コード例 #1
ファイル: conn_proxy.py プロジェクト: studavekar/htrun
    def append(self, payload):
        """! Append stream buffer with payload and process. Returns non-KV strings"""
        logger = HtrunLogger('CONN')
            self.buff += payload.decode('utf-8')
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            logger.prn_wrn("UnicodeDecodeError encountered!")
            self.buff += payload.decode('utf-8','ignore')
        lines = self.buff.split('\n')
        self.buff = lines[-1]   # remaining
        # List of line or strings that did not match K,V pair.
        discarded = []

        for line in lines:
            m = self.re_kv.search(line)
            if m:
                (key, value) = m.groups()
                self.kvl.append((key, value, time()))
                line = line.strip()
                match = m.group(0)
                pos = line.find(match)
                before = line[:pos]
                after = line[pos + len(match):]
                if len(before) > 0:
                if len(after) > 0:
                    # not a K,V pair part
                # not a K,V pair
        return discarded
コード例 #2
class Mbed:
    """! Base class for a host driven test
    @details This class stores information about things like disk, port, serial speed etc.
             Class is also responsible for manipulation of serial port between host and mbed device
    def __init__(self, options):
        """ ctor
        # For compatibility with old mbed. We can use command line options for Mbed object
        # or we can pass options directly from .
        self.options = options
        self.logger = HtrunLogger('MBED')
        # Options related to copy / reset mbed device
        self.port = self.options.port
        self.disk = self.options.disk
        self.target_id = self.options.target_id
        self.image_path = self.options.image_path.strip(
            '"') if self.options.image_path is not None else ''
        self.copy_method = self.options.copy_method
        self.retry_copy = self.options.retry_copy
        self.program_cycle_s = float(
            self.options.program_cycle_s if self.options.
            program_cycle_s is not None else 2.0)
        self.polling_timeout = self.options.polling_timeout

        # Serial port settings
        self.serial_baud = DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE
        self.serial_timeout = 1

        # Users can use command to pass port speeds together with port name. E.g. COM4:115200:1
        # Format if PORT:SPEED:TIMEOUT
        port_config = self.port.split(':') if self.port else ''
        if len(port_config) == 2:
            # -p COM4:115200
            self.port = port_config[0]
            self.serial_baud = int(port_config[1])
        elif len(port_config) == 3:
            # -p COM4:115200:0.5
            self.port = port_config[0]
            self.serial_baud = int(port_config[1])
            self.serial_timeout = float(port_config[2])

        # Overriding baud rate value with command line specified value
        self.serial_baud = self.options.baud_rate if self.options.baud_rate else self.serial_baud

        # Test configuration in JSON format
        self.test_cfg = None
        if self.options.json_test_configuration is not None:
            # We need to normalize path before we open file
            json_test_configuration_path = self.options.json_test_configuration.strip(
                self.logger.prn_inf("Loading test configuration from '%s'..." %
                with open(json_test_configuration_path) as data_file:
                    self.test_cfg = json.load(data_file)
            except IOError as e:
                    "Test configuration JSON file '{0}' I/O error({1}): {2}".
                    format(json_test_configuration_path, e.errno, e.strerror))
                    "Test configuration JSON Unexpected error:", str(e))

    def copy_image(self,
        """! Closure for copy_image_raw() method.
        @return Returns result from copy plugin
        def get_remount_count(disk_path, tries=2):
            """! Get the remount count from 'DETAILS.TXT' file
            @return Returns count, None if not-available
            for cur_try in range(1, tries + 1):
                    files_on_disk = [x.upper() for x in os.listdir(disk_path)]
                    if 'DETAILS.TXT' in files_on_disk:
                        with open(os.path.join(disk_path, 'DETAILS.TXT'),
                                  'r') as details_txt:
                            for line in details_txt.readlines():
                                if 'Remount count:' in line:
                                    return int(
                                        line.replace('Remount count: ', ''))
                            # Remount count not found in file
                            return None
                    # 'DETAILS.TXT file not found
                        return None

                except OSError as e:
                        "Failed to get remount count due to OSError.", str(e))
                    self.logger.prn_inf("Retrying in 1 second (try %s of %s)" %
                                        (cur_try, tries))
            # Failed to get remount count
            return None

        def check_flash_error(target_id, disk, initial_remount_count):
            """! Check for flash errors
            @return Returns false if FAIL.TXT present, else true
            if not target_id:
                    "Target ID not found: Skipping flash check and retry")
                return True

            bad_files = set(['FAIL.TXT'])
            # Re-try at max 5 times with 0.5 sec in delay
            for i in range(5):
                # mbed_lstools.create() should be done inside the loop. Otherwise it will loop on same data.
                mbeds = mbed_lstools.create()
                mbed_list = mbeds.list_mbeds()  #list of mbeds present
                # get first item in list with a matching target_id, if present
                mbed_target = next(
                    (x for x in mbed_list if x['target_id'] == target_id),

                if mbed_target is not None:
                    if 'mount_point' in mbed_target and mbed_target[
                            'mount_point'] is not None:
                        if not initial_remount_count is None:
                            new_remount_count = get_remount_count(disk)
                            if not new_remount_count is None and new_remount_count == initial_remount_count:

