コード例 #1
def drawBoard(board, mc):
    global boardBottomLeft, boardWidth, boardHeight
    for x in range(boardWidth):
        for y in range(boardHeight):
            #print x,y,board[x][y]
            colourId = board[x][y]
            mc.setBlock(boardBottomLeft.x + x, boardBottomLeft.y + y, boardBottomLeft.z, WOOL.withData(colourId))
コード例 #2
def drawPalettes(initialPlayerPos, mc):
    # Draws the six color palettes at the bottom of the playArea.
    palettePosition = copy.deepcopy(initialPlayerPos)
    palettePosition.x += PALETTE_OFFSET[0]
    palettePosition.y += PALETTE_OFFSET[1]
    palettePosition.z += PALETTE_OFFSET[2]
    xShift = 0
    for colour in paletteColors:
        mc.setBlock(palettePosition.x + xShift, palettePosition.y, palettePosition.z, WOOL.withData(colour))
        xShift += 1
コード例 #3
def getWoolBlockWithRandomColour():
    #Generate a random number within the allowed range of colours (0 to 15 inclusive)
    randomNumber = randint(0,15)
    print("random number to be used = "+ str(randomNumber))
    block = WOOL.withData(randomNumber)
    return block