コード例 #1
def SVD_solve(U, Sigma, V, b):
      - U: orthogonal matrix
      - Sigma: diagonal matrix with non-negative elements
      - V: orthogonal matrix
      - b: vector
      - x: a vector such that U*Sigma*V.tranpose()*x = b
      - 'FAIL': if U*Sigma*V.transpose() has no inverse

      >>> U = Mat(({0, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 2}), {(0, 1): -0.44072022797538285, (1, 2): -0.4580160039142736, (0, 0): -0.15323906505773385, (2, 0): -0.8716906349733183, (1, 0): -0.4654817137547351, (2, 2): 0.08909472804179724, (0, 2): 0.8844679019577585, (2, 1): 0.4818895789856551, (1, 1): -0.7573295942443791})
      >>> Sigma = Mat(({0, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 2}), {(0, 0): 39.37043356298421, (1, 1): 2.2839722460456144, (2, 2): 0.867428292102265})
      >>> V = Mat(({0, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 2}), {(0, 1): 0.8797721734901444, (1, 2): -0.7977287698474189, (0, 0): -0.46693900110435005, (2, 0): -0.682398941975231, (1, 0): -0.5624052393414894, (2, 2): 0.5963722979461945, (0, 2): 0.08926865071288784, (2, 1): -0.42269583181462916, (1, 1): -0.21755265229127096})
      >>> b = Vec({0,1,2}, {0:0, 1:1, 2:2})
      >>> x = SVD_solve(U, Sigma, V, b)
      >>> res = b -U*(Sigma*(V.transpose()*x))
      >>> res*res < 1e-20
    Sigma_inv = listlist2mat([[1/Sigma[r,c] if Sigma[r,c] != 0 else 0 for r in Sigma.D[0]] for c in Sigma.D[1]])
        I = (U * (Sigma * (V.transpose()))) * (V * (Sigma_inv * (U.transpose())))
        return 'FAIL'
    return V * (Sigma_inv * (U.transpose() * b))
コード例 #2
def rotation(angle):
    angle_degree = angle
    angle_matrix = [[1,0,0],[0, cos(angle_degree), sin(angle_degree)],[0, -sin(angle_degree), cos(angle_degree)]]
    Imatrix = identity(labels = {'x','y','u'})
    list_rc = [(r,c) for r in {'x','y','u'} for c in {'x','y','u'} ]
    mat_angle = listlist2mat(angle_matrix)
    result = Mat((labels, labels), {('u','u'):1, ('x','y'): -sin(angle_degree), ('y','x'): sin(angle_degree), ('x','x'):cos(angle_degree), ('y','y'): cos(angle_degree)})
    return result
コード例 #3
def listimage2vecdict(images):
    vec_dict = {}
    for i, pixels in images.items():
        F = listlist2mat(pixels)
            Vec({(x, y)
                 for x in range(189)
                 for y in range(166)}, {(x, y): F[x, y]
                                        for x in range(189)
                                        for y in range(166)})
    return vec_dict
コード例 #4
ファイル: solver_for_p6.py プロジェクト: vvw/CodingMatrix
def problem9():
    vlist = read_vectors('age-height.txt')
    agelist = []
    heightlist = []
    for v in vlist:
    oneslist = [1] * len(agelist)
    colsA = [[a, o] for a, o in zip(agelist, oneslist)]
    A = listlist2mat(colsA)
    b = list2vec(heightlist)
    x = QR_solve(A, b)
    result = A.transpose()*(b-A*x)
コード例 #5
from mat import Mat
from matutil import listlist2mat, mat2coldict, coldict2mat
from vecutil import list2vec
from bitutil import str2bits, bits2str, bits2mat, mat2bits, noise
from vec import dot
from GF2 import One

# Task 4.14.1 Create instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G
G = listlist2mat([[One(), 0, One(), One()],
                  [One(), One(), 0, One()],
                  [0, 0, 0, One()],
                  [One(), One(), One(), 0],
                  [0, 0, One(), 0],
                  [0, One(), 0, 0],
                  [One(), 0, 0, 0]])

# Task 4.14.2 what is the encoding of the message [1,0,0,1]
p = list2vec([One(), 0, 0, One()])
encoded_p = G * p

# Task 4.14.3
R = listlist2mat([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, One()],
                  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, One(), 0],
                  [0, 0, 0, 0, One(), 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, One(), 0, 0, 0, 0]])

# Task 4.14.4
H = listlist2mat([
                  [One(), 0, One(), 0, One(), 0, One()],
                  [0, One(), One(), 0, 0, One(), One()],
                  [0, 0, 0, One(), One(), One(), One()],
コード例 #6

G1 = G.transpose()

#task 4.14.2 encode [one, 0, 0, one]
p = Vec({0,1,2,3},{0:one, 3: one})
print(p, "p")
c = G*p

#4.13.3 going from codewords to words
#because rows a, b, and d of g are parity bits, and we dont need them to go
#from codewords to words b/c we already checked against H, a,b and d can be all
#zeros.  this leaves us with a 4x4 identity matrix

R = listlist2mat([[0,0,0,0,0,0,one],[0,0,0,0,0,one,0],[0,0,0,0,one,0,0],[0,0,one,0,0,0,0]])
print("R*G", R*G)

#4.14.4 Decoding
#In my head I calulated that p = [0000] for [0111100]*G because four of the
#rows of G are standard generators for gf2^4, (positions 3 5 6 and 7), any codeword with a 1 there
#will evaulate to a 1 in the linear combination step.  The other three rows have 3 ones, don't know what that means
#^^this note from day before is super interesting. I was sooo close just didnt' understand what a parity bit was :).  They are just tests to make sure other bits have not been corrupted.  what happpens if parity bits get corrupted?
#in this case the normal bits act as parity bits for the parity bits themselves :)

#4.14.3 built a 4x7 matrix R such that, for any codeword c, the matrix vector prodct R*c equals
#ANGER!  this seems impossible, b/c non square matrices aren't invertible. if it was however, it seems
#thinking that I don't understand this question
コード例 #7
    return {(i, j) for i in range(n) for j in range(n)}

def button_vectors(n):
    return {(i, j): Vec(
        dict([((x, j), one) for x in range(max(i - 1, 0), min(i + 2, n))] +
             [((i, y), one) for y in range(max(j - 1, 0), min(j + 2, n))]))
            for (i, j) in D(n)}

m = matutil.listlist2mat([[0, one, one, one, 0, one, 0, one, 0],
                          [one, one, 0, one, 0, one, one, one, 0],
                          [one, one, 0, one, 0, 0, one, 0, one],
                          [one, one, one, one, one, one, one, 0, one],
                          [one, one, one, one, one, one, 0, one, one],
                          [0, one, one, one, 0, one, one, one, one],
                          [one, one, 0, 0, 0, 0, one, one, 0],
                          [0, one, 0, one, 0, one, one, 0, 0],
                          [one, one, one, 0, one, 0, one, 0, one]])

b1 = Vec(
    D(9), {
        (7, 8): one,
        (7, 7): one,
        (6, 2): one,
        (3, 7): one,
        (2, 5): one,
        (8, 5): one,
        (1, 2): one,
        (7, 2): one,
コード例 #8
        - A: a Mat with rows as feature vectors
        - b: a Vec of actual diagnoses
        - w: hypothesis Vec
        - Fraction (as a decimal in [0,1]) of vectors incorrectly
          classified by w 
    z = signum(A*w)
    return 1-(z*signum(b) + len(b.D))/(2*len(b.D))

