def launchHotkeys(self): if( len(self.hotkeysInfo) == 0 ): mc.error( 'first add some hotkeys with: addHotkey( letter , specialButton , cmd )' ) for keyInfo in self.hotkeysInfo: runTimeCmdName = keyInfo[0] + '_' + self.customCmdBaseName self.runTimeCmdNames.append(runTimeCmdName) nameCmdName = runTimeCmdName + 'NameCommand' specialKeys = [0,0,0] if( keyInfo[2] == 'ctrl' ): specialKeys = [1,0,0] elif( keyInfo[2] == 'alt' ): specialKeys = [0,1,0] elif( keyInfo[2] == 'shift' ): specialKeys = [0,0,1] melToEval = 'runTimeCommand -annotation "" -category "Custom Scripts" -hotkeyCtx "" -default false -commandLanguage "python" -command ( "{0}" ) {1} ; '.format( keyInfo[3] , runTimeCmdName ) mel.eval(melToEval) mc.nameCommand( nameCmdName , sourceType = 'mel' , annotation = nameCmdName , command = runTimeCmdName , default = False ) mc.hotkey( k= keyInfo[1] , ctl= specialKeys[0] , alt = specialKeys[1] , sht = specialKeys[2] , ctxClient = '' , name = nameCmdName )
def setquick(arg): keyadj = cmds.hotkey( '1', query=True, ctl=True ) if keyadj ==False: cmds.nameCommand( 'filebridgemanager', annotation='filebridgemanager',command='source"O:/mocap/SJ_ToolBox/mel_source/filebridge.mel"') cmds.hotkey(k='1',ctl=1,name='filebridgemanager') else: print "已经设置好快捷键!!\n",
def hotkeys_resetAll(): """ Reset all hot keys on current hotkeySet """ _set = validate_hotkeySet(False) log.warning("All hotkeys on '{0}' set reset to maya defaults".format(_set)) mc.hotkey(fs=True)
def keys() : ''' creates some useful keyboard shortcuts (removing existing ones if they exist) ''' kt = "import mocapCleanup.keyTools as kt;kt." la = "import mocapCleanup.labeler as la;la." cmds = [ [ "Home", "alt", "SetCurrent1", "Set Current 1", "p", kt + "setCurrent('1')" ] , [ "Home", "" , "MoveToCurrent1", "Move to current 1", "p", kt + "moveToCurrent('1')" ] , [ "End", "alt", "SetCurrent2", "Set Current 2", "p", kt + "setCurrent('2')" ] , [ "End", "" , "MoveToCurrent2", "Move to current 2", "p", kt + "moveToCurrent('2')" ] , [ "Page_Up", "alt", "SetCurrent3", "Set Current 3", "p", kt + "setCurrent('3')" ] , [ "Page_Up", "" , "MoveToCurrent3", "Move to current 3", "p", kt + "moveToCurrent('3')" ] , [ "Page_Down", "alt", "SetCurrent4", "Set Current 4", "p", kt + "setCurrent('4')" ] , [ "Page_Down", "" , "MoveToCurrent4", "Move to current 4", "p", kt + "moveToCurrent('4')" ] , [ "8", "" , "ExtractSelected", "Extract Selected", "p", kt + "extractSelected()" ] , [ "9", "" , "OneTwoTwo", "One To Two", "p", la + "onetwo()" ] ] for keycode, modifier, name, title, lang, cmd in cmds: if lang == "p" : cmd="python(\"" + cmd + "\")" name = "peel" + name + "NameCommand" print("Setting " + keycode + " " + title + " to " + cmd) m.nameCommand( name, ann=title, c=cmd) if modifier == "alt" : m.hotkey(keyShortcut=keycode, altModifier=True, name=name) else : m.hotkey(keyShortcut=keycode, name=name)
def hotkeySetup(): ''' ''' # ==================== # - Runtime Commands - # ==================== # Smooth Weights if mm.eval('runTimeCommand -q -ex rt_smoothWeights'): mm.eval('runTimeCommand -e -del rt_smoothWeights') mm.eval('runTimeCommand -annotation "" -category "User" -commandLanguage "python" -command "import;reload(;,True,True)" rt_smoothWeights') # ======================== # - Create Name Commands - # ======================== smoothWtCmd = mc.nameCommand( 'smoothWeightsNameCommand', ann='smoothWeightsNameCommand', sourceType='mel', c='rt_smoothWeights' ) # ============================= # - Create Hotkey Assignments - # ============================= mc.hotkey(keyShortcut='s',alt=True,name=smoothWtCmd)
def setHotkey(name, config, *args):'setHotkey: name: %s' % name) if 'code' not in config: raise Exception('I need some code to setup a hotkey!') return if 'key' not in config: raise Exception('I need a KEY to setup a hotkey!') return nameCmd = config.get('nameCommand', name + '_NameCommand') # if there is no special category set make it 'User' cat = config.get('cat', 'User') # if there is no doc text/annotation just give it the name for now text = config.get('text', name) lang = config.get('lang', 'python') # create runtimeCommand, which is wisible in Hotkey Editor and contains actual code! runTimeCmd = createRunTimeCommand(name, config['code'], text, cat, lang) # create a nameCommand which is triggered by the hotkey nameCmd = cmds.nameCommand(nameCmd, ann=text, c=runTimeCmd, sourceType=lang) # now the actual hotkey with the keys and modifiers cmds.hotkey(k=config['key'], name=nameCmd, alt=config.get('alt', False), ctl=config.get('ctl', False))
def hotkeySetup(): """ """ # ==================== # - Runtime Commands - # ==================== # Smooth Weights if mel.eval('runTimeCommand -q -ex rt_smoothWeights'): mel.eval('runTimeCommand -e -del rt_smoothWeights') mel.eval( 'runTimeCommand -annotation "" -category "User" -commandLanguage "python" -command "import;reload(;,True,True)" rt_smoothWeights') # ======================== # - Create Name Commands - # ======================== smoothWtCmd = cmds.nameCommand('smoothWeightsNameCommand', ann='smoothWeightsNameCommand', sourceType='mel', c='rt_smoothWeights') # ============================= # - Create Hotkey Assignments - # ============================= cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut='s', alt=True, name=smoothWtCmd)
def setupHotkey(self, name, sourceType='mel'): """Sets up the hotkey and nameCommand only. This is useful when linking to a maya runtimeCommand.""" = name # Make names consistant with Maya's convention self.commandName = name + 'NameCommand' self.sourceType = sourceType if self.release: cmds.hotkey(k=self.key, alt=self.alt, ctl=self.ctl, cmd=self.cmd, rn=self.commandName) else: cmds.hotkey(k=self.key, alt=self.alt, ctl=self.ctl, cmd=self.cmd, n=self.commandName) cmds.nameCommand(self.commandName, ann=self.commandName,, stp=self.sourceType)
def __init__ (self, graph, parent=None): '''constructor @param graph the model @param parent a parent QObject, or None for root window. ''' super (MainMayaWindow, self).__init__(parent) QObject.__init__(self) # initiation indispensable for sending and receiving signals! # define scene and constrain its workspace self.scene = QGraphicsScene () self.scene.setSceneRect (QRectF (-1000, -1000, 2000, 2000)) self.graph_model = graph self.helper = utility.Helper (self, self.scene, self.graph_model) self.graph_view = grv.GraphView (self.graph_model, self.helper) self.helper.setGraphView (self.graph_view) # wirings self.comm = self.graph_model.getComm () self.connect (self.comm, SIGNAL ('deleteNode_MSignal(int)'), self.graph_view.removeTag) self.connect (self.comm, SIGNAL ('addLink_MSignal(int,int)'), self.graph_view.addWire) self.connect (self.comm, SIGNAL ('deleteLink_MSignal(int,int)'), self.graph_view.checkIfEmpty) self.connect (self.comm, SIGNAL ('addNode_MSignal(int, float, float)'), self.graph_view.addTag) self.scene.addItem (self.helper.getHarpoon ()) self.hovered_tag_id = None # register a new command that takes care of deleting selected items and bind it to the key 'd'. cmds.nameCommand ('delSelection', ann='deleteSelectedItems', c='python (\"ClientMaya.ui.graph_view.removeSelectedItems ()\");') cmds.hotkey (k='d', name='delSelection')
