array(dak)

                if len(np.shape(allvals)) == 0:
                    sel_vals = allvals
                    if (len(np.shape(allvals)) > 0) and (len(allvals) < np.max(inds)):
                        print("{k} does not match the size of the other arrays - extracting all".format(k=k))
                        sel_vals = allvals
                        sel_vals = allvals[inds]
                if dictionary is False:
                    val_tuple += (sel_vals,)
                    dictionary.update({k: sel_vals})
                print("variable {k} not found in {ks}".format(k=k, ks=np.sort(self.da.keys())))
        if dictionary is False:
            return val_tuple