A1 = listlist2mat([[10, 7, 11, 10, 14], [1, 1, 13, 3, 2], [6, 13, 3, 2, 6],[10, 10, 12, 1, 2], [2, 1, 5, 7, 10]])
b1 = list2vec([1, 1, -1, -1, 1])
A2 = Mat((set(range(97,123)),set(range(65,91))),{(x,y): 301-(7*((x-97)+26*(y-65))%761) for x in range(97,123) for y in range(65,91)})
b2 = Vec(A2.D[0], {x:(-1)**i for i, x in enumerate(sorted(A2.D[0]))})

##print(1,fraction_wrong(A1, b1, Vec(A1.D[1], {})))
##print(2,fraction_wrong(A1, b1, Vec(A1.D[1], {x:-2 for x in A1.D[1]})))
##print(3,fraction_wrong(A1, b1, Vec(A1.D[1], {x: (-1)**i for i, x in enumerate(sorted(A1.D[1]))})))
##print(4,fraction_wrong(A2, b2, Vec(A2.D[1], {})))
##print(5,fraction_wrong(A2, b2, Vec(A2.D[1], {x:-2 for x in A2.D[1]})))
##print(6,fraction_wrong(A2, b2, Vec(A2.D[1], {x: (-1)**i for i, x in enumerate(sorted(A2.D[1]))})))

## Task 3 ##
コード例 #9
def fraction_wrong(A, b, w):
        - A: a Mat with rows as feature vectors
        - b: a Vec of actual diagnoses
        - w: hypothesis Vec
        - Fraction (as a decimal in [0,1]) of vectors incorrectly
          classified by w 
    z = signum(A * w)
    return 1 - (z * signum(b) + len(b.D)) / (2 * len(b.D))

A1 = listlist2mat([[10, 7, 11, 10, 14], [1, 1, 13, 3, 2], [6, 13, 3, 2, 6],
                   [10, 10, 12, 1, 2], [2, 1, 5, 7, 10]])
b1 = list2vec([1, 1, -1, -1, 1])
A2 = Mat(
    (set(range(97, 123)), set(range(65, 91))),
    {(x, y): 301 - (7 * ((x - 97) + 26 * (y - 65)) % 761)
     for x in range(97, 123) for y in range(65, 91)})
b2 = Vec(A2.D[0], {x: (-1)**i for i, x in enumerate(sorted(A2.D[0]))})

##print(1,fraction_wrong(A1, b1, Vec(A1.D[1], {})))
##print(2,fraction_wrong(A1, b1, Vec(A1.D[1], {x:-2 for x in A1.D[1]})))
##print(3,fraction_wrong(A1, b1, Vec(A1.D[1], {x: (-1)**i for i, x in enumerate(sorted(A1.D[1]))})))
##print(4,fraction_wrong(A2, b2, Vec(A2.D[1], {})))
##print(5,fraction_wrong(A2, b2, Vec(A2.D[1], {x:-2 for x in A2.D[1]})))
##print(6,fraction_wrong(A2, b2, Vec(A2.D[1], {x: (-1)**i for i, x in enumerate(sorted(A2.D[1]))})))
コード例 #10
        >>> domain = ({'a','b','c'},{'A','B'})
        >>> A = Mat(domain,{('a','A'):-1, ('a','B'):2,('b','A'):5, ('b','B'):3,('c','A'):1,('c','B'):-2})
        >>> Q, R = QR_factor(A)
        >>> b = Vec(domain[0], {'a': 1, 'b': -1})
        >>> x = QR_solve(A, b)
        >>> result = A.transpose()*(b-A*x)
        >>> result.is_almost_zero()

## 7: (Problem 9.11.13) Least Squares Problem
# Please give each solution as a Vec

least_squares_A1 = listlist2mat([[8, 1], [6, 2], [0, 6]])
least_squares_Q1 = listlist2mat([[.8, -0.099], [.6, 0.132], [0, 0.986]])
least_squares_R1 = listlist2mat([[10, 2], [0, 6.08]])
least_squares_b1 = list2vec([10, 8, 6])

x_hat_1 = ...

least_squares_A2 = listlist2mat([[3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 1]])
least_squares_Q2 = listlist2mat([[.424, .808], [.566, .115], [.707, -.577]])
least_squares_R2 = listlist2mat([[7.07, 1.7], [0, .346]])
least_squares_b2 = list2vec([10, 13, 15])

x_hat_2 = ...

## 8: (Problem 9.11.14) Small examples of least squares
#Find the vector minimizing (Ax-b)^2
コード例 #11
part_7_number_cols = 3

## 6: (Problem 4.17.6) Matrix-matrix multiplication practice with small matrices
# Please represent your answer as a list of row lists.
# Example: [[1,1],[2,2]]
small_mat_mult_1 = [[8, 13], [8, 14]]
small_mat_mult_2 = [[24, 11, 4], [1, 3, 0]]
small_mat_mult_3 = [[3, 13]]
small_mat_mult_4 = [[14]]
small_mat_mult_5 = [[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6], [3, 6, 9]]
small_mat_mult_6 = [[-2, 4], [1, 1], [1, -3]]

## 7: (Problem 4.17.7) Matrix-matrix multiplication practice with a permutation matrix
# Please represent your solution as a list of row lists.

A = listlist2mat([[2, 0, 1, 5], [1, -4, 6, 2], [3, 0, -4, 2], [3, 4, 0, -2]])
B1 = listlist2mat([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0]])
B2 = listlist2mat([[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]])
B3 = listlist2mat([[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]])

part_1_AB = m2ll(A * B1)
part_1_BA = m2ll(B1 * A)

part_2_AB = m2ll(A * B2)
part_2_BA = m2ll(B2 * A)

part_3_AB = m2ll(A * B3)
part_3_BA = m2ll(B3 * A)

## 8: (Problem 4.17.9) Matrix-matrix multiplication practice with very sparse matrices
# Please represent your answer as a list of row lists.
コード例 #12
ファイル: ecc_lab.py プロジェクト: ashaudupa/pythonAlgebra
from vec import Vec
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import bits2mat, str2bits, noise
from GF2 import one
from matutil import listlist2mat
from matutil import mat2coldict
from matutil import coldict2mat

## Task 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G_list = [[one,0,one,one],[one,one,0,one],[0,0,0,one],[one,one,one,0],[0,0,one,0],[0,one,0,0],[one,0,0,0]]
G = listlist2mat(G_list)

## Task 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
encoding_1001 = [0,0,one,one,0,0,one]

## Task 3
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = listlist2mat(Grev_list2)

## Task 4
# Create an instance of Mat representing the check matrix H.
H = listlist2mat(H_list)
コード例 #13
from vec import Vec
from matutil import listlist2mat
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import noise
from GF2 import one

## Task 1 part 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G = listlist2mat([[one, 0, one, one], [one, one, 0, one], [0, 0, 0, one],
                  [one, one, one, 0], [0, 0, one, 0], [0, one, 0, 0],
                  [one, 0, 0, 0]])

## Task 1 part 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
encoding_1001 = G * Vec({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0: one, 3: one})