def _createHotkey(self): if cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_press' % self.ui_txt_name.text(), exists=True): if cmds.confirmDialog(m='name is not unique! replace?', b=['yes', 'no']) == 'no': return else: cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_press' % self.ui_txt_name.text(), delete=True, e=True) cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_release' % self.ui_txt_name.text(), delete=True, e=True) name = self.ui_txt_name.text() menu = self.ui_txt_menu.text() command = self.ui_txt_command.text() hotkey = self.ui_txt_hotkey.text().lower() if not hotkey: return ctrl = self.ui_chb_ctrl.isChecked() alt = self.ui_chb_alt.isChecked() shift = self.ui_chb_shift.isChecked() if self.SELECT == 1: # select based press = "MMtoKey.press_selected(menu='%s', ctl=%s, alt=%s, sh=%s)" % (menu, ctrl, alt, shift) release = "MMtoKey.release_selected('%s', %i)" % (command, self.ui_cmb_language.currentIndex()) else: # preset based press = "MMtoKey.press_preset(ctl=%s, alt=%s, sh=%s)" % (ctrl, alt, shift) release = "MMtoKey.release_preset()" cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_press' % name, c=press, category='MMtoKey', cl='python') cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_release' % name, c=release, category='MMtoKey', cl='python') cmds.nameCommand('%s_PressNameCommand' % name, annotation='%s_press' % name, command='%s_press' % name) cmds.nameCommand('%s_ReleaseNameCommand' % name, annotation='%s_release' % name, command='%s_release' % name) try: cmds.hotkey(k=hotkey, name='%s_PressNameCommand' % name, releaseName='%s_ReleaseNameCommand' % name, ctl=ctrl, alt=alt, sht=shift) except TypeError: cmds.hotkey(k=hotkey, name='%s_PressNameCommand' % name, releaseName='%s_ReleaseNameCommand' % name, ctl=ctrl, alt=alt) cmds.warning('hotkey created')
def setHotkey(hotkey): """Creates a hotkey from a given hotkey dict""" # get hotkey dict data name = hotkey['name'] key = hotkey['key'] alt = hotkey['alt'] ctl = hotkey['ctrl'] release = hotkey['release'] command = hotkey['command'] if release: releaseName = name+"Release" releaseCommand = hotkey['releaseCommand'] # check if this is not a separator if not 'separator' in command: #create hotkey command cmds.nameCommand(name, sourceType="mel", annotation=name, command=command) if release: cmds.nameCommand(releaseName, sourceType="mel", annotation=releaseName, command=releaseCommand) # set hotkey cmds.hotkey(k=key, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, name=name) if release: cmds.hotkey(k=key, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, releaseName=releaseName)
def hotkeys_resetAll(): """ Reset all hot keys on current hotkeySet """ _set = validate_hotkeySet(False) log.warning("All hotkeys on '{0}' set reset to maya defaults".format(_set)) mc.hotkey(fs = True )
def disableHotKey(key): #print key saveHotKey(key) for alt in range(0, 2): for ctl in range(0, 2): for cmd in range(0, 2): name = cmds.hotkey(key, q=True, n=True, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, cmd=cmd) rname = cmds.hotkey(key, q=True, rn=True, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, cmd=cmd) if (name != None or rname != None): if not name in commandWhiteList: cmds.hotkey(k=key, n=None, rn=None, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, cmd=cmd) #print "disabling alt=%s ctl=%s cmd=%s %s - %s" % \ # (alt, ctl, cmd, name, rname) else: #print "not disabling %s" % name pass
def create(self, verbose=False): if not self.keys: return for i,k in enumerate(self.keys): name ='.'+self.functions[i] if verbose: hotkeyPrint = '\t' if self.altModifier[i]: hotkeyPrint+='[Alt]+' if self.ctrlModifier[i]: hotkeyPrint+='[Ctrl]+' hotkeyPrint = hotkeyPrint+'['+k+'] :\t'+name print hotkeyPrint rtc = 'ml_hk_''_'+self.functions[i] nc = rtc+'_NC' if not mc.runTimeCommand(rtc, exists=True): rtc = mc.runTimeCommand(rtc, default=True, annotation=name+' Hotkey generated by ml_toolbox', category='User', command=self.commands[i]) nc = mc.nameCommand(nc, default=True, annotation=name+' nameCommand generated by ml_toolbox', command=rtc) mc.hotkey(keyShortcut=k, alt=self.altModifier[i], ctl=self.ctrlModifier[i], name=nc, releaseName='')
def _createHotkey(self): if cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_press' % self.ui_txt_name.text(), exists=True): if cmds.confirmDialog(m='name is not unique! replace?', b=['yes', 'no']) == 'no': return else: cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_press' % self.ui_txt_name.text(), delete=True, e=True) cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_release' % self.ui_txt_name.text(), delete=True, e=True) name = self.ui_txt_name.text() menu = self.ui_txt_menu.text() command = self.ui_txt_command.text() hotkey = self.ui_txt_hotkey.text().lower() if not hotkey: return ctrl = self.ui_chb_ctrl.isChecked() alt = self.ui_chb_alt.isChecked() shift = self.ui_chb_shift.isChecked() if self.SELECT == 1: # select based press = "MMtoKey.press_selected(menu='%s', ctl=%s, alt=%s, sh=%s)" % ( menu, ctrl, alt, shift) release = "MMtoKey.release_selected('%s', %i)" % ( command, self.ui_cmb_language.currentIndex()) else: # preset based press = "MMtoKey.press_preset(ctl=%s, alt=%s, sh=%s)" % (ctrl, alt, shift) release = "MMtoKey.release_preset()" cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_press' % name, c=press, category='MMtoKey', cl='python') cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_release' % name, c=release, category='MMtoKey', cl='python') cmds.nameCommand('%s_PressNameCommand' % name, annotation='%s_press' % name, command='%s_press' % name) cmds.nameCommand('%s_ReleaseNameCommand' % name, annotation='%s_release' % name, command='%s_release' % name) try: cmds.hotkey(k=hotkey, name='%s_PressNameCommand' % name, releaseName='%s_ReleaseNameCommand' % name, ctl=ctrl, alt=alt, sht=shift) except TypeError: cmds.hotkey(k=hotkey, name='%s_PressNameCommand' % name, releaseName='%s_ReleaseNameCommand' % name, ctl=ctrl, alt=alt) cmds.warning('hotkey created')
def initMVGCommand(name, script, source_type, key_sequence, alt=False, ctl=False, command=False, release=False): # Runtime command exists = mel.eval("runTimeCommand -exists {name}".format(name=name)) nameCommand = name + "NameCommand" if exists: cmd = "runTimeCommand -e -c \"{script}\" -cl {sourceType} {cmdName}".format( script=script, sourceType=source_type, cmdName=name) mel.eval(cmd) else: cmd = "runTimeCommand -c \"{script}\" -cl {sourceType} -cat \"MayaMVG\" {cmdName}".format( script=script, sourceType=source_type, cmdName=name) mel.eval(cmd) #Create nameCommand annotation = name cmds.nameCommand(nameCommand, command=name, annotation=name, stp=source_type) #Check for hotkey in optionVar varString = "{0}_hotkey".format(name) cmd = "optionVar -exists {varString}".format(varString=varString) if mel.eval(cmd): cmd = "optionVar -q {varString}".format(varString=varString) keyArray = mel.eval(cmd) key_sequence = keyArray[0] alt = True if keyArray[1] == "1" else False ctl = True if keyArray[2] == "1" else False release = True if keyArray[3] == "1" else False command = True if keyArray[4] == "1" else False # Check hotkey validity commandName = cmds.hotkey(key_sequence, q=True, name=True, ctl=ctl, alt=alt, cmd=command) if commandName != None and commandName != "": #TODO : proper warning print "WARNING : hotkey {hotkey} already assigned to \"{name}\". Please set your own sequence".format( hotkey=key_sequence, name=commandName) return # Bind nameCommands to hotkeys # TODO : use constructHotkeyCommand ? cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut=key_sequence, name=nameCommand, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, cmd=command)
def set_hotkeys(self, key_set, category=HOTKEY_CATEGORY, *args): """Set hotkeys to given key set under given category.""" = key_set cmds.optionVar(sv=(OPTVAR, key_set)) for key in self.hotkey_map[key_set]: if not cmd_exists( self.create_runtime_cmd(key) self.create_name_cmd(key) cmds.hotkey(**key.key_args)
