def delete(args, update_run_file=True): """ Delete a past run. :param args: The run ID to delete :param update_run_file: Remove entry from runs.json file """ logger.debug('Received delete command with arguments: %s ' % args) if update_run_file: # Load run log JSON, find entry that matches the argument and delete it. # Then, write new run log file. run_file = os.path.join(PathManager.get_working_dir(), 'data', 'runs.json') if os.path.exists(run_file): logger.debug('Deleting entry %s from run file: %s' % (args, run_file)) with open(run_file, 'r') as data: run_file_data = json.load(data) found = False for run in run_file_data['runs']: if run['id'] == args: run_file_data['runs'].remove(run) found = True if found: with open(run_file, 'w') as data: json.dump(run_file_data, data, sort_keys=True, indent=True) else: logger.error('Entry for run %s not found in run log file.' % args) else: logger.error('Run file not found.') # Remove run directory on disk. target_run = os.path.join(PathManager.get_working_dir(), 'runs', args) if os.path.exists(target_run): shutil.rmtree(target_run, ignore_errors=True) else: logger.debug('Run directory does not exist: %s' % target_run)
def init_control_center(): cc_assets_path = os.path.join( os.path.realpath(os.path.split(__file__)[0] + '/..'), 'control_center', 'assets') logger.debug('Copying Control Center assets from %s to %s' % (cc_assets_path, get_core_args().workdir)) copy_tree(cc_assets_path, get_core_args().workdir) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(PathManager.get_module_dir(), 'targets')): logger.debug('Looking for CC files in module directory.') targets_dir = os.path.join(PathManager.get_module_dir(), 'targets') else: logger.debug('Looking for CC files in package directory.') targets_dir = os.path.join(Settings.PACKAGE_ROOT, 'mattapi', 'targets') exclude_dirs = {'__pycache__'} for path, dirs, files in PathManager.sorted_walk(targets_dir): [dirs.remove(d) for d in list(dirs) if d in exclude_dirs] for target in dirs: src = os.path.join(targets_dir, target, 'icon.png') dest = os.path.join(get_core_args().workdir, 'images', '%s.png' % target) try: shutil.copyfile(src, dest) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning('Could not find icon file for target: %s' % target) break create_target_json()
def check_target(target: str = None): """Checks if provided target exists.""" # Currently not in use, but maintaining for possible future use. if target is None: logger.warning('No target provided.') local_target_path = os.path.join(PathManager.get_module_dir(), 'targets') package_target_path = os.path.join(PathManager.get_module_dir(), 'mattapi', 'targets') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(local_target_path, target)): return True if os.path.exists(os.path.join(package_target_path, target)): return True target_list = [] local_path_exists = os.path.exists(local_target_path) package_path_exists = os.path.exists(package_target_path) if local_path_exists: target_list += scan_dir(local_target_path) if package_path_exists: target_list += scan_dir(package_target_path) if not local_path_exists and not package_path_exists: path_warning(local_target_path) else: logger.critical('Target %s doesn\'t exist.') logger.critical('Did you mean to choose one of these instead?') for target in target_list: logger.critical('\t%s' % target) return False
def make_profile(profile_type: Profiles = None, preferences: dict = None): """Internal-only method used to create profiles on disk. :param profile_type: Profiles.BRAND_NEW, Profiles.LIKE_NEW, Profiles.TEN_BOOKMARKS, Profiles.DEFAULT :param preferences: A dictionary containing profile preferences """ if profile_type is None: profile_type = Profiles.DEFAULT if preferences is None: if profile_type is Profiles.BRAND_NEW: preferences = FirefoxSettings.DEFAULT_FX_PREFS else: preferences = {} test_root = PathManager.get_current_tests_directory() current_test = os.environ.get('CURRENT_TEST') test_path = current_test.split(test_root)[1].split('.py')[0][1:] profile_path = os.path.join(PathManager.get_current_run_dir(), test_path, 'profile') if not os.path.exists(profile_path): os.makedirs(profile_path) if profile_type is Profiles.BRAND_NEW: logger.debug('Creating brand new profile: %s' % profile_path) elif profile_type in (Profiles.LIKE_NEW, Profiles.TEN_BOOKMARKS): logger.debug('Creating new profile from %s staged profile.' % profile_type.value.upper()) profile_path = FirefoxProfile._get_staged_profile( profile_type, profile_path) else: raise ValueError('No profile found: %s' % profile_type.value) return MozProfile(profile=profile_path, preferences=preferences)