## Task 2
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
#R = listlist2mat( [[1.0/8,1.0/8,-1.0/4,1.0/8,-1.0/4,-1.0/4,5.0/8],[-1.0/4,1.0/4,0,1.0/4,0,1.0/2,-1.0/4],[1.0/4,-1.0/4,0,1.0/4,1.0/2,0,-1.0/4],[1.0/4,1.0/4,1.0/2,-1.0/4,0,0,-1.0/4]])
R = listlist2mat([[0.125, 0.125, -0.25, 0.125, -0.25, -0.25, 0.625],
                  [-0.25, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0, 0.5, -0.25],
                  [0.25, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0, -0.25],
                  [0.25, 0.25, 0.5, -0.25, 0, 0, -0.25]])

## Task 3
コード例 #14
ファイル: hw5.py プロジェクト: johnmerm/matrix
    output: Inverse of A
    >>> A = listlist2mat([[1, .5, .2, 4],[0, 1, .3, .9],[0,0,1,.1],[0,0,0,1]])
    >>> find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A) == Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): -0.5, (1, 2): -0.3, (3, 2): 0.0, (0, 0): 1.0, (3, 3): 1.0, (3, 0): 0.0, (3, 1): 0.0, (2, 1): 0.0, (0, 2): -0.05000000000000002, (2, 0): 0.0, (1, 3): -0.87, (2, 3): -0.1, (2, 2): 1.0, (1, 0): 0.0, (0, 3): -3.545, (1, 1): 1.0})
    cd = list()
    label_list = list(mat2rowdict(A).keys())
    rowlist = list(mat2rowdict(A).values())
    for j in label_list:
        c = triangular_solve(rowlist, label_list, list2vec([1 if i == j else 0 for i in label_list]))

    return coldict2mat(cd)

A = listlist2mat([[1, 0.5, 0.2, 4], [0, 1, 0.3, 0.9], [0, 0, 1, 0.1], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    == Mat(
        ({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}),
            (0, 1): -0.5,
            (1, 2): -0.3,
            (3, 2): 0.0,
            (0, 0): 1.0,
            (3, 3): 1.0,
            (3, 0): 0.0,
            (3, 1): 0.0,
            (2, 1): 0.0,
            (0, 2): -0.05000000000000002,
            (2, 0): 0.0,
コード例 #15
ファイル: ecc_lab.py プロジェクト: omrigildor/cs53
# Please fill out this stencil and submit using the provided submission script.

from vec import Vec, neg
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import noise
from GF2 import one
import bitutil
import matutil
import vecutil

## Task 1 part 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G = matutil.listlist2mat([[one,0,one,one],[one,one,0,one],[0,0,0,one],[one,one,one,0],[0,0,one,0],[0,one,0,0],[one,0,0,0]])

## Task 1 part 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.

encoding_1001 = [0,0,one,one,0,0,one]

## Task 2
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = matutil.listlist2mat([[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,one],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,one,0],[0,one,0,0],[one,0,0,0]]).transpose()
## Task 3
# Create an instance of Mat representing the check matrix H.
H = matutil.listlist2mat([[0,0,0,one,one,one,one],[0,one,one,0,0,one,one],[one,0,one,0,one,0,one]])
コード例 #16
from python_lab import dict2list, list2dict

def QR_factor(A):
    col_labels = sorted(A.D[1], key=repr)
    Acols = dict2list(mat2coldict(A),col_labels)
    Qlist, Rlist = aug_orthonormalize(Acols)
    #Now make Mats
    Q = coldict2mat(Qlist)
    R = coldict2mat(list2dict(Rlist, col_labels))
    return Q,R

## 5: (Problem 5) QR factorization of small matrices
#Compute the QR factorization

#Please represent your solution as a list of rows, such as [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]
part_1_Q, part_1_R = QR_factor(listlist2mat([[6,6],[2,0],[3,3]]))
part_1_Q = [list(x.f.values()) for x in mat2rowdict(part_1_Q).values()]
part_1_R = [list(x.f.values()) for x in mat2rowdict(part_1_R).values()]
part_2_Q, part_2_R = QR_factor(listlist2mat([[2,3],[2,1],[1,1]]))
part_2_Q = [list(x.f.values()) for x in mat2rowdict(part_2_Q).values()]
part_2_R = [list(x.f.values()) for x in mat2rowdict(part_2_R).values()]

def QR_solve(A, b):
        - A: a Mat with linearly independent columns
        - b: a Vec whose domain equals the set of row-labels of A
        - vector x that minimizes norm(b - A*x)
    Note: This procedure uses the procedure QR_factor, which in turn uses dict2list and list2dict.
           You wrote these procedures long back in python_lab.  Make sure the completed python_lab.py
コード例 #17
ファイル: ecc_lab.py プロジェクト: taiyang-li/readings
coursera = 1
# Please fill out this stencil and submit using the provided submission script.

from vec import Vec
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import bits2mat, str2bits, noise
from GF2 import one
import matutil

## Task 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G = matutil.listlist2mat([[one, 0, one, one], [one, one, 0, one],
                          [0, 0, 0, one], [one, one, one, 0], [0, 0, one, 0],
                          [0, one, 0, 0], [one, 0, 0, 0]])

## Task 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
encoding_1001 = [0, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one]

## Task 3
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = matutil.listlist2mat([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, one], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, one, 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, 0, one, 0, 0], [0, 0, one, 0, 0, 0, 0]])

## Task 4
# Create an instance of Mat representing the check matrix H.
H = matutil.listlist2mat([[0, 0, 0, one, one, one, one],
                          [0, one, one, 0, 0, one, one],
コード例 #18
# Please fill out this stencil and submit using the provided submission script.

from GF2 import one
from matutil import listlist2mat, mat2coldict, coldict2mat
from vecutil import list2vec, zero_vec
from bitutil import str2bits, bits2mat
from vec import Vec
from mat import Mat

## Task 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G = listlist2mat([[one, 0, one, one], [one, one, 0, one], [0, 0, 0, one], [one, one, one, 0], [0, 0, one, 0], [0, one, 0, 0], [one, 0, 0, 0]])

## Task 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
encoding_1001 = [0, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one]

## Task 3
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = listlist2mat([[0] * 4, [0] * 4, [0, 0, 0, one], [0] * 4, [0, 0, one, 0], [0, one, 0, 0], [one, 0, 0, 0]]).transpose()

## Task 4
# Create an instance of Mat representing the check matrix H.
H = listlist2mat([[0, 0, 0, one, one, one, one], [0, one, one, 0, 0, one, one], [one, 0, one, 0, one, 0, one]])
コード例 #19
    input: A matrix, M
    outpit: A boolean indicating if M is invertible.

