def set_arbitrary_ticks(ax,axis,events,index1,index2,fontsize=10,fontname='sans'): """ if an axis is using an unknown scale or we just with to use the data to scale the axis """ buff = 0.02 formatter = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) formatter.set_scientific(True) formatter.set_powerlimits((-3,3)) ## handle data edge buffers if axis in ['x','both']: bufferX = buff * (events[:,index1].max() - events[:,index1].min()) ax.set_xlim([events[:,index1].min()-bufferX,events[:,index1].max()+bufferX]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) if axis in ['y','both']: bufferY = buff * (events[:,index2].max() - events[:,index2].min()) ax.set_ylim([events[:,index2].min()-bufferY,events[:,index2].max()+bufferY]) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) if axis in ['x','both']: for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(fontsize-2) tick.label.set_fontname(fontname) if axis in ['y','both']: for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(fontsize-2) tick.label.set_fontname(fontname)
def age_vs_plot(track, infile, ycol='logl', ax=None, annotate=True, xlabels=True, save_plot=True, ylabels=True): agb_mix = infile.agb_mix set_name = infile.set_name if ycol == 'logl': ydata= track.get_col('L_star') majL = MultipleLocator(.2) minL = MultipleLocator(.1) ylab = '$\log\ L_{\odot}$' elif ycol == 'logt': ydata = track.get_col('T_star') majL = MultipleLocator(.1) minL = MultipleLocator(.05) ylab = '$\log\ Te$' elif ycol == 'C/O': ydata = track.get_col('CO') majL = MaxNLocator(4) minL = MaxNLocator(2) ylab = '$C/O$' else: print 'logl, logt, C/O only choices for y.' return age = track.get_col('ageyr') addpt = track.addpt Qs = list(track.Qs) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(age, ydata, color='black') ax.plot(age[Qs], ydata[Qs], 'o', color='green') if len(addpt) > 0: ax.plot(age[addpt], ydata[addpt], 'o', color='purple') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(majL) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(minL) majorFormatter = ScalarFormatter() majorFormatter.set_powerlimits((-3, 4)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) if annotate is True: ax.text(0.06, 0.87, '${\\rm %s}$' % agb_mix.replace('_', '\ '), transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.06, 0.77,'${\\rm %s}$' % set_name.replace('_', '\ '), transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.06, 0.67, '$M=%.2f$' % track.mass, transform=ax.transAxes) if ylabels is True: ax.set_ylabel('$%s$' % ylab, fontsize=20) if xlabels is True: ax.set_xlabel('$\rm{Age (yr)}$', fontsize=20) if save_plot is True: plotpath = os.path.join(infile.diagnostic_dir, 'age_v/') fileIO.ensure_dir(plotpath) fname = os.path.split([1].replace('.dat', '') fig_name = os.path.join(plotpath, '_'.join(('diag', fname))) plt.savefig('%s_age_v.png' % fig_name, dpi=300) plt.close() return
def quickPlot(filename, path, datalist, xlabel="x", ylabel="y", xrange=["auto", "auto"], yrange=["auto", "auto"], yscale="linear", xscale="linear", col=["r", "b"]): """Plots Data to .pdf File in Plots Folder Using matplotlib""" if "plots" not in os.listdir(path): os.mkdir(os.path.join(path, "plots")) coltab = col*10 seaborn.set_context("notebook", rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.0}) formatter = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) formatter.set_scientific(True) formatter.set_powerlimits((-2, 3)) fig = Figure(figsize=(6, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for i, ydata in enumerate(datalist[1:]): ax.plot(datalist[0], ydata, c=coltab[i]) ax.set_title(filename) ax.set_yscale(yscale) ax.set_xscale(xscale) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if xrange[0] != "auto": ax.set_xlim(xmin=xrange[0]) if xrange[1] != "auto": ax.set_xlim(xmax=xrange[1]) if yrange[0] != "auto": ax.set_ylim(ymin=yrange[0]) if yrange[1] != "auto": ax.set_ylim(ymax=yrange[1]) if yscale == "linear": ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) canvas = FigureCanvasPdf(fig) canvas.print_figure(os.path.join(path, "plots", filename+".pdf")) return
def funcPlotEnd(fig, ax, theme, width, height, x_showTicks=True, x_showTickLabels=True, y_showTicks=True, y_showTickLabels=True, drawAxis=True, showGrid=True): """ set some layout options """ if not x_showTicks: ax.set_xticks([]) if not x_showTickLabels: ax.set_xticklabels([]) else: xfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) xfmt.set_powerlimits((-2,3)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xfmt) if not y_showTicks: ax.set_yticks([]) if not y_showTickLabels: ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.grid(showGrid, which="both", color=theme.getGridColor(), linestyle="-") ax.patch.set_facecolor(theme.getBackgroundColor()) if drawAxis: axisColor = theme.getGridColor() else: axisColor = theme.getBackgroundColor() ax.spines["bottom"].set_color(axisColor) ax.spines["top"].set_color(axisColor) ax.spines["right"].set_color(axisColor) ax.spines["left"].set_color(axisColor) ax.tick_params(axis="x", colors=theme.getGridColor(), which="both", labelsize=theme.getFontSize()) ax.tick_params(axis="y", colors=theme.getGridColor(), which="both", labelsize=theme.getFontSize()) ax.xaxis.label.set_color(theme.getFontColor()) ax.yaxis.label.set_color(theme.getFontColor()) [x_ticklabel.set_color(theme.getFontColor()) for x_ticklabel in ax.get_xticklabels()] [y_ticklabel.set_color(theme.getFontColor()) for y_ticklabel in ax.get_yticklabels()] fig.set_size_inches(width, height)
def __init__(self, ndec=None, useOffset=True, useMathText=False): ScalarFormatter.__init__(self, useOffset, useMathText) if ndec is None or ndec < 0: self.format = None elif ndec == 0: self.format = "%d" else: self.format = "%%1.%if" % ndec
class AbsFormatter(object): def __init__(self, useMathText=True): self._fmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=useMathText, useOffset=False) self._fmt.create_dummy_axis() def __call__(self, direction, factor, values): self._fmt.set_locs(values) return [self._fmt(abs(v)) for v in values]
def get_colorbar_formatter(varname): if varname in ["STFL", "STFA"]: return None else: # format the colorbar tick labels sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits((-3, 3)) return sfmt
def scale(args): dataset_name = args.get('dataset') scale = args.get('scale') scale = [float(component) for component in scale.split(',')] variable = args.get('variable') if variable.endswith('_anom'): variable = variable[0:-5] anom = True else: anom = False variable = variable.split(',') with open_dataset(get_dataset_url(dataset_name)) as dataset: variable_unit = get_variable_unit(dataset_name, dataset.variables[variable[0]]) variable_name = get_variable_name(dataset_name, dataset.variables[variable[0]]) if variable_unit.startswith("Kelvin"): variable_unit = "Celsius" if anom: cmap = colormap.colormaps['anomaly'] variable_name = gettext("%s Anomaly") % variable_name else: cmap = colormap.find_colormap(variable_name) if len(variable) == 2: if not anom: cmap = colormap.colormaps.get('speed') variable_name = re.sub( r"(?i)( x | y |zonal |meridional |northward |eastward )", " ", variable_name) variable_name = re.sub(r" +", " ", variable_name) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2, 5), dpi=75) ax = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.25, 0.9]) norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=scale[0], vmax=scale[1]) formatter = ScalarFormatter() formatter.set_powerlimits((-3, 4)) bar = ColorbarBase(ax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, orientation='vertical', format=formatter) bar.set_label("%s (%s)" % (variable_name.title(), utils.mathtext(variable_unit))) buf = StringIO() try: plt.savefig(buf, format='png', dpi='figure', transparent=False, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) plt.close(fig) return buf.getvalue() finally: buf.close()
def setAxes(ax): globalAxesSettings(ax) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(2)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(2)) f = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) f.set_scientific(True) f.set_powerlimits((0, 3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(f)
def plot_comparison_hydrographs(basin_name_to_out_indices_map, rea_config=None, gcm_config=None): """ :type basin_name_to_out_indices_map: dict """ assert isinstance(rea_config, RunConfig) assert isinstance(gcm_config, RunConfig) assert hasattr(rea_config, "data_daily") assert hasattr(gcm_config, "data_daily") bname_to_indices = OrderedDict([item for item in sorted(basin_name_to_out_indices_map.items(), key=lambda item: item[1][1], reverse=True)]) print(bname_to_indices) plot_utils.apply_plot_params(font_size=12, width_pt=None, width_cm=25, height_cm=12) fig = plt.figure() ncols = 3 nrows = len(bname_to_indices) // ncols + int(len(bname_to_indices) % ncols != 0) gs = GridSpec(nrows, ncols) ax_last = None for pl_index, (bname, (i, j)) in enumerate(bname_to_indices.items()): row = pl_index // ncols col = pl_index % ncols ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) ax.plot(rea_config.data_daily[0], rea_config.data_daily[1][:, i, j], color="b", lw=2, label=rea_config.label) ax.plot(gcm_config.data_daily[0], gcm_config.data_daily[1][:, i, j], color="r", lw=2, label=gcm_config.label) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MonthLocator(bymonthday=15)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda d, pos: num2date(d).strftime("%b")[0])) plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), visible=False) ax.grid() sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits([-2, 2]) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round,pad=0.3", fc="cyan", ec="b", lw=1, alpha=0.5) ax.annotate(bname, (0.9, 0.1), xycoords="axes fraction", bbox=bbox_props, zorder=10, alpha=0.5, horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="bottom") ax_last = ax ax_last.legend(loc="upper right", bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.2), borderaxespad=0, ncol=2) img_file = img_folder.joinpath("bfe_hydrographs.eps") with"wb") as f: fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(f, bbox_inches="tight", format="eps")
def plotResults(a1, a2, b1, b2, fname, ofname): #read data from csv file print('Reading data from csv file...') a = np.genfromtxt(fname, delimiter=';') noRows = a.shape[0] noCols = a.shape[1] a = a[0:noRows, 0:(noCols-1)] deltaX = a2-a1 deltaY = b2-b1 stepX = deltaX / (noRows) stepY = deltaY / (noCols-1) print('done.') print('Preparing plot...') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3), dpi=500) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') X = np.arange(a1, a2, stepX) Y = np.arange(b1, b2, stepY) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) Z = a vMax=Z.max() vMin=Z.min() vMax=vMax+0.1*abs(vMax) vMin=vMin-0.1*abs(vMin) surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.Greys_r, linewidth=0, antialiased=True, vmin=vMin, vmax=vMax) zAxisFormatter = ScalarFormatter() zAxisFormatter.set_scientific(True) zAxisFormatter.set_powerlimits((0, 1)) #ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(zAxisFormatter) print('Drawing...') fontSize=8 #set fontsize on plot ax.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=fontSize) ax.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=fontSize) ax.zaxis.set_rotate_label(False) ax.set_zlabel('u(x,y)', fontsize=fontSize, rotation=90) ax.view_init(27, 35) t = ax.zaxis.get_offset_text() t.set_size(fontSize-2) #t.set_position((0,0)) t.set_rotation(45) t.set_verticalalignment('center') #t.set_z(0) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=fontSize) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=fontSize) plt.setp(ax.get_zticklabels(), fontsize=fontSize) plt.legend() cbar=fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.75, aspect=15) plt.savefig(filename=ofname, format='eps') plt.close()
def tick_formatter(powerlimits=None): try: from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter except ImportError: raise (MatplotlibUnavailableError("Matplotlib is required but unavailable on your system.")) except RuntimeError: raise (MatplotlibDisplayError("Matplotlib unable to open display")) if powerlimits is None: powerlimits = (3, 3) formatter = ScalarFormatter() formatter.set_powerlimits(powerlimits) return formatter
def show_slice_overlay(self, x_range, y_range, x, slice_y_data, y, slice_x_data): """sum along x and z within the box defined by qX- and qZrange. sum along qx is plotted to the right of the data, sum along qz is plotted below the data. Transparent white rectangle is overlaid on data to show summing region""" from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter, ScalarFormatter if self.fig == None: print ("No figure for this dataset is available") return fig = self.fig ax = extent = if fig.slice_overlay == None: fig.slice_overlay = ax.fill( [x_range[0], x_range[1], x_range[1], x_range[0]], [y_range[0], y_range[0], y_range[1], y_range[1]], fc="white", alpha=0.3, )[2], extent[3]) else: fig.slice_overlay[0].xy = [ (x_range[0], y_range[0]), (x_range[1], y_range[0]), (x_range[1], y_range[1]), (x_range[0], y_range[1]), ] default_fmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) default_fmt.set_powerlimits((-2, 4))"%.2g"))[0], x[-1]), slice_y_data)"right")"%.2g"))[0], y[-1]), y) fig.canvas.draw()
def __init__(self, figure, x_label='', y_label=''): """ Initializes a _plot_list, which contains plot_data. Keyword arguments: figure -- The matplotlib figure to which the plots are added. x_label -- The x-axis label to use for all plots (default: '') y_label -- The y-axis label to use for all plots (default: '') """ self.x_label = x_label self.y_label = y_label self.figure = figure self.sub_plots = [] # set default formatter for the time being frmt = ScalarFormatter(useOffset = True) frmt.set_powerlimits((-3,3)) frmt.set_scientific(True) self.default_formatter = (frmt, frmt)
def plot_learn_zips_summary(name,control_zip,learn_zips,vals,skip_rows=0,png=False,num_mins=3): _,control = read_zip(control_zip,skip_rows=skip_rows) baseline = 1 scale = baseline/numpy.mean(control) figsize = (5,2.5) pylab.figure(figsize=figsize,dpi=300) means = [] for learn_zip in learn_zips: _,learn = read_zip(learn_zip,skip_rows=skip_rows) means.append(numpy.mean(learn)*scale) sorted_means = list(means) sorted_means.sort() min_means_loc = [vals[means.index(sorted_means[i])] for i in range(num_mins)] ax = pylab.axes((0.18,0.2,0.8,0.7)) fmt = ScalarFormatter() fmt.set_powerlimits((-3,4)) fmt.set_scientific(True) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(float(vals[1])-float(vals[0]))) pylab.plot(vals,means,color='k',linewidth=2) pylab.plot(min_means_loc,sorted_means[:num_mins],'o',markerfacecolor='None') pylab.plot(min_means_loc[0],sorted_means[0],'ko') pylab.axhline(baseline,linestyle='--',linewidth=1,color='k') pylab.ylabel('Mean relative error\n(learning vs. analytic)\n\n',ha='center') pylab.xlabel(name) pylab.axis('tight') if png: if not os.path.exists('png'): os.mkdir('png') pylab.savefig('png/'+learn_zips[0].split('-')[0]+'-summary.png',figsize=figsize,dpi=600) else:
def _plot_soil_hydraulic_conductivity(ax, basemap, x, y, field, title="", cmap=None): ax.set_title(title) if cmap is not None: levels = np.linspace(field.min(), field.max(), cmap.N + 1) levels = np.round(levels, decimals=6) bn = BoundaryNorm(levels, cmap.N) im = basemap.pcolormesh(x, y, field, ax=ax, cmap=cmap, norm = bn) fmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) fmt.set_powerlimits([-2, 3]) cb = basemap.colorbar(im, ticks=levels, format=fmt) cax = cax.yaxis.get_offset_text().set_position((-3, 5)) else: im = basemap.pcolormesh(x, y, field, ax=ax) basemap.colorbar(im, format="%.1f")
def CreatePlot(self): #just sample plot, it will be replaced with real one after you load some data formatter = ScalarFormatter() formatter.set_scientific(True) formatter.set_powerlimits((0,0)) self.figure = Figure() self.figure.set_facecolor('white') self.figure.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.3, left=0.25) self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) self.axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) self.axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) x = np.arange(0,6,.01) y = np.sin(x**2)*np.exp(-x) self.axes.plot(x,y, ls = 'dotted',label = "This is just a sample plot and it will be replaced with\nthe real plot once when you load some data...") self.setScales() handles, labels = self.axes.get_legend_handles_labels() self.axes.legend(handles[::-1], labels[::-1], fancybox=True) frame=self.axes.get_frame() frame.set_alpha(0.4) self.canvas = FigCanvas(self.plotPanel, wx.ID_ANY, self.figure) #jako bitna stavka return 1
def run(self): """ computation """ (name, nameA, nameB, labelA, labelB, stat_1, stat_2, correlation, theme) = self.getParams() plt.ioff() def funcHexBin(ax): gridsize = correlation["Binning"]["Grid Size"] frequencies = correlation["Binning"]["Absolute Frequencies"] max = correlation["Binning"]["Max Frequency"] offsets = correlation["Binning"]["Offsets"] paths = correlation["Binning"]["Paths"] x_min = stat_1["Location"]["Min"] x_max = stat_1["Location"]["Max"] y_min = stat_2["Location"]["Min"] y_max = stat_2["Location"]["Max"] for i in range(len(frequencies)): color = Theme.RGBA2RGB( theme.getPlotColor(), math.log(frequencies[i]+1,10)/math.log(max+1,10), theme.getBackgroundColor() ) path = paths.transformed(mpl.transforms.Affine2D().translate( offsets[i][0], offsets[i][1] )) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch( path, facecolor = color, linestyle = "solid", linewidth = 0 )) ax.set_xlim([x_min, x_max]) ax.set_ylim([y_min, y_max]) ax.set_xlabel(labelA) ax.set_ylabel(labelB) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel(nameB) ax2.set_yticks([]) ax3 = ax.twiny() ax3.set_xlabel(nameA) ax3.set_xticks([]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() funcHexBin(ax) xfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) xfmt.set_powerlimits((-1,1)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xfmt) yfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) yfmt.set_powerlimits((-1,1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yfmt) fig.set_size_inches(4, 3.75) return name, fig, "scatter." + nameA + " - " + nameB )
def _polish(self,f): # Handle properties of axes directly #a = plt.gca() # Current set of axes formatter_scalar = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=True,useMathText=False) formatter_scalar.set_powerlimits((-3,3)) formatter_log = LogFormatterMathtext(base=10.0,labelOnlyBase=False) # Neaten axes formatters for ax in f.get_axes(): if not isinstance(ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter(),NullFormatter): if ax.xaxis.get_scale() == "log": ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=[1.0], numdecs=1)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter_log) else: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter_scalar) if not isinstance(ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter(),NullFormatter): if ax.yaxis.get_scale() == "log": ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=[1.0], numdecs=1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter_log) #ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=[10], numdecs=1)) # why is this necessary? else: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter_scalar)
