コード例 #1
ファイル: elements_abbrevs.py プロジェクト: afcarl/mcdp
def check_good_use_of_special_paragraphs(md, filename):
    lines = md.split('\n')
    for i in range(1, len(lines)):
        line = lines[i]
        prev = lines[i - 1]

        prefix = has_special_line_prefix(line)
        if prefix:
            if prev.strip():
                msg = ('Wrong use of special paragraph indicator. You have '
                       'to leave an empty line before the special paragraph.')
                c = location(i, 1, md)
                c_end = c + len(prefix)
                where = Where(md, c, c_end).with_filename(filename)
                raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)

        if False:

            def looks_like_list_item(s):
                if s.startswith('--'):
                    return False
                if s.startswith('**'):
                    return False
                return s.startswith('-') or s.startswith('*')

            if looks_like_list_item(line):
                if prev.strip() and not looks_like_list_item(prev):
                    msg = ('Wrong use of list indicator. You have '
                           'to leave an empty line before the list.')
                    c = location(i, 1, md)
                    c_end = c + 1
                    where = Where(md, c, c_end).with_filename(filename)
                    raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)
コード例 #2
def make_rcompunit(units):
        s = units.strip()

        if s.startswith('set of'):
            t = s.split('set of')
            u = make_rcompunit(t[1])
            from mcdp_posets import FiniteCollectionsInclusion
            return FiniteCollectionsInclusion(u)

        if s == 'any':
            return BottomCompletion(TopCompletion(Any()))

        if s == 'R':
            raise DPSyntaxError(
                'Form R is not recognized anymore. Use "dimensionless".')

            s = 'm/m'

        unit = parse_pint(s)
    except DPSyntaxError:

#         msg = 'Cannot parse the unit %r.' % units
#         raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg, compact=True, exc=sys.exc_info())

    return RcompUnits(unit, s)
コード例 #3
    def bb(tokens, loc, s):
        where = Where(s, loc)
                res = b(tokens)
            except TypeError as e:
                ttokens = list(tokens)
                s = "\n".join("- %s " % str(x) for x in ttokens)
                msg = 'Cannot invoke %r\nwith %d tokens:\n%s.' % (
                    b, len(ttokens), s)
                raise_wrapped(TypeError, e, msg)
        except DPSyntaxError as e:
            if e.where is None:
                e.where = where
                raise DPSyntaxError(str(e), where=where)
        except DPSemanticError as e:
            if e.where is None:
                raise DPSemanticError(str(e), where=where)
        except BaseException as e:
                          "Error while parsing.",

        if isnamedtupleinstance(res) and res.where is None:
            res = get_copy_with_where(res, where=where)

        return res
コード例 #4
ファイル: preliminary_checks.py プロジェクト: kannode/mcdp
def assert_not_contains(s, what):
    if not what in s:
    i = s.index(what)
    if i is not None:
        msg = 'Found forbidden sequence "%s".' % what
        where = Where(s, i, i + len(what))
        raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)
コード例 #5
def replace_macros(s):
    ''' Replaces strings of the type @@{key} 
        It looks in MCDPManualConstants.macros
        Also available 
    macros = MCDPManualConstants.macros

    class MyTemplate(Template):
        delimiter = '@@'
        idpattern = r'[_a-z][\._a-z0-9]*'

        def _invalid(self, mo):
            i = mo.start('invalid')
            lines = self.template[:i].splitlines(True)
            if not lines:
                colno = 1
                lineno = 1
                colno = i - len(''.join(lines[:-1]))
                lineno = len(lines)

            char = location(lineno - 1, colno - 1, s)
            w = Where(s, char)
            raise DPSyntaxError('Invalid placeholder', where=w)

    class Sub(object):
        def __init__(self, data):
            self.data = data

        def __getitem__(self, key):
            if key in self.data:
                return self.data[key]

            if '.' in key:
                i = key.index('.')
                first, last = key[:i], key[i + 1:]
                #print('%s -> %s, %s' % (key, first, last))
                return self[first][last]

            raise KeyError(key)

    t = MyTemplate(s)
    MyTemplate.idpattern = r'[_a-z][\._a-z0-9]*'
        s2 = t.substitute(Sub(macros))
    except KeyError as e:
        key = str(e).replace("'", "")
        search_for = MyTemplate.delimiter + key
        logger.error('Could not find key %r' % key)
        char = s.index(search_for)
        w = Where(s, char)
        msg = 'Key %r not found - maybe use braces?' % key
        raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=w)
    return s2
コード例 #6
ファイル: preliminary_checks.py プロジェクト: kannode/mcdp
def check_misspellings(s):
    # check misspellings
    misspellings = ['mcpd', 'MCPD']
    for m in misspellings:
        if m in s:
            c = s.index(m)
            msg = 'Typo, you wrote MCPD rather than MCDP.'
            where = Where(s, c, c + len(m))
            raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)
    return s
コード例 #7
ファイル: preliminary_checks.py プロジェクト: afcarl/mcdp
def check_no_forbidden(s):  # pragma: no cover
    if '\t' in s:
        i = s.index('\t')
        msg = "Tabs bring despair (e.g. Markdown does not recognize them.)"
        where = Where(s, i)
        raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)