    >>> M = Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): 0, (1, 2): 1, (3, 2): 0, (0, 0): 1, (3, 3): 4, (3, 0): 0, (3, 1): 0, (1, 1): 2, (2, 1): 0, (0, 2): 1, (2, 0): 0, (1, 3): 0, (2, 3): 1, (2, 2): 3, (1, 0): 0, (0, 3): 0})
    >>> is_invertible(M)

    >>> M1 = Mat(({0,1,2},{0,1,2}),{(0,0):1,(0,2):2,(1,2):3,(2,2):4})
    >>> is_invertible(M1)
    return rank(list(mat2coldict(M).values())) == len(M.D[0]) == len(M.D[1])

    print("== Test 6.7.12 ==")
    print(is_invertible(listlist2mat([[1, 2, 3], [3, 1, 1]])),
          is_invertible(listlist2mat([[1, 0, 1, 0],
                                      [0, 2, 1, 0],
                                      [0, 0, 3, 1],
                                      [0, 0, 0, 4]])),
          is_invertible(listlist2mat([[1, 0], [0, 1], [2, 1]])),
          is_invertible(listlist2mat([[1, 0], [0, 1]])),
          is_invertible(listlist2mat([[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]])))
    print(is_invertible(listlist2mat([[one, 0, one],
                                      [0, one, one],
                                      [one, one, 0]])),
          is_invertible(listlist2mat([[one, one], [0, one]])))

## 10: (Problem 6.7.13) Inverse of a Matrix over GF(2)
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_hw5.py プロジェクト: tri2sing/CodingTheMatrix
B = Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): 0, (1, 2): 1, (3, 2): 0, (0, 0): 1, (3, 3): 4, (3, 0): 0, (3, 1): 0, (1, 1): 2, (2, 1): 0, (0, 2): 1, (2, 0): 0, (1, 3): 0, (2, 3): 1, (2, 2): 3, (1, 0): 0, (0, 3): 0})
C = Mat(({0, 1, 2}, {0, 1}), {(0, 1): 0, (2, 0): 2, (0, 0): 1, (1, 0): 0, (1, 1): 1, (2, 1): 1})
D = Mat(({0, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 2}), {(0, 1): 5, (1, 2): 2, (0, 0): 1, (2, 0): 4, (1, 0): 2, (2, 2): 7, (0, 2): 8, (2, 1): 6, (1, 1): 5})
E = Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}), {(1, 2): 7, (3, 2): 7, (0, 0): 3, (3, 0): 1, (0, 4): 3, (1, 4): 2, (1, 3): 4, (2, 3): 0, (2, 1): 56, (2, 4): 5, (4, 2): 6, (1, 0): 2, (0, 3): 7, (4, 0): 2, (0, 1): 5, (3, 3): 4, (4, 1): 4, (3, 1): 23, (4, 4): 5, (0, 2): 7, (2, 0): 2, (4, 3): 8, (2, 2): 9, (3, 4): 2, (1, 1): 4})

print('\nfind inverse')
M = Mat(({0, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 2}), {(0, 1): one, (1, 2): 0, (0, 0): 0, (2, 0): 0, (1, 0): one, (2, 2): one, (0, 2): 0, (2, 1): 0, (1, 1): 0})
N = hw5.find_matrix_inverse(M) 
NRef = Mat(({0, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 2}), {(0, 1): one, (2, 0): 0, (0, 0): 0, (2, 2): one, (1, 0): one, (1, 2): 0, (1, 1): 0, (2, 1): 0, (0, 2): 0})
print(N == NRef)

print('\ntriangular inverse')
A = listlist2mat([[1, .5, .2, 4],[0, 1, .3, .9],[0,0,1,.1],[0,0,0,1]])
N = hw5.find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A) 
NRef = Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): -0.5, (1, 2): -0.3, (3, 2): 0.0, (0, 0): 1.0, (3, 3): 1.0, (3, 0): 0.0, (3, 1): 0.0, (2, 1): 0.0, (0, 2): -0.05000000000000002, (2, 0): 0.0, (1, 3): -0.87, (2, 3): -0.1, (2, 2): 1.0, (1, 0): 0.0, (0, 3): -3.545, (1, 1): 1.0})
print(N == NRef)

A = Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): 2, (1, 2): 3, (3, 2): 0, (0, 0): 1, (3, 3): 4, (3, 0): 0, (3, 1): 0, (1, 1): 2, (2, 1): 0, (0, 2): 3, (2, 0): 0, (1, 3): 4, (2, 3): 4, (2, 2): 3, (1, 0): 0, (0, 3): 4})
Ainv = hw5.find_triangular_matrix_inverse(A)
B = Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): 4, (1, 2): 5, (3, 2): 0, (0, 0): 7, (3, 3): 4, (3, 0): 0, (3, 1): 0, (1, 1): 2, (2, 1): 0, (0, 2): 2, (2, 0): 0, (1, 3): 6, (2, 3): 4, (2, 2): 7, (1, 0): 0, (0, 3): 5})
Binv = hw5.find_triangular_matrix_inverse(B)
B = Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): 3, (1, 2): 6, (3, 2): 0, (0, 0): 6, (3, 3): 2345, (3, 0): 0, (3, 1): 0, (1, 1): 4, (2, 1): 0, (0, 2): 4, (2, 0): 0, (1, 3): 23, (2, 3): 2, (2, 2): 6, (1, 0): 0, (0, 3): 8})
Cinv = hw5.find_triangular_matrix_inverse(C)

コード例 #21
# print(root_method(118))

print(gcd(23, 15))
N = 367160330145890434494322103
a = 67469780066325164
b = 9429601150488992
c = a * a - b * b
print(gcd(a - b, N))

print(make_Vec({2, 3, 5, 7, 11}, [(3, 1)]))
print(make_Vec({2, 3, 5, 7, 11}, [(2, 17), (3, 0), (5, 1), (11, 3)]))
print(find_candidates(2419, primes(32))[1])

A = listlist2mat([[0, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 0, 0, 3, 2], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                  [0, 0, 0, 6, 7], [0, 0, 0, 9, 8]])
M = transformation(A)
# print(M * A)
print(M * A)
# print()
# print(listlist2mat([[0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2, 1, 0], [0, 0, 3.004, 0.667, 1]]) * (M * A))
        list2vec([one, one, 0, 0]),
        list2vec([one, 0, one, 0]),
        list2vec([0, one, one, one]),
        list2vec([one, 0, 0, 0])
コード例 #22
	label_list = []
	I = identity(A.D[0],1)
	R = mat2rowdict(A)
	w = mat2rowdict(I)
	for k,v in w.items():
		s = triangular_solve(R, label_list, v)
	return coldict2mat(L)

####### triangular solve ######
A = listlist2mat([[1, .5, .2, 4],[0, 1, .3, .9],[0,0,1,.1],[0,0,0,1]])
####### triangular solve ######

####### matrix inverse #######
# M = Mat(({0, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 2}), {(0, 1): one, (1, 2): 0, (0,0): 0, (2, 0): 0, (1, 0): one, (2, 2): one, (0, 2): 0, (2, 1): 0,(1, 1): 0})
# print(matrix_inverse(M))
####### matrix inverse #######

##### is_invertible #####
# M = Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(0, 1): 0, (1, 2): 1,
#     (3, 2): 0, (0, 0): 1, (3, 3): 4, (3, 0): 0, (3, 1): 0, (1, 1): 2,
#     (2, 1): 0, (0, 2): 1, (2, 0): 0, (1, 3): 0, (2, 3): 1, (2, 2): 3,
#     (1, 0): 0, (0, 3): 0})
# print(is_invertible(M))
##### is_invertible #####
コード例 #23
ファイル: ecc_lab.py プロジェクト: roman-spiridonov/sandbox
import sys
sys.path.append('..\\matlib')  # for compatibility with running from console
from vec import Vec
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import bits2mat, str2bits, bits2str, mat2bits, noise
from GF2 import one
from matutil import listlist2mat
from mat import transpose

## Task 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G = transpose(listlist2mat([[one, one, 0, one, 0, 0, one],
                            [0, one, 0, one, 0, one, 0],
                            [one, 0, 0, one, one, 0, 0],
                            [one, one, one, 0, 0, 0, 0]]))

## Task 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
encoding_1001 = [0, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one]