                        common_items = []
                            items = set([
                                for x in os.listdir(mbed_target['mount_point'])
                            common_items = bad_files.intersection(items)
                        except OSError as e:
                            print("Failed to enumerate disk files, retrying")

                        for common_item in common_items:
                            full_path = os.path.join(
                                mbed_target['mount_point'], common_item)
                            self.logger.prn_err("Found %s" % (full_path))
                            bad_file_contents = "[failed to read bad file]"
                                with open(full_path, "r") as bad_file:
                                    bad_file_contents = bad_file.read()
                            except IOError as error:
                                self.logger.prn_err("Error opening '%s': %s" %
                                                    (full_path, error))

                            self.logger.prn_err("Error file contents:\n%s" %
                        if common_items:
                            return False
            return True

        # Set-up closure environment
        if not image_path:
            image_path = self.image_path
        if not disk:
            disk = self.disk
        if not copy_method:
            copy_method = self.copy_method
        if not port:
            port = self.port
        if not retry_copy:
            retry_copy = self.retry_copy
        target_id = self.target_id

        for count in range(0, retry_copy):
            initial_remount_count = get_remount_count(disk)
            # Call proper copy method
            result = self.copy_image_raw(image_path, disk, copy_method, port)
            if not result:
            result = check_flash_error(target_id, disk, initial_remount_count)
            if result:
        return result

    def copy_image_raw(self,
        """! Copy file depending on method you want to use. Handles exception
             and return code from shell copy commands.
        @return Returns result from copy plugin
        @details Method which is actually copying image to mbed
        # image_path - Where is binary with target's firmware

        # Select copy_method
        # We override 'default' method with 'shell' method
        copy_method = {
            None: 'shell',
            'default': 'shell',
        }.get(copy_method, copy_method)

        result = ht_plugins.call_plugin('CopyMethod',
        return result

    def hw_reset(self):
        Performs hardware reset of target ned device.

        device_info = {}
        result = ht_plugins.call_plugin('ResetMethod',
        if result:
            self.port = device_info['serial_port']
            self.disk = device_info['mount_point']
        return result
コード例 #3
class DefaultTestSelector(DefaultTestSelectorBase):
    """! Select default host_test supervision (replaced after auto detection) """
    RESET_TYPE_SW_RST   = "software_reset"
    RESET_TYPE_HW_RST   = "hardware_reset"

    def __init__(self, options):
        """! ctor
        self.options = options

        self.logger = HtrunLogger('HTST')

        # Handle extra command from
        if options:
            if options.enum_host_tests:
                path = self.options.enum_host_tests
                enum_host_tests(path, verbose=options.verbose)

            if options.list_reg_hts:    # --list option

            if options.list_plugins:    # --plugins option

            if options.version:         # --version
                import pkg_resources    # part of setuptools
                version = pkg_resources.require("mbed-host-tests")[0].version
                print version

            if options.send_break_cmd:  # -b with -p PORT (and optional -r RESET_TYPE)

            if options.global_resource_mgr:
                # If Global Resource Mgr is working it will handle reset/flashing workflow
                # So local plugins are offline
                self.options.skip_reset = True
                self.options.skip_flashing = True

        DefaultTestSelectorBase.__init__(self, options)

    def is_host_test_obj_compatible(self, obj_instance):
        """! Check if host test object loaded is actually host test class
             derived from 'mbed_host_tests.BaseHostTest()'
             Additionaly if host test class implements custom ctor it should
             call BaseHostTest().__Init__()
        @param obj_instance Instance of host test derived class
        @return True if obj_instance is derived from mbed_host_tests.BaseHostTest()
                and BaseHostTest.__init__() was called, else return False
        result = False
        if obj_instance:
            result = True
            self.logger.prn_inf("host test class: '%s'"% obj_instance.__class__)

            # Check if host test (obj_instance) is derived from mbed_host_tests.BaseHostTest()
            if not isinstance(obj_instance, BaseHostTest):
                # In theory we should always get host test objects inheriting from BaseHostTest()
                # because loader will only load those.
                self.logger.prn_err("host test must inherit from mbed_host_tests.BaseHostTest() class")
                result = False

            # Check if BaseHostTest.__init__() was called when custom host test is created
            if not obj_instance.base_host_test_inited():
                self.logger.prn_err("custom host test __init__() must call BaseHostTest.__init__(self)")
                result = False

        return result

    def run_test(self):
        """! This function implements key-value protocol state-machine.
            Handling of all events and connector are handled here.
        @return Return self.TestResults.RESULT_* enum
        result = None
        timeout_duration = 10       # Default test case timeout
        event_queue = Queue()       # Events from DUT to host
        dut_event_queue = Queue()   # Events from host to DUT {k;v}

        def callback__notify_prn(key, value, timestamp):
            """! Handles __norify_prn. Prints all lines in separate log line """
            for line in value.splitlines():

        callbacks = {
            "__notify_prn" : callback__notify_prn

        # if True we will allow host test to consume all events after test is finished
        callbacks_consume = True
        # Flag check if __exit event occurred
        callbacks__exit = False
        # Flag check if __exit_event_queue event occurred
        callbacks__exit_event_queue = False
        # Handle to dynamically loaded host test object
        self.test_supervisor = None
        # Version: greentea-client version from DUT
        self.client_version = None

        self.logger.prn_inf("starting host test process...")