def get_test_params(): tests_to_execute = collect_tests() pytest_args = [] if get_core_args().rerun: failed_tests_file = os.path.join(PathManager.get_working_dir(), 'lastfail.txt') tests_dir = os.path.join(PathManager.get_tests_dir(), get_core_args().target) failed_tests = [] with open(failed_tests_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: failed_tests.append(line.rstrip('\n')) f.close() # Read first line to see if these tests apply to current target. if tests_dir in failed_tests[0]: pytest_args = failed_tests else: logging.error( 'The -a flag cannot be used now because the last failed tests don\'t match current target.' ) else: if len(tests_to_execute) > 0: for running in tests_to_execute: pytest_args.append(running) else: exit_iris('No tests to execute.', status=1) return pytest_args
def scan_all_tests(): tests_directory = PathManager.get_tests_dir() logger.debug('Path %s found. Checking content ...', tests_directory) test_list = {} rootdir = tests_directory.rstrip(os.sep) start = rootdir.rfind(os.sep) + 1 exclude_dirs = {'images', '.pytest_cache', '__pycache__'} exclude_files = {'', 'pytest.ini', '.DS_Store'} for path, dirs, files in PathManager.sorted_walk(rootdir): [dirs.remove(d) for d in list(dirs) if d in exclude_dirs] [files.remove(d) for d in list(files) if d in exclude_files] folders = path[start:].split(os.sep) subdir = dict.fromkeys(files) parent = reduce(dict.get, folders[:-1], test_list) parent[folders[-1]] = subdir if len(files) > 0: if os.path.isdir(path): my_plugin = TestCollector() pytest.main(['--collect-only', '-p', 'no:terminal', path], plugins=[my_plugin]) for module in my_plugin.get_collected_items(): try: module_path = str(module.fspath) module_name = os.path.basename(module_path) temp = module_path.split( '%stests%s' % (os.sep, os.sep))[1].split(module_name)[0] package = os.path.join('tests', temp) current_test = module.own_markers[0].kwargs test_object = { 'name': module_name, 'module': module_path, 'description': current_test.get('description'), 'package': package } if not current_test.get('values'): pass else: for value in current_test.get('values').kwargs: test_object[value] = current_test.get( 'values').kwargs[value] subdir[module_name] = test_object except TypeError as e: logger.warning('Error in test - %s: %s' % (module, e.message)) except AttributeError: logger.warning('[%s] is not a test file. Skipping...', module) return test_list
def collect_tests(): """Collects tests based on include/exclude criteria and selected target.""" target = test_list = [] include = core_args.test exclude = core_args.exclude if os.path.isfile(include): with open(include, 'r') as f: for line in f: test_list.append(line.rstrip('\n')) f.close() else: tests_dir = os.path.join(PathManager.get_tests_dir(), target) if not os.path.exists(tests_dir): path_warning(tests_dir) return test_list logger.debug('Path %s found. Checking content ...', tests_dir) for dir_path, sub_dirs, all_files in PathManager.sorted_walk(tests_dir): for current_file in all_files: directory = '%s%s%s' % (os.sep,, os.sep) include_params = [include] exclude_params = [exclude] if ',' in include: include_params = include.split(',') if ',' in exclude: exclude_params = exclude.split(',') current_full_path = os.path.join(dir_path, current_file) if current_file.endswith('.py') and not current_file.startswith('__'): if include is '' and exclude is '' and directory is '': if not current_full_path in test_list: test_list.append(current_full_path) else: if is '' or directory in current_full_path: for include_param in include_params: if include_param is '' or include_param in current_full_path: for exclude_param in exclude_params: if exclude_param is '': if not current_full_path in test_list: test_list.append(current_full_path) else: if exclude_param not in current_full_path: if not current_full_path in test_list: test_list.append(current_full_path) if len(test_list) == 0: logger.error('\'%s\' does not contain tests based on your search criteria. Exiting program.' % tests_dir) else: logger.debug('List of all tests found: [%s]' % ', '.join(map(str, test_list))) return test_list
def save_failed_tests(test_list): failed_tests_file = os.path.join(PathManager.get_working_dir(), 'lastfail.txt') with open(failed_tests_file, 'w') as f: for test in test_list: f.write(test + '\n') f.close()
def send_json_report(self): report_s = validate_section('Report_URL') if len(report_s) > 0: logger.warning( '{}. \nJSON report cannot be sent - no report URL found in config file.' .format(report_s)) else: run_file = os.path.join(PathManager.get_current_run_dir(), 'run.json') url = get_config_property('Report_URL', 'url') if url is not None: try: with open(run_file, 'rb') as file: r =, files={'file': file}) if not r.ok: logger.error( 'Report was not sent to URL: %s \nResponse text: %s' % url, r.text) logger.debug('Sent JSON report status: %s' % r.text) except requests.RequestException as ex: logger.error( 'Failed to send run report to URL: %s \nException data: %s' % url, ex) else: logger.error('Bad URL for JSON report.')