    forbidden = {
        '>=': ['≥'],
        '<=': ['≤'],
        '>>': ['?']  # added by mistake by Atom autocompletion
    for f in forbidden:
        if f in s:
            msg = 'Found forbidden sequence %r. This will not end well.' % f
            subs = forbidden[f]
            msg += ' Try one of these substitutions: %s' % format_list(subs)
            c = s.index(f)
            where = Where(s, c, c + len(f))
            raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)
コード例 #8
        def _invalid(self, mo):
            i = mo.start('invalid')
            lines = self.template[:i].splitlines(True)
            if not lines:
                colno = 1
                lineno = 1
                colno = i - len(''.join(lines[:-1]))
                lineno = len(lines)

            char = location(lineno - 1, colno - 1, s)
            w = Where(s, char)
            raise DPSyntaxError('Invalid placeholder', where=w)
コード例 #9
ファイル: markdown_transform.py プロジェクト: kannode/mcdp
    def eat_tag(line_in, line_out):
        _first_line = l = line_in[0]
        approximate_line = len(line_out)
        assert l.startswith('<')
        tagname = ''
        l = l[1:]
        v = lambda _: _.isdigit() or _.isalpha() or _ in ['_', '-']
        while l and v(l[0]):
            tagname += l[0]
            l = l[1:]
        if not tagname:  # pragma: no cover
            msg = 'Cannot get tagname from line %r' % line_in[0]
            msg += '\n in:%s out= %s' % (line_in, line_out)
            raise ValueError(msg)
        # <tagname> okokokok </tagname>
        # <tagname /> okokokok
        can_close_by_short = True
        # search for end of tag
        i = 0
        while line_in:
            l = line_in.pop(0)
            #             print('xml tag line %r' % l)
            l2 = inside_tag(l)

            if can_close_by_short and '/>' in l:
                #                 print('xml break by short')

            effective = l if i > 0 else l[l.index(tagname):]
            if ('>' in effective or '<' in effective) and can_close_by_short:
                #                 print('xml cannot close by short anymore')
                can_close_by_short = False

                # if first line then </tag> can be anywhere
            # if not first line, it should be at the beginning
            end_tag = '</%s>' % tagname
            cond1 = (i == 0) and (end_tag in l)
            cond2 = (i > 0) and l.startswith(end_tag)
            if cond1 or cond2:
                #                 print('Found end tag %r' % end_tag)
            #                 print ('No %r in %r; continue' % (end_tag, l))
            i += 1
        msg = 'Cannot find matching tag to %r. Around line %d.' % (tagname, approximate_line)
        msg += '\n Remember I want it either on the first line (anywhere) or at the start of a line.'
        character = location(approximate_line, 0, s)
        where = Where(s, character)
        raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)
コード例 #10
ファイル: preliminary_checks.py プロジェクト: kannode/mcdp
def check_parsable(s):
    from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
    #     parser = ET.XMLParser()
    #     parser.entity["nbsp"] = unichr(160)
    s = '<add-wrap-for-xml-parser>' + s + '</add-wrap-for-xml-parser>'
    #     print indent(s, ' for xml')
    #     with open('rtmp.xml', 'w') as f:
    #         f.write(s)
        _ = ET.fromstring(s)
    except Exception as e:
        line1, col1 = e.position
        line = line1 - 1
        col = col1 - 1
        character = find_location(line, col, s)
        msg = 'Invalid XML: %s' % e
        where = Where(s, character)
        logger.error('line %s col %s' % (where.line, where.col))
        raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)
コード例 #11
def substitute_command_ext(s, name, f, nargs, nopt):
        Subsitute \name[x]{y}{z} with 
        f : args=(x, y), opts=None -> s
        if nargs=1 and nopt = 0:
            f : x -> s
    #     noccur = s.count('\\'+name)
    #print('substitute_command_ext name = %s  len(s)=%s occur = %d' % (name, len(s), noccur))
    lookfor = ('\\' + name)  # +( '[' if nopt > 0 else '{')

        start = get_next_unescaped_appearance(s,
        assert s[start:].startswith(lookfor)
#         print('s[start:]  = %r starts with %r ' % (s[start:start+14], lookfor))
    except NotFound:
        #print('no string %r found' % lookfor)
        return s

    before = s[:start]
    rest = s[start:]
    #     print('before: %r' % before)
    assert s[start:].startswith(lookfor)
    #     print('s[start:]: %r' % s[start:])
    assert rest.startswith(lookfor)

    consume = consume0 = s[start + len(lookfor):]

    opts = []
    args = []
    #     print('---- %r' % name)
    #     print('consume= %r'% consume)
    for _ in range(nopt):
        consume = consume_whitespace(consume)
        if not consume or consume[0] != '[':
            #             print('skipping option')
            opt = None
            opt_string, consume = get_balanced_brace(consume)
            opt = opt_string[1:-1]  # remove brace
#             print('opt string %r consume %r opt = %r' % (opt_string, consume, opt))

