コード例 #1
    def write_ouputState(self,outState_handle,numberofOutput_Val,activeIndex_Val,ThsNde ,activeValue_Val,disableValue_Val):
        cBuilder = outState_handle.builder()

        stateList = []
        stateList = [ disableValue_Val for k in range(numberofOutput_Val) ]
        stateList[activeIndex_Val] = activeValue_Val
        currentDH = OpenMaya.MDataHandle()
        for n in range(0,numberofOutput_Val):
            currentDH = cBuilder.addElement(n)
        bldChck = cBuilder.elementCount()
        # prune unwanted index --> equivalent to removeMultiInstance...
        if bldChck>numberofOutput_Val:
            depFn = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode( ThsNde )
            curvePointsPlug = depFn.findPlug('outState')            
            outName = curvePointsPlug.info()
            for k in range(bldChck-1,numberofOutput_Val-1,-1):
                    # --> a bit dirty but it help when node is not connected yet we have access to the correct number of output attribute
                    # when node is connected this fallback is not needed anymore
                    cmds.removeMultiInstance( '%s[%s]'%(outName,k), b=True ) 
コード例 #2
    def syncAttribute(self, attr, control, valueField, positionField):
        attr = self.nodeAttr('aiShutterCurve')
        values = cmds.gradientControlNoAttr( control, query=True, asString=True) 
        valuesSplit = values.split(',')

        points = []

        for i in range(0,len(valuesSplit)/3):
        current = cmds.gradientControlNoAttr( control, query=True, currentKey=True) 
        cmds.floatField(valueField, edit=True, value=float(points[current][1]))
        cmds.floatField(positionField, edit=True, value=float(points[current][0]))
        points[current][2] = 1
        size = cmds.getAttr(attr, size=True)
        for i in range(0,size):
        curveString = ""
        for i in range(0,len(points)):
            if i is 0:
                curveString += points[i][1] +"," + points[i][0] +",1"
                curveString += ","+points[i][1] +"," + points[i][0] +",1"
        # We save the curve points sorted in the attribute, so we will also resort the points in
        #  the gradient control
        current = [x[2] for x in points].index(1)
        cmds.gradientControlNoAttr( control, edit=True, currentKey=current, asString=curveString) 
コード例 #3
def removeMultiInstances(node, attr):

    attrs = cmds.ls(node + '.' + attr + '[*]')

    for attr in attrs:
        if not cmds.listConnections(attr, s=1, d=0):
コード例 #4
def _disconnectAndRemoveAttr(attr, remove=False):
    """Disconnects inputs and outputs from the given attribute."""

    sel = cmds.ls(sl=True)

    # unlock if needed
    cmds.setAttr(attr, l=False)

    # if any connection, disconnect
    srcAttrs = cmds.listConnections(attr, d=False, p=True) or []
    destAttrs = cmds.listConnections(attr, s=False, p=True) or []
    for srcAttr in srcAttrs:
        cmds.disconnectAttr(srcAttr, attr)

    for destAttr in destAttrs:
        cmds.disconnectAttr(attr, destAttr)

    # remove element
    if remove:

        # remove alias
        if cmds.aliasAttr(attr, q=True):
            cmds.aliasAttr(attr, rm=True)

    cmds.select(sel or None)
コード例 #5
ファイル: toggle.py プロジェクト: qeeji/Mayanomicon
    def write_ouputState(self, outState_handle, numberofOutput_Val,
                         activeIndex_Val, ThsNde):
        cBuilder = outState_handle.builder()
        bldChck = cBuilder.elementCount()
        growVal = numberofOutput_Val - bldChck

        if growVal > 0:
            #print 'we need to grow this array of ', bldChck , ' elements by  ', growVal

        stateList = []
        stateList = [0 for k in range(numberofOutput_Val)]
        stateList[activeIndex_Val] = 1

        currentDH = OpenMaya.MDataHandle()
        for n in range(0, numberofOutput_Val):
            currentDH = cBuilder.addElement(n)

        bldChck = cBuilder.elementCount()
        # prune unwanted index --> equivalent to removeMultiInstance...
        if bldChck > numberofOutput_Val:
            depFn = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode(ThsNde)
            curvePointsPlug = depFn.findPlug('outState')
            outName = curvePointsPlug.info()
            for k in range(bldChck - 1, numberofOutput_Val - 1, -1):
                    # --> a bit dirty but it help when node is not connected yet we have access to the correct number of output attribute
                    # when node is connected this fallback is not needed anymore
                    cmds.removeMultiInstance('%s[%s]' % (outName, k), b=True)
コード例 #6
    def delete_Connections_at_targetIndex(self, root, targetIndex, IO_Index):
        attributeList = ['recipe']
        cnList = ['input', 'output']
        storage = mc.listConnections(root + '.' + attributeList[0])
        if storage is None:
            attributeList = ['recipe']
            storage = mc.createNode('recipe',
                                        (root, '_', attributeList[0], '1')))
            mc.connectAttr(storage + '.nodeState',
                           root + '.' + attributeList[0],
            storage = storage[0]

        idxList = mc.getAttr(storage + '.' + cnList[IO_Index], mi=True)
        idx = 0
        if idxList is None:
            targetIndex = idxList[targetIndex]
            if targetIndex in idxList:
                mc.removeMultiInstance(storage + '.' + cnList[IO_Index] +
                                       '[%s]' % targetIndex,
コード例 #7
ファイル: ZvRadialBlendShape.py プロジェクト: Bumpybox/Tapp
def _disconnectAndRemoveAttr(attr, remove=False):
	"""Disconnects inputs and outputs from the given attribute."""
	sel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
	# unlock if needed
	cmds.setAttr(attr, l=False)
	# if any connection, disconnect
	srcAttrs = cmds.listConnections(attr, d=False, p=True) or []
	destAttrs = cmds.listConnections(attr, s=False, p=True) or []
	for srcAttr in srcAttrs:
		cmds.disconnectAttr(srcAttr, attr)
	for destAttr in destAttrs:
		cmds.disconnectAttr(attr, destAttr)
	# remove element
	if remove:
		# remove alias
		if cmds.aliasAttr(attr, q=True):
			cmds.aliasAttr(attr, rm=True)
	cmds.select(sel or None)
コード例 #8
def removeMultiInstances( node, attr ):
    attrs = cmds.ls( node+'.'+attr+'[*]' )
    for attr in attrs:
        if not cmds.listConnections( attr, s=1, d=0 ):
            cmds.removeMultiInstance( attr )
コード例 #9
def copyVtxAndPast(meshName, index, indices):

    hists = cmds.listHistory(meshName)

    skinCluster = ''
    for hist in hists:
        if cmds.nodeType(hist) == 'skinCluster':
            skinCluster = hist

    if not skinCluster: return None

    fnSkinCluster = om.MFnDependencyNode(getMObject(skinCluster))
    weightListPlug = fnSkinCluster.findPlug('weightList')

    weightListPlugElement = weightListPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(index)
    plugWeights = weightListPlugElement.child(0)

    indicesAndValues = []
    for i in range(plugWeights.numElements()):
        index = plugWeights[i].logicalIndex()
        value = plugWeights[i].asFloat()
        indicesAndValues.append([index, value])