        def start_conn_process():
            # Create device info here as it may change after restart.
            config = {
                "digest" : "serial",
                "port" : self.mbed.port,
                "baudrate" : self.mbed.serial_baud,
                "program_cycle_s" : self.options.program_cycle_s,
                "reset_type" : self.options.forced_reset_type,
                "target_id" : self.options.target_id,
                "serial_pooling" : self.options.pooling_timeout,
                "forced_reset_timeout" : self.options.forced_reset_timeout,
                "sync_behavior" : self.options.sync_behavior,
                "platform_name" : self.options.micro,
                "image_path" : self.mbed.image_path,

            if self.options.global_resource_mgr:
                grm_module, grm_host, grm_port = self.options.global_resource_mgr.split(':')

                    "conn_resource" : 'grm',
                    "grm_module" : grm_module,
                    "grm_host" : grm_host,
                    "grm_port" : grm_port,

            # DUT-host communication process
            args = (event_queue, dut_event_queue, config)
            p = Process(target=conn_process, args=args)
            p.deamon = True
            return p
        p = start_conn_process()

        start_time = time()

            consume_preamble_events = True
            while (time() - start_time) < timeout_duration:
                # Handle default events like timeout, host_test_name, ...
                    (key, value, timestamp) = event_queue.get(timeout=1)
                except QueueEmpty:

                if consume_preamble_events:
                    if key == '__timeout':
                        # Override default timeout for this event queue
                        start_time = time()
                        timeout_duration = int(value) # New timeout
                        self.logger.prn_inf("setting timeout to: %d sec"% int(value))
                    elif key == '__version':
                        self.client_version = value
                        self.logger.prn_inf("DUT greentea-client version: " + self.client_version)
                    elif key == '__host_test_name':
                        # Load dynamically requested host test
                        self.test_supervisor = get_host_test(value)

                        # Check if host test object loaded is actually host test class
                        # derived from 'mbed_host_tests.BaseHostTest()'
                        # Additionaly if host test class implements custom ctor it should
                        # call BaseHostTest().__Init__()
                        if self.test_supervisor and self.is_host_test_obj_compatible(self.test_supervisor):
                            # Pass communication queues and setup() host test
                            self.test_supervisor.setup_communication(event_queue, dut_event_queue)
                                # After setup() user should already register all callbacks
                            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                                # setup() can throw in normal circumstances TypeError and ValueError
                                self.logger.prn_err("host test setup() failed, reason:")
                                self.logger.prn_inf("==== Traceback start ====")
                                for line in traceback.format_exc().splitlines():
                                    print line
                                self.logger.prn_inf("==== Traceback end ====")
                                result = self.RESULT_ERROR
                                event_queue.put(('__exit_event_queue', 0, time()))

                            self.logger.prn_inf("host test setup() call...")
                            if self.test_supervisor.get_callbacks():
                                self.logger.prn_inf("CALLBACKs updated")
                                self.logger.prn_wrn("no CALLBACKs specified by host test")
                            self.logger.prn_inf("host test detected: %s"% value)
                            self.logger.prn_err("host test not detected: %s"% value)
                            result = self.RESULT_ERROR
                            event_queue.put(('__exit_event_queue', 0, time()))

                        consume_preamble_events = False
                    elif key == '__sync':
                        # This is DUT-Host Test handshake event
                        self.logger.prn_inf("sync KV found, uuid=%s, timestamp=%f"% (str(value), timestamp))
                    elif key == '__notify_conn_lost':
                        # This event is sent by conn_process, DUT connection was lost
                        self.logger.prn_wrn("stopped to consume events due to %s event"% key)
                        callbacks_consume = False
                        result = self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL
                        event_queue.put(('__exit_event_queue', 0, time()))
                    elif key == '__exit_event_queue':
                        # This event is sent by the host test indicating no more events expected
                        self.logger.prn_inf("%s received"% (key))
                        callbacks__exit_event_queue = True
                    elif key.startswith('__'):
                        # Consume other system level events
                        self.logger.prn_err("orphan event in preamble phase: {{%s;%s}}, timestamp=%f"% (key, str(value), timestamp))
                    if key == '__notify_complete':
                        # This event is sent by Host Test, test result is in value
                        # or if value is None, value will be retrieved from HostTest.result() method
                        self.logger.prn_inf("%s(%s)"% (key, str(value)))
                        result = value
                    elif key == '__reset_dut':
                        # Disconnect to avoid connection lost event
                        dut_event_queue.put(('__host_test_finished', True, time()))

                        if value == DefaultTestSelector.RESET_TYPE_SW_RST:
                            self.logger.prn_inf("Performing software reset.")
                            # Just disconnecting and re-connecting comm process will soft reset DUT
                        elif value == DefaultTestSelector.RESET_TYPE_HW_RST:
                            self.logger.prn_inf("Performing hard reset.")
                            # request hardware reset
                            self.logger.prn_err("Invalid reset type (%s). Supported types [%s]." %
                                                (value, ", ".join([DefaultTestSelector.RESET_TYPE_HW_RST,
                            self.logger.prn_inf("Software reset will be performed.")