## Task 3
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = listlist2mat([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, one],
                  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, one, 0],
                  [0, 0, 0, 0, one, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, one, 0, 0, 0, 0]])  # Rc = p: G(p) = c => R - inverse for G

print(R*G)  # identity matrix
コード例 #24
from matutil import listlist2mat
from vecutil import list2vec
from independence import rank
from independence import is_independent
from GF2 import one

def my_is_independent(L):
    return rank(L) == len(L)

L = [[2, 4, 0], [8, 16, 4], [0, 0, 7]]
M = [[2, 4, 0], [8, 16, 4]]
N = [[1, 3, 0, 0], [2, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 4, -1]]
O = [[one, 0, one, 0], [0, one, 0, 0], [one, one, one, one], [one, 0, 0, one]]
print("Matrix is Independent: ")
print(my_is_independent([list2vec(v) for v in L]))
print("Matrix is Independent: ")
print(my_is_independent([list2vec(v) for v in M]))
print("Matrix is Independent: ")
print(my_is_independent([list2vec(v) for v in N]))
print("Matrix is Independent: ")
print(my_is_independent([list2vec(v) for v in O]))

# Problem #6.7.7
def my_rank(L):
コード例 #25
## 1: (Problem 11.8.1) Procedure for computing squared Frobenius norm
def squared_Frob(A):
    Computes the square of the frobenius norm of A.

    >>> squared_Frob(Mat(({1, 2}, {1, 2, 3, 4}), {(1, 1): 1, (1, 2): 2, (1, 3): 3, (1, 4): 4, (2, 1): -4, (2, 2): 2, (2, 3): -1}))
    return sum([A[i,j]**2 for i in A.D[0] for j in A.D[1]])

## 2: (Problem 11.8.2) Frobenius_norm_counterexample
#Give a numerical counterxample.
A = listlist2mat([[2,3],[5,1]])
Q = listlist2mat([[3,0],[0,2]])

print("A: ", sqrt(squared_Frob(A)))
print("AQ: ", sqrt(squared_Frob(A*Q)))

## 3: (Problem 11.8.3) Multiplying a vector by a matrix in terms of the SVD of the matrix
# Use lists instead of Vecs
# Part 1
vT_x_1 = [[2],[1]]
Sigma_vT_x_1 = [[4],[1]]
U_Sigma_vT_x_1 = [[1],[4],[0]]

# Part 2
vT_x_2 = [[2],[0]]
コード例 #26
def QR_factor(A):
    col_labels = sorted(A.D[1], key=repr)
    Acols = dict2list(mat2coldict(A), col_labels)
    Qlist, Rlist = aug_orthonormalize(Acols)
    #Now make Mats
    Q = coldict2mat(Qlist)
    R = coldict2mat(list2dict(Rlist, col_labels))
    return Q, R

## 5: (Problem 5) QR factorization of small matrices
#Compute the QR factorization

#Please represent your solution as a list of rows, such as [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]
part_1_Q, part_1_R = QR_factor(listlist2mat([[6, 6], [2, 0], [3, 3]]))
part_1_Q = [list(x.f.values()) for x in mat2rowdict(part_1_Q).values()]
part_1_R = [list(x.f.values()) for x in mat2rowdict(part_1_R).values()]
part_2_Q, part_2_R = QR_factor(listlist2mat([[2, 3], [2, 1], [1, 1]]))
part_2_Q = [list(x.f.values()) for x in mat2rowdict(part_2_Q).values()]
part_2_R = [list(x.f.values()) for x in mat2rowdict(part_2_R).values()]

def QR_solve(A, b):
        - A: a Mat with linearly independent columns
        - b: a Vec whose domain equals the set of row-labels of A
        - vector x that minimizes norm(b - A*x)
    Note: This procedure uses the procedure QR_factor, which in turn uses dict2list and list2dict.
コード例 #27
ファイル: ecc_lab.py プロジェクト: vvw/CodingMatrix
from GF2 import one
from matutil import listlist2mat, coldict2mat, mat2coldict

## Task 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G = listlist2mat(G_as_list)

## Task 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
encoding_1001 = [0, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one]

## Task 3
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = Mat((set([0, 1, 2, 3]), set([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])), {(1, 3): 0, (3, 0): 0, (2, 1): 0, (2, 6): 0, (1, 6): 0, (2, 5): 0, (0, 3): 0, (1, 2): 0, (3, 3): 0, (2, 0): 0, (1, 5): one, (3, 6): 0, (2, 2): 0, (1, 1): 0, (3, 2): one, (0, 0): 0, (0, 4): 0, (1, 4): 0, (2, 3): 0, (1, 0): 0, (3, 5): 0, (0, 1): 0, (3, 1): 0, (0, 2): 0, (0, 6): one, (0, 5): 0, (3, 4): 0, (2, 4): one})

## Task 4
# Create an instance of Mat representing the check matrix H.
H = Mat((set([0, 1, 2]), set([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])), {(0, 1): 0, (1, 2): one, (2, 4): one, (0, 0): 0, (2, 6): one, (1, 5): one, (2, 3): 0, (2, 2): one, (1, 4): 0, (1, 1): one, (0, 6): one, (1, 3): 0, (0, 5): one, (2, 1): 0, (2, 5): 0, (0, 4): one, (1, 0): 0, (1, 6): one, (0, 3): one, (2, 0): one, (0, 2): 0})

## Task 5
コード例 #28
ファイル: encodeframe.py プロジェクト: balr0g/encodeframe
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from vecutil import list2vec, vec2list
from matutil import listlist2mat
from GF2 import one

golay24mat = listlist2mat([[one, one, 0, 0, 0, one, one, one, 0, one, 0, one],
              [0, one, one, 0, 0, 0, one, one, one, 0, one, one],
              [one, one, one, one, 0, one, one, 0, one, 0, 0, 0],
              [0, one, one, one, one, 0, one, one, 0, one, 0, 0],
              [0, 0, one, one, one, one, 0, one, one, 0, one, 0],
              [one, one, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one],
              [0, one, one, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one, one, 0, one],
              [0, 0, one, one, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one, one, one],
              [one, one, 0, one, one, one, 0, 0, 0, one, one, 0],
              [one, 0, one, 0, one, 0, 0, one, 0, one, one, one],
              [one, 0, 0, one, 0, 0, one, one, one, one, one, 0],
              [one, 0, 0, 0, one, one, one, 0, one, 0, one, one]])

golay23mat = listlist2mat([[one, one, 0, 0, 0, one, one, one, 0, one, 0],
              [0, one, one, 0, 0, 0, one, one, one, 0, one],
              [one, one, one, one, 0, one, one, 0, one, 0, 0],
              [0, one, one, one, one, 0, one, one, 0, one, 0],
              [0, 0, one, one, one, one, 0, one, one, 0, one],
              [one, one, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one, one, 0, 0],
              [0, one, one, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one, one, 0],
              [0, 0, one, one, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one, one],
              [one, one, 0, one, one, one, 0, 0, 0, one, one],
              [one, 0, one, 0, one, 0, 0, one, 0, one, one],
              [one, 0, 0, one, 0, 0, one, one, one, one, one],
              [one, 0, 0, 0, one, one, one, 0, one, 0, one]])
コード例 #29
# I = identity({ 'a', 'b', 'c' })

# print('==========')
# B = coldict2mat(button_vectors(5))
# print(B)

print(diag({"a", "b", "c"}, {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}).f)

