def plot_on( self, ax: plt.axis, draw_legend: bool = True, legend_inside: bool = True, legend_kwargs: dict = {}, yaxis_scale=1.3, hide_labels: bool = False, ) -> plt.axis: for component in self.components: if == 'point': ax.errorbar(,,,, label=component.label, color=component.color,, marker=component.marker, ) elif == 'box':, 2 *, width=2 *, -, label=component.label, color=component.color, alpha=0.5) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Options: point|box. If you require a new kind of plot, report a feature request" ) if not hide_labels: ax.set_xlabel(self.variable.x_label, plot_style.xlabel_pos) ax.set_ylabel(self.variable.y_label, plot_style.ylabel_pos) if draw_legend: if legend_inside: ax.legend(frameon=False, **legend_kwargs) ylims = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(ylims[0], yaxis_scale * ylims[1]) else: ax.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), **legend_kwargs) return ax
def get_auto_ylims(ax: plt.axis, hMC, *, hdata=None, log_y=False, yaxis_scale='auto' ) -> Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]: """Return the minimum and maximum values for the y axis. If yaxis_scale is 'auto', get a value such that the histogram stays in bounds of the plot, and the legend does not overlap with the histogram. """ ylims = ax.get_ylim() ymin = ylims[0] if yaxis_scale == 'auto': if not isinstance(hMC[0], float): hMC = hMC[-1] labelFraction = 1 / 4 legendFraction = 1 / 3 maxBelowLabel = max(hMC[:len(hMC) * 2 // 3]) maxBelowLegend = max(hMC[len(hMC) * 2 // 3:]) if hdata is not None: maxBelowLabel = max(maxBelowLabel, max(hdata[:len(hdata) * 2 // 3])) maxBelowLegend = max(maxBelowLegend, max(hdata[len(hdata) * 2 // 3:])) if log_y: ymax = max(maxBelowLabel**(1 / (1 - labelFraction)), maxBelowLegend**(1 / (1 - legendFraction))) else: ymax = max(maxBelowLabel / (1 - labelFraction), maxBelowLegend / (1 - legendFraction)) else: if log_y: ymax = ylims[1]**yaxis_scale else: ymax = ylims[1] * yaxis_scale return ymin, ymax
def set_inset_spectrum(axis: plt.axis, data: np.ndarray, current_index: int, peak_collection: PeakCollection) -> plt.axis: axis.plot(data) # Show intensity spectrum axis = plot_peaks(axis=axis, collection=peak_collection) # Show peaks y_bot, y_top = axis.get_ylim() text_height = y_bot + 0.6 * (y_top - y_bot) # Data coordinates _margin = 50 x_lim = [ max(0, current_index - _margin), min(len(data) - 1, current_index + _margin) ] # Plot clusters # for cluster in peak_collection.get_clusters: # bound_left, bound_right = cluster.get_value_slice # if bound_right > x_lim[0] or bound_left < x_lim[1]: # axis.axvspan(bound_left, bound_right, alpha=0.5, color='green') # if x_lim[0] < cluster.get_avg_x < x_lim[1]: # axis.text(x=cluster.get_avg_x, y=text_height, s=r'$\tilde{m}$'+f'={cluster.get_transverse_mode_id}') axis.axvline(x=current_index, color='r') axis.set_xlim(x_lim) return axis
def plot_on(self, ax: plt.axis, ylabel="Events", draw_legend=True, legend_inside=True, hide_labels: bool = False): bin_edges, bin_mids, bin_width = self._get_bin_edges() self._bin_edges = bin_edges self._bin_mids = bin_mids self._bin_width = bin_width ax.hist( x=[ for comp in self._mc_components['stacked']], bins=bin_edges, weights=[comp.weights for comp in self._mc_components['stacked']], stacked=True, edgecolor="black", lw=0.3, color=[comp.color for comp in self._mc_components['stacked']], label=[comp.label for comp in self._mc_components['stacked']], histtype='stepfilled') if not hide_labels: ax.set_xlabel(self._variable.x_label, plot_style.xlabel_pos) y_label = self._get_y_label(False, bin_width, ylabel) ax.set_ylabel(y_label, plot_style.ylabel_pos) if draw_legend: if legend_inside: ax.legend(frameon=False) ylims = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(ylims[0], 1.4 * ylims[1]) else: ax.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) return ax