                        # connect to the device
                        p = start_conn_process()
                    elif key == '__notify_conn_lost':
                        # This event is sent by conn_process, DUT connection was lost
                        self.logger.prn_wrn("stopped to consume events due to %s event"% key)
                        callbacks_consume = False
                        result = self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL
                        event_queue.put(('__exit_event_queue', 0, time()))
                    elif key == '__exit':
                        # This event is sent by DUT, test suite exited
                        self.logger.prn_inf("%s(%s)"% (key, str(value)))
                        callbacks__exit = True
                        event_queue.put(('__exit_event_queue', 0, time()))
                    elif key == '__exit_event_queue':
                        # This event is sent by the host test indicating no more events expected
                        self.logger.prn_inf("%s received"% (key))
                        callbacks__exit_event_queue = True
                    elif key in callbacks:
                        # Handle callback
                        callbacks[key](key, value, timestamp)
                        self.logger.prn_err("orphan event in main phase: {{%s;%s}}, timestamp=%f"% (key, str(value), timestamp))
        except Exception:
            self.logger.prn_err("something went wrong in event main loop!")
            self.logger.prn_inf("==== Traceback start ====")
            for line in traceback.format_exc().splitlines():
                print line
            self.logger.prn_inf("==== Traceback end ====")
            result = self.RESULT_ERROR

        time_duration = time() - start_time
        self.logger.prn_inf("test suite run finished after %.2f sec..."% time_duration)

        # Force conn_proxy process to return
        dut_event_queue.put(('__host_test_finished', True, time()))
        self.logger.prn_inf("CONN exited with code: %s"% str(p.exitcode))

        # Callbacks...
        self.logger.prn_inf("No events in queue" if event_queue.empty() else "Some events in queue")

        # If host test was used we will:
        # 1. Consume all existing events in queue if consume=True
        # 2. Check result from host test and call teardown()

        # NOTE: with the introduction of the '__exit_event_queue' event, there
        # should never be left events assuming the DUT has stopped sending data
        # over the serial data. Leaving this for now to catch anything that slips through.

        if callbacks_consume:
            # We are consuming all remaining events if requested
            while not event_queue.empty():
                    (key, value, timestamp) = event_queue.get(timeout=1)
                except QueueEmpty:

                if key == '__notify_complete':
                    # This event is sent by Host Test, test result is in value
                    # or if value is None, value will be retrieved from HostTest.result() method
                    self.logger.prn_inf("%s(%s)"% (key, str(value)))
                    result = value
                elif key.startswith('__'):
                    # Consume other system level events
                elif key in callbacks:
                    callbacks[key](key, value, timestamp)
                    self.logger.prn_wrn(">>> orphan event: {{%s;%s}}, timestamp=%f"% (key, str(value), timestamp))
            self.logger.prn_inf("stopped consuming events")

        if result is not None:  # We must compare here against None!
            # Here for example we've received some error code like IOERR_COPY
            self.logger.prn_inf("host test result() call skipped, received: %s"% str(result))
            if self.test_supervisor:
                result = self.test_supervisor.result()
            self.logger.prn_inf("host test result(): %s"% str(result))

        if not callbacks__exit:
            self.logger.prn_wrn("missing __exit event from DUT")

        if not callbacks__exit_event_queue:
            self.logger.prn_wrn("missing __exit_event_queue event from host test")

        #if not callbacks__exit_event_queue and not result:
        if not callbacks__exit_event_queue and result is None:
            self.logger.prn_err("missing __exit_event_queue event from " + \
                "host test and no result from host test, timeout...")
            result = self.RESULT_TIMEOUT

        self.logger.prn_inf("calling blocking teardown()")
        if self.test_supervisor:
        self.logger.prn_inf("teardown() finished")

        return result

    def execute(self):
        """! Test runner for host test.

        @details This function will start executing test and forward test result via serial port
                 to test suite. This function is sensitive to work-flow flags such as --skip-flashing,
                 --skip-reset etc.
                 First function will flash device with binary, initialize serial port for communication,
                 reset target. On serial port handshake with test case will be performed. It is when host
                 test reads property data from serial port (sent over serial port).
                 At the end of the procedure proper host test (defined in set properties) will be executed
                 and test execution timeout will be measured.
        result = self.RESULT_UNDEF

        # hello sting with htrun version, for debug purposes

            # Copy image to device
            if self.options.skip_flashing:
                self.logger.prn_inf("copy image onto target... SKIPPED!")
                self.logger.prn_inf("copy image onto target...")
                result = self.mbed.copy_image()
                if not result:
                    result = self.RESULT_IOERR_COPY
                    return self.get_test_result_int(result)

