コード例 #1
def composite_image(im1, im2):
    if isinstance(im1, GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf):
        im1 = image_tools.pixbuf_to_pil(im1)
    if isinstance(im2, GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf):
        im2 = image_tools.pixbuf_to_pil(im2)
    im = Image.new('RGBA',
                   (im1.size[0] + im2.size[0], max(im1.size[1], im2.size[1])))
    im.paste(im1, (0, 0, im1.size[0], im1.size[1]))
    im.paste(im2, (im1.size[0], 0, im1.size[0] + im2.size[0], im2.size[1]))
    return im
コード例 #2
def composite_image(im1, im2):
    if isinstance(im1, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf):
        im1 = image_tools.pixbuf_to_pil(im1)
    if isinstance(im2, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf):
        im2 = image_tools.pixbuf_to_pil(im2)
    im = Image.new('RGBA',
                   (im1.size[0] + im2.size[0],
                    max(im1.size[1], im2.size[1])))
    im.paste(im1, (0, 0, im1.size[0], im1.size[1]))
    im.paste(im2, (im1.size[0], 0, im1.size[0]+im2.size[0], im2.size[1]))
    return im
コード例 #3
def draw_histogram(pixbuf, height=170, fill=170, text=True):
    """Draw a histogram from <pixbuf> and return it as another pixbuf.

    The returned prixbuf will be 262x<height> px.

    The value of <fill> determines the colour intensity of the filled graphs,
    valid values are between 0 and 255.

    If <text> is True a label with the maximum pixel value will be added to
    one corner.
    im = Image.new('RGB', (258, height - 4), (30, 30, 30))
    hist_data = image_tools.pixbuf_to_pil(pixbuf).histogram()
    maximum = max(hist_data[:768] + [1])
    y_scale = float(height - 6) / maximum
    r = [int(hist_data[n] * y_scale) for n in range(256)]
    g = [int(hist_data[n] * y_scale) for n in range(256, 512)]
    b = [int(hist_data[n] * y_scale) for n in range(512, 768)]
    im_data = im.getdata()
    # Draw the filling colours
    for x in range(256):
        for y in range(1, max(r[x], g[x], b[x]) + 1):
            r_px = y <= r[x] and fill or 0
            g_px = y <= g[x] and fill or 0
            b_px = y <= b[x] and fill or 0
            im_data.putpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y), (r_px, g_px, b_px))
    # Draw the outlines
    for x in range(1, 256):
        for y in range(r[x - 1] + 1, r[x] + 1) + [r[x]] * (r[x] != 0):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y), (255, g_px, b_px))
        for y in range(r[x] + 1, r[x - 1] + 1):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x, height - 5 - y), (255, g_px, b_px))
        for y in range(g[x - 1] + 1, g[x] + 1) + [g[x]] * (g[x] != 0):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y), (r_px, 255, b_px))
        for y in range(g[x] + 1, g[x - 1] + 1):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x, height - 5 - y), (r_px, 255, b_px))
        for y in range(b[x - 1] + 1, b[x] + 1) + [b[x]] * (b[x] != 0):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y), (r_px, g_px, 255))
        for y in range(b[x] + 1, b[x - 1] + 1):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x, height - 5 - y), (r_px, g_px, 255))
    if text:
        maxstr = 'max: ' + str(maximum)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        draw.rectangle((0, 0, len(maxstr) * 6 + 2, 10), fill=(30, 30, 30))
        draw.text((2, 0), maxstr, fill=(255, 255, 255))
    im = ImageOps.expand(im, 1, (80, 80, 80))
    im = ImageOps.expand(im, 1, (0, 0, 0))
    return image_tools.pil_to_pixbuf(im)
コード例 #4
ファイル: histogram.py プロジェクト: brambg/mcomix
def draw_histogram(pixbuf, height=170, fill=170, text=True):
    """Draw a histogram from <pixbuf> and return it as another pixbuf.

    The returned prixbuf will be 262x<height> px.

    The value of <fill> determines the colour intensity of the filled graphs,
    valid values are between 0 and 255.

    If <text> is True a label with the maximum pixel value will be added to
    one corner.
    im = Image.new('RGB', (258, height - 4), (30, 30, 30))
    hist_data = image_tools.pixbuf_to_pil(pixbuf).histogram()
    maximum = max(hist_data[:768] + [1])
    y_scale = float(height - 6) / maximum
    r = [int(hist_data[n] * y_scale) for n in xrange(256)]
    g = [int(hist_data[n] * y_scale) for n in xrange(256, 512)]
    b = [int(hist_data[n] * y_scale) for n in xrange(512, 768)]
    im_data = im.getdata()
    # Draw the filling colours
    for x in xrange(256):
        for y in xrange(1, max(r[x], g[x], b[x]) + 1):
            r_px = y <= r[x] and fill or 0
            g_px = y <= g[x] and fill or 0
            b_px = y <= b[x] and fill or 0
            im_data.putpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y), (r_px, g_px, b_px))
    # Draw the outlines
    for x in xrange(1, 256):
        for y in range(r[x-1] + 1, r[x] + 1) + [r[x]] * (r[x] != 0):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y), (255, g_px, b_px))
        for y in range(r[x] + 1, r[x-1] + 1):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x, height - 5 - y), (255, g_px, b_px))
        for y in range(g[x-1] + 1, g[x] + 1) + [g[x]] * (g[x] != 0):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y), (r_px, 255, b_px))
        for y in range(g[x] + 1, g[x-1] + 1):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x, height - 5 - y), (r_px, 255, b_px))
        for y in range(b[x-1] + 1, b[x] + 1) + [b[x]] * (b[x] != 0):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y), (r_px, g_px, 255))
        for y in range(b[x] + 1, b[x-1] + 1):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x, height - 5 - y), (r_px, g_px, 255))
    if text:
        maxstr = 'max: ' + str(maximum)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        draw.rectangle((0, 0, len(maxstr) * 6 + 2, 10), fill=(30, 30, 30))
        draw.text((2, 0), maxstr, fill=(255, 255, 255))
    im = ImageOps.expand(im, 1, (80, 80, 80))
    im = ImageOps.expand(im, 1, (0, 0, 0))
    return image_tools.pil_to_pixbuf(im)
コード例 #5
    def _copy_windows(self, pixbuf, path):
        """ Copies pixbuf and path to the clipboard.
        Uses native Win32 API, as GTK+ doesn't seem to work. """