    for vtxIndex in indices:
        weightListPlugElement = weightListPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(vtxIndex)
        plugWeights = weightListPlugElement.child(0)
        for i in range(plugWeights.numElements()):
        for index, value in indicesAndValues:
            cmds.setAttr(plugWeights.name() + '[%d]' % index, value)
コード例 #10
def copyVtxAndPast( meshName, index, indices ):
    hists = cmds.listHistory( meshName )
    skinCluster = ''
    for hist in hists:
        if cmds.nodeType( hist ) == 'skinCluster':
            skinCluster = hist
    if not skinCluster: return None
    fnSkinCluster = om.MFnDependencyNode( getMObject( skinCluster ) )
    weightListPlug = fnSkinCluster.findPlug( 'weightList' )
    weightListPlugElement = weightListPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( index )
    plugWeights = weightListPlugElement.child( 0 )
    indicesAndValues = []
    for i in range( plugWeights.numElements() ):
        index = plugWeights[i].logicalIndex()
        value = plugWeights[i].asFloat()
        indicesAndValues.append( [index,value] )
    for vtxIndex in indices:
        weightListPlugElement = weightListPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( vtxIndex )
        plugWeights = weightListPlugElement.child( 0 )
        for i in range( plugWeights.numElements() ):
            cmds.removeMultiInstance( plugWeights[0].name() )
        for index, value in indicesAndValues:
            cmds.setAttr( plugWeights.name() + '[%d]' % index, value )
コード例 #11
def setJointInfluence(skinCluster, jnt, vtxIndices):

    cons = cmds.listConnections(jnt + '.wm',
    if not cons: return None
    for con in cons:
        if con.find(skinCluster) != -1:
            skinClusterAttr = con
    fnSkinCluster = om.MFnDependencyNode(getMObject(skinCluster))

    jntIndex = int(skinClusterAttr.split('[')[-1].replace(']', ''))

    weightListPlug = fnSkinCluster.findPlug('weightList')

    for vtxIndex in vtxIndices:
        weightListPlugElement = weightListPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(vtxIndex)
        weightPlug = weightListPlugElement.child(0)
        for i in range(weightPlug.numElements()):
            skinCluster + '.weightList[%d].weights[%d]' % (vtxIndex, jntIndex),
コード例 #12
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: HolisticCoders/metanode
    def _clear_maya_attribute(self):
        cmds.setAttr(self.path(), lock=False)

        for attr in self._iter_elements():
            cmds.setAttr(attr, lock=False)

        cmds.removeMultiInstance(self.path(), allChildren=True, b=True)
コード例 #13
ファイル: sgBFunction_rivet.py プロジェクト: jonntd/mayadev-1
    def createCurve(mesh, indices):
        cons = cmds.listConnections(mesh + '.outMesh',
        if not cons:
            vtsToCrv = cmds.createNode('sgVerticeToCurve')
            cmds.connectAttr(mesh + '.outMesh', vtsToCrv + '.inputMesh')
            cmds.connectAttr(mesh + '.wm', vtsToCrv + '.inputMeshMatrix')
            targetIndex = 0
            vtsToCrv = cons[0]
            cons = cmds.listConnections(vtsToCrv + '.outputCurve', p=1, c=1)
            outputs = cons[::2]
            targetIndex = int(outputs[-1].split('[')[-1].replace(']', '')) + 1

        crv = cmds.createNode('nurbsCurve')
        crvObj = cmds.listRelatives(crv, p=1, f=1)[0]
        cmds.connectAttr(vtsToCrv + '.outputCurve[%d]' % targetIndex,
                         crv + '.create')
        cmds.connectAttr(crvObj + '.wim',
                         vtsToCrv + '.input[%d].pim' % targetIndex,
        attrs = cmds.ls(vtsToCrv + '.input[%d].verticeIds[*]' % targetIndex)
        for attr in attrs:
        for i in range(len(indices)):
            if indices[i] == 0: indices[i] = -1
                vtsToCrv + '.input[%d].verticeIds[%d]' % (targetIndex, i),
コード例 #14
 def set_multi_index(self):
     sets the corresponding dictionary for a multi index attribute
     for index in self.data['value'].keys():
         if cmds.getAttr('{}.{}[{}].{}'.format(self.node, self.name, index,
                         type=True) == 'TdataCompound':
             if not cmds.getAttr('{}.{}[{}].{}'.format(
                     self.node, self.name, index, self.multi_name),
                     self.node, self.name, index, self.multi_name))
             if self.data['value'][index][0] is not None:
                 for multi_index, multi_value in zip(
                         '{}.{}[{}].{}[{}]'.format(self.node, self.name,
                                                   index, self.multi_name,
             'the folowing attribute was not modified {}'.format(
                 '{}.{}[{}].{}'.format(self.node, self.name, index,
コード例 #15
    def _repair_mesh(cls, mesh):
        """Process a single mesh, deleting other UV sets than the active one.

        Keep only current UV set and ensure it's the default 'map1'

        from maya import cmds

        uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSets=True)
        current = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, currentUVSet=True)[0]

        # Copy over to map1
        if current != 'map1':
            cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, uvSet=current, newUVSet='map1', copy=True)
            cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, currentUVSet=True, uvSet='map1')
            current = 'map1'

        # Delete all non-current UV sets
        deleteUVSets = [uvSet for uvSet in uvSets if uvSet != current]
        uvSet = None

        # Maya Bug (tested in 2015/2016):
        # In some cases the API's MFnMesh will report less UV sets
        # than maya.cmds.polyUVSet.
        # This seems to happen when the deletion of UV sets has not
        # triggered a cleanup of the UVSet array
        # attribute on the mesh node. It will still have extra
        # entries in the attribute, though it will not
        # show up in API or UI. Nevertheless it does show up in
        # maya.cmds.polyUVSet.
        # To ensure we clean up the array we'll force delete the
        # extra remaining 'indices' that we don't want.

        # TODO: Implement a better fix
        # The best way to fix would be to get the UVSet
        # indices from api with MFnMesh (to ensure we keep
        # correct ones) and then only force delete the other
        # entries in the array attribute on the node.
        # But for now we're deleting all entries except first
        # one. Note that the first entry could never
        # be removed (the default 'map1' always exists and is
        # supposed to be undeletable.)
            for uvSet in deleteUVSets:
                cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, delete=True, uvSet=uvSet)
        except RuntimeError, e:
            cls.log.warning('uvSet: {0} - ' 'Error: {1}'.format(uvSet, e))

            indices = cmds.getAttr('{0}.uvSet'.format(mesh), multiIndices=True)
            if not indices:
                    "No uv set found indices for: {0}".format(mesh))