def plot_on( self, ax1: plt.axis, ax2, style="stacked", ylabel="Events", sum_color=plot_style.KITColors.kit_purple, draw_legend: bool = True, legend_inside: bool = True, ): bin_edges, bin_mids, bin_width = self._get_bin_edges() self._bin_edges = bin_edges self._bin_mids = bin_mids self._bin_width = bin_width sum_w = np.sum(np.array([ binned_statistic(, comp.weights, statistic="sum", bins=bin_edges)[0] for comp in self._mc_components["MC"] ]), axis=0) sum_w2 = np.sum(np.array([ binned_statistic(, comp.weights**2, statistic="sum", bins=bin_edges)[0] for comp in self._mc_components["MC"] ]), axis=0) hdata, _ = np.histogram(, bins=bin_edges) if style.lower() == "stacked": ax1.hist( x=[ for comp in self._mc_components['MC']], bins=bin_edges, weights=[comp.weights for comp in self._mc_components['MC']], stacked=True, edgecolor="black", lw=0.3, color=[comp.color for comp in self._mc_components['MC']], label=[comp.label for comp in self._mc_components['MC']], histtype='stepfilled'), height=2 * np.sqrt(sum_w2), width=self.bin_width, bottom=sum_w - np.sqrt(sum_w2), color="black", hatch="///////", fill=False, lw=0, label="MC stat. unc.") if style.lower() == "summed":, height=2 * np.sqrt(sum_w2), width=self.bin_width, bottom=sum_w - np.sqrt(sum_w2), color=sum_color, lw=0, label="MC") ax1.errorbar(x=bin_mids, y=hdata, yerr=np.sqrt(hdata), ls="", marker=".", color="black", label=self._data_component.label) y_label = self._get_y_label(False, bin_width, evts_or_cand=ylabel) # ax1.legend(loc=0, bbox_to_anchor=(1,1)) ax1.set_ylabel(y_label, plot_style.ylabel_pos) if draw_legend: if legend_inside: ax1.legend(frameon=False) ylims = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.set_ylim(ylims[0], 1.4 * ylims[1]) else: ax1.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) ax2.set_ylabel(r"$\frac{\mathrm{Data - MC}}{\mathrm{Data}}$") ax2.set_xlabel(self._variable.x_label, plot_style.xlabel_pos) ax2.set_ylim((-1, 1)) try: uhdata = unp.uarray(hdata, np.sqrt(hdata)) uhmc = unp.uarray(sum_w, np.sqrt(sum_w2)) ratio = (uhdata - uhmc) / uhdata ax2.axhline(y=0, color=plot_style.KITColors.dark_grey, alpha=0.8) ax2.errorbar(bin_mids, unp.nominal_values(ratio), yerr=unp.std_devs(ratio), ls="", marker=".", color=plot_style.KITColors.kit_black) except ZeroDivisionError: ax2.axhline(y=0, color=plot_style.KITColors.dark_grey, alpha=0.8) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.08)
def plot_on(self, ax: plt.axis, draw_legend: bool = True, legend_inside: bool = True, yaxis_scale=1.3, normed: bool = False, ylabel="Events", hide_labels: bool = False) -> plt.axis: """ Plots the component on a given matplotlib.pyplot.axis :param ax: matplotlib.pyplot.axis where the histograms will be drawn on. :param draw_legend: Draw legend on axis if True. :param normed: If true the histograms are normalized. :return: matplotlib.pyplot.axis with histogram drawn on it """ bin_edges, bin_mids, bin_width = self._get_bin_edges() self._bin_edges = bin_edges self._bin_mids = bin_mids self._bin_width = bin_width for component in self._mc_components['single']: if component.histtype == 'stepfilled': alpha = 0.6 edge_color = 'black' else: edge_color = None alpha = 1.0 ax.hist(, bins=bin_edges, density=normed, weights=component.weights, histtype=component.histtype, label=component.label, edgecolor=edge_color if edge_color is not None else component.color, alpha=alpha, lw=1.5,, color=component.color) if not hide_labels: ax.set_xlabel(self._variable.x_label, plot_style.xlabel_pos) y_label = self._get_y_label(normed=normed, bin_width=bin_width, evts_or_cand=ylabel) ax.set_ylabel(y_label, plot_style.ylabel_pos) if draw_legend: if legend_inside: ax.legend(frameon=False) ylims = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(ylims[0], yaxis_scale * ylims[1]) else: ax.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) return ax