            # Execute test if flashing was successful or skipped
            test_result = self.run_test()

            if test_result == True:
                result = self.RESULT_SUCCESS
            elif test_result == False:
                result = self.RESULT_FAILURE
            elif test_result is None:
                result = self.RESULT_ERROR
                result = test_result

            # This will be captured by Greentea
            self.logger.prn_inf("{{result;%s}}"% result)
            return self.get_test_result_int(result)

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            return(-3)    # Keyboard interrupt
コード例 #4
ファイル: conn_proxy.py プロジェクト: u-blox/htrun
def conn_process(event_queue, dut_event_queue, config):

    logger = HtrunLogger('CONN')
    logger.prn_inf("starting connection process...")

    # Send connection process start event to host process
    # NOTE: Do not send any other Key-Value pairs before this!
    event_queue.put(('__conn_process_start', 1, time()))

    # Configuration of conn_opriocess behaviour
    sync_behavior = int(config.get('sync_behavior', 1))
    sync_timeout = config.get('sync_timeout', 1.0)
    conn_resource = config.get('conn_resource', 'serial')

    # Create connector instance with proper configuration
    connector = conn_primitive_factory(conn_resource, config, event_queue, logger)
    # Create simple buffer we will use for Key-Value protocol data
    kv_buffer = KiViBufferWalker()

    # List of all sent to target UUIDs (if multiple found)
    sync_uuid_list = []

    # We will ignore all kv pairs before we get sync back
    sync_uuid_discovered = False

    def __send_sync(timeout=None):
        sync_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
        # Handshake, we will send {{sync;UUID}} preamble and wait for mirrored reply
        if timeout:
            logger.prn_inf("resending new preamble '%s' after %0.2f sec"% (sync_uuid, timeout))
            logger.prn_inf("sending preamble '%s'"% sync_uuid)
        connector.write_kv('__sync', sync_uuid)
        return sync_uuid

    # Send simple string to device to 'wake up' greentea-client k-v parser
    connector.write("mbed" * 10, log=True)

    # Sync packet management allows us to manipulate the way htrun sends __sync packet(s)
    # With current settings we can force on htrun to send __sync packets in this manner:
    # * --sync=0        - No sync packets will be sent to target platform
    # * --sync=-10      - __sync packets will be sent unless we will reach
    #                     timeout or proper response is sent from target platform
    # * --sync=N        - Send up to N __sync packets to target platform. Response
    #                     is sent unless we get response from target platform or
    #                     timeout occur

    if sync_behavior > 0:
        # Sending up to 'n' __sync packets
        logger.prn_inf("sending up to %s __sync packets (specified with --sync=%s)"% (sync_behavior, sync_behavior))
        sync_behavior -= 1
    elif sync_behavior == 0:
        # No __sync packets
        logger.prn_wrn("skipping __sync packet (specified with --sync=%s)"% sync_behavior)
        # Send __sync until we go reply
        logger.prn_inf("sending multiple __sync packets (specified with --sync=%s)"% sync_behavior)
        sync_behavior -= 1

    loop_timer = time()
    while True:

        # Check if connection is lost to serial
        if not connector.connected():
            error_msg = connector.error()
            event_queue.put(('__notify_conn_lost', error_msg, time()))

        # Send data to DUT
            (key, value, _) = dut_event_queue.get(block=False)
        except QueueEmpty:
            pass # Check if target sent something
            # Return if state machine in host_test_default has finished to end process
            if key == '__host_test_finished' and value == True:
                logger.prn_inf("received special even '%s' value='%s', finishing"% (key, value))
                return 0
            connector.write_kv(key, value)

        # Since read is done every 0.2 sec, with maximum baud rate we can receive 2304 bytes in one read in worst case.
        data = connector.read(2304)
        if data:
            # Stream data stream KV parsing
            print_lines = kv_buffer.append(data)
            for line in print_lines:
                event_queue.put(('__rxd_line', line, time()))
            while kv_buffer.search():
                key, value, timestamp = kv_buffer.pop_kv()

                if sync_uuid_discovered:
                    event_queue.put((key, value, timestamp))
                    logger.prn_inf("found KV pair in stream: {{%s;%s}}, queued..."% (key, value))
                    if key == '__sync':
                        if value in sync_uuid_list:
                            sync_uuid_discovered = True
                            event_queue.put((key, value, time()))
                            idx = sync_uuid_list.index(value)
                            logger.prn_inf("found SYNC in stream: {{%s;%s}} it is #%d sent, queued..."% (key, value, idx))
                            logger.prn_err("found faulty SYNC in stream: {{%s;%s}}, ignored..."% (key, value))
                        logger.prn_wrn("found KV pair in stream: {{%s;%s}}, ignoring..."% (key, value))

        if not sync_uuid_discovered:
            # Resending __sync after 'sync_timeout' secs (default 1 sec)
            # to target platform. If 'sync_behavior' counter is != 0 we
            # will continue to send __sync packets to target platform.
            # If we specify 'sync_behavior' < 0 we will send 'forever'
            # (or until we get reply)

            if sync_behavior != 0:
                time_to_sync_again = time() - loop_timer
                if time_to_sync_again > sync_timeout:
                    sync_behavior -= 1
                    loop_timer = time()

    return 0
コード例 #5
ファイル: host_test_default.py プロジェクト: u-blox/htrun
class DefaultTestSelector(DefaultTestSelectorBase):
    """! Select default host_test supervision (replaced after auto detection) """
    RESET_TYPE_SW_RST = "software_reset"
    RESET_TYPE_HW_RST = "hardware_reset"

    def __init__(self, options):
        """! ctor
        self.options = options

        self.logger = HtrunLogger('HTST')