            # Delete from end to avoid shifting indices
            # and remove the indices in the attribute
            indices = reversed(indices[1:])
            for i in indices:
                attr = '{0}.uvSet[{1}]'.format(mesh, i)
                cmds.removeMultiInstance(attr, b=True)
コード例 #16
 def removeFloatVariable(self, nodeAttr, varslayout, index):
    # Remove variable
    children = cmds.columnLayout(varslayout, query=1, childArray=1)
    if len(children) <= index:
    baseNameAttr = nodeAttr
    baseValueAttr = nodeAttr.replace("fparam_name", "fparam_value");
    for i in xrange(index+1, len(children)):
       rembtn, namefld, _, valfld = cmds.formLayout(children[i], query=1, childArray=1)
       indexStr = "[%d]" % (i - 1)
       nextIndexStr = "[%d]" % i
       nameAttr = baseNameAttr + indexStr
       valueAttr = baseValueAttr + indexStr
       cmds.setAttr(nameAttr, cmds.getAttr(baseNameAttr + nextIndexStr), type="string")
       cmds.setAttr(valueAttr, cmds.getAttr(baseValueAttr + nextIndexStr));
       self.setupVariableNameCallback(nameAttr, namefld)
       self.setupFloatVariableValueCallback(valueAttr, valfld)
       cmds.button(rembtn, edit=1, command=lambda *args: self.removeFloatVariable(nodeAttr, varslayout, i-1))
    cmds.removeMultiInstance("%s[%d]" % (baseNameAttr, len(children)-1), b=True)
    cmds.removeMultiInstance("%s[%d]" % (baseValueAttr, len(children)-1), b=True)
コード例 #17
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: jonntd/mayadev-1
 def createInCurve(self, numCurve, paramRand, offsetRand, centerOffset = 0.4 ):
     node = self.inCurveNode
     minValue, maxValue = cmds.getAttr( self._surfShape+'.minMaxRangeV' )[0]
     if numCurve in [1,2,3]:
         paramRate = ( maxValue-minValue )/numCurve
         paramRate = ( maxValue-minValue )/(numCurve-1)
     offsetRand *=0.5
     outputCurves = cmds.listConnections( node+'.outputCurve' )
     if outputCurves:
         lenOutputCurves = len( outputCurves )
         if lenOutputCurves > numCurve:
             cmds.delete( outputCurves[numCurve-lenOutputCurves:] )
     if not numCurve:
         return None
     for i in range( numCurve ):
         addOffsetParam = random.uniform( -paramRate/2*paramRand, paramRate/2*paramRand )
         addOffsetCenter = random.uniform( -offsetRand, offsetRand )
         outputCurveCon = cmds.listConnections( node+'.outputCurve[%d]' % i )
         if not outputCurveCon:
             crvNode = cmds.createNode( 'nurbsCurve' )
             crvObj = cmds.listRelatives( crvNode, p=1 )[0]
             cmds.connectAttr( node+'.outputCurve[%d]' % i, crvNode+'.create' )
             cmds.addAttr( crvObj, ln='paramRate', dv= paramRate*i + addOffsetParam + paramRate*0.5 )
             cmds.setAttr( crvObj+'.paramRate', e=1, k=1 )
             cmds.addAttr( crvObj, ln='centerRate', dv= centerOffset+addOffsetCenter )
             cmds.setAttr( crvObj+'.centerRate', e=1, k=1 )
             cmds.connectAttr( crvObj+'.paramRate', node+'.curveInfo[%d].paramRate' % i )
             cmds.connectAttr( crvObj+'.centerRate', node+'.curveInfo[%d].centerRate' % i )
             crvObj = outputCurveCon[0]
             cmds.setAttr( crvObj+'.paramRate', paramRate*i + addOffsetParam + paramRate*0.5  )
             cmds.setAttr( crvObj+'.centerRate', centerOffset+addOffsetCenter  )
         crvObj = cmds.rename( crvObj, self._surfObj+'_curve_%d' % i )
         if i == numCurve -1:
             if not numCurve in [2,3]:
                 cmds.setAttr( crvObj+'.centerRate', 0 )
         self.setGroup( crvObj )
     outputLen = fnc.getLastIndex( node+'.outputCurve' )+1
     for i in range( outputLen ):
         outputCons = cmds.listConnections( node+'.outputCurve[%d]' % i )
         if not outputCons:
             cmds.removeMultiInstance( '%s[%d]' %( node+'.outputCurve', i ) )
             cmds.removeMultiInstance( '%s[%d]' %( node+'.curveInfo', i ) )
コード例 #18
 def clearArray(targetPlug):
     plugChild = targetPlug.child(0)
     targetInstances = []
     for i in range(plugChild.numElements()):
     for i in range(len(targetInstances)):
コード例 #19
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: risooonho/master-of-puppets
    def __delitem__(self, index):
        target = "{}[{}]".format(self.attr_name, self._logical_index(index))
        sources = cmds.listConnections(target, source=True, plugs=True) or []

        for source in sources:
            cmds.disconnectAttr(source, target)

        cmds.removeMultiInstance(target, b=True)
コード例 #20
 def clearArray( targetPlug ):
     plugChild = targetPlug.child( 0 )
     targetInstances = []
     for i in range( plugChild.numElements() ):
         targetInstances.append( plugChild[i].name() )
     for i in range( len( targetInstances ) ):
         cmds.removeMultiInstance( targetInstances[i] )
コード例 #21
def main():
    samplerInfoList = cmds.ls(type='samplerInfo')
    if not samplerInfoList:
        samplerInfo = cmds.shadingNode('samplerInfo', asUtility=True)
        samplerInfo = samplerInfoList[0]

    ramp = cmds.shadingNode('ramp', n='fresnel_ramp', asTexture=True)
    cmds.removeMultiInstance(ramp + '.colorEntryList[2]', b=True)
コード例 #22
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: jonntd/mayadev-1
def clearNoneConnectedElements( targetPlug ):
    removeTargets = []
    for i in range( targetPlug.numElements() ):
        if not cmds.listConnections( targetPlug[i].name() ):
            removeTargets.append( targetPlug[i].name() )
    for target in removeTargets:
        cmds.removeMultiInstance( target )
コード例 #23
def clearNoneConnectedElements(targetPlug):

    removeTargets = []
    for i in range(targetPlug.numElements()):
        if not cmds.listConnections(targetPlug[i].name()):

    for target in removeTargets:
コード例 #24
ファイル: FrameUtility.py プロジェクト: EriLee/marigold
def deleteBitChild():
    # Disconnected the child from it's parent.
    selList = cmds.ls( selection=True, long=True )
    for i in selList:
        connections = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrDestination( i, 'matrix' )
        parent = '{0}.{1}'.format( connections[0], connections[1] )
        for plug in connections:
            if plug.find( 'targetWorldMatrix' ) is not -1:
                cmds.removeMultiInstance( parent, b=True )
        cmds.parent( i, world=True )
コード例 #25
ファイル: mila_node.py プロジェクト: HansBaldzuhn/MilaDev
def mila_clean(node, indices=None):
    # Remove all empty entry in the node

    node = mila_node(node)
    if indices is None:
        indices = node.indices()

    for i in indices:
        if not node.child(i):
            cmds.removeMultiInstance(node.multiAttr(i), b=True)
コード例 #26
def setSkinWeights(skinCluster, vertJointWeightData):
	vertJointWeightData is a list of 2-tuples containing the vertex component name, and a list of 2-tuples
	containing the joint name and weight.  ie it looks like this:
	[ ('someMesh.vtx[0]', [('joint1', 0.25), 'joint2', 0.75)]) , ('someMesh.vtx[1]', [('joint1', 0.2), 'joint2', 0.7, 'joint3', 0.1)]), ... ]
    #convert the vertex component names into vertex indices
    idxJointWeight = []

    for vert, jointsAndWeights in vertJointWeightData:
        idx = int(vert[vert.rindex('[') + 1:-1])
        idxJointWeight.append((idx, jointsAndWeights))

    #get an MObject for the skin cluster node

    skinFn = API_skinClusterClass(skinCluster)

    #construct a dict mapping joint names to joint indices
    jApiIndices = {}
    _tmp = om.MDagPathArray()

    for n in range(_tmp.length()):
            _tmp[n].partialPathName())] = skinFn.indexForInfluenceObject(

    weightListP = skinFn.findPlug("weightList")
    weightListObj = weightListP.attribute()
    weightsP = skinFn.findPlug("weights")

    tmpIntArray = om.MIntArray()
    baseFmtStr = str(
    ) + '.weightList[%d]'  #pre build this string: fewer string ops == faster-ness!

    for vertIdx, jointsAndWeights in idxJointWeight:
        #we need to use the api to query the physical indices used
        weightsP.selectAncestorLogicalIndex(vertIdx, weightListObj)

        weightFmtStr = baseFmtStr % vertIdx + '.weights[%d]'

        #clear out any existing skin data - and awesomely we cannot do this with the api - so we need to use a weird ass mel command

        for n in range(tmpIntArray.length()):
            mc.removeMultiInstance(weightFmtStr % tmpIntArray[n])

