def __init__(self, limbJoints, topFingerJoints, clavicleJoint='', scapulaJnt='', visibilityIKFKCtrl='ikfk_CTRL', doFK=True, doIK=True, useMetacarpalJoint=False, doSmartFootRool=True, prefix=None, rigScale=1.0, baseRig=None): """ :param limbJoints: list( str ), shoulder - elbow - hand - toe - end toe :param topFingerJoints: list( str ), top metacarpal toe joints :param scapulaJnt: str, optional, scapula joint, parent of top leg joint :param doFK: bool, do FK controls :param doIK: bool, do IK controls :param prefix: str, prefix to name new objects :param rigScale: float, scale factor for size of controls :param baseRig: baseRig: instance of base.module.Base class :return: dictionary with rig module objects """ # :param pvLocator: str, reference locator for position of Pole Vector control # prefix if not prefix: prefix = name.removeSuffix(limbJoints[0]) # make rig module rigmodule = module.Module(prefix=prefix, baseObj=baseRig) # make attach groups bodyAttachGrp = + 'BodyAttach_GRP', em=1, p=rigmodule.partsGrp) baseAttachGrp = + 'BaseAttach_GRP', em=1, p=rigmodule.partsGrp) self.rigmodule = rigmodule self.baseAttachGrp = baseAttachGrp self.bodyAttachGrp = bodyAttachGrp if doFK: fkLimbCtrls, fkLimbCnst, fkHandsFeetCtrls, fkHandsFeetCnst = self.makeFK( limbJoints, topFingerJoints, rigScale, rigmodule) if doIK: mainIKCtrl, ikHandle, fngCtrls, fngIKs, ballIKs, handIKOrientCnst = self.makeIK( limbJoints, topFingerJoints, rigScale, rigmodule, useMetacarpalJoint) poleVectorCtrl, poleVectorLoc = self.makePoleVector( ikHandle, mainIKCtrl.getControl(), rigScale, rigmodule) if doFK and doIK: # IK/FK switch if visibilityIKFKCtrl: IKFKCtrl =[0] self.switchIKFK(prefix, IKFKCtrl, fkLimbCtrls, fkLimbCnst, fkHandsFeetCtrls, fkHandsFeetCnst, mainIKCtrl, ikHandle, fngCtrls, fngIKs, ballIKs, poleVectorCtrl, handIKOrientCnst) # clavicle if clavicleJoint != '' and pm.objExists(clavicleJoint): clavicleCtrl = self.makeClavicle(prefix, limbJoints, clavicleJoint, rigScale, rigmodule) pm.parentConstraint(clavicleCtrl.getControl(), fkLimbCtrls[0].getTop(), mo=1) else: pm.parentConstraint(self.baseAttachGrp, fkLimbCtrls[0].getTop(), mo=1) # scapula if scapulaJnt != '' and pm.objExists(scapulaJnt): scpJnt =[0].getParent() scapulaCtrl = None if ==[0].name(): # simple scapula scapulaCtrl = self.makeSimpleScapula(prefix, limbJoints, scapulaJnt, rigScale, rigmodule) else: # dynamic scapula self.makeDynamicScapula(limbJoints, rigmodule) # constriant FK limb if scapulaCtrl: pm.parentConstraint(scapulaCtrl.getControl(), fkLimbCtrls[0].getTop(), mo=1) self.limbIK = ikHandle self.mainIKControl = mainIKCtrl
def __init__(self, chainJoints, prefix='tail', rigScale=1.0, doDynamic=False, smallestScalePercent=0.1, fkParenting=True, baseRig=None): """ :param chainJoints: list( str ), list of chain joints :param prefix: str, prefix to name new objects :param rigScale: float, scale factor for size of controls :param smallestScalePercent: float, scale of smallest control at the end of chain compared to rigScale :param doDynamic: bool, setup dynamic curve :param fkParenting: bool, parent each control to previous one to make FK chain :param baseRig: instance of base.module.Base class :return: dictionary