        # Handle extra command from
        if options:
            if options.enum_host_tests:
                path = self.options.enum_host_tests
                enum_host_tests(path, verbose=options.verbose)

            if options.list_reg_hts:  # --list option

            if options.list_plugins:  # --plugins option

            if options.version:  # --version
                import pkg_resources  # part of setuptools
                version = pkg_resources.require("mbed-host-tests")[0].version
                print version

            if options.send_break_cmd:  # -b with -p PORT (and optional -r RESET_TYPE)

            if options.global_resource_mgr:
                # If Global Resource Mgr is working it will handle reset/flashing workflow
                # So local plugins are offline
                self.options.skip_reset = True
                self.options.skip_flashing = True

        DefaultTestSelectorBase.__init__(self, options)

    def is_host_test_obj_compatible(self, obj_instance):
        """! Check if host test object loaded is actually host test class
             derived from 'mbed_host_tests.BaseHostTest()'
             Additionaly if host test class implements custom ctor it should
             call BaseHostTest().__Init__()
        @param obj_instance Instance of host test derived class
        @return True if obj_instance is derived from mbed_host_tests.BaseHostTest()
                and BaseHostTest.__init__() was called, else return False
        result = False
        if obj_instance:
            result = True
            self.logger.prn_inf("host test class: '%s'" %

            # Check if host test (obj_instance) is derived from mbed_host_tests.BaseHostTest()
            if not isinstance(obj_instance, BaseHostTest):
                # In theory we should always get host test objects inheriting from BaseHostTest()
                # because loader will only load those.
                    "host test must inherit from mbed_host_tests.BaseHostTest() class"
                result = False

            # Check if BaseHostTest.__init__() was called when custom host test is created
            if not obj_instance.base_host_test_inited():
                    "custom host test __init__() must call BaseHostTest.__init__(self)"
                result = False

        return result

    def run_test(self):
        """! This function implements key-value protocol state-machine.
            Handling of all events and connector are handled here.
        @return Return self.TestResults.RESULT_* enum
        result = None
        timeout_duration = 10  # Default test case timeout
        coverage_idle_timeout = 10  # Default coverage idle timeout
        event_queue = Queue()  # Events from DUT to host
        dut_event_queue = Queue()  # Events from host to DUT {k;v}

        def callback__notify_prn(key, value, timestamp):
            """! Handles __norify_prn. Prints all lines in separate log line """
            for line in value.splitlines():

        callbacks = {"__notify_prn": callback__notify_prn}

        # if True we will allow host test to consume all events after test is finished
        callbacks_consume = True
        # Flag check if __exit event occurred
        callbacks__exit = False
        # Flag check if __exit_event_queue event occurred
        callbacks__exit_event_queue = False
        # Handle to dynamically loaded host test object
        self.test_supervisor = None
        # Version: greentea-client version from DUT
        self.client_version = None

        self.logger.prn_inf("starting host test process...")

        def start_conn_process():
            # Create device info here as it may change after restart.
            config = {
                "digest": "serial",
                "port": self.mbed.port,
                "baudrate": self.mbed.serial_baud,
                "program_cycle_s": self.options.program_cycle_s,
                "reset_type": self.options.forced_reset_type,
                "target_id": self.options.target_id,
                "serial_pooling": self.options.pooling_timeout,
                "forced_reset_timeout": self.options.forced_reset_timeout,
                "sync_behavior": self.options.sync_behavior,
                "platform_name": self.options.micro,
                "image_path": self.mbed.image_path,

            if self.options.global_resource_mgr:
                grm_module, grm_host, grm_port = self.options.global_resource_mgr.split(

                    "conn_resource": 'grm',
                    "grm_module": grm_module,
                    "grm_host": grm_host,
                    "grm_port": grm_port,

            # DUT-host communication process
            args = (event_queue, dut_event_queue, config)
            p = Process(target=conn_process, args=args)
            p.deamon = True
            return p

        def process_code_coverage(key, value, timestamp):
            """! Process the found coverage key value and perform an idle
                 loop checking for more timeing out if there is no response from
                 the target within the idle timeout.
            @param key The key from the first coverage event
            @param value The value from the first coverage event
            @param timestamp The timestamp from the first coverage event
            @return The elapsed time taken by the processing of code coverage,
                    and the (key, value, and timestamp) of the next event
            original_start_time = time()
            start_time = time()