def SundayHotkeyWrapper(sourceType, name, key, down, release, alt, ctrl, cmd): if sourceType == 'python': print 'Setkey : ' + key + ' - Script : ' + down cmds.nameCommand(name + '_down', annotation = 'annotation_' + name, command = 'python( "' + down + '" )') cmds.nameCommand(name + '_release', annotation = 'annotation_' + release, command = 'python( "' + release + '" )') cmds.hotkey(k = key, name = name + '_down', releaseName = name + '_release', alt = alt, ctl = ctrl, cmd = cmd) else: print 'Setkey : ' + key + ' - Script : ' + down cmds.nameCommand(name + '_down', annotation = 'annotation_' + name, command = down) cmds.nameCommand(name + '_release', annotation = 'annotation_' + release, command = release) cmds.hotkey(k = key, name = name + '_down', releaseName = name + '_release', alt = alt, ctl = ctrl, cmd = cmd)
def restoreAllHotKeys(): global disabledHotKeys for hotkey in disabledHotKeys: cmds.hotkey(k=hotkey.key,, rn=hotkey.rname, alt=hotkey.alt, ctl=hotkey.ctl, cmd=hotkey.cmd) disabledHotKeys = [] cmds.savePrefs(hotkeys=True)
def restoreAllHotKeys(): global disabledHotKeys for hotkey in disabledHotKeys: cmds.hotkey( k=hotkey.key,, rn=hotkey.rname, alt=hotkey.alt, ctl=hotkey.ctl, cmd=hotkey.cmd) disabledHotKeys = [] cmds.savePrefs(hotkeys=True)
def bt_checkCtrFHotkey(): hotkeyExists = cmds.hotkey('f',query=1,ctl=1) if hotkeyExists == 1: print 'CTRL f hotkey already exists. If you\'d like CTRL f to be associated with this tool simply delete the existing hotkey and rerun the tool to auto create.' else: print 'Automatically setting CTRL f as hotkey for this tool' cmds.nameCommand('bt_moveObjToCameraNameCommand',annotation='bt_moveObjToCameraNameCommand', command='bt_moveObjToCamera') runtimeCommandExists = cmds.runTimeCommand('bt_moveObjToCamera', exists=1) if runtimeCommandExists == 0: cmds.runTimeCommand('bt_moveObjToCamera', category='User', command='from bt_moveObjToCamera import *; bt_moveObjToCamera()') cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut='f',ctl=1,name='bt_moveObjToCameraNameCommand')
def update(self): """ Update hotkeymaps. Will find new hotkey setting files, or update current ones with changes. """ self.clean_hotkeys() self.hotkey_files = get_hotkey_files() self.parse_hotkeys() if cmds.hotkey(factorySettings=True) self.set_hotkeys( self.initUI()
def saveHotKey(key): global disabledHotKeys for alt in range(0, 2): for ctl in range(0, 2): for cmd in range(0, 2): name = cmds.hotkey( key, query=True, name=True, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, cmd=cmd) rname = cmds.hotkey( key, query=True, releaseName=True, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, cmd=cmd) if (name != None or rname != None): disabledHotKeys.append( HotKey(key, name, rname, alt, ctl, cmd))
def hotkeySetup(): ''' ''' # ==================== # - Runtime Commands - # ==================== # Copy Weights if mm.eval('runTimeCommand -q -ex rt_copyWeights'): mm.eval('runTimeCommand -e -del rt_copyWeights') mm.eval('runTimeCommand -annotation "" -category "User" -commandLanguage "python" -command "import;reload(;" rt_copyWeights') # Paste Weights if mm.eval('runTimeCommand -q -ex rt_pasteWeights'): mm.eval('runTimeCommand -e -del rt_pasteWeights') mm.eval('runTimeCommand -annotation "" -category "User" -commandLanguage "python" -command "import;reload(;" rt_pasteWeights') # Average Weights if mm.eval('runTimeCommand -q -ex rt_averageWeights'): mm.eval('runTimeCommand -e -del rt_averageWeights') mm.eval('runTimeCommand -annotation "" -category "User" -commandLanguage "python" -command "import;reload(;" rt_averageWeights') # Auto Average Weights if mm.eval('runTimeCommand -q -ex rt_autoAverageWeights'): mm.eval('runTimeCommand -e -del rt_autoAverageWeights') mm.eval('runTimeCommand -annotation "" -category "User" -commandLanguage "python" -command "import;reload(;" rt_autoAverageWeights') # ======================== # - Create Name Commands - # ======================== copyWtCmd = mc.nameCommand( 'copyWeightsNameCommand', ann='copyWeightsNameCommand', sourceType='mel', c='rt_copyWeights' ) pasteWtCmd = mc.nameCommand( 'pasteWeightsNameCommand', ann='pasteWeightsNameCommand', sourceType='mel', c='rt_pasteWeights' ) averageWtCmd = mc.nameCommand( 'averageWeightsNameCommand', ann='averageWeightsNameCommand', sourceType='mel', c='rt_averageWeights' ) autoAverageWtCmd = mc.nameCommand( 'autoAverageWeightsNameCommand', ann='autoAverageWeightsNameCommand', sourceType='mel', c='rt_autoAverageWeights' ) # ============================= # - Create Hotkey Assignments - # ============================= mc.hotkey(keyShortcut='c',alt=True,name=copyWtCmd) mc.hotkey(keyShortcut='v',alt=True,name=pasteWtCmd) mc.hotkey(keyShortcut='x',alt=True,name=averageWtCmd) mc.hotkey(keyShortcut='a',alt=True,name=autoAverageWtCmd)
def createTomaytoKeymap(callbackName="tomaytoCB", nameCommandPrefix="tomayto", **kwargs): """ Creates Maya nameCommands and hotkeys for the cartesian product of all keys, modifiers, and press and release states, pointing them all toward a default, global handler. This pointing is done to a default name in the global space, as nameCommands are MEL-only, and, as such, are difficult (but not impossible) to point to existing Python identifiers. This means that a callable of that name must be created in the global space to handle the information from the nameCommands. """ for key in allKeys: for a in [False, True]: for c in [False, True]: modTag = ("_alt" if a else "") + ("_ctrl" if c else "") nameCommandName = nameCommandPrefix + (modTag if modTag else "") + "_" + keyName(key) # Over-escaping required when callback commands are created by mel python calls if key == '"': key = '\\\\\\\"' if key == '\\': key = '\\\\\\\\' # press nameCommand callback = "python(\"" + callbackName + "(\\\"" + key + "\\\", " + str( a) + ", " + str(c) + ", True)\")" cmds.nameCommand(nameCommandName + "_press", annotation=nameCommandName + "_press", command=callback) print "created", nameCommandName + "_press nameCommand" # release nameCommand callback = "python(\"" + callbackName + "(\\\"" + key + "\\\", " + str( a) + ", " + str(c) + ", False)\")" cmds.nameCommand(nameCommandName + "_release", annotation=nameCommandName + "_release", command=callback) print "created", nameCommandName + "_release nameCommand" # hotkey for both press and release nameCommands for current key + mods cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut=key, name=nameCommandName + "_press", releaseName=nameCommandName + "_release", altModifier=a, ctrlModifier=c) print "created", nameCommandName, " press/release hotkey"
def hotkeyCheck(self, key, ctl, alt): if key != "": q = cmds.hotkey(key, query=True, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, name=True) if q != None and "NameCom" in q: q = q[7:] return q else: return ""
def load(): '''loads animation environment''' print "loading animation environment presets..." #set autoKey cmds.autoKeyframe( state=True ) #set 24fps and playback on all viewports cmds.playbackOptions(ps=1.0, v='all') #set unlimited undo's cmds.undoInfo( state=True, infinity=True ) #set manipulator sizes if lib.checkAboveVersion(2014): cmds.manipOptions( r=False, hs=55, ls=4, sph=1 ) else: cmds.manipOptions( r=False, hs=55, ls=4 ) #set framerate visibility mel.eval("setFrameRateVisibility(1);") #gimbal rotation cmds.manipRotateContext('Rotate', e=True, mode=2) #world translation cmds.manipMoveContext('Move', e=True, mode=2) #time slider height aPlayBackSliderPython = mel.eval('$tmpVar=$gPlayBackSlider') cmds.timeControl(aPlayBackSliderPython, h=45, e=True); #special tick color cmds.displayRGBColor("timeSliderTickDrawSpecial", 1,0.5,0) #check if hotkeys have been set if (cmds.hotkey( 't', ctl=True, query=True, name = True)== 'CharacterAnimationEditorNameCommand'): print "Hotkeys have been previously loaded" else: setHotkeys('default') print "ENVIRONMENT SET\n", #the comma forces output on the status line
