class ChemCompFrame(Frame): chemCompClasses = {} def __init__(self, parent, project, path = None, molTypeEntries = None, chemCompEntries = None, selectedChemComps = None, selectLinking = None, *args, **kw): Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw) self.project = project self.molTypeEntries = molTypeEntries self.chemCompEntries = chemCompEntries self.selectLinking = selectLinking if (not path): path = getDataPath() self.path = path # Check if all chemComps available locally self.path_allChemComps = getChemCompArchiveDataDir() if not os.path.exists(self.path_allChemComps): self.path_allChemComps = None self.chemCompInfoDict = {} self.chemCompInfoList = [] self.chemCompDownload = False self.chem_comps_shown = {} for entry in chemCompList: self.chemCompClasses[entry] = getattr(ccp.api.molecule.ChemComp, entry) self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) row = 0 if (molTypeEntries is None): headerText = "Show residues (select molecular type(s)):" else: headerText = "Show %s residues:" % (str(molTypeEntries)) # # # TODO TODO: HERE need to do some niftier stuff for displaying! # # headerTextWidget = Label(self, text = headerText) headerTextWidget.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) row = row + 1 if (molTypeEntries is None): self.mol_type_buttons = CheckButtons(self, entries=molTypeList, select_callback=self.updateTables) self.mol_type_buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 else: self.mol_type_buttons = None # # The chemComps to display... # self.showLocalText = 'Show local' self.showWebText = 'Show available via web' self.display_buttons = CheckButtons(self, entries=[self.showLocalText,self.showWebText], select_callback=self.updateTables, selected = [self.showLocalText]) self.display_buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 self.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=2) headings = ('number', 'show details', 'molType', 'ccpCode', 'code1Letter', 'cifCode', 'name') editWidgets = 7 * [ None ] editGetCallbacks = [ None, self.toggleShow, None, None, None, None, None ] editSetCallbacks = 7 * [ None ] self.chem_comp_table = ScrolledMatrix(self, headingList=headings, editWidgets=editWidgets, editGetCallbacks=editGetCallbacks, editSetCallbacks=editSetCallbacks) self.chem_comp_table.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) row = row + 1 texts = [ 'Show all in details window', 'Clear details window' ] commands = [ self.showAll, self.showNone ] buttons = ButtonList(self, texts=texts, commands=commands) buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 separator = Separator(self,height = 3) separator.setColor('black', bgColor = 'black') separator.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 headerTextWidget = Label(self, text = "Select the residue variant:") headerTextWidget.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) row = row + 1 if (chemCompEntries is None): self.chem_comp_buttons = CheckButtons(self, entries=chemCompList, selected=('ChemComp',), select_callback=self.updateChemCompVarTable) self.chem_comp_buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 else: self.chem_comp_buttons = None self.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1) headings = ('number', 'molType', 'ccpCode', 'linking', 'descriptor', 'molecularMass', 'formula', 'nonStereoSmiles', 'stereoSmiles') self.chem_comp_var_table = ScrolledMatrix(self, headingList=headings) self.chem_comp_var_table.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) self.chem_comp_var_headings = headings[1:] if selectedChemComps: for chemComp in selectedChemComps: key = (chemComp.molType, chemComp.ccpCode) self.chem_comps_shown[key] = 1 self.updateTables() def toggleShow(self, chemCompInfo): key = (chemCompInfo.molType, chemCompInfo.ccpCode) if (self.chem_comps_shown.has_key(key)): del self.chem_comps_shown[key] else: self.chem_comps_shown[key] = 1 self.updateTables() def findChemComps(self): self.chemCompInfoDict = {} self.chemCompInfoList = [] # # Get the molTypes # if (self.molTypeEntries is None): selected = self.mol_type_buttons.getSelected() else: selected = self.molTypeEntries # # Find out where to get the chemComp info from # searchTypes = self.display_buttons.getSelected() # # Now get the info... # for molType in selected: if self.showLocalText in searchTypes: chemCompFileSearchString = "%s+*.xml" % molType if self.path_allChemComps: path = self.path_allChemComps else: path = self.path chemCompFileSearchPath = os.path.join(path,'ccp','molecule','ChemComp') chemCompFileNameMatches = glob.glob(os.path.join(chemCompFileSearchPath,chemCompFileSearchString)) ccpCodes = [] for chemCompFile in chemCompFileNameMatches: if os.path.isfile(joinPath(chemCompFileSearchPath, chemCompFile)) and (chemCompFile[-4:] == '.xml'): fileNameComponents = chemCompFile.split('+') ccpCodes.append(fileNameComponents[1]) for ccpCode in ccpCodes: chemCompKey = None # First try dictionary (quicker) if molType != 'other': if chemCompStdDict[molType].has_key(ccpCode): chemCompKey = (molType,ccpCode) chemCompDict = chemCompStdDict[molType] else: # molType == 'other' from ccp.general.ChemCompOverview import chemCompOtherDict if chemCompOtherDict[molType].has_key(ccpCode): chemCompKey = (molType,ccpCode) chemCompDict = chemCompOtherDict[molType] # If found, set info if chemCompKey: chemCompInfo = ChemCompInfo(molType,ccpCode) chemCompInfo.setInfoFromDict(chemCompDict[ccpCode]) self.chemCompInfoList.append(chemCompKey) self.chemCompInfoDict[chemCompKey] = chemCompInfo # Else try to get from local directory- TODO is this obsolete?! else: chemCompKey = (molType,ccpCode) chemComp = self.project.findFirstChemComp(molType = molType, ccpCode = ccpCode) if not chemComp: chemComp = getChemComp(self.project, molType, ccpCode, download=False) if (chemComp): chemCompInfo = ChemCompInfo(molType,ccpCode) chemCompInfo.setInfoFromChemComp(chemComp) self.chemCompInfoList.append(chemCompKey) self.chemCompInfoDict[chemCompKey] = chemCompInfo if self.showWebText in searchTypes: if molType == 'other': from ccp.general.ChemCompOverview import chemCompOtherDict overviewDict = chemCompOtherDict[molType] else: overviewDict = chemCompStdDict[molType] ccpCodes = overviewDict.keys() ccpCodes.sort() for ccpCode in ccpCodes: chemCompKey = (molType,ccpCode) if chemCompKey not in self.chemCompInfoList: