コード例 #1
ファイル: test_utils.py プロジェクト: Mrswolf/python-meegkit
def test_demean(show=False):
    """Test demean."""
    n_trials = 100
    n_chans = 8
    n_times = 1000
    x = np.random.randn(n_times, n_chans, n_trials)
    x, s = _stim_data(n_times, n_chans, n_trials, 8, SNR=10)

    # demean and check trial average is almost zero
    x1 = demean(x)
    assert_almost_equal(x1.mean(2).mean(0), np.zeros((n_chans, )))

    # now use weights
    times = np.arange(n_times)
    weights = np.zeros_like(times)
    weights[:100] = 1
    x2 = demean(x, weights)

    if show:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.plot(s.mean(2), 'k:')

    # assert mean is ~= 0 during baseline
    assert_almost_equal(x2[:100].mean(2).mean(0), np.zeros((n_chans, )))

    # assert trial average is close to source signal
    assert np.all(x2.mean(2) - s.mean(2) < 1)
コード例 #2
def test_demean(show=False):
    """Test demean."""
    n_trials = 100
    n_chans = 8
    n_times = 1000
    x = np.random.randn(n_times, n_chans, n_trials)
    x, s = _sim_data(n_times, n_chans, n_trials, 8, SNR=10)

    # 1. demean and check trial average is almost zero
    x1 = demean(x)
    assert_almost_equal(x1.mean(2).mean(0), np.zeros((n_chans,)))
    assert_almost_equal(x1.mean(2), mean_over_trials(x1)[0])

    # 2. now use weights : baseline = first 100 samples
    times = np.arange(n_times)
    weights = np.zeros_like(times)
    weights[:100] = 1
    x2 = demean(x, weights)

    if show:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        f, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1)
        ax[0].plot(times, x[:, 0].mean(-1), label='noisy_data')
        ax[0].plot(times, s[:, 0].mean(-1), label='signal')
        ax[1].plot(times, x1[:, 0].mean(-1), label='mean over entire epoch')
        ax[2].plot(x2[:, 0].mean(-1), label='weighted mean')
        ax[2].plot(s[:, 0].mean(-1), 'k:')

    # assert mean is ~= 0 during baseline
    assert_almost_equal(x2[:100].mean(2).mean(0), np.zeros((n_chans,)))

    # assert trial average is close to source signal
    assert np.all(x2.mean(2) - s.mean(2) < 1)

    # 3. try different shape weights (these should all be equivalent)
    weights = np.zeros((len(times), 1, 1))
    weights[:100] = 1
    x1 = demean(x, weights)

    weights = np.zeros((len(times), n_chans, 1))
    weights[:100] = 1
    x2 = demean(x, weights)

    weights = np.zeros((len(times), n_chans, n_trials))
    weights[:100] = 1
    x3 = demean(x, weights)

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(x1, x2)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(x1, x3)
コード例 #3
def test_tspca_sns_dss():  # TODO
    """Test TSPCA, SNS, DSS.

    Requires data stored in a time X channels X trials matrix.

    Remove environmental noise with TSPCA (shifts=-50:50).
    Remove sensor noise with SNS.
    Remove non-repeatable components with DSS.
    # Random data (time*chans*trials)
    data = np.random.random((800, 102, 200))
    ref = np.random.random((800, 3, 200))

    # remove means
    noisy_data = demean(data)
    noisy_ref = demean(ref)

    # Apply TSPCA
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # shifts = np.arange(-50, 51)
    # print('TSPCA...')
    # y_tspca, idx = tspca.tsr(noisy_data, noisy_ref, shifts)[0:2]
    # print('\b OK!')
    y_tspca = noisy_data

    # Apply SNS
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    nneighbors = 10
    y_tspca_sns, r = sns.sns(y_tspca, nneighbors)
    print('\b OK!')

    # apply DSS
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Keep all PC components
    y_tspca_sns = demean(y_tspca_sns)
    todss, fromdss, _, _ = dss.dss1(y_tspca_sns)
    print('\b OK!')