def _register_hotkey(): script_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/scripts" command = """ # ------------------------- # MayaWindowSwitcher # Author: @tm8r # # ------------------------- import os import sys from maya import cmds def switch_window(): script_path = "{0}" if not os.path.exists(script_path): cmds.error("WindowSwitcher install directory is not found. path={0}") return if script_path not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, script_path) import window_switcher.view window_switcher.view.WindowSwitcher.switch() switch_window()""".format(script_path) command_name = "WindowSwitcher" if cmds.runTimeCommand(command_name, ex=True): cmds.runTimeCommand(command_name, e=True, delete=True) cmds.runTimeCommand(command_name, ann="Open WindowSwitcher", category="User", command=command, commandLanguage="python") named_command = command_name + "Command" named_command = cmds.nameCommand( named_command, annotation="Open WindowSwitcher", command=command_name, ) if int(cmds.about(v=True)) <= 2015: cmds.hotkey(k="T", ctl=True, n=named_command) return cmds.hotkey(k="t", ctl=True, sht=True, n=named_command)
def hotkey(name, key_sequence, script, source_type="python", release_name="", release_script=None, annotation=None): '''A more convenient function for defining maya hotkeys.''' #Create nameCommands if not annotation: annotation = name runtime_cmd(name, script, source_type) cmds.nameCommand( name, command=name, annotation=annotation, stp=source_type) if release_script and release_name: runtime_cmd(release_name, release_script, source_type) cmds.nameCommand( release_name, command=release_name, annotation=annotation, stp=source_type) #Bind nameCommands to hotkeys ctrl = False alt = False ctrl_match ="[Cc]trl\+", key_sequence) alt_match ="[Aa]lt\+", key_sequence) if ctrl_match: ctrl = True key_sequence = key_sequence.replace(, "") if alt_match: alt = True key_sequence = key_sequence.replace(, "") if not release_name: cmds.hotkey( keyShortcut=key_sequence, name=name, alt=alt, ctl=ctrl) else: cmds.hotkey( keyShortcut=key_sequence, name=name, alt=alt, ctl=ctrl, releaseName=release_name)
def _hotkey(self): """create hotkey""" name = self.ui.line_name.text() if cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_press' % name, exists=True): if cmds.confirmDialog(m='name is not unique! replace?', b=['yes', 'no']) == 'no': return else: cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_press' % name, delete=True, e=True) cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_release' % name, delete=True, e=True) hotkey = self.ui.line_hotkey.text().lower() if not hotkey: return # build menu ctrl = self.ui.chb_ctrl.isChecked() alt = self.ui.chb_alt.isChecked() shift = self.ui.chb_shift.isChecked() if self.COMMANDS[self.ui.cmb_method.currentIndex()][0] == "custom": press = "MMtoKey.pressCustom(ctl=%s, alt=%s, sh=%s, menu_type=%i, menu_name='%s')" press %= ctrl, alt, shift, self.ui.cmb_menu.currentIndex(), self.ui.line_menu.text() elif self.COMMANDS[self.ui.cmb_method.currentIndex()][0] == "selected": press = "MMtoKey.pressSelected(ctl=%s, alt=%s, sh=%s)" % (ctrl, alt, shift) else: press = "MMtoKey.pressPreset(ctl=%s, alt=%s, sh=%s)" % (ctrl, alt, shift) # release command if self.COMMANDS[self.ui.cmb_method.currentIndex()][1] == "custom": release = "MMtoKey.releaseCustom(command_always=%s, command='%s', language=%i)" release %= (self.ui.cmb_menu.currentIndex(), self.ui.line_command.text().replace("'", "\\'"), self.ui.cmb_command.currentIndex()) elif self.COMMANDS[self.ui.cmb_method.currentIndex()][1] == "selected": release = "MMtoKey.releaseSelected()" else: release = "MMtoKey.releasePreset()" # create runtime and name commands cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_press' % name, c=press, category='MMtoKey', cl='python') cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_release' % name, c=release, category='MMtoKey', cl='python') cmds.nameCommand('%s_PressNameCommand' % name, annotation='%s_press' % name, command='%s_press' % name) cmds.nameCommand('%s_ReleaseNameCommand' % name, annotation='%s_release' % name, command='%s_release' % name) try: cmds.hotkey(k=hotkey, name='%s_PressNameCommand' % name, releaseName='%s_ReleaseNameCommand' % name, ctl=ctrl, alt=alt, sht=shift) except TypeError: cmds.hotkey(k=hotkey, name='%s_PressNameCommand' % name, releaseName='%s_ReleaseNameCommand' % name, ctl=ctrl, alt=alt) cmds.warning('hotkey created')
def setHotkey(self, hotkeyDict): message = "Are you sure?\n\n" #format message for loopIndex, loopCommand in enumerate(hotkeyDict): command = loopCommand["command"] name = loopCommand["name"] key = loopCommand["hotkey"] alt = loopCommand["alt"] ctl = loopCommand["ctl"] q = cmds.text("query%s" % name, query=True, label=True) commandKeys = "" if ctl: commandKeys += "Ctl + " if alt: commandKeys += "Alt + " message += "%s (%s%s)" % (name, commandKeys, key) if q != "": message += " is assigned to: %s" % q message += "\n" confirm = cmds.confirmDialog(title='Confirm', message=message, button=['Yes', 'No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No') if confirm == 'Yes': for loopIndex, loopCommand in enumerate(hotkeyDict): command = loopCommand["command"] name = loopCommand["name"] key = loopCommand["hotkey"] alt = loopCommand["alt"] ctl = loopCommand["ctl"] cmds.nameCommand(name, command='python("%s");' % command, annotation=name) cmds.hotkey(k=key, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, name=name) aToolsMod.saveInfoWithUser("hotkeys", name, [key, alt, ctl]) self.updateHotkeyCheck(name) cmds.savePrefs(hotkeys=True)
def set_hotkey(self, name, mode, sequence, open_cmd, close_cmd, switch_cmd): from maya import cmds, mel current_hotkey_set = cmds.hotkeySet(current=True, query=True) if current_hotkey_set == 'Maya_Default': msg = 'The current hotkey set is locked, change in the hotkey editor' warning('Hotbox designer', msg) return mel.eval('hotkeyEditorWindow;') use_alt = 'Alt' in sequence use_ctrl = 'Ctrl' in sequence use_shift = 'Shift' in sequence touch = sequence.split('+')[-1] show_name = 'showHotbox_{n}'.format(n=name) hide_name = 'hideHotbox_{n}'.format(n=name) switch_name = 'switchHotbox_{n}'.format(n=name) if mode == SETMODE_PRESS_RELEASE: cmds.nameCommand(show_name, annotation='show {n} hotbox'.format(n=name), command=format_command_for_mel(open_cmd), sourceType='python') cmds.nameCommand(hide_name, annotation='hide {n} hotbox'.format(n=name), command=format_command_for_mel(close_cmd), sourceType='python') cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut=touch, altModifier=use_alt, ctrlModifier=use_ctrl, shiftModifier=use_shift, name=show_name, releaseName=hide_name) else: cmds.nameCommand(switch_name, annotation='switch {n} hotbox'.format(n=name), command=format_command_for_mel(switch_cmd), sourceType='python') cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut=touch, altModifier=use_alt, ctrlModifier=use_ctrl, shiftModifier=use_shift, name=switch_name)
def initMVGCommand(name, script, source_type, key_sequence, alt=False, ctl=False, command=False, release=False): # Runtime command exists = mel.eval("runTimeCommand -exists {name}".format(name=name)) nameCommand = name + "NameCommand" if exists: cmd = "runTimeCommand -e -c \"{script}\" -cl {sourceType} {cmdName}".format(script=script, sourceType=source_type, cmdName=name) mel.eval(cmd) else: cmd = "runTimeCommand -c \"{script}\" -cl {sourceType} -cat \"MayaMVG\" {cmdName}".format(script=script, sourceType=source_type, cmdName=name) mel.eval(cmd) #Create nameCommand annotation = name cmds.nameCommand( nameCommand, command=name, annotation=name, stp=source_type) #Check for hotkey in optionVar varString = "{0}_hotkey".format(name) cmd = "optionVar -exists {varString}".format(varString=varString); if mel.eval(cmd): cmd = "optionVar -q {varString}".format(varString=varString) keyArray = mel.eval(cmd) key_sequence = keyArray[0] alt = True if keyArray[1] == "1" else False ctl = True if keyArray[2] == "1" else False release = True if keyArray[3] == "1" else False command = True if keyArray[4] == "1" else False # Check hotkey validity commandName = cmds.hotkey(key_sequence, q=True, name=True, ctl=ctl, alt=alt, cmd=command) if commandName != None and commandName != "": #TODO : proper warning print "WARNING : hotkey {hotkey} already assigned to \"{name}\". Please set your own sequence".format(hotkey=key_sequence, name=commandName); return # Bind nameCommands to hotkeys # TODO : use constructHotkeyCommand ? cmds.hotkey( keyShortcut=key_sequence, name=nameCommand, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, cmd=command)