G = listlist2mat([[one, 0, one, one], [one, one, 0, one], [0, 0, 0, one],
                  [one, one, one, 0], [0, 0, one, 0], [0, one, 0, 0],
                  [one, 0, 0, 0]])

word = list2vec([one, 0, 0, one])
codeword = G * word

R = Mat((G.D[1], G.D[0]), {(0, 6): one, (1, 5): one, (2, 4): one, (3, 2): one})
print(R * codeword)
print("R * G:")
print(R * G)

H = listlist2mat([[0, 0, 0, one, one, one, one], [0, one, one, 0, 0, one, one],
                  [one, 0, one, 0, one, 0, one]])
from vec import Vec
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import bits2mat, str2bits, noise
from GF2 import one
import matutil 

## Task 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G = matutil.listlist2mat([
    [one, 0, one, one], 
    [one, one, 0, one], 
    [0, 0, 0, one], 
    [one, one, one, 0], 
    [0, 0, one, 0], 
    [0, one, 0, 0], 
    [one, 0, 0, 0]])

## Task 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
encoding_1001 = [0, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one]

## Task 3
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = matutil.listlist2mat([
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, one], 
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, one, 0], 
    [0, 0, 0, 0, one, 0, 0], 
コード例 #31
ファイル: ecc_lab.py プロジェクト: MO2013/practice
from vec import Vec
from matutil import listlist2mat
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import noise
from GF2 import one

## Task 1 part 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G = listlist2mat([[one,0,one,one], [one,one,0,one], [0,0,0,one], [one,one,one,0], [0,0,one,0], [0,one,0,0], [one,0,0,0]])

## Task 1 part 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
encoding_1001 = G * Vec({0,1,2,3}, {0:one,  3:one})

## Task 2
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
#R = listlist2mat( [[1.0/8,1.0/8,-1.0/4,1.0/8,-1.0/4,-1.0/4,5.0/8],[-1.0/4,1.0/4,0,1.0/4,0,1.0/2,-1.0/4],[1.0/4,-1.0/4,0,1.0/4,1.0/2,0,-1.0/4],[1.0/4,1.0/4,1.0/2,-1.0/4,0,0,-1.0/4]])
R = listlist2mat([[0.125,0.125,-0.25,0.125,-0.25,-0.25,0.625],[-0.25,0.25,0,0.25,0,0.5,-0.25],[0.25,-0.25,0,0.25,0.5,0,-0.25],[0.25,0.25,0.5,-0.25,0,0,-0.25]])

## Task 3
# Create an instance of Mat representing the check matrix H.
H = None

## Task 4 part 1
コード例 #32
ファイル: hw7.py プロジェクト: buptdjd/linearAlgebra-coursera

## Problem 6
# Write your solution for this problem in orthonormalization.py.

## Problem 7
# Write your solution for this problem in orthonormalization.py.

## Problem 8
# Please give each solution as a Vec

least_squares_A1 = listlist2mat([[8, 1], [6, 2], [0, 6]])
least_squares_Q1 = listlist2mat([[.8,-0.099],[.6, 0.132],[0,0.986]])
least_squares_R1 = listlist2mat([[10,2],[0,6.08]]) 
least_squares_b1 = list2vec([10, 8, 6])

x_hat_1 = Vec({0, 1},{0: 1.0832236842105263, 1: 0.9838815789473685})

least_squares_A2 = listlist2mat([[3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 1]])
least_squares_Q2 = listlist2mat([[.424, .808],[.566, .115],[.707, -.577]])
least_squares_R2 = listlist2mat([[7.07, 1.7],[0,.346]])
least_squares_b2 = list2vec([10,13,15])

x_hat_2 = Vec({0, 1},{0: 2.5010988382075188, 1: 2.658959537572257})

コード例 #33
    for v in [[2, 1, 0, 0, 6, 0], [11, 5, 0, 0, 1, 0], [3, 1.5, 0, 0, 7.5, 0]]
V_basis = [list2vec(v) for v in [[0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 2]]]

res = direct_sum_decompose(U_basis, V_basis, list2vec([2, 5, 0, 0, 1, 0]))
print(direct_sum_decompose(U_basis, V_basis, list2vec([2, 5, 0, 0, 1, 0])))
print(res[0] + res[1])

res = direct_sum_decompose(U_basis, V_basis, list2vec([0, 0, 3, 0, 0, -4]))
print(direct_sum_decompose(U_basis, V_basis, list2vec([0, 0, 3, 0, 0, -4])))
print(res[0] + res[1])

res = direct_sum_decompose(U_basis, V_basis, list2vec([1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1]))
print(direct_sum_decompose(U_basis, V_basis, list2vec([1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1])))
print(res[0] + res[1])

res = direct_sum_decompose(U_basis, V_basis, list2vec([-6, 2, 4, 0, 4, 5]))
print(direct_sum_decompose(U_basis, V_basis, list2vec([-6, 2, 4, 0, 4, 5])))
print(res[0] + res[1])

        listlist2mat([[1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 2, 1, 0], [0, 0, 3, 1], [0, 0, 0,
print(is_invertible(listlist2mat([[1, 2, 3], [3, 1, 1]])))

        listlist2mat([[1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 2, 1, 0], [0, 0, 3, 1], [0, 0, 0,
コード例 #34
## 1: (Problem 11.8.1) Procedure for computing squared Frobenius norm
def squared_Frob(A):
    Computes the square of the frobenius norm of A.

    >>> squared_Frob(Mat(({1, 2}, {1, 2, 3, 4}), {(1, 1): 1, (1, 2): 2, (1, 3): 3, (1, 4): 4, (2, 1): -4, (2, 2): 2, (2, 3): -1}))
    return sum([v*v for k,v in mat2rowdict(A).items()])

## 2: (Problem 11.8.2) Frobenius_norm_counterexample
#Give a numerical counterxample.
A = listlist2mat([[3,2], [4,5], [-1,2]])
Q = listlist2mat([[1,0], [1,2]])

## 3: (Problem 11.8.3) Multiplying a vector by a matrix in terms of the SVD of the matrix
# Use lists instead of Vecs
# Part 1
vT_x_1 = [2, 1]
Sigma_vT_x_1 = [4, 1]
U_Sigma_vT_x_1 = [1, 4, 0]

# Part 2
vT_x_2 = [0, 2]
Sigma_vT_x_2 = [0, 2]
U_Sigma_vT_x_2 = [2, 0, 0]
コード例 #35
        >>> x = QR_solve(A, b)
        >>> result = A.transpose()*(b-A*x)
        >>> result.is_almost_zero()
    Q, R    = QR_factor(A)
    rowlist = [x for x in mat2rowdict(R).values()]
    c       = Q.transpose() * b
    return triangular_solve(rowlist, sorted(A.D[1], key=repr), c)

## 7: (Problem 7) Least Squares Problem
# Please give each solution as a Vec

least_squares_A1 = listlist2mat([[8, 1], [6, 2], [0, 6]])
least_squares_Q1 = listlist2mat([[.8,-0.099],[.6, 0.132],[0,0.986]])
least_squares_R1 = listlist2mat([[10,2],[0,6.08]])
least_squares_b1 = list2vec([10, 8, 6])

x_hat_1 = QR_solve(least_squares_A1, least_squares_b1)

least_squares_A2 = listlist2mat([[3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 1]])
least_squares_Q2 = listlist2mat([[.424, .808],[.566, .115],[.707, -.577]])
least_squares_R2 = listlist2mat([[7.07, 1.7],[0,.346]])
least_squares_b2 = list2vec([10,13,15])

x_hat_2 = QR_solve(least_squares_A2, least_squares_b2)