        #at this point using the api or mel to set the data is a moot point...  we have the strings already so just use mel
        for joint, weight in jointsAndWeights:
            if weight:
                infIdx = jApiIndices[joint]
                mc.setAttr(weightFmtStr % infIdx, weight)
コード例 #27
ファイル: rbf.py プロジェクト: zz-knight/cmt
    def remove_sample(self, i):
        """Remove the sample at index i

        :param i: Index
        indices = cmds.getAttr("{}.sample".format(self.name), mi=True) or []
        if i not in indices:
            raise RuntimeError("Sample {} does not exist.".format(i))
        cmds.removeMultiInstance("{}.sample[{}]".format(self.name, i),
コード例 #28
def fixRamps(rampNodes):
    for node in rampNodes:    
        getName, getPos, getCol, getInt = [],[],[],[]
        typeNode = cmds.nodeType(node)
        ## if node is remap/ramp change attribute values accordingly
        if typeNode == 'remapValue':
            attrValue = '.color'
            attrPostn = '.color_Position'
            attrColor = '.color_Color'
        if typeNode == 'ramp':
            attrValue = '.colorEntryList'
            attrPostn = '.position'
            attrColor = '.color'

        ## Find all multi attributes, using all these flags because it matches the one from the xml export
        listAllArray = cmds.listAttr(node + attrValue, read = True, hasData = True, visible = True, scalarAndArray = False, multi = True, output = True)
        for attr in listAllArray:
            if '.color_Position' in attr or '.position' in attr:
                posValues = attr, cmds.getAttr(node + '.' + attr)
            if attr.endswith('.color_Color') or attr.endswith('.color'):
                colValues = attr, cmds.getAttr(node + '.' + attr)
            if typeNode == 'remapValue':
                if '.color_Interp' in attr:
                    intValues = attr, cmds.getAttr(node + '.' + attr)
        ## For each in the list, get according information if first value isn't 0
        ## Get position, new position, colour, interpolation (if remap) and connection if any
        ## Break all the plugs down to 0 and then remake it and reconnect
        for each in getPos:
            getPlug = each[0].split('[')[1]
            getPlug = int(getPlug.split(']')[0])    
            getPosition = int(getPos.index(each))
            if getPlug != int(getPosition):
                newSpot  = getPosition
                oldSpot  = getPlug
                nodeName = getName[getPosition]
                newPos   = getPos[getPosition][1]
                colour   = getCol[newSpot][1][0]
                if typeNode == 'remapValue':
                    interp   = getInt[newSpot][1]
                findConn = cmds.connectionInfo( nodeName + attrValue + '[' + str(oldSpot) + ']' + attrColor , sourceFromDestination= True)            
                cmds.removeMultiInstance(nodeName + attrValue + '[' + str(oldSpot) + ']', b = True)
                cmds.setAttr(nodeName + attrValue + '[' + str(newSpot) + ']' + attrPostn , float(newPos))
                cmds.setAttr(nodeName + attrValue + '[' + str(newSpot) + ']' + attrColor , colour[0], colour[1], colour[2], type = 'double3')
                if typeNode == 'remapValue':
                    cmds.setAttr(nodeName + attrValue + '[' + str(newSpot) + '].color_Interp', interp)
                    cmds.connectAttr(findConn, nodeName + attrValue + '[' + str(newSpot) + ']' + attrColor , force = True)
コード例 #29
def CreateEyeLam(colorFile, IncFile, EyeLamName):
    errorV = 0
    if not mc.objExists(EyeLamName):
        myEyeLam = mc.shadingNode('lambert', asShader=True, n=EyeLamName)
        myEyeLam_SG = mc.sets(renderable=True,
                              name=myEyeLam + '_SG')
        mc.connectAttr('%s.outColor' % myEyeLam,
                       '%s.surfaceShader' % myEyeLam_SG,
        myRamp = mm.eval('createRenderNodeCB -as2DTexture "" ramp "";')
        myColorFile = mm.eval('createRenderNodeCB -as2DTexture "" file "";')
        mc.setAttr("%s.fileTextureName" % myColorFile, IncFile, type="string")
        mc.setAttr("%s.colorGain" % myColorFile,
        mc.connectAttr("%s.outColor" % myColorFile,
                       "%s.incandescence" % myEyeLam,
        myIncFile = mm.eval('createRenderNodeCB -as2DTexture "" file "";')
        mc.setAttr("%s.fileTextureName" % myIncFile, colorFile, type="string")
        mc.connectAttr("%s.outColor" % myIncFile,
                       "%s.color" % myEyeLam,
        mc.removeMultiInstance('%s.colorEntryList[2]' % myRamp, b=True)
        mc.setAttr('%s.colorEntryList[1].position' % myRamp,
        mc.setAttr('%s.colorEntryList[0].position' % myRamp,
        mc.setAttr('%s.colorEntryList[1].color' % myRamp,
        mc.setAttr('%s.colorEntryList[0].color' % myRamp,
        mc.setAttr('%s.interpolation' % myRamp, 6)
        mc.connectAttr("%s.outColor" % myRamp,
                       "%s.colorGain" % myIncFile,
        myfilePath1 = mc.getAttr('%s.fileTextureName' % myColorFile)
        myfilePath2 = mc.getAttr('%s.fileTextureName' % myIncFile)
        if (not os.path.isfile(r'%s' % myfilePath1)) or (not os.path.isfile(
                r'%s' % myfilePath2)):
            errorV = 1
    retrunV = [EyeLamName, errorV]
    return retrunV
コード例 #30
    def repair(self, instance):
        """Keep only current UV set and ensure it's the default 'map1'"""
        meshes = cmds.ls(instance, type='mesh', long=True)
        for mesh in meshes:
            uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSets=True)
            currentUVSet = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True,
            if len(uvSets) != 1:

                # Copy over to map1
                if currentUVSet != 'map1':
                    cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, currentUVSet=True, uvSet='map1')
                    currentUVSet = 'map1'

                # Delete all non-current UV sets
                deleteUVSets = [
                    uvSet for uvSet in uvSets if uvSet != currentUVSet
                uvSet = None

                # Maya Bug (present in 2015; not sure if also earlier):
                # In some cases the API's MFnMesh will report less UV sets than maya.cmds.polyUVSet.
                # This seems to happen when the deletion of UV sets has not triggered a cleanup of the UVSet array
                # attribute on the mesh node. It will still have extra entries in the attribute, though it will not
                # show up in API or UI. Nevertheless it does show up in maya.cmds.polyUVSet.
                # To ensure we clean up the array we'll force delete the extra remaining 'indices' that we don't want.

                # TODO: Implement a better fix
                # ----- The best way to fix would be to get the UVSet indices from api with MFnMesh (to ensure we keep
                # ----- correct ones) and then only force delete the other entries in the array attribute on the node.
                # ----- But for now we're deleting all entries except first one. Note that the first entry could never
                # ----- be removed (the default 'map1' always exists and is supposed to be undeletable.)
                    for uvSet in deleteUVSets:
                        cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, delete=True, uvSet=uvSet)
                except RuntimeError, e:
                    print 'uvSet: {0} - Error: {1}'.format(
                        uvSet, e)  # print the error
                    indices = cmds.getAttr('{0}.uvSet'.format(mesh),
                    indices = reversed(
                    )  # delete from end to avoid shifting indices :)
                    it = iter(indices)
                    next(it)  # skip first
                    for i in it:
                            mesh, i),
コード例 #31
ファイル: lib.py プロジェクト: tokejepsen/colorbleed-config
def remove_other_uv_sets(mesh):
    """Remove all other UV sets than the current UV set.