def update_ticks(self, draw_canvas=True): xMajorFormatter = ScalarFormatter() yMajorFormatter = ScalarFormatter() xMajorFormatter.set_powerlimits((-3,4)) yMajorFormatter.set_powerlimits((-3,4)) xaxis=self.axes.get_xaxis() yaxis=self.axes.get_yaxis() xaxis.set_major_formatter(xMajorFormatter) yaxis.set_major_formatter(yMajorFormatter) if self.plot.x_majorticks_enable: xMajorLocator = MaxNLocator(self.plot.x_majorticks_maxn) xaxis.set_major_locator(xMajorLocator) else: xaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) if self.plot.y_majorticks_enable: yMajorLocator = MaxNLocator(self.plot.y_majorticks_maxn) yaxis.set_major_locator(yMajorLocator) else: yaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) if self.plot.x_minorticks_enable: xMinorLocator = MaxNLocator(self.plot.x_minorticks_maxn) xaxis.set_minor_locator(xMinorLocator) else: xaxis.set_minor_locator(NullLocator()) if self.plot.y_minorticks_enable: yMinorLocator = MaxNLocator(self.plot.y_minorticks_maxn) yaxis.set_minor_locator(yMinorLocator) else: yaxis.set_minor_locator(NullLocator()) self.update_margins(draw_canvas=False) if draw_canvas: self.canvas.draw()
def __init__(self, diagnostics, filename, ntMax=0, nPlot=1): ''' Constructor ''' # matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True) matplotlib.rc('font', family='sans-serif', size='22') self.prefix = filename self.ntMax = diagnostics.nt if self.ntMax > ntMax and ntMax > 0: self.ntMax = ntMax self.nPlot = nPlot self.diagnostics = diagnostics = np.zeros(self.ntMax+1) self.helicity = np.zeros(self.ntMax+1) self.magnetic = np.zeros(self.ntMax+1) self.potential = np.zeros(self.ntMax+1) print("") for i in range(0, self.ntMax+1): print("Reading timestep %5i" % (i)) self.diagnostics.read_from_hdf5(i) self.diagnostics.update_invariants(i) if self.diagnostics.plot_energy: [i] = else: [i] = self.diagnostics.E_error if self.diagnostics.plot_helicity: self.helicity[i] = self.diagnostics.helicity else: self.helicity[i] = self.diagnostics.H_error if self.diagnostics.plot_magnetic: self.magnetic[i] = self.diagnostics.magnetic else: self.magnetic[i] = self.diagnostics.M_error if self.diagnostics.inertial_mhd: if self.diagnostics.plot_L2_X: self.potential[i] = self.diagnostics.L2_X else: self.potential[i] = self.diagnostics.L2_X_error else: if self.diagnostics.plot_L2_A: self.potential[i] = self.diagnostics.L2_A else: self.potential[i] = self.diagnostics.L2_A_error # set up tick formatter majorFormatter = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False, useMathText=True) ## -> limit to 1.1f precision majorFormatter.set_powerlimits((-1,+1)) majorFormatter.set_scientific(True) # set up figure for energy plot self.figure1 = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(16,4)) # set up plot margins plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.25, wspace=0.2) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.9, bottom=0.25) axesE = plt.subplot(1,1,1) axesE.plot(self.diagnostics.tGrid[0:ntMax+1:self.nPlot],[0:ntMax+1:self.nPlot]) axesE.set_xlabel('$t$', labelpad=15, fontsize=26) axesE.set_xlim(self.diagnostics.tGrid[0], self.diagnostics.tGrid[ntMax]) if self.diagnostics.plot_energy: axesE.set_ylabel('$E (t)$', labelpad=15, fontsize=26) else: axesE.set_ylabel('$(E (t) - E (0)) / E (0)$', labelpad=15, fontsize=26) axesE.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.075, 0.5) axesE.yaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) for tick in axesE.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(12) for tick in axesE.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(8) plt.draw() filename = self.prefix + str('_energy_%06d' % self.ntMax) + '.png' plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300) filename = self.prefix + str('_energy_%06d' % self.ntMax) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(filename) # set up figure for helicity plot self.figure2 = plt.figure(num=2, figsize=(16,4)) # set up plot margins plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.25, wspace=0.2) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.9, bottom=0.25) axesH = plt.subplot(1,1,1) axesH.plot(self.diagnostics.tGrid[0:ntMax+1:self.nPlot], self.helicity[0:ntMax+1:self.nPlot]) axesH.set_xlim(self.diagnostics.tGrid[0], self.diagnostics.tGrid[ntMax]) axesH.set_xlabel('$t$', labelpad=15, fontsize=26) if self.diagnostics.plot_helicity: axesH.set_ylabel('$C_{\mathrm{CH}} (t)$', labelpad=15, fontsize=24) axesH.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.075, 0.5) else: axesH.set_ylabel('$(C_{\mathrm{CH}} (t) - C_{\mathrm{CH}} (0)) / C_{\mathrm{CH}} (0)$', labelpad=15, fontsize=24) axesH.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.075, 0.38) axesH.yaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) for tick in axesH.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(12) for tick in axesH.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(8) plt.draw() filename = self.prefix + str('_c_helicity_%06d' % self.ntMax) + '.png' plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300) filename = self.prefix + str('_c_helicity_%06d' % self.ntMax) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(filename) # set up figure for helicity plot self.figure3 = plt.figure(num=3, figsize=(16,4)) # set up plot margins plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.25, wspace=0.2) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.9, bottom=0.25) axesM = plt.subplot(1,1,1) axesM.plot(self.diagnostics.tGrid[0:ntMax+1:self.nPlot], self.magnetic[0:ntMax+1:self.nPlot]) axesM.set_xlabel('$t$', labelpad=15, fontsize=26) axesM.set_xlim(self.diagnostics.tGrid[0], self.diagnostics.tGrid[ntMax]) if self.diagnostics.plot_magnetic: axesM.set_ylabel('$C_{\mathrm{MH}} (t)$', labelpad=15, fontsize=24) axesM.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.075, 0.5) else: axesM.set_ylabel('$(C_{\mathrm{MH}} (t) - C_{\mathrm{MH}} (0)) / C_{\mathrm{MH}} (0)$', labelpad=15, fontsize=24) axesM.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.075, 0.38) axesM.yaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) for tick in axesM.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(12) for tick in axesM.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(8) plt.draw() filename = self.prefix + str('_m_helicity_%06d' % self.ntMax) + '.png' plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300) filename = self.prefix + str('_m_helicity_%06d' % self.ntMax) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(filename) # set up figure for potential plot self.figure4 = plt.figure(num=4, figsize=(16,4)) # set up plot margins plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.25, wspace=0.2) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.9, bottom=0.25) axesL = plt.subplot(1,1,1) axesL.plot(self.diagnostics.tGrid[0:ntMax+1:self.nPlot], self.potential[0:ntMax+1:self.nPlot]) axesL.set_xlabel('$t$', labelpad=15, fontsize=26) axesL.set_xlim(self.diagnostics.tGrid[0], self.diagnostics.tGrid[ntMax]) if self.diagnostics.inertial_mhd: if self.diagnostics.plot_L2_X: axesL.set_ylabel('$C_{L^2} (t)$', labelpad=15, fontsize=24) axesL.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.075, 0.5) else: axesL.set_ylabel('$(C_{L^2} (t) - C_{L^2} (0)) / C_{L^2} (0)$', labelpad=15, fontsize=24) axesL.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.075, 0.4) else: if self.diagnostics.plot_L2_A: axesL.set_ylabel('$C_{L^2} (t)$', labelpad=15, fontsize=24) axesL.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.075, 0.5) else: axesL.set_ylabel('$(C_{L^2} (t) - C_{L^2} (0)) / C_{L^2} (0)$', labelpad=15, fontsize=24) axesL.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.075, 0.4) axesL.yaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) for tick in axesL.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(12) for tick in axesL.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(8) plt.draw() filename = self.prefix + str('_l2_psi_%06d' % self.ntMax) + '.png' plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300) filename = self.prefix + str('_l2_psi_%06d' % self.ntMax) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(filename)
def create_graph(graphs): import matplotlib if graphs[-1].output: # disables screen requirement for plotting # must be called before importing matplotlib.pyplot matplotlib.use('Agg') else: # sets backend to qt4 # required for python2 matplotlib.rcParams['backend'] = 'Qt5Agg' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import PercentFormatter, ScalarFormatter # set global fontsize if any if Graph.fontsize[1]: plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': Graph.fontsize[0]}) # TODO: override individual font settings if Graph.label_fontsize[1] is False: Graph.xlabel_fontsize = (None, False) Graph.ylabel_fontsize = (None, False) if Graph.tick_fontsize[1] is False: Graph.xtick_fontsize = (None, False) Graph.ytick_fontsize = (None, False) # make = (val, flag) just val Graph.remove_global_flags() # create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(Graph.figsize)) # iterate over graphs array for graph in graphs: if x = np.arange(len(graph.xcol)) + graph.offset, graph.ycol, align='center', label=graph.legend, color=graph.color, width=graph.width) plt.xticks(x, graph.xcol) elif graph.barh: x = np.arange(len(graph.xcol)) ax.barh(x + graph.offset, graph.ycol, align='center', label=graph.legend, color=graph.color, height=graph.width) plt.yticks(x, graph.xcol) elif graph.hist or graph.hist_perc: bins = graph.bins if bins is None and graph.bin_size is None: # default: one bin for each bins = int((graph.ycol.max() - graph.ycol.min())) elif graph.bin_size: _min, _max, _bin = graph.ycol.min(), graph.ycol.max(), graph.bin_size bins = np.arange(_min - (_min % _bin), _max + (_bin - (_max % _bin)), _bin) weights = np.ones_like(graph.ycol) if graph.hist_perc: weights = weights * 100.0 / len(graph.ycol) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(PercentFormatter(xmax=100, decimals=1)) ax.hist(graph.ycol, bins=bins, weights=weights) else: l = ax.plot(graph.xcol, graph.ycol, label=graph.legend, marker=graph.marker, color=graph.color,, linewidth=graph.width, markersize=graph.markersize)[0] if not graph.timeseries: yformat = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False, useMathText=True) xformat = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False, useMathText=True) yformat.set_powerlimits(Graph.exponent_range) xformat.set_powerlimits(Graph.exponent_range) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yformat) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xformat) if graph.fill: ax.fill_between(graph.xcol, graph.ycol, alpha=0.1, color=l.get_color()) if graph.output: apply_globals(plt, ax, graphs) plt.savefig(graph.output) elif graph == graphs[-1]: apply_globals(plt, ax, graphs)
data[algorithm] = dict() if not core in data[algorithm]: data[algorithm][core] = dict() if not depth in data[algorithm][core]: data[algorithm][core][depth] = list() data[algorithm][core][depth].append(duration) return (data, depth_set, core_set) outputfile = sys.argv[1] data_set, depth_set, core_set = get_dataset(outputfile) runtime_results = dict() for depth_val in sorted(depth_set.keys()): print "Results for " + str(depth_val) + " depth" ax = plt.gca() formatter = ScalarFormatter() formatter.set_scientific(False) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) color = iter(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, 10))) marker = iter([ "\\", "/", "\\", "/", "\\", "/", "\\", "/", "\\", "/", "\\", "/", "\\", "/", "\\", "/", "\\", "/", "\\", "/" ]) m = next(marker) c = next(color) core_vals = sorted(core_set.keys()) num_cores = len(core_set.keys()) num_algorithms = len(data_set.keys()) bar_width = 1.0 / float(num_algorithms + 1) indices = np.arange(num_cores) runtime_cnt = 0
# Fixing random state for reproducibility np.random.seed(19680801) fig, ax = plt.subplots() years = np.arange(2004, 2009) box_colors = [(0.8, 0.2, 0.2), (0.2, 0.8, 0.2), (0.2, 0.2, 0.8), (0.7, 0.5, 0.8), (0.3, 0.8, 0.7), ] heights = np.random.random(years.shape) * 7000 + 3000 fmt = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) for year, h, bc in zip(years, heights, box_colors): bbox0 = Bbox.from_extents(year - 0.4, 0., year + 0.4, h) bbox = TransformedBbox(bbox0, ax.transData) rb_patch = RibbonBoxImage(bbox, bc, interpolation="bicubic") ax.add_artist(rb_patch) ax.annotate(r"%d" % (int(h/100.)*100), (year, h), va="bottom", ha="center") patch_gradient = BboxImage(ax.bbox, interpolation="bicubic", zorder=0.1) gradient = np.zeros((2, 2, 4)) gradient[:, :, :3] = [1, 1, 0.]
def __init__(self, useMathText=True): self._fmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=useMathText, useOffset=False) self._fmt.create_dummy_axis()
def plot_all(data, graph_title, y_axis_label, graph_filename, is_port_data, max_y): """ Create a graph from the data given. Each element in the data represents a subplot in the graph. The graph will be titled with the param: graph_title and label the y axis with the param: y axis label. Finally, it will be saved as a png file named with the param: graph_filename. """ #how many rows and columns to use for the subplots dimension = generate_subplot_dimension(len(data)) #generate the subplots. The figsize is the width and height of the whole graph in inches fig, axlist = plt.subplots(dimension[0], dimension[1], figsize=(dimension[1] * 4, dimension[0] * 4)) #the original axlist is a list of lists. This coverts it to just a list axlist = axlist.flatten() #check that there aren't going to be any empty subplots difference = (dimension[0] * dimension[1]) - len(data) #if there are empty subplots, reduce the number of subplots for _ in range(difference, 0, -1): fig.delaxes(axlist[0]) #update the ax list in case we deleted some subplots axlist = fig.axes #dont use scientific notation y_formatter = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False) y_formatter.set_scientific(False) i = 0 for d in data: #get a subplot to draw in ax = axlist[i] #set y axis to not use scientific notation ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) ax.set_xlabel("Time (sec)") #The y label gets split into lines of 40 characters for readability ax.set_ylabel("\n".join(wrap(y_axis_label, 40))) ax.set_title("Attempt {:03d}".format(i)) #Get the length of a random list in the data (they should all be #the same length) and create the x axis tick labels based on this x_axis = create_x_axis_tick_labels(len(d.itervalues().next())) #Finally, draw the plot if is_port_data: #set y axis bounds and pad the top ax.set_ylim([0, max_y + (max_y * 0.01)]) ax.stackplot(x_axis, d.values(), labels=d.keys(), colors=COLOURS) else: j = 0 for key in d.iterkeys(): x_axis = create_x_axis_tick_labels(len(d.get(key))) colour = COLOURS[j] if MASTER_HOSTNAME not in d: colour = COLOURS[j + 1] ax.plot(x_axis, d.get(key), label=key, color=colour) j += 1 i += 1 #The title gets split into lines of 80 characters for readability title = plt.suptitle("\n".join(wrap(graph_title, 80))) legend = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, -0.4), ncol=4, loc="lower center") #ensures that none of the subplots are overlapping plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.95]) fig.savefig(graph_filename, dpi=300, bbox_extra_artists=( title, legend, ), bbox_inches='tight')
def hist1d_oneset(label='', dolog=True, val='mvir', lims=[], binnum=20, binsize=0, types=[]): # new version of mass_spec function # label is the name of the data set (eg 30dor, pcc, etc.) # val is the input from the label_physprop_add.txt columns # global deltav, avgbeam, dist, freq, axes # deltav = dvkms * / u.s # avgbeam = beam * u.arcsec # dist = distpc * u.pc # freq = fghz * u.GHz # sanity check on label if label == '': label = str( input('No label [dataset_line] given, enter name to continue: ')) # default types is all of them, can be specified to only put a few # loop below catches types not consistent with parameters if len(types) == 0: types = ['trunks', 'branches', 'leaves', 'clusters'] else: for t in types: if t not in ['trunks', 'branches', 'leaves', 'clusters']: print( 'Type \'{}\' not recognized from default types, exiting...' .format(t)) return else: continue # makes directory in which plots will be created if it doesn't already exist if os.path.isdir('../prophists') == 0: os.mkdir('../prophists') # formatting parameters params = {'text.usetex': False, 'mathtext.fontset': 'stixsans'} plt.rcParams.update(params) # read in data if os.path.isfile('../props/' + label + '_physprop_add.txt'): pcat ='../props/' + label + '_physprop_add.txt', format='ascii.ecsv') else: pcat ='../props/' + label + '_physprop.txt', format='ascii.ecsv') # get indicies of types idc = [0, 0, 0, 0] for i, typ in enumerate(types): with open('../props/' + label + '_' + typ + '.txt', 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ') a = zip(*reader) idc[i] = map(int, a[0]) # data flattening pltdata = [] for i in range(len(types)): data = pcat[val][idc[i]] xdata = np.log10(data[data > 0]) pltdata.append(xdata) # limit and bin size determination if len(lims) == 0: limvals = [item for sublist in pltdata for item in sublist] limmin = np.around(np.nanmin(limvals), 2) limmax = np.around(np.nanmax(limvals), 2) elif len(lims) == 1: print('Only one limit ({}) specified, exiting...'.format(lims[0])) return else: if len(lims) > 2: print('Only first two limits will be used') limmin = lims[0] limmax = lims[1] if binsize == 0: limdif = limmax - limmin optsize = np.around(limdif / binnum, 3) # choosing logic, presets are arbitrary but work well for 30dor and pcc if (optsize < .01): binsize = .01 elif (.01 <= optsize < .025): binsize = .02 elif (.025 <= optsize < .06): binsize = .04 elif (.06 <= optsize < .09): binsize = .08 elif (.09 <= optsize < .15): binsize = .1 elif (.15 <= optsize < .25): binsize = .2 elif (.25 <= optsize < .6): binsize = .4 elif (.6 <= optsize < .9): binsize = .8 elif (.9 <= optsize): binsize = 1 # bin spacing, extra space for clarity binlist = np.arange((limmin - 2 * binsize), (limmax + 2 * binsize), binsize) # plotting section fig, axes = plt.subplots() n, bins, patches = axes.hist(pltdata, binlist, normed=0, log=dolog, histtype='bar', label=types, rwidth=.8) # changes y-axis to linear for small distributions (looks much cleaner) nummax = max([np.max(o) for o in n]) if (nummax < 14): plt.cla() n, bins, patches = axes.hist(pltdata, binlist, normed=0, log=0, histtype='bar', label=types, rwidth=.8) axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(FixedLocator(binlist[1::2] + binsize / 2)) axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(binlist[0::2] + binsize / 2)) axes.tick_params(labelsize=6) axes.set_xlabel('log ' + val + ' [' + str(pcat[val].unit) + ']') axes.set_ylabel('Number of objects binned') axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) plt.title('{0}_{1}'.format(label, val)) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize='medium') plt.savefig('../prophists/' + label + '_' + val + '_hist.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() print('Plot created successfully for {0}_{1}'.format(label, val)) return
