コード例 #1
def _main():
    api = DeviceDirectoryAPI()

    # Pretty print all the registered queries
    for idx, e in enumerate(api.list_queries(limit=5)):

    # Create a new query
    new_query = api.add_query("test_filter",
                              {'device_id': {
                                  '$eq': str(uuid.uuid4())
    print("\nCreated new query: %r" % (new_query.name))

    # Delete same query
    print("Deleted newly created query")

    # Create more complex query
    print("Creating complex query")
    new_c_query = api.add_query(
        "complex_test_query %s" % _id_generator(), {
            'device_id': {
                '$eq': str(uuid.uuid4())
            'auto_update': {
                '$eq': True
            'state': {
                '$eq': 'bootstrapped'
            'device_class': {
                '$eq': 'embedded'
            'serial_number': {
                '$eq': '1234'
            'vendor_id': {
                '$eq': 'Arm'
            'description': {
                '$eq': 'Loreum ipsum'
            'device_name': {
                '$eq': 'DeviceName'
            'custom_attributes': {
                'customA': {
                    '$eq': 'SomethingA'
                'customB': {
                    '$eq': 'Something B'

    # Manually get it
    gf = api.get_query(new_c_query.id)
    print("Got query %r using 'get'" % gf.name)
    # Update the query
    new_filter_dict = gf.filter
    new_filter_dict['serial_number']['$eq'] = '12345'
    updated_gf = api.update_query(query_id=gf.id,
    # Check it was successful
    assert updated_gf.filter['serial_number']['$eq'] == '12345'
    print("Updated query with new serial number")

    # Find device using query object
    print("Find devices that are matching the created query")
    devicesResponse = api.list_devices(filters=updated_gf.filter)
    # Print all devices that are matching provided query

    # And delete that too
    print("Deleted complex query")
コード例 #2
def _main():
    update_api = UpdateAPI()

    # Read manifest from first argument on command line
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        raise ValueError("No manifest filename found on command line")
    filename = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])

    # Upload manifest
    mobj = update_api.add_firmware_manifest(
        name="Auto manifest %s" % _rand_id(),
        description="Manifest uploaded using Mbed Cloud SDK")
    print("Successfully uploaded manifest %r\n\tURL: %s\nProperties:" %
          (mobj.name, mobj.url))

    # List all manifests currently uploaded
    mresp = update_api.list_firmware_manifests(limit=10)

    # List all filters
    device_api = DeviceDirectoryAPI()
    fresp = device_api.list_queries()
    header = "Current filters:"
    print("\n%s\n%s" % (header, "-" * len(header)))
    if fresp.count() == 0:
        print("No filters created. Please create one to apply the update on.")
    filters = [f for idx, f in enumerate(fresp)]
    print("\n".join(["\t- %s" % (f.name) for f in filters]))
    selected_query = random.choice(filters)
    print("Randomly chose %r for applying update" % (selected_query.name))

    # Create update campaign. For this step we need three pieces of information:
    # 1. The name of the update campaign (we auto-generate this)
    # 2. What manifest to use for running the update
    # 3. What devices we should apply the updat on (i.e. the filter to use)
    campaign_name = _rand_id()
        "\nCreating campaign %r using:\n\t- Manifest ID: %r\n\t- Filter ID: %r"
        % (campaign_name, mobj.id, selected_query.id))
    cobj = update_api.add_campaign(name=campaign_name,
    print("Campaign successfully created. Current state: %r" % (cobj.state))

    # List the current campaigns
    header = "Update campaigns"
    print("\n%s\n%s" % (header, "-" * len(header)))
    for idx, c in enumerate(update_api.list_campaigns()):
        print("\t- %s (State: %r)" % (c.name, c.state))

    # Start the update campaign we've created.
    print("\n** Starting the update campign **")
    # By default a new campaign is created with the 'draft' status. We can manually start it.
    new_cobj = update_api.start_campaign(cobj)
        "Campaign successfully started. Current state: %r. Checking updates.."
        % (new_cobj.state))
    countdown = 10
    while countdown > 0:
        c = update_api.get_campaign(new_cobj.id)
        print("[%d/10] Current state: %r (Finished: %s)" %
              (countdown, c.state, c.finished_at))
        countdown -= 1

    # Cleanup.
    print("\n** Deleting update campaign and manifest **")