コード例 #1
def get_radius_neighbors(point, kd, mean):
    low = 0
    high = low + SR
    r = (low + high) / 2
    # print "%g < %g < %g | to first neighbor: %g" %(low, r, high, low)
    neighbors = [[]]

    def number_neighs(r):
        neighbors[0] = kd.query_ball_point(point, r)
        return len(neighbors[0])

    def od_temp(rad):
        return overdensity(number_neighs(rad), rad, mean)

    od = Memoize(od_temp)
    # print "dens:%g, number neighs %g" %(od(low), number_neighs(low))
    while (od(r) <= K - E or od(r) >= K + E):
        if od(r) > K:  # our density is too high, so increase r
            low = r
        else:  # our density is too low, so decrease r
            high = r
        r = (low + high) / 2
        # print "%g < %g < %g" %(low, r, high)
        #print "Current overdensity is %g" %od(r)
    #print od(r)
    return (r, neighbors[0])
コード例 #2
    def MemoizeMembers(obj, *items):
        import types
        memall = len(items) == 0
        for membername in dir(obj):
            value = getattr(obj, membername)
            if ((memall and '__' not in membername)  or membername in items) and not isinstance(value, Memoize) and \
            isinstance(value ,(types.FunctionType,types.BuiltinFunctionType)):
                #print 'memoizing %s' % (membername)
                setattr(obj, membername, Memoize(value))

        return obj
コード例 #3
 def MemoizeObject(obj, *memmethods):
     '''Memoize methods for object, if no method names are passed, then memoize *all* methods.  This is usually overkill'''
     memall = len(memmethods) == 0
     instancemethod = type(Memoize.__init__)
     for membername in dir(obj):
         value = getattr(obj, membername)
         if (memall or membername in memmethods
             ) and type(value) is instancemethod and not isinstance(
                 value, Memoize):
             setattr(obj, membername, Memoize(value))
             #print 'memoizing %s!' % (membername)
     return obj
コード例 #4
from math import sqrt
from memoize import Memoize
from turbine_description import rotor_radius
#  Change in Fatigue and Extreme Loading when Moving Wind Farms Offshore // Sten Frandsen and Kenneth Thomsen.
#  Only nearest wake-shedding turbine matters in a wind farm.

def frandsen2(ambient_turbulence, Ct, wind_speed, spacing):
    return sqrt(1.2 * Ct / spacing**2.0 + ambient_turbulence**2.0)

frandsen2 = Memoize(frandsen2)

def danish_recommendation(ambient_turbulence, ct, wind_speed, spacing):
    def beta_v(u):
        if u < 12.0:
            return 1.0
        elif u < 20.0:
            return 1.747 - 0.0625 * u
            return 0.5

    # Beta_l, x is turbine spacing

    def beta_l(d, cluster=True):
        if cluster:
            if d < 2.9838:
                return 1.0
            elif d < 5.9856:
                return 1.333 - 0.1116 * d
コード例 #5
ファイル: aero_models.py プロジェクト: sebasanper/WINDOW-dev
    table_cp = AeroLookup(
    if wind_speed < cutin:
        return 0.0
    elif wind_speed <= rated:
        cp = table_cp.interpolation(wind_speed)
        return 0.5 * 1.225 * pi * r**2.0 * wind_speed**3.0 * cp
    elif wind_speed <= cutout:
        return rated_power
        return 0.0

power_coefficient = Memoize(power_coefficient)

from memoize import countcalls

def power2(wind_speed,
    table_power = AeroLookup(power_lookup_file)
    # print "iuno"
    if power_lookup_file == "/home/sebasanper/PycharmProjects/owf_MDAO/farm_energy/wake_model_mean_new/aero_power_ct_models/nrel_cp.dat":
        if wind_speed < cutin:
コード例 #6
    Groups words according to a basic fuzzy matching ratio and graphs the result

import argparse
import fileinput
import itertools
import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing import Pool
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
import networkx
from networkx.algorithms.components.connected import connected_components
from memoize import Memoize

MEMOIZED_FUZZ_MATCH = Memoize(fuzz.ratio)

def get_fuzz_ratio(first_word, second_word):
        Returns the fuzzy matching ratio between two arguments
    return fuzz.ratio(first_word, second_word), first_word, second_word

def to_edges(graph):
        treat graph as a Graph and returns it's edges
        to_edges(['a','b','c','d']) -> [(a,b), (b,c),(c,d)]
    return list(zip(graph[:-1], graph[1:]))
コード例 #7
ファイル: larsen.py プロジェクト: chunyuli/WINDOW_openMDAO
                value = True
                return fraction, value, distance_to_centre, distance_to_turbine
        elif abs(radius) < abs(distance_to_centre):
            if abs(radius) <= abs(distance_to_centre) - r0:
                fraction = 0.0
                value = False
                return fraction, value, distance_to_centre, distance_to_turbine
            elif abs(radius) > abs(distance_to_centre) - r0:
                fraction = AreaReal(r0, radius, distance_to_centre).area()
                value = True
                return fraction, value, distance_to_centre, distance_to_turbine
        return 0.0, False, distance_to_centre, distance_to_turbine

determine_if_in_wake_larsen = Memoize(determine_if_in_wake_larsen)

def wake_speed(U0, ct, x, y, ia):
    return U0 * (1.0 - ((ct * rotor_area * x**(-2.0))**(1.0 / 3.0)) / 9.0 *
                 (y**(3.0 / 2.0) *
                  (3.0 * c1(ct, ia)**2.0 * ct * rotor_area * x)**(-1.0 / 2.0) -
                  (35.0 / 2.0 / pi)**(3.0 / 10.0) *
                  (3.0 * c1(ct, ia)**2.0)**(-1.0 / 5.0))**2.0)