with rig module objects """ # :param chainCurve: str, name of chain cubic curve # make rig module self.rigmodule = module.Module(prefix=prefix, baseObj=baseRig) # collision point collisionPoint = int(len(chainJoints)) # make IK handle chainIk, effector, chainCurve = pm.ikHandle( n=prefix + '_IKH', sol='ikSplineSolver', sj=chainJoints[0], ee=chainJoints[-1], # -2 createCurve=True, numSpans=collisionPoint) # rename curve pm.rename(chainCurve, prefix + '_CRV') # create ctrlCurve ctrlCurve = pm.duplicate(chainCurve, n=prefix + 'Ctrl_CRV')[0] # make chain curve clusters chainCurveCVs = + '.cv[*]', fl=1) numChainCVs = len(chainCurveCVs) chainCurveClusters = [] for i in range(numChainCVs): cls = pm.cluster(chainCurveCVs[i], n=prefix + 'Cluster%d' % (i + 1))[1] chainCurveClusters.append(cls) pm.hide(chainCurveClusters) # parent chain curve pm.parent(chainCurve, self.rigmodule.partsNoTransGrp) pm.parent(ctrlCurve, self.rigmodule.partsNoTransGrp) # make attach groups self.baseAttachGrp = + 'BaseAttach_GRP', em=1, p=self.rigmodule.partsGrp) pm.delete(pm.pointConstraint(chainJoints[0], self.baseAttachGrp)) # make controls chainControls = [] controlScaleIncrement = (1.0 - smallestScalePercent) / numChainCVs mainCtrlScaleFactor = 1.0 # 5.0 for i in range(numChainCVs): ctrlScale = rigScale * mainCtrlScaleFactor * ( 1.0 - (i * controlScaleIncrement)) ctrl = control.Control(prefix=prefix + '%d' % (i + 1), translateTo=chainCurveClusters[i], scale=ctrlScale, parent=self.rigmodule.controlsGrp, shape='sphere') chainControls.append(ctrl) # parent controls if fkParenting: for i in range(numChainCVs): if i == 0: continue pm.parent(chainControls[i].Off, chainControls[i - 1].C) # attach clusters for i in range(numChainCVs): pm.parent(chainCurveClusters[i], chainControls[i].C) # attach controls pm.parentConstraint(self.baseAttachGrp, chainControls[0].Off, mo=1) pm.hide(chainIk) pm.parent(chainIk, self.rigmodule.partsNoTransGrp) # add twist attribute twistAt = 'twist' pm.addAttr(chainControls[-1].C, ln=twistAt, k=1) pm.connectAttr(chainControls[-1].C + '.' + twistAt, chainIk + '.twist') # save class attribute self.chainCurve = chainCurve self.controlCurve = ctrlCurve if doDynamic: self.dynCurve = self.makeDynamic(prefix, baseRig, self.rigmodule, chainControls, chainCurveClusters) deform.blendShapeDeformer(self.dynCurve.getInputCurve(), [self.controlCurve], nodeName=prefix + 'BlendShape', frontOfChain=True) deform.blendShapeDeformer(self.chainCurve, [self.dynCurve.getOutputCurve()], nodeName=prefix + 'BlendShape', frontOfChain=True) else: deform.blendShapeDeformer(self.chainCurve, [self.controlCurve], nodeName=prefix + 'BlendShape', frontOfChain=True)
def __init__(self, neckJoints, headJnt, # neckCurve, prefix='neck', rigScale=1.0, baseRig=None ): """ :param neckJoints: list( str ), list of neck joints :param headJnt: str, head joint at the end of neck joint chain :param prefix: str, prefix to name new objects :param rigScale: float, scale factor for size of controls :param baseRig: instance of base.module.Base class :return: dictionary with rig module objects """ # :param neckCurve: str, name of neck cubic curve with 5 CVs matching neck joints # make rig module self.rigmodule = module.Module(prefix=prefix, baseObj=baseRig) # make IK handle neckIk, effector, neckCurve = pm.ikHandle(n=prefix + '_IKH', sol='ikSplineSolver', sj=neckJoints[0], ee=neckJoints[-1], createCurve=True, numSpans=2) # rename curve pm.rename(neckCurve, prefix + '_CRV') # make neck curve clusters neckCurveCVs = + '.cv[*]', fl=1) numNeckCVs = len(neckCurveCVs) neckCurveClusters = [] for i in range(numNeckCVs): cls = pm.cluster(neckCurveCVs[i], n=prefix + 'Cluster%d' % (i + 1))[1] neckCurveClusters.append(cls) pm.hide(neckCurveClusters) # parent neck curve pm.parent(neckCurve, self.rigmodule.partsNoTransGrp) # make attach groups self.bodyAttachGrp = + 'BodyAttach_GRP', em=1, p=self.rigmodule.partsGrp) self.baseAttachGrp = + 'BaseAttach_GRP', em=1, p=self.rigmodule.partsGrp) pm.delete(pm.pointConstraint(neckJoints[0], self.baseAttachGrp)) # make controls headMainCtrl = control.Control(prefix=prefix + 'HeadMain', translateTo=neckJoints[-1], rotateTo=headJnt, scale=rigScale * 5, parent=self.rigmodule.controlsGrp, shape='head') headLocalCtrl = control.Control(prefix=prefix + 'HeadLocal', translateTo=headJnt, rotateTo=headJnt, scale=rigScale * 4, parent=headMainCtrl.C, shape='circleX', lockChannels=['t']) middleCtrl = control.Control(prefix=prefix + 'Middle', translateTo=neckCurveClusters[2], rotateTo=neckJoints[2], scale=rigScale * 4, parent=self.rigmodule.controlsGrp, shape='circleX', lockChannels=['r']) # attach controls pm.parentConstraint(headMainCtrl.C, self.baseAttachGrp, middleCtrl.Off, sr=['x', 'y', 'z'], mo=1) pm.orientConstraint(self.baseAttachGrp, middleCtrl.Off, mo=1) pm.parentConstraint(self.bodyAttachGrp, headMainCtrl.Off, mo=1) # attach clusters pm.parent(neckCurveClusters[3:], headMainCtrl.C) pm.parent(neckCurveClusters[2], middleCtrl.C) pm.parent(neckCurveClusters[:2], self.baseAttachGrp) # attach joints pm.orientConstraint(headLocalCtrl.C, headJnt, mo=1) pm.hide(neckIk) pm.parent(neckIk, self.rigmodule.partsNoTransGrp) # setup IK twist pm.setAttr(neckIk + '.dTwistControlEnable', 1) pm.setAttr(neckIk + '.dWorldUpType', 4) pm.connectAttr(headMainCtrl.C + '.worldMatrix[0]', neckIk + '.dWorldUpMatrixEnd') pm.connectAttr(self.baseAttachGrp + '.worldMatrix[0]', neckIk + '.dWorldUpMatrix')
def __init__(self, spineJoints, rootJnt, prefix='spine', rigScale=1.0, baseRig=None, bodyLocator='', chestLocator='', pelvisLocator=''): """ :param spineJoints: list( str ), list of 6 spine joints :param rootJnt: str, root joint :param prefix: str, prefix to name new objects :param rigScale: float, scale factor for size of controls :param baseRig: instance of base.module.Base class :param bodyLocator: str, reference transform for position of body control :param chestLocator: str, reference transform for position of chest control :param pelvisLocator: str, reference transform for position of pelvis control :return: dictionary with rig module objects """ # :param spineCurve: str, name of spine cubic curve with 5 CVs matching first 5 spine joints # make rig module self.rigmodule = module.Module(prefix=prefix, baseObj=baseRig) # control locator reference position if bodyLocator == '' or chestLocator == '' or pelvisLocator == '': pass bodyLocator, chestLocator, pelvisLocator = self.makeControlLocatorReferencePosition( spineJoints) # make IK handle spineIk, effector, spineCurve = pm.ikHandle( n=prefix + '_IKH', sol='ikSplineSolver', sj=spineJoints[0], ee=spineJoints[-1], # -2 createCurve=True, numSpans=2) # rename curve pm.rename(spineCurve, prefix + '_CRV') # make spine curve clusters spineCurveCVs = + '.cv[*]', fl=1) numSpineCVs = len(spineCurveCVs) spineCurveClusters = [] for i in range(numSpineCVs): cls = pm.cluster(spineCurveCVs[i], n=prefix + 'Cluster%d' % (i + 1))[1] spineCurveClusters.append(cls) pm.hide(spineCurveClusters) # parent spine curve pm.parent(spineCurve, self.rigmodule.partsNoTransGrp) # make controls self.bodyCtrl = control.Control(prefix=prefix + 'Body', translateTo=bodyLocator, rotateTo=spineJoints[-1], scale=rigScale * 4, parent=self.rigmodule.controlsGrp, shape='spine') chestCtrl = control.Control(prefix=prefix + 'Chest', translateTo=chestLocator, rotateTo=spineJoints[-1], scale=rigScale * 6, parent=self.bodyCtrl.C, shape='chest') pelvisCtrl = control.Control(prefix=prefix + 'Pelvis', translateTo=pelvisLocator, rotateTo=pelvisLocator, scale=rigScale * 6, parent=self.bodyCtrl.C, shape='hip') middleCtrl = control.Control(prefix=prefix + 'Middle', translateTo=spineCurveClusters[2], scale=rigScale * 3, parent=self.bodyCtrl.C, shape='sphere', lockChannels=['r']) # attach controls pm.parentConstraint(chestCtrl.C, pelvisCtrl.C, middleCtrl.Off, sr=['x', 'y', 'z'], mo=1) # attach clusters pm.parent(spineCurveClusters[3:], chestCtrl.C) pm.parent(spineCurveClusters[2], middleCtrl.C) pm.parent(spineCurveClusters[:2], pelvisCtrl.C) # attach chest joint pm.orientConstraint(chestCtrl.C, spineJoints[-1], mo=1) # -2 pm.hide(spineIk) pm.parent(spineIk, self.rigmodule.partsNoTransGrp) # setup IK twist pm.setAttr(spineIk + '.dTwistControlEnable', 1) pm.setAttr(spineIk + '.dWorldUpType', 4) pm.connectAttr(chestCtrl.C + '.worldMatrix[0]', spineIk + '.dWorldUpMatrixEnd') pm.connectAttr(pelvisCtrl.C + '.worldMatrix[0]', spineIk + '.dWorldUpMatrix') # attach root joint pm.parentConstraint(pelvisCtrl.C, rootJnt, mo=1) # clean locators pm.delete(bodyLocator, chestLocator, pelvisLocator)
def __init__(self, clavicleJoint, shoulderJoint, forearmJoint, wristJoint, scapulaJnt='', visibilityIKFKCtrl='ikfk_CTRL', doFK=True, doIK=True, prefix=None, rigScale=1.0, baseRig=None): """ :param clavicleJoint: pynode :param shoulderJoint: pynode :param forearmJoint: pynode :param scapulaJnt: pynode :param wristJoint: pynode :param doFK: bool, do FK controls :param doIK: bool, do IK controls :param prefix: str, prefix to name new objects :param rigScale: float, scale factor for size of controls :param baseRig: baseRig: instance of base.module.Base class :return: dictionary with rig module objects """ # :param pvLocator: str, reference locator for position of Pole Vector control # prefix if not prefix: prefix = name.removeSuffix(, shoulderJoint, forearmJoint, wristJoint, scapulaJnt)) # make rig module rigmodule = module.Module(prefix=prefix, baseObj=baseRig) # make attach groups bodyAttachGrp = + 'BodyAttach_GRP', em=1, p=rigmodule.partsGrp) baseAttachGrp = + 'BaseAttach_GRP', em=1, p=rigmodule.partsGrp) self.rigmodule = rigmodule