def generate_plot(partial_quota, number_of_instances, f, a0, a1, tmp_y2, tmp_x, tmp_y, blocks_x, start_point, Xtics, yearly_quota, x_start, finished, User_t, System_t, y_start2, y_end2, beginning_dt, nutzergraph, fig, x_end, Data, filter_n, months): if filter_n: f.suptitle(str(filter_n), fontweight="bold") else: f.suptitle(str(Data[0]['Account'])[2:-1], fontweight="bold") global daily_eff_days global daily_eff_eff fmt = "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M" # standard format for Dates, year month, day, hour, minute myFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%b %y') nothing = mdates.DateFormatter(' ') monthly_cputime = [] monthly_used = [] effarray = [] tmp_y2.append(tmp_y[-1]) if partial_quota: #### drawing of the quota#### for i in range(0, number_of_instances ): # not possible for the last area, hence skipping it. col = colorization( D_.find_y_from_given_time( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(blocks_x[i * 2 + 1]), tmp_x, tmp_y) - D_.find_y_from_given_time( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(blocks_x[i * 2]), tmp_x, tmp_y), partial_quota) coordinates_x = (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(blocks_x[i * 2]), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(blocks_x[i * 2]), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(blocks_x[i * 2 + 1])) coordinates_y = [ tmp_y2[i * 2], tmp_y2[i * 2 + 1], tmp_y2[i * 2 + 1] ] a0.fill_between(coordinates_x, 0, coordinates_y, color=col, alpha=0.99) monthly_cputime.append(tmp_y2[i * 2 + 1] - tmp_y2[i * 2]) value1 = D_.find_y_from_given_time( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(blocks_x[-1]), tmp_x, tmp_y) value2 = D_.find_y_from_given_time( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(blocks_x[-2]), tmp_x, tmp_y) col = colorization(value1 - value2, partial_quota) coordinates_x = (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(blocks_x[-2]), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(blocks_x[-2]), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(blocks_x[-1])) coordinates_y = (value2, value2 + partial_quota, value2 + partial_quota) a0.fill_between(coordinates_x, 0, coordinates_y, color=col, alpha=0.99) # determines the last interval's color and draws it (uses the highest # recorded value as the end value of the ongoing time span). axis = plt.gca() # for plotting/saving the plot as it's own image # Sets the visual borders for the graphs; area of occurring values (main graph) +- 5%. if start_point: # setting the beginning and end of the graph beginning = start_point.timestamp() end = start_point.timestamp() + 365 * 24 * 3600 beginning = beginning - 30 * 24 * 3600 end = end + 30 * 24 * 3600 extrapolation_x = [] extrapolation_y = [] if len(tmp_y2) < 3: tmp_y2.append(0) tmp_y2.append(0) usedmonths = 0 usedmonths += 12 * (int(x_end.strftime("%Y")) - int(x_start.strftime("%Y"))) usedmonths += int(x_end.strftime("%m")) - int(x_start.strftime("%m")) monthsleft = int(months - usedmonths) if yearly_quota and len(tmp_x) >= 1: extrapolation_point_x = D_.first_of_month(x_end) extrapolation_point_y = D_.find_y_from_given_time( tmp_x[-1], tmp_x, tmp_y) extrapolation_point_y = max( extrapolation_point_y, D_.find_y_from_given_time(D_.first_of_month(extrapolation_point_x), tmp_x, tmp_y) + partial_quota) extrapolation_x.append(D_.first_of_month(extrapolation_point_x)) extrapolation_x.append(D_.first_of_month(extrapolation_point_x)) extrapolation_x.append( D_.first_of_month( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( extrapolation_point_x.timestamp() + 2851200))) extrapolation_y.append( D_.find_y_from_given_time(extrapolation_point_x, tmp_x, tmp_y)) extrapolation_y.append( max(extrapolation_y[0] + partial_quota, tmp_y[-1])) extrapolation_y.append(extrapolation_y[-1]) expoint_y = extrapolation_y[-1] extrapolation_y[-2] = tmp_y[-1] extrapolation_y[-1] = tmp_y[-1] expoint_y = extrapolation_y[-1] xtr_pt_x = extrapolation_point_x xtr_pt_y = extrapolation_point_y for i in range(1, monthsleft): # The three points required for each block extrapolation_x.append( D_.first_of_month( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(xtr_pt_x.timestamp() + i * 2851200))) extrapolation_x.append( D_.first_of_month( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(xtr_pt_x.timestamp() + i * 2851200))) extrapolation_x.append( D_.first_of_month( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(xtr_pt_x.timestamp() + (i + 1) * 2851200))) extrapolation_y.append(expoint_y + (i - 1) * partial_quota) extrapolation_y.append(expoint_y + i * partial_quota) extrapolation_y.append(expoint_y + i * partial_quota) if monthsleft: a0.plot(extrapolation_x[3:], extrapolation_y[3:], "black") if monthsleft: extrapolation_y.append(0) else: extrapolation_y = [0] beg_14_months = beginning + 36817200 fourteen_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(beg_14_months) # Print statements, to give feedback either onscreen or into a dedicated file to be piped into. print('The accumulated TotalCPU time is', int((User_t[-1] + System_t[-1]) * 100) / 100, "hours") print('and the number of accumulated corehours is', int(tmp_y[-1] * 100) / 100) efficiency = (User_t[-1] + System_t[-1]) / tmp_y[-1] # Added rounding to the efficiency percentage feedback. print('Which results in an efficiency of', int(efficiency * 10000) / 100 + 0.005, "%") if efficiency < 0 or efficiency > 1: print( "Efficiency is outside of it's boundaries, valid is only between 0 and 1" ) accum_total_time = np.zeros(len(tmp_x)) for i in range(0, len(accum_total_time)): accum_total_time[i] = User_t[i] + System_t[i] delta = [0] total_time = [] total_time.append(accum_total_time[0]) total_time.append(accum_total_time[0]) difference = [0] for i in range(1, len(accum_total_time)): total_time.append(accum_total_time[i] - accum_total_time[i - 1]) delta.append(100 * ((accum_total_time[i] - accum_total_time[i - 1]) / (tmp_y[i] - tmp_y[i - 1]))) if delta[i] > 100: a = 0 if yearly_quota: # ensuring that the extrapolated quota is still in frame a0.set_ylim([ y_start2 - (0.05 * y_end2), max(tmp_y[-1], max(extrapolation_y), max(coordinates_y)) * 1.2 ]) # print("limit",a0.get_ylim()[1]) else: # No quota given, image is focused around occupied and utilized resources. print("NO YEARLY DETECTED") a0.set_ylim([y_start2 - (0.05 * y_end2), tmp_y[-1] * 1.05]) ##### Creation of patches for Legend ##### red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='#ff0000', alpha=0.7, label='>=150%') orange_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='#ffa500', alpha=0.7, label='>=110%,<150%') green_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='#008000', alpha=0.8, label='>=70%,<110%') light_green_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='#81c478', alpha=0.8, label='<70%') grey_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='dimgrey', alpha=0.75, label='Allocated corehours') yellow_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='#d9e72e', alpha=0.49, label='Utilized corehours') black_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='black', alpha=1, label='Granted corehours') a0.plot(tmp_x, accum_total_time, '#d9e72e') # plotting the TotatlCPU Graph if yearly_quota: # Legends for if there is a quota, or a shorter Legend in case there isn't. a0.legend(handles=[ red_patch, orange_patch, green_patch, light_green_patch, grey_patch, yellow_patch, black_patch ]) else: a0.legend(handles=[grey_patch, yellow_patch]) a0.fill_between(tmp_x, 0, accum_total_time, color='#d9e72e', alpha=0.70) # plotting the area below TotalCPU graph a0.plot(tmp_x, tmp_y, 'dimgrey', fillstyle='bottom', alpha=0.75) # plotting the main graph (cores * hours) a0.fill_between(tmp_x, 0, tmp_y, color="grey", alpha=0.45) # plotting the area below the corehours graph for i in range(len(accum_total_time), number_of_instances * 3 + 4): # ensuring that empty months will be accounted for accum_total_time = np.append( accum_total_time, accum_total_time[-1]) # filling accumulated time with most recent if yearly_quota: for i in range(0, int(number_of_instances) ): # not possible for the last area, hence skipping it. monthly_used.append(accum_total_time[i * 3 + 3] - accum_total_time[i * 3]) percentages = [0] for i in range(len(monthly_cputime)): if monthly_used[i] >= 1: percentages.append(10 * (monthly_cputime[i] / monthly_used[i])) for i in range(len(percentages)): effarray.append(percentages[i]) a0.grid(True) axis2 = fig.add_subplot(212) a1legend1 = mpatches.Patch(color='Red', alpha=0.8, label="per day") a1legend2 = mpatches.Patch(color='purple', alpha=0.8, label='per job') a1.plot(tmp_x, delta, '.', color="purple", markersize=5, alpha=0.35) # percentages amplified by the lower bound to a1.legend(handles=[a1legend1, a1legend2]) plt.ylabel('Efficiency') # be more visible. daily = [] dates = [] for i in range(int(x_start.timestamp()), int(x_end.timestamp()), 2764800): r = D_.gather_efficiencies_for_month( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(i), Data) daily_eff_days = r[-2] daily_eff_eff = r[-1] r = r[:-2] for j in range(len(r[0])): if r[1][j] > 0: daily.append(100 * r[1][j] / r[0][j]) dates.append(r[2][j]) formatteddates = [] for i in dates: if len(str(i)) > 5 and "." not in str(i): transp = str(i)[2:18] formatteddates.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(transp, fmt)) eff_days = [] #for i in dates: # eff_days.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(str(i)[2:18], fmt)) a1.plot(formatteddates, daily, '.', color="Red", markersize=3, alpha=0.85) eff_distance = 0 - axis.get_ylim()[0] a1.grid( True ) # Creates a grid in the image to aid the viewer in visually processing the data. a1.set_ylim([-5, 105]) if nutzergraph: a1.set_ylim( [0, 100]) # Usergraphs don't display anything above 100% or below 0%. a1.set_yticks( np.arange(0, 101, 10), minor=True) # minor tick-lines are much thinner than regular ones a1.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 101, 25)) a1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.PercentFormatter()) plt.xlabel('Efficiency') plt.xlabel(' ') a0.xaxis.tick_top() a0.set_xlim((beginning_dt, fourteen_dt)) a1.xlim = (beginning_dt, fourteen_dt) a0.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter(useOffset=True)) plt.xticks(Xtics) plt.ylabel('CPUhours') emptylabels = [] for i in a0.get_xticklabels(): emptylabels.append(["", ""]) new_ylabels, unit = get_scaled_ylabels(a0.get_yticks()) plt.ylabel("CPUhours (" + unit + ")") a0.set_xticklabels = emptylabels a0.set_yticklabels(new_ylabels) # dictates gap in height, left border, right border, gap in width, bottom border, top border plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.03, left=0.1, right=0.925, wspace=0.07, bottom=0.035, top=0.95) plt.xlim(beginning_dt, fourteen_dt) plt.xticks(Xtics) a0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nothing) # removes the x-tic notations a1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myFmt) a1.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2) a1.grid(which='major', alpha=0.5) f.set_size_inches((11, 8.5), forward=False) ## for png compression #ram = io.BytesIO() #plt.savefig(ram, format='png') #im = #im2 = im.convert('RGB').convert('P', palette=Image.ADAPTIVE) #return im2 #print(tmp_x) #print(tmp_y) return f
def minimize(): #set variables cur_f = 0 #current objective function value at defined point iters = 0 #Iteration variable precision = 0.0000001 #alarm to stop algo iterations = 100000 #set max number of iterations previous_step_size = 1 ai = [] #list for observation points fnval = [] #list for objective function value wit each iteration Error_Overflow = False # scalar exception error Plot = True #Variable to differentiate plots without error or with error! lstep = 0.0002 # set the step for gradient algo # initialize a point with some random value b/w [-5,5] a = np.array([np.random.randint(-5, 5), np.random.randint(-5, 5)]) initial_point = a #when starting point itself is a minimum if a[0] == 1.00 and a[1] == 1.00: print("\tStarting point itself is a minima.\n") Plot = False #loop to minimize objective function while previous_step_size > precision and iters < iterations: prev_f = cur_f #objective function f = ((1 - a[0])**2) + (100 * ((a[1] - a[0]**2)**2)) #raise OverflowError() true if abs(f) == float('inf'): Error_Overflow = True f = fnval break #append the point and its obj function to ai/fnval lists ai.append([a, f]) fnval.append(f) #mainly for plot #reassign objective function value at point a cur_f = f #compute its derrivative on point a fi = np.array(DerivativeRosenbrock(a)) #reassign step value at point a a = a - lstep * fi previous_step_size = abs(cur_f - prev_f) #increase iteration by 1. iters = iters + 1 # convert ai/fnval into a numpy array and do operations ai = np.array(ai) minFnVal = min(np.array(fnval)) minIndex = fnval.index(minFnVal) #print the findings #print(f'\n\tThe minimum is: {minFnVal} at point: {ai[minIndex,0]} after iterations: {iters}.') print( f'\t\tStarting Point: {[initial_point[0],initial_point[1]]}\n\t\tFinal Point: {ai[minIndex,0]}\ \n\t\tMinimum Value: {round(minFnVal,5)}\n\t\tTotal Iterations: {iters}' ) # Plot the decline in function value if (Plot == True): fig1, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') #Plot with red line if there were an overflow while calculating function value #Print appropriate message if Error_Overflow: ax.plot(range(iters), fnval, color="r") print( "overflow encountered. Function is NOT going to minimize with starting point:{} and step-size:0.002" .format(ai[0, 0])) else: ax.plot(range(iters), fnval, color="b") #loop for formatting x/y axis ticks for axis in [ax.xaxis, ax.yaxis]: axis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda y, pos: ('{{:.{:1d}f}}'.format( int(np.maximum(-np.log10(y), 0)))).format(y))) #draw a red line for function decline intersection at function value 0.001 for ease in understanding plt.axhline(y=minFnVal, color="r", linestyle='--') #Title and label the graph plt.title("Objective Function Value vs Iteartions\n", fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') plt.xlabel("Iterations", fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') plt.ylabel("Objective Function value", fontsize=16, fontweight='bold')
import matplotlib.pylab as plt import matplotlib.pyplot from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter from matplotlib.ticker import FixedFormatter import pylab as pl import numpy as np import math, os import glob, pickle formatter = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) fig_width_pt = 246.0 * 2 # Get this from LaTex using \the\columnwidth inches_per_pt = 1.0 / 72.27 golden_mean = (np.sqrt(5) - 1.0) / 2.0 fig_width = fig_width_pt * inches_per_pt # width in inches fig_height = fig_width * golden_mean # height in inches fig_size = [fig_width, fig_height] params = { 'axes.labelsize': 10, 'text.fontsize': 6, 'legend.fontsize': 6, 'xtick.labelsize': 11.0, 'ytick.labelsize': 11.0, 'figure.figsize': fig_size, '': 'serif' } pl.rcParams.update(params) pl.clf() pl.figure()
def plot_lc(df, y, tag, highlight): sns.set() sns.set_style("white") #sns.set_context("paper") y_mean = y + '_mean' y_std = y + '_std' avg_folds = df.groupby( ['Data', 'Model', 'Alg', 'nQuery', 'TrainAug', 'Samples']).agg({ y: ['mean', pop_std, 'count'] }).reset_index() avg_folds[y_mean] = avg_folds[y]['mean'] avg_folds[y_std] = avg_folds.apply( lambda row: row[y]['pop_std'] / sqrt(row[y]['count']), axis=1) avg_folds = avg_folds.drop([y], axis=1) print(avg_folds) setting_col = ['Data', 'Model', 'nQuery', 'TrainAug'] for setting, g_setting in avg_folds.groupby(setting_col): data, model, nQuery, TrainAug = setting setting_t = param_to_str_t(OrderedDict(zip(setting_col, setting))) setting_fn = param_to_str_fn(OrderedDict(zip(setting_col, setting))) df_rand = g_setting[g_setting['Alg'] == 'rand'] if nQuery != 10000 and highlight: for samp in sorted(list(df_rand['Samples'])): acc_vals = g_setting[g_setting['Samples'] == samp][y_mean].values #print(max(acc_vals) / min(acc_vals)) if max(acc_vals) / min(acc_vals) > 1.08: break st_samp = samp stopFrac = 0.99 endSamp = max(df_rand['Samples']) endAcc = np.mean( df_rand[df_rand['Samples'] == endSamp][y_mean].values) for samp in sorted(list(df_rand['Samples'])): acc = np.mean( df_rand[df_rand['Samples'] == samp][y_mean].values) if acc / endAcc > stopFrac: cut_samp = samp break g_setting = g_setting[(g_setting['Samples'] <= cut_samp) & (g_setting['Samples'] >= st_samp)] else: algs = g_setting['Alg'].unique() cut_samp = 1e+8 st_samp = -1 for a in algs: df = g_setting[g_setting['Alg'] == a] mx = max(df['Samples']) mn = min(df['Samples']) cut_samp = min(cut_samp, mx) st_samp = max(st_samp, mn) plt.figure(figsize=(fig_w, fig_h)) for alg, g_alg in g_setting.groupby(['Alg']): ns = list(g_alg['Samples']) accs = list(g_alg[y_mean]) stds = list(g_alg[y_std]) if float(setting[2]) < 10.1: accs = smooth(accs, 10)[:-10] ns = ns[:-10] stds = stds[:-10] plt.plot(ns, accs, label=str(name_dict[alg]), linewidth=1.0, color=color_dict[alg], zorder=10 - order_dict[alg]) acc_up = [avg + ci for avg, ci in zip(accs, stds)] acc_dn = [avg - ci for avg, ci in zip(accs, stds)] plt.fill_between(ns, acc_up, acc_dn, alpha=0.2, color=color_dict[alg], zorder=10 - order_dict[alg]) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.2f')) plt.gca().yaxis.get_offset_text().set_fontsize(tick_size) if y == 'Time': plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter( ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) plt.gca().ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.xticks(fontsize=tick_size) plt.yticks(fontsize=tick_size) plt.title(setting_t, fontsize=title_size) plt.xlabel('#Labels queried', fontsize=label_size) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.ylabel(y, fontsize=label_size) plt.gca().set_xlim([st_samp, cut_samp]) #plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.grid(linestyle='--', linewidth=1) n_alg = len(g_setting['Alg'].unique()) save_legend(n_alg) plt.savefig(all_dir + '/' + tag + '_' + y + '_' + setting_fn + '_' + '.pdf')