    Keep only current UV set and ensure it's the renamed to default 'map1'.


    uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSets=True)
    current = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, currentUVSet=True)[0]

    # Copy over to map1
    if current != 'map1':
        cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, uvSet=current, newUVSet='map1', copy=True)
        cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, currentUVSet=True, uvSet='map1')
        current = 'map1'

    # Delete all non-current UV sets
    deleteUVSets = [uvSet for uvSet in uvSets if uvSet != current]
    uvSet = None

    # Maya Bug (tested in 2015/2016):
    # In some cases the API's MFnMesh will report less UV sets than
    # maya.cmds.polyUVSet. This seems to happen when the deletion of UV sets
    # has not triggered a cleanup of the UVSet array attribute on the mesh
    # node. It will still have extra entries in the attribute, though it will
    # not show up in API or UI. Nevertheless it does show up in
    # maya.cmds.polyUVSet. To ensure we clean up the array we'll force delete
    # the extra remaining 'indices' that we don't want.

    # TODO: Implement a better fix
    # The best way to fix would be to get the UVSet indices from api with
    # MFnMesh (to ensure we keep correct ones) and then only force delete the
    # other entries in the array attribute on the node. But for now we're
    # deleting all entries except first one. Note that the first entry could
    # never be removed (the default 'map1' always exists and is supposed to
    # be undeletable.)
        for uvSet in deleteUVSets:
            cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, delete=True, uvSet=uvSet)
    except RuntimeError as exc:
        log.warning('Error uvSet: %s - %s', uvSet, exc)
        indices = cmds.getAttr('{0}.uvSet'.format(mesh),
        if not indices:
            log.warning("No uv set found indices for: %s", mesh)

        # Delete from end to avoid shifting indices
        # and remove the indices in the attribute
        indices = reversed(indices[1:])
        for i in indices:
            attr = '{0}.uvSet[{1}]'.format(mesh, i)
            cmds.removeMultiInstance(attr, b=True)
コード例 #32
def _updateInputs(node, newDict, knownDict, unknownDict):

    newDict はチェック処理に使われるため、その内容は維持されない。
    # まず、変化がないかどうかを簡易的に判断する。
    attrs = cmds.listAttr(node + '.i', m=True) or []
    n = len(attrs) - len(unknownDict)
    if n == len(knownDict) and n == len(newDict) and knownDict == newDict:
        #print('NOT_UPDATED: %s.inputs[]' % node)
        return False

    # 既存のプラグをチェックしていく。
    updated = False
    node_ = node + '.'
    for attr in attrs:
        idx = int(_RE_PLUG_INDEX.search(attr).group(1))

        # 知らないコネクションなら維持する。
        if idx in unknownDict:
            #print('KEEP: ' + node_ + attr)

        # 今後必要になるコネクションか?
        plug = node_ + attr
        tgt = newDict.pop(idx, None)
        if tgt:
            # 既に同じコネクションが在ればそのまま維持。
            if tgt == knownDict.get(idx):
                #print('NOT_CHANGED: ' + plug)

            # 古いコネクションが在れば、そのまま新規に接続し直す。
            #print('CONNECT: %s -> %s' % (tgt, plug))
            cmds.connectAttr(tgt, plug, f=True)
            updated = True

        # 不要なプラグなら削除。
            #print('REMOVE: ' + plug)
            cmds.removeMultiInstance(plug, b=True)
            updated = True

    # 未処理のプラグを全てコネクトする。
    if newDict:
        fmt = node + '.i[%d]'
        for i, tgt in newDict.items():
            #print('NEW_CONNECT: %s -> %s' % (tgt, fmt % i))
            cmds.connectAttr(tgt, fmt % i, f=True)
        return True
    return updated
コード例 #33
    def deletePoseTarget(self, poseName, targetName):
        '''Delete pose target'''

        targetAttr = self.poseTargetAttr(poseName, targetName)

        # Remove alias
        aliasAttrs = cmds.aliasAttr(self.name, q=1) or []
        envAttr = targetAttr + '.poseTargetEnvelope'
        for attr in aliasAttrs:
            if envAttr.endswith(attr):
                cmds.aliasAttr(envAttr, rm=1)

        cmds.removeMultiInstance(targetAttr, b=1)
コード例 #34
ファイル: mila_node.py プロジェクト: HansBaldzuhn/MilaDev
def mila_remove_node(parent=None, index=None):
    """ remove the node from the destination """
    parent = mila_node(parent)

    node = parent.child(index)
    attrData = parent.attrData(index)

    # Disconnect the node
    cmds.disconnectAttr(node.outAttr(), parent.inAttr(index))

    # Delete the item
    cmds.removeMultiInstance(parent.multiAttr(index), b=True)

    return node, attrData
コード例 #35
def main():
    samplerInfoList = cmds.ls(type='samplerInfo')
    if not samplerInfoList:
        samplerInfo = cmds.shadingNode('samplerInfo', asUtility=True)
        samplerInfo = samplerInfoList[0]

    ramp = cmds.shadingNode('ramp', n='fresnel_ramp', asTexture=True)
    cmds.removeMultiInstance(ramp + '.colorEntryList[2]', b=True)
    cmds.setAttr(ramp + '.colorEntryList[0].color', 1, 1, 1)  # 1つ目のポイントの色
    cmds.setAttr(ramp + '.colorEntryList[0].position', 0)  #1つ目のポイントの位置
    cmds.setAttr(ramp + '.colorEntryList[1].color', 0, 0, 0)  #2つ目のポイントの色
    cmds.setAttr(ramp + '.colorEntryList[1].position', 0.6)  #2つ目のポイントの位置
    cmds.connectAttr(samplerInfo + '.facingRatio', ramp + '.vCoord')
コード例 #36
def toonRampControl(check, name):
    pos1 = name +".fbColorScale[3].fbColorScale_Position"
    pos2 = name +".fbColorScale[2].fbColorScale_Position"
    cmds.setAttr(pos1, 0.52)

    if check == 0 : num = 2
    if check == 1 : 
        num = 1
        cmds.setAttr(pos2, 0.48)
    for i in range(num):
        i = i+1
コード例 #37
def _updateOutputs(node, newDict, knownDict, unknownDict):

    後で newDict に残されたものを `_connectOutputs` で接続する。

    :returns: 何らかの編集が行われたかどうか。
    # まず、変化がないかどうかを簡易的に判断する。
    attrs = cmds.listAttr(node + '.o', m=True) or []
    n = len(attrs) - len(unknownDict)
    if n == len(knownDict) and n == len(newDict) and knownDict == newDict:
        #print('NOT_UPDATED: %s.outputs[]' % node)
        return False

    # 既存のプラグをチェックしていく。
    updated = False
    node_ = node + '.'
    for attr in attrs:
        idx = int(_RE_PLUG_INDEX.search(attr).group(1))

        # 知らないコネクションなら維持する。
        if idx in unknownDict:
            #print('KEEP: ' + node_ + attr)

        # 今後必要になるコネクションか?
        plug = node_ + attr
        tgt = newDict.get(idx)
        if tgt:
            # 既に同じコネクションが在ればそのまま維持。
            oldtgt = knownDict.get(idx)
            if tgt == oldtgt:
                #print('NOT_CHANGED: ' + plug)
                del newDict[idx]
            # 古いコネクションなら切断する。
            #print('DISCONNECT: %s -> %s' % (plug, oldtgt))
            cmds.disconnectAttr(plug, oldtgt)
            updated = True