def setupHotkey(self, name, sourceType='mel'): """Sets up the hotkey and nameCommand only. This is useful when linking to a maya runtimeCommand.""" = name # Make names consistant with Maya's convention self.commandName = name + 'NameCommand' self.sourceType = sourceType if self.release: cmds.hotkey(k=self.key, alt=self.alt, ctl=self.ctl, cmd=self.cmd, rn=self.commandName) else: cmds.hotkey(k=self.key, alt=self.alt, ctl=self.ctl, cmd=self.cmd, n=self.commandName) cmds.nameCommand( self.commandName, ann=self.commandName,, stp=self.sourceType)
def setUnsetContextHotkeys(): """ Sets / unsets context hotkeys. """ sequence = TRANSFERT_SELECTION_HOTKEY command = "python(\"import snippets.libraries.others as others; reload(others); others.transfertSelectionToUserTarget()\")" name = "transfertSelectionNamedCommand" if cmds.hotkey(sequence, query=True, name=True) != name: print("%s | Assigning '%s' hotkey to '%s' command!" % (__name__, sequence, name)) DEFAULTS_HOTKEYS[sequence] = { "name": cmds.hotkey(sequence, query=True, name=True), "releaseName": cmds.hotkey(sequence, query=True, releaseName=True) } cmds.nameCommand(name, annotation="Transfert Selection", command=command) cmds.hotkey(k=sequence, rcr=True, name=name) else: hotkey = DEFAULTS_HOTKEYS.get(sequence) if hotkey: print("%s | Unassigning '%s' hotkey from '%s' command!" % (__name__, sequence, name)) cmds.hotkey(k=sequence, name=hotkey.get("name"), releaseName=hotkey.get("releaseName")) return True
def runtimeCommand(): if not cmds.runTimeCommand('switchRTC', exists = True): cmds.runTimeCommand('switchRTC', default = True, category = 'User', ann = "switches wieght unlocked influences", c = 'switchInfluence()') cmds.nameCommand('switchNC', ann = "Create a Sphere", default = True, command = 'switchRTC') if version >= 2016: clHotkeySet = "slHotKeySet" if not cmds.hotkeySet (clHotkeySet, exists = True): cmds.hotkeySet(clHotkeySet, source = 'Maya_Default', current = True) else: cmds.hotkeySet (clHotkeySet, e = True, current = True) cmds.hotkey(k = ';', n = 'switchNC')
def setup_hotKey(self): self.validate_hotkeySet() _press = '' if self._valid_cmdPress: #_press = mc.nameCommand( self._valid_cmdPress + 'COMMAND', annotation=self._valid_cmdPress, command=self._valid_cmdPress) _press = self._valid_cmdPress _release = '' if self._valid_cmdRelease: #_release = mc.nameCommand( self._valid_cmdRelease + 'COMMAND', annotation=self._valid_cmdRelease, command=self._valid_cmdRelease) _release = self._valid_cmdRelease _d = { 'keyShortcut': self._d_fromUI.get('hotkey', self._d_kws['hotkey']), 'name': _press, 'releaseName': _release, 'altModifier': False, 'ctrlModifier': False, 'shiftModifier': False } _l_order = ['keyShortcut'] _modifer = self.validateModifier() if _modifer and _modifer + 'Modifier' in _d.keys(): _d[_modifer + 'Modifier'] = True if mayaVersion < 2016: _d.pop('shiftModifier') if _modifer == 'shift': log.error( "The shiftModifer was added in Maya 2016. Cannot setup.") return cgmGeneral.log_info_dict(_d, 'hotkey args') _k = _d.get('keyShortcut') mc.hotkey(_k, **_d) it mc.savePrefs( hk=True) #...have to save prefs after setup or it won't keep
def saveHotKey(key): global disabledHotKeys for alt in range(0, 2): for ctl in range(0, 2): for cmd in range(0, 2): name = cmds.hotkey(key, query=True, name=True, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, cmd=cmd) rname = cmds.hotkey(key, query=True, releaseName=True, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, cmd=cmd) if (name != None or rname != None): disabledHotKeys.append( HotKey(key, name, rname, alt, ctl, cmd))
def registerHotkey(): """ Register hotkey to set focus to the search field, the hotkey combination registered is Ctrl + Alt + Space. If a hotkey is already registered to that combination a failed message will be printed. """ hk = "rjCMDSearchHK" cmd = 'python("import {0}; {0}.focus()")'.format(__name__) registered = cmds.hotkey("Space", alt=1, ctl=1, query=1, name=1) # check if a hotkey is already registered to the key combination if registered and registered != hk: print "Search Commands: installation failed ( Hotkey )" return # register hotkey cmds.nameCommand(hk, annotation="Ctrl + Alt + Space", command=cmd) cmds.hotkey(k="Space", alt=1, ctl=1, name=hk) print "Search Commands: installation succeeded ( Hotkey )"
def create(self, verbose=False): if not self.keys: return for i, k in enumerate(self.keys): name = + '.' + self.functions[i] if verbose: hotkeyPrint = '\t' if self.altModifier[i]: hotkeyPrint += '[Alt]+' if self.ctrlModifier[i]: hotkeyPrint += '[Ctrl]+' hotkeyPrint = hotkeyPrint + '[' + k + '] :\t' + name print hotkeyPrint rtc = 'ml_hk_' + + '_' + self.functions[i] nc = rtc + '_NC' if not mc.runTimeCommand(rtc, exists=True): rtc = mc.runTimeCommand(rtc, default=True, annotation=name + ' Hotkey generated by ml_toolbox', category='User', command=self.commands[i]) nc = mc.nameCommand(nc, default=True, annotation=name + ' nameCommand generated by ml_toolbox', command=rtc) mc.hotkey(keyShortcut=k, alt=self.altModifier[i], ctl=self.ctrlModifier[i], name=nc, releaseName='')
def disableHotKey(key): #print key saveHotKey(key) for alt in range(0, 2): for ctl in range(0, 2): for cmd in range(0, 2): name = cmds.hotkey( key, q=True, n=True, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, cmd=cmd) rname = cmds.hotkey( key, q=True, rn=True, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, cmd=cmd) if (name != None or rname != None): if not name in commandWhiteList: cmds.hotkey(k=key, n=None, rn=None, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, cmd=cmd) #print "disabling alt=%s ctl=%s cmd=%s %s - %s" % \ # (alt, ctl, cmd, name, rname) else: #print "not disabling %s" % name pass
def assignDefaultHotkey(cmd_name, cmd_string, cmd_annotation, cmd_hotkey): exists = cmds.runTimeCommand(cmd_name, exists=True) if exists: cmds.runTimeCommand(cmd_name, edit=True, delete=True) runtime = cmds.runTimeCommand(cmd_name, command=cmd_string, category='User', annotation=cmd_annotation) if not exists: command = cmds.nameCommand(command=runtime, sourceType='python', annotation=cmd_annotation) cmds.hotkey(altModifier=True, keyShortcut=cmd_hotkey, releaseName=command, releaseCommandRepeat=True) cmds.evalDeferred( Callback(log, 'Assigned default hotkey (ALT+%s) for command: %s.', cmd_hotkey, cmd_name)) return
def setHotkey(self, hotkeyDict): message = "Are you sure?\n\n" #format message for loopIndex, loopCommand in enumerate(hotkeyDict): command = loopCommand["command"] name = loopCommand["name"] key = loopCommand["hotkey"] alt = loopCommand["alt"] ctl = loopCommand["ctl"] q = cmds.text("query%s"%name, query=True, label=True) commandKeys = "" if ctl: commandKeys += "Ctl + " if alt: commandKeys += "Alt + " message += "%s (%s%s)"%(name, commandKeys, key) if q != "": message += " is assigned to: %s"%q message += "\n" confirm = cmds.confirmDialog( title='Confirm', message=message, button=['Yes','No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No' ) if confirm == 'Yes': for loopIndex, loopCommand in enumerate(hotkeyDict): command = loopCommand["command"] name = loopCommand["name"] key = loopCommand["hotkey"] alt = loopCommand["alt"] ctl = loopCommand["ctl"] cmds.nameCommand(name, command='python("%s");'%command, annotation=name) cmds.hotkey(k=key, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, name=name) aToolsMod.saveInfoWithUser("hotkeys", name, [key, alt, ctl]) self.updateHotkeyCheck(name) cmds.savePrefs( hotkeys=True )
