def finish_post_set(self): account_update_list = [] # calculates the total votes of each post for i in self.post_list: votes = 0 for vote in i[2]: if vote[1] == 1: in_list = False for ii in account_update_list: if ii[0] == vote[0]: in_list = True ii[1].append(i[0]) break votes += 1 # Make post memo, link to in vote memo memo_pos = interpret.vote_post(i[0], i[1], i[4], votes / len(i[2]), self.memo_account, self.sending_account, self.key) for ii in i[2]: interpret.update_account( ii[0], self.sending_account, self.memo_account["vote", str(ii[1]) + "|" + str(memo_pos)], self.key) self.votes_finished = True
def buy_token(self, account, token, amount): self.token_prices = { "token-upvote-perm": 0.5, "ad-token-perm": 0.75, "adp_tok": 0.05 } try: account = interpret.get_account_info(account, self.active_key, self.sending_account, self.memo_account, self.steem_node) print(27) # Checks if the account has enough GP to buy the tokens, if it does update the account with the new amount if account[2]["gp"] > self.token_prices[token] * amount: print(28) interpret.update_account( account, self.sending_account, self.memo_account, [[ "gp", account[2]["gp"] - self.token_prices[token] * amount ], [token, account[2][token] + amount]], self.active_key, self.steem_node) else: print(29) return False #elif account[2]["gp"] + account[2]["steem-owed"] > self.token_prices[token] * amount: # interpret.update_account(self.user_info["steem-account"]) print(account) return account except Exception as e: print(e) return False
def make_purchase(self, token, amount): # This takes GP the user has and buys a Token from it. try: account = interpret.get_account_info( self.user_info["steem-account"], self.main.active_key, self.main.sending_account, self.main.memo_account, self.steem_node) print(27) # Checks if the account has enough GP to buy the tokens, if it does update the account with the new amount if account[2]["gp"] > self.token_prices[token] * amount: print(28) interpret.update_account( self.user_info["steem-account"], self.main.sending_account, self.main.memo_account, [[ "gp", account[2]["gp"] - self.token_prices[token] * amount ], [token, account[2][token] + amount]], self.main.active_key, self.main.steem_node) else: print(29) #elif account[2]["gp"] + account[2]["steem-owed"] > self.token_prices[token] * amount: # interpret.update_account(self.user_info["steem-account"]) print(account) return account except Exception as e: print(e) return False
def get_ratio(self,vote_list): vote_rating = [0,0] change_rating = [0,0] accounts = {} if vote_list < 2: return [0,0] for i in vote_list: account_info = interpret.get_account_info(i[0],self.main.active_key, self.main.sending_account, self.main.memo_account, self.main.nodes[0])[2] curation_rating = account_info["rating_curation"] accounts[account_info["steem-name"]] = account_info vote_rating[0] += (curation_rating ** 2) * i[1] vote_rating[1] += curation_rating ** 2 for ii in account_info["groups"]: if ii[0] == "CI": rating_change_val = ii[1] change_rating[0] += (curation_rating ** 2) * i[1] * rating_change_val change_rating[1] += (curation_rating ** 2) * rating_change_val for i in vote_list: for ii in account_info[i[0]]["groups"]: if ii[0] == "CI" and ii[1] < 3: new_rating = account_info[i[0]]["rating_curation"] + (1/1000) * ((change_rating[0]/change_rating[1]) - self.ratio_num) * i[1] interpret.update_account(i[0],self.main.sending_account,self.main.memo_account,["rating_curation",new_rating],self.main.key,self.main.nodes[0]) return vote_rating
def deposit(info,node): # Takes a deposit of sbd and adds it in as GP and sends it as a new account memo global sending_account, memo_account, active_key print(info) account_info = interpret.get_account_info(info["from"], active_key, sending_account, memo_account, node)[2] print(float(info["amount"].split(" STEEM")[0])) interpret.update_account(info["from"], sending_account, memo_account, [["gp",account_info["gp"] + float(info["amount"].split(" STEEM")[0])]], active_key, node)