# wake_speed = Memoize(wake_speed)

def wake_deficit_larsen(U0, ct, x, y, ia):
    if U0 == 0.0:
コード例 #8
from memoize import Memoize
from farm_energy.wake_model_mean_new.jensen import *
from farm_energy.wake_model_mean_new.larsen import *
from farm_energy.wake_model_mean_new.ainslie1d import *
# from farm_energy.wake_model_mean_new.ainslie2d import ainslie_full
from farm_energy.wake_model_mean_new.ainslie2d_cy import ainslie_full
ainslie_full = Memoize(ainslie_full)
from farm_energy.wake_model_mean_new.ainslie_common import crosswind_distance, determine_front
from time import time
from turbine_description import rotor_radius

def constantwake(coordinates_upstream, thrust_coefficient, coordinates_downstream, angle, wind_speed_upstream, ambient_turbulence_intensity):
    return [0.0 for _ in range(len(coordinates_downstream))]

def JensenEffects(coordinates_upstream, thrust_coefficient, coordinates_downstream, angle, wind_speed_upstream, ambient_turbulence_intensity):
    angle3 = angle + 180.0
    # coordinates downstream will be an array with coordinates and original index.
    partial_deficits = []

    for i in range(len(coordinates_downstream)):
        determ = determine_if_in_wake(coordinates_upstream[1], coordinates_upstream[2], coordinates_downstream[i][1], coordinates_downstream[i][2], angle3)
        # print determ[1], "determ1"
        # print determ[0], "determ0"

        if determ[0] != 0.0:
            # print jensen.wake_deficit(thrust_coefficient, determ[1])
            partial_deficits.append(determ[0] * wake_deficit(thrust_coefficient, determ[1]))
コード例 #9
        Dmi = 0.0000000001

    Uc1[0] = U0 * (1.0 - Dmi)  # Boundary condition at x = 2.0
    d1[0] = Dmi

    for i in range(1, n):  # For all positions in the wake centreline direction. Recursive. Whole grid
        Uc1[i] = Uc1[i - 1] + (h * 16.0 * E(i * h, Uc1[i - 1], d1[i - 1], U0, I0, Ct) * (Uc1[i - 1] ** 3.0 - U0 * Uc1[i - 1] ** 2.0 - Uc1[i - 1] * U0 ** 2.0 + U0 ** 3.0) / (Uc1[i - 1] * Ct * U0 ** 2.0))
        d1[i] = 1.0 - Uc1[i] / U0

    # Code to calculate wake deficit at a specific point instead of the whole grid. Namely, the rotor's centrepoint.
    answer = d1[-1] * exp(- 3.56 * (Y / b(d1[-1], ct)) ** 2.0)  # * (1.0 + 7.12 * (0.07 * distance_perpendicular b(d1[-1], ct))) ** (- 0.5)

    return answer

ainslie = Memoize(ainslie)
    # Code to calculate average wake deficit in all area of the rotor ###############

    # Define function to integrate.

    # p. 77 Adapting and calibration of existing wake models to meet the conditions inside offshore wind farms. For integrand squared momentum deficit.
    # def G(r, theta):
    #     z = sqrt(Y ** 2.0 + r ** 2.0 + 2.0 * Y * r * cos(theta))
    #     gauss = U0 * (1.0 - d1[n - 1] * exp(- 3.56 * (z / b(d1[n - 1])) ** 2.0))
    #     return r * (U0 - gauss) ** 2.0
    # A = pi * 0.5 ** 2.0  ## Unitary diameter in this program.
    # U = U0 - sqrt((1.0 / A) * simpson_integrate2D(G, 0.0, 0.5, 5, 0.0, 2.0 * pi, 10))