        # 不要なプラグなら削除。
            #print('REMOVE: ' + plug)
            cmds.removeMultiInstance(plug, b=True)
            updated = True
    return updated
コード例 #38
def disconnectMultiAttrib(attrib) :
  # check if the attribute has any connections and exit if none
  multiLen=cmds.getAttr('fabricVegetation.'+attrib, size=True)

  if multiLen==0:
    print 'FVegetation: No inputs to disconnect for '+attrib+'.'
    return 1

  # otherwise disconnect all the incoming connections
  for i in range(0, multiLen) :
    # currently there is a bug where the seeds aren't cleared completely
    cmds.removeMultiInstance('fabricVegetation.'+attrib+'['+str(i)+']', b=True)

  return 0
コード例 #39
def clearArrayElement( targetAttr ):
    targetAttrPlug = getPlugFromString( targetAttr )
    numElements = targetAttrPlug.numElements()
    delIndies = []
    for i in range( numElements ):
        logicalIndex = targetAttrPlug[i].logicalIndex()
        if not cmds.listConnections( targetAttr+'[%d]' % logicalIndex ):
            delIndies.append( logicalIndex )
    for delIndex in delIndies:
        cmds.removeMultiInstance( '%s[%d]' %( targetAttr, delIndex ) )
コード例 #40
def _updateInputs(node, newDict, removeDict):
    if newDict or removeDict:
        fmt = node + '.i[%d]'
        for idx in removeDict:
            if idx not in newDict:
                #print('REMOVE: ' + (fmt % idx))
                cmds.removeMultiInstance(fmt % idx, b=True)
        for idx, src in newDict.items():
            #print('CONNECT: %s -> %s' % (src, fmt % idx))
            cmds.connectAttr(src, fmt % idx, f=True)
        return True
    return False
コード例 #41
def remove_node_from_bake_node(node):
    """Used to remove node from rig's bake node list, for example, remove a mesh if meshes are not to be exported

        node: Object to remove from bakeNodes list of rig node

    if cmds.objExists(node):
        cxns = cmds.listConnections("{}.message".format(node), s=False, d=True, plugs=True)
        if cxns:
            for cxn in cxns:
                if 'bakeNodes' in cxn:
                    cmds.disconnectAttr("{}.message".format(node), cxn)
コード例 #42
ファイル: dslDeltaOptions.py プロジェクト: Bumpybox/Tapp
def wipeOutWeights(blendShapeNode=None, correctiveGroup=None, correctiveItem=None, type='wipeTargetWeights'):
    iTg = '%s.inputTarget[0]' %blendShapeNode
    iTgGr = '.inputTargetGroup[%s]' %correctiveGroup
    bsW = '.baseWeights'
    tW = '.targetWeights'
    if type == 'wipeTargetWeights':
        stringList = cmds.listAttr(iTg + iTgGr + tW, m=True)
        for i in xrange(len(stringList)):
            cmds.removeMultiInstance(blendShapeNode + '.' + stringList[i])
    elif type == 'wipeBaseWeights':
        stringList = cmds.listAttr(iTg + bsW, m=True)
        for i in xrange(len(stringList)):
            #print i
            cmds.removeMultiInstance(blendShapeNode + '.' + stringList[i])
コード例 #43
def createNetwork():
	# Create 
	nodeRGBToHSV = cmds.shadingNode('rgbToHsv', asUtility=True)
	nodeRamp = cmds.shadingNode('ramp', asTexture=True)
	# Make connections between rgbToHsv and ramp
	cmds.connectAttr( nodeRGBToHSV+'.outHsvH', nodeRamp+'.uCoord', f=True)
	cmds.connectAttr( nodeRGBToHSV+'.outHsvV', nodeRamp+'.vCoord', f=True)
	# Modify ramp
	cmds.removeMultiInstance( nodeRamp+".colorEntryList[1]", b=True)
	cmds.setAttr( nodeRamp+".colorEntryList[2].color", 1, 1, 1)
	cmds.setAttr( nodeRamp+".colorEntryList[0].color", 0, 0, 0)
	cmds.setAttr( nodeRamp+".colorEntryList[2].position", 1)
	return nodeRGBToHSV, nodeRamp
コード例 #44
 def syncNameValueArrays(self, nameAttr, valueAttr, vectorValues=False):
    count0 = cmds.getAttr(nameAttr, size=1)
    count1 = cmds.getAttr(valueAttr, size=1)
    count = (count0 if count0 < count1 else count1)
    indices0 = cmds.getAttr(nameAttr, multiIndices=1)
    indices1 = cmds.getAttr(valueAttr, multiIndices=1)
    if count0 > count1:
       for i in xrange(count1, count0):
          cmds.removeMultiInstance("%s[%d]" % (nameAttr, indices0[i]), b=True)
       indices0 = indices0[0:count1]
    elif count1 > count0:
       for i in xrange(count0, count1):
          cmds.removeMultiInstance("%s[%d]" % (valueAttr, indices1[i]), b=True)
       indices1 = indices1[0:count0]
    reorder = False
    for i in xrange(count):
       if indices0[i] != i or indices1[i] != i:
          reorder = True
    if reorder:
       vl = []
       rl0 = set()
       rl1 = set()
       # Get current name/value pairs and list indices beyond count
       for i in xrange(count):
          vl.append((cmds.getAttr("%s[%d]" % (nameAttr, indices0[i])),
                     cmds.getAttr("%s[%d]" % (valueAttr, indices1[i]))))
          if indices0[i] >= count:
          if indices1[i] >= count:
       for i in xrange(count):
          k, v = vl[i]
          cmds.setAttr("%s[%d]" % (nameAttr, i), k, type="string")
          if vectorValues:
             v = v[0]
             cmds.setAttr("%s[%d]" % (valueAttr, i), *v)
             cmds.setAttr("%s[%d]" % (valueAttr, i), v)
       for i in rl0:
          cmds.removeMultiInstance("%s[%d]" % (nameAttr, i), b=True)
       for i in rl1:
          cmds.removeMultiInstance("%s[%d]" % (valueAttr, i), b=True)
    return count
コード例 #45
ファイル: mainCommand.py プロジェクト: jonntd/mayadev-1
def blendMeshAssign( target, deformObj, driverIndices=[], driverWeights=[], targetIndex=None ):
    node = fnc.getNodeFromHist( deformObj, 'blendAndFixedShape' )
    if not node:
        node = bc.blendAndFix_toSkin( deformObj )
    if not node:
        node = cmds.deformer( deformObj, type='blendAndFixedShape' )[0]
    meshObjs = cmds.listConnections( node, s=1, d=0, type='mesh' )
    if meshObjs:
        if target in meshObjs:
            targetShape = cmds.listRelatives( target, s=1 )[0]
            attrName = targetShape+'.outMesh'
            fnNode = om.MFnDependencyNode( fnc.getMObject( node ) )
            blendMeshInfoPlugs = fnNode.findPlug( 'blendMeshInfos' )
            numElements = blendMeshInfoPlugs.numElements()
            for i in range( numElements ):
                inputMeshPlug = blendMeshInfoPlugs[i].child( 0 )
                cons = om.MPlugArray()
                inputMeshPlug.connectedTo( cons, True, False )
                if cons.length():
                    if cons[0].name() == attrName:
                        targetIndex = i
                        cmds.removeMultiInstance( "%s[%d]" %( blendMeshInfoPlugs.name(), targetIndex ) )
                        print blendMeshInfoPlugs.name(), i, 'is deleted'
    if not targetIndex == None:
        assignNum = targetIndex
        fnNode = om.MFnDependencyNode( fnc.getMObject( node ) )
        blendMeshInfoPlug = fnNode.findPlug( 'blendMeshInfos' )
        assignNum = blendMeshInfoPlug.numElements()
    targetShape = cmds.listRelatives( target, s=1 )[0]
    cmds.connectAttr( targetShape+'.outMesh', node+'.blendMeshInfos[%d].inputMesh' % assignNum )
    for i in range( len( driverIndices ) ):
        index = driverIndices[i]
        weight = driverWeights[i]
        cmds.setAttr( node+'.blendMeshInfos[%d].targetWeights[%d]' %( assignNum, index ), weight )
コード例 #46
 def removeAllVariables(self, nodeAttr, varslayout):
    nameAttr = nodeAttr
    valueAttr = nodeAttr.replace("fparam_name", "fparam_value")
    if valueAttr == nameAttr:
       valueAttr = nameAttr.replace("vparam_name", "vparam_value")
    indices = cmds.getAttr(nameAttr, multiIndices=1)
    for index in indices:
       cmds.removeMultiInstance("%s[%d]" % (nameAttr, index), b=True)
    indices = cmds.getAttr(valueAttr, multiIndices=1)
    for index in indices:
       cmds.removeMultiInstance("%s[%d]" % (valueAttr, index), b=True)
    children = cmds.columnLayout(varslayout, query=1, childArray=1)
    for child in children:
コード例 #47
 def getWeightAndPast(self, index, indices ):
     weightListPlugElement = self.weightListPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( index )
     plugWeights = weightListPlugElement.child( 0 )
     indicesAndValues = []
     for i in range( plugWeights.numElements() ):
         index = plugWeights[i].logicalIndex()
         value = plugWeights[i].asFloat()
         indicesAndValues.append( [index,value] )
     for vtxIndex in indices:
         weightListPlugElement = self.weightListPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( vtxIndex )
         plugWeights = weightListPlugElement.child( 0 )
         for i in range( plugWeights.numElements() ):
             cmds.removeMultiInstance( plugWeights[0].name() )
         for index, value in indicesAndValues:
             cmds.setAttr( plugWeights.name() + '[%d]' % index, value )
コード例 #48
def setJointInfluence( skinCluster, jnt, vtxIndices ):
    cons = cmds.listConnections( jnt+'.wm', type='skinCluster', c=1, p=1, d=1, s=0 )
    if not cons: return None
    for con in cons:
        if con.find( skinCluster ) != -1:
            skinClusterAttr = con
    fnSkinCluster = om.MFnDependencyNode( getMObject( skinCluster ) )
    jntIndex = int( skinClusterAttr.split( '[' )[-1].replace( ']', '' ) )
    weightListPlug = fnSkinCluster.findPlug( 'weightList' )
    for vtxIndex in vtxIndices:
        weightListPlugElement = weightListPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( vtxIndex )
        weightPlug = weightListPlugElement.child( 0 )
        for i in range( weightPlug.numElements() ):
            cmds.removeMultiInstance( weightPlug[0].name() )
        cmds.setAttr( skinCluster+'.weightList[%d].weights[%d]' %( vtxIndex, jntIndex ), 1.0 )
コード例 #49
def setArcPositions(arcTracer, arcPositions, pastFrames, futureFrames, currentFrame):
    futureFrames = futureFrames + currentFrame
    pastFrames = currentFrame - pastFrames