self.chemCompDownload = True chemCompInfo = ChemCompInfo(molType,ccpCode) chemCompInfo.setInfoFromDict(overviewDict[ccpCode]) self.chemCompInfoList.append(chemCompKey) self.chemCompInfoDict[chemCompKey] = chemCompInfo def updateTables(self, *extra): self.updateChemCompTable() self.updateChemCompVarTable() def updateChemCompTable(self): self.findChemComps() textMatrix = [] n = 0 chemCompInfos = [] for (molType, ccpCode) in self.chemCompInfoList: n = n + 1 isShown = self.chem_comps_shown.has_key((molType, ccpCode)) chemCompInfo = self.chemCompInfoDict[(molType, ccpCode)] chemCompInfos.append(chemCompInfo) text = [n, self.booleanString(isShown), molType, ccpCode, chemCompInfo.code1Letter, chemCompInfo.cifCode,] textMatrix.append(text) self.chem_comp_table.update(objectList=chemCompInfos, textMatrix=textMatrix) def updateChemCompVarTable(self, *extra): textMatrix = [] allChemComps = [] if (self.chemCompEntries is None): selected = self.chem_comp_buttons.getSelected() else: selected = self.chemCompEntries numberToLoad = self.numberChemCompsToLoad() if (selected and (numberToLoad > 1)): use_progress_bar = True p = ProgressBar(self, text='loading', total=numberToLoad) else: use_progress_bar = False try: n = 0 for (molType, ccpCode) in self.chemCompInfoList: chemCompInfo = self.chemCompInfoDict[(molType,ccpCode)] isShown = self.chem_comps_shown.has_key((molType, ccpCode)) has_been_loaded = False if (isShown): chemComp = chemCompInfo.chemComp if not chemComp: chemComp = getChemComp(self.project, molType, ccpCode, showError=showError) chemCompAndVars = [chemComp] + list(chemComp.chemCompVars)# this loads data, if needed for chemCompOrVar in chemCompAndVars: if (self.chemCompShown(chemCompOrVar)): n = n + 1 text = [n] for heading in self.chem_comp_var_headings: if hasattr(chemCompOrVar,heading): text.append(getattr(chemCompOrVar, heading)) elif hasattr(chemCompOrVar,'chemComp') and hasattr(chemCompOrVar.chemComp,heading): text.append(getattr(chemCompOrVar.chemComp, heading)) else: text.append("n/a") textMatrix.append(text) allChemComps.append(chemCompOrVar) if (use_progress_bar and has_been_loaded): p.increment() finally: if (use_progress_bar): p.destroy() self.chem_comp_var_table.update(objectList=allChemComps, textMatrix=textMatrix) def numberChemCompsToLoad(self): # TODO THIS NEEDS TO BE UPDATED! n = 0 for (molType,ccpCode) in self.chemCompInfoList: chemCompInfo = self.chemCompInfoDict[(molType,ccpCode)] if chemCompInfo.chemComp: continue isShown = self.chem_comps_shown.has_key((molType, ccpCode)) if (isShown): n = n + 1 return n def chemCompShown(self, chemComp): returnStatus = False if (self.chemCompEntries is None): selected = self.chem_comp_buttons.getSelected() else: selected = self.chemCompEntries for s in selected: if (isinstance(chemComp, self.chemCompClasses[s])): if self.selectLinking and hasattr(chemComp,'linking'): if chemComp.linking == self.selectLinking: returnStatus = True else: returnStatus = True return returnStatus def showAll(self): loadAll = False if self.chemCompDownload: if (showYesNo('Show all variants','Are you sure you want to display all variants? This will also download the XML files for all chemComps that are not stored locally!')): loadAll = True else: loadAll = True if loadAll: for key in self.chemCompInfoList: self.chem_comps_shown[key] = 1 self.updateTables() self.chemCompDownload = False def showNone(self): for key in self.chemCompInfoList: if (self.chem_comps_shown.has_key(key)): del self.chem_comps_shown[key] self.updateTables() def booleanString(self, boolean): if (boolean): return 'yes' else: return 'no' def getSelectedChemComp(self): return self.chem_comp_var_table.currentObject
class PrintFrame(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, getOption = None, setOption = None, haveTicks = False, doOutlineBox = True, *args, **kw): self.getOption = getOption self.setOption = setOption self.haveTicks = haveTicks self.doOutlineBox = doOutlineBox Frame.__init__(self, parent=parent, *args, **kw) self.file_select_popup = None self.getOptionValues() try: size_index = paper_types.index(self.paper_type) except: size_index = 0 try: other_unit_index = paper_units.index(self.other_unit) except: other_unit_index = 0 try: orientation_index = paper_orientations.index(self.paper_orientation) except: orientation_index = 0 try: style_index = style_choices.index(self.output_style) except: style_index = 0 try: format_index = format_choices.index(self.output_format) except: format_index = 0 if haveTicks: try: tick_location_index = tick_locations.index(self.tick_location) except: tick_location_index = 0 self.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) row = 0 button = Button(self, text='File:', command=self.findFile, tipText='Select location to save print file') button.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.file_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.file_name, tipText='Location where file is saved on disk') self.file_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='Title:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.title_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.title, tipText='Title of the printout, displayed at top') self.title_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='X axis label:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.x_axis_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.x_axis_label, tipText='X axis label for the printout') self.x_axis_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='Y axis label:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.y_axis_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.y_axis_label, tipText='Y axis label for the printout') self.y_axis_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(4, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Paper size:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') entries = [] for t in paper_types: if t == Output.other_paper_type: entry = t else: (w, h, u) = paper_sizes[t] entry = t + ' (%2.1f %s x %2.1f %s)' % (w, u, h, u) entries.append(entry) self.size_menu = PulldownList(frame, callback=self.changedSize, texts=entries, index=size_index, tipText='The paper size for the printout') self.size_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') self.other_frame = Frame(frame) self.other_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.other_entry = FloatEntry(self.other_frame, text=self.other_size, isArray=True, tipText='The size of the Other paper in both dimensions; this requires two values, space or comma separated') self.other_entry.