コード例 #1
def get_statistics_from_txt(path, ground_truth, benchmark_name, height, width,
                            scale_factor, mrf_factor, min_val_disp,
                            max_val_disp, occlusion):

    benchmark_path = path + 'benchmarks/'
    basename = os.path.splitext(benchmark_name)[0]

    # read the map to be evaluated
    arr_final_disparity = np.loadtxt(benchmark_path + benchmark_name,
    arr_final_disparity = abs(arr_final_disparity)
    w = arr_final_disparity.shape[1]
    width_scale = float(w) / width

    im = img.fromarray(arr_final_disparity)
    im = im.resize((width, height), img.NEAREST)
    arr_final_disparity = np.asarray(im, dtype=float)

    arr_final_disparity = arr_final_disparity / (mrf_factor * width_scale)
    arr_final_disparity[:, 0:occlusion] = 0
    rms, rate = evaluate_disparity(arr_final_disparity, ground_truth)

    arr_final_disparity[(arr_final_disparity == 0).nonzero()] = 'nan'
    plt.plot_array('Final disparity map (' + basename + ')',
                   arr_final_disparity, min_val_disp, max_val_disp,
                   benchmark_path + 'maps/' + basename)

    return rms, rate
コード例 #2
def get_statistics_from_image(path, ground_truth, benchmark_name, height,
                              width, scale_factor, mrf_factor, min_val_disp,
                              max_val_disp, occlusion):

    benchmark_path = path + 'benchmarks/'
    basename = os.path.splitext(benchmark_name)[0]

    # read found disparity map by one of benchmarks
    arr_final_disparity_img = img.open(benchmark_path + benchmark_name)
    img_w, img_h = arr_final_disparity_img.size
    width_scale = float(img_w) / width

    arr_final_disparity_img = arr_final_disparity_img.resize((width, height),
    arr_final_disparity = np.asarray(arr_final_disparity_img, dtype=float)

    # disparity maps from MRF software need to be rescaled (see the scaling factor in the MRF output)
    arr_final_disparity = arr_final_disparity / (mrf_factor * width_scale)
    arr_final_disparity[:, 0:occlusion] = 0

    rms, rate = evaluate_disparity(arr_final_disparity, ground_truth)

    arr_final_disparity[(arr_final_disparity == 0).nonzero()] = 'nan'
    plt.plot_array('Final disparity map (' + basename + ')',
                   arr_final_disparity, min_val_disp, max_val_disp,
                   benchmark_path + 'maps/' + basename)

    return rms, rate
コード例 #3
def get_statistics(path, scale_factor, disparity, min_val_disp, max_val_disp,

    # size of disparity maps that need to be anlysed
    width = disparity.shape[1]
    height = disparity.shape[0]

    # format of the benchmark entry:
    #  < local name of the disparity file >
    #  < MRF factor > WARNING maps from the MRF methods need to be rescaled (see the factor in the output)

    benchmarks = (('BM.dat', 1), ('BP-M.png', 4), ('BP-S.png', 4),
                  ('BP.dat', 1), ('CSBP.dat', 1), ('Expansion.png', 4),
                  ('ICM.png', 4), ('phase-based.dat',
                                   1), ('Swap.png', 4), ('TRW-S.png', 4))

    # dictionary: name of the method -> RMS error, percentage of found values
    statistics_output = {}

    # get the ground-truth map of the pre-defined size with the proper scaling
    ground_truth = get_ground_truth_map(path, scale_factor, width, height)

    # evaluate disparity estimated by the current method
    disparity = np.nan_to_num(disparity)
    rms, rate = get_statistics_current_disparity(path, ground_truth, disparity,
                                                 min_val_disp, max_val_disp)

    statistics_output['Current'] = (rms, rate)

    # evaluate maps given by other techniques
    for b in benchmarks:

        ext = os.path.splitext(b[0])[1][1:]
        mrf_factor = b[1]

        rms = 0.0
        rate = 0.0

        if ext == 'png':
            rms, rate = get_statistics_from_image(path, ground_truth, b[0],
                                                  height, width, scale_factor,
                                                  mrf_factor, min_val_disp,
                                                  max_val_disp, occlusion)

        elif ext == 'dat':
            rms, rate = get_statistics_from_txt(path, ground_truth, b[0],
                                                height, width, scale_factor,
                                                mrf_factor, min_val_disp,
                                                max_val_disp, occlusion)

        basename = os.path.splitext(b[0])[0]
        statistics_output[basename] = (rms, rate)

    ground_truth[(ground_truth == 0).nonzero()] = 'nan'
    plt.plot_array('Ground truth', ground_truth, min_val_disp, max_val_disp,
                   path + 'benchmarks/' + 'maps/' + './ground-truth')

    return statistics_output
コード例 #4
def get_statistics_current_disparity(path, ground_truth, disparity, min_val_disp, max_val_disp):

  benchmark_path = path + 'benchmarks/'
  rms, rate = evaluate_disparity(disparity, ground_truth)  
  disparity[ (disparity == 0).nonzero() ] = 'nan'
  plt.plot_array('Current disparity map', disparity, min_val_disp, max_val_disp, benchmark_path + 'maps/' + 'current-method')
  return rms, rate
コード例 #5
def get_statistics_current_disparity(path, ground_truth, disparity,
                                     min_val_disp, max_val_disp):

    benchmark_path = path + 'benchmarks/'

    rms, rate = evaluate_disparity(disparity, ground_truth)
    disparity[(disparity == 0).nonzero()] = 'nan'

    plt.plot_array('Current disparity map', disparity, min_val_disp,
                   max_val_disp, benchmark_path + 'maps/' + 'current-method')

    return rms, rate
コード例 #6
def get_statistics(path, scale_factor, disparity, min_val_disp, max_val_disp, occlusion):