    # c3 = DSS components
    y_tspca_sns_dss = fold(np.dot(unfold(y_tspca_sns), todss),

    return y_tspca, y_tspca_sns, y_tspca_sns_dss
コード例 #4
    def sim_data(n_samples, n_chans, f, SNR):
        target = np.sin(np.arange(n_samples) / n_samples * 2 * np.pi * f)
        target = target[:, np.newaxis]
        noise = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_chans - 3)

        x0 = (
            normcol(np.dot(noise, np.random.randn(noise.shape[1], n_chans))) +
            SNR * target * np.random.randn(1, n_chans))
        x0 = demean(x0)
        artifact = np.zeros(x0.shape)
        for k in np.arange(n_chans):
            artifact[k * 100 + np.arange(20), k] = 1
        x = x0 + 20 * artifact
        return x, x0
コード例 #5
def test_star1():
    """Test STAR 1."""
    # N channels,  1 sinusoidal target, N-3 noise sources, temporally local
    # artifacts on each channel.
    n_samples = 1000
    n_chans = 10
    f = 2

    def sim_data(n_samples, n_chans, f, SNR):
        target = np.sin(np.arange(n_samples) / n_samples * 2 * np.pi * f)
        target = target[:, np.newaxis]
        noise = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_chans - 3)

        x0 = (
            normcol(np.dot(noise, np.random.randn(noise.shape[1], n_chans))) +
            SNR * target * np.random.randn(1, n_chans))
        x0 = demean(x0)
        artifact = np.zeros(x0.shape)
        for k in np.arange(n_chans):
            artifact[k * 100 + np.arange(20), k] = 1
        x = x0 + 20 * artifact
        return x, x0

    # Test SNR=1
    x, x0 = sim_data(n_samples, n_chans, f, SNR=np.sqrt(1))
    y, w, _ = star(x, 2, verbose='debug')
    assert_allclose(demean(y), x0)  # check that denoised signal ~ x0

    # Test more unfavourable SNR
    x, x0 = sim_data(n_samples, n_chans, f, SNR=np.sqrt(1e-7))
    y, w, _ = star(x, 2)
    assert_allclose(demean(y), x0)  # check that denoised signal ~ x0

    # Test an all-zero channel is properly handled
    x = x - x[:, 0][:, np.newaxis]
    y, w, _ = star(x, 2)
    assert_allclose(demean(y)[:, 0], x[:, 0])
コード例 #6
# Simulated data consist of N channels, 1 sinusoidal target, N-3 noise sources,
# with temporally local artifacts on each channel.

# Create simulated data
nchans = 10
n_samples = 1000
f = 2
target = np.sin(np.arange(n_samples) / n_samples * 2 * np.pi * f)
target = target[:, np.newaxis]
noise = np.random.randn(n_samples, nchans - 3)

# Create artifact signal
SNR = np.sqrt(1)
x0 = (normcol(np.dot(noise, np.random.randn(noise.shape[1], nchans))) +
      SNR * target * np.random.randn(1, nchans))
x0 = demean(x0)
artifact = np.zeros(x0.shape)
for k in np.arange(nchans):
    artifact[k * 100 + np.arange(20), k] = 1
x = x0 + 10 * artifact

# This is to compare with matlab numerically
# from scipy.io import loadmat
# mat = loadmat('/Users/nicolas/Toolboxes/NoiseTools/TEST/X.mat')
# x = mat['x']
# x0 = mat['x0']

# Apply STAR
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
y, w, _ = star.star(x, 2)
コード例 #7
from meegkit import star, dss  # noqa:E402
from meegkit.utils import demean, normcol, tscov  # noqa:E402

# Create simulated data
n_chans, n_samples = 10, 1000
f = 2
target = np.sin(np.arange(n_samples) / n_samples * 2 * np.pi * f)
target = target[:, np.newaxis]
noise = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_chans - 3)

# Create artifact signal
SNR = np.sqrt(1)
x0 = (normcol(np.dot(noise, np.random.randn(noise.shape[1], n_chans))) +
      SNR * target * np.random.randn(1, n_chans))
x0 = demean(x0)
artifact = np.zeros(x0.shape)
for k in np.arange(n_chans):
    artifact[k * 100 + np.arange(20), k] = 1
x = x0 + 10 * artifact

# Basic function to fit a sinusoidal trend for DSS
def _sine_fit(x):
    guess_mean = np.mean(x)
    guess_std = np.std(x)
    guess_phase = 0
    t = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, x.shape[0])

    # Optimization function, in this case, we want to minimize the difference
    # between the actual data and our "guessed" parameters