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ew') self.other_unit_menu= PulldownList(self.other_frame, texts=paper_units, index=other_unit_index, tipText='The unit for the Other paper size') self.other_unit_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(5, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Orientation:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.orientation_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=paper_orientations, index=orientation_index, tipText='Whether the paper should be set in Portrait or Landscape mode') self.orientation_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Style:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.style_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=style_choices, index=style_index, tipText='Whether the printout should be in colour or black and white') self.style_menu.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Format:') label.grid(row=0, column=4, sticky='e') self.format_menu = PulldownList(frame, callback=self.changedFormat, texts=format_choices, index=format_index, tipText='Whether to save as PS, EPS or PDF') self.format_menu.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky='w') if haveTicks: row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Tick Location:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.tick_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=tick_locations, index=tick_location_index, tipText='Whether the tick marks appear on the inside or outside of the frame') self.tick_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Tick Placement:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') if self.tick_placement is None: selected = None else: selected = [(x in self.tick_placement) for x in tick_placements] self.tick_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries=tick_placements, selected=selected, tipTexts=('Whether the tick marks appear on the top and/or bottom and/or left and/or right',)) self.tick_buttons.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Tick Font:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.tick_font_list = FontList(frame, mode='Print', selected=self.tick_font, extraTexts=[PrintTicks.no_tick_text], tipText='The font used for the tick mark labels') self.tick_font_list.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text='Tick Spacing:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') # TBD: put preferred choice in data model self.spacing_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=spacing_choices, index=0, callback=self.changedSpacing, tipText='Whether the program should automatically calculate the major/minor tick spacings and how many decimal places are used for the ticks, or whether the these are specified manually') self.spacing_menu.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') ff = self.spacing_frame = Frame(frame) ff.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) ff.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) label = Label(ff, text='Tick Spacing') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w') label = Label(ff, text='Major') label.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew') label = Label(ff, text='Minor') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='ew') label = Label(ff, text='Decimals') label.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='ew') label = Label(ff, text='X:') label.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w') self.x_major_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The spacing in display units of the major tick marks in the X dimension') self.x_major_entry.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='ew') self.x_minor_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The spacing in display units of the minor tick marks in the X dimension (not printed if left blank)') self.x_minor_entry.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky='ew') self.x_decimal_entry = IntEntry(ff, tipText='The number of decimal places for the tick numbers in the X dimension') self.x_decimal_entry.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky='ew') label = Label(ff, text='Y:') label.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='w') self.y_major_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The spacing in display units of the major tick marks in the Y dimension') self.y_major_entry.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='ew') self.y_minor_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The spacing in display units of the minor tick marks in the Y dimension (not printed if left blank)') self.y_minor_entry.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky='ew') self.y_decimal_entry = IntEntry(ff, tipText='The number of decimal places for the tick numbers in the Y dimension') self.y_decimal_entry.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Tick Length:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') # TBD: put preferred choice in data model self.tick_length_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=tick_length_choices, index=0, callback=self.changedLength, tipText='Whether the program should automatically calculate the major/minor tick lengths, or whether the these are specified manually') self.tick_length_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') ff = self.length_frame = Frame(frame) ff.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) label = Label(ff, text=' Major length:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w') self.length_major_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The length in points of the major tick marks') self.length_major_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(ff, text='Minor length:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='w') self.length_minor_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The length in points of the minor tick marks') self.length_minor_entry.