  # size of disparity maps that need to be anlysed
  width = disparity.shape[1]
  height = disparity.shape[0]

  # format of the benchmark entry:
  #  < local name of the disparity file >
  #  < MRF factor > WARNING maps from the MRF methods need to be rescaled (see the factor in the output)

  benchmarks = ( ('BM.dat', 1), ('BP-M.png', 4), ('BP-S.png', 4), ('BP.dat', 1),
                 ('CSBP.dat', 1), ('Expansion.png', 4), ('ICM.png', 4), ('phase-based.dat', 1),
                 ('Swap.png', 4), ('TRW-S.png', 4)

  # dictionary: name of the method -> RMS error, percentage of found values
  statistics_output = {}

  # get the ground-truth map of the pre-defined size with the proper scaling
  ground_truth = get_ground_truth_map(path, scale_factor, width, height)

  # evaluate disparity estimated by the current method
  disparity = np.nan_to_num(disparity)
  rms, rate = get_statistics_current_disparity(path, ground_truth, disparity, min_val_disp, max_val_disp)
  statistics_output['Current'] = (rms,rate)

  # evaluate maps given by other techniques
  for b in benchmarks:
    ext = os.path.splitext(b[0])[1][1:]
    mrf_factor = b[1]
    rms = 0.0
    rate = 0.0
    if ext == 'png':
      rms, rate = get_statistics_from_image(path, ground_truth, b[0], height, width, scale_factor, mrf_factor, min_val_disp, max_val_disp, occlusion)
    elif ext == 'dat':
      rms, rate = get_statistics_from_txt(path, ground_truth, b[0], height, width, scale_factor, mrf_factor, min_val_disp, max_val_disp, occlusion)
    basename = os.path.splitext(b[0])[0]
    statistics_output[basename] = (rms,rate)

  ground_truth[ (ground_truth == 0).nonzero() ] = 'nan'  
  plt.plot_array('Ground truth', ground_truth, min_val_disp, max_val_disp, path + 'benchmarks/' + 'maps/' + './ground-truth')

  return statistics_output
コード例 #7
def get_statistics_from_image(path, ground_truth, benchmark_name, height, width, scale_factor, mrf_factor, min_val_disp, max_val_disp, occlusion):

  benchmark_path = path + 'benchmarks/'
  basename = os.path.splitext(benchmark_name)[0]
  # read found disparity map by one of benchmarks
  arr_final_disparity_img = img.open(benchmark_path + benchmark_name)
  img_w, img_h = arr_final_disparity_img.size
  width_scale = float(img_w) / width
  arr_final_disparity_img = arr_final_disparity_img.resize((width, height), img.NEAREST) 
  arr_final_disparity = np.asarray(arr_final_disparity_img, dtype=float)

  # disparity maps from MRF software need to be rescaled (see the scaling factor in the MRF output)
  arr_final_disparity = arr_final_disparity / (mrf_factor*width_scale)
  arr_final_disparity[:,0:occlusion] = 0
  rms, rate = evaluate_disparity(arr_final_disparity, ground_truth)
  arr_final_disparity[ (arr_final_disparity == 0).nonzero() ] = 'nan'
  plt.plot_array('Final disparity map (' + basename + ')', arr_final_disparity, min_val_disp, max_val_disp, benchmark_path + 'maps/' + basename)
  return rms, rate
コード例 #8
def get_statistics_from_txt(path, ground_truth, benchmark_name, height, width, scale_factor, mrf_factor, min_val_disp, max_val_disp, occlusion):

  benchmark_path = path + 'benchmarks/'
  basename = os.path.splitext(benchmark_name)[0]
  # read the map to be evaluated
  arr_final_disparity = np.loadtxt(benchmark_path + benchmark_name, dtype=float)
  arr_final_disparity = abs(arr_final_disparity)
  w = arr_final_disparity.shape[1]
  width_scale = float(w) / width
  im = img.fromarray(arr_final_disparity)
  im = im.resize((width, height), img.NEAREST)
  arr_final_disparity = np.asarray(im, dtype=float)
  arr_final_disparity = arr_final_disparity / (mrf_factor*width_scale)
  arr_final_disparity[:,0:occlusion] = 0
  rms, rate = evaluate_disparity(arr_final_disparity, ground_truth)
  arr_final_disparity[ (arr_final_disparity == 0).nonzero() ] = 'nan'  
  plt.plot_array('Final disparity map (' + basename + ')', arr_final_disparity, min_val_disp, max_val_disp, benchmark_path + 'maps/' + basename)
  return rms, rate