def initialize_logger(): logging.basicConfig(filename=PathManager.get_log_file_path(), format=set_log_format()) initialize_logger_level(core_args.level) # Control pytest terminal output via environment variable instead of parameter. if core_args.level > 10: os.environ['PYTEST_ADDOPTS'] = '-p no:terminal'
def exit_iris(message, status=0): if status == 0: elif status == 1: logger.error(message) else: logger.debug(message) delete(PathManager.get_run_id(), update_run_file=False) ShutdownTasks.at_exit() exit(status)
def _get_test_candidate(version: str, locale: str) -> str or None: """Download and extract a build candidate. Build may either refer to a Firefox release identifier, package, or build directory. :param: build: str with firefox build :return: Installation path for the Firefox App """ logger.debug('Getting build, version %s, locale %s' % (version, locale)) if version == 'local': candidate = PathManager.get_local_firefox_path() if candidate is None: logger.critical( 'Firefox not found. Please download if from' ) return candidate elif os.path.isfile(version): return version else: try: s_t, s_d = _get_scraper_details( version, CHANNELS, os.path.join(PathManager.get_working_dir(), 'cache'), locale) scraper = FactoryScraper(s_t, **s_d) firefox_dmg = install_dir = install(src=firefox_dmg, dest=os.path.join( PathManager.get_temp_dir(), 'firefox{}{}'.format( normalize_str(version), normalize_str(locale)))) return get_binary(install_dir, 'Firefox') except errors.NotFoundError: logger.critical( 'Specified build {} has not been found. Closing Iris ...'. format(version)) return None
def launch_control_center(): profile_path = os.path.join(get_core_args().workdir, 'cc_profile') fx_path = PathManager.get_local_firefox_path() if fx_path is None: logger.error( 'Can\'t find local Firefox installation, aborting Iris run.') return False, None args = ['' % get_core_args().port] process_args = {'stream': None} profile = MozProfile(profile=profile_path, preferences={}) if OSHelper.is_windows(): process = subprocess.Popen([ fx_path, '-no-remote', '-new-tab', args, '--wait-for-browser', '-foreground', '-profile', profile.profile ], shell=False) else: fx_runner = FirefoxRunner(binary=fx_path, profile=profile, cmdargs=args, process_args=process_args) fx_runner.start() server = LocalWebServer(get_core_args().workdir, get_core_args().port) server.stop() time.sleep(Settings.DEFAULT_UI_DELAY) if OSHelper.is_mac(): type(text='q', modifier=KeyModifier.CMD) elif OSHelper.is_windows(): type(text='w', modifier=[KeyModifier.CTRL, KeyModifier.SHIFT]) else: type(text='q', modifier=KeyModifier.CTRL) if OSHelper.is_windows(): if is not None: try: logger.debug('Closing Firefox process ID: %s' % process = psutil.Process( for proc in process.children(recursive=True): proc.kill() process.kill() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass else: try: fx_runner.stop() except Exception as e: logger.debug('Error stopping fx_runner') logger.debug(e) return server.result
def submit_email_report(target, result): """ PLACEHOLDER FOR EMAIL REPORT :param test_results: TEST RESULT SESSION need to update with appliications and git object """ ' --------------------------------------------------------- ' + Color.BLUE + 'Starting Email report:' + Color.END + ' ----------------------------------------------------------\n') email_report = EmailClient() email_report.send_email_report(target, str(result), PathManager.get_git_details())
def delete_all(): """ Delete each run in the runs.json file, one at a time. """ logger.debug('Delete All command received.') run_file = os.path.join(PathManager.get_working_dir(), 'data', 'runs.json') with open(run_file, 'r') as data: run_file_data = json.load(data) data.close() for run in run_file_data['runs']: delete(run['id'])
