コード例 #1
    def restore(self, state_info):
        self.current_task = 0
        self.episode_steps = 0

        self.width = state_info['width']
        self.height = state_info['height']
        self._map = [[[] for x in range(self.height)]
                     for y in range(self.width)]
        self._approx_reward_map = [[
            -self.turn_penalty for x in range(self.height)
        ] for y in range(self.width)]

        for loc in state_info['block_locs']:
        for loc in state_info['water_locs']:

        init_state, tasks = state_info['config']
        self.agent = self.agent_cls(location=init_state['loc_a'])
        self._add_agent(self.agent, "TaxiAgent")
        self.target = maze_items.Goal(location=init_state['loc_t'])
        self.passenger = Passenger(location=init_state['loc_p'])
        if init_state['is_picked_up']:
        self.current_config = state_info['config']
コード例 #2
    def _reset(self):
        intersection, holes = add_4_walls(self)

        # No doors for now 
        # self.door = mi.Door(location=hole,
        #                     state=choice(range(1, self.switch_states)))
        # self._add_item(self.door)

        # ad blocks on the holes temporarily
        blocked_holes = []
        for i in range(len(holes)):
            blocked_holes.append(mi.Block(location= holes[i]))

        # Add additional blocks and waters 
        # only blocks and water have reset methods, and that sprinkles blocs and waters around
        super(TrapKey, self)._reset()

        # empty the wall opening if they have been blocked
        for i in range(len(holes)):

        # Add the goal
        loc = choice(creationutils.empty_locations(
            self, bad_blocks=[mi.Block, mi.Trap, mi.Water])) # bad blocks where the goal can't be placed
        self.goal = mi.Goal(location=loc)

        # # no switches for now
        # side = choice([-1, 1])
        # # for adding switch to the opposite side of the goal
        # def mask_func(x, y):
        #     return side * ((x, y)[1 - dim] - hole[1 - dim]) > 0

        # loc = choice(creationutils.empty_locations(
        #     self, bad_blocks=[mi.Block, mi.Door, mi.Goal], mask=mask_func))
        # self.sw = mi.Switch(location=loc, nstates=self.switch_states)
        # self._add_item(self.sw)

        # add agent 
        loc = choice(creationutils.empty_locations(
            self, bad_blocks=[mi.Block, mi.Trap]))
        self.agent = TriggerAgent(location=loc)
        self._add_agent(self.agent, "TrapKeyAgent")

        # check if goal can be visited or not 
        visited, _ = creationutils.dijkstra(self, loc,
        if self.goal.location not in visited :
            raise MazeException("No path to goal")
コード例 #3
def add_4_walls(game, margin = 1 ):
    creates a vertical and horizontal wall openings in each wall 
    for dividing the game into 4 walls
    size = (game.width, game.height)
    x_line = randint(margin, (size[0] - 1) - margin )
    y_line = randint(margin, (size[1] - 1) - margin )

    #intersecting point will be
    # x_line, y _line 

    # get the four opening here
    wall_openings = [   (randint(0, x_line - 1), y_line), 
                        (randint(x_line + 1, size[0] - 1), y_line),
                        (x_line, randint(0, y_line - 1)),
                        (x_line, randint(y_line + 1, size[1] - 1)),

    # fill the horizontal wall
    for i in range(size[0]):
        if (i, y_line) not in wall_openings:
            loc = [i, y_line]
    # fill the vertical wall
    for i in range(size[1]):
        if (x_line, i) not in wall_openings:
            loc = [x_line, i]

    # return the intersection point
    # dunno why ?
    loc = [x_line, y_line]
    return loc, wall_openings
コード例 #4
def add_vertical_wall(game):
    size = (game.width, game.height)
    dim = choice([0, 1])
    line = randint(1, size[1 - dim] - 2)
    opening = randint(0, size[dim] - 1)
    for i in range(size[dim]):
        if i != opening:
            loc = [line, line]
            loc[dim] = i

    loc = [line, line]
    loc[dim] = opening

    return loc, dim