    # return 1.0 - U / U0
コード例 #10
ファイル: ainslie2d.py プロジェクト: sebasanper/WINDOW-dev
from numpy import exp
from farm_energy.wake_model_mean_new.thomas_algorithm import thomas
from farm_energy.wake_model_mean_new.ainslie_common import b, E
from time import time
from memoize import Memoize
from turbine_description import rotor_radius
b = Memoize(b)
E = Memoize(E)
rotor_diameter = 2.0 * rotor_radius

def ainslie_full(ct, u0, distance_parallel, distance_perpendicular, i0):
    # centreline = open('centreline.dat', 'w')
    # velocity = open('velocity.dat', 'w')

    di = 2.0
    dj = distance_parallel
    # ni = int(di * 80)
    # nj = int(dj * 80)
    ni = 100
    nj = 100
    k = dj / float(nj)
    h = di / float(ni)

    nj += 1
    ni += 1
    Dmi = ct - 0.05 - (16.0 * ct - 0.5) * i0 / 10.0
    if Dmi < 0.0:
        Dmi = 0.00000000001

    u = [0.0 for _ in range(ni)]
コード例 #11
selector = "chat_id" if config["export"]["is_group_chat"] else "uid"
messages = _api("messages.getHistory", [(selector, config["export"]["chat_id"])], token)

# prepare output

if config["export"]["output_directory"] is not None:
    if not os.path.exists(config["export"]["output_directory"]):
output_filename = 'vk_exported_dialogue_%s%s.txt' % ('ui' if not config["export"]["is_group_chat"] else 'c', config["export"]["chat_id"])
output_path = Downloader.resolve_path(config["export"]["output_directory"], output_filename)
out = codecs.open(output_path, "w+", "utf-8")

def resolve_uid_details(uid):
    return _api("users.get", [("user_ids", uid)], token)[0]

resolve_uid_details = Memoize(resolve_uid_details)

message_writer = MessageWriter(out, downloader, lambda uid: resolve_uid_details(uid), save_photos=config["export"]["save_photos"])

mess = 0
max_part = 200  # Due to vk.api

cnt = messages[0]
reporter.line("Message count: %s" % cnt)

request_num = 0

while mess != cnt:
    # Try to retrieve info anyway

    if request_num % 5 == 0:
コード例 #12
from numpy import pi, sqrt, deg2rad, tan, cos, sin
from farm_energy.wake_model_mean_new.area import AreaReal
from turbine_description import rotor_radius as r0, hub_height as H
from memoize import Memoize

D = 2.0 * r0
rotor_area = pi * r0**2.0
# print rotor_area

def rnb(ia):
    return max(1.08 * D, 1.08 * D + 21.7 * D * (ia - 0.05))

rnb = Memoize(rnb)

def r95(ia):
    # print 0.5 * (rnb(ia) + min(H, rnb(ia)))
    return 0.5 * (rnb(ia) + min(H, rnb(ia)))

r95 = Memoize(r95)

def wake_radius(ct, x, ia):
    return ((35.0 / 2.0 / pi)**(1.0 / 5.0)) * (
        (3.0 * c1(ct, ia)**2.0)**(1.0 / 5.0)) * (
            (ct * rotor_area * x)**(1.0 / 3.0))

コード例 #13
ファイル: jensen.py プロジェクト: sebasanper/WINDOW-dev
                return fraction, distance_to_turbine
            elif abs(radius) < abs(distance_to_centre) + radius:
                fraction = AreaReal(radius, radius, distance_to_centre).area()
                return fraction, distance_to_turbine
        elif abs(radius) < abs(distance_to_centre):
            if abs(radius) <= abs(distance_to_centre) - radius:
                fraction = 0.0
                return fraction, distance_to_turbine
            elif abs(radius) > abs(distance_to_centre) - radius:
                fraction = AreaReal(radius, radius, distance_to_centre).area()
                return fraction, distance_to_turbine
        return 0.0, distance_to_turbine

determine_if_in_wake = Memoize(determine_if_in_wake)

def wake_deficit(Ct, x, k=jensen_k, r0=rotor_radius):
    return (1.0 - sqrt(1.0 - Ct)) / (1.0 + (k * x) / r0)**2.0

wake_deficit = Memoize(wake_deficit)

def wake_radius(x, r0=rotor_radius, k=jensen_k):
    return r0 + k * x

wake_radius = Memoize(wake_radius)
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_memoize.py プロジェクト: luatil/math
def test_fib_memoized():
    fib_memoized = Memoize(fib)
    assert fib_memoized.memoized(10) == 55
    assert fib_memoized.memoized(35) == 9227465
コード例 #15
                return fraction, distance_to_turbine
            elif abs(radius) < abs(distance_to_centre) + radius:
                fraction = AreaReal(radius, radius, distance_to_centre).area()
                return fraction, distance_to_turbine
        elif abs(radius) < abs(distance_to_centre):
            if abs(radius) <= abs(distance_to_centre) - radius:
                fraction = 0.0
                return fraction, distance_to_turbine
            elif abs(radius) > abs(distance_to_centre) - radius:
                fraction = AreaReal(radius, radius, distance_to_centre).area()
                return fraction, distance_to_turbine
        return 0.0, distance_to_turbine

determine_if_in_wake = Memoize(determine_if_in_wake)

def wake_deficit(Ct, x, k=jensen_k, r0=rotor_radius):
    return (1.0 - sqrt(1.0 - Ct)) / (1.0 + (k * x) / r0)**2.0

# wake_deficit = Memoize(wake_deficit)

def wake_radius(x, r0=rotor_radius, k=jensen_k):
    return r0 + k * x

# wake_radius = Memoize(wake_radius)