self.baseAttachGrp = baseAttachGrp self.bodyAttachGrp = bodyAttachGrp def makeFK(self, limbJoints, topFingerJoints, rigScale, rigmodule): """ Do FK Arm/Leg, Metacarpal and Finger/Toe ctrl :param limbJoints: list(str), Arm/leg joints :param topFingerJoints: list(str), Metacarpal joints :param rigScale: float :param rigmodule: dict :return: """ limbCtrlInstanceList = [] handFeetCtrlInstanceList = [] limbCtrlConstraintList = [] handFeetCtrlConstraintList = [] # Arm/Leg for jnt in limbJoints: prefix = name.removeSuffix(jnt) parent = rigmodule.controlsGrp if len(limbCtrlInstanceList) > 0: parent = limbCtrlInstanceList[-1].C ctrl = control.Control(prefix=prefix, translateTo=jnt, rotateTo=jnt, parent=parent, shape='circleX') orientCnst = pm.orientConstraint(ctrl.getControl(), jnt, mo=True) limbCtrlConstraintList.append(orientCnst) limbCtrlInstanceList.append(ctrl)
def __init__(self, cvList, skinGeo, prefix='face', headJnt='head_JNT', pointsNumber=5, scale=0.1, baseRig=None ): """ Build Facial Setup :param cvList: list of facial curves :param prefix: str, prefix to name new objects :param rigScale: float, scale factor for size of controls :param baseRig: instance of base.module.Base class """ cvList = skinGeo =[0] headJnt =[0] # make rig module self.rigmodule = module.Module(prefix=prefix, baseObj=baseRig) # attributes self.spacing = 1.0 / (pointsNumber - 1) # setup deformation # geo setup faceGeo = pm.duplicate(skinGeo, n=prefix + '_GEO')[0] pm.parent(faceGeo, self.rigmodule.partsNoTransGrp) deform.blendShapeDeformer(skinGeo, [faceGeo], 'face_BS', frontOfChain=True) # joints setup headFaceJnt = pm.duplicate(headJnt, renameChildren=True)[0] jointsDuplicates = pm.listRelatives(headFaceJnt, c=True, ad=True) jointsDuplicates.append(headFaceJnt) for jnt in jointsDuplicates: pm.rename(jnt, str('_JNT1', 'Face_JNT')) pm.parent(jointsDuplicates[-1], self.rigmodule.jointsGrp) pm.skinCluster(faceGeo, headFaceJnt) faceGeoSkincluster = skin.findRelatedSkinCluster(faceGeo) pm.skinCluster(faceGeo, edit=True, ai=cvList, ug=True) faceGeoSkincluster.useComponents.set(1) pm.parent('*_CRVBase'), self.rigmodule.partsNoTransGrp) fullLocList = [] fullClusterList = [] for cv in pm.rebuildCurve(cv, ch=0, rpo=1, rt=0, end=1, kr=0, kcp=0, kep=1, kt=0, s=4, d=1, tol=0.01) pm.rebuildCurve(cv, ch=0, rpo=1, rt=0, end=1, kr=0, kcp=1, kep=1, kt=0, s=4, d=3, tol=0.01) pm.parent(cv, self.rigmodule.partsNoTransGrp) locList = self.setupCurve(cv, pointsNumber) fullLocList.extend(locList) # cluster chainCurveCVs = + '.cv[*]', fl=1) numChainCVs = len(chainCurveCVs) curveClusters = [] for i in range(numChainCVs): cls = pm.cluster(chainCurveCVs[i], n=str( + 'Cluster%d' % (i + 1))[1] curveClusters.append(cls) fullClusterList.extend(curveClusters) clusterGrp =, n='faceCluster_GRP', p=self.rigmodule.partsNoTransGrp) follicleList = [] for loc, cls in zip(fullLocList, fullClusterList): ctrl = control.Control(str('_LOC', ''), translateTo=loc, shape='sphere', parent=self.rigmodule.controlsGrp, doModify=True, scale=scale) follicle = followCtrl.makeControlFollowSkin(skinGeo, ctrl.getControl(), cls)[-1] follicleList.extend([follicle]) follicleGrp =, n='faceFollicle_GRP', p=self.rigmodule.partsNoTransGrp)