コード例 #1
def build_matrices(prescriptions, practices, dates):
    Accepts an iterable of prescriptions plus mappings of pratice codes and
    date strings to their respective row/column offsets. Yields tuples of the

        bnf_code, items_matrix, quantity_matrix, actual_cost_matrix, net_cost_matrix

    Where the matrices contain the prescribed values for that presentation for
    every practice and date.
    max_row = max(practices.values())
    max_col = max(dates.values())
    shape = (max_row + 1, max_col + 1)
    grouped_by_bnf_code = groupby(prescriptions, lambda row: row[0])
    for bnf_code, row_group in grouped_by_bnf_code:
        items_matrix = sparse_matrix(shape, integer=True)
        quantity_matrix = sparse_matrix(shape, integer=False)
        actual_cost_matrix = sparse_matrix(shape, integer=True)
        net_cost_matrix = sparse_matrix(shape, integer=True)
        for _, practice, date, items, quantity, actual_cost, net_cost in row_group:
            practice_offset = practices[practice]
            date_offset = dates[date]
            items_matrix[practice_offset, date_offset] = items
            quantity_matrix[practice_offset, date_offset] = quantity
            actual_cost_matrix[practice_offset, date_offset] = actual_cost
            net_cost_matrix[practice_offset, date_offset] = net_cost
        yield MatrixRow(
コード例 #2
def build_matrices(practice_statistics, practices, dates):
    Accepts an iterable of practice statistics, plus mappings of pratice codes
    and date strings to their respective row/column offsets. Yields pairs of
    the form:

        statistic_name, matrix

    Where the matrix contains the values for that statistic for each practice
    and date.
    max_row = max(practices.values())
    max_col = max(dates.values())
    shape = (max_row + 1, max_col + 1)
    matrices = {}
    for statistic_name, practice, date, value in practice_statistics:
            practice_offset = practices[practice]
        except KeyError:
            # Because we download all practice statistics for a given date
            # range we end up including practices which have not prescribed at
            # all during this period and hence which aren't included in our
            # list of known practices. We just want to ignore these.
        date_offset = dates[date]
            matrix = matrices[statistic_name]
        except KeyError:
            matrix = sparse_matrix(shape, integer=isinstance(value, int))
            matrices[statistic_name] = matrix
        matrix[practice_offset, date_offset] = value
    logger.info("Writing %s practice statistics matrices to SQLite",
    for statistic_name, matrix in sorted(matrices.items()):
        yield statistic_name, finalise_matrix(matrix)
コード例 #3
 def make_matrix(self, sparse, integer):
     matrix = sparse_matrix(self.shape, integer=integer)
     sample_density = 0.4 if sparse else 1
     for coords in self._random_coords(self.shape, sample_density):
         value = self.random.randrange(1024) if integer else random.random()
         matrix[coords] = value
     matrix = finalise_matrix(matrix)
     return matrix
コード例 #4
 def make_matrix(self, sparse, integer):
     matrix = sparse_matrix(self.shape, integer=integer)
     sample_density = 0.1 if sparse else 1
     for coords in self._random_coords(self.shape, sample_density):
         value = self.random.randrange(1024) if integer else random.random()
         matrix[coords] = value
     matrix = finalise_matrix(matrix)
     # Make sure we get back the type of matrix we're expecting
     assert hasattr(matrix, "todense") == sparse
     return matrix
コード例 #5
def sum_rows(rows):
    Accepts mutliple rows of matrices and sums the matrices in each column
    first_row = rows[0]
    accumulators = [
        sparse_matrix(matrix.shape, integer=is_integer(matrix)) for matrix in first_row
    for row in rows:
        for accumulator, matrix in zip(accumulators, row):
            accumulator += matrix
    return [finalise_matrix(matrix) for matrix in accumulators]
コード例 #6
 def make_matrix(self, random, sparse, integer):
     shape = (4, 4)
     if sparse:
         matrix = sparse_matrix(shape, integer=integer)
         dtype = numpy.int_ if integer else numpy.float_
         matrix = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype)
     coords = map(random.randrange, shape)
     value = random.randrange(128) if integer else random.random()
     matrix[coords] = value
     if sparse:
         matrix = finalise_matrix(matrix)
     return matrix
コード例 #7
 def make_matrix(self, random, sparse, integer):
     shape = (16, 4)
     if sparse:
         matrix = sparse_matrix(shape, integer=integer)
         dtype = numpy.int_ if integer else numpy.float_
         matrix = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype)
     coords = list(map(random.randrange, shape))
     value = random.randrange(128) if integer else random.random()
     matrix[coords] = value
     if sparse:
         matrix = finalise_matrix(matrix)
     # Check we've got the type of matrix we're expecting
     assert hasattr(matrix, "todense") == sparse
     return matrix
コード例 #8
 def test_integer_matrices_are_converted_to_smallest_type(self):
     matrix = sparse_matrix((4, 4), integer=True)
     for coords in self._random_coords(matrix.shape, sample_density=0.5):
         matrix[coords] = self.random.randint(1, 127)
     finalised = finalise_matrix(matrix)
     self.assertEqual(finalised.dtype, numpy.uint8)
コード例 #9
 def test_sufficiently_dense_matrices_are_converted_to_ndarrays(self):
     matrix = sparse_matrix((4, 4))
     for coords in self._random_coords(matrix.shape, sample_density=0.8):
         matrix[coords] = self.random.random()
     finalised = finalise_matrix(matrix)
     self.assertIsInstance(finalised, numpy.ndarray)
コード例 #10
 def test_sufficiently_sparse_matrices_remain_sparse(self):
     matrix = sparse_matrix((4, 4))
     for coords in self._random_coords(matrix.shape, sample_density=0.1):
         matrix[coords] = self.random.random()
     finalised = finalise_matrix(matrix)
     self.assertIsInstance(finalised, SparseMatrixBase)