コード例 #36
import sys
sys.path.append('..\\matlib')  # for compatibility with running from console
from vec import Vec
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import bits2mat, str2bits, bits2str, mat2bits, noise
from GF2 import one
from matutil import listlist2mat
from mat import transpose

## Task 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G = transpose(
    listlist2mat([[one, one, 0, one, 0, 0, one], [0, one, 0, one, 0, one, 0],
                  [one, 0, 0, one, one, 0, 0], [one, one, one, 0, 0, 0, 0]]))

## Task 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
encoding_1001 = [0, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one]

## Task 3
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = listlist2mat([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, one], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, one, 0],
                  [0, 0, 0, 0, one, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, one, 0, 0, 0,
                   0]])  # Rc = p: G(p) = c => R - inverse for G

print(R * G)  # identity matrix

## Task 4
コード例 #37
    assert v.D == M.D[1]
    rd = mat2rowdict(M)
    return Vec(M.D[0], {k: rd[k] * v for k in M.D[0]})

def dot_product_vec_mat_mult(v, M):
    >>> M2 = listlist2mat([[-5, 10], [-4, 8], [-3, 6], [-2, 4]])
    >>> v3 = Vec({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0: 4, 1: 3, 2: 2, 3: 1})
    >>> dot_product_vec_mat_mult(v3, M2) == Vec({0, 1},{0: -40, 1: 80})
    assert v.D == M.D[0]
    cd = mat2coldict(M)
    return Vec(M.D[1], {k: v * cd[k] for k in M.D[1]})

if __name__ == '__main__':
    l = [[-1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 2, 1]]
    M = listlist2mat(l)
    v = Vec({0, 1, 2}, {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 0})
    v2 = lin_comb_mat_vec_mult(M, v)
    M2 = listlist2mat([[-5, 10], [-4, 8], [-3, 6], [-2, 4]])
    v3 = Vec({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0: 4, 1: 3, 2: 2, 3: 1})
    v4 = dot_product_vec_mat_mult(v3, M2)
    A = Mat(({'a', 'b'}, {'@', '#', '?'}),
            {('a', '@'): 2, ('a', '#'): 1, ('a', '?'): 3, ('b', '@'): 20,
             ('b', '#'): 10, ('b', '?'): 30})
    b = Vec({'@', '#', '?'}, {'@': 0.5, '#': 5, '?': -1})
    v5 = lin_comb_mat_vec_mult(A, b)
コード例 #38
ファイル: ecc_lab.py プロジェクト: smokymorgan/matrix
from vec import Vec
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import noise
from GF2 import one

## Task 1 part 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
import matutil
G_lists= [[one, 0, one, one],[one, one, 0, one], [0,0,0, one],[one, one, one, 0],[0, 0, one, 0], [0, one, 0, 0],[one, 0, 0, 0]]

G = matutil.listlist2mat(G_lists)

## Task 1 part 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
encoding_1001 = [0,0,one,one,0,0,one]

## Task 2
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = matutil.listlist2mat(Grev_list2)

## Task 3
# Create an instance of Mat representing the check matrix H.

H = matutil.listlist2mat(H_list)
コード例 #39
from vec import Vec
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import bits2mat, str2bits, noise, mat2bits, bits2str
from matutil import coldict2mat, mat2coldict

## Task 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
from matutil import listlist2mat

G = listlist2mat([[one, zero, one, one],
                  [one, one, zero, one],
                  [zero, zero, zero, one],
                  [one, one, one, zero],
                  [zero, zero, one, zero],
                  [zero, one, zero, zero],
                  [one, zero, zero, zero]])

## Task 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
from vecutil import list2vec

p = list2vec([one, zero, one, zero])
print(G * p)
encoding_1001 = [0, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one]

## Task 3
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
コード例 #40
## 1: (Problem 11.8.1) Procedure for computing squared Frobenius norm
def squared_Frob(A):
    Computes the square of the frobenius norm of A.

    >>> squared_Frob(Mat(({1, 2}, {1, 2, 3, 4}), {(1, 1): 1, (1, 2): 2, (1, 3): 3, (1, 4): 4, (2, 1): -4, (2, 2): 2, (2, 3): -1}))
    return sum(A[(r, c)]**2 for r in A.D[0] for c in A.D[1])

## 2: (Problem 11.8.2) Frobenius_norm_counterexample
#Give a numerical counterxample.
A = listlist2mat([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]])
Q = listlist2mat([[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]])

## 3: (Problem 11.8.3) Multiplying a vector by a matrix in terms of the SVD of the matrix
# Use lists instead of Vecs
# Part 1
vT_x_1 = [2, 1]
Sigma_vT_x_1 = [4, 1]
U_Sigma_vT_x_1 = [1, 4, 0]

# Part 2
vT_x_2 = [0, 2]
Sigma_vT_x_2 = [0, 2]
U_Sigma_vT_x_2 = [2, 0, 0]
コード例 #41
ファイル: ecc_lab.py プロジェクト: HatlessFox/SelfStudy
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import bits2mat, str2bits, noise
from bitutil import bits2str, mat2bits
from GF2 import one, zero
from matutil import listlist2mat, coldict2mat, mat2coldict

## Task 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G = listlist2mat(
    [[one,  zero, one,  one ],
     [one,  one,  zero, one ],
     [zero, zero, zero, one ],
     [one,  one,  one,  zero],
     [zero, zero, one,  zero],
     [zero, one,  zero, zero],
     [one,  zero, zero, zero]])

## Task 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
encoding_1001 = [zero, zero, one, one, zero, zero, one]

## Task 3
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = listlist2mat(
    [[zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one ],
     [zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one,  zero],
     [zero, zero, zero, zero, one,  zero, zero],
コード例 #42
ファイル: ecc_lab.py プロジェクト: airy-beam/online_courses
from mat import Mat
from mat import matrix_vector_mul
from bitutil import noise
from bitutil import str2bits, bits2str, bits2mat, mat2bits
from GF2 import one
from matutil import listlist2mat
from matutil import mat2coldict
from matutil import coldict2mat

## Task 1 part 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
Gl = [ [ one, 0, one, one ], [ one, one, 0, one ], [ 0, 0, 0, one ], [ one, one, one, 0 ], [ 0, 0, one, 0 ], [ 0, one, 0, 0 ], [ one, 0, 0, 0 ] ]
G = listlist2mat(Gl)

## Task 1 part 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
res = G * Vec( {0,1,2,3}, {0:one,1:0,2:0,3:one} )
encoding_1001 = [0, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one]

## Task 2
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = Mat( ( {0,1,2,3}, {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} ), {(0,6): one,(1,5): one,(2,4): one,(3,2): one} )

## Task 3
# Create an instance of Mat representing the check matrix H.
Hl = [ [0,0,0,one,one,one,one], [ 0,one,one,0,0,one,one], [one,0,one,0,one,0,one] ]
H = listlist2mat(Hl)
コード例 #43
ファイル: ecc_lab.py プロジェクト: UlrichLudwig/Matrix
from vec import Vec
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import *
from GF2 import one
from matutil import listlist2mat, mat2coldict, coldict2mat

