def __init__(self, mcdr_server: 'MCDReforgedServer'): self.plugin_directories = [] # type: List[str] self.mcdr_server = mcdr_server self.logger = mcdr_server.logger # id -> Plugin plugin storage self.plugins = {} # type: Dict[str, AbstractPlugin] # file_path -> id mapping self.plugin_file_path = {} # type: Dict[str, str] # storage for event listeners, help messages and commands self.registry_storage = PluginRegistryStorage(self) self.last_operation_result = PluginOperationResult(self) # not used currently self.thread_pool = PluginThreadPool( self.mcdr_server, max_thread=constant.PLUGIN_THREAD_POOL_SIZE) # thread local storage, to store current plugin self.tls = ThreadLocalStorage() # plugin manipulation lock self.mani_lock = threading.RLock() file_util.touch_directory(PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIRECTORY)
def test_something(self): tls = ThreadLocalStorage() tls.put('a', 1) def another(): tls.put('a', 2) self.assertEqual(2, tls.get('a')) thread = threading.Thread(target=another, args=()) thread.start() thread.join() self.assertEqual(1, tls.get('a')) self.assertEqual(2, tls.get('a', thread=thread))
class PluginManager: TLS_PLUGIN_KEY = 'current_plugin' def __init__(self, mcdr_server: 'MCDReforgedServer'): self.plugin_directories = [] # type: List[str] self.mcdr_server = mcdr_server self.logger = mcdr_server.logger # id -> Plugin plugin storage self.plugins = {} # type: Dict[str, AbstractPlugin] # file_path -> id mapping self.plugin_file_path = {} # type: Dict[str, str] # storage for event listeners, help messages and commands self.registry_storage = PluginRegistryStorage(self) self.last_operation_result = PluginOperationResult(self) # not used currently self.thread_pool = PluginThreadPool( self.mcdr_server, max_thread=constant.PLUGIN_THREAD_POOL_SIZE) # thread local storage, to store current plugin self.tls = ThreadLocalStorage() # plugin manipulation lock self.mani_lock = threading.RLock() file_util.touch_directory(PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIRECTORY) # -------------------------- # Getters / Setters etc. # -------------------------- def get_current_running_plugin(self, *, thread=None) -> Optional[AbstractPlugin]: """ Get current executing plugin in this thread :param thread: If specified, it should be a Thread instance. Then it will return the executing plugin in the given thread """ stack = self.tls.get(self.TLS_PLUGIN_KEY, None, thread=thread) # type: Deque[AbstractPlugin] return stack[-1] if stack is not None else None def get_all_plugins(self) -> List[AbstractPlugin]: return list(self.plugins.values()) def get_regular_plugins(self) -> List[RegularPlugin]: return [ plugin for plugin in self.plugins.values() if isinstance(plugin, RegularPlugin) ] def get_plugin_from_id(self, plugin_id: str) -> Optional[AbstractPlugin]: return self.plugins.get(plugin_id) def get_regular_plugin_from_id(self, plugin_id: str) -> Optional[RegularPlugin]: plugin = self.get_plugin_from_id(plugin_id) if not isinstance(plugin, RegularPlugin): plugin = None return plugin def set_plugin_directories(self, plugin_directories: Optional[List[str]]): if plugin_directories is None: plugin_directories = [] for plugin_directory in self.plugin_directories: try: sys.path.remove(plugin_directory) except ValueError: self.logger.exception( 'Fail to remove old plugin directory "{}" in sys.path'. format(plugin_directory)) self.plugin_directories = misc_util.unique_list(plugin_directories) for plugin_directory in self.plugin_directories: file_util.touch_directory(plugin_directory) sys.path.append(plugin_directory) @contextmanager def with_plugin_context(self, plugin: AbstractPlugin): stack = self.tls.get( self.TLS_PLUGIN_KEY, default=collections.deque()) # type: Deque[AbstractPlugin] stack.append(plugin) self.tls.put(self.TLS_PLUGIN_KEY, stack) try: yield finally: stack.pop() if len(stack) == 0: self.tls.pop(self.TLS_PLUGIN_KEY) def contains_plugin_file(self, file_path: str) -> bool: return file_path in self.plugin_file_path def contains_plugin_id(self, plugin_id: str) -> bool: """ Includes permanent plugins """ return plugin_id in self.plugins # --------------------------------------- # Permanent build-in plugin operation # --------------------------------------- def __add_permanent_plugin(self, plugin: AbstractPlugin): self.