def main(self, argv): """Main method, callable from command line""" log.setLevel(logging.FATAL) usage_str = "usage: %prog [options]\n" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage_str) parser.add_option( "-s", "--startDate", dest="startDate", metavar="<startDate>", help= "Date string (e.g., 2011-12-15), if provided, will only run conversion on items with ordering time on or after this date." ) parser.add_option( "-e", "--endDate", dest="endDate", metavar="<endDate>", help= "Date string (e.g., 2011-12-15), if provided, will only run conversion on items with ordering time before this date." ) parser.add_option( "-n", "--normalizeMixtures", dest="normalizeMixtures", action="store_true", help= "If set, when find medication mixtures, will unravel / normalize into separate entries, one for each ingredient" ) parser.add_option( "-d", "--doseCountLimit", dest="doseCountLimit", help= "Medication orders with a finite number of doses specified less than this limit will be labeled as different items than those without a number specified, or whose number is >= to this limit. Intended to distinguish things like IV single bolus / use vs. continuous infusions and standing medication orders" ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])"Starting: " + str.join(" ", argv)) timer = time.time() conv_options = ConversionOptions() conv_options.extract_parser_options(options) self.convertAndUpload(conv_options) timer = time.time() - timer"%.3f seconds to complete", timer)
def setUp(self): log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # without this no logs are printed """Prepare state for test cases""" DBTestCase.setUp(self)"Sourcing from BigQuery DB") ClinicalItemDataLoader.build_clinical_item_psql_schemata() self.converter = STARRTreatmentTeamConversion.STARRTreatmentTeamConversion( ) # Instance to test on self.bqConn = self.converter.bqConn self.starrUtil = STARRUtil.StarrCommonUtils(self.converter.bqClient) # point the converter to dummy source table STARRTreatmentTeamConversion.SOURCE_TABLE = TEST_SOURCE_TABLE
def setUp(self): """Prepare state for test cases""" log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # without this no logs are printed DBTestCase.setUp(self) ClinicalItemDataLoader.build_clinical_item_psql_schemata() # point the converter to dummy source table STARRDemographicsConversion.SOURCE_TABLE = TEST_SOURCE_TABLE"Generating test source data") self.generate_test_and_expected_data(self.TEST_DATA_SIZE) self.dump_test_data_to_csv(self.test_data_csv) self.upload_test_data_csv_to_bigquery() self.dump_patient_ids_to_test_to_csv(self.pat_id_csv)
def setUp(self): log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # without this no logs are printed """Prepare state for test cases""" DBTestCase.setUp(self)"Sourcing from BigQuery DB") ClinicalItemDataLoader.build_clinical_item_psql_schemata() self.converter = STARRTreatmentTeamConversion.STARRTreatmentTeamConversion( ) # Instance to test on self.bqConn = self.converter.bqConn self.starrUtil = STARRUtil.StarrCommonUtils(self.converter.bqClient) # point the converter to dummy source table STARRTreatmentTeamConversion.SOURCE_TABLE = TEST_SOURCE_TABLE log.warn( "Removing test table, if exists: {}".format(TEST_SOURCE_TABLE)) bq_cursor = self.bqConn.cursor() bq_cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {};'.format(TEST_SOURCE_TABLE))
def setUp(self): """Prepare state for test cases""" log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # without this no logs are printed DBTestCase.setUp(self) ClinicalItemDataLoader.build_clinical_item_psql_schemata() # point the converter to dummy source table STARRDemographicsConversion.SOURCE_TABLE = TEST_SOURCE_TABLE log.warn( "Removing test table if it exists: {}".format(TEST_SOURCE_TABLE)) bq_cursor = self.bqConn.cursor() bq_cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {};'.format(TEST_SOURCE_TABLE))"Generating test source data") self.generate_test_and_expected_data(self.TEST_DATA_SIZE) self.starrUtil.dump_test_data_to_csv(self.header, self.test_data, self.test_data_csv) self.starrUtil.upload_csv_to_bigquery('starr_datalake2018', 'demographic', 'test_dataset', 'starr_demographic', self.test_data_csv, self.header) self.dump_patient_ids_to_test_to_csv(self.pat_id_csv)
where pi.clinical_item_id = ci.clinical_item_id and ci.clinical_item_category_id = cic.clinical_item_category_id and cic.source_table = '%s' order by pi.external_id desc, ci.external_id desc """ % (TEST_DEST_DATASET, TEST_DEST_DATASET, TEST_DEST_DATASET, TEST_SOURCE_TABLE) bq_cursor = self.bqConn.cursor() bq_cursor.execute(test_query) actual_data = [list(row.values()) for row in bq_cursor.fetchall()] log.debug('actual data: {}'.format(actual_data)) log.debug('expected data: {}'.format(self.expected_data)) self.assertEqualTable(self.expected_data, actual_data) def suite(): """Returns the suite of tests to run for this test class / module. Use unittest.makeSuite methods which simply extracts all of the methods for the given class whose name starts with "test" """ test_suite = unittest.TestSuite() test_suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestSTARRTreatmentTeamConversion)) return test_suite if __name__ == "__main__": log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # without this no logs are printed unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=RUNNER_VERBOSITY).run(suite())