コード例 #1
    def onDND(self, list, context, x, y, dragData, dndId, time):
        """ External Drag'n'Drop """
        import urllib

        if dragData.data == '':
            context.finish(False, False, time)

        # A list of filenames, without 'file://' at the beginning
        if dndId == consts.DND_DAP_URI:
            tracks = media.getTracks([urllib.url2pathname(uri) for uri in dragData.data.split()])
        # A list of filenames starting with 'file://'
        elif dndId == consts.DND_URI:
            tracks = media.getTracks([urllib.url2pathname(uri)[7:] for uri in dragData.data.split()])
        # A list of tracks
        elif dndId == consts.DND_DAP_TRACKS:
            tracks = [media.track.unserialize(serialTrack) for serialTrack in dragData.data.split('\n')]

        dropInfo = list.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y)

        # Insert the tracks, but beware of the AFTER/BEFORE mechanism used by GTK
        if dropInfo is None:                          self.insert(tracks, False)
        elif dropInfo[1] == gtk.TREE_VIEW_DROP_AFTER: self.insert(tracks, False, dropInfo[0][0] + 1)
        else:                                         self.insert(tracks, False, dropInfo[0][0])

        context.finish(True, False, time)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Tracktree.py プロジェクト: csryan/pogo
    def onDND(self, list, context, x, y, dragData, dndId, time):
        """ External Drag'n'Drop """
        import urllib

        if dragData.data == '':
            context.finish(False, False, time)

        # A list of filenames, without 'file://' at the beginning
        if dndId == consts.DND_POGO_URI:
            tracks = media.getTracks([urllib.url2pathname(uri) for uri in dragData.data.split()])
        # A list of filenames starting with 'file://'
        elif dndId == consts.DND_URI:
            tracks = media.getTracks([urllib.url2pathname(uri)[7:] for uri in dragData.data.split()])
            assert False

        # dropInfo is tuple (path, drop_pos)
        dropInfo = list.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y)

        # Insert the tracks, but beware of the AFTER/BEFORE mechanism used by GTK
        if dropInfo is None:
            self.insert(tracks, playNow=False, highlight=True)
            path, drop_mode = dropInfo
            iter = self.tree.store.get_iter(path)
            self.insert(tracks, iter, drop_mode, playNow=False, highlight=True)

        # We want to allow dropping tracks only when we are sure that no dir is
        # selected. This is needed for dnd from nautilus.
        self.tree.dir_selected = True

        context.finish(True, False, time)
コード例 #3
    def play(self, replace, path=None):
            Replace/extend the tracklist
            If 'path' is None, use the current selection
        if path is None: tracks = media.getTracks([row[ROW_FULLPATH] for row in self.tree.getSelectedRows()], self.addByFilename, not self.showHiddenFiles)
        else:            tracks = media.getTracks([self.tree.getRow(path)[ROW_FULLPATH]], self.addByFilename, not self.showHiddenFiles)

        if replace: modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SET, {'tracks': tracks, 'playNow': True})
        else:       modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_ADD, {'tracks': tracks, 'playNow': False})
コード例 #4
ファイル: DBus.py プロジェクト: gabrielmcf/biel-audio-player
    def sendMsg(self, msg, params):
        """ Send the given message and its parameters to the core """
        if msg in (consts.MSG_CMD_TOGGLE_PAUSE,  consts.MSG_CMD_NEXT, consts.MSG_CMD_PREVIOUS, consts.MSG_CMD_STOP,
                   consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_CLR, consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SHUFFLE):
            gobject.idle_add(modules.postMsg, msg)
        elif msg == consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_ADD:
            gobject.idle_add(modules.postMsg, msg, {'tracks': media.getTracks([file for file in params])})
        elif msg == consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SET:
            gobject.idle_add(modules.postMsg, msg, {'tracks': media.getTracks([file for file in params]), 'playNow': True})
        elif msg == consts.MSG_CMD_SET_VOLUME:
            gobject.idle_add(modules.postMsg, msg, {'value': float(params[0]) / 100.0})
            return False