def setup_hotKey(self): self.validate_hotkeySet() _press = '' if self._valid_cmdPress: #_press = mc.nameCommand( self._valid_cmdPress + 'COMMAND', annotation=self._valid_cmdPress, command=self._valid_cmdPress) _press = self._valid_cmdPress _release = '' if self._valid_cmdRelease: #_release = mc.nameCommand( self._valid_cmdRelease + 'COMMAND', annotation=self._valid_cmdRelease, command=self._valid_cmdRelease) _release = self._valid_cmdRelease _d = {'keyShortcut':self._d_fromUI.get('hotkey', self._d_kws['hotkey']), 'name':_press, 'releaseName':_release, 'altModifier':False, 'ctrlModifier':False, 'shiftModifier':False} _l_order = ['keyShortcut'] _modifer = self.validateModifier() if _modifer and _modifer+'Modifier' in _d.keys(): _d[_modifer+'Modifier'] = True if mayaVersion < 2016: _d.pop('shiftModifier') if _modifer == 'shift': log.error("The shiftModifer was added in Maya 2016. Cannot setup.") return cgmGeneral.log_info_dict(_d,'hotkey args') _k = _d.get('keyShortcut') mc.hotkey(_k,**_d) it mc.savePrefs(hk = True)#...have to save prefs after setup or it won't keep
def bt_checkCtrFHotkey(): hotkeyExists = cmds.hotkey('f', query=1, ctl=1) if hotkeyExists == 1: print 'CTRL f hotkey already exists. If you\'d like CTRL f to be associated with this tool simply delete the existing hotkey and rerun the tool to auto create.' else: print 'Automatically setting CTRL f as hotkey for this tool' cmds.nameCommand('bt_moveObjToCameraNameCommand', annotation='bt_moveObjToCameraNameCommand', command='bt_moveObjToCamera') runtimeCommandExists = cmds.runTimeCommand('bt_moveObjToCamera', exists=1) if runtimeCommandExists == 0: cmds.runTimeCommand( 'bt_moveObjToCamera', category='User', command='from bt_moveObjToCamera import *; bt_moveObjToCamera()' ) cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut='f', ctl=1, name='bt_moveObjToCameraNameCommand')
def reset(name, config, keyLabel, *args): """ I wish I could actually delete a hotkey completely! But there is no way! I can not even hack the userHotkeys.mel and userNamedCommands.mel prefs file! Because they might be overwritten anytime. """ prefsDict = prefs.getPrefs() if keyLabel not in prefsDict['hotkeyBackups']: log.error('keyLabel "%s" could not be found to restore') return backup = prefsDict['hotkeyBackups'][keyLabel] if not backup: cmds.hotkey(k=config['key'], name="", alt=config.get('alt', False), ctl=config.get('ctl', False))'removed: (%s)' % keyLabel) else: setHotkey(backup['name'], backup)'restored: (%s) %s ' % (keyLabel, backup['name'])) if cmds.runTimeCommand(name, ex=True) and not cmds.runTimeCommand(name, q=True, default=True): cmds.runTimeCommand(name, e=True, delete=True) prefsDict['hotkeyBackups'].pop(keyLabel) prefs.setPrefs(prefsDict)
def create(self, verbose=False): if not self.keys: return for i, k in enumerate(self.keys): name = + "." + self.functions[i] if verbose: hotkeyPrint = "\t" if self.altModifier[i]: hotkeyPrint += "[Alt]+" if self.ctrlModifier[i]: hotkeyPrint += "[Ctrl]+" hotkeyPrint = hotkeyPrint + "[" + k + "] :\t" + name print hotkeyPrint rtc = "ml_hk_" + + "_" + self.functions[i] nc = rtc + "_NC" if not mc.runTimeCommand(rtc, exists=True): rtc = mc.runTimeCommand( rtc, default=True, annotation=name + " Hotkey generated by ml_toolbox", category="User", command=self.commands[i], ) nc = mc.nameCommand( nc, default=True, annotation=name + " nameCommand generated by ml_toolbox", command=rtc ) mc.hotkey(keyShortcut=k, alt=self.altModifier[i], ctl=self.ctrlModifier[i], name=nc, releaseName="")
def setHotkey(hotkey): # get hotkey dict data name = hotkey['name'] key = hotkey['key'] alt = hotkey['alt'] ctl = hotkey['ctrl'] release = hotkey['release'] command = hotkey['command'] if release: releaseName = name+"Release" releaseCommand = hotkey['releaseCommand'] #create hotkey command cmds.nameCommand(name, sourceType="mel", annotation=name, command=command) if release: cmds.nameCommand(releaseName, sourceType="mel", annotation=releaseName, command=releaseCommand) # set hotkey cmds.hotkey(k=key, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, name=name) #print 'set hotkey:', name, key, alt, ctrl, command if release: cmds.hotkey(k=key, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, releaseName=releaseName)
def getNameCommand(key, ctl=False, alt=False): """ From a key-string plus ctl(bool) and alt(bool) get the internal 'nameCommand' that holds the very script code for a hotkey. """ if not isinstance(key, basestring): log.error('getNameCommand needs key given as string!') return '' if len(key) > 1: key = key.title() # Whow! This is severe! Feeding "hotkey" without such a check kills Maya instantly if len(key) == 1 or key in longKeys: return cmds.hotkey(key, query=True, alt=alt, ctl=ctl, name=True) else: log.error('Key invalid: "%s"' % key) return ''
def set_hotkey(key, name=None, command='', release_name=None, release_command='', ctrl=False, alt=False): if cmds.runTimeCommand("{0}_runtime_cmd".format(name), query=True, exists=True): cmds.runTimeCommand("{0}_runtime_cmd".format(name), edit=True, delete=True) if cmds.runTimeCommand("{0}_runtime_cmd".format(release_name), query=True, exists=True): cmds.runTimeCommand("{0}_runtime_cmd".format(release_name), edit=True, delete=True) if name: press_runtime_cmd = cmds.runTimeCommand( "{0}_runtime_cmd".format(name), annotation="{0}_runtime_cmd".format(name), command=command, commandLanguage="python") name_cmd = cmds.nameCommand("{0}_name_cmd".format(name), annotation="{0}_name_cmd".format(name), command=press_runtime_cmd) cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut=key, ctrlModifier=ctrl, altModifier=alt, name=name_cmd) if release_name: release_runtime_cmd = cmds.runTimeCommand( "{0}_runtime_cmd".format(release_name), annotation="{0}_runtime_cmd".format(release_name), command=release_command, commandLanguage="python") release_name_cmd = cmds.nameCommand( "{0}_name_cmd".format(release_name), annotation="{0}_name_cmd".format(release_name), command=release_runtime_cmd) cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut=key, ctrlModifier=ctrl, altModifier=alt, releaseName=release_name_cmd) cmds.hotkey(autoSave=True)
def SetHotKeys(): if 'MayaGame' in cmds.hotkeySet(q=True, hotkeySetArray=True): cmds.hotkeySet('MayaGame', edit=True, delete=True) cmds.hotkeySet('MayaGame', current=True) cmds.nameCommand('pushKeyUp', ann='Push Up Key', c='python("MayaGame.PushKeyUp(True)")') cmds.nameCommand('pushKeyDown', ann='Push Down Key', c='python("MayaGame.PushKeyDown(True)")') cmds.nameCommand('pushKeyLeft', ann='Push Left Key', c='python("MayaGame.PushKeyLeft(True)")') cmds.nameCommand('pushKeyRight', ann='Push Right Key', c='python("MayaGame.PushKeyRight(True)")') cmds.nameCommand('releaseKeyUp', ann='Release Up Key', c='python("MayaGame.PushKeyUp(False)")') cmds.nameCommand('releaseKeyDown', ann='Release Down Key', c='python("MayaGame.PushKeyDown(False)")') cmds.nameCommand('releaseKeyLeft', ann='Release Left Key', c='python("MayaGame.PushKeyLeft(False)")') cmds.nameCommand('releaseKeyRight', ann='Release Right Key', c='python("MayaGame.PushKeyRight(False)")') cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut='Up', name='pushKeyUp', releaseName='releaseKeyUp') cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut='Down', name='pushKeyDown', releaseName='releaseKeyDown') cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut='Left', name='pushKeyLeft', releaseName='releaseKeyLeft') cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut='Right', name='pushKeyRight', releaseName='releaseKeyRight')
