コード例 #1
def summarize_rec_data(data):
    """Return summary stats of recorded data."""

    # Warning: not all collectible data has a summary stats implemented below!
    # See get_rec_stats() above!

    stats = {}

    if 'hc_ro' in data:
        # Entropy across HC units average over samples.
        hc_ro_arr = np.array(list(data['hc_ro'].values()))
        stats['H HC ro'] = utils.entropy(hc_ro_arr.T).mean()

    if 'vs_state' in data:
        # Sum of vS reward estimates change (from first to last sample).
        vs_state = data['vs_state']
        stats['d vS'] = sum(vs_state[max(vs_state.keys())] - vs_state[0])

    if 'co_occs' in data:
        # Mean entropy of real location and HC state co-occurance frequencies.
        co_occs = data['co_occs'][max(data['co_occs'].keys())]
        stats['H HC co'] = np.nanmean(get_hc_co_occ_entropy(co_occs))
        stats['H loc co'] = np.nanmean(get_loc_co_occ_entropy(co_occs))

    return stats
コード例 #2
def record_learning(village, s, GS, HC, hc_ro, dVC_HC, dGS_HC, co_occs, norm):
    """Collect data from a single step of connectivity learning."""

    # Animal's real and estimated position and location + uncertainty.
    x, y = village.animal_coords()
    gs_x, gs_y = analysis.GS_pos_mean(GS.P, GS.xvec, GS.yvec, GS.circular)
    gs_h = utils.entropy(GS.P.flatten())
    hc_ml = HC.s_names[hc_ro.argmax()]
    hc_h = utils.entropy(hc_ro)

    # Entropy between real state and HC state during last n steps.
    s_real_h = get_loc_co_occ_entropy(co_occs)
    s_hc_h = get_hc_co_occ_entropy(co_occs)

    # Connectivity stats.
    vc_hc_snr = np.mean(np.abs(HC.VC_HC), 1) / np.std(np.abs(HC.VC_HC), 1)
    gs_hc_pos = analysis.GS_HC_conn_mean(HC.GS_HC, GS.xvec, GS.yvec,
    # Entropy calculation below takes a lot of time --> approximated by max.
    # gs_hc_h = utils.entropy(HC.GS_HC.reshape((len(HC.s_names), -1)).T)
    gs_hc_max = HC.GS_HC.max(axis=(1, 2))

    # Connectivity change.
    dVC_HC_max = analysis.VC_HC_norm(dVC_HC, norm).max()
    dGS_HC_max = analysis.GS_HC_norm(dGS_HC, norm).max()

    # Compensate for the magnitude difference between VC and GS input (GS is a
    # PD, VC is not).
    dVC_HC_max /= dVC_HC.shape[1]

    res = {'s': s, 'x': x, 'y': y,
           'gs_x': gs_x, 'gs_y': gs_y, 'gs_h': gs_h,
           'hc_ro': hc_ro, 'hc_ml': hc_ml, 'hc_h': hc_h,
           's_real_h': s_real_h, 's_hc_h': s_hc_h,
           'vc_hc_snr': vc_hc_snr,
           'gs_hc_pos': gs_hc_pos, 'gs_hc_max': gs_hc_max,
           'dVC_HC_max': dVC_HC_max, 'dGS_HC_max': dGS_HC_max}

    return res
コード例 #3
def format_GS_HC_rec(res, s_hc, GS_HC):
    """Format recordings of GS - HC connectivity."""

    # GS - HC x-y mean position per HC unit.
    gs_hc_pos = pd.concat({i: pd.DataFrame(kv, index=['x', 'y'], columns=s_hc)
                           for i, kv in res['gs_hc_pos'].items()}).unstack()

    # GS - HC entropy per HC unit.
    gs_hc_h = pd.Series([utils.entropy(gs_hc.flatten()) for gs_hc in GS_HC],

    # GS - HC maximum value per HC unit.
    gs_hc_max = pd.Series([gs_hc.max() for gs_hc in GS_HC], index=s_hc)

    return gs_hc_pos, gs_hc_h, gs_hc_max
コード例 #4
def GS_pos_estimate(gs_state, gs_circular):
    Return GS position estimate and inverse precision (entropy) over
    simulation time.

    # Init params and grouping.
    g = gs_state.groupby(level=0)
    xvec = np.array(gs_state.columns)
    yvec = np.sort(np.array(gs_state.index.get_level_values('y').unique()))

    # Weighted mean position estimate.
    mpos = g.apply(lambda x: GS_pos_mean(x, xvec, yvec, gs_circular))
    mpos = pd.concat(
        {i: pd.Series(mp, index=['x', 'y'])
         for i, mp in mpos.items()}).unstack()

    # Inverse precision (entropy) of location estimate.
    H = g.apply(lambda x: utils.entropy(x.stack()))

    return mpos, H
コード例 #5
def curious_exploration(GS, HC, village, u_list, mot_sig):
    """Return action determined by curiousity-drivent exploration."""

    # TODO: remove dependence on village and make this part of an internal
    # PFC - MC - GS - HC loop.

    gs_p = GS.P.copy()  # save current GS activity

    # Go through each action, roll GS, infer HC, check uncertainty (entropy).
    s_uncertain = {}
    for u in u_list:
        umot, emot, vmot = village.motor_feedback(u, mot_sig)
        s_uncertain[u] = utils.entropy(HC.s['GS'])
        GS.P = gs_p  # restore original GS activity

    # Select action leading to maximally uncertain state.
    u_max_uncert = max(s_uncertain, key=s_uncertain.get)

    return u_max_uncert