__add_plugin(plugin) plugin.load() def register_permanent_plugins(self): self.__add_permanent_plugin(MCDReforgedPlugin(self)) self.__update_registry() # not really necessary, but in case # ------------------------------------------------ # Actual operations that add / remove a plugin # ------------------------------------------------ def __add_plugin(self, plugin: AbstractPlugin): plugin_id = plugin.get_id() if plugin_id in self.plugins: self.logger.critical( 'Something is not correct, a plugin with existed plugin id "{}" is added' .format(plugin_id)) self.plugins[plugin_id] = plugin if isinstance(plugin, RegularPlugin): self.plugin_file_path[plugin.file_path] = plugin_id def __remove_plugin(self, plugin: AbstractPlugin): if not plugin.is_permanent(): plugin_id = plugin.get_id() if plugin_id in self.plugins: self.plugins.pop(plugin_id) if isinstance(plugin, RegularPlugin): if plugin.file_path in self.plugin_file_path: self.plugin_file_path.pop(plugin.file_path) # ---------------------------- # Single Plugin Operations # ---------------------------- def __load_plugin(self, file_path): """ Try to load a plugin from the given file If succeeds, add the plugin to the plugin list, the plugin state will be set to LOADED If fails, nothing will happen :param str file_path: The path to the plugin file, a *.py :return: the new plugin instance if succeeds, otherwise None :rtype: RegularPlugin or None """ plugin = RegularPlugin(self, file_path) try: plugin.load() except: self.logger.exception('', plugin.get_name())) return None else: existed_plugin = self.plugins.get(plugin.get_id()) if existed_plugin is None: self.__add_plugin(plugin)'plugin_manager.load_plugin.success', plugin.get_name())) return plugin else: self.logger.error('plugin_manager.load_plugin.duplicate', plugin.get_name(), plugin.file_path, existed_plugin.get_name(), existed_plugin.file_path)) try: plugin.unload() except: # should never come here self.logger.exception( 'plugin_manager.load_plugin.unload_duplication_fail', plugin.get_name(), plugin.file_path)) plugin.remove() # quickly remove this plugin return None def __unload_plugin(self, plugin): """ Try to load a plugin from the given file Whether it succeeds or not, the plugin instance will be removed from the plugin list The plugin state will be set to UNLOADING :param AbstractPlugin plugin: The plugin instance to be unloaded :return: If there's an exception during plugin unloading :rtype: bool """ try: plugin.unload() except: # should never come here plugin.set_state(PluginState.UNLOADING) # a fallback set state self.logger.exception('', plugin.get_name())) ret = False else:'plugin_manager.unload_plugin.success', plugin.get_name())) ret = True finally: self.__remove_plugin(plugin) return ret def __reload_plugin(self, plugin): """ Try to reload an existed plugin If fails, unload the plugin and then the plugin state will be set to UNLOADED :param AbstractPlugin plugin: The plugin instance to be reloaded :return: If the plugin reloads successfully without error :rtype: bool """ plugin.receive_event(MCDRPluginEvents.PLUGIN_UNLOADED, ()) self.__remove_plugin(plugin) try: plugin.reload() except: self.logger.exception('', plugin.get_name())) self.__unload_plugin(plugin) return False else: # in case the plugin id changes into an existed plugin id existed_plugin = self.plugins.get(plugin.get_id()) if existed_plugin is None: self.__add_plugin(plugin)'plugin_manager.reload_plugin.success', plugin.get_name())) return True else: self.logger.error('plugin_manager.load_plugin.duplicate', plugin.get_name(), plugin.file_path, existed_plugin.get_name(), existed_plugin.file_path)) try: plugin.unload() except: # should never come here self.logger.exception( 'plugin_manager.load_plugin.unload_duplication_fail', plugin.get_name(), plugin.file_path)) return False # --------------------------------------- # Regular Plugin Collector & Handlers # --------------------------------------- def __collect_and_process_new_plugins( self, filter: Callable[[str], bool]) -> SingleOperationResult: result = SingleOperationResult() for plugin_directory in self.plugin_directories: file_list = file_util.list_file_with_suffix( plugin_directory, constant.PLUGIN_FILE_SUFFIX) for file_path in file_list: if not self.contains_plugin_file(file_path) and filter( file_path): plugin = self.