def _get_staged_profile(profile_name, path): """ Internal-only method used to extract a given profile. :param profile_name: :param path: :return: """ staged_profiles = os.path.join(PathManager.get_module_dir(), 'targets', 'firefox', 'firefox_app', 'profiles') sz_bin = find_executable('7z') logger.debug('Using 7zip executable at "%s"' % sz_bin) zipped_profile = os.path.join(staged_profiles, '' % profile_name.value) cmd = [ sz_bin, 'x', '-y', '-bd', '-o%s' % staged_profiles, zipped_profile ] logger.debug('Unzipping profile with command "%s"' % ' '.join(cmd)) try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.error('7zip failed: %s' % repr(e.output)) raise Exception('Unable to unzip profile.') logger.debug('7zip succeeded: %s' % repr(output)) from_directory = os.path.join(staged_profiles, profile_name.value) to_directory = path logger.debug('Creating new profile: %s' % to_directory) dir_util.copy_tree(from_directory, to_directory) try: shutil.rmtree(from_directory) except WindowsError: logger.debug( 'Error, can\'t remove orphaned directory, leaving in place.') resource_fork_folder = os.path.join(staged_profiles, '__MACOSX') if os.path.exists(resource_fork_folder): try: shutil.rmtree(resource_fork_folder) except WindowsError: logger.debug( 'Error, can\'t remove orphaned directory, leaving in place.' ) return to_directory
def get_file_attachment(): test_report_file = os.path.join(PathManager.get_current_run_dir(), 'iris_log.log') if os.path.exists(test_report_file): file_log = open(test_report_file) attachment = MIMEText(, 1) file_log.close() attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(test_report_file)) return attachment else: raise Exception('File %s is not present in path' % test_report_file)
def __init__(self): BaseTarget.__init__(self) global target_args target_args = self.get_target_args() self.target_name = 'Firefox' self.process_list = [] self.cc_settings = [{ 'name': 'firefox', 'type': 'list', 'label': 'Firefox', 'value': ['local', 'latest', 'latest-esr', 'latest-beta', 'nightly'], 'default': 'beta' }, { 'name': 'locale', 'type': 'list', 'label': 'Locale', 'value': OSHelper.LOCALES, 'default': 'en-US' }, { 'name': 'mouse', 'type': 'list', 'label': 'Mouse speed', 'value': ['0.0', '0.5', '1.0', '2.0'], 'default': '0.5' }, { 'name': 'highlight', 'type': 'checkbox', 'label': 'Debug using highlighting' }, { 'name': 'override', 'type': 'checkbox', 'label': 'Run disabled tests' }, { 'name': 'email', 'type': 'checkbox', 'label': 'Email results' }, { 'name': 'report', 'type': 'checkbox', 'label': 'Create TestRail report' }] self.local_web_root = os.path.join(PathManager.get_module_dir(), 'targets', 'firefox', 'local_web')
def downloads_cleanup(): path = PathManager.get_downloads_dir() logger.debug('Clean the downloads folder: "%s"' % path) PathManager.remove_dir_contents(path)
def at_exit(): reset_terminal_encoding() if os.path.exists(PathManager.get_temp_dir()): shutil.rmtree(PathManager.get_temp_dir(), ignore_errors=True)
def initialize_platform(args): init() fix_terminal_encoding() PathManager.create_working_directory(args.workdir) PathManager.create_run_directory()
def pytest_runtest_setup(self, item): os.environ['CURRENT_TEST'] = str(item.__dict__.get('fspath')) Settings.debug_image_path = PathManager.get_debug_image_directory()
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at import logging import os.path from configparser import ConfigParser from mattapi.util.path_manager import PathManager logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) config_file = os.path.join(PathManager.get_module_dir(), 'config.ini') config = ConfigParser() def get_config_section(section): """Returns all properties of a section as a dict or None if section does not exist.""" if os.path.isfile(config_file): try: if config.has_section(section): result = dict(config.items(section)) return result except EOFError: logger.warning('Config file error.') return None logger.warning('Config file not found.') return None