def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('examplePilot') self.subState = 'GPS' self.GPSMode = True self.enable = False self.rate = rospy.Rate(20) self.exampleGPSPub = rospy.Publisher(targetWP_GPS, mavSP.PoseStamped, queue_size=5) self.exampleATTIPub = rospy.Publisher(targetWP_Atti, mavros_msgs.msg.AttitudeTarget, queue_size=5) self.pilotSubstatePub = rospy.Publisher(onB_substateSub, String, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber(onB_StateSub, String, self.onStateChange) rospy.Subscriber( mavros.get_topic('local_position', 'pose'), mavSP.PoseStamped, self.onPositionChange ) # uses mavros.get topic to find the name of the current XYZ position of the drone self.currUAVPos = mavSP.PoseStamped() # used for GPS setpoints self.msgSPAtti = mavSP.TwistStamped() # used for Attitude setpoints rospy.loginfo('examplePilot Initialised.')
def control_loop(self): rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # 10hz msg = SP.TwistStamped( header=SP.Header( frame_id="base_footprint", # no matter, plugin don't use TF, # stamp should update ) #while not self.task_done: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if not self.task_done: self.pidx.update(self.x) self.pidy.update(self.y) self.pidz.update(self.z) msg.twist.linear.x = self.pidx.output msg.twist.linear.y = self.pidy.output msg.twist.linear.z = self.pidz.output #print + " is publishing" rate.sleep()
def control_pid(self): msg = SP.TwistStamped( header=SP.Header( frame_id="Drone_Vel_setpoint", # no matter, plugin don't use TF, # stamp should update ) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if not self.activated: break #todo controle PID self.error.x.act = self.x - DronePose.x self.error.y.act = self.y - DronePose.y self.error.z.act = self.z - DronePose.z PX = self.error.x.act * KPx PY = self.error.y.act * KPy PZ = self.error.z.act * KPz _time_bet_run = (rate.sleep_dur.nsecs / 1000000000.0) #rospy.loginfo((rate.sleep_dur.nsecs / 1000000000.0)) DX = ((self.error.x.Deri) * float(KDx)) / _time_bet_run DY = ((self.error.y.Deri) * float(KDy)) / _time_bet_run DZ = ((self.error.z.Deri) * float(KDz)) / _time_bet_run self.error.x.Intg = self.error.x.act * KIx * _time_bet_run IX = self.error.x.Intg self.error.y.Intg = self.error.y.act * KIy * _time_bet_run IY = self.error.y.Intg self.error.z.Intg = self.error.z.act * KIz * _time_bet_run IZ = self.error.z.Intg # rospy.loginfo((rate.sleep_dur.nsecs / 1000000000.0)) #rospy.loginfo(PX, DX, IX, "\n", PY, DY, IY, "\n", PZ, DZ, IZ) #rospy.loginfo(PX, DX, IX) rospy.loginfo(IY) self.x_vel = PX + DX + IX self.y_vel = PY + DY + IY self.z_vel = PZ + DZ + IZ msg.twist.linear.x = self.x_vel msg.twist.linear.y = self.y_vel msg.twist.linear.z = self.z_vel # msg.twist.angular = SP.TwistStamped.twist.angular() msg.header.stamp = rate.sleep()
def control_loop(self): rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # 10hz msg = SP.TwistStamped( header=SP.Header( frame_id="base_footprint", # no matter, plugin don't use TF, # stamp should update ) #while not self.task_done: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if not self.task_done: self.pidx.update(self.x) self.pidy.update(self.y) self.pidz.update(self.z) err_x = self.x - self.x_ref err_y = self.y - self.y_ref err_z = self.z - self.z_ref if self.is_near('X', err_x, 0.0, self.wp_radius) and \ self.is_near('Y', err_y, 0.0, self.wp_radius) and \ self.is_near('Z', err_z, 0.0, self.wp_radius): msg.twist.linear.x = self.pidx.output msg.twist.linear.y = self.pidy.output msg.twist.linear.z = self.pidz.output else: alpha = atan2(-err_y, -err_x) beta = atan2(-err_z, sqrt(pow(err_x, 2) + pow(err_y, 2))) msg.twist.linear.x = self.v0 * cos(beta) * cos(alpha) msg.twist.linear.y = self.v0 * cos(beta) * sin(alpha) msg.twist.linear.z = self.v0 * sin(beta) #print "alpha = %0.2f beta = %0.2f errx = %0.2f erry = %0.2f errz = %0.2f" % (alpha*180.0/pi, beta*180.0/pi, err_x, err_y, err_z) #print + " is publishing" rate.sleep()