## Task 1 part 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G = listlist2mat([[one,0,one,one],[one,one,0,one], [0,0,0,one], [one, one, one, 0], [0,0,one,0], [0,one,0,0], [one, 0,0, 0]])

## Task 1 part 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.
encoding_1001 = [0,0,one,one,0,0,one]

## Task 2
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}), {(0,6):one, (1,5):one, (2,4):one, (3,2):one})

## Task 3
# Create an instance of Mat representing the check matrix H.
H = listlist2mat([[0,0,0,one,one,one,one],[0,one,one,0,0,one,one],[one,0,one,0,one,0,one]])

## Task 4 part 1
def find_error(e):
Input: an error syndrome as an instance of Vec
Output: the corresponding error vector e
コード例 #44
Point_list1 = [(1.55, 0.9) , (-0.87, -2.42) , (0.61, -1.84) , (0.72, -0.1) , (0.16, 0.48) , (0.46, 0.81) , (-0.71, -1.69) , (1.26, 1.11),
(-2.14, -5.34) , (-1.09, -4.2) , (-0.61, 0.14) , (-0.33, -0.59) , (-0.64, -0.76) , (1.73, -0.67) , (2.38, 1.38) , (-0.34, -0.97),
(-2.17, -2.51) , (0.42, -0.93) , (2.43, -0.43) , (1.9, 1.22) , (2.24, 1.98) , (-1.83, -1.6) , (-0.17, 1.22) , (0.64, -0.61),
(-2.07, -3.11) , (0.59, 1.77) , (1.96, -0.38) , (-0.05, -2.64) , (0.49, 1.6) , (-0.23, 2.43) , (1.62, 1.06) , (2.06, -0.03),
(1.6, 0.41) , (1.38, 2.29) , (-0.96, -0.8) , (-0.4, -2.42) , (2.97, 1.56) , (-0.03, 1.46) , (-0.1, 0.94) , (1.29, -2.39)]

Point_list2 = [(1.38, 0.44), (-0.59, -0.26), (-1.24, 0.07), (-1.42, 1.99), (1.2, 0.01), (-0.88, -2.63), (-1.35, -0.83), (-1.09, 2.34), (-0.22, 1.21), (0.77, -0.32), (-0.15, 1.88), (-0.86, -0.38), (0.91, -2.46), (0.71, 1.06), (-1.98, -0.26), (-0.71, 1.71), (0.0, 0.15), (-0.94, 1.25), (0.55, 0.85), (-1.06, -0.58), (-1.06, -1.55), (-0.49, 0.65), (-0.37, 1.2), (-0.78, 1.02), (0.5, 0.48), (-0.38, -0.28), (-2.29, 0.2), (-1.27, 1.14), (-0.47, 1.68), (-0.65, 0.15), (2.24, -0.33), (0.6, -0.95), (-0.2, 1.85), (-0.53, -0.7), (0.23, -1.68), (0.58, 0.05), (0.81, 0.38), (-1.87, -0.1), (0.08, 0.63), (0.63, 0.05)]


A_list = []
b_list = []
for point in Point_list1:
A = listlist2mat(A_list)
b = list2vec(b_list)

x_hat = QR_solve(A, b)[0]
print("X_hat: ", x_hat)

Solution_list1 = [(x, x*x_hat) for x in frange(-2.0,2.0,0.05)]

v1 = first_right_singular_vector(A)
print("v1: ", v1)
V_list1 = [(x, x * v1[0]) for x in frange(-2.0, 2.0, 0.05)]
plot(Point_list1 + Solution_list1 + V_list1)

#4.b: v1 has higher slope because it's minimizing square distance of both x and y axes, whereas linear regression only
# minimizes square distance along y (prediction error).
コード例 #45
            if highest < column_zeroes[j]:
                highest_index = j
                highest = column_zeroes[j]
        if (highest < i):
            return ([], [])


    matrix.pp(ret_rows.reverse(), ret_columns.reverse())
    return (ret_rows.reverse(), ret_columns.reverse())

#Task 4.14.1
G = listlist2mat([[one, zero, one, one], [one, one, zero, one],
                  [zero, zero, zero, one], [one, one, one, zero],
                  [zero, zero, one, zero], [zero, one, zero, zero],
                  [one, zero, zero, zero]])

#Task 4.14.2
#print(G * Vec({0,1,2,3}, {0: one, 1: zero, 2: zero, 3: one})) # 0 0 one one 0 0 one

#Task 4.14.3
G_R = listlist2mat([[zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one],
                    [zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one, zero],
                    [zero, zero, zero, zero, one, zero, zero],
                    [zero, zero, one, zero, zero, zero, zero]])
#print(G_R * G) #Identity 4x4 matrix

#Task 4.14.4
H = listlist2mat([[zero, zero, zero, one, one, one, one],
                  [zero, one, one, zero, zero, one, one],
コード例 #46
ファイル: test_ecc.py プロジェクト: tri2sing/CodingTheMatrix
print ('\n')

print ('\n')

v1 = ecl.find_error(Vec({0,1,2}, {0:one}))
print (v1 == Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},{3: one}))
v2 = ecl.find_error(Vec({0,1,2}, {2:one}))
print (v2 == Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},{0: one}))
v3 = ecl.find_error(Vec({0,1,2}, {1:one, 2:one}))
print (v3 == Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},{2: one}))    
print ('\n')

S = util.listlist2mat([[0,one,one,one],[0,one,0,0],[0,0,0,one]])
em = ecl.find_error_matrix(S)
tm = Mat(({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, {0, 1, 2, 3}), {(1, 2): 0, (3, 2): one, (0, 0): 0, (4, 3): one, (3, 0): 0, (6, 0): 0, (2, 1): 0, (6, 2): 0, (2, 3): 0, (5, 1): one, (4, 2): 0, (1, 0): 0, (0, 3): 0, (4, 0): 0, (0, 1): 0, (3, 3): 0, (4, 1): 0, (6, 1): 0, (3, 1): 0, (1, 1): 0, (6, 3): 0, (2, 0): 0, (5, 0): 0, (2, 2): 0, (1, 3): 0, (5, 3): 0, (5, 2): 0, (0, 2): 0})
print (em == tm)
print ('\n')

コード例 #47
def orthogonal_vec2rep(Q, b):
    Q = listlist2mat(Q)
    b = list2vec(b)
    print(Q * b)
コード例 #48
from vec import Vec, neg
from mat import Mat
from bitutil import noise
from GF2 import one
import bitutil
import matutil
import vecutil

## Task 1 part 1
""" Create an instance of Mat representing the generator matrix G. You can use
the procedure listlist2mat in the matutil module (be sure to import first).
Since we are working over GF (2), you should use the value one from the
GF2 module to represent 1"""
G = matutil.listlist2mat([[one, 0, one, one], [one, one, 0, one],
                          [0, 0, 0, one], [one, one, one, 0], [0, 0, one, 0],
                          [0, one, 0, 0], [one, 0, 0, 0]])

## Task 1 part 2
# Please write your answer as a list. Use one from GF2 and 0 as the elements.

encoding_1001 = [0, 0, one, one, 0, 0, one]

## Task 2
# Express your answer as an instance of the Mat class.
R = matutil.listlist2mat([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, one],
                          [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, one, 0], [0, one, 0, 0],
                          [one, 0, 0, 0]]).transpose()
## Task 3
# Create an instance of Mat representing the check matrix H.
H = matutil.listlist2mat([[0, 0, 0, one, one, one, one],