    # Sort positions
    arcPositions = sorted(arcPositions, key=attrgetter('time'))

    # Set positions based on time.
    frameCount = 0
    for position in arcPositions:
        if pastFrames <= position.time <= futureFrames:
            cmd.setAttr('%s.position[%s]' % (arcTracer, frameCount), *position.allData())
            frameCount += 1

    # Cleanup extra attributes created due to variable sub-frame iterations.
    numAttrs = cmd.getAttr('%s.position' % arcTracer, size=1)
    if numAttrs - frameCount > 0:
        for x in range(frameCount, numAttrs):
            cmd.removeMultiInstance('%s.position[%s]' % (arcTracer, x))
コード例 #50
  def delete_Connections_at_targetIndex(self,root,targetIndex,IO_Index ):
      attributeList = ['recipe']
      cnList = ['input', 'output']          
      storage = mc.listConnections(root+'.'+attributeList[0])
      if storage is None:
          attributeList = ['recipe']
          storage = mc.createNode('recipe',n=''.join((root,'_',attributeList[0],'1')))
          mc.connectAttr(storage+'.nodeState' ,root+'.'+attributeList[0] ,f=True)
          storage = storage[0]  
      idxList = mc.getAttr(storage+'.'+cnList[IO_Index],mi=True)
      idx = 0
      if idxList is None:
          targetIndex = idxList[targetIndex]
          if targetIndex in idxList :
コード例 #51
    def repair(self, instance):
        """Keep only current UV set and ensure it's the default 'map1'"""
        meshes = cmds.ls(instance, type='mesh', long=True)
        for mesh in meshes:
            uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSets=True)
            currentUVSet = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, currentUVSet=True)[0]
            if len(uvSets) != 1:
                # Copy over to map1
                if currentUVSet != 'map1':
                    cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, uvSet=currentUVSet, newUVSet='map1', copy=True)
                    cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, currentUVSet=True, uvSet='map1')
                    currentUVSet = 'map1'
                # Delete all non-current UV sets
                deleteUVSets = [uvSet for uvSet in uvSets if uvSet != currentUVSet]
                uvSet = None

                # Maya Bug (present in 2015; not sure if also earlier):
                # In some cases the API's MFnMesh will report less UV sets than maya.cmds.polyUVSet.
                # This seems to happen when the deletion of UV sets has not triggered a cleanup of the UVSet array
                # attribute on the mesh node. It will still have extra entries in the attribute, though it will not
                # show up in API or UI. Nevertheless it does show up in maya.cmds.polyUVSet.
                # To ensure we clean up the array we'll force delete the extra remaining 'indices' that we don't want.

                # TODO: Implement a better fix
                # ----- The best way to fix would be to get the UVSet indices from api with MFnMesh (to ensure we keep
                # ----- correct ones) and then only force delete the other entries in the array attribute on the node.
                # ----- But for now we're deleting all entries except first one. Note that the first entry could never
                # ----- be removed (the default 'map1' always exists and is supposed to be undeletable.)
                    for uvSet in deleteUVSets:
                        cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, delete=True, uvSet=uvSet)
                except RuntimeError, e:
                    print 'uvSet: {0} - Error: {1}'.format(uvSet, e) # print the error
                    indices = cmds.getAttr('{0}.uvSet'.format(mesh), multiIndices=True)
                    indices = reversed(indices) # delete from end to avoid shifting indices :)
                    it = iter(indices)
                    next(it) # skip first
                    for i in it:
                        cmds.removeMultiInstance('{0}.uvSet[{1}]'.format(mesh, i), b=True) 
コード例 #52
def md_addSelectedAttributesToNode(channelNode):
    slObjects = cmds.ls(selection=True)
    slAttributes = cmds.channelBox("mainChannelBox", q=True, selectedMainAttributes=True)
    childNodes = cmds.listConnections((channelNode + ".output"))
    # TODO Assert and Warn if nothing selected
    for node in slObjects:
        for attr in slAttributes:
            grandChildName = midiBaseName + node + "_" + attr
            childNodeName = channelNode + "_" + node + "_" + attr
            setterName = node + "." + attr
            channelOutput = channelNode + ".output"
            childInput = childNodeName + ".inputValue"
            childOutput = childNodeName + ".outValue"
            grandchildInput = grandChildName + ".input1D"

