コード例 #1
ファイル: test_particles.py プロジェクト: T00N3/T00N3Kit
def dump_proj():
    camera    = 'Camera_Centrifugeuse_Agi'
    particles = 'Agisoft_Ptc_1'
    out_path  = 'C:/work/tracks.txt'
    step      = 1
    export.particlesToTracks(camera, particles, out_path, step=step)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_milien.py プロジェクト: T00N3/T00N3Kit
def exportAgiScene():
    quiet       = True
    initSel     = cmds.ls(sl=1, l=1)
    showProgWin = 1
    div         = 100
    warn        = 'Select Agi Camera Then Agi Sparse Cloud'
    if len(initSel)==2:
        cShape = cmds.listRelatives(initSel[0], f=1, typ='shape')
        pShape = cmds.listRelatives(initSel[1], f=1, typ='shape')
        if cmds.nodeType(cShape)=='camera' and cmds.nodeType(pShape)=='particle':
            cws = cmds.workspace(q=1 ,fn=1)
            wFile = cmds.fileDialog2(cap='Export Agi Scene Description', dir=cws, fm=0, ff='Text Files (*.txt)') if not quiet else ['C:/work/datas/scenes/tde/exports/tdc.txt']
            if wFile:
                pCount = cmds.getAttr(pShape[0] + '.count')
                if not quiet:
                    resp = cmds.promptDialog(title='Particles step',
                                             message='Enter step size over %d particles :' % pCount,
                                             button=['OK', 'Cancel'],

                    if resp == 'OK':
                        div = int(cmds.promptDialog(query=True, text=True))

                allPanels = cmds.getPanel(type = 'modelPanel')
                minF = int(cmds.playbackOptions(q=1,min=1))
                maxF = int(cmds.playbackOptions(q=1,max=1))
                frameLength = maxF-minF+1
                current = cmds.currentTime(q=1)
                frame = minF
                for allPanel in allPanels:
                    cmds.modelEditor(allPanel, e=1, alo=0)
                # force render settings resolution
                resolution = cmds.listConnections("defaultRenderGlobals.resolution")[0]
                cmds.setAttr(resolution + ".width")
                cmds.setAttr(resolution + ".height")

                if showProgWin == 1:
                    inc = 1
                    max = 100
                    progWin = cmds.window(t='Export Lens', w=350, h=20, s=0)
                    #progBar1 = cmds.progressBar(max=max, w=350, h=20)
                    progBar1 = cmds.progressBar(max=int(pCount / div), w=350, h=20)
                    progBar2 = cmds.progressBar(max=maxF - minF + 1, w=350, h=20)
                    cmds.progressBar(progBar1, e=1, s=1)
                    cmds.progressBar(progBar2, e=1, s=1)
                wFile = wFile[0]
                path = wFile.split('.txt')[0]
                #path = 'C:/test'
                lensFile = (path + '_Lens.txt')
                trackFile = (path + '_Tracks.txt')
                surveyFile = (path + '_Surveys.txt')
                #fLens = open(lensFile, 'w')
                #fSurveys = open(surveyFile, 'w')
                with open(lensFile, 'w') as fLens:
                    # LENS FILE
                    hfa = cmds.getAttr(cShape[0] + '.hfa')
                    vfa = cmds.getAttr(cShape[0] + '.vfa')
                    fl = cmds.getAttr(cShape[0] + '.fl')
                    fa = str(hfa/vfa)
                    hfacm = str(hfa*2.54)
                    vfacm = str(vfa*2.54)
                    flmm = str(fl/10)
                    fLens.write('Agisoft_lens\r\n' + hfacm + ' ' + vfacm + ' ' + flmm + ' ' + fa + ' 0 0 1\r\n')
                    fLens.write('DISTORTION_STATIC\r\n3DE Classic LD Model\r\nDistortion\r\n0\r\n0\r\nAnamorphic Squeeze\r\n1\r\n1\r\n0.1 1 -1 0 1 0 LINEAR\r\n')
                    fLens.write('Curvature X\r\n0\r\n0\r\nCurvature Y\r\n0\r\n0\r\nQuartic Distortion\r\n0\r\n0\r\n<end_of_file>\r\n')
                    fLens.write('<begin_2dlut_samples>\r\nDistortion\r\n0\r\nAnamorphic Squeeze\r\n1\r\nCurvature X\r\n0\r\nCurvature Y\r\n0\r\nQuartic Distortion\r\n0\r\n<end_2dlut_samples>')
                # SURVEY FILE
                if showProgWin == 1:
                    cmds.window(progWin, e=1, t='Export Survey File')
                prefix    = 'agisoft_'
                with open(surveyFile, 'w') as fSurveys:
                    partDag   = projcam.getDagPath(initSel[1])
                    positions = projcam.getParticlesPosition(partDag)
                    inc = 0
                    wid = 1
                    for pid in xrange(0, positions.length(), div):
                        pos  = positions[pid]
                        name = '%s%d' % (prefix, wid)
                        fSurveys.write('%s %.10f %.10f %.10f%s' % (name, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, os.linesep))
                        cmds.progressBar(progBar1, e=1, s=1)
                        wid += 1
                # TRACK FILE
                if showProgWin == 1:
                    cmds.window(progWin, e=1, t='Export Tracks File')
                export.particlesToTracks(initSel[0], initSel[1], trackFile, prefix=prefix, step=div, start=minF, end=maxF, pBar=(progBar2 if showProgWin == 1 else None))
                if showProgWin == 1:
                    cmds.progressBar(progBar1, ep=1)
                    cmds.progressBar(progBar2, ep=1)
                    cmds.deleteUI(progWin, wnd=1)
                for allPanel in allPanels:
                    cmds.modelEditor(allPanel, e=1, alo=1)