            # Perform callback on first event
            callbacks[key](key, value, timestamp)

            # Start idle timeout loop looking for other events
            while (time() - start_time) < coverage_idle_timeout:
                    (key, value, timestamp) = event_queue.get(timeout=1)
                except QueueEmpty:

                # If coverage detected use idle loop
                # Prevent breaking idle loop for __rxd_line (occurs between keys)
                if key == '__coverage_start' or key == '__rxd_line':
                    start_time = time()

                    # Perform callback
                    callbacks[key](key, value, timestamp)

                elapsed_time = time() - original_start_time
                return elapsed_time, (key, value, timestamp)

        p = start_conn_process()

        conn_process_started = False
            (key, value, timestamp) = event_queue.get(

            if key == '__conn_process_start':
                conn_process_started = True
                    "First expected event was '__conn_process_start', received '%s' instead"
                    % key)

        except QueueEmpty:
            self.logger.prn_err("Conn process failed to start in %f sec" %

        if not conn_process_started:
            return self.RESULT_TIMEOUT

        start_time = time()

            consume_preamble_events = True

            while (time() - start_time) < timeout_duration:
                # Handle default events like timeout, host_test_name, ...
                    (key, value, timestamp) = event_queue.get(timeout=1)
                except QueueEmpty:

                if consume_preamble_events:
                    if key == '__timeout':
                        # Override default timeout for this event queue
                        start_time = time()
                        timeout_duration = int(value)  # New timeout
                        self.logger.prn_inf("setting timeout to: %d sec" %
                    elif key == '__version':
                        self.client_version = value
                        self.logger.prn_inf("DUT greentea-client version: " +
                    elif key == '__host_test_name':
                        # Load dynamically requested host test
                        self.test_supervisor = get_host_test(value)

                        # Check if host test object loaded is actually host test class
                        # derived from 'mbed_host_tests.BaseHostTest()'
                        # Additionaly if host test class implements custom ctor it should
                        # call BaseHostTest().__Init__()
                        if self.test_supervisor and self.is_host_test_obj_compatible(
                            # Pass communication queues and setup() host test
                                event_queue, dut_event_queue)
                                # After setup() user should already register all callbacks
                            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                                # setup() can throw in normal circumstances TypeError and ValueError
                                    "host test setup() failed, reason:")
                                    "==== Traceback start ====")
                                for line in traceback.format_exc().splitlines(
                                    print line
                                self.logger.prn_inf("==== Traceback end ====")
                                result = self.RESULT_ERROR
                                    ('__exit_event_queue', 0, time()))

                            self.logger.prn_inf("host test setup() call...")
                            if self.test_supervisor.get_callbacks():
                                self.logger.prn_inf("CALLBACKs updated")
                                    "no CALLBACKs specified by host test")
                            self.logger.prn_inf("host test detected: %s" %
                            self.logger.prn_err("host test not detected: %s" %
                            result = self.RESULT_ERROR
                            event_queue.put(('__exit_event_queue', 0, time()))

                        consume_preamble_events = False
                    elif key == '__sync':
                        # This is DUT-Host Test handshake event
                            "sync KV found, uuid=%s, timestamp=%f" %
                            (str(value), timestamp))
                    elif key == '__notify_conn_lost':
                        # This event is sent by conn_process, DUT connection was lost
                            "stopped to consume events due to %s event" % key)
                        callbacks_consume = False
                        result = self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL
                        event_queue.put(('__exit_event_queue', 0, time()))
                    elif key == '__exit_event_queue':
                        # This event is sent by the host test indicating no more events expected
                        self.logger.prn_inf("%s received" % (key))
                        callbacks__exit_event_queue = True
                    elif key.startswith('__'):
                        # Consume other system level events
                            "orphan event in preamble phase: {{%s;%s}}, timestamp=%f"
                            % (key, str(value), timestamp))
                    # If coverage detected switch to idle loop
                    if key == '__coverage_start':
                            "starting coverage idle timeout loop...")
                        elapsed_time, (key, value,
                                       timestamp) = process_code_coverage(
                                           key, value, timestamp)

                        # Ignore the time taken by the code coverage
                        timeout_duration += elapsed_time
                            "exiting coverage idle timeout loop (elapsed_time: %.2f"
                            % elapsed_time)

                    if key == '__notify_complete':
                        # This event is sent by Host Test, test result is in value
                        # or if value is None, value will be retrieved from HostTest.result() method
                        self.logger.prn_inf("%s(%s)" % (key, str(value)))
                        result = value
                    elif key == '__reset_dut':
                        # Disconnect to avoid connection lost event
                            ('__host_test_finished', True, time()))

                        if value == DefaultTestSelector.RESET_TYPE_SW_RST:
                            self.logger.prn_inf("Performing software reset.")
                            # Just disconnecting and re-connecting comm process will soft reset DUT
                        elif value == DefaultTestSelector.RESET_TYPE_HW_RST:
                            self.logger.prn_inf("Performing hard reset.")
                            # request hardware reset
                                "Invalid reset type (%s). Supported types [%s]."
                                % (value, ", ".join([
                                "Software reset will be performed.")