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(4, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Scaling:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') # TBD: put preferred choice in data model self.scaling_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=scaling_choices, index=0, callback=self.changedScaling, tipText='Whether the plot should be scaled as a percentage of the maximum size that would fit on the paper, or instead should be specified by the number of cms or inches per unit') self.scaling_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew') self.scaling_scale = Scale(frame, orient=Tkinter.HORIZONTAL, value=self.scaling, tipText='The percentage of the maximum size that would fit on the paper that the plot is scaled by') self.scaling_scale.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=3, sticky='ew') self.x_scaling_label = Label(frame, text='X:') self.x_scaling_entry = FloatEntry(frame, tipText='The scaling that should be used in the X dimension as cms or inches per unit') self.y_scaling_label = Label(frame, text='Y:') self.y_scaling_entry = FloatEntry(frame, tipText='The scaling that should be used in the Y dimension as cms or inches per unit') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='w') frame.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Include:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') tipTexts = ('Whether the time and date should be included in the printout', 'Whether the file name should be included in the printout') if self.border_decoration is None: selected = None else: selected = [(x in self.border_decoration) for x in border_decorations] self.border_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries=border_decorations, selected=selected, tipTexts=tipTexts) self.border_buttons.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Using Font:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.border_font_list = FontList(frame, mode='Print', selected=self.border_font, tipText='The font used for the border texts') self.border_font_list.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='Line width:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='w') self.linewidth_entry = FloatEntry(self, width=10, text=self.linewidth, tipText='Line width for drawing') self.linewidth_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') def destroy(self): self.setOptionValues() if self.file_select_popup: self.file_select_popup.destroy() Frame.destroy(self) def getOptionValues(self): getOption = self.getOption if getOption: file_name = getOption('FileName', defaultValue='') title = getOption('Title', defaultValue='') x_axis_label = getOption('XAxisLabel', defaultValue='') y_axis_label = getOption('YAxisLabel', defaultValue='') paper_type = getOption('PaperSize', defaultValue=paper_types[0]) paper_type = paper_type_dict.get(paper_type, paper_types[0]) other_height = getOption('OtherHeight', defaultValue=10) other_width = getOption('OtherWidth', defaultValue=10) other_size = [other_height, other_width] other_unit = getOption('OtherUnit', defaultValue=paper_units[0]) paper_orientation = getOption('Orientation', defaultValue=paper_orientations[0]) in_color = getOption('InColor', defaultValue=True) if in_color: output_style = style_choices[0] else: output_style = style_choices[1] format_option = getOption('OutputFormat', defaultValue=format_options[0]) output_format = format_choices[format_options.index(format_option)] if self.haveTicks: tick_outside = getOption('TickOutside', defaultValue=tick_locations[0]) if tick_outside: tick_location = tick_locations.index(PrintTicks.Outside) else: tick_location = tick_locations.index(PrintTicks.Inside) tick_placement = getTickPlacement1(getOption('TickPlacement', defaultValue='nsew')) dateTime = getOption('ShowsDateTime', defaultValue=True) fileName = getOption('ShowsFileName', defaultValue=True) border_font = getOption('BorderFont', defaultValue='Helvetica 10') border_decoration = [] if dateTime: border_decoration.append(border_decorations[0]) if fileName: border_decoration.append(border_decorations[1]) if self.haveTicks: spacing_choice = getOption('SpacingChoice', defaultValue=spacing_choices[0]) x_major = getOption('XMajor', defaultValue=1.0) x_minor = getOption('XMinor', defaultValue=1.0) x_decimal = getOption('XDecimal', defaultValue=3) y_major = getOption('YMajor', defaultValue=1.0) y_minor = getOption('YMinor', defaultValue=1.0) y_decimal = getOption('YDecimal', defaultValue=3) tick_length_choice = getOption('TickLengthChoice', defaultValue=tick_length_choices[0]) tick_major = getOption('TickMajor', defaultValue=10) tick_minor = getOption('TickMinor', defaultValue=5) scaling_choice = getOption('ScalingChoice', defaultValue=scaling_choices[0]) scaling = getOption('Scaling', defaultValue=0.7) scaling = int(round(100.0 * scaling)) x_scaling = getOption('XScaling', defaultValue=1.0) y_scaling = getOption('YScaling', defaultValue=1.0) if self.haveTicks: tick_font = getOption('TickFont', defaultValue='Helvetica 10') linewidth = getOption('LineWidth', defaultValue=Output.default_linewidth) else: file_name = '' title = '' x_axis_label = '' y_axis_label = '' paper_type = paper_types[0] other_unit = paper_units[0] other_size = '' paper_orientation = paper_orientations[0] output_style = style_choices[0] output_format = format_choices[0] if self.haveTicks: tick_location = tick_locations[0] tick_placement = tick_placements border_decoration = border_decorations border_font = 'Helvetica 10' if self.haveTicks: spacing_choice = spacing_choices[0] x_major = 1.0 x_minor = 1.0 x_decimal = 3 y_major = 1.0 y_minor = 1.0 y_decimal = 3 tick_length_choice = tick_length_choices[0] tick_major = 10 tick_minor = 5 scaling_choice = scaling_choices[0] scaling = 70 x_scaling = 1.0 y_scaling = 1.0 if self.haveTicks: tick_font = 'Helvetica 10' linewidth = Output.default_linewidth if not self.haveTicks: tick_location = None tick_placement = None spacing_choice = spacing_choices[0] x_major = 1.0 x_minor = 1.0 x_decimal = 3 y_major = 1.0 y_minor = 1.0 y_decimal = 3 tick_font = 'Helvetica 10' tick_length_choice = tick_length_choices[0] tick_major = 10 tick_minor = 5 self.file_name = file_name self.title = title self.x_axis_label = x_axis_label self.y_axis_label = y_axis_label self.paper_type = paper_type self.other_unit = other_unit self.other_size = other_size self.paper_orientation = paper_orientation self.output_style = output_style self.output_format = output_format self.tick_location = tick_location self.tick_placement = tick_placement self.border_decoration = border_decoration self.border_font = border_font self.spacing_choice = spacing_choice self.x_major = x_major self.x_minor = x_minor self.x_decimal = x_decimal self.y_major = y_major self.y_minor = y_minor self.y_decimal = y_decimal self.scaling_choice = scaling_choices[0] self.scaling = scaling self.x_scaling = x_scaling self.y_scaling = y_scaling self.tick_font = tick_font self.linewidth = linewidth self.tick_length_choice = tick_length_choice self.tick_major = tick_major self.tick_minor = tick_minor def setOptionValues(self): if not hasattr(self, 'file_entry'): # it looks like on destroy can have function called but file_entry deleted already return self.file_name = file_name = self.file_entry.get() self.title = title = self.title_entry.get() self.x_axis_label = x_axis_label = self.x_axis_entry.get() self.y_axis_label = y_axis_label = self.y_axis_entry.get() n = self.size_menu.getSelectedIndex() self.paper_type = paper_type = paper_types[n] if paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: other_size = self.other_entry.get() other_unit = self.other_unit_menu.getText() else: other_size = None other_unit = None self.other_size = other_size self.other_unit = other_unit self.paper_orientation = paper_orientation = self.orientation_menu.getText() self.output_style = output_style = self.style_menu.getText() self.output_format = output_format = self.format_menu.getText() if self.haveTicks: tick_location = self.tick_menu.getText() tick_placement = self.tick_buttons.getSelected() else: tick_location = tick_placement = None self.tick_location = tick_location self.tick_placement = tick_placement self.border_decoration = border_decoration = self.border_buttons.getSelected() self.border_font = border_font = self.border_font_list.getText() if self.haveTicks: self.spacing_choice = spacing_choice = self.spacing_menu.getText() if spacing_choice != spacing_choices[0]: self.x_major = self.x_major_entry.get() self.x_minor = self.x_minor_entry.get() self.x_decimal = self.x_decimal_entry.get() self.y_major = self.y_major_entry.get() self.y_minor = self.y_minor_entry.get() self.y_decimal = self.y_decimal_entry.get() self.tick_length_choice = tick_length_choice = self.tick_length_menu.getText() if tick_length_choice != tick_length_choices[0]: self.tick_major = self.length_major_entry.get() self.tick_minor = self.length_minor_entry.get() self.scaling_choice = scaling_choice = self.scaling_menu.getText() if self.scaling_choice == scaling_choices[0]: scaling = self.scaling_scale.get() self.scaling = int(round(scaling)) else: self.x_scaling = self.x_scaling_entry.get() self.y_scaling = self.y_scaling_entry.get() if self.haveTicks: self.tick_font = self.tick_font_list.getText() self.linewidth = self.linewidth_entry.get() setOption = self.setOption if setOption: setOption('FileName', value=file_name) setOption('Title', value=title) setOption('XAxisLabel', value=x_axis_label) setOption('YAxisLabel', value=y_axis_label) if paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: setOption('OtherHeight', value=other_size[0]) setOption('OtherWidth', value=other_size[1]) setOption('OtherUnit', value=other_unit) else: paper_type = paper_type_inverse_dict[paper_type] setOption('PaperSize', value=paper_type) setOption('Orientation', value=paper_orientation) in_color = (output_style == style_choices[0]) setOption('InColor', value=in_color) output_format = format_options[format_choices.index(output_format)] setOption('OutputFormat', value=output_format) if self.haveTicks: tick_outside = (tick_location == PrintTicks.Outside) setOption('TickOutside', value=tick_outside) tick_placement = getTickPlacement2(tick_placement) setOption('TickPlacement', value=tick_placement) dateTime = (border_decorations[0] in border_decoration) fileName = (border_decorations[1] in border_decoration) setOption('ShowsDateTime', value=dateTime) setOption('ShowsFileName', value=fileName) setOption('BorderFont', value=border_font) if self.haveTicks: setOption('SpacingChoice', value=spacing_choice) if spacing_choice != spacing_choices[0]: setOption('XMajor', self.x_major) setOption('XMinor', self.x_minor) setOption('XDecimal', self.x_decimal) setOption('YMajor', self.y_major) setOption('YMinor', self.y_minor) setOption('YDecimal', self.y_decimal) setOption('TickLengthChoice', value=tick_length_choice) if tick_length_choice != tick_length_choices[0]: setOption('TickMajor', self.tick_major) setOption('TickMinor', self.tick_minor) setOption('ScalingChoice', value=scaling_choice) if scaling_choice == scaling_choices[0]: setOption('Scaling', value=0.01*self.scaling) else: setOption('XScaling', value=self.x_scaling) setOption('YScaling', value=self.y_scaling) if self.haveTicks: setOption('TickFont', self.tick_font) setOption('LineWidth', self.linewidth) def findFile(self): if self.file_select_popup: else: file_types = [ FileType('All', ['*']), FileType('PostScript', ['*.ps', '*.eps']), FileType('PDF', ['*.pdf', '*.ai']) ] self.file_select_popup = FileSelectPopup(self, file_types=file_types) file = self.file_select_popup.getFile() if file: self.file_entry.set(file) def changedSize(self, entry): if entry == Output.other_paper_type: self.other_frame.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=2, sticky='w') else: self.other_frame.grid_forget() def changedFormat(self, entry): file_suffix = file_suffixes.get(entry) if not file_suffix: return file_name = self.file_entry.get() if not file_name: return for suffix in format_suffixes: if file_name.endswith(suffix): if suffix != file_suffix: n = len(suffix) file_name = file_name[:-n] + file_suffix self.file_entry.set(file_name) break else: file_name = file_name + file_suffix self.file_entry.set(file_name) def changedScaling(self, choice): if choice == scaling_choices[0]: self.scaling_scale.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=3, sticky='ew') self.x_scaling_label.grid_forget() self.x_scaling_entry.grid_forget() self.y_scaling_label.grid_forget() self.y_scaling_entry.grid_forget() else: self.scaling_scale.grid_forget() self.x_scaling_label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='w') self.x_scaling_entry.grid(row=0, column=3, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') self.y_scaling_label.