def navigate(self): #att_pub = SP.get_pub_attitude_pose(queue_size=10) #thd_pub = SP.get_pub_attitude_throttle(queue_size=10) #thd_pub.publish(data=self.throttle_update) #thd_pub.publish(data=0.6) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz magnitude = 1 # in meters/sec msg = SP.TwistStamped( header=SP.Header( frame_id="base_footprint", # no matter, plugin don't use TF, # stamp should update ) i = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #print "publishing velocity" self.throttle_update = self.pid_throttle.update(self.current_alt) pid_offset = self.pid_alt.update(self.current_alt) if self.use_pid: msg.twist.linear = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3( self.vx * magnitude, self.vy * magnitude, self.vz * magnitude + pid_offset) else: msg.twist.linear = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3( self.vx * magnitude, self.vy * magnitude, self.vz * magnitude) #print msg.twist.linear # For demo purposes we will lock yaw/heading to north. yaw_degrees = self.yaw # North yaw = radians(yaw_degrees) quaternion = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw) if self.velocity_publish: #msg.twist.angular.z = 0.5 self.pub_vel.publish(msg) #print "PID: ", pid_offset rate.sleep() i += 1
def navigate(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz magnitude = 1 # in meters/sec msg = SP.TwistStamped( header=SP.Header( frame_id="base_footprint", # no matter, plugin don't use TF, # stamp should update ) i = 0 while i < 120: msg.twist.linear = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3( self.vx * magnitude, self.vy * magnitude, self.vz * magnitude) print msg.twist.linear # For demo purposes we will lock yaw/heading to north. yaw_degrees = 0 # North yaw = radians(yaw_degrees) quaternion = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw) rate.sleep() i += 1
def publish_angular_linear_orientation(self): #att_pub = SP.get_pub_attitude_pose(queue_size=10) #thd_pub = SP.get_pub_attitude_throttle(queue_size=10) vel_pub = SP.get_pub_velocity_cmd_vel(queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz ## msg = SP.PoseStamped( ## header=SP.Header( ## frame_id="base_footprint", # no matter, plugin don't use TF ##, # stamp should update ## ) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #msg.pose.position.x = self.x #msg.pose.position.y = self.y #msg.pose.position.z = self.z twist = SP.TwistStamped(header=SP.Header( stamp=rospy.get_rostime())) twist.twist.linear = SP.Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=0) twist.twist.angular = SP.Vector3(z=-0.4) print "publishing orientation" vel_pub.publish(twist)
def navigate(self): rate = rospy.Rate(30) # 30hz magnitude = 0.75 # in meters/sec msg = SP.TwistStamped( header=SP.Header( frame_id="base_footprint", # doesn't matter, # stamp should update ) i = 0 self.home_lat = self.cur_pos_x self.home_lon = self.cur_pos_y self.home_alt = self.cur_alt while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if == "ABORT": self.disarm() break if not self.override_nav: # heavy stuff right about here vector_base = self.final_pos_x - self.cur_pos_x vector_height = self.final_pos_y - self.cur_pos_y try: slope = vector_base / (vector_height + 0.000001) p_slope = -vector_height / (vector_base + 0.000001) except: pass copter_rad = self.cur_rad vector_rad = atan(slope) if self.final_pos_y < self.cur_pos_y: vector_rad = vector_rad - pi glob_vx = sin(vector_rad) glob_vy = cos(vector_rad) beta = ((vector_rad - copter_rad) * (180.0 / pi) + 360.0 * 100.0) % (360.0) beta = (beta + 90.0) / (180.0 / pi) cx = self.cur_pos_x cy = self.cur_pos_y fx = self.final_pos_x fy = self.final_pos_y b_c = cy - cx * p_slope b_f = fy - fx * p_slope sign_dist = b_f - b_c if self.last_sign_dist < 0.0 and sign_dist > 0.0: self.reached = True if self.last_sign_dist > 0.0 and sign_dist < 0.0: self.reached = True self.last_sign_dist = sign_dist if self.reached: self.last_sign_dist = 0.0 master_scalar = 1.0 master_hype = sqrt((cx - fx)**2.0 + (cy - fy)**2.0) if master_hype > 1.0: master_scalar = 1.0 else: master_scalar = master_hype self.vx = sin(beta) * master_scalar self.vy = cos(beta) * master_scalar if self.alt_control: if self.vy > VELOCITY_CAP: self.vy = VELOCITY_CAP if self.vy < -VELOCITY_CAP: self.vy = -VELOCITY_CAP if self.vx > VELOCITY_CAP: self.vx = VELOCITY_CAP if self.vx < -VELOCITY_CAP: self.vx = -VELOCITY_CAP if abs(self.final_alt - self.cur_alt) < VELOCITY_CAP: self.vz = (self.final_alt - self.cur_alt) else: if self.final_alt > self.cur_alt: self.vz = VELOCITY_CAP if self.final_alt < self.cur_alt: self.vz = -VELOCITY_CAP msg.twist.linear = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3( self.vx * magnitude, self.vy * magnitude, self.vz * magnitude) else: msg.twist.linear = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3( self.vx * magnitude, self.vy * magnitude, self.vz * magnitude) try: self.pub_vel.publish(msg) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException as ex: print "exception!! %s" % ex print self.pub_vel try: rate.sleep() except rospy.exceptions.ROSException as ex: print "exception in rate!! %s" % ex i += 1
def navigate(self): rate = rospy.Rate(30) # 30hz magnitude = 1.0 # in meters/sec msg = SP.TwistStamped( header=SP.Header( frame_id="base_footprint", # doesn't matter, # stamp should update ) i =0 self.home_lat = self.cur_pos_x self.home_lon = self.cur_pos_y self.home_alt = self.cur_alt while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if == "ABORT": self.disarm() break if not self.override_nav: # heavy stuff right about here vector_base = self.final_pos_x - self.cur_pos_x vector_height = self.final_pos_y - self.cur_pos_y try: slope = vector_base/(vector_height+0.000001) p_slope = -vector_height/(vector_base+0.000001) except: print "This should never happen..." copter_rad = self.cur_rad vector_rad = atan(slope) if self.final_pos_y < self.cur_pos_y: vector_rad = vector_rad - pi glob_vx = sin(vector_rad) glob_vy = cos(vector_rad) beta = ((vector_rad-copter_rad) * (180.0/pi) + 360.0*100.0) % (360.0) beta = (beta + 90.0) / (180.0/pi) #print beta if True: # not self.reached: #this is issues cx = self.cur_pos_x cy = self.cur_pos_y fx = self.final_pos_x fy = self.final_pos_y b_c = cy - cx * p_slope b_f = fy - fx * p_slope sign_dist = b_f - b_c if self.last_sign_dist < 0.0 and sign_dist > 0.0: self.reached = True if self.last_sign_dist > 0.0 and sign_dist < 0.0: self.reached = True #print "THE", self.last_sign_dist, sign_dist, self.reached self.last_sign_dist = sign_dist if self.reached: self.last_sign_dist = 0.0 if True: #else: #this switch is gonna cause isses master_scalar = 1.0 master_hype = sqrt((cx - fx)**2.0 + (cy - fy)**2.0) if master_hype > 1.0: master_scalar = 1.0 else: master_scalar = master_hype