        return True
コード例 #5
 def onDragDataGet(self, tree, context, selection, info, time):
     """ Provide information about the data being dragged """
     allTracks = media.getTracks(
         [row[ROW_FULLPATH] for row in self.tree.getSelectedRows()],
         self.addByFilename, not self.showHiddenFiles)
     selection.set(consts.DND_TARGETS[consts.DND_DAP_TRACKS][0], 8,
                   '\n'.join([track.serialize() for track in allTracks]))
コード例 #6
ファイル: DBus.py プロジェクト: csryan/pogo
 def SetTracks(self, uris, playNow):
     """ Replace the tracklist by the given URIs """
     # uris is a DBus array we want a Python list
     # We add the empty string to convert the uris from DBus.String to unicode
     paths = [uri + '' for uri in uris]
     gobject.idle_add(modules.postMsg, consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SET,
                     {'tracks': media.getTracks(paths), 'playNow': playNow})
コード例 #7
ファイル: DBus.py プロジェクト: csryan/pogo
 def AddTracks(self, uris, playNow):
     """ Appends multiple URIs to the tracklist """
     # uris is a DBus array we want a Python list
     # We add the empty string to convert the uris from DBus.String to unicode
     paths = [uri + '' for uri in uris]
     gobject.idle_add(modules.postMsg, consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_ADD,
                     {'tracks': media.getTracks(paths), 'playNow': playNow})
コード例 #8
ファイル: Tracktree.py プロジェクト: johanson/pogo
    def onDND(self, list, context, x, y, dragData, dndId, time):
        """ External Drag'n'Drop """
        import urllib.request

        uris = dragData.get_uris()

        if not uris:
            context.finish(False, False, time)

        def get_path(uri):
            if uri.startswith('file://'):
                uri = uri[len('file://'):]
            return urllib.request.url2pathname(uri)

        paths = [get_path(uri) for uri in uris]
        tracks = media.getTracks(paths)

        dropInfo = list.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y)

        # Insert the tracks, but beware of the AFTER/BEFORE mechanism used by GTK
        if dropInfo is None:
            self.insert(tracks, playNow=False, highlight=True)
            path, drop_mode = dropInfo
            iter = self.tree.store.get_iter(path)
            self.insert(tracks, iter, drop_mode, playNow=False, highlight=True)

        # We want to allow dropping tracks only when we are sure that no dir is
        # selected. This is needed for dnd from nautilus.
        self.tree.dir_selected = True

        context.finish(True, False, time)
コード例 #9
ファイル: DBus.py プロジェクト: jtojnar/decibel-audio-player
 def SetTracks(self, uris, playNow):
     """ Replace the tracklist by the given URIs """
         {"tracks": media.getTracks([file for file in uris]), "playNow": playNow},
コード例 #10
ファイル: DBus.py プロジェクト: jtojnar/decibel-audio-player
 def AddTracks(self, uris, playNow):
     """ Appends multiple URIs to the tracklist """
         {"tracks": media.getTracks([file for file in uris]), "playNow": playNow},
コード例 #11
ファイル: Tracktree.py プロジェクト: csryan/pogo
    def onAppStarted(self):
        """ This is the real initialization function, called when the module has been loaded """
        wTree                  = tools.prefs.getWidgetsTree()
        self.playtime          = 0
        self.bufferedTrack     = None
        # Retrieve widgets
        self.window     = wTree.get_object('win-main')

        columns = (('',   [(gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), gtk.gdk.Pixbuf), (gtk.CellRendererText(), TYPE_STRING)], True),
                   (None, [(None, TYPE_PYOBJECT)], False),

        self.tree = TrackTreeView(columns, use_markup=True)


        # GTK handlers
        self.tree.connect('exttreeview-button-pressed', self.onMouseButton)
        self.tree.connect('tracktreeview-dnd', self.onDND)
        self.tree.connect('key-press-event', self.onKeyboard)
        self.tree.get_model().connect('row-deleted', self.onRowDeleted)

        (options, args) = prefs.getCmdLine()

        self.savedPlaylist = os.path.join(consts.dirCfg, 'saved-playlist')
        self.paused = False

        # Populate the playlist with the saved playlist
        dump = None
        if os.path.exists(self.savedPlaylist):
                dump = pickleLoad(self.savedPlaylist)
                msg = '[%s] Unable to restore playlist from %s\n\n%s'
                log.logger.error(msg % (MOD_INFO[modules.MODINFO_NAME],
                                self.savedPlaylist, traceback.format_exc()))

        if dump:
            log.logger.info('[%s] Restored playlist' % MOD_INFO[modules.MODINFO_NAME])

        commands, args = tools.separate_commands_and_tracks(args)

