コード例 #1
 def _initialize_solver(self):
     """Set up and return the initial quantities used by the solver."""
     eta = np.zeros_like(self.gradient)
     delta = -self.gradient
     resid = self.gradient
     r_norm = inner_prod(resid, resid)
     return eta, delta, resid, r_norm
コード例 #2
 def solve(self, verbose=True):
     """Solve the trust region subproblem using the tCG method."""
     # Refactoring is hard here; pylint: disable=too-many-locals
     # Initialize quantities used in solving the TR subproblem.
     eta, delta, resid, r_norm = self._initialize_solver()
     self.__cost = self.value
     stop_cause = 'maximum number of iterations reached'
     # Iteratively update eta until convergence (or stop).
     n_iter = 0
     for n_iter in range(self.maxiter):
         # Compute <delta, Hess f[delta]> and thus update factor alpha.
         hess_delta = self.get_hessian(delta)
         dh_norm = inner_prod(delta, hess_delta)
         alpha = r_norm / dh_norm
         # Compute candidate eta_new and approximate Hess f [eta_new].
         eta_new = eta + alpha * delta
         # If <delta, Hess f[delta]>  <= 0 or ||eta_{k+1}|| >= Delta,
         # compute an update of eta of proper norm and stop iterating.
         if (dh_norm <= 0) or (froebenius(eta_new) >= self.radius):
             eta = self._fit_eta_tau(eta, delta)
             stop_cause = 'radius condition -- computed fitted-norm eta'
         # Check that the cost decreases with eta_new, otherwise stop.
         new_cost = self._get_model_cost(eta_new)
         if new_cost >= self.__cost:
             stop_cause = 'increased cost -- adopted previous solution'
         self.__cost = new_cost
         # Update the residuals and check the stopping criterion.
         resid += alpha * hess_delta
         rnorm_new = inner_prod(resid, resid)
         if rnorm_new <= self.stopping_criterion:
             stop_cause = 'stopping criterion reached'
         # In the absence of solution, update quantities and iterate.
         delta = -resid + delta * rnorm_new / r_norm
         eta, r_norm = eta_new, rnorm_new
     # Store the solution reached as well as the cost function on it.
     self.__solution = eta
     self.__cost = self._get_model_cost(eta)
     # Print-out the number of iterations needed to converge.
     if verbose:
         print("Solution reached afer %i iterations." % n_iter)
コード例 #3
    def _solve_tr_subproblem(self, x_k, value, gradient, get_hessian, delta):
        """Solve the trust-region subproblem and return derived quantities.

        x_k         : current candidate optimum x_k
        value       : value of f(x_k)
        gradient    : value of grad f(x_k)
        get_hessian : function to get Hess f(x_k) [.]
        delta       : radius of the trust-region

        The trust-region subproblem consists in minimizing the quantity
        $m(\\eta) = f(x_k) + <\\text{{grad}} f(x_k), eta>
                    + .5 <\\text{{Hess}} f(x_k)[eta], eta>$
        under the constraint $||\\eta|| = \\Delta$.

        First, estimate eta_k using the truncated conjugate gradient
        method, and gather the value of the cost function in eta_k.

        Then, compute the retraction of eta_k from the tangent space
        in x_k; this retraction is a candidate for $x_{{k+1}}$.

        Finally, compute the ratio rho_k used to accept of reject
        the previous candidate and update the radius delta:
        $\\rho_k = (f(x_k) - f(R_x(\\eta_k))) / (m(0) - m(\\eta_k))$.

        Return eta_k, rho_k and R_x(eta_k) (candidate eta_{{k+1}}).
        # Arguments serve readability; pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        # Solve the trust-region subproblem.
        tcg = TruncatedConjugateGradient(
            value, gradient, get_hessian, delta, **self.tcg_kwargs
        eta_k, cost_eta = tcg.get_solution()
        # Compute the retraction of the solution.
        rx_k = stiefel_retraction(x_k, eta_k)
        # Compute the ratio rho_k.
        f_rxk = inner_prod(self.cost_mat, np.dot(rx_k, rx_k.T))
        rho_k = (value - f_rxk) / (value - cost_eta + 1e-30)
        # Return eta_k, rho_k and the potential new optimum candidate.
        return eta_k, rho_k, rx_k
コード例 #4
    def _get_f_values(self, matrix):
        """Return f(matrix), grad f(matrix) and Hess f(matrix)[.].

        The values of f and of its riemannian gradient are explicitely
        computed, while a function is built to compute the riemannian
        hessian in any given direction.
        # Compute the value of f.
        matprod = np.dot(matrix, matrix.T)
        value = inner_prod(self.cost_mat, matprod)
        # Compute the value of grad f.
        gradient = np.dot(self.cost_mat, matrix)
        gradient = 2 * stiefel_projection(matrix, gradient)
        # Define a function to compute the value of Hess f in a direction.
        sym = symblockdiag(np.dot(self.cost_mat, matprod))
        def get_hessian(direction):
            """Get the riemannian hessian of f in a given direction."""
            nonlocal self, sym, matrix
            hess = np.dot(self.cost_mat, direction) - np.dot(sym, direction)
            return 2 * stiefel_projection(matrix, hess)
        # Return f(x_k), grad f(x_k) and function to get Hess f(x_k)[d].
        return value, gradient, get_hessian
コード例 #5
 def _get_model_cost(self, eta):
     """Return the cost function's value, given eta and Hessf[eta]."""
     return (self.value + inner_prod(self.gradient, eta) +
             .5 * inner_prod(self.get_hessian(eta), eta))