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky='w') self.y_scaling_entry.grid(row=1, column=3, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') self.setOptionValues() def changedSpacing(self, choice): if choice == spacing_choices[0]: self.spacing_frame.grid_forget() else: self.spacing_frame.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky='ew') self.setOptionValues() def changedLength(self, choice): if choice == tick_length_choices[0]: self.length_frame.grid_forget() else: self.length_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') self.setOptionValues() # width and height are of plot, in pixels def getOutputHandler(self, pixel_width, pixel_height, unit_width=1.0, unit_height=1.0, fonts=None): if not fonts: fonts = [] else: fonts = list(fonts) for n in range(len(fonts)): if fonts[n] == 'Times': fonts[n] = 'Times-Roman' self.setOptionValues() if not self.file_name: showError('No file', 'No file specified', parent=self) return None x_scaling = y_scaling = 1.0 if self.scaling_choice != scaling_choices[0]: try: x_scaling = float(self.x_scaling) except: showError('Bad X Scaling', 'Specified X Scaling must be floating point', parent=self) return None try: y_scaling = float(self.y_scaling) except: showError('Bad Y Scaling', 'Specified Y Scaling must be floating point', parent=self) return None if os.path.exists(self.file_name): if not showYesNo('File exists', 'File "%s" exists, overwrite?' % self.file_name, parent=self): return None if self.paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: paper_size = self.other_size + [ self.other_unit ] else: paper_size = paper_sizes[self.paper_type] output_scaling = self.scaling / 100.0 border_font = self.border_font (font, size) = border_font.split() size = int(size) border_text = {} for decoration in self.border_decoration: if decoration == 'Time and Date': location = 'se' text = time.ctime(time.time()) elif decoration == 'File Name': location = 'sw' text = self.file_name else: continue # should not be here border_text[location] = (text, font, size) if self.title: location = 'n' border_text[location] = (self.title, font, size+6) if font not in fonts: fonts.append(font) if self.haveTicks and self.tick_location == PrintTicks.Outside: axis_label_offset = 2 else: axis_label_offset = 0 outputHandler = PrintHandler.getOutputHandler(self.file_name, pixel_width, pixel_height, unit_width, unit_height, scaling_choice=self.scaling_choice, output_scaling=output_scaling, w_scaling=x_scaling, h_scaling=y_scaling, paper_size=paper_size, paper_orientation=self.paper_orientation, output_style=self.output_style, output_format=self.output_format, border_text=border_text, x_axis_label=self.x_axis_label, y_axis_label=self.y_axis_label, axis_label_font=font, axis_label_size=size, axis_label_offset=axis_label_offset, fonts=fonts, linewidth=self.linewidth, do_outline_box=self.doOutlineBox) return outputHandler def getAspectRatio(self): self.setOptionValues() if self.paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: paper_size = self.other_size else: paper_size = paper_sizes[self.paper_type] r = paper_size[1] / paper_size[0] if self.paper_orientation == 'Landscape': r = 1.0 / r return r
class PrintFrame(LabelFrame): def __init__(self, parent, getOption=None, setOption=None, text='Print Options', haveTicks=False, doOutlineBox=True, *args, **kw): self.getOption = getOption self.setOption = setOption self.haveTicks = haveTicks self.doOutlineBox = doOutlineBox LabelFrame.__init__(self, parent=parent, text=text, *args, **kw) self.file_select_popup = None self.getOptionValues() try: size_index = self.paper_types.index(self.paper_type) except: size_index = 0 try: other_unit_index = self.paper_units.index(self.other_unit) except: other_unit_index = 0 try: orientation_index = self.paper_orientations.index(self.orientation) except: orientation_index = 0 try: style_index = self.style_choices.index(self.output_style) except: style_index = 0 try: format_index = self.format_choices.index(self.output_format) except: format_index = 0 if haveTicks: try: tick_location_index = self.tick_locations.index( self.tick_location) except: tick_location_index = 0 self.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) row = 0 label = Label(self, text='File:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.file_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.file_name) self.file_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') button = Button(self, text='Choose File', command=self.findFile) button.grid(row=row, column=3, rowspan=2, sticky='nsew') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='Title:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.title_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.title) self.title_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(4, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Paper size:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') entries = [] for t in paper_types: if t == Output.other_paper_type: entry = t else: (w, h, u) = paper_sizes[t] entry = t + ' (%2.1f %s x %2.1f %s)' % (w, u, h, u) entries.append(entry) self.size_menu = PulldownList(frame, callback=self.changedSize, texts=entries, index=size_index) self.size_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') self.other_frame = Frame(frame) self.other_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.other_entry = FloatEntry(self.other_frame, text=self.other_size, isArray=True) self.other_entry.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ew') self.other_unit_menu = PulldownList(self.other_frame, texts=paper_units, index=other_unit_index) self.other_unit_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(5, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Orientation:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.orientation_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=paper_orientations, index=orientation_index) self.orientation_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Style:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.style_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=style_choices, index=style_index) self.style_menu.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Format:') label.grid(row=0, column=4, sticky='e') self.format_menu = PulldownList(frame, callback=self.changedFormat, texts=format_choices, index=format_index) self.format_menu.