        # Add commandline tracks to the playlist
        if args:
            log.logger.info('[%s] Filling playlist with files given on command line' % MOD_INFO[modules.MODINFO_NAME])
            tracks  = media.getTracks([os.path.abspath(arg) for arg in args])
            playNow = not 'stop' in commands and not 'pause' in commands
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_ADD, {'tracks': tracks, 'playNow': playNow})
        elif 'play' in commands:

        # Automatically save the content at regular intervals
        gobject.timeout_add_seconds(SAVE_INTERVAL, self.save_track_tree)
コード例 #12
 def SetTracks(self, uris, playNow):
     """ Replace the tracklist by the given URIs """
     # uris is a DBus array we want a Python list
     # We add the empty string to convert the uris from DBus.String to unicode
     paths = [uri + '' for uri in uris]
     GObject.idle_add(modules.postMsg, consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SET, {
         'tracks': media.getTracks(paths),
         'playNow': playNow
コード例 #13
 def AddTracks(self, uris, playNow):
     """ Appends multiple URIs to the tracklist """
     # uris is a DBus array we want a Python list
     # We add the empty string to convert the uris from DBus.String to unicode
     paths = [uri + '' for uri in uris]
     GObject.idle_add(modules.postMsg, consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_ADD, {
         'tracks': media.getTracks(paths),
         'playNow': playNow
コード例 #14
    def onDND(self, list, context, x, y, dragData, dndId, time):
        """ External Drag'n'Drop """
        if dragData.data == '':
            context.finish(False, False, time)

        dropInfo = list.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y)

        # A list of filenames, without 'file://' at the beginning
        if dndId == consts.DND_DAP_URI:
            tracks = media.getTracks([urllib.url2pathname(uri) for uri in dragData.data.split()])
        # A list of filenames starting with 'file://'
        elif dndId == consts.DND_URI:
            tracks = media.getTracks([urllib.url2pathname(uri)[7:] for uri in dragData.data.split()])
        # A list of tracks
        elif dndId == consts.DND_DAP_TRACKS:
            tracks = [media.track.unserialize(serialTrack) for serialTrack in dragData.data.split('\n')]

        if dropInfo is None: self.insert(tracks)
        else:                self.insert(tracks, dropInfo[0][0])

        context.finish(True, False, time)
コード例 #15
    def onAppStarted(self):
        """ Try to fill the playlist by using the files given on the command line or by restoring the last playlist """
        (options, args)    = prefs.getCmdLine()
        self.savedPlaylist = os.path.join(consts.dirCfg, 'saved-playlist.txt')

        if len(args) != 0:
            log.logger.info('[%s] Filling playlist with files given on command line' % MOD_NAME)
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SET, {'tracks': media.getTracks(args), 'playNow': True})
                tracks = [media.track.unserialize(serialTrack) for serialTrack in tools.pickleLoad(self.savedPlaylist)]
                modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SET, {'tracks': tracks, 'playNow': False})
                log.logger.info('[%s] Restored playlist' % MOD_NAME)
                log.logger.error('[%s] Unable to restore playlist from %s\n\n%s' % (MOD_NAME, self.savedPlaylist, traceback.format_exc()))
コード例 #16
    def play(self, replace, path=None):
            Replace/extend the tracklist
            If 'path' is None, use the current selection
        if path is None:
            tracks = media.getTracks(
                [row[ROW_FULLPATH] for row in self.tree.getSelectedRows()],
                self.addByFilename, not self.showHiddenFiles)
            tracks = media.getTracks([self.tree.getRow(path)[ROW_FULLPATH]],
                                     not self.showHiddenFiles)

        if replace:
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SET, {
                'tracks': tracks,
                'playNow': True
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_ADD, {
                'tracks': tracks,
                'playNow': False
コード例 #17
ファイル: widgets.py プロジェクト: csryan/pogo
        if pos_ok:
            # Everything ok, enable dnd
            self.enable_model_drag_dest(self.dndTargets, gtk.gdk.ACTION_DEFAULT)
            # do not let the user drop anything here
            self.enable_model_drag_dest([('invalid-position', 0, -1)], gtk.gdk.ACTION_DEFAULT)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from gobject import TYPE_INT, TYPE_PYOBJECT

    from tools import icons
    from media import getTracks

    tracks = getTracks(['/home/jendrik/Musik/Clearlake - Amber'])

    columns = (('',   [(gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), gtk.gdk.Pixbuf), (gtk.CellRendererText(), TYPE_STRING)], True),
                   (None, [(None, TYPE_INT)],                                                                 False),
                   (None, [(None, TYPE_STRING)],                                                               False),
                   (None, [(None, TYPE_PYOBJECT)], False),

    tree = TrackTreeView(columns, True)

    track = None

    a = tree.appendRow((icons.nullMenuIcon(), 'a', 1, 'something', track), None)
    b = tree.appendRow((icons.nullMenuIcon(), 'b', 1, 'something', track), a)
コード例 #18
            action = Gdk.DragAction.COPY
        Gdk.drag_status(context, action, time)