                        # connect to the device
                        p = start_conn_process()
                    elif key == '__notify_conn_lost':
                        # This event is sent by conn_process, DUT connection was lost
                            "stopped to consume events due to %s event" % key)
                        callbacks_consume = False
                        result = self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL
                        event_queue.put(('__exit_event_queue', 0, time()))
                    elif key == '__exit':
                        # This event is sent by DUT, test suite exited
                        self.logger.prn_inf("%s(%s)" % (key, str(value)))
                        callbacks__exit = True
                        event_queue.put(('__exit_event_queue', 0, time()))
                    elif key == '__exit_event_queue':
                        # This event is sent by the host test indicating no more events expected
                        self.logger.prn_inf("%s received" % (key))
                        callbacks__exit_event_queue = True
                    elif key in callbacks:
                        # Handle callback
                        callbacks[key](key, value, timestamp)
                            "orphan event in main phase: {{%s;%s}}, timestamp=%f"
                            % (key, str(value), timestamp))
        except Exception:
            self.logger.prn_err("something went wrong in event main loop!")
            self.logger.prn_inf("==== Traceback start ====")
            for line in traceback.format_exc().splitlines():
                print line
            self.logger.prn_inf("==== Traceback end ====")
            result = self.RESULT_ERROR

        time_duration = time() - start_time
        self.logger.prn_inf("test suite run finished after %.2f sec..." %

        # Force conn_proxy process to return
        dut_event_queue.put(('__host_test_finished', True, time()))
        self.logger.prn_inf("CONN exited with code: %s" % str(p.exitcode))

        # Callbacks...
        self.logger.prn_inf("No events in queue" if event_queue.empty(
        ) else "Some events in queue")

        # If host test was used we will:
        # 1. Consume all existing events in queue if consume=True
        # 2. Check result from host test and call teardown()

        # NOTE: with the introduction of the '__exit_event_queue' event, there
        # should never be left events assuming the DUT has stopped sending data
        # over the serial data. Leaving this for now to catch anything that slips through.

        if callbacks_consume:
            # We are consuming all remaining events if requested
            while not event_queue.empty():
                    (key, value, timestamp) = event_queue.get(timeout=1)
                except QueueEmpty:

                if key == '__notify_complete':
                    # This event is sent by Host Test, test result is in value
                    # or if value is None, value will be retrieved from HostTest.result() method
                    self.logger.prn_inf("%s(%s)" % (key, str(value)))
                    result = value
                elif key.startswith('__'):
                    # Consume other system level events
                elif key in callbacks:
                    callbacks[key](key, value, timestamp)
                        ">>> orphan event: {{%s;%s}}, timestamp=%f" %
                        (key, str(value), timestamp))
            self.logger.prn_inf("stopped consuming events")

        if result is not None:  # We must compare here against None!
            # Here for example we've received some error code like IOERR_COPY
                "host test result() call skipped, received: %s" % str(result))
            if self.test_supervisor:
                result = self.test_supervisor.result()
            self.logger.prn_inf("host test result(): %s" % str(result))

        if not callbacks__exit:
            self.logger.prn_wrn("missing __exit event from DUT")

        if not callbacks__exit_event_queue:
                "missing __exit_event_queue event from host test")

        #if not callbacks__exit_event_queue and not result:
        if not callbacks__exit_event_queue and result is None:
            self.logger.prn_err("missing __exit_event_queue event from " + \
                "host test and no result from host test, timeout...")
            result = self.RESULT_TIMEOUT

        self.logger.prn_inf("calling blocking teardown()")
        if self.test_supervisor:
        self.logger.prn_inf("teardown() finished")

        return result

    def execute(self):
        """! Test runner for host test.

        @details This function will start executing test and forward test result via serial port
                 to test suite. This function is sensitive to work-flow flags such as --skip-flashing,
                 --skip-reset etc.
                 First function will flash device with binary, initialize serial port for communication,
                 reset target. On serial port handshake with test case will be performed. It is when host
                 test reads property data from serial port (sent over serial port).
                 At the end of the procedure proper host test (defined in set properties) will be executed
                 and test execution timeout will be measured.
        result = self.RESULT_UNDEF

        # hello sting with htrun version, for debug purposes

            # Copy image to device
            if self.options.skip_flashing:
                self.logger.prn_inf("copy image onto target... SKIPPED!")
                self.logger.prn_inf("copy image onto target...")
                result = self.mbed.copy_image()
                if not result:
                    result = self.RESULT_IOERR_COPY
                    return self.get_test_result_int(result)

            # Execute test if flashing was successful or skipped
            test_result = self.run_test()

            if test_result == True:
                result = self.RESULT_SUCCESS
            elif test_result == False:
                result = self.RESULT_FAILURE
            elif test_result is None:
                result = self.RESULT_ERROR
                result = test_result

            # This will be captured by Greentea
            self.logger.prn_inf("{{result;%s}}" % result)
            return self.get_test_result_int(result)

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            return (-3)  # Keyboard interrupt