__load_plugin(file_path) if plugin is None: else: result.succeed(plugin) return result def __collect_and_remove_plugins( self, filter: Callable[[RegularPlugin], bool], specific: Optional[RegularPlugin] = None) -> SingleOperationResult: result = SingleOperationResult() plugin_list = self.get_regular_plugins() if specific is None else [ specific ] for plugin in plugin_list: if filter(plugin): result.record(plugin, self.__unload_plugin(plugin)) return result def __reload_ready_plugins( self, filter: Callable[[RegularPlugin], bool], specific: Optional[RegularPlugin] = None) -> SingleOperationResult: result = SingleOperationResult() plugin_list = self.get_regular_plugins() if specific is None else [ specific ] for plugin in plugin_list: if plugin.in_states({PluginState.READY}) and filter(plugin): result.record(plugin, self.__reload_plugin(plugin)) return result def __check_plugin_dependencies(self) -> SingleOperationResult: result = SingleOperationResult() walker = DependencyWalker(self) walk_result = walker.walk() for item in walk_result: plugin = self.plugins.get(item.plugin_id) # should be not None result.record(plugin, item.success) if not item.success: self.logger.error( 'plugin_manager.check_plugin_dependencies.item_failed', plugin, item.reason)) self.__unload_plugin(plugin) self.logger.debug( 'plugin_manager.check_plugin_dependencies.topo_order'), option=DebugOption.PLUGIN) for plugin in result.success_list: self.logger.debug('- {}'.format(plugin), option=DebugOption.PLUGIN) # the success list order matches the dependency topo order return result # --------------------------- # Multi-Plugin Operations # --------------------------- # MCDR 0.x behavior for reload # 1. reload existed (and changed) plugins. if reload fail unload it # 2. load new plugins, and ignore those plugins which just got unloaded because reloading failed # 3. unload removed plugins # 4. call on_load for new loaded plugins # Current behavior for plugin operations # 1. Actual plugin operations # For plugin refresh # 1. Unload plugins whose file is removed # 2. Load new plugins # 3. Reload existed (and matches filter) plugins whose state is ready. if reload fail unload it # # For single plugin operation # 1. Enable / disable plugin # # 2. Plugin Processing (method __post_plugin_process) # 1. Check dependencies, unload plugins that has dependencies not satisfied # 2. Call on_load for new / reloaded plugins by topo order # 3. Call on_unload for unloaded plugins def __post_plugin_process(self, load_result=None, unload_result=None, reload_result=None): if load_result is None: load_result = SingleOperationResult() if unload_result is None: unload_result = SingleOperationResult() if reload_result is None: reload_result = SingleOperationResult() dependency_check_result = self.__check_plugin_dependencies() self.last_operation_result.record(load_result, unload_result, reload_result, dependency_check_result) # Expected plugin states: # success_list fail_list # load_result LOADED N/A # unload_result UNLOADING UNLOADING # reload_result READY UNLOADING # dep_chk_result LOADED / READY UNLOADING self.registry_storage.clear( ) # in case plugin invokes dispatch_event during on_load. dont let them trigger listeners for plugin in load_result.success_list + reload_result.success_list: if plugin in dependency_check_result.success_list: plugin.ready() newly_loaded_plugins = { *load_result.success_list, *reload_result.success_list } for plugin in dependency_check_result.success_list: if plugin in newly_loaded_plugins: if isinstance(plugin, RegularPlugin): plugin.receive_event(MCDRPluginEvents.PLUGIN_LOADED, (plugin.old_module_instance, )) for plugin in unload_result.success_list + unload_result.failed_list + reload_result.failed_list + dependency_check_result.failed_list: plugin.assert_state({PluginState.UNLOADING}) # plugins might just be newly loaded but failed on dependency check, dont dispatch event to them if plugin not in load_result.success_list: plugin.receive_event(MCDRPluginEvents.PLUGIN_UNLOADED, ()) plugin.receive_event(MCDRPluginEvents.PLUGIN_REMOVED, ()) plugin.remove() # they should be for plugin in self.get_regular_plugins(): plugin.assert_state({PluginState.READY}) self.