def setUnsetContextHotkeys(): """ This definition sets / unsets context hotkeys. """ sequence = TRANSFERT_SELECTION_HOTKEY command = "python(\"import snippets.libraries.others as others; reload(others); others.transfertSelectionToUserTarget()\")" name = "transfertSelectionNamedCommand" if cmds.hotkey(sequence, query=True, name=True) != name: print("%s | Assigning '%s' hotkey to '%s' command!" % (__name__, sequence, name)) DEFAULTS_HOTKEYS[sequence] = {"name" : cmds.hotkey(sequence, query=True, name=True), "releaseName" : cmds.hotkey(sequence, query=True, releaseName=True)} cmds.nameCommand(name, annotation="Transfert Selection", command=command) cmds.hotkey(k=sequence, rcr=True, name=name) else: hotkey = DEFAULTS_HOTKEYS.get(sequence) if hotkey: print("%s | Unassigning '%s' hotkey from '%s' command!" % (__name__, sequence, name)) cmds.hotkey(k=sequence, name=hotkey.get("name"), releaseName=hotkey.get("releaseName")) return True
command=command, commandLanguage="python", category="Custom Scripts") cmds.nameCommand("{0}NameCommand".format(name), annotation=annotation, command=name) if cmds.hotkeySet(q=True, current=True) == "Maya_Default": if not cmds.hotkeySet("Custom", q=True, exists=True): cmds.hotkeySet("Custom", current=True) else: cmds.hotkeySet("Custom", edit=True, current=True) cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut="w", ctl=True, sht=True, name="{0}NameCommand".format(name)) ### Register Menu ### MainMayaWindow = mel.eval('$tmpVar=$gMainWindow') if'MayaWindow|Welcome_Screen', q=True, ex=True): cmds.deleteUI('MayaWindow|Welcome_Screen', e=1, dai=True)) customMenu ='Welcome Screen', parent=MainMayaWindow) mn = mel.eval( '''menuItem -label "Welcome Screen Show" -command {0} -parent "MayaWindow|Welcome_Screen" show''' .format(name)) welcomescreeninitialized = True
def main(): print '# Custom Hotkey Set Creation Tool' # HotKey Set Creation. Omitting now. Currently ''' ### Delete Current Custom Hotkey Sets. sSet = 'CustomHotkeySet' sSetBU = '%sBU'%sSet# This one is the BU set to be duplicated from. aSet = [str(s) for s in cmds.hotkeySet(q = True, hotkeySetArray = True)] # Delete previously created Custom Hotkey Sets. if sSet in aSet: cmds.hotkeySet(sSet, edit = True, delete = True) print '%s found. Deleted.'% sSet if sSetBU in aSet: cmds.hotkeySet(sSetBU, edit = True, delete = True) print '%s found. Deleted.'% sSetBU # Create a fresh custom Set. (Create BU first for Toggle tool. WIll create sSet at the end of the run.) cmds.hotkeySet(sSetBU, current = True) print '%s Created.'% sSetBU ''' ### Create Scripts in the Editor. ## # Get List of Hotkeys from sScriptName = 'HotKeys' # remove '.py' sScriptPath = '/vol/transfer/dyabu/Scripts/mayaScripts' oHotKeys = imp.load_source(sScriptName, '%s/' % (sScriptPath, sScriptName)) # Getting List of keys from (List of all Custom Hotkeys.) aKeyList = oHotKeys.KeyList().keys() #print aKeyList #aKeyList = ['9_N_P','N_ALT_R',] # temp. for testing aKeyList = ['L_ALT_P', 'L_ALT_R'] # temp. for testing for k in aKeyList: if not cmds.runTimeCommand(k, ex=True): #mel.eval('runTimeCommand -delete %s '%k) # Not working.... #cmds.runTimeCommand(k, delete = True) aKey = k.split('_') # Custom Shortcut command. sCommand = '''# Custom Hotkey - Consolidated - v0.0.2 # CUSTOMIZE HERE: p = '%s/' # Path to sChar = '%s' # Key on Keyboard. not case sensitive. sPress = '%s' # 'P' or 'R' Pressed or Release # -- Start -- import maya.cmds as cmds import sys if p not in sys.path: sys.path.append(p) import Hotkeys # reload(HotKeys) #Use reload when testing. Comment out when in actual use. iModifier = cmds.getModifiers() HotKeys.Execute(sChar, iModifier, sPress) ''' % (sScriptPath, aKey[0], aKey[2]) aMod = [False, False, False, False] if 'SFT' in aKey: aMod[0] = True if 'CTL' in aKey: aMod[1] = True if 'ALT' in aKey: aMod[2] = True if 'CMD' in aKey: aMod[3] = True sNameCommand = k + aKey[ 2] # Specific name of the command to assign to a key. if 'P' in aKey[2]: aRelease = [sNameCommand, False] else: aRelease = [False, sNameCommand] # Key Exceptions dExceptions = { 'SPACE': 'Space', 'COMMA': ',', } if aKey[0] in dExceptions.keys(): sKey = dExceptions[aKey[0]] else: sKey = aKey[0] # Continue here : Shift turns on for some reason cmds.runTimeCommand(k, annotation=k.replace('_', ' '), category="Custom Scripts", command=(sCommand), showInHotkeyEditor=1) cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut=aKey[0].lower(), sht=aMod[0], ctl=aMod[1], alt=aMod[2], cmd=aMod[3], name=None, rn=None) cmds.nameCommand(sNameCommand, ann=k.replace('_', ' '), c=k, stp='python') cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut=aKey[0].lower(), sht=aMod[0], ctl=aMod[1], alt=aMod[2], cmd=aMod[3], name=aRelease[0], rn=aRelease[1]) print '%s : CREATED!' % k
def hotkeySetup(): """ """ # ==================== # - Runtime Commands - # ==================== # Copy Weights if mel.eval('runTimeCommand -q -ex rt_copyWeights'): mel.eval('runTimeCommand -e -del rt_copyWeights') mel.eval( 'runTimeCommand -annotation "" -category "User" -commandLanguage "python" -command "import;reload(;" rt_copyWeights' ) # Paste Weights if mel.eval('runTimeCommand -q -ex rt_pasteWeights'): mel.eval('runTimeCommand -e -del rt_pasteWeights') mel.eval( 'runTimeCommand -annotation "" -category "User" -commandLanguage "python" -command "import;reload(;" rt_pasteWeights' ) # Average Weights if mel.eval('runTimeCommand -q -ex rt_averageWeights'): mel.eval('runTimeCommand -e -del rt_averageWeights') mel.eval( 'runTimeCommand -annotation "" -category "User" -commandLanguage "python" -command "import;reload(;" rt_averageWeights' ) # Auto Average Weights if mel.eval('runTimeCommand -q -ex rt_autoAverageWeights'): mel.eval('runTimeCommand -e -del rt_autoAverageWeights') mel.eval( 'runTimeCommand -annotation "" -category "User" -commandLanguage "python" -command "import;reload(;" rt_autoAverageWeights' ) # ======================== # - Create Name Commands - # ======================== copyWtCmd = cmds.nameCommand('copyWeightsNameCommand', ann='copyWeightsNameCommand', sourceType='mel', c='rt_copyWeights') pasteWtCmd = cmds.nameCommand('pasteWeightsNameCommand', ann='pasteWeightsNameCommand', sourceType='mel', c='rt_pasteWeights') averageWtCmd = cmds.nameCommand('averageWeightsNameCommand', ann='averageWeightsNameCommand', sourceType='mel', c='rt_averageWeights') autoAverageWtCmd = cmds.nameCommand('autoAverageWeightsNameCommand', ann='autoAverageWeightsNameCommand', sourceType='mel', c='rt_autoAverageWeights') # ============================= # - Create Hotkey Assignments - # ============================= cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut='c', alt=True, name=copyWtCmd) cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut='v', alt=True, name=pasteWtCmd) cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut='x', alt=True, name=averageWtCmd) cmds.hotkey(keyShortcut='a', alt=True, name=autoAverageWtCmd)