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky='w') if haveTicks: row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Tick Location:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.tick_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=tick_locations, index=tick_location_index) self.tick_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Tick Placement:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.tick_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries=tick_placements, selected=self.tick_placement) self.tick_buttons.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Include:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.border_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries=border_decorations, selected=self.border_decoration) self.border_buttons.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Scaling:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.scaling_scale = Scale(frame, orient=Tkinter.HORIZONTAL, value=self.scaling) self.scaling_scale.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='ew') def destroy(self): self.setOptionValues() if self.file_select_popup: self.file_select_popup.destroy() Frame.destroy(self) def getOptionValues(self): getOption = self.getOption if getOption: file_name = getOption('FileName', defaultValue='') title = getOption('Title', defaultValue='') paper_type = getOption('PaperSize', defaultValue=paper_types[0]) paper_type = paper_type_dict.get(paper_type, paper_types[0]) other_height = getOption('OtherHeight', defaultValue=10) other_width = getOption('OtherWidth', defaultValue=10) other_size = [other_height, other_width] other_unit = getOption('OtherUnit', defaultValue=paper_units[0]) orientation = getOption('Orientation', defaultValue=paper_orientations[0]) in_color = getOption('InColor', defaultValue=True) if in_color: output_style = style_choices[0] else: output_style = style_choices[1] format_option = getOption('OutputFormat', defaultValue=format_options[0]) output_format = format_choices[format_options.index(format_option)] if self.haveTicks: tick_outside = getOption('TickOutside', defaultValue=tick_locations[0]) if tick_outside: tick_location = tick_locations.index(PrintTicks.Outside) else: tick_location = tick_locations.index(PrintTicks.Inside) tick_placement = getTickPlacement1( getOption('TickPlacement', defaultValue='nsew')) dateTime = getOption('ShowsDateTime', defaultValue=True) fileName = getOption('ShowsFileName', defaultValue=True) border_decoration = [] if dateTime: border_decoration.append(border_decorations[0]) if fileName: border_decoration.append(border_decorations[1]) scaling = getOption('Scaling', defaultValue=0.9) scaling = int(round(100.0 * scaling)) else: file_name = '' title = '' paper_type = paper_types[0] other_unit = paper_units[0] other_size = '' orientation = paper_orientations[0] output_style = style_choices[0] output_format = format_choices[0] if self.haveTicks: tick_location = tick_locations[0] tick_placement = tick_placements border_decoration = border_decorations scaling = 90 if not self.haveTicks: tick_location = None tick_placement = None self.file_name = file_name self.title = title self.paper_type = paper_type self.other_unit = other_unit self.other_size = other_size self.orientation = orientation self.output_style = output_style self.output_format = output_format self.tick_location = tick_location self.tick_placement = tick_placement self.border_decoration = border_decoration self.scaling = scaling def setOptionValues(self): self.file_name = file_name = self.file_entry.get() self.title = title = self.title_entry.get() n = self.size_menu.getSelectedIndex() self.paper_type = paper_type = paper_types[n] if paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: other_size = self.other_entry.get() other_unit = self.other_unit_menu.getText() else: other_size = None other_unit = None self.other_size = other_size self.other_unit = other_unit self.paper_orientation = paper_orientation = self.orientation_menu.getText( ) self.output_style = output_style = self.style_menu.getText() self.output_format = output_format = self.format_menu.getText() if self.haveTicks: tick_location = self.tick_menu.getText() tick_placement = self.tick_buttons.getSelected() else: tick_location = tick_placement = None self.tick_location = tick_location self.tick_placement = tick_placement self.border_decoration = border_decoration = self.border_buttons.getSelected( ) scaling = self.scaling_scale.get() self.scaling = scaling = int(round(scaling)) setOption = self.setOption if setOption: setOption('FileName', value=file_name) setOption('Title', value=title) if paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: setOption('OtherHeight', value=other_size[0]) setOption('OtherWidth', value=other_size[1]) setOption('OtherUnit', value=other_unit) else: paper_type = paper_type_inverse_dict[paper_type] setOption('PaperSize', value=paper_type) setOption('Orientation', value=paper_orientation) in_color = (output_style == style_choices[0]) setOption('InColor', value=in_color) output_format = format_options[format_choices.index(output_format)] setOption('OutputFormat', value=output_format) if self.haveTicks: tick_outside = (tick_location == PrintTicks.Outside) setOption('TickOutside', value=tick_outside) tick_placement = getTickPlacement2(tick_placement) setOption('TickPlacement', value=tick_placement) dateTime = (border_decorations[0] in border_decoration) fileName = (border_decorations[1] in border_decoration) setOption('ShowsDateTime', value=dateTime) setOption('ShowsFileName', value=fileName) setOption('Scaling', value=0.01 * scaling) def findFile(self): if self.file_select_popup: else: file_types = [ FileType('All', ['*']), FileType('PostScript', ['*.ps', '*.eps']), FileType('PDF', ['*.pdf', '*.ai']) ] self.file_select_popup = FileSelectPopup(self, file_types=file_types) file = self.file_select_popup.getFile() if file: self.file_entry.set(file) def changedSize(self, entry): if entry == Output.other_paper_type: self.other_frame.