def plot_partial_dependence(gbrt, X, features, feature_names=None, label=None, n_cols=3, grid_resolution=100, percentiles=(0.05, 0.95), n_jobs=None, verbose=0, ax=None, line_kw=None, contour_kw=None, **fig_kw): """Partial dependence plots for ``features``. The ``len(features)`` plots are arranged in a grid with ``n_cols`` columns. Two-way partial dependence plots are plotted as contour plots. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <partial_dependence>`. Parameters ---------- gbrt : BaseGradientBoosting A fitted gradient boosting model. X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features) The data on which ``gbrt`` was trained. features : seq of ints, strings, or tuples of ints or strings If seq[i] is an int or a tuple with one int value, a one-way PDP is created; if seq[i] is a tuple of two ints, a two-way PDP is created. If feature_names is specified and seq[i] is an int, seq[i] must be < len(feature_names). If seq[i] is a string, feature_names must be specified, and seq[i] must be in feature_names. feature_names : seq of str Name of each feature; feature_names[i] holds the name of the feature with index i. label : object The class label for which the PDPs should be computed. Only if gbrt is a multi-class model. Must be in ``gbrt.classes_``. n_cols : int The number of columns in the grid plot (default: 3). grid_resolution : int, default=100 The number of equally spaced points on the axes. percentiles : (low, high), default=(0.05, 0.95) The lower and upper percentile used to create the extreme values for the PDP axes. n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None) ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. See :term:`Glossary <n_jobs>` for more details. verbose : int Verbose output during PD computations. Defaults to 0. ax : Matplotlib axis object, default None An axis object onto which the plots will be drawn. line_kw : dict Dict with keywords passed to the ``matplotlib.pyplot.plot`` call. For one-way partial dependence plots. contour_kw : dict Dict with keywords passed to the ``matplotlib.pyplot.plot`` call. For two-way partial dependence plots. **fig_kw : dict Dict with keywords passed to the figure() call. Note that all keywords not recognized above will be automatically included here. Returns ------- fig : figure The Matplotlib Figure object. axs : seq of Axis objects A seq of Axis objects, one for each subplot. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman1 >>> from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor >>> X, y = make_friedman1() >>> clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=10).fit(X, y) >>> fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf, X, [0, (0, 1)]) #doctest: +SKIP ... """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import transforms from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter if not isinstance(gbrt, BaseGradientBoosting): raise ValueError('gbrt has to be an instance of BaseGradientBoosting') check_is_fitted(gbrt, 'estimators_') # set label_idx for multi-class GBRT if hasattr(gbrt, 'classes_') and np.size(gbrt.classes_) > 2: if label is None: raise ValueError('label is not given for multi-class PDP') label_idx = np.searchsorted(gbrt.classes_, label) if gbrt.classes_[label_idx] != label: raise ValueError('label %s not in ``gbrt.classes_``' % str(label)) else: # regression and binary classification label_idx = 0 X = check_array(X, dtype=DTYPE, order='C') if gbrt.n_features_ != X.shape[1]: raise ValueError('X.shape[1] does not match gbrt.n_features_') if line_kw is None: line_kw = {'color': 'green'} if contour_kw is None: contour_kw = {} # convert feature_names to list if feature_names is None: # if not feature_names use fx indices as name feature_names = [str(i) for i in range(gbrt.n_features_)] elif isinstance(feature_names, np.ndarray): feature_names = feature_names.tolist() def convert_feature(fx): if isinstance(fx, str): try: fx = feature_names.index(fx) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Feature %s not in feature_names' % fx) return fx # convert features into a seq of int tuples tmp_features = [] for fxs in features: if isinstance(fxs, (numbers.Integral, str)): fxs = (fxs, ) try: fxs = np.array([convert_feature(fx) for fx in fxs], dtype=np.int32) except TypeError: raise ValueError('features must be either int, str, or tuple ' 'of int/str') if not (1 <= np.size(fxs) <= 2): raise ValueError('target features must be either one or two') tmp_features.append(fxs) features = tmp_features names = [] try: for fxs in features: l = [] # explicit loop so "i" is bound for exception below for i in fxs: l.append(feature_names[i]) names.append(l) except IndexError: raise ValueError('All entries of features must be less than ' 'len(feature_names) = {0}, got {1}.'.format( len(feature_names), i)) # compute PD functions pd_result = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose)(delayed( partial_dependence )(gbrt, fxs, X=X, grid_resolution=grid_resolution, percentiles=percentiles) for fxs in features) # get global min and max values of PD grouped by plot type pdp_lim = {} for pdp, axes in pd_result: min_pd, max_pd = pdp[label_idx].min(), pdp[label_idx].max() n_fx = len(axes) old_min_pd, old_max_pd = pdp_lim.get(n_fx, (min_pd, max_pd)) min_pd = min(min_pd, old_min_pd) max_pd = max(max_pd, old_max_pd) pdp_lim[n_fx] = (min_pd, max_pd) # create contour levels for two-way plots if 2 in pdp_lim: Z_level = np.linspace(*pdp_lim[2], num=8) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(**fig_kw) else: fig = ax.get_figure() fig.clear() n_cols = min(n_cols, len(features)) n_rows = int(np.ceil(len(features) / float(n_cols))) axs = [] for i, fx, name, (pdp, axes) in zip(count(), features, names, pd_result): ax = fig.add_subplot(n_rows, n_cols, i + 1) if len(axes) == 1: ax.plot(axes[0], pdp[label_idx].ravel(), **line_kw) else: # make contour plot assert len(axes) == 2 XX, YY = np.meshgrid(axes[0], axes[1]) Z = pdp[label_idx].reshape(list(map(np.size, axes))).T CS = ax.contour(XX, YY, Z, levels=Z_level, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') ax.contourf(XX, YY, Z, levels=Z_level, vmax=Z_level[-1], vmin=Z_level[0], alpha=0.75, **contour_kw) ax.clabel(CS, fmt='%2.2f', colors='k', fontsize=10, inline=True) # plot data deciles + axes labels deciles = mquantiles(X[:, fx[0]], prob=np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)) trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) ylim = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines(deciles, [0], 0.05, transform=trans, color='k') ax.set_xlabel(name[0]) ax.set_ylim(ylim) # prevent x-axis ticks from overlapping ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=6, prune='lower')) tick_formatter = ScalarFormatter() tick_formatter.set_powerlimits((-3, 4)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(tick_formatter) if len(axes) > 1: # two-way PDP - y-axis deciles + labels deciles = mquantiles(X[:, fx[1]], prob=np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)) trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory( ax.transAxes, ax.transData) xlim = ax.get_xlim() ax.hlines(deciles, [0], 0.05, transform=trans, color='k') ax.set_ylabel(name[1]) # hline erases xlim ax.set_xlim(xlim) else: ax.set_ylabel('Partial dependence') if len(axes) == 1: ax.set_ylim(pdp_lim[1]) axs.append(ax) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=0.7, left=0.1, right=0.95, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.3) return fig, axs
def hist1d_multiset(labels=['30dor', 'pcc'], lines=['12'], val='mvir', binnum=20, binsize=0, dolog=True, lims=[], types=[]): # function will be able to run from any dataset's pyscript folder given that directory # structure is identical between datasets (i.e. parallel directories) # default types is all of them, can be specified to only plot a few # loop below catches types not consistent with parameters if len(types) == 0: types = ['trunks', 'branches', 'leaves', 'clusters'] else: for t in types: if t not in ['trunks', 'branches', 'leaves', 'clusters']: print( 'Type \'{}\' not recognized from default types (trunks, branches, leaves, clusters), exiting...' .format(t)) return else: continue # default output folder will be in parallel to running directory if os.path.isdir('../multiprop') == 0: os.mkdir('../multiprop') # formatting parameters params = {'text.usetex': False, 'mathtext.fontset': 'stixsans'} plt.rcParams.update(params) # dictionaries initialized for looping pcats = {} # dictionary of data from respepctive physprop_add files idcs = { } # dictionary of indicies of data for different types in physprop_add pltdatum = {} # dictionary of data to plot # read in data for lb in range(len(labels)): for ln in range(len(lines)): fname = '../../' + labels[lb] + '/props/' + labels[ lb] + '_' + lines[ln] + '_physprop_add.txt' lname = labels[lb] + '_' + lines[ln] if os.path.isfile(fname): pcats[lname] =, format='ascii.ecsv') else: pcats[lname] ='prop_add', 'prop'), format='ascii.ecsv') # idc indicies are in the order of types list idc = [0, 0, 0, 0] for i, typ in enumerate(types): with open(fname.replace('physprop_add', typ), 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ') a = zip(*reader) idc[i] = map(int, a[0]) idcs[lname] = idc # data flattening pltdata = [] for i in range(len(types)): data = pcats[lname][val][idcs[lname][i]] xdata = np.log10(data[data > 0]) pltdata.append(xdata) pltdatum[lname] = pltdata # begin limit calculation # need to create list from all datasets that are being plotted if len(lims) == 0: limvals = [] for p in pltdatum: #print(pltdatum[p]) lim_swp = [item for sublist in pltdatum[p] for item in sublist] limvals.extend(lim_swp) limmin = np.around(np.nanmin(limvals), 2) limmax = np.around(np.nanmax(limvals), 2) elif len(lims) == 1: print('Only one limit ({}) specified, exiting...'.format(lims[0])) return else: if len(lims) > 2: print('Only first two limits will be used') limmin = lims[0] limmax = lims[1] if binsize == 0: limdif = limmax - limmin optsize = np.around(limdif / binnum, 3) # arbitrary choosing logic if (optsize < .01): binsize = .01 elif (.01 <= optsize < .025): binsize = .02 elif (.025 <= optsize < .06): binsize = .04 elif (.06 <= optsize < .09): binsize = .08 elif (.09 <= optsize < .15): binsize = .1 elif (.15 <= optsize < .25): binsize = .2 elif (.25 <= optsize < .6): binsize = .4 elif (.6 <= optsize < .9): binsize = .8 elif (.9 <= optsize): binsize = 1 # bin spacing binlist = np.arange((limmin - 2 * binsize), (limmax + 2 * binsize), binsize) # plotting fig, axes = plt.subplots() for p in pltdatum: temp_types = [p + ' ' + t for t in types] axes.hist(pltdatum[p], binlist, normed=0, log=dolog, histtype='bar', label=temp_types, rwidth=.8) axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(FixedLocator(binlist[1::2] + binsize / 2)) axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(binlist[::2] + binsize / 2)) axes.tick_params(labelsize=6) axes.set_xlabel('log ' + val + ' [' + str(pcats[labels[0] + '_' + lines[0]][val].unit) + ']') axes.set_ylabel('Number of objects binned') axes.set_yscale('log') axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize='medium') # automated looping for title, output name, output message title = '{} for '.format(val) for i in range(len(labels)): for j in range(len(lines)): title += '{}, '.format(labels[i] + '_' + lines[j]) title = title[:len(title) - 2] plt.title(title) outname = '../multiprop/' msg = 'Plot created successfully for {} '.format(val) for i in range(len(labels)): outname += '{}_'.format(labels[i]) msg += '{} '.format(labels[i]) for j in range(len(lines)): outname += '{}CO_'.format(lines[j]) msg += '{}CO '.format(lines[j]) msg = msg[:len(msg) - 1] outname += '{}.pdf'.format(val) plt.savefig(outname, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() print(msg) return
df['beta'], 3.) * nanoToMili / htc2) * df['pionFF'] df['deltaCheck'] = 1. / (3. * df['S'] / np.pi / alf / alf / np.power( df['beta'], 3.) * nanoToMili / htc2) * df['deltaPionFF'] print(df[['sqrtS', 'S', 'CS', 'check', 'deltaCheck']]) # df.to_csv(out_filename) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title('Figure name') ax1 = plt.subplot(111) ax1.set_title('CMD-2') ax1.set_xlabel('$\\sqrt{s}$ [GeV]') ax1.set_ylabel('$\\sigma$ [nb]') ax1.errorbar(dataX, dataY, yerr=dataEY, marker='o', linestyle='', markersize=6) # ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1e')) yfmt = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False) yfmt.set_powerlimits((-4, 4)) ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yfmt) ax1.yaxis.grid() # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) # ax2 = plt.subplot(111) # ax2.errorbar(dataX, df['FF'], yerr=df['deltaFF'], marker='o', linestyle='', markersize=6) fig.tight_layout() save_file = os.path.join(dev_name, 'plot_CMD-2_CS.png') fig.savefig(save_file, dpi=150)
def plot_histograms( path="/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_spinup_ecoclimap.hdf" ): fig = plt.figure() assert isinstance(fig, Figure) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3) lons2d, lats2d, basemap = analysis.get_basemap_from_hdf(file_path=path) # slope ch_slope = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path, var_name="slope") ch_slope = maskoceans(lons2d, lats2d, ch_slope) ch_slope = | (ch_slope < 0), ch_slope) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) ch_slope_flat = ch_slope[~ch_slope.mask] the_hist, positions = np.histogram( ch_slope_flat, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(ch_slope_flat, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.set_title(r"$\alpha$") ax.grid() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # drainage density dd = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path, var_name="drainage_density_inv_meters") dd *= 1000 # convert to km^-1 ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) dd_flat = dd[~ch_slope.mask] the_hist, positions = np.histogram(dd_flat, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(dd_flat, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(np.float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() print(the_hist.max(), the_hist.min()) barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) ax.set_title(r"$DD {\rm \left( km^{-1} \right)}$") ax.grid() # vertical soil hydraulic conductivity vshc = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=path, var_name=infovar.HDF_VERT_SOIL_HYDR_COND_NAME) if vshc is not None: # get only on the first layer vshc = vshc[0, :, :] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) vshc_flat = vshc[~ch_slope.mask] the_hist, positions = np.histogram( vshc_flat, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(vshc_flat, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(np.float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() print(the_hist.max(), the_hist.min()) barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # set a scalar formatter sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits([-2, 2]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) ax.set_title(r"$ K_{\rm V} {\rm (m/s)}$") ax.grid() # Kv * slope * DD ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) interflow_h = 0.2 # Soulis et al 2000 # 1e-3 is to convert drainage density to m^-1 the_prod = dd_flat * 1e-3 * vshc_flat * ch_slope_flat * 48 * interflow_h print("product median: {0}".format(np.median(the_prod))) print("product maximum: {0}".format(the_prod.max())) print("product 90-quantile: {0}".format(np.percentile(the_prod, 90))) the_hist, positions = np.histogram( the_prod, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(the_prod, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(np.float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() print(the_hist.max(), the_hist.min()) barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # set a scalar formatter sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits([-2, 2]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) ax.set_title( r"$ \beta_{\rm max}\cdot K_{\rm v} \cdot \alpha \cdot DD \cdot H {\rm (m/s)}$ " ) ax.grid() # read flow directions flow_directions = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=path, var_name=infovar.HDF_FLOW_DIRECTIONS_NAME) # read cell areas # cell_areas = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME) cell_manager = CellManager(flow_directions) acc_index = cell_manager.get_accumulation_index() acc_index_flat = acc_index[acc_index > 1] print( "acc_index: min={0}; max={1}; median={2}; 90-quantile={3}".format( acc_index_flat.min(), acc_index_flat.max(), np.median(acc_index_flat), np.percentile(acc_index_flat, 90))) # plot the range of the accumulation index ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) the_hist, positions = np.histogram( acc_index_flat, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(acc_index_flat, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(np.float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() print(the_hist.max(), the_hist.min()) barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # set a scalar formatter sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits([-2, 2]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) ax.set_title(r"Accum. index") ax.grid() # lake fraction # sand # clay fig_path = os.path.join(images_folder, "static_fields_histograms.jpeg") fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(fig_path, dpi=cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI, bbox_inches="tight")
data[i] / pc.percent, uncert[i] / pc.percent, fmt='o', alpha=0.7, ms=ms, mew=0.25, color='b', elinewidth=lw, capthick=lw, zorder=3, label='Data') ax1.tick_params(labelsize=fs - 1, direction='in', which='both') if ax1.get_xlim()[1] > 3: ax1.set_xscale('log') plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_formatter(NullFormatter()) ax1.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax1.set_xticks(logxticks) ax1.set_xlim(1.0, 5.5) else: ax1.set_xlim(1.0, 2.0) ax1.text(0.997, 0.89, names[i], fontsize=fs - 1, ha='right', transform=ax1.transAxes) if sticks[i] is not None: ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(sticks[i])) plt.ylabel(r'$(R_{\rm p}/R_{\rm s})^2$ (%)', fontsize=fs) # The posteriors: axes = [
##>>>and plot on the screen and output figure file using matplotlib-python import Tkinter as tk from Tkinter import * import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2TkAgg from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter yformatter = ScalarFormatter() yformatter.set_powerlimits((-3, 3)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.ticker as ticker from numpy import arange, sin, pi import numpy as np import h5py as h5 import math font = { 'family': 'sans-serif', 'weight': 'bold',
FillContour1.set_norm(norm) FillContour2.set_norm(norm) FillContour3.set_norm(norm) FillContour4.set_norm(norm) FillContour5.set_norm(norm) FillContour6.set_norm(norm) #plt.suptitle("GridSpec") make_ticklabels_invisible(plt.gcf()) ax3.locator_params(tight=True, nbins=4) ax5.locator_params(tight=True, nbins=4) ax6.locator_params(tight=True, nbins=4) #myformatter = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) myformatter = ScalarFormatter() myformatter.set_powerlimits((-1,1)) ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myformatter) ax5.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myformatter) ax6.yaxis.set_major_formatter(myformatter) ax6.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myformatter) cax = f.add_axes([0.2, 0.06, 0.6, 0.02]) f.colorbar(FillContour1, cax, orientation='horizontal') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('higuchi_proj.eps') plt.savefig('higuchi_proj.pdf')