        # Return whether the cursor position is in a drop zone.
        return pos_ok

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf
    from gi.repository import GObject

    from tools import icons
    from media import getTracks

    tracks = getTracks(['/home/jendrik/Musik/Clearlake - Amber'])

    columns = (
        ('', [(Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf),
              (Gtk.CellRendererText(), GObject.TYPE_STRING)], True),
        (None, [(None, GObject.TYPE_INT)], False),
        (None, [(None, GObject.TYPE_STRING)], False),
        (None, [(None, GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT)], False),

    tree = TrackTreeView(columns, True)

    track = None

    a = tree.appendRow((icons.nullMenuIcon(), 'a', 1, 'something', track),
コード例 #19
ファイル: TrackLoader.py プロジェクト: johanson/pogo
 def onLoadTracks(self, paths):
     modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_ADD, {
         'tracks': media.getTracks(paths),
         'playNow': True
コード例 #20
 def onDragDataGet(self, tree, context, selection, info, time):
     """ Provide information about the data being dragged """
     allTracks = media.getTracks([row[ROW_FULLPATH] for row in self.tree.getSelectedRows()], self.addByFilename, not self.showHiddenFiles)
     selection.set(consts.DND_TARGETS[consts.DND_DAP_TRACKS][0], 8, '\n'.join([track.serialize() for track in allTracks]))
コード例 #21
ファイル: Tracktree.py プロジェクト: johanson/pogo
    def onAppStarted(self):
        """ This is the real initialization function, called when the module has been loaded """
        wTree                  = tools.prefs.getWidgetsTree()
        self.playtime          = 0
        self.bufferedTrack     = None
        # Retrieve widgets
        self.window     = wTree.get_object('win-main')

        columns = (('',   [(Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf), (Gtk.CellRendererText(), GObject.TYPE_STRING)], True),
                   (None, [(None, GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT)], False),

        self.tree = TrackTreeView(columns, use_markup=True)

        target = Gtk.TargetEntry.new(*DND_INTERNAL_TARGET)
        targets = Gtk.TargetList.new([target])


        # GTK handlers
        self.tree.connect('exttreeview-button-pressed', self.onMouseButton)
        self.tree.connect('tracktreeview-dnd', self.onDND)
        self.tree.connect('key-press-event', self.onKeyboard)
        self.tree.get_model().connect('row-deleted', self.onRowDeleted)

        (options, args) = prefs.getCmdLine()

        self.savedPlaylist = os.path.join(consts.dirCfg, 'saved-playlist')
        self.paused = False

        # Populate the playlist with the saved playlist
        dump = None
        if os.path.exists(self.savedPlaylist):
                dump = pickleLoad(self.savedPlaylist)
            except (EOFError, IOError):
                msg = '[%s] Unable to restore playlist from %s\n\n%s'
                log.logger.error(msg % (MOD_INFO[modules.MODINFO_NAME],
                                self.savedPlaylist, traceback.format_exc()))

        if dump:
            log.logger.info('[%s] Restored playlist' % MOD_INFO[modules.MODINFO_NAME])

        commands, args = tools.separate_commands_and_tracks(args)

        # Add commandline tracks to the playlist
        if args:
            log.logger.info('[%s] Filling playlist with files given on command line' % MOD_INFO[modules.MODINFO_NAME])
            tracks  = media.getTracks([os.path.abspath(arg) for arg in args])
            playNow = not 'stop' in commands and not 'pause' in commands
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_ADD, {'tracks': tracks, 'playNow': playNow})
        elif 'play' in commands:

        # Automatically save the content at regular intervals
        GObject.timeout_add_seconds(SAVE_INTERVAL, self.save_track_tree)
コード例 #22
ファイル: TrackLoader.py プロジェクト: jendrikseipp/pogo
 def onLoadTracks(self, paths):
     modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_ADD, {"tracks": media.getTracks(paths), "playNow": True})