#     print('after opts= %r'% consume)
    for _ in range(nargs):
        consume = consume_whitespace(consume)
        if not consume or consume[0] != '{':
            msg = 'Command %r: Expected {: got %r. opts=%s args=%s' % (
                name, consume[0], opts, args)
            character = start
            character_end = len(s) - len(consume)
            where = Where(s, character, character_end)
            raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)
        arg_string, consume2 = get_balanced_brace(consume)
        assert arg_string + consume2 == consume
        consume = consume2
        arg = arg_string[1:-1]  # remove brace
#     print('*')
#     print('substitute_command_ext for %r : args = %s opts = %s consume0 = %r' % (name, args, opts, consume0))
    args = tuple(args)
    opts = tuple(opts)

    replace = f(args, opts)
    if replace is None:
        msg = 'function %s returned none' % f
        raise Exception(msg)

#     nchars = len(consume0) - len(consume)
    assert consume0.endswith(consume)
    #     print('consume0: %r' % consume0[:nchars])
    #     print('%s %s %s -> %s ' % (f.__name__, args, opts, replace))
    #     print('substitute_command_ext calling itself len(s*)=%s occur* = %d' %
    #           (len(consume), consume.count('\\'+name)))
    after_tran = substitute_command_ext(consume, name, f, nargs, nopt)
    res = before + replace + after_tran
    #     print('before: %r' % before)
    #     print('replace: %r' % replace)
    #     print('after_tran: %r' % after_tran)
    #     assert not ('\\' + name ) in res, res
    return res
コード例 #12
def assert_not_inside(substring, s):
    if substring in s:
        i = s.index(substring)
        w = Where(s, i, i + len(substring))
        msg = 'I found the forbidden substring %r in string.' % substring
        raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=w)
コード例 #13
ファイル: preliminary_checks.py プロジェクト: kannode/mcdp
def check_no_tabs(s):
    if '\t' in s:
        i = s.index('\t')
        msg = "Tabs bring despair (e.g. Markdown does not recognize them.)"
        where = Where(s, i)
        raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)
コード例 #14
def parse_wrap(expr, string):

        transparent to MemoryError

    from .refinement import namedtuple_visitor_ext

    if isinstance(string, unicode):
        msg = 'The string is unicode. It should be a str with utf-8 encoding.'
        msg += '\n' + string.encode('utf-8').__repr__()
        raise ValueError(msg)

    check_isinstance(string, bytes)

    # Nice trick: the remove_comments doesn't change the number of lines
    # it only truncates them...

    string0 = remove_comments(string)

    if not string0.strip():
        msg = 'Nothing to parse.'
        where = Where(string, character=len(string))
        raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)

            w = str(find_parsing_element(expr))
        except ValueError:
            w = '(unknown)'

        with timeit(w, MCDPConstants.parsing_too_slow_threshold):

            parsed = expr.parseString(string0, parseAll=True)  # [0]

            def transform(x, parents):  # @UnusedVariable
                if x.where is None:  # pragma: no cover
                    msg = 'Where is None for this element'

                where = translate_where(x.where, string)
                return get_copy_with_where(x, where)

            parsed_transformed = namedtuple_visitor_ext(parsed[0], transform)

            if hasattr(parsed_transformed, 'where'):
                # could be an int, str
                assert_equal(parsed_transformed.where.string, string)

            res = fix_whitespace(parsed_transformed)
            return [res]

    except (ParseException, ParseFatalException) as e:
        where1 = Where(string0, e.loc)
        where2 = translate_where(where1, string)
        s0 = e.__str__()
        check_isinstance(s0, bytes)
        s = s0
        e2 = DPSyntaxError(s, where=where2)
        raise DPSyntaxError, e2.args, sys.exc_info()[2]

    except DPSemanticError as e:
        msg = 'This should not throw a DPSemanticError'
        raise_wrapped(DPInternalError, e, msg, exc=sys.exc_info())
    except MemoryError as e:
    except RuntimeError as e:
        msg = 'RuntimeError %s while parsing string.' % (type(e).__name__)
        msg += '\n' + indent(string, 'string: ')
        compact = 'maximum recursion depth' in str(e)
        #         compact = False # XXX
        raise_wrapped(DPInternalError, e, msg, compact=compact)
    except BaseException as e:
        msg = 'Unexpected exception %s while parsing string.' % (
        msg += '\n' + indent(string, 'string: ')
        raise_wrapped(DPInternalError, e, msg)