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=2, sticky='w') else: self.other_frame.grid_forget() def changedFormat(self, entry): file_suffix = file_suffixes.get(entry) if not file_suffix: return file_name = self.file_entry.get() if not file_name: return for suffix in format_suffixes: if file_name.endswith(suffix): if suffix != file_suffix: n = len(suffix) file_name = file_name[:-n] + file_suffix self.file_entry.set(file_name) break else: file_name = file_name + file_suffix self.file_entry.set(file_name) # width and height are of plot, in pixels def getOutputHandler(self, width, height, fonts=None): if not fonts: fonts = [] else: fonts = list(fonts) for n in range(len(fonts)): if fonts[n] == 'Times': fonts[n] = 'Times-Roman' self.setOptionValues() if not self.file_name: showError('No file', 'No file specified', parent=self) return None if os.path.exists(self.file_name): if not showYesNo('File exists', 'File "%s" exists, overwrite?' % self.file_name, parent=self): return None if (self.paper_type == Output.other_paper_type): paper_size = self.other_size + [self.other_unit] else: paper_size = paper_sizes[self.paper_type] output_scaling = self.scaling / 100.0 font = 'Times-Roman' border_text = {} for decoration in self.border_decoration: if (decoration == 'Time & date'): location = 'se' text = time.ctime(time.time()) elif (decoration == 'File name'): location = 'sw' text = self.file_name else: continue # should not be here border_text[location] = (text, font, 12) if (self.title): location = 'n' border_text[location] = (self.title, font, 18) if font not in fonts: fonts.append(font) outputHandler = PrintHandler.getOutputHandler( self.file_name, width, height, output_scaling=output_scaling, paper_size=paper_size, paper_orientation=self.paper_orientation, output_style=self.output_style, output_format=self.output_format, border_text=border_text, fonts=fonts, do_outline_box=self.doOutlineBox) return outputHandler def getAspectRatio(self): self.setOptionValues() if self.paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: paper_size = self.other_size else: paper_size = paper_sizes[self.paper_type] r = paper_size[1] / paper_size[0] if self.paper_orientation == 'Landscape': r = 1.0 / r return r
class CreateAxisTypePopup(BasePopup): def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw): self.measurementType = None BasePopup.__init__(self, parent=parent, title='Create axis type', modal=True, **kw) def body(self, master): master.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) row = 0 label = Label(master, text='Axis name: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'Short text name for new type of axis e.g. "17O"' self.name_entry = Entry(master, width=15, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Axis region: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'Comma separated values for the upper and lower bound of the axis allowed range of values' self.region_entry = FloatEntry(master, text=[0.0, 1.0], isArray=True, width=15, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Measurement type:', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'The physical entity that is being measured along the axis' self.measurement_list = PulldownList(master, tipText=tipText) self.measurement_list.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Dimension is sampled: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'Whether the axis is discretely sampled or a continuous range (albeit on a grid)' self.sampled_popup = BooleanPulldownMenu(master, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Decimal places: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'The number of decimal places that the axis values are rounded to for display purposes' self.decimals_entry = IntEntry(master, text=0, width=15, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Peak size: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'The relative scale for the peak symbol (i.e the "X" shape) size compared to other axes' self.peak_size_entry = FloatEntry(master, text=1.0, width=15, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Allowed axis units:', grid=(row, 0)) tipTexts = [ 'Units of measurement allowed for this kind of axis', ] units = [au.unit for au in self.parent.getAxisUnits()] selected = [True] * len(units) self.units_list = CheckButtons(master, units, selected=selected, direction='vertical', grid=(row, 1), tipTexts=tipTexts) row += 1 tipTexts = [ 'Make a new axis specification of the selected type and close this popup' ] texts = ['Create'] commands = [self.ok] buttons = UtilityButtonList(master, texts=texts, commands=commands, doClone=False, closeText='Cancel', helpUrl=self.help_url, grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 2), tipTexts=tipTexts) master.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1) self.update() def update(self, *extra): measurementType = self.measurementType measurementTypes = self.parent.getMeasurementTypes() if measurementTypes: if measurementType not in measurementTypes: self.measurementType = measurementType = measurementTypes[0] index = measurementTypes.index(measurementType) else: index = 0 self.measurementType = None self.measurement_list.setup(measurementTypes, None, index) def apply(self): name = self.name_entry.get() if (not name): showError('No name', 'Need to enter name', self) return False names = [ for axisType in self.analysisProject.axisTypes] if (name in names): showError('Repeated name', 'Name already used', self) return False region = self.region_entry.get() if ((region is None) or (len(region) != 2)): showError('Region error', 'Region must be float array of length two', self) return False if (region[0] >= region[1]): showError('Region error', 'Region must have first number < second number', self) return False measurementType = self.measurement_list.getText() isSampled = self.sampled_popup.getSelected() numDecimals = self.decimals_entry.get() if ((numDecimals is None) or (numDecimals < 0)): showError('Decimals error', 'Number of decimal places must be >= 0', self) return False peakSize = self.peak_size_entry.get() if ((peakSize is None) or (peakSize <= 0)): showError('Peak size error', 'Peak size must be > 0', self) return False selected = self.units_list.getSelected() allUnits = self.parent.getAxisUnits() axisUnits = [au for au in allUnits if au.unit in selected] self.analysisProject.newAxisType(name=name, region=region, isSampled=isSampled, axisUnits=axisUnits, numDecimals=numDecimals, peakSize=peakSize, measurementType=measurementType) return True