self.vx = sin(beta) * master_scalar self.vy = cos(beta) * master_scalar #print "THE VIX: ", self.vx, " THE VIY: ", self.vy if True: if self.alt_control: #pid_offset = self.pid_alt.update(self.cur_alt) #if pid_offset > 1.0: # pid_offset = 1.0 #if pid_offset < -1.0: # pid_offset = -1.0 if self.vy > 0.5: self.vy = 0.5 if self.vy < -0.5: self.vy = -0.5 if self.vx > 0.5: self.vx = 0.5 if self.vx < -0.5: self.vx = -0.5 #ned. if self.final_alt > self.cur_alt: self.vz = 0.5 if self.final_alt < self.cur_alt: self.vz = -0.5 if abs(self.final_alt-self.cur_alt) < 0.9: self.vz = 0.0 msg.twist.linear = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3(self.vx*magnitude, self.vy*magnitude, self.vz*magnitude) else: msg.twist.linear = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3(self.vx*magnitude, self.vy*magnitude, self.vz*magnitude) if True: #print self.vx, self.vy self.pub_vel.publish(msg) rate.sleep() i +=1
def control_pid(self): msg = SP.TwistStamped( header=SP.Header( frame_id="Drone_Vel_setpoint", # no matter, plugin don't use TF ), # stamp should update ) ref_pose_msg = SP.PoseStamped( header=SP.Header( frame_id="setpoint_position", # no matter, plugin don't use TF ), # stamp should update ) fuz_msg = fuzzy_msg( header=SP.Header( frame_id="fuzzy_values", # no matter, plugin don't use TF ), # stamp should update ) smc_msg = vehicle_smc_gains_msg( header=SP.Header( frame_id="smc_values", # no matter, plugin don't use TF ), # stamp should update ) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if not self.activated: break if self.fuzzyfy: # TODO: fuzzy com y e z rospy.loginfo_once("initalized fuzzyfication for the fist time") if not self.defuzzed.P_X == 0: rospy.loginfo_once("first value of P_X modified by fuzzy system") rospy.loginfo_once("P_x = " + str(self.defuzzed.P_X)) global KPx KPx += self.defuzzed.P_X/SOFTNESS if KPx <=0.6: KPx=0.6 if KPx >=5.6: KPx=5.6 global KIx KIx += self.defuzzed.I_X/SOFTNESS if KIx <= 0.3: KIx = 0.3 if KIx >= 4.5: KIx = 4.5 global KDx KDx += self.defuzzed.D_X/SOFTNESS if KDx <= 0.1: KDx = 0.1 if KDx >= 0.8: KDx = 0.8 self.error.x.act = self.x - DronePose.x self.error.y.act = self.y - DronePose.y self.error.z.act = self.z - DronePose.z # rospy.loginfo(KPx) PX = self.error.x.act * KPx PY = self.error.y.act * KPy PZ = self.error.z.act * KPz _time_bet_run = (rate.sleep_dur.nsecs / 1000000000.0) DX = ((self.error.x.Deri) * float(KDx)) / _time_bet_run DY = ((self.error.y.Deri) * float(KDy)) / _time_bet_run DZ = ((self.error.z.Deri) * float(KDz)) / _time_bet_run self.error.x.Intg = self.error.x.act * KIx * _time_bet_run IX = self.error.x.Intg self.error.y.Intg = self.error.y.act * KIy * _time_bet_run IY = self.error.y.Intg self.error.z.Intg = self.error.z.act * KIz * _time_bet_run IZ = self.error.z.Intg # rospy.loginfo(IY) self.x_vel = PX + DX + IX self.y_vel = PY + DY + IY self.z_vel = PZ + DZ + IZ fuz_msg.Error = self.error.x.act fuz_msg.D_Error = self.error.x.Deri fuz_msg.P_val = KPx fuz_msg.I_val = KIx fuz_msg.D_val = KDx ref_pose_msg.pose.position.x = setpoint_vel.x ref_pose_msg.pose.position.y = setpoint_vel.y ref_pose_msg.pose.position.z = setpoint_vel.z msg.twist.linear.x = self.x_vel msg.twist.linear.y = self.y_vel msg.twist.linear.z = self.z_vel smc_msg.k_gains = K_roll, K_pitch, K_yaw smc_msg.beta_gains = B_roll, B_pitch, B_yaw smc_msg.lambda_gains = L_roll, L_pitch, L_yaw fuz_msg.header.stamp = self.pub_fuz.publish(fuz_msg) ref_pose_msg.header.stamp = self.pub_refpos.publish(ref_pose_msg) msg.header.stamp = smc_msg.header.stamp = self.pub_smc.publish(smc_msg) rate.sleep()