            if childNodes is not None and childNodeName in childNodes:
                # This is already a child node of the channel
            if not cmds.objExists(grandChildName):
                cmds.createNode("plusMinusAverage", name=grandChildName, ss=True)
                cmds.addAttr(grandChildName, longName="setterName", dataType="string")
                cmds.addAttr(grandChildName, longName="nodeName", dataType="string")
                cmds.addAttr(grandChildName, longName="attrName", dataType="string")
                cmds.setAttr((grandChildName + ".setterName"), setterName, type="string")
                cmds.setAttr((grandChildName + ".nodeName"), node, type="string")
                cmds.setAttr((grandChildName + ".attrName"), attr, type="string")
            inputIndex = cmds.getAttr(grandchildInput, size=True)
            grandchildInput = grandchildInput + "[" + str(inputIndex) + "]"
            cmds.createNode("remapValue", name=childNodeName, ss=True)
            cmds.connectAttr(channelOutput, childInput)
            cmds.connectAttr(childOutput, grandchildInput)
            attrValue = cmds.getAttr(setterName)
            cmds.removeMultiInstance((childNodeName + ".value[1]"), b=True)
            cmds.setAttr((childNodeName + ".value[0].value_FloatValue"), attrValue)
            cmds.addAttr(childNodeName, longName="setterName", dataType="string")
            cmds.addAttr(childNodeName, longName="nodeName", dataType="string")
            cmds.addAttr(childNodeName, longName="attrName", dataType="string")
            cmds.setAttr((childNodeName + ".setterName"), setterName, type="string")
            cmds.setAttr((childNodeName + ".nodeName"), node, type="string")
            cmds.setAttr((childNodeName + ".attrName"), attr, type="string")
コード例 #53
ファイル: baseFunctions.py プロジェクト: jonntd/mayadev-1
def removeUnConnectedIndies( attr, keepIndies = [], childIndies =[] ):
    nodeName, attrName = attr.split( '.' )
    selList = om.MSelectionList()
    selList.add( nodeName )
    mObj = om.MObject()
    selList.getDependNode( 0, mObj )
    fnNode = om.MFnDependencyNode( mObj )
    wPlug = fnNode.findPlug( attrName )
    if not wPlug.numElements():
        return -1
    rangeList = range( wPlug.numElements() )
    for i in rangeList:
            logicalIndex = wPlug[i].logicalIndex()
        except: break
        if logicalIndex in keepIndies:
        connections = om.MPlugArray()
        if childIndies:
            for index in childIndies:
                wPlug[i].child(index).connectedTo( connections, True, False )
                if connections.length() == 0:
                    cmds.removeMultiInstance( '%s[%d]' % (attr,logicalIndex) )
            wPlug[i].connectedTo( connections, True, False )
            if connections.length() == 0:
                cmds.removeMultiInstance( '%s[%d]' % (attr,logicalIndex) )
コード例 #54
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: jonntd/mayadev-1
def clearArrayElement( targetAttr ):
    targetAttrPlug = getPlugFromString( targetAttr )
    numElements = targetAttrPlug.numElements()
    delIndies = []
    for i in range( numElements ):
        logicalIndex = targetAttrPlug[i].logicalIndex()
            childNum = targetAttrPlug[i].numChildren()
            childNum = 0
        if not childNum:
            if not cmds.listConnections( targetAttr+'[%d]' % logicalIndex ):
                delIndies.append( logicalIndex )
            childConnectExists = False
            for j in range( childNum ):
                childPlug = targetAttrPlug[i].child( j )
                if childPlug.isArray():
                    if not clearArrayElement( childPlug.name() ):
                        childConnectExists = True
                    if cmds.listConnections( childPlug.name() ):
                        childConnectExists = True
            if not childConnectExists:
                delIndies.append( logicalIndex )
    for delIndex in delIndies:
        cmds.removeMultiInstance( "%s[%d]" %( targetAttr, delIndex ) )
    if getLastIndex( targetAttr ) == -1:
        return True
        return False
コード例 #55
ファイル: sgBFunction_rivet.py プロジェクト: jonntd/mayadev-1
 def createCurve( mesh, indices ):
     cons = cmds.listConnections( mesh+'.outMesh', type='sgVerticeToCurve', d=1, s=0 )
     if not cons:
         vtsToCrv = cmds.createNode( 'sgVerticeToCurve'  )
         cmds.connectAttr( mesh+'.outMesh', vtsToCrv+'.inputMesh' )
         cmds.connectAttr( mesh+'.wm', vtsToCrv+'.inputMeshMatrix' )
         targetIndex = 0
         vtsToCrv = cons[0]
         cons = cmds.listConnections( vtsToCrv+'.outputCurve', p=1, c=1 )
         outputs = cons[::2]
         targetIndex = int( outputs[-1].split( '[' )[-1].replace( ']', '' ) ) + 1
     crv = cmds.createNode( 'nurbsCurve' )
     crvObj = cmds.listRelatives( crv, p=1, f=1 )[0]
     cmds.connectAttr( vtsToCrv+'.outputCurve[%d]' % targetIndex, crv+'.create' )
     cmds.connectAttr( crvObj+'.wim', vtsToCrv+'.input[%d].pim' % targetIndex, f=1 )
     attrs = cmds.ls( vtsToCrv+'.input[%d].verticeIds[*]' % targetIndex )
     for attr in attrs:
         cmds.removeMultiInstance( attr )
     for i in range( len( indices ) ):
         if indices[i] == 0: indices[i] = -1
         cmds.setAttr( vtsToCrv+'.input[%d].verticeIds[%d]' % (targetIndex,i), indices[i] )
コード例 #56
ファイル: checkFunctions.py プロジェクト: jonntd/mayadev-1
def setDeltaBySelected( targetMeshObj, targetIndex, deltaIndices ):
    if not deltaIndices: return None
    nodeName = bc.getBlendAndFixedShape(targetMeshObj)
    fnNode = om.MFnDependencyNode( fnc.getMObject( nodeName ) )

    blendMeshInfosPlug = fnNode.findPlug( 'blendMeshInfos' )

    elementNum = blendMeshInfosPlug.numElements()
    if targetIndex >= elementNum: return None
    deltasPlug = blendMeshInfosPlug[targetIndex].child( 1 )
    cuDeltaIndices = []
    for i in range( deltasPlug.numElements() ):
        cuDeltaIndices.append( deltasPlug[i].logicalIndex() )
    for deltaIndex in cuDeltaIndices:
        if not deltaIndex in deltaIndices:
            cmds.removeMultiInstance( blendMeshInfosPlug[targetIndex].name()+'.deltas[%d]' % deltaIndex )
コード例 #57
 def set_depth(n):        
     cmds.addAttr(n,ln="close", at="double", min=0)
     cmds.addAttr(n,ln="far", at="double", min=0)
     cmds.setAttr(n+".far", 1000,e=True,keyable=True)
     cmds.setAttr(n+".close",10, e=True,keyable=True)
     zr = cmds.shadingNode("ramp",n="zDepth_ramp", asTexture=True)
     zps = cmds.shadingNode("samplerInfo",n="zDepth_samplerInfo",asUtility=True)
     zdb = cmds.shadingNode("distanceBetween",n="zDepth_distanceBetween",asUtility=True)
     zsr = cmds.shadingNode("setRange",n="zDepth_setRange",asUtility=True)
     cmds.removeMultiInstance(zr+'.colorEntryList[1]', b=True)
     cmds.setAttr(zr+'.colorEntryList[2].color',0,0,0, type='double3')
     cmds.setAttr(zr+'.colorEntryList[0].color',1,1,1, type='double3')
     cmds.setAttr(zr+'.interpolation', 3,)
     cmds.connectAttr(zsr+".outValueX", zr+".vCoord")
     cmds.connectAttr(zdb+".distance", zsr+".valueX")
     cmds.connectAttr(n+".far", zsr+".oldMaxX")
     cmds.connectAttr(n+".close", zsr+".oldMinX")