def GlobalSignature(self, ax=None, fig=1, freq_ax=False, time_ax=False, z_ax=True, mask=None, scatter=False, xaxis='nu', ymin=None, ymax=50, zmax=None, rotate_xticks=False, rotate_yticks=False, force_draw=False, zlim=80, temp_unit='mK', yscale='linear', take_abs=False, **kwargs): """ Plot differential brightness temperature vs. redshift (nicely). Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot instance Axis on which to plot signal. fig : int Figure number. freq_ax : bool Add top axis denoting corresponding (observed) 21-cm frequency? time_ax : bool Add top axis denoting corresponding time since Big Bang? z_ax : bool Add top axis denoting corresponding redshift? Only applicable if xaxis='nu' (see below). scatter : bool Plot signal as scatter-plot? mask : int If scatter==True, this defines the sampling "rate" of the data, i.e., only every mask'th element is included in the plot. xaxis : str Determines whether x-axis is redshift or frequency. Options: 'z' or 'nu' Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot instance. """ if xaxis == 'nu' and freq_ax: freq_ax = False if xaxis == 'z' and z_ax: z_ax = False if ax is None: gotax = False fig = pl.figure(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: gotax = True conv = 1. if temp_unit.lower() in ['k', 'kelvin']: conv = 1e-3 if mask is not None: nu_plot, dTb_plot = \ self.history[xaxis][mask], self.history['dTb'][mask] * conv else: nu_plot, dTb_plot = \ self.history[xaxis], self.history['dTb'] * conv if take_abs: dTb_plot = np.abs(dTb_plot) ## # Plot the stupid thing ## if scatter is False: ax.plot(nu_plot, dTb_plot, **kwargs) else: ax.scatter(self.history[xaxis][-1::-mask], self.history['dTb'][-1::-mask] * conv, **kwargs) if zmax is None: zmax =["initial_redshift"] zmin =["final_redshift"] if["final_redshift"] >= 10 \ else 5 # x-ticks if xaxis == 'z' and hasattr(self, 'pf'): xticks = list(np.arange(zmin, zmax, zmin)) xticks_minor = list(np.arange(zmin, zmax, 1)) else: xticks = np.arange(0, 250, 50) xticks_minor = np.arange(10, 200, 10) # Some elements deemed objects when run through pipelines... dTb = np.array(self.history['dTb'], dtype=float) if ymin is None and yscale == 'linear': ymin = max(min(min(dTb[np.isfinite(dTb)]), ax.get_ylim()[0]), -500) # Set lower y-limit by increments of 50 mK for val in [ -50, -100, -150, -200, -250, -300, -350, -400, -450, -500, -550, -600 ]: if val <= ymin: ymin = int(val) break if ymax is None: ymax = max(max(dTb[np.isfinite(dTb)]), ax.get_ylim()[1]) if yscale == 'linear': if (not gotax) or force_draw: yticks = np.arange(int(ymin / 50) * 50, 100, 50) * conv ax.set_yticks(yticks) else: # Minor y-ticks - 10 mK increments yticks = np.linspace(ymin, 50, int((50 - ymin) / 10. + 1)) * conv yticks = list(yticks) # Remove major ticks from minor tick list if ymin >= -200: for y in np.linspace(ymin, 50, int((50 - ymin) / 50. + 1)) * conv: if y in yticks: yticks.remove(y) ax.set_ylim(ymin * conv, ymax * conv) ax.set_yticks(yticks, minor=True) if xaxis == 'z' and hasattr(self, 'pf'): ax.set_xlim(5,["initial_redshift"]) else: ax.set_xlim(0, 210) if (not gotax) or force_draw: ax.set_xticks(xticks, minor=False) ax.set_xticks(xticks_minor, minor=True) xt = [] for x in ax.get_xticklabels(): xt.append(x.get_text()) ax.set_xticklabels(xt, rotation=45. if rotate_xticks else 0) yt = [] for y in ax.get_yticklabels(): if not y.get_text().strip(): break yt.append(y.get_text()) if yt == []: yt = yticks ax.set_yticklabels(yt, rotation=45. if rotate_yticks else 0) if ax.get_xlabel() == '': if xaxis == 'z': ax.set_xlabel(labels['z'], fontsize='x-large') else: ax.set_xlabel(labels['nu']) if ax.get_ylabel() == '': if temp_unit.lower() == 'mk': ax.set_ylabel(labels['dTb'], fontsize='x-large') else: ax.set_ylabel(r'$\delta T_b \ (\mathrm{K})$', fontsize='x-large') # Twin axes along the top if freq_ax: twinax = self.add_frequency_axis(ax) elif time_ax: twinax = add_time_axis(ax, self.cosm) elif z_ax: twinax = add_redshift_axis(ax, zlim=zmax) else: twinax = None self.twinax = twinax if gotax and (ax.get_xlabel().strip()) and (not force_draw): pl.draw() return ax, twinax try: ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='both') except AttributeError: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) #twinax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='both') pl.draw() return ax, twinax
def __call__(self, x, pos): if pos==0: return '' else: return ScalarFormatter.__call__(self, x, pos)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.lines import Line2D import numpy as np import os from pylab import * from matplotlib import ticker from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter sformatter = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=True, useMathText=True) sformatter.set_scientific(True) sformatter.set_powerlimits((-2, 3)) #plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) font = {'family': 'serif', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 14} plt.rc('font', **font) plt.rc('text', usetex=False) plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5)) fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_axes([0.14, 0.125, 0.82, 0.85]) mydata = np.loadtxt('moments_bw_Omega50.dat', skiprows=1, unpack=True) Omega = mydata[0] rhoB = mydata[3] Pbar = mydata[5] sigma2P = mydata[6] SsigmaP = mydata[7] Ksigma2P = mydata[8] Qbar = mydata[9] sigma2Q = mydata[10] SsigmaQ = mydata[11] Ksigma2Q = mydata[10]
def __decorate_axis(axis, ax_type): '''Configure axis tickers, locators, and labels''' if ax_type == 'tonnetz': axis.set_major_formatter(TonnetzFormatter()) axis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(0.5 + np.arange(6))) axis.set_label_text('Tonnetz') elif ax_type == 'chroma': axis.set_major_formatter(ChromaFormatter()) axis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(0.5 + np.add.outer(12 * np.arange(10), [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]).ravel())) axis.set_label_text('Pitch class') elif ax_type in ['tempo', 'fourier_tempo']: axis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) axis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=2.0)) axis.set_label_text('BPM') elif ax_type == 'time': axis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(unit=None, lag=False)) axis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(prune=None, steps=[1, 1.5, 5, 6, 10])) axis.set_label_text('Time') elif ax_type == 's': axis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(unit='s', lag=False)) axis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(prune=None, steps=[1, 1.5, 5, 6, 10])) axis.set_label_text('Time (s)') elif ax_type == 'ms': axis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(unit='ms', lag=False)) axis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(prune=None, steps=[1, 1.5, 5, 6, 10])) axis.set_label_text('Time (ms)') elif ax_type == 'lag': axis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(unit=None, lag=True)) axis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(prune=None, steps=[1, 1.5, 5, 6, 10])) axis.set_label_text('Lag') elif ax_type == 'lag_s': axis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(unit='s', lag=True)) axis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(prune=None, steps=[1, 1.5, 5, 6, 10])) axis.set_label_text('Lag (s)') elif ax_type == 'lag_ms': axis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(unit='ms', lag=True)) axis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(prune=None, steps=[1, 1.5, 5, 6, 10])) axis.set_label_text('Lag (ms)') elif ax_type == 'cqt_note': axis.set_major_formatter(NoteFormatter()) axis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=2.0)) axis.set_minor_formatter(NoteFormatter(major=False)) axis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(base=2.0, subs=2.0**(np.arange(1, 12)/12.0))) axis.set_label_text('Note') elif ax_type in ['cqt_hz']: axis.set_major_formatter(LogHzFormatter()) axis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=2.0)) axis.set_minor_formatter(LogHzFormatter(major=False)) axis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(base=2.0, subs=2.0**(np.arange(1, 12)/12.0))) axis.set_label_text('Hz') elif ax_type in ['mel', 'log']: axis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) axis.set_major_locator(SymmetricalLogLocator(axis.get_transform())) axis.set_label_text('Hz') elif ax_type in ['linear', 'hz']: axis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) axis.set_label_text('Hz') elif ax_type in ['frames']: axis.set_label_text('Frames') elif ax_type in ['off', 'none', None]: axis.set_label_text('') axis.set_ticks([])
def render_GET(self, request): q = urlparse.urlparse(request.uri) args = urlparse.parse_qs(q.query) if q.path == self.base + '/status': return serve_json(request,, elif q.path == self.base + '/command':['string'][0]) return serve_json(request) elif q.path == self.base + '/image.jpg': if request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders("Content-Type", ['image/jpeg']) request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders( "Content-Length", [str(len(]) return else: request.setResponseCode(400) return "No images" elif q.path == self.base + '/total_image.jpg': if request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders("Content-Type", ['image/jpeg']) request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders( "Content-Length", [str(len(]) return else: request.setResponseCode(400) return "No images" elif q.path == self.base + '/total_flux.jpg': width = 800 fig = Figure(facecolor='white', figsize=(width / 72, width * 0.5 / 72), tight_layout=True) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)) x = np.array( x = x - x[0] ax.plot(x,, '-') ax.set_xlabel('Time, seconds') ax.set_ylabel('Flux, counts') canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) s = StringIO() canvas.print_jpeg(s, bbox_inches='tight') request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders("Content-Type", ['image/jpeg']) request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders("Content-Length", [str(s.len)]) request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders( "Cache-Control", ['no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0']) return s.getvalue() elif q.path == self.base + '/current_flux.jpg': width = 800 fig = Figure(facecolor='white', figsize=(width / 72, width * 0.5 / 72), tight_layout=True) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)) x = np.array( if len(x): x = x - x[0] y = np.array( ax.plot(x[-1000:], y[-1000:], '-') ax.set_xlabel('Time, seconds') ax.set_ylabel('Flux, counts') canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) s = StringIO() canvas.print_jpeg(s, bbox_inches='tight') request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders("Content-Type", ['image/jpeg']) request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders("Content-Length", [str(s.len)]) request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders( "Cache-Control", ['no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0']) return s.getvalue() else: return q.path
def __init__(self, artists, tolerance=5, formatter=None, point_labels=None, display='one-per-axes', draggable=False, hover=False, props_override=None, keybindings=True, date_format='%x %X', display_button=1, hide_button=3, keep_inside=True, magnetic=False, **kwargs): """Create the data cursor and connect it to the relevant figure. Parameters ----------- artists : a matplotlib artist or sequence of artists. The artists to make selectable and display information for. tolerance : number, optional The radius (in points) that the mouse click must be within to select the artist. formatter : function, optional A function that accepts arbitrary kwargs and returns a string that will be displayed with annotate. The `x`, `y`, `event`, `ind`, and `label` kwargs will always be present. See the ``mpldatacursor.datacursor`` function docstring for more information. point_labels : sequence or dict, optional Labels for "subitems" of an artist, passed to the formatter function as the `point_label` kwarg. May be either a single sequence (used for all artists) or a dict of artist:sequence pairs. display : {'one-per-axes', 'single', 'multiple'}, optional Controls whether more than one annotation box will be shown. draggable : boolean, optional Controls whether or not the annotation box will be interactively draggable to a new location after being displayed. Default: False. hover : boolean, optional If True, the datacursor will "pop up" when the mouse hovers over an artist. Defaults to False. Enabling hover also sets `display="single"` and `draggable=False`. props_override : function, optional If specified, this function customizes the parameters passed into the formatter function and the x, y location that the datacursor "pop up" "points" to. This is often useful to make the annotation "point" to a specific side or corner of an artist, regardless of the position clicked. The function is passed the same kwargs as the `formatter` function and is expected to return a dict with at least the keys "x" and "y" (and probably several others). Expected call signature: `props_dict = props_override(**kwargs)` keybindings : boolean or dict, optional By default, the keys "d" and "t" will be bound to hiding/showing all annotation boxes and toggling interactivity for datacursors, respectively. "<shift> + <right>" and "<shift> + <left>" will be bound to moving the datacursor to the next and previous item in the sequence for artists that support it. If keybindings is False, the ability to hide/toggle datacursors interactively will be disabled. Alternatively, a dict mapping "hide", "toggle", "next", and "previous" to matplotlib key specifications may specified to customize the keyboard shortcuts. Note that hitting the "hide" key once will hide datacursors, and hitting it again will show all of the hidden datacursors. date_format : string, optional The strftime-style formatting string for dates. Used only if the x or y axes have been set to display dates. Defaults to "%x %X". display_button: int, optional The mouse button that will triggers displaying an annotation box. Defaults to 1, for left-clicking. (Common options are 1:left-click, 2:middle-click, 3:right-click) hide_button: int or None, optional The mouse button that triggers hiding the selected annotation box. Defaults to 3, for right-clicking. (Common options are 1:left-click, 2:middle-click, 3:right-click, None:hiding disabled) keep_inside : boolean, optional Whether or not to adjust the x,y offset to keep the text box inside the figure. This option has no effect on draggable datacursors. Defaults to True. Note: Currently disabled on OSX and NbAgg/notebook backends. magnetic: boolean, optional Magnetic will attach the cursor only to the data points. Default is cursor can be added to interpolated lines. If exact data point is not clicked, nearby data point will be selected. Works with artists that have x, y attributes. Other plots will ignore Magnetic. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments, optional Additional keyword arguments are passed on to annotate. """ def filter_artists(artists): """Replace ContourSets, etc with their constituent artists.""" output = [] for item in artists: if isinstance(item, ContourSet): output += item.collections elif isinstance(item, Container): children = item.get_children() for child in children: child._mpldatacursor_label = item.get_label() child._mpldatacursor_parent = item output += children else: output.append(item) return output if not np.iterable(artists): artists = [artists] #-- Deal with contour sets... ------------------------------------- # These are particularly difficult, as the original z-value array # is never associated with the ContourSet, and they're not "normal" # artists (they're not actually added to the axes). Not only that, but # the PatchCollections created by filled contours don't even fire a # pick event for points inside them, only on their edges. At any rate, # this is a somewhat hackish way of handling contours, but it works. self.artists = filter_artists(artists) self.contour_levels = {} for cs in [x for x in artists if isinstance(x, ContourSet)]: for z, artist in zip(cs.levels, cs.collections): self.contour_levels[artist] = z valid_display_options = ['single', 'one-per-axes', 'multiple'] if display in valid_display_options: self.display = display else: raise ValueError('"display" must be one of the following: '\ ', '.join(valid_display_options)) self.hover = hover if self.hover: self.display = 'single' self.draggable = False self.magnetic = magnetic self.keep_inside = keep_inside self.tolerance = tolerance self.point_labels = point_labels self.draggable = draggable self.date_format = date_format self.props_override = props_override self.display_button = display_button self.hide_button = hide_button self.axes = tuple(set(art.axes for art in self.artists)) self.figures = tuple(set(ax.figure for ax in self.axes)) self._mplformatter = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False, useMathText=True) self._hidden = False self._last_event = None self._last_annotation = None if self.draggable: # If we're dealing with draggable cursors, don't try to override # the x,y position. Otherwise, dragging the cursor outside the # figure will have unexpected consequences. self.keep_inside = False if formatter is None: self.formatter = self._formatter else: self.formatter = formatter self._annotation_kwargs = kwargs self.annotations = {} if self.display is not 'multiple': for ax in self.axes: self.annotations[ax] = self.annotate(ax, **kwargs) # Hide the annotation box until clicked... self.annotations[ax].set_visible(False) if keybindings: if keybindings is True: self.keybindings = self.default_keybindings else: self.keybindings = self.default_keybindings.copy() self.keybindings.update(keybindings) for fig in self.figures: fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self._on_keypress) self.enable() # We need to make sure the DataCursor isn't garbage collected until the # figure is. Matplotlib's weak references won't keep this DataCursor # instance alive in all cases. for fig in self.figures: try: fig._mpldatacursors.append(self) except AttributeError: fig._mpldatacursors = [self]
def __init__(self, format='%.0f', division=1e0): ScalarFormatter.__init__(self, useOffset=None, useMathText=None) self.format = format self.division = division
def xnor_plot_error(mean_error): """Plot Generalization Errors""" algorithms = [ "Hoeffding Tree ", "Mondrian Forest", "Stream Decision Tree", "Stream Decision Forest", "Synergistic Forest", ] fontsize = 30 labelsize = 28 ls = ["-", "--"] colors = sns.color_palette("bright") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(21, 14)) gs = fig.add_gridspec(14, 21) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[7:, :6]) # Hoeffding Tree XOR ax1.plot( (100 * np.arange(0.25, 22.75, step=0.25)).astype(int), mean_error[0], label=algorithms[0], c=colors[4], ls=ls[np.sum(1 > 1).astype(int)], lw=3, ) # Mondrian Forest XOR ax1.plot( (100 * np.arange(0.25, 22.75, step=0.25)).astype(int), mean_error[2], label=algorithms[1], c=colors[5], ls=ls[np.sum(1 > 1).astype(int)], lw=3, ) # Stream Decision Tree XOR ax1.plot( (100 * np.arange(0.25, 22.75, step=0.25)).astype(int), mean_error[4], label=algorithms[2], c=colors[2], ls=ls[np.sum(1 > 1).astype(int)], lw=3, ) # Stream Decision Forest XOR ax1.plot( (100 * np.arange(0.25, 22.75, step=0.25)).astype(int), mean_error[6], label=algorithms[3], c=colors[3], ls=ls[np.sum(1 > 1).astype(int)], lw=3, ) # Synergistic Forest XOR ax1.plot( (100 * np.arange(0.25, 22.75, step=0.25)).astype(int), mean_error[8], label=algorithms[4], c=colors[9], ls=ls[np.sum(1 > 1).astype(int)], lw=3, ) ax1.set_ylabel("Generalization Error (XOR)", fontsize=fontsize) ax1.set_xlabel("Total Sample Size", fontsize=fontsize) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=labelsize) ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax1.set_yticks([0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.9]) ax1.set_xticks([0, 750, 1500, 2250]) ax1.axvline(x=750, c="gray", linewidth=1.5, linestyle="dashed") ax1.axvline(x=1500, c="gray", linewidth=1.5, linestyle="dashed") right_side = ax1.spines["right"] right_side.set_visible(False) top_side = ax1.spines["top"] top_side.set_visible(False) ax1.text(200, np.mean(ax1.get_ylim()) + 0.5, "XOR", fontsize=26) ax1.text(850, np.mean(ax1.get_ylim()) + 0.5, "XNOR", fontsize=26) ax1.text(1700, np.mean(ax1.get_ylim()) + 0.5, "XOR", fontsize=26) ######## XNOR ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[7:, 8:14]) xnor_range = (100 * np.arange(0.25, 22.75, step=0.25)).astype(int)[30:] # Hoeffding Tree XNOR ax1.plot( xnor_range, mean_error[1, 30:], label=algorithms[0], c=colors[4], ls=ls[np.sum(1 > 1).astype(int)], lw=3, ) # Mondrian Forest XNOR ax1.plot( xnor_range, mean_error[3, 30:], label=algorithms[1], c=colors[5], ls=ls[np.sum(1 > 1).astype(int)], lw=3, ) # Stream Decision Tree XNOR ax1.plot( xnor_range, mean_error[5, 30:], label=algorithms[2], c=colors[2], ls=ls[np.sum(1 > 1).astype(int)], lw=3, ) # Stream Decision Forest XNOR ax1.plot( xnor_range, mean_error[7, 30:], label=algorithms[3], c=colors[3], ls=ls[np.sum(1 > 1).astype(int)], lw=3, ) # Synergistic Forest XNOR ax1.plot( xnor_range, mean_error[9, 30:], label=algorithms[4], c=colors[9], ls=ls[np.sum(1 > 1).astype(int)], lw=3, ) ax1.set_ylabel("Generalization Error (%s)" % "XNOR", fontsize=fontsize) ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.0), loc="upper left", fontsize=20, frameon=False) ax1.set_xlabel("Total Sample Size", fontsize=fontsize) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=labelsize) ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax1.set_yticks([0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.9]) ax1.set_xticks([0, 750, 1500, 2250]) ax1.axvline(x=750, c="gray", linewidth=1.5, linestyle="dashed") ax1.axvline(x=1500, c="gray", linewidth=1.5, linestyle="dashed") right_side = ax1.spines["right"] right_side.set_visible(False) top_side = ax1.spines["top"] top_side.set_visible(False) ax1.text(200, np.mean(ax1.get_ylim()) + 0.5, "XOR", fontsize=26) ax1.text(850, np.mean(ax1.get_ylim()) + 0.5, "XNOR", fontsize=26) ax1.text(1700, np.mean(ax1.get_ylim()) + 0.5, "XOR", fontsize=26)
