def write_docking_script(self, filename, file_r, file_l): """Dock using DOCK6 flexible docking with grid scoring as primary score""" locals().update(self.options) self.write_script_ligand_prep() if self.options['charge_method']: amber_version = utils.check_amber_version() ambertools.run_antechamber(file_l, 'lig_ref.mol2', at='sybyl', c=self.options['charge_method'], version=amber_version) else: shutil.copyfile(file_l, 'lig_ref.mol2') if self.options['grid_dir'] is None: # write autodock script with open(filename, 'w') as file: script = """#!/bin/bash set -e # remove hydrogens from target echo "delete element.H write format pdb #0 target_noH.pdb" > removeH.cmd chimera --nogui %(file_r)s removeH.cmd rm -rf removeH.cmd # prepare receptor (add missing h, add partial charges,...) echo "import chimera from DockPrep import prep models = chimera.openModels.list(modelTypes=[chimera.Molecule]) prep(models) from WriteMol2 import writeMol2 writeMol2(models, 'target.mol2')" > chimera --nogui %(file_r)s # generating receptor surface dms target_noH.pdb -n -w %(probe_radius)s -v -o # generating spheres echo " R X 0.0 %(maximum_sphere_radius)s %(minimum_sphere_radius)s target_noH_site.sph" > INSPH sphgen_cpp # shift ligand coordintates python lig_ref.mol2 lig.mol2 %(center)s # selecting spheres within a user-defined radius (sphgen_radius) sphere_selector target_noH_site.sph lig.mol2 %(sphgen_radius)s # create box - the second argument in the file # is the extra margin to also be enclosed to the box (angstroms) echo "Y %(extra_margin)s selected_spheres.sph 1 target_noH_box.pdb" > showbox < dock6path=`which dock6` vdwfile=`python -c "print '/'.join('$dock6path'.split('/')[:-2]) + '/parameters/vdw_AMBER_parm99.defn'"` flexfile=`python -c "print '/'.join('$dock6path'.split('/')[:-2]) + '/parameters/flex.defn'"` flexdfile=`python -c "print '/'.join('$dock6path'.split('/')[:-2]) + '/parameters/flex_drive.tbl'"` # create grid echo "compute_grids yes grid_spacing %(grid_spacing)s output_molecule no contact_score yes energy_score yes energy_cutoff_distance 9999 atom_model a attractive_exponent %(attractive_exponent)s repulsive_exponent %(repulsive_exponent)s distance_dielectric yes dielectric_factor 4 bump_filter yes bump_overlap 0.75 receptor_file target.mol2 box_file target_noH_box.pdb vdw_definition_file $vdwfile score_grid_prefix grid contact_cutoff_distance 4.5" > grid -i # flexible docking using grid score as primary score and no secondary score echo "ligand_atom_file lig.mol2 limit_max_ligands no skip_molecule no read_mol_solvation no calculate_rmsd no use_database_filter no orient_ligand yes automated_matching yes receptor_site_file selected_spheres.sph max_orientations %(max_orientations)s critical_points no chemical_matching no use_ligand_spheres no use_internal_energy yes internal_energy_rep_exp 12 flexible_ligand yes user_specified_anchor no limit_max_anchors no min_anchor_size 5 pruning_use_clustering yes pruning_max_orients 1000 pruning_clustering_cutoff 100 pruning_conformer_score_cutoff 100 use_clash_overlap yes clash_overlap 0.5 write_growth_tree no bump_filter yes bump_grid_prefix grid max_bumps_anchor 12 max_bumps_growth 12 score_molecules yes contact_score_primary no contact_score_secondary no grid_score_primary yes grid_score_secondary no grid_score_rep_rad_scale 1 grid_score_vdw_scale 1 grid_score_es_scale 1 grid_score_grid_prefix grid multigrid_score_secondary no dock3.5_score_secondary no continuous_score_secondary no descriptor_score_secondary no gbsa_zou_score_secondary no gbsa_hawkins_score_secondary no SASA_descriptor_score_secondary no pbsa_score_secondary no amber_score_secondary no minimize_ligand yes minimize_anchor yes minimize_flexible_growth yes use_advanced_simplex_parameters no simplex_max_cycles 1 simplex_score_converge 0.1 simplex_cycle_converge 1.0 simplex_trans_step 1.0 simplex_rot_step 0.1 simplex_tors_step 10.0 simplex_anchor_max_iterations 1000 simplex_grow_max_iterations 1000 simplex_grow_tors_premin_iterations 0 simplex_random_seed 0 simplex_restraint_min no atom_model all vdw_defn_file $vdwfile flex_defn_file $flexfile flex_drive_file $flexdfile ligand_outfile_prefix lig_out write_orientations no num_scored_conformers %(num_scored_conformers)s write_conformations no cluster_conformations yes cluster_rmsd_threshold %(rmsd)s rank_ligands no" > dock6 -i""" % locals() file.write(script) else: grid_prefix = self.options['grid_dir'] + '/' + self.options[ 'dockdir'] + '/grid' # check if grid file exists if not os.path.isfile(grid_prefix + '.in'): raise IOError( 'No grid file detected in specified location %s' % self.options['grid_dir']) sphfile = self.options['grid_dir'] + '/' + self.options[ 'dockdir'] + '/selected_spheres.sph' # check if grid file exists if not os.path.isfile(sphfile): raise IOError( 'No selected_spheres.sph file detected in specified location %s' % self.options['grid_dir']) with open(filename, 'w') as file: script = """#!