        windll = ctypes.windll
        OpenClipboard = windll.user32.OpenClipboard
        EmptyClipboard = windll.user32.EmptyClipboard
        SetClipboardData = windll.user32.SetClipboardData
        CloseClipboard = windll.user32.CloseClipboard
        GlobalAlloc = windll.kernel32.GlobalAlloc
        GlobalLock = windll.kernel32.GlobalLock
        GlobalLock.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
        GlobalUnlock = windll.kernel32.GlobalUnlock

        def buffer_to_handle(buffer, buffer_size):
            """ Creates a memory handle for the passed data.
            This handle doesn't need to be freed by the application. """
            global_mem = GlobalAlloc(
                0x0042,  # GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT
            lock = GlobalLock(global_mem)
            ctypes.memmove(lock, ctypes.addressof(buffer), buffer_size)

            return global_mem

        # Paste the text as Unicode string
        text_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(path)
        text_handle = buffer_to_handle(text_buffer, ctypes.sizeof(text_buffer))
        # Paste the image as Win32 DIB structure
        pil = image_tools.pixbuf_to_pil(pixbuf)
        output = cStringIO.StringIO()
        pil.convert("RGB").save(output, "BMP")
        dibdata = output.getvalue()[14:]

        image_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(dibdata)
        image_handle = buffer_to_handle(image_buffer,

        # Actually copy data to clipboard
        if OpenClipboard(self._window.window.handle):
                13,  # CF_UNICODETEXT
                8,  # CF_DIB
            log.warning('Could not open clipboard.')
コード例 #6
 def test_pixbuf_to_pil(self):
     for image in (
         pixbuf = image_tools.load_pixbuf(get_image_path(image))
         im = image_tools.pixbuf_to_pil(pixbuf)
         msg = ('pixbuf_to_pil("%s") failed; '
                'result %%(diff_type)s differs: %%(diff)s' % (image, ))
         self.assertImagesEqual(im, pixbuf, msg=msg)
コード例 #7
ファイル: clipboard.py プロジェクト: Gosha/mcomix
    def _copy_windows(self, pixbuf, path):
        """ Copies pixbuf and path to the clipboard.
        Uses native Win32 API, as GTK+ doesn't seem to work. """

        windll = ctypes.windll
        OpenClipboard = windll.user32.OpenClipboard
        EmptyClipboard = windll.user32.EmptyClipboard
        SetClipboardData = windll.user32.SetClipboardData
        CloseClipboard = windll.user32.CloseClipboard
        GlobalAlloc = windll.kernel32.GlobalAlloc
        GlobalLock = windll.kernel32.GlobalLock
        GlobalLock.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
        GlobalUnlock = windll.kernel32.GlobalUnlock

        def buffer_to_handle(buffer, buffer_size):
            """ Creates a memory handle for the passed data.
            This handle doesn't need to be freed by the application. """
            global_mem = GlobalAlloc(
                0x0042,  # GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT
            lock = GlobalLock(global_mem)
            ctypes.memmove(lock, ctypes.addressof(buffer), buffer_size)

            return global_mem

        # Paste the text as Unicode string
        text_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(path)
        text_handle = buffer_to_handle(text_buffer,
        # Paste the image as Win32 DIB structure
        pil = image_tools.pixbuf_to_pil(pixbuf)
        output = cStringIO.StringIO()
        pil.convert("RGB").save(output, "BMP")
        dibdata = output.getvalue()[14:]

        image_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(dibdata)
        image_handle = buffer_to_handle(image_buffer,

        # Actually copy data to clipboard
        if OpenClipboard(self._window.window.handle):
            SetClipboardData(13,  # CF_UNICODETEXT
            SetClipboardData(8,  # CF_DIB
            log.warning('Could not open clipboard.')
コード例 #8
 def test_pixbuf_to_pil(self):
     for image in (
         pixbuf = image_tools.load_pixbuf(get_image_path(image))
         im = image_tools.pixbuf_to_pil(pixbuf)
         msg = (
             'pixbuf_to_pil("%s") failed; '
             'result %%(diff_type)s differs: %%(diff)s'
             % (image,)
         self.assertImagesEqual(im, pixbuf, msg=msg)