def main(): start_year = 1980 end_year = 2010 start_date = datetime(start_year, 1, 1) end_date = datetime(end_year, 12, 31) ids_with_lakes_upstream = [ "104001", "093806", "093801", "081002", "081007", "080718" ] selected_station_ids = ["092715", "074903", "080104", "081007", "061905", "093806", "090613", "081002", "093801", "080718", "104001"] selected_station_ids = ids_with_lakes_upstream # Get the list of stations to do the comparison with stations = cehq_station.read_station_data( start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, selected_ids=selected_station_ids ) # add hydat stations # province = "QC" # min_drainage_area_km2 = 10000.0 # stations_hd = cehq_station.load_from_hydat_db(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, # province=province, min_drainage_area_km2=min_drainage_area_km2) # if not len(stations_hd): # print "No hydat stations satisying the conditions: period {0}-{1}, province {2}".format( # str(start_date), str(end_date), province # ) # stations.extend(stations_hd) # brewer2mpl.get_map args: set name set type number of colors bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map("Set1", "qualitative", 9) path1 = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-r.hdf5" label1 = "CRCM5-L1" path2 = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl.hdf5" label2 = "CRCM5-L2" color2, color1 = bmap.mpl_colors[:2] fldirs = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_FLOW_DIRECTIONS_NAME) lons2d, lats2d, basemap = analysis.get_basemap_from_hdf(path1) lake_fractions = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_LAKE_FRACTION_NAME) # cell_areas = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME) acc_area = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_ACCUMULATION_AREA_NAME) cell_manager = CellManager(fldirs, lons2d=lons2d, lats2d=lats2d, accumulation_area_km2=acc_area) station_to_mp = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations(station_list=stations, lake_fraction=lake_fractions, drainaige_area_reldiff_limit=0.3) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw=dict(top=0.80, wspace=0.4)) q90_obs_list = [] q90_mod1_list = [] q90_mod2_list = [] q10_obs_list = [] q10_mod1_list = [] q10_mod2_list = [] for the_station, the_mp in station_to_mp.items(): assert isinstance(the_station, Station) compl_years = the_station.get_list_of_complete_years() if len(compl_years) < 3: continue t, stfl1 = analysis.get_daily_climatology_for_a_point(path=path1, years_of_interest=compl_years, i_index=the_mp.ix, j_index=the_mp.jy, var_name="STFA") _, stfl2 = analysis.get_daily_climatology_for_a_point(path=path2, years_of_interest=compl_years, i_index=the_mp.ix, j_index=the_mp.jy, var_name="STFA") _, stfl_obs = the_station.get_daily_climatology_for_complete_years(stamp_dates=t, years=compl_years) # Q90 q90_obs = np.percentile(stfl_obs, 90) q90_mod1 = np.percentile(stfl1, 90) q90_mod2 = np.percentile(stfl2, 90) # Q10 q10_obs = np.percentile(stfl_obs, 10) q10_mod1 = np.percentile(stfl1, 10) q10_mod2 = np.percentile(stfl2, 10) # save quantiles to lists for correlation calculation q90_obs_list.append(q90_obs) q90_mod1_list.append(q90_mod1) q90_mod2_list.append(q90_mod2) q10_mod1_list.append(q10_mod1) q10_mod2_list.append(q10_mod2) q10_obs_list.append(q10_obs) # axes[0].annotate(, (q90_obs, np.percentile(stfl1, 90))) # axes[1].annotate(, (q10_obs, np.percentile(stfl1, 10))) # Plot scatter plot of Q90 the_ax = axes[0] # the_ax.annotate(, (q90_obs, np.percentile(stfl1, 90))) the_ax.scatter(q90_obs_list, q90_mod1_list, label=label1, c=color1) the_ax.scatter(q90_obs_list, q90_mod2_list, label=label2, c=color2) # plot scatter plot of Q10 the_ax = axes[1] # the_ax.annotate(, (q10_obs, np.percentile(stfl1, 10))) h1 = the_ax.scatter(q10_obs_list, q10_mod1_list, label=label1, c=color1) h2 = the_ax.scatter(q10_obs_list, q10_mod2_list, label=label2, c=color2) # Add correlation coefficients to the axes fp = FontProperties(size=14, weight="bold") axes[0].annotate(r"$R^2 = {0:.2f}$".format(np.corrcoef(q90_mod1_list, q90_obs_list)[0, 1] ** 2), (0.1, 0.85), color=color1, xycoords="axes fraction", font_properties=fp) axes[0].annotate(r"$R^2 = {0:.2f}$".format(np.corrcoef(q90_mod2_list, q90_obs_list)[0, 1] ** 2), (0.1, 0.70), color=color2, xycoords="axes fraction", font_properties=fp) axes[1].annotate(r"$R^2 = {0:.2f}$".format(np.corrcoef(q10_mod1_list, q10_obs_list)[0, 1] ** 2), (0.1, 0.85), color=color1, xycoords="axes fraction", font_properties=fp) axes[1].annotate(r"$R^2 = {0:.2f}$".format(np.corrcoef(q10_mod2_list, q10_obs_list)[0, 1] ** 2), (0.1, 0.70), color=color2, xycoords="axes fraction", font_properties=fp) sf = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sf.set_powerlimits((-2, 3)) for ind, the_ax in enumerate(axes): plot_one_to_one_line(the_ax) if ind == 0: the_ax.set_xlabel(r"Observed $\left({\rm m^3/s} \right)$") the_ax.set_ylabel(r"Modelled $\left({\rm m^3/s} \right)$") the_ax.annotate(r"$Q_{90}$" if ind == 0 else r"$Q_{10}$", (0.95, 0.95), xycoords="axes fraction", bbox=dict(facecolor="white"), va="top", ha="right") the_ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sf) the_ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(sf) locator = MaxNLocator(nbins=5) the_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) the_ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(locator) x1, x2 = the_ax.get_xlim() # Since streamflow percentiles can only be positive the_ax.set_xlim(0, x2) the_ax.set_ylim(0, x2) fig.legend([h1, h2], [label1, label2], loc="upper center", ncol=2) figpath = os.path.join(images_folder, "percentiles_comparison.png") # plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(figpath, dpi=cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI, bbox_inches="tight")
def plot_partial_dependence(gbrt, X, features, feature_names=None, label=None, n_cols=3, grid_resolution=100, percentiles=(0.05, 0.95), n_jobs=None, verbose=0, ax=None, line_kw=None, contour_kw=None, **fig_kw): """Partial dependence plots for ``features``. The ``len(features)`` plots are arranged in a grid with ``n_cols`` columns. Two-way partial dependence plots are plotted as contour plots. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <partial_dependence>`. Parameters ---------- gbrt : BaseGradientBoosting A fitted gradient boosting model. X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features) The data on which ``gbrt`` was trained. features : seq of ints, strings, or tuples of ints or strings If seq[i] is an int or a tuple with one int value, a one-way PDP is created; if seq[i] is a tuple of two ints, a two-way PDP is created. If feature_names is specified and seq[i] is an int, seq[i] must be < len(feature_names). If seq[i] is a string, feature_names must be specified, and seq[i] must be in feature_names. feature_names : seq of str Name of each feature; feature_names[i] holds the name of the feature with index i. label : object The class label for which the PDPs should be computed. Only if gbrt is a multi-class model. Must be in ``gbrt.classes_``. n_cols : int The number of columns in the grid plot (default: 3). grid_resolution : int, default=100 The number of equally spaced points on the axes. percentiles : (low, high), default=(0.05, 0.95) The lower and upper percentile used to create the extreme values for the PDP axes. n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None) ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. See :term:`Glossary <n_jobs>` for more details. verbose : int Verbose output during PD computations. Defaults to 0. ax : Matplotlib axis object, default None An axis object onto which the plots will be drawn. line_kw : dict Dict with keywords passed to the ``matplotlib.pyplot.plot`` call. For one-way partial dependence plots. contour_kw : dict Dict with keywords passed to the ``matplotlib.pyplot.plot`` call. For two-way partial dependence plots. **fig_kw : dict Dict with keywords passed to the figure() call. Note that all keywords not recognized above will be automatically included here. Returns ------- fig : figure The Matplotlib Figure object. axs : seq of Axis objects A seq of Axis objects, one for each subplot. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman1 >>> from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor >>> X, y = make_friedman1() >>> clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=10).fit(X, y) >>> fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf, X, [0, (0, 1)]) #doctest: +SKIP ... """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import transforms from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter if not isinstance(gbrt, BaseGradientBoosting): raise ValueError('gbrt has to be an instance of BaseGradientBoosting') check_is_fitted(gbrt, 'estimators_') # set label_idx for multi-class GBRT if hasattr(gbrt, 'classes_') and np.size(gbrt.classes_) > 2: if label is None: raise ValueError('label is not given for multi-class PDP') label_idx = np.searchsorted(gbrt.classes_, label) if gbrt.classes_[label_idx] != label: raise ValueError('label %s not in ``gbrt.classes_``' % str(label)) else: # regression and binary classification label_idx = 0 X = check_array(X, dtype=DTYPE, order='C') if gbrt.n_features_ != X.shape[1]: raise ValueError('X.shape[1] does not match gbrt.n_features_') if line_kw is None: line_kw = {'color': 'green'} if contour_kw is None: contour_kw = {} # convert feature_names to list if feature_names is None: # if not feature_names use fx indices as name feature_names = [str(i) for i in range(gbrt.n_features_)] elif isinstance(feature_names, np.ndarray): feature_names = feature_names.tolist() def convert_feature(fx): if isinstance(fx, str): try: fx = feature_names.index(fx) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Feature %s not in feature_names' % fx) return fx # convert features into a seq of int tuples tmp_features = [] for fxs in features: if isinstance(fxs, (numbers.Integral, str)): fxs = (fxs,) try: fxs = np.array([convert_feature(fx) for fx in fxs], dtype=np.int32) except TypeError: raise ValueError('features must be either int, str, or tuple ' 'of int/str') if not (1 <= np.size(fxs) <= 2): raise ValueError('target features must be either one or two') tmp_features.append(fxs) features = tmp_features names = [] try: for fxs in features: l = [] # explicit loop so "i" is bound for exception below for i in fxs: l.append(feature_names[i]) names.append(l) except IndexError: raise ValueError('All entries of features must be less than ' 'len(feature_names) = {0}, got {1}.' .format(len(feature_names), i)) # compute PD functions pd_result = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose)( delayed(partial_dependence)(gbrt, fxs, X=X, grid_resolution=grid_resolution, percentiles=percentiles) for fxs in features) # get global min and max values of PD grouped by plot type pdp_lim = {} for pdp, axes in pd_result: min_pd, max_pd = pdp[label_idx].min(), pdp[label_idx].max() n_fx = len(axes) old_min_pd, old_max_pd = pdp_lim.get(n_fx, (min_pd, max_pd)) min_pd = min(min_pd, old_min_pd) max_pd = max(max_pd, old_max_pd) pdp_lim[n_fx] = (min_pd, max_pd) # create contour levels for two-way plots if 2 in pdp_lim: Z_level = np.linspace(*pdp_lim[2], num=8) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(**fig_kw) else: fig = ax.get_figure() fig.clear() n_cols = min(n_cols, len(features)) n_rows = int(np.ceil(len(features) / float(n_cols))) axs = [] for i, fx, name, (pdp, axes) in zip(count(), features, names, pd_result): ax = fig.add_subplot(n_rows, n_cols, i + 1) if len(axes) == 1: ax.plot(axes[0], pdp[label_idx].ravel(), **line_kw) else: # make contour plot assert len(axes) == 2 XX, YY = np.meshgrid(axes[0], axes[1]) Z = pdp[label_idx].reshape(list(map(np.size, axes))).T CS = ax.contour(XX, YY, Z, levels=Z_level, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') ax.contourf(XX, YY, Z, levels=Z_level, vmax=Z_level[-1], vmin=Z_level[0], alpha=0.75, **contour_kw) ax.clabel(CS, fmt='%2.2f', colors='k', fontsize=10, inline=True) # plot data deciles + axes labels deciles = mquantiles(X[:, fx[0]], prob=np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)) trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) ylim = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines(deciles, [0], 0.05, transform=trans, color='k') ax.set_xlabel(name[0]) ax.set_ylim(ylim) # prevent x-axis ticks from overlapping ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=6, prune='lower')) tick_formatter = ScalarFormatter() tick_formatter.set_powerlimits((-3, 4)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(tick_formatter) if len(axes) > 1: # two-way PDP - y-axis deciles + labels deciles = mquantiles(X[:, fx[1]], prob=np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)) trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transAxes, ax.transData) xlim = ax.get_xlim() ax.hlines(deciles, [0], 0.05, transform=trans, color='k') ax.set_ylabel(name[1]) # hline erases xlim ax.set_xlim(xlim) else: ax.set_ylabel('Partial dependence') if len(axes) == 1: ax.set_ylim(pdp_lim[1]) axs.append(ax) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=0.7, left=0.1, right=0.95, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.3) return fig, axs
def plot_partial_dependence(estimator, X, features, feature_names=None, target=None, response_method='auto', n_cols=3, grid_resolution=100, percentiles=(0.05, 0.95), method='auto', n_jobs=None, verbose=0, fig=None, line_kw=None, contour_kw=None): """Partial dependence plots. The ``len(features)`` plots are arranged in a grid with ``n_cols`` columns. Two-way partial dependence plots are plotted as contour plots. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <partial_dependence>`. Parameters ---------- estimator : BaseEstimator A fitted estimator object implementing `predict`, `predict_proba`, or `decision_function`. Multioutput-multiclass classifiers are not supported. X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) The data to use to build the grid of values on which the dependence will be evaluated. This is usually the training data. features : list of {int, str, pair of int, pair of str} The target features for which to create the PDPs. If features[i] is an int or a string, a one-way PDP is created; if features[i] is a tuple, a two-way PDP is created. Each tuple must be of size 2. if any entry is a string, then it must be in ``feature_names``. feature_names : seq of str, shape (n_features,), optional Name of each feature; feature_names[i] holds the name of the feature with index i. By default, the name of the feature corresponds to their numerical index. target : int, optional (default=None) - In a multiclass setting, specifies the class for which the PDPs should be computed. Note that for binary classification, the positive class (index 1) is always used. - In a multioutput setting, specifies the task for which the PDPs should be computed Ignored in binary classification or classical regression settings. response_method : 'auto', 'predict_proba' or 'decision_function', \ optional (default='auto') : Specifies whether to use :term:`predict_proba` or :term:`decision_function` as the target response. For regressors this parameter is ignored and the response is always the output of :term:`predict`. By default, :term:`predict_proba` is tried first and we revert to :term:`decision_function` if it doesn't exist. If ``method`` is 'recursion', the response is always the output of :term:`decision_function`. n_cols : int, optional (default=3) The maximum number of columns in the grid plot. grid_resolution : int, optional (default=100) The number of equally spaced points on the axes of the plots, for each target feature. percentiles : tuple of float, optional (default=(0.05, 0.95)) The lower and upper percentile used to create the extreme values for the PDP axes. Must be in [0, 1]. method : str, optional (default='auto') The method to use to calculate the partial dependence predictions: - 'recursion' is only supported for objects inheriting from `BaseGradientBoosting`, but is more efficient in terms of speed. With this method, ``X`` is optional and is only used to build the grid and the partial dependences are computed using the training data. This method does not account for the ``init`` predicor of the boosting process, which may lead to incorrect values (see warning below. With this method, the target response of a classifier is always the decision function, not the predicted probabilities. - 'brute' is supported for any estimator, but is more computationally intensive. - If 'auto', then 'recursion' will be used for ``BaseGradientBoosting`` estimators with ``init=None``, and 'brute' for all other. Unlike the 'brute' method, 'recursion' does not account for the ``init`` predictor of the boosting process. In practice this still produces the same plots, up to a constant offset in the target response. n_jobs : int, optional (default=None) The number of CPUs to use to compute the partial dependences. ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. See :term:`Glossary <n_jobs>` for more details. verbose : int, optional (default=0) Verbose output during PD computations. fig : Matplotlib figure object, optional (default=None) A figure object onto which the plots will be drawn, after the figure has been cleared. By default, a new one is created. line_kw : dict, optional Dict with keywords passed to the ``matplotlib.pyplot.plot`` call. For one-way partial dependence plots. contour_kw : dict, optional Dict with keywords passed to the ``matplotlib.pyplot.plot`` call. For two-way partial dependence plots. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman1 >>> from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor >>> X, y = make_friedman1() >>> clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=10).fit(X, y) >>> plot_partial_dependence(clf, X, [0, (0, 1)]) #doctest: +SKIP See also -------- sklearn.inspection.partial_dependence: Return raw partial dependence values Warnings -------- The 'recursion' method only works for gradient boosting estimators, and unlike the 'brute' method, it does not account for the ``init`` predictor of the boosting process. In practice this will produce the same values as 'brute' up to a constant offset in the target response, provided that ``init`` is a consant estimator (which is the default). However, as soon as ``init`` is not a constant estimator, the partial dependence values are incorrect for 'recursion'. """ check_matplotlib_support('plot_partial_dependence') # noqa import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # noqa from matplotlib import transforms # noqa from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator # noqa from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter # noqa # set target_idx for multi-class estimators if hasattr(estimator, 'classes_') and np.size(estimator.classes_) > 2: if target is None: raise ValueError('target must be specified for multi-class') target_idx = np.searchsorted(estimator.classes_, target) if (not (0 <= target_idx < len(estimator.classes_)) or estimator.classes_[target_idx] != target): raise ValueError('target not in est.classes_, got {}'.format( target)) else: # regression and binary classification target_idx = 0 X = check_array(X) n_features = X.shape[1] # convert feature_names to list if feature_names is None: # if feature_names is None, use feature indices as name feature_names = [str(i) for i in range(n_features)] elif isinstance(feature_names, np.ndarray): feature_names = feature_names.tolist() if len(set(feature_names)) != len(feature_names): raise ValueError('feature_names should not contain duplicates.') def convert_feature(fx): if isinstance(fx, str): try: fx = feature_names.index(fx) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Feature %s not in feature_names' % fx) return int(fx) # convert features into a seq of int tuples tmp_features = [] for fxs in features: if isinstance(fxs, (numbers.Integral, str)): fxs = (fxs,) try: fxs = [convert_feature(fx) for fx in fxs] except TypeError: raise ValueError('Each entry in features must be either an int, ' 'a string, or an iterable of size at most 2.') if not (1 <= np.size(fxs) <= 2): raise ValueError('Each entry in features must be either an int, ' 'a string, or an iterable of size at most 2.') tmp_features.append(fxs) features = tmp_features names = [] try: for fxs in features: names_ = [] # explicit loop so "i" is bound for exception below for i in fxs: names_.append(feature_names[i]) names.append(names_) except IndexError: raise ValueError('All entries of features must be less than ' 'len(feature_names) = {0}, got {1}.' .format(len(feature_names), i)) # compute averaged predictions pd_result = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose)( delayed(partial_dependence)(estimator, X, fxs, response_method=response_method, method=method, grid_resolution=grid_resolution, percentiles=percentiles) for fxs in features) # For multioutput regression, we can only check the validity of target # now that we have the predictions. # Also note: as multiclass-multioutput classifiers are not supported, # multiclass and multioutput scenario are mutually exclusive. So there is # no risk of overwriting target_idx here. avg_preds, _ = pd_result[0] # checking the first result is enough if is_regressor(estimator) and avg_preds.shape[0] > 1: if target is None: raise ValueError( 'target must be specified for multi-output regressors') if not 0 <= target <= avg_preds.shape[0]: raise ValueError( 'target must be in [0, n_tasks], got {}.'.format(target)) target_idx = target else: target_idx = 0 # get global min and max values of PD grouped by plot type pdp_lim = {} for avg_preds, values in pd_result: min_pd = avg_preds[target_idx].min() max_pd = avg_preds[target_idx].max() n_fx = len(values) old_min_pd, old_max_pd = pdp_lim.get(n_fx, (min_pd, max_pd)) min_pd = min(min_pd, old_min_pd) max_pd = max(max_pd, old_max_pd) pdp_lim[n_fx] = (min_pd, max_pd) # create contour levels for two-way plots if 2 in pdp_lim: Z_level = np.linspace(*pdp_lim[2], num=8) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() else: fig.clear() if line_kw is None: line_kw = {'color': 'green'} if contour_kw is None: contour_kw = {} n_cols = min(n_cols, len(features)) n_rows = int(np.ceil(len(features) / float(n_cols))) axs = [] for i, fx, name, (avg_preds, values) in zip( count(), features, names, pd_result): ax = fig.add_subplot(n_rows, n_cols, i + 1) if len(values) == 1: ax.plot(values[0], avg_preds[target_idx].ravel(), **line_kw) else: # make contour plot assert len(values) == 2 XX, YY = np.meshgrid(values[0], values[1]) Z = avg_preds[target_idx].T CS = ax.contour(XX, YY, Z, levels=Z_level, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') ax.contourf(XX, YY, Z, levels=Z_level, vmax=Z_level[-1], vmin=Z_level[0], alpha=0.75, **contour_kw) ax.clabel(CS, fmt='%2.2f', colors='k', fontsize=10, inline=True) # plot data deciles + axes labels deciles = mquantiles(X[:, fx[0]], prob=np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)) trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) ylim = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines(deciles, [0], 0.05, transform=trans, color='k') ax.set_xlabel(name[0]) ax.set_ylim(ylim) # prevent x-axis ticks from overlapping ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=6, prune='lower')) tick_formatter = ScalarFormatter() tick_formatter.set_powerlimits((-3, 4)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(tick_formatter) if len(values) > 1: # two-way PDP - y-axis deciles + labels deciles = mquantiles(X[:, fx[1]], prob=np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)) trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transAxes, ax.transData) xlim = ax.get_xlim() ax.hlines(deciles, [0], 0.05, transform=trans, color='k') ax.set_ylabel(name[1]) # hline erases xlim ax.set_xlim(xlim) else: ax.set_ylabel('Partial dependence') if len(values) == 1: ax.set_ylim(pdp_lim[1]) axs.append(ax) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=0.7, left=0.1, right=0.95, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.3)
def __init__(self, diagnostics, nTime=0, ntMax=0, nPlot=1, write=False): ''' Constructor ''' self.write = write self.prefix = 'viRMHD2D_' self.nrows = 2 self.ncols = 4 if ntMax == 0: ntMax = diagnostics.nt if nTime > 0 and nTime < ntMax: self.nTime = nTime else: self.nTime = ntMax self.iTime = 0 self.nPlot = nPlot self.diagnostics = diagnostics self.E_velocity = np.zeros(ntMax + 1) self.E_magnetic = np.zeros(ntMax + 1) = np.zeros(ntMax + 1) self.helicity = np.zeros(ntMax + 1) self.x = np.zeros(diagnostics.nx + 1) self.y = np.zeros(diagnostics.ny + 1) self.x[0:-1] = self.diagnostics.xGrid self.x[-1] = self.x[-2] + self.diagnostics.hx self.y[0:-1] = self.diagnostics.yGrid self.y[-1] = self.y[-2] + self.diagnostics.hy self.Bx = np.zeros((diagnostics.nx + 1, diagnostics.ny + 1)) self.By = np.zeros((diagnostics.nx + 1, diagnostics.ny + 1)) self.Vx = np.zeros((diagnostics.nx + 1, diagnostics.ny + 1)) self.Vy = np.zeros((diagnostics.nx + 1, diagnostics.ny + 1)) self.P = np.zeros((diagnostics.nx + 1, diagnostics.ny + 1)) self.A = np.zeros((diagnostics.nx + 1, diagnostics.ny + 1)) self.J = np.zeros((diagnostics.nx + 1, diagnostics.ny + 1)) self.PB = np.zeros((diagnostics.nx + 1, diagnostics.ny + 1)) self.B = np.zeros((diagnostics.nx + 1, diagnostics.ny + 1)) self.V = np.zeros((diagnostics.nx + 1, diagnostics.ny + 1)) # set up figure/window size self.figure = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(16, 9)) # set up plot margins plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.25, wspace=0.2) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.93, bottom=0.05) # set up plot title self.title = self.figure.text(0.5, 0.97, 't = 0.0' % (diagnostics.tGrid[self.iTime]), horizontalalignment='center') # set up tick formatter majorFormatter = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=True) ## -> limit to 1.1f precision majorFormatter.set_powerlimits((-1, +1)) majorFormatter.set_scientific(True) # add data for zero timepoint self.add_timepoint() # set up plots self.axes = {} self.conts = {} self.cbars = {} self.lines = {} self.vecs = {} self.update_boundaries() # create subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 3) = gs self.axes["Bx"] = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) self.axes["By"] = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) self.axes["Vx"] = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) self.axes["Vy"] = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1]) self.axes["J"] = plt.subplot(gs[2:4, 0:2]) self.axes["Emag"] = plt.subplot(gs[0, 2]) self.axes["Evel"] = plt.subplot(gs[1, 2]) self.axes["E"] = plt.subplot(gs[2, 2]) self.axes["H"] = plt.subplot(gs[3, 2]) self.axes["Bx"].set_title('$B_{x} (x,y)$') self.axes["By"].set_title('$B_{y} (x,y)$') self.axes["Vx"].set_title('$V_{x} (x,y)$') self.axes["Vy"].set_title('$V_{y} (x,y)$') self.axes["J"].set_title('$J (x,y)$') self.conts["Bx"] = self.axes["Bx"].contourf(self.x, self.y, self.Bx.T, self.BxTicks, cmap=cm.jet, extend='both') self.cbars["Bx"] = self.figure.colorbar(self.conts["Bx"], ax=self.axes["Bx"], orientation='vertical', ticks=self.BxTicks) self.conts["By"] = self.axes["By"].contourf(self.x, self.y, self.By.T, self.ByTicks, cmap=cm.jet, extend='both') self.cbars["By"] = self.figure.colorbar(self.conts["By"], ax=self.axes["By"], orientation='vertical', ticks=self.ByTicks) self.conts["Vx"] = self.axes["Vx"].contourf(self.x, self.y, self.Vx.T, self.VxTicks, cmap=cm.jet, extend='both') self.cbars["Vx"] = self.figure.colorbar(self.conts["Vx"], ax=self.axes["Vx"], orientation='vertical', ticks=self.VxTicks) self.conts["Vy"] = self.axes["Vy"].contourf(self.x, self.y, self.Vy.T, self.VyTicks, cmap=cm.jet, extend='both') self.cbars["Vy"] = self.figure.colorbar(self.conts["Vy"], ax=self.axes["Vy"], orientation='vertical', ticks=self.VyTicks) tStart, tEnd, xStart, xEnd = self.get_timerange() self.lines["Emag"], = self.axes["Emag"].plot( self.diagnostics.tGrid[tStart:tEnd], self.E_magnetic[tStart:tEnd]) self.lines["Evel"], = self.axes["Evel"].plot( self.diagnostics.tGrid[tStart:tEnd], self.E_velocity[tStart:tEnd]) self.lines["E"], = self.axes["E"].plot( self.diagnostics.tGrid[tStart:tEnd],[tStart:tEnd]) self.lines["H"], = self.axes["H"].plot( self.diagnostics.tGrid[tStart:tEnd], self.helicity[tStart:tEnd]) self.axes["Emag"].set_title('$E_{B} (t)$') self.axes["Evel"].set_title('$E_{V} (t)$') # if self.diagnostics.plot_energy: # self.axes["E"].set_title('$E (t)$') # else: self.axes["E"].set_title('$(E-E_0) / E_0 (t)$') # if self.diagnostics.plot_helicity: # self.axes["H"].set_title('$H (t)$') # else: self.axes["H"].set_title('$(H-H_0) / H_0 (t)$') self.axes["Emag"].set_xlim((xStart, xEnd)) self.axes["Evel"].set_xlim((xStart, xEnd)) self.axes["E"].set_xlim((xStart, xEnd)) self.axes["H"].set_xlim((xStart, xEnd)) self.axes["Emag"].yaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) self.axes["Evel"].yaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) self.axes["E"].yaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) self.axes["H"].yaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) # switch off some ticks plt.setp(self.axes["Bx"].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(self.axes["By"].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # plt.setp(self.axes["Vx" ].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(self.axes["Emag"].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(self.axes["Evel"].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(self.axes["E"].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) self.update()
def __init__(self, order_of_mag=0, useOffset=True, useMathText=False): self._order_of_mag = order_of_mag ScalarFormatter.__init__(self, useOffset=useOffset, useMathText=useMathText)
ax.set_xticklabels([]) # remove x axis #plot C1 plt.subplot(gs[4]) plt.plot(zoomedTime, zoomedC2_y, linewidth=2, color="tab:green", label=C2_label) plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.grid(True) plt.xlim(startTime, stopTime) plt.ylabel('Napětí [V]') plt.xlabel('Čas [s]') fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0.1) x_formatter = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 6, 2.5)) ax = plt.gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(x_formatter) #plot C2 plt.subplot(gs[0]) plt.plot(zoomedTime, zoomedC3_y, linewidth=2, color="tab:blue", label=C3_label) plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.grid(True) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 13, 2.0)) plt.ylabel('Napětí [V]') plt.xlim(startTime, stopTime) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xticklabels([]) # remove x axis
def __init__(self,useOffset=True, useMathText=False, precision=None): ScalarFormatter.__init__(self,useOffset=useOffset,useMathText=useMathText ) self.precision = precision
def __init__(self, format='%f', division=1e0): ScalarFormatter.__init__(self, useOffset=False, useMathText=True) self.format = format self.division = division
def compare_plots_one_param_line_hist(list_of_pos_by_name,param,cl,color_by_name,cl_lines_flag=True,legend='right',analyticPDF=None): """ Plots a gaussian kernel density estimate for a set of Posteriors onto the same axis. @param list_of_pos: a list of Posterior class instances. @param plot1DParams: a dict; {paramName:Nbins} """ from scipy import seterr as sp_seterr #Create common figure myfig=plt.figure(figsize=(6,4.5),dpi=150) #myfig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.65,0.85]) #myfig.add_axes([0.15,0.15,0.6,0.76]) axes=plt.Axes(myfig,[0.15,0.15,0.6,0.76]) myfig.add_axes(axes) majorFormatterX=ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) majorFormatterX.format_data=lambda data:'%.6g'%(data) majorFormatterY=ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) majorFormatterY.format_data=lambda data:'%.6g'%(data) majorFormatterX.set_scientific(True) majorFormatterY.set_scientific(True) list_of_pos=list_of_pos_by_name.values() list_of_pos_names=list_of_pos_by_name.keys() allmins=map(lambda a: np.min(a[param].samples), list_of_pos) allmaxes=map(lambda a: np.max(a[param].samples), list_of_pos) min_pos=np.min(allmins) max_pos=np.max(allmaxes) injvals=[] patch_list=[] max_y=0 posbins=np.linspace(min_pos,max_pos,50) for name,posterior in list_of_pos_by_name.items(): colour=color_by_name[name] #myfig.gca(autoscale_on=True) if posterior[param].injval: injvals.append(posterior[param].injval) try: n,bins=np.histogram(posterior[param].samples,bins=posbins,normed=True,new=True) except: n,bins=np.histogram(posterior[param].samples,bins=posbins,normed=True) if min(bins)==max(bins): print 'Skipping '+param continue locmaxy=max(n) if locmaxy>max_y: max_y=locmaxy #(n, bins, patches)=plt.hist(posterior[param].samples,bins=bins,facecolor='white',label=name,normed=True,hold=True,color=color_by_name[name])#range=(min_pos,max_pos) (n, bins, patches)=plt.hist(posterior[param].samples,bins=bins,histtype='step',label=name,normed=True,hold=True,color=color_by_name[name]) patch_list.append(patches[0]) Nchars=max(map(lambda d:len(majorFormatterX.format_data(d)),axes.get_xticks())) if Nchars>8: Nticks=3 elif Nchars>5: Nticks=4 elif Nchars>4: Nticks=6 else: Nticks=6 locatorX=mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=Nticks) locatorX.view_limits(bins[0],bins[-1]) axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(locatorX) plt.xlim(min_pos,max_pos) top_cl_intervals_list={} pos_names=list_of_pos_by_name.keys() for name,posterior in list_of_pos_by_name.items(): #toppoints,injectionconfidence,reses,injection_area,cl_intervals=bppu.greedy_bin_one_param(posterior,{param:greedyBinSizes[param]},[cl]) cl_intervals=posterior[param].prob_interval([cl]) colour=color_by_name[name] if cl_intervals[0] is not None and cl_lines_flag: try: plt.plot([cl_intervals[0][0],cl_intervals[0][0]],[0,max_y],color=colour,linestyle='--') plt.plot([cl_intervals[0][1],cl_intervals[0][1]],[0,max_y],color=colour,linestyle='--') except: print "MAX_Y",max_y,[cl_intervals[0][0],cl_intervals[0][0]],[cl_intervals[0][1],cl_intervals[0][1]] top_cl_intervals_list[name]=(cl_intervals[0][0],cl_intervals[0][1]) if cl_lines_flag: pos_names.append(str(int(cl*100))+'%') patch_list.append(mpl.lines.Line2D(np.array([0.,1.]),np.array([0.,1.]),linestyle='--',color='black')) plt.grid() plt.xlim(min_pos,max_pos) if legend is not None: oned_legend=plt.figlegend(patch_list,pos_names,'right') for text in oned_legend.get_texts(): text.set_fontsize('small') plt.xlabel(bppu.plot_label(param)) plt.ylabel('Probability density') plt.draw() #plt.tight_layout() if injvals: print "Injection parameter is %f"%(float(injvals[0])) injpar=injvals[0] #if min(pos_samps)<injpar and max(pos_samps)>injpar: plt.plot([injpar,injpar],[0,max_y],'r-.',scalex=False,scaley=False,linewidth=4,label='Injection') # if analyticPDF is not None: plt.plot(posbins,map(analyticPDF,posbins),'r') return myfig,top_cl_intervals_list#,rkde
def plot_everything(*args): n_rows = 2 n_cols = n_bins / n_rows print("n_rows: {}, n_cols: {}".format(n_rows, n_cols)) for idx in range(n_bins): row = idx / n_cols col = idx % n_cols print("plotting bin {}, row {} col {}".format(idx, row, col)) plt.figure(1) #{ Figure 1 ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((n_rows, n_bins / n_rows), (row, col)) m = createMap('cyl') x_m_meshgrid, y_m_meshgrid = m(y_meshgrid, x_meshgrid) # m.pcolor(x_m_meshgrid, y_m_meshgrid, bins_rbf_log[idx], cmap=my_cm) m.pcolor(x_m_meshgrid, y_m_meshgrid, bins_rbf_log[idx], cmap=my_cm, edgecolor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3), linewidth=0.005, vmin=pcolor_min, vmax=pcolor_max) formatter = ScalarFormatter() formatter.set_scientific(False) cb = m.colorbar( location="bottom", label="Z", format=ticker.FuncFormatter(fake_log_fmt)) # draw colorbar low_limit = idx * bin_size high_limit = (idx + 1.0) * bin_size if idx == (n_bins - 1): high_limit = 150 plt.title('X-ray/gamma {}-{} keV'.format(low_limit, high_limit), fontsize=13) x_m, y_m = m(lons_orig, lats_orig) # project points cb.set_label('log10(' + x_label + ') ' + x_units) for image in images: latitude, longitude, tle_date = getLatLong(image.time) x, y = m(longitude, latitude) m.scatter(x, y, 0.2, marker='o', color='grey', zorder=10) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.025, bottom=0.05, right=0.975, top=0.95, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.3) #} end of Figure 1
plot_m.set_ylabel("mass [Earths]") plot_m.grid(True) plot_I = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4, sharex=plot_a) if isLog: plot = plot_I.semilogx else: plot = plot_I.plot for planet in range(nb_planete): plot(t[planet][id_min:id_max+1], I[planet][id_min:id_max+1], color=colors[planet], label='PLANETE'+str(planet)) plot_I.set_xlabel("time [years]") plot_I.set_ylabel("Inclination [degrees]") plot_I.grid(True) myyfmt = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False) myyfmt.set_scientific(True) myyfmt.set_powerlimits((-2, 3)) myxfmt = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=True) myxfmt._set_offset(1e5) myxfmt.set_scientific(True) myxfmt.set_powerlimits((-3, 3)) plot_a.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myxfmt) plot_I.yaxis.set_major_formatter(myyfmt) nom_fichier_plot = "evolution_planete" fig.savefig('%s.%s' % (nom_fichier_plot, OUTPUT_EXTENSION), format=OUTPUT_EXTENSION)