/bin/bash # shift ligand coordintates python lig_ref.mol2 lig.mol2 %(center)s dock6path=`which dock6` vdwfile=`python -c "print '/'.join('$dock6path'.split('/')[:-2]) + '/parameters/vdw_AMBER_parm99.defn'"` flexfile=`python -c "print '/'.join('$dock6path'.split('/')[:-2]) + '/parameters/flex.defn'"` flexdfile=`python -c "print '/'.join('$dock6path'.split('/')[:-2]) + '/parameters/flex_drive.tbl'"` # flexible docking using grid score as primary score and no secondary score echo "ligand_atom_file lig.mol2 limit_max_ligands no skip_molecule no read_mol_solvation no calculate_rmsd no use_database_filter no orient_ligand yes automated_matching yes receptor_site_file %(sphfile)s max_orientations %(max_orientations)s critical_points no chemical_matching no use_ligand_spheres no use_internal_energy yes internal_energy_rep_exp 12 flexible_ligand yes user_specified_anchor no limit_max_anchors no min_anchor_size 5 pruning_use_clustering yes pruning_max_orients 1000 pruning_clustering_cutoff 100 pruning_conformer_score_cutoff 100 use_clash_overlap yes clash_overlap 0.5 write_growth_tree no bump_filter yes bump_grid_prefix %(grid_prefix)s max_bumps_anchor 12 max_bumps_growth 12 score_molecules yes contact_score_primary no contact_score_secondary no grid_score_primary yes grid_score_secondary no grid_score_rep_rad_scale 1 grid_score_vdw_scale 1 grid_score_es_scale 1 grid_score_grid_prefix %(grid_prefix)s multigrid_score_secondary no dock3.5_score_secondary no continuous_score_secondary no descriptor_score_secondary no gbsa_zou_score_secondary no gbsa_hawkins_score_secondary no SASA_descriptor_score_secondary no pbsa_score_secondary no amber_score_secondary no minimize_ligand yes minimize_anchor yes minimize_flexible_growth yes use_advanced_simplex_parameters no simplex_max_cycles 1 simplex_score_converge 0.1 simplex_cycle_converge 1.0 simplex_trans_step 1.0 simplex_rot_step 0.1 simplex_tors_step 10.0 simplex_anchor_max_iterations 1000 simplex_grow_max_iterations 1000 simplex_grow_tors_premin_iterations 0 simplex_random_seed 0 simplex_restraint_min no atom_model all vdw_defn_file $vdwfile flex_defn_file $flexfile flex_drive_file $flexdfile ligand_outfile_prefix lig_out write_orientations no num_scored_conformers %(num_scored_conformers)s write_conformations no cluster_conformations yes cluster_rmsd_threshold %(rmsd)s rank_ligands no" > dock6 -i""" % locals() file.write(script)
def write_rescoring_script(self, filename, file_r, files_l): """Rescore using DOCK6 grid scoring function""" locals().update(self.options) self.write_script_ligand_prep() # cat mol2 files in a single mol2 file_l_all = 'lig_all.mol2' if self.options['charge_method']: amber_version = utils.check_amber_version() ambertools.run_antechamber(files_l[0], 'lig-1.mol2', at='sybyl', c=self.options['charge_method'], version=amber_version) else: shutil.copyfile(files_l[0], 'lig-1.mol2') for idx, file_l in enumerate(files_l): if idx > 0: if self.options['charge_method']: # if not first one, do not regenerate the charges, copy charges generated the first time coords_l = mol2.get_coordinates(file_l) struct = mol2.Reader('lig-1.mol2').next() struct = mol2.replace_coordinates(struct, coords_l) mol2.Writer().write('lig-%i.mol2' % (idx + 1), struct) else: shutil.copyfile(file_l, 'lig-%i.mol2' % (idx + 1)) subprocess.check_output("cat lig-%i.mol2 >> %s" % (idx + 1, file_l_all), shell=True) if self.options['grid_dir'] is None: with open(filename, 'w') as file: script = """#!