def add_post(self, post_link, submission_author): print("START ADD POST") with self.lock: for i in self.post_list: if submission_author == i[1]: return False submission_acc = interpret.get_account_info(submission_author,self.key,self.sending_account,self.memo_account,self.nodes[0]) if submission_acc[2]["adp_tok"] > 0: print("UPDATE 2nd") interpret.update_account(submission_author,self.sending_account,self.memo_account,[["adp_tok", submission_acc[2]["adp_tok"] - 1]], self.key,self.nodes[0]) else: return False print("update 3rd") # # example post link new_link = post_link.split("@") perm_link = new_link[1].split("/") # brings it to ["author","permlink"] # post_list = [[postname, submission author, vote list, advertisement_total]] # gets account info for reward calculation account_info_post = interpret.get_account_info(perm_link[1],self.main.active_key,self.main.sending_account,self.main.memo_account,self.main.nodes[0]) print("ACCOUNT INFO POST") if account_info_post != None: account_info_post = account_info_post[2] ad_tokens = int(account_info_post["ad-token-perm"]) # + int(account_info_post["ad-token-temp"]) else: ad_tokens = 0 # uses add tokens to calculate visibility within system, and save information needed for later. self.post_list.append([post_link, submission_author, [], 10 + int(math.sqrt(ad_tokens)), time.time(), perm_link]) print(self.post_list) self.set_random(already_locked=True) return True
def curation_rewards(sending_account,memo_account,active_key,time_period,node): # gets full list of curation rewards, then full list of posts through our system # looks to see if post is in the post_list, if it is it adds some of the reward to every account involved reward_list = interpret.get_all_curation_rewards(time_period,sending_account,memo_account,node) print(reward_list) print("REWARD LIST") post_list = interpret.get_all_votes(time_period * 5,sending_account,memo_account,node) # print(post_list) for reward in reward_list: print("REWARD") print(reward) for post in post_list: try: post[2] = json.loads(post[2]) except Exception as e: pass print("POST LIST") print(post[2]["post_link"].split("/")[4]+"/"+ post[2]["post_link"].split("/")[5],"@"+reward[1]["comment_author"] +"/" + reward[1]["comment_permlink"]) if post[2]["post_link"].split("/")[4]+"/"+ post[2]["post_link"].split("/")[5] == "@"+reward[1]["comment_author"] +"/" + reward[1]["comment_permlink"]: print(2) for vote in post[2]["vote-list"]: print(1) account = interpret.get_account_info(vote[0],active_key,sending_account,memo_account,node) if account != None and account != []: # checks that its an actual account, for testing # checks through all votes made by the account # The vote is added to the account only after it is added to the reward total already_voted = False # goes through every vote made by the account to see if the saved position of the post-memo is the same as where it was found # if no matching vote is found, a vote is added and rewards are adjusted for account_vote in account[2]["vote"]: print("ACCOUNT VOTE") if already_voted: break if post[0] == account_vote[0]: already_voted = True pass for post_link in account[2]["vote-link"]: if already_voted: break post_link = interpret.vote_link_find(post_link[0],post_link[1],sending_account,node) print(post_link) for post_vote in json.loads(post_link[0][2])["vote"]: if already_voted: break if post[0] == post_vote[0]: already_voted = True print("end") print("HEREEE") if not already_voted: submitor_val = 0 if account[2]["account"] == post[2]["submission_author"]: submitor_val = 0.1 print("not already voted") steem_value = steem.converter.Converter().vests_to_sp(float((reward[1]["reward"].split(" VESTS")[0])))/ (len(post[2]["vote-list"])) print(steem_value) steem_value += steem.converter.Converter().vests_to_sp(float((reward[1]["reward"].split(" VESTS")[0]))) * submitor_val print(1111) try: print(account[2]) interpret.update_account(account[2]["account"], sending_account, memo_account, [["vote",[post[0],memo_account]],["gp",account[2]["gp"] + steem_value * account[2]["steem-gp-ratio"] * account[2]["rating_curation"]], ["steem-owed",account[2]["steem-owed"] + steem_value * (1-account[2]["steem-gp-ratio"]) * account[2]["rating_curation"]]], active_key,node) time.sleep(3) except Exception as e: print(e) print("err -1") else: print("already voted") return pass