コード例 #1
def odot(gm, sma, ecc, ean):
    rad = r(sma, ecc, ean)
    if ecc > 1.0:
        sf = math.sqrt(-gm * sma) / rad
        efac = math.sqrt(ecc ** 2 - 1.0)
        return sf * matrix.Vector3((-math.sinh(ean), efac * math.cosh(ean), 0))
    sf = math.sqrt(gm * sma) / rad
    efac = math.sqrt(1.0 - ecc ** 2)
    return sf * matrix.Vector3((-math.sin(ean), efac * math.cos(ean), 0))
コード例 #2
ファイル: gauge.py プロジェクト: stanislavsay/konrad
 def __init__(self, dl, cw):
     super(NavBall, self).__init__(dl, cw)
     self.add_prop('pit', 'n.pitch2')
     self.add_prop('hdg', 'n.heading2')
     self.add_prop('rll', 'n.roll2')
     self.cardinals = {
         'N': matrix.Vector3((1, 0, 0)),
         'S': matrix.Vector3((-1, 0, 0)),
         'E': matrix.Vector3((0, 1, 0)),
         'W': matrix.Vector3((0, -1, 0)),
         'O': matrix.Vector3((0, 0, -1)),
         'X': matrix.Vector3((0, 0, 1)),
     self.size = min(self.height * 2, self.width) - 1
     self.half_size = self.size / 2
     self.center = (self.width / 2, self.height / 2)
コード例 #3
ファイル: sim.py プロジェクト: nashsclay/konrad
 def point(self, pit, hdg):
     # pointing vector in local co-ordinates
     pvec = matrix.Vector3((math.sin(pit), math.sin(hdg) * math.cos(pit),
                            math.cos(hdg) * math.cos(pit)))
     self.pvec = matrix.RotationMatrix(2, self.lon) * matrix.RotationMatrix(
         1, -self.lat) * pvec
コード例 #4
def ovec(sma, ecc, ean):
    tan = tan_from_ean(ean, ecc)
    rad = r(sma, ecc, ean)
    return rad * matrix.Vector3((math.cos(tan), math.sin(tan), 0))
コード例 #5
 def compute_3d_elements(self, rvec, vvec):
     # Compute 3D elements from 3D state vector
     ### uses eqns from https://downloads.rene-schwarz.com/download/M002-Cartesian_State_Vectors_to_Keplerian_Orbit_Elements.pdf
     # specific orbital energy, epsilon = v.v / 2 - mu / |r|
     soe = vvec.dot(vvec) / 2.0 - self.gm / rvec.mag
     # a = -mu / 2epsilon
     if soe == 0:
         # It's parabolic, we may as well give up now
         # XXX this isn't exactly great, but the odds of hitting a perfectly
         # parabolic orbit in practice are negligible, so let's punt
         return {}
     sma = -self.gm / (2.0 * soe)
     # specific angular momentum
     # h = r x v
     sam = rvec.cross(vvec)
     # eccentricity vector
     # e = v x h / mu - rhat
     evec = (1.0 / self.gm) * vvec.cross(sam) - rvec.hat
     # eccentricity = |e|
     ecc = evec.mag
     apa = (1 + ecc) * sma
     pea = (1 - ecc) * sma
     data = {'sma': sma, 'ecc': ecc,
             'apa': apa - self.rad,
             'pea': pea - self.rad,
             'sam': sam}
     # vector to ascending node
     n = matrix.Vector3((-sam.y, sam.x, 0))
     if sma > 0:
         # mean motion n = sqrt(mu / a^3)
         mmo = math.sqrt(self.gm / sma ** 3)
         data['mmo'] = mmo
         # period T = 2pi / n
         per = 2.0 * math.pi / mmo
         data['per'] = per
         # hyperbolic mean motion n = sqrt(-mu / a^3)
         mmo = math.sqrt(-self.gm / sma ** 3)
         data['mmo'] = mmo
     # anomalies (since periapsis)
     if ecc == 0:
         tan = 0
         ean = 0
         # true anomaly nu
         tan = angle_between(evec.hat, rvec.hat)
         if vvec.dot(rvec) < 0:
             tan = 2.0 * math.pi - tan
         # eccentric anomaly E = 2 arctan(tan(nu/2)/sqrt((1+e)/(1-e)))
         ean = ean_from_tan(tan, ecc)
     data['tan'] = tan
     data['ean'] = ean
     # mean anomaly M = E - e sin E
     data['man'] = man_from_ean(ean, ecc)
     # inclination
     inc = angle_between(sam.hat, matrix.Vector3.ez())
     data['inc'] = inc
     # longitude of ascending node
     if n.mag == 0:
         lan = -tan
         lan = angle_between(n.hat, matrix.Vector3.ex())
         if n.y < 0:
             lan = 2.0 * math.pi - lan
     data['lan'] = lan
     # argument of periapsis
     if ecc == 0:
         ape = 2.0 * math.pi - lan
     elif n.mag == 0:
         ape = 0
         ape = angle_between(n.hat, evec.hat)
         if evec.z < 0:
             ape = 2.0 * math.pi - ape
     data['ape'] = ape
     # time to apsides
     if mmo > 0:
         if ecc < 1.0:
             man = math.fmod(data['man'] + 2.0 * math.pi, 2.0 * math.pi)
             # time to periapsis
             mtp = 2.0 * math.pi - man
             ttp = mtp / mmo
             data['pet'] = ttp
             # time to apoapsis
             mta = math.pi - man
             if mta < 0:
                 mta += 2.0 * math.pi
             tta = mta / mmo
             data['apt'] = tta
             # time to periapsis
             mtp = -data['man']
             ttp = mtp / mmo
             data['pet'] = ttp
     return data
コード例 #6
    lanx = matrix.RotationMatrix(2, lan)
    incx = matrix.RotationMatrix(0, inc)
    apex = matrix.RotationMatrix(2, ape)
    return lanx * incx * apex


def angle_between(w, z):
    # assumes w and z are unit vectors
    dot = sum(wi*zi for wi,zi in zip(w.data, z.data))
    dot = min(max(dot, -1.0), 1.0)
    return math.acos(dot)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # round-trip test
    in_r = matrix.Vector3((50, 0, 0))
    in_v = matrix.Vector3((1.0, 2.0, 0.1))
    in_gm = 50
    in_rad = 0
    in_dt = 1e-5
    pbody = ParentBody(in_rad, in_gm)
    elts = pbody.compute_3d_elements(in_r, in_v)
    ecc = elts['ecc']
    for k,v in elts.iteritems():
        if ecc < 1.0 and ('an' in k or k in ('inc', 'ape', 'mmo')):
            v = math.degrees(v)
        print k, v
    ean = ean_from_tan(elts['tan'], elts['ecc'])
    out_r, out_v = pbody.compute_3d_vector(elts['sma'], elts['ecc'], ean, elts['ape'], elts['inc'], elts['lan'])
    print out_r