__sort_plugins_by_id() self.__update_registry() def __sort_plugins_by_id(self): self.plugins = dict( sorted(self.plugins.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])) def __update_registry(self): self.registry_storage.clear() for plugin in self.get_all_plugins(): self.registry_storage.collect(plugin.plugin_registry) self.registry_storage.arrange() self.mcdr_server.on_plugin_changed() def __refresh_plugins(self, reload_filter: Callable[[RegularPlugin], bool]): unload_result = self.__collect_and_remove_plugins( lambda plugin: not plugin.file_exists()) load_result = self.__collect_and_process_new_plugins(lambda fp: True) reload_result = self.__reload_ready_plugins(reload_filter) self.__post_plugin_process(load_result, unload_result, reload_result) # -------------- # Interfaces # -------------- def load_plugin(self, file_path: str): with self.mani_lock:'plugin_manager.load_plugin.entered', file_path)) load_result = self.__collect_and_process_new_plugins( lambda fp: fp == file_path) self.__post_plugin_process(load_result=load_result) def unload_plugin(self, plugin: RegularPlugin): with self.mani_lock:'plugin_manager.unload_plugin.entered', plugin)) unload_result = self.__collect_and_remove_plugins(lambda plg: True, specific=plugin) self.__post_plugin_process(unload_result=unload_result) def reload_plugin(self, plugin: RegularPlugin): with self.mani_lock:'plugin_manager.reload_plugin.entered', plugin)) reload_result = self.__reload_ready_plugins(lambda plg: True, specific=plugin) self.__post_plugin_process(reload_result=reload_result) def enable_plugin(self, file_path: str): with self.mani_lock:'plugin_manager.enable_plugin.entered', file_path)) new_file_path = string_util.remove_suffix( file_path, constant.DISABLED_PLUGIN_FILE_SUFFIX) if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.rename(file_path, new_file_path) self.load_plugin(new_file_path) def disable_plugin(self, plugin: RegularPlugin): with self.mani_lock:'plugin_manager.disable_plugin.entered', plugin)) self.unload_plugin(plugin) if os.path.isfile(plugin.file_path): os.rename( plugin.file_path, plugin.file_path + constant.DISABLED_PLUGIN_FILE_SUFFIX) def refresh_all_plugins(self): with self.mani_lock: 'plugin_manager.refresh_all_plugins.entered')) return self.__refresh_plugins(lambda plg: True) def refresh_changed_plugins(self): with self.mani_lock: 'plugin_manager.refresh_changed_plugins.entered')) return self.__refresh_plugins(lambda plg: plg.file_changed()) # ---------------- # Plugin Event # ---------------- def __dispatch_event(self, event: MCDREvent, args: Tuple[Any, ...]): self.logger.debug('Dispatching {} with args ({})'.format( event, ', '.join([type(arg).__name__ for arg in args])), option=DebugOption.PLUGIN) for listener in self.registry_storage.event_listeners.get(, []): self.trigger_listener(listener, args) def dispatch_event(self, event: MCDREvent, args: Tuple[Any, ...], *, on_executor_thread=True, wait=False): if on_executor_thread: self.mcdr_server.task_executor.execute_or_enqueue( lambda: self.__dispatch_event(event, args), wait=wait) else: # on thread self.__dispatch_event(event, args) def trigger_listener(self, listener: EventListener, args: Tuple[Any, ...]): """ The terminated entry for triggering a listener The server_interface parameter will be automatically added as the 1st parameter """ # self.thread_pool.add_task(lambda: listener.execute(*args), listener.plugin) with self.with_plugin_context(listener.plugin): try: listener.execute(self.mcdr_server.server_interface, *args) except: self.logger.exception( 'Error invoking listener {}'.format(listener))