def corner(xs, bins=20, range=None, weights=None, color="k", smooth=None, smooth1d=None, labels=None, label_kwargs=None, show_titles=False, title_fmt=".2f", title_kwargs=None, truths=None, truth_color="#4682b4", scale_hist=False, quantiles=None, verbose=False, fig=None, max_n_ticks=5, top_ticks=False, use_math_text=False, reverse=False, hist_kwargs=None, priors=None, prior_kwargs=None, **hist2d_kwargs): """ Make a *sick* corner plot showing the projections of a data set in a multi-dimensional space. kwargs are passed to hist2d() or used for `matplotlib` styling. Parameters ---------- xs : array_like[nsamples, ndim] The samples. This should be a 1- or 2-dimensional array. For a 1-D array this results in a simple histogram. For a 2-D array, the zeroth axis is the list of samples and the next axis are the dimensions of the space. bins : int or array_like[ndim,] The number of bins to use in histograms, either as a fixed value for all dimensions, or as a list of integers for each dimension. weights : array_like[nsamples,] The weight of each sample. If `None` (default), samples are given equal weight. color : str A ``matplotlib`` style color for all histograms. smooth, smooth1d : float The standard deviation for Gaussian kernel passed to `scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter` to smooth the 2-D and 1-D histograms respectively. If `None` (default), no smoothing is applied. labels : iterable (ndim,) A list of names for the dimensions. If a ``xs`` is a ``pandas.DataFrame``, labels will default to column names. label_kwargs : dict Any extra keyword arguments to send to the `set_xlabel` and `set_ylabel` methods. show_titles : bool Displays a title above each 1-D histogram showing the 0.5 quantile with the upper and lower errors supplied by the quantiles argument. title_fmt : string The format string for the quantiles given in titles. If you explicitly set ``show_titles=True`` and ``title_fmt=None``, the labels will be shown as the titles. (default: ``.2f``) title_kwargs : dict Any extra keyword arguments to send to the `set_title` command. range : iterable (ndim,) A list where each element is either a length 2 tuple containing lower and upper bounds or a float in range (0., 1.) giving the fraction of samples to include in bounds, e.g., [(0.,10.), (1.,5), 0.999, etc.]. If a fraction, the bounds are chosen to be equal-tailed. truths : iterable (ndim,) A list of reference values to indicate on the plots. Individual values can be omitted by using ``None``. truth_color : str A ``matplotlib`` style color for the ``truths`` makers. scale_hist : bool Should the 1-D histograms be scaled in such a way that the zero line is visible? quantiles : iterable A list of fractional quantiles to show on the 1-D histograms as vertical dashed lines. verbose : bool If true, print the values of the computed quantiles. plot_contours : bool Draw contours for dense regions of the plot. use_math_text : bool If true, then axis tick labels for very large or small exponents will be displayed as powers of 10 rather than using `e`. reverse : bool If true, plot the corner plot starting in the upper-right corner instead of the usual bottom-left corner max_n_ticks: int Maximum number of ticks to try to use top_ticks : bool If true, label the top ticks of each axis fig : matplotlib.Figure Overplot onto the provided figure object. hist_kwargs : dict Any extra keyword arguments to send to the 1-D histogram plots. priors : iterable (ndim,) A list of functions used to plot another probability distribution on top of the 1-D histograms. Individual priors can be omitted by using ``None``. Priors are only calculated over the range of the posteriors. E.g., to plot flat priors, ``def flat(p): return np.ones_like(p)`` and pass ``priors=[flat, flat, flat]``. prior_kwargs : dict Any extra keyword arguments to send to the prior histogram plots, e.g., ``prior_kwargs={"color": "blue"}``. The default style is a thin, gray, dotted line. **hist2d_kwargs Any remaining keyword arguments are sent to `corner.hist2d` to generate the 2-D histogram plots. """ if quantiles is None: quantiles = [] if title_kwargs is None: title_kwargs = dict() if label_kwargs is None: label_kwargs = dict() # Try filling in labels from pandas.DataFrame columns. if labels is None: try: labels = xs.columns except AttributeError: pass # Deal with 1D sample lists. xs = np.atleast_1d(xs) if len(xs.shape) == 1: xs = np.atleast_2d(xs) else: assert len(xs.shape) == 2, "The input sample array must be 1- or 2-D." xs = xs.T assert xs.shape[0] <= xs.shape[1], "I don't believe that you want more " \ "dimensions than samples!" # Parse the weight array. if weights is not None: weights = np.asarray(weights) if weights.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Weights must be 1-D") if xs.shape[1] != weights.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Lengths of weights must match number of samples") # Parse the parameter ranges. if range is None: if "extents" in hist2d_kwargs: logging.warn("Deprecated keyword argument 'extents'. " "Use 'range' instead.") range = hist2d_kwargs.pop("extents") else: range = [[x.min(), x.max()] for x in xs] # Check for parameters that never change. m = np.array([e[0] == e[1] for e in range], dtype=bool) if np.any(m): raise ValueError( ("It looks like the parameter(s) in " "column(s) {0} have no dynamic range. " "Please provide a `range` argument.").format(", ".join( map("{0}".format, np.arange(len(m))[m])))) else: # If any of the extents are percentiles, convert them to ranges. # Also make sure it's a normal list. range = list(range) for i, _ in enumerate(range): try: emin, emax = range[i] except TypeError: q = [0.5 - 0.5 * range[i], 0.5 + 0.5 * range[i]] range[i] = quantile(xs[i], q, weights=weights) if len(range) != xs.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch between samples and range") # Parse the bin specifications. try: bins = [int(bins) for _ in range] except TypeError: if len(bins) != len(range): raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch between bins and range") # Some magic numbers for pretty axis layout. K = len(xs) factor = 2.0 # size of one side of one panel if reverse: lbdim = 0.2 * factor # size of left/bottom margin trdim = 0.5 * factor # size of top/right margin else: lbdim = 0.5 * factor # size of left/bottom margin trdim = 0.2 * factor # size of top/right margin whspace = 0.05 # w/hspace size plotdim = factor * K + factor * (K - 1.) * whspace dim = lbdim + plotdim + trdim # Create a new figure if one wasn't provided. if fig is None: fig, axes = pl.subplots(K, K, figsize=(dim, dim)) else: try: axes = np.array(fig.axes).reshape((K, K)) except: raise ValueError("Provided figure has {0} axes, but data has " "dimensions K={1}".format(len(fig.axes), K)) # Format the figure. lb = lbdim / dim tr = (lbdim + plotdim) / dim fig.subplots_adjust(left=lb, bottom=lb, right=tr, top=tr, wspace=whspace, hspace=whspace) # Set up the default histogram keywords. if hist_kwargs is None: hist_kwargs = dict() hist_kwargs["color"] = hist_kwargs.get("color", color) if smooth1d is None: hist_kwargs["histtype"] = hist_kwargs.get("histtype", "step") # Set up the defaults for plotting priors if priors is None: priors = [None] * xs.shape[0] if prior_kwargs is None: prior_kwargs = dict() prior_kwargs["linestyle"] = prior_kwargs.get("linestyle", ":") prior_kwargs["linewidth"] = prior_kwargs.get("linewidth", 1) prior_kwargs["color"] = prior_kwargs.get("color", "gray") for i, x in enumerate(xs): # Deal with masked arrays. if hasattr(x, "compressed"): x = x.compressed() if np.shape(xs)[0] == 1: ax = axes else: if reverse: ax = axes[K - i - 1, K - i - 1] else: ax = axes[i, i] # Plot the histograms. if smooth1d is None: n, bin_edges, _ = ax.hist(x, bins=bins[i], weights=weights, range=np.sort(range[i]), **hist_kwargs) else: if gaussian_filter is None: raise ImportError("Please install scipy for smoothing") n, bin_edges = np.histogram(x, bins=bins[i], weights=weights, range=np.sort(range[i])) n = gaussian_filter(n, smooth1d) x0 = np.array(list(zip(bin_edges[:-1], bin_edges[1:]))).flatten() y0 = np.array(list(zip(n, n))).flatten() ax.plot(x0, y0, **hist_kwargs) if priors[i] is not None: prior = priors[i](bin_edges) prior *= np.sum(n) / np.sum(prior) ax.plot(bin_edges, prior, zorder=1, **prior_kwargs) if truths is not None and truths[i] is not None: ax.axvline(truths[i], color=truth_color) # Plot quantiles if wanted. if len(quantiles) > 0: qvalues = quantile(x, quantiles, weights=weights) for q in qvalues: ax.axvline(q, ls="dashed", color=color) if verbose: print("Quantiles:") print([item for item in zip(quantiles, qvalues)]) if show_titles: title = None if title_fmt is not None: # Compute the quantiles for the title. This might redo # unneeded computation but who cares. q_16, q_50, q_84 = quantile(x, [0.16, 0.5, 0.84], weights=weights) q_m, q_p = q_50 - q_16, q_84 - q_50 # Format the quantile display. fmt = "{{0:{0}}}".format(title_fmt).format title = r"${{{0}}}_{{-{1}}}^{{+{2}}}$" title = title.format(fmt(q_50), fmt(q_m), fmt(q_p)) # Add in the column name if it's given. if labels is not None: title = "{0} = {1}".format(labels[i], title) elif labels is not None: title = "{0}".format(labels[i]) if title is not None: if reverse: ax.set_xlabel(title, **title_kwargs) else: ax.set_title(title, **title_kwargs) # Set up the axes. ax.set_xlim(range[i]) if scale_hist: maxn = np.max(n) ax.set_ylim(-0.1 * maxn, 1.1 * maxn) else: ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1 * np.max(n)) ax.set_yticklabels([]) if max_n_ticks == 0: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) else: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(max_n_ticks, prune="lower")) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) if i < K - 1: if top_ticks: ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("top") [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_xticklabels()] else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) else: if reverse: ax.xaxis.tick_top() [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_xticklabels()] if labels is not None: if reverse: ax.set_title(labels[i], y=1.25, **label_kwargs) else: ax.set_xlabel(labels[i], **label_kwargs) # use MathText for axes ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( ScalarFormatter(useMathText=use_math_text)) for j, y in enumerate(xs): if np.shape(xs)[0] == 1: ax = axes else: if reverse: ax = axes[K - i - 1, K - j - 1] else: ax = axes[i, j] if j > i: ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) continue elif j == i: continue # Deal with masked arrays. if hasattr(y, "compressed"): y = y.compressed() hist2d(y, x, ax=ax, range=[range[j], range[i]], weights=weights, color=color, smooth=smooth, bins=[bins[j], bins[i]], **hist2d_kwargs) if truths is not None: if truths[i] is not None and truths[j] is not None: ax.plot(truths[j], truths[i], "s", color=truth_color) if truths[j] is not None: ax.axvline(truths[j], color=truth_color) if truths[i] is not None: ax.axhline(truths[i], color=truth_color) if max_n_ticks == 0: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) else: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator( MaxNLocator(max_n_ticks, prune="lower")) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator( MaxNLocator(max_n_ticks, prune="lower")) if i < K - 1: ax.set_xticklabels([]) else: if reverse: ax.xaxis.tick_top() [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_xticklabels()] if labels is not None: ax.set_xlabel(labels[j], **label_kwargs) if reverse: ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, 1.4) else: ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.3) # use MathText for axes ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( ScalarFormatter(useMathText=use_math_text)) if j > 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) else: if reverse: ax.yaxis.tick_right() [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_yticklabels()] if labels is not None: if reverse: ax.set_ylabel(labels[i], rotation=-90, **label_kwargs) ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(1.3, 0.5) else: ax.set_ylabel(labels[i], **label_kwargs) ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.3, 0.5) # use MathText for axes ticks ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( ScalarFormatter(useMathText=use_math_text)) return fig
def plot(self, profile, statsResults): if len(statsResults.activeData) <= 0: self.emptyAxis() return features = statsResults.getColumn('Features') if len(features) > 200: QtGui.QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor)) reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Continue?', 'Profile contains ' + str(len(features)) + ' features. ' + 'It may take several seconds to generate this plot. We recommend filtering your profile first. ' + 'Do you wish to continue?', QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) QtGui.QApplication.instance().restoreOverrideCursor() if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.No: self.emptyAxis() return # *** Colour of plot elements axesColour = str(self.preferences['Axes colour'].name()) profile1Colour = str(self.preferences['Sample 1 colour'].name()) profile2Colour = str(self.preferences['Sample 2 colour'].name()) # *** Set sample names bLogScale = False xLabel = self.fieldToPlot # *** Create lists for each quantity of interest if self.fieldToPlot == 'Number of sequences': if self.bSortFeatures: statsResults.activeData = TableHelper.SortTable(statsResults.activeData,\ [statsResults.dataHeadings['Seq1']], True) field1 = statsResults.getColumn('Seq1') field2 = statsResults.getColumn('Seq2') elif self.fieldToPlot == 'Number of parental sequences': if self.bSortFeatures: statsResults.activeData = TableHelper.SortTable(statsResults.activeData,\ [statsResults.dataHeadings['ParentalSeq1']], True) field1 = statsResults.getColumn('ParentalSeq1') field2 = statsResults.getColumn('ParentalSeq2') elif self.fieldToPlot == 'Proportion of sequences (%)': if self.bSortFeatures: statsResults.activeData = TableHelper.SortTable(statsResults.activeData,\ [statsResults.dataHeadings['RelFreq1']], True) field1 = statsResults.getColumn('RelFreq1') field2 = statsResults.getColumn('RelFreq2') elif self.fieldToPlot == 'p-values': if self.bSortFeatures: statsResults.activeData = TableHelper.SortTable(statsResults.activeData,\ [statsResults.dataHeadings['pValues']], False) field1 = statsResults.getColumn('pValues') field2 = None elif self.fieldToPlot == 'p-values (corrected)': if self.bSortFeatures: statsResults.activeData = TableHelper.SortTable(statsResults.activeData,\ [statsResults.dataHeadings['pValuesCorrected']], False) field1 = statsResults.getColumn('pValuesCorrected') field2 = None elif self.fieldToPlot == 'Effect size': if self.bSortFeatures: statsResults.activeData = TableHelper.SortTable(statsResults.activeData,\ [statsResults.dataHeadings['EffectSize']], True, True, statsResults.confIntervMethod.bRatio) field1 = statsResults.getColumn('EffectSize') field2 = None bLogScale = statsResults.confIntervMethod.bRatio xLabel = statsResults.confIntervMethod.plotLabel features = statsResults.getColumn('Features') # get sorted feature labels # *** Truncate feature labels highlightedFeatures = list(self.preferences['Highlighted sample features']) if self.preferences['Truncate feature names']: length = self.preferences['Length of truncated feature names'] for i in xrange(0, len(features)): if len(features[i]) > length+3: features[i] = features[i][0:length] + '...' for i in xrange(0, len(highlightedFeatures)): if len(highlightedFeatures[i]) > length+3: highlightedFeatures[i] = highlightedFeatures[i][0:length] + '...' # *** Check that there is at least one significant feature if len(features) <= 0: self.emptyAxis('No significant features') return # *** Set figure size padding = 0.2 #inches heightBottomLabels = 0.4 # inches imageHeight = len(features)*self.figHeightPerRow + padding + heightBottomLabels self.fig.set_size_inches(self.figWidth, imageHeight) yPlotOffsetFigSpace = heightBottomLabels / imageHeight heightPlotFigSpace = 1.0 - yPlotOffsetFigSpace - padding / imageHeight yLabelBounds = self.yLabelExtents(features, 8) xPlotOffsetFigSpace = yLabelBounds.width + 0.1 / self.figWidth widthPlotFigSpace = 1.0 - xPlotOffsetFigSpace - padding / self.figWidth axesBar = self.fig.add_axes([xPlotOffsetFigSpace,yPlotOffsetFigSpace,widthPlotFigSpace,heightPlotFigSpace]) # *** Plot data barHeight = 0.35 if bLogScale: field1 = np.log10(field1) xLabel = 'log(' + xLabel + ')' if field2 != None: field2 = np.log10(field2) if field2 == None: rects1 = axesBar.barh(np.arange(len(features)), field1, height=barHeight) axesBar.set_yticks(np.arange(len(features)) + 0.5*barHeight) axesBar.set_ylim([0, len(features)-1.0 + barHeight + 0.1]) elif field2 != None: rects2 = axesBar.barh(np.arange(len(features)), field2, height=barHeight, color=profile2Colour) rects1 = axesBar.barh(np.arange(len(features))+barHeight, field1, height=barHeight, color=profile1Colour) axesBar.set_yticks(np.arange(len(features)) + barHeight) axesBar.set_ylim([0, len(features)-1.0 + 2*barHeight + 0.1]) axesBar.set_yticklabels(features) axesBar.set_xlabel(xLabel) scalarFormatter = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=False) scalarFormatter.set_scientific(True) scalarFormatter.set_powerlimits((-3,4)) axesBar.xaxis.set_major_formatter(scalarFormatter) # *** Prettify plot if self.legendPos != -1 and field2 != None: legend = axesBar.legend([rects1[0], rects2[0]], (profile.sampleNames[0], profile.sampleNames[1]), loc=self.legendPos) legend.get_frame().set_linewidth(0) for label in axesBar.get_yticklabels(): if label.get_text() in highlightedFeatures: label.set_color('red') for a in axesBar.yaxis.majorTicks: a.tick1On=False a.tick2On=False for a in axesBar.xaxis.majorTicks: a.tick1On=True a.tick2On=False for line in axesBar.yaxis.get_ticklines(): line.set_color(axesColour) for line in axesBar.xaxis.get_ticklines(): line.set_color(axesColour) for loc, spine in axesBar.spines.iteritems(): if loc in ['right','top']: spine.set_color('none') else: spine.set_color(axesColour) self.updateGeometry() self.draw()
#dummy x data for plotting x = np.arange(min(meanls_list_fyi), max(meanls_list_fyi), 1) x = np.arange(min(ls_list_fyi), max(ls_list_fyi), 1) ax.loglog(x, a * x**k, linewidth=2, label=r'$D=%.2f*10^{-6} L^{%.2f}$ (FYI)' % (a * 10e6, k), c='darkorange') ax.plot(cix, ciy_low, '--', c='r', linewidth=1, label=r'$99\%\,confidence\,band$') ax.plot(cix, ciy_upp, '--', c='r', linewidth=1) ax.grid(True) from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, FormatStrFormatter ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax.legend(loc='lower left', prop={'size': 16}, fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, numpoints=1) fig1.tight_layout() fig1.savefig(outpath + 'power_law_24h_it_7km_seed_f_masked_n9' + title) #fig1.savefig(outpath+'power_law_24h_it_7km_'+title)