/bin/bash set -e # remove hydrogens from target echo "delete element.H write format pdb #0 target_noH.pdb" > removeH.cmd chimera --nogui %(file_r)s removeH.cmd rm -rf removeH.cmd # prepare receptor (add missing h, add partial charges,...) echo "import chimera from DockPrep import prep models = chimera.openModels.list(modelTypes=[chimera.Molecule]) prep(models) from WriteMol2 import writeMol2 writeMol2(models, 'target.mol2')" > chimera --nogui %(file_r)s # generating receptor surface dms target_noH.pdb -n -w %(probe_radius)s -v -o # generating spheres echo " R X 0.0 %(maximum_sphere_radius)s %(minimum_sphere_radius)s target_noH_site.sph" > INSPH sphgen_cpp # shift ligand coordintates python lig-1.mol2 lig.mol2 %(center)s # selecting spheres within a user-defined radius (sphgen_radius) sphere_selector target_noH_site.sph lig.mol2 %(sphgen_radius)s # create box - the second argument in the file # is the extra margin to also be enclosed to the box (angstroms) echo "Y %(extra_margin)s selected_spheres.sph 1 target_noH_box.pdb" > showbox < dock6path=`which dock6` vdwfile=`python -c "print '/'.join('$dock6path'.split('/')[:-2]) + '/parameters/vdw_AMBER_parm99.defn'"` flexfile=`python -c "print '/'.join('$dock6path'.split('/')[:-2]) + '/parameters/flex.defn'"` flexdfile=`python -c "print '/'.join('$dock6path'.split('/')[:-2]) + '/parameters/flex_drive.tbl'"` # create grid echo "compute_grids yes grid_spacing %(grid_spacing)s output_molecule no contact_score yes energy_score yes energy_cutoff_distance 9999 atom_model a attractive_exponent %(attractive_exponent)s repulsive_exponent %(repulsive_exponent)s distance_dielectric yes dielectric_factor 4 bump_filter yes bump_overlap 0.75 receptor_file target.mol2 box_file target_noH_box.pdb vdw_definition_file $vdwfile score_grid_prefix grid contact_cutoff_distance 4.5" > grid -i echo "ligand_atom_file %(file_l_all)s limit_max_ligands no skip_molecule no read_mol_solvation no calculate_rmsd no use_database_filter no orient_ligand no use_internal_energy yes internal_energy_rep_exp 12 flexible_ligand no bump_filter no score_molecules yes contact_score_primary no contact_score_secondary no grid_score_primary yes grid_score_secondary no grid_score_rep_rad_scale 1 grid_score_vdw_scale 1 grid_score_es_scale 1 grid_score_grid_prefix grid multigrid_score_secondary no dock3.5_score_secondary no continuous_score_secondary no descriptor_score_secondary no gbsa_zou_score_secondary no gbsa_hawkins_score_secondary no SASA_descriptor_score_secondary no amber_score_secondary no minimize_ligand no atom_model all vdw_defn_file $vdwfile flex_defn_file $flexfile flex_drive_file $flexdfile ligand_outfile_prefix lig_out write_orientations no num_scored_conformers 1 rank_ligands no" > dock6 -i > dock.out""" % locals() file.write(script) else: grid_prefix = self.options['grid_dir'] + '/' + self.options[ 'dockdir'] + '/grid' # check if grid file exists if not os.path.isfile(grid_prefix + '.in'): raise IOError( 'No grid file detected in specified location %s' % self.options['grid_dir']) with open(filename, 'w') as file: script = """#!/bin/bash # shift ligand coordintates python lig-1.mol2 lig.mol2 %(center)s dock6path=`which dock6` vdwfile=`python -c "print '/'.join('$dock6path'.split('/')[:-2]) + '/parameters/vdw_AMBER_parm99.defn'"` flexfile=`python -c "print '/'.join('$dock6path'.split('/')[:-2]) + '/parameters/flex.defn'"` flexdfile=`python -c "print '/'.join('$dock6path'.split('/')[:-2]) + '/parameters/flex_drive.tbl'"` echo "ligand_atom_file %(file_l_all)s limit_max_ligands no skip_molecule no read_mol_solvation no calculate_rmsd no use_database_filter no orient_ligand no use_internal_energy yes internal_energy_rep_exp 12 flexible_ligand no bump_filter no score_molecules yes contact_score_primary no contact_score_secondary no grid_score_primary yes grid_score_secondary no grid_score_rep_rad_scale 1 grid_score_vdw_scale 1 grid_score_es_scale 1 grid_score_grid_prefix %(grid_prefix)s multigrid_score_secondary no dock3.5_score_secondary no continuous_score_secondary no descriptor_score_secondary no gbsa_zou_score_secondary no gbsa_hawkins_score_secondary no SASA_descriptor_score_secondary no amber_score_secondary no minimize_ligand no atom_model all vdw_defn_file $vdwfile flex_defn_file $flexfile flex_drive_file $flexdfile ligand_outfile_prefix lig_out write_orientations no num_scored_conformers 1 rank_ligands no" > dock6 -i > dock.out""" % locals() file.write(script)
if args.cut is None: if args.solvent == 'explicit': args.cut = 10.0 else: args.cut = 999.0 if args.ncpus is None: if args.partition == 'gpu': args.ncpus = 16 else: args.ncpus = 8 locals().update(args.__dict__) # get amber version amber_version = utils.check_amber_version() # check electric field option if not amber_version in ['16', '17'] and efz is not None: sys.exit('Electric field option only supported for Amber 16 or 17') elif efz: ef_lines = "\nefz=%s,"%efz if efn == 1: ef_lines += " efn=1," else: ef_lines = "" # set aMD options if amd is not None: options_amd = amd.split(',') noptions_amd = len(options_amd)/2