def _hotkey(self): """create hotkey""" name = self.ui.line_name.text() if cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_press' % name, exists=True): if cmds.confirmDialog(m='name is not unique! replace?', b=['yes', 'no']) == 'no': return else: cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_press' % name, delete=True, e=True) cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_release' % name, delete=True, e=True) hotkey = self.ui.line_hotkey.text().lower() if not hotkey: return # build menu ctrl = self.ui.chb_ctrl.isChecked() alt = self.ui.chb_alt.isChecked() shift = self.ui.chb_alt.isChecked() if self.COMMANDS[self.ui.cmb_method.currentIndex()][0] == "custom": press = "MMtoKey.pressCustom(ctl=%s, alt=%s, sh=%s, menu_type=%i, menu_name='%s')" press %= ctrl, alt, shift, self.ui.cmb_menu.currentIndex( ), self.ui.line_menu.text() elif self.COMMANDS[self.ui.cmb_method.currentIndex()][0] == "selected": press = "MMtoKey.pressSelected(ctl=%s, alt=%s, sh=%s)" % ( ctrl, alt, shift) else: press = "MMtoKey.pressPreset(ctl=%s, alt=%s, sh=%s)" % (ctrl, alt, shift) # release command if self.COMMANDS[self.ui.cmb_method.currentIndex()][1] == "custom": release = "MMtoKey.releaseCustom(command_always=%s, command='%s', language=%i)" release %= (self.ui.cmb_menu.currentIndex(), self.ui.line_command.text().replace("'", "\\'"), self.ui.cmb_command.currentIndex()) elif self.COMMANDS[self.ui.cmb_method.currentIndex()][1] == "selected": release = "MMtoKey.releaseSelected()" else: release = "MMtoKey.releasePreset()" # create runtime and name commands cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_press' % name, c=press, category='MMtoKey', cl='python') cmds.runTimeCommand('%s_release' % name, c=release, category='MMtoKey', cl='python') cmds.nameCommand('%s_PressNameCommand' % name, annotation='%s_press' % name, command='%s_press' % name) cmds.nameCommand('%s_ReleaseNameCommand' % name, annotation='%s_release' % name, command='%s_release' % name) try: cmds.hotkey(k=hotkey, name='%s_PressNameCommand' % name, releaseName='%s_ReleaseNameCommand' % name, ctl=ctrl, alt=alt, sht=shift) except TypeError: cmds.hotkey(k=hotkey, name='%s_PressNameCommand' % name, releaseName='%s_ReleaseNameCommand' % name, ctl=ctrl, alt=alt) cmds.warning('hotkey created')
def buttonPress_resetAll(self): _set = self.mi_cgmHotkeyer.validate_hotkeySet() log.warning( "All hotkeys on {0} set reset to maya defaults".format(_set)) mc.hotkey(fs=True) self.close()
def setCategory(self, category): Cache.currentCategory = category # set hotkey category to selected self.categoryHotkeys() # intializes the nameCommands cmds.headsUpDisplay('categoryHUD', edit=True, c = self.displayCategory ) # update HUD with hotkey category # if category == 'modeling': mel.eval('setPolyCountVisibility 1') else: mel.eval('setPolyCountVisibility 0') # # GLOBAL HOTKEYS # ` cmds.hotkey( k='`', name= 'tilde' ) # tilde cmds.hotkey( k='`', alt=True, name= 'alt_tilde' ) # Alt + tilde cmds.hotkey( k='`', ctl=True, name= 'ctrl_tilde' ) # Ctrl + tilde # 1 cmds.hotkey( k='1', name= 'one' ) # one cmds.hotkey( k='1', alt=True, name= 'alt_one' ) # Alt + one cmds.hotkey( k='!', name= 'shift_one' ) # Shift + one # 2 cmds.hotkey( k='2', name= 'two' ) # two cmds.hotkey( k='2', alt=True, name= 'alt_two' ) # Alt + two ### ## CHANGE THIS IF WE'RE USING A US KEYBOARD - FOR UK ONLY RIGHT NOW!!! ### cmds.hotkey( k='"', name= 'shift_two' ) # Shift + two = UK KEYBOARD cmds.hotkey( k=u'@', name= 'shift_two' ) # Shift + two = US KEYBOARD # 3 cmds.hotkey( k='3', name= 'three' ) # three cmds.hotkey( k='3', alt=True, name= 'alt_three' ) # Alt + three cmds.hotkey( k=u'£', name= 'shift_three' ) # Shift + three = UK KEYBOARD cmds.hotkey( k=u'#', name= 'shift_three' ) # Shift + three = US KEYBOARD # 4 cmds.hotkey( k='4', alt=True, name= 'alt_four' ) # Alt + four # 5 cmds.hotkey( k='5', alt=True, name= 'alt_five' ) # Alt + five # Q cmds.hotkey( k='q', name= 'q', releaseName = 'q_release' ) # q cmds.hotkey( k='q', alt=True, name= 'alt_q') # Alt + q # W cmds.hotkey( k='w', name= 'w', releaseName = 'w_release' ) # w # E cmds.hotkey( k='e', name= 'e', releaseName = 'e_release' ) # e cmds.hotkey( k='e', ctl=True, name = 'ctrl_e' ) # Ctrl + e # R cmds.hotkey( k='r', name= 'r', releaseName = 'r_release' ) # r cmds.hotkey( k='R', name= 'R' ) # R cmds.hotkey( k='r', ctl=True, name = 'ctrl_r' ) # Ctrl + r cmds.hotkey( k='r', alt=True, name = 'alt_r' ) # Alt + r # H cmds.hotkey( k='h', name= 'h' ) # h # L cmds.hotkey( k='l', ctl=True, name = 'ctrl_l' ) # Ctrl + l # P cmds.hotkey( k='p', alt=True, name = 'alt_p', releaseName = 'alt_p_release' ) # Alt + p cmds.hotkey( k='p', ctl=True, name = 'ctrl_p' ) # Ctrl + p # F cmds.hotkey( k='F', name= 'F' ) # F # B cmds.hotkey( k='b', alt=True, name= 'alt_b' ) # ctrl + b # M cmds.hotkey( k='m', name = 'm' ) # m cmds.hotkey( k='M', name = 'M' ) # M cmds.hotkey( k='m', ctl=True, name = 'ctrl_m' ) # Ctrl + m cmds.hotkey( k='M', ctl=True, name = 'ctrl_M' ) # Ctrl + M # D cmds.hotkey( k='d', name= 'd' ) # d cmds.hotkey( k='d', alt=True, name= 'alt_d' ) # Alt + d # I cmds.hotkey( k='i', name= 'i' ) # i cmds.hotkey( k='i', alt=True, name= 'alt_i' ) # Alt + i cmds.hotkey( k='i', ctl=True, name= 'ctrl_i' ) # Ctrl + i # O cmds.hotkey( k='o', name= 'o' ) # o # G cmds.hotkey( k='g', alt=True, name= 'alt_g') # alt + g # C cmds.hotkey( k='c', name= 'c', releaseName = 'c_release') # c cmds.hotkey( k='c', alt=True, name= 'alt_c') # alt + c cmds.hotkey( k='C', alt=True, name= 'alt_shift_c') # alt + shift + c # V cmds.hotkey( k='v', name= 'v', releaseName = 'v_release') # v # CATEGORY HOTKEYS # X cmds.hotkey( k='x', name= 'x', releaseName = 'x_release') # x cmds.hotkey( k='x', alt=True, name= category + '_alt_x' ) # Alt + x # C cmds.hotkey( k='C', name= category + '_C', releaseName = 'C_release' ) # Shift + c # E cmds.hotkey( k='e', alt=True, name= category + '_alt_e' ) # Alt + e # S cmds.hotkey( k='S', name= 'S' ) # S cmds.hotkey( k='s', alt=True, name= 'alt_s' ) # Alt + s cmds.hotkey( k='S', alt=True, name= 'alt_S' ) # Alt + shift + s cmds.hotkey( k='S', ctl=True, name= 'ctrl_S' ) # Ctrl + Shift + s
def setHotkeys(pref): '''set hotkeys according to pref dictionary''' #first reset resetHotkeys() hotkeys = hotkeyDict[pref] #outliner cmds.nameCommand( 'OutlinerWindowNameCommand', ann='OutlinerWindowNameCommand', c='OutlinerWindow') cmds.hotkey( k=hotkeys[1], alt=hotkeys[0], name='OutlinerWindowNameCommand', releaseName='') #attribute editor cmds.nameCommand( 'AttributeEditorNameCommand', ann='AttributeEditorNameCommand', c='AttributeEditor') cmds.hotkey( k=hotkeys[2], alt=hotkeys[0], name='AttributeEditorNameCommand', rn='') #graph editor cmds.nameCommand( 'GraphEditorNameCommand', ann='GraphEditorNameCommand', c='GraphEditor') cmds.hotkey( k=hotkeys[3], alt=hotkeys[0], name='GraphEditorNameCommand' ) #tool settings cmds.nameCommand( 'ToolSettingsWindowNameCommand', ann='ToolSettingsWindowNameCommand', c='ToolSettingsWindow') cmds.hotkey( k=hotkeys[4], alt=hotkeys[0], name='ToolSettingsWindowNameCommand' ) #trax editor cmds.nameCommand( 'CharacterAnimationEditorNameCommand', ann='CharacterAnimationEditorNameCommand', c='CharacterAnimationEditor') cmds.hotkey( k=hotkeys[5], ctl=True, name='CharacterAnimationEditorNameCommand' ) if lib.checkAboveVersion(2015): #versions below 2016 don't have shift modifier in hotkey command #special key cmds.nameCommand( 'SpecialKeyNameCommand', ann='Set a Special Keyframe', c='python("import coopAnimUtils;coopAnimUtils.keySpecial()")') cmds.hotkey( k=hotkeys[6], alt=True, name='SpecialKeyNameCommand' ) #breakdown key cmds.nameCommand( 'BreakdownKeyNameCommand', ann='Key only keyed attributes', c='python("import coopAnimUtils;coopAnimUtils.keyInbetween()")') cmds.hotkey( k=hotkeys[6], sht=True, name='BreakdownKeyNameCommand' ) #curvesel key TODO #cmds.nameCommand( 'ScriptEditorNameCommand', ann='ScriptEditorNameCommand', c='ScriptEditor') #cmds.hotkey( k=hotkeys[6], sht=True, name='ScriptEditorNameCommand' ) #script editor cmds.nameCommand( 'ScriptEditorNameCommand', ann='ScriptEditorNameCommand', c='ScriptEditor') cmds.hotkey( k='i', alt=True, name='ScriptEditorNameCommand' ) print pref + " hotkeys set (to change or reset hotkeys, right mouse click on the same shelf button\n",