コード例 #1
def chain_compose_after_inplace_chain_test():
    a = PointCloud(np.random.random([10, 2]))
    b = PointCloud(np.random.random([10, 2]))

    t = Translation([3, 4])
    s = Scale([4, 2])
    chain_1 = TransformChain([t, s])
    chain_2 = TransformChain([s.pseudoinverse(), t.pseudoinverse()])

    points = PointCloud(np.random.random([10, 2]))
    chain_res = chain_1.apply(points)
    assert(np.allclose(points.points, chain_res.points))
コード例 #2
def model_to_clip_transform(points, xy_scale=0.9, z_scale=0.3):
    Produces an Affine Transform which centres and scales 3D points to fit
    into the OpenGL clipping space ([-1, 1], [-1, 1], [1, 1-]). This can be
    used to construct an appropriate projection matrix for use in an
    orthographic Rasterizer. Note that the z-axis is flipped as is default in
    OpenGL - as a result this transform converts the right handed coordinate
    input into a left hand one.


    points: :map:`PointCloud`
        The points that should be adjusted.

    xy_scale: `float` 0-1, optional
        Amount by which the boundary is relaxed so the points are not
        right against the edge. A value of 1 means the extremities of the
        point cloud will be mapped onto [-1, 1] [-1, 1] exactly (no boarder)
        A value of 0.5 means the points will be mapped into the range
        [-0.5, 0.5].

        Default: 0.9 (map to [-0.9, 0.9])

    z_scale: float 0-1, optional
        Scale factor by which the z-dimension is squeezed. A value of 1
        means the z-range of the points will be mapped to exactly fit in
        [1, -1]. A scale of 0.1 means the z-range is compressed to fit in the
        range [0.1, -0.1].

        The affine transform that creates this mapping
    # 1. Centre the points on the origin
    center = Translation(points.centre_of_bounds()).pseudoinverse()
    # 2. Scale the points to exactly fit the boundaries
    scale = Scale(points.range() / 2.0)
    # 3. Apply the relaxations requested - note the flip in the z axis!!
    # This is because OpenGL by default evaluates depth as bigger number ==
    # further away. Thus not only do we need to get to clip space [-1, 1] in
    # all dims) but we must invert the z axis so depth buffering is correctly
    # applied.
    b_scale = NonUniformScale([xy_scale, xy_scale, -z_scale])
    return center.compose_before(scale.pseudoinverse()).compose_before(b_scale)
コード例 #3
ファイル: transform.py プロジェクト: lydonchandra/menpo3d
def model_to_clip_transform(points, xy_scale=0.9, z_scale=0.3):
    Produces an Affine Transform which centres and scales 3D points to fit
    into the OpenGL clipping space ([-1, 1], [-1, 1], [1, 1-]). This can be
    used to construct an appropriate projection matrix for use in an
    orthographic Rasterizer. Note that the z-axis is flipped as is default in
    OpenGL - as a result this transform converts the right handed coordinate
    input into a left hand one.


    points: :map:`PointCloud`
        The points that should be adjusted.

    xy_scale: `float` 0-1, optional
        Amount by which the boundary is relaxed so the points are not
        right against the edge. A value of 1 means the extremities of the
        point cloud will be mapped onto [-1, 1] [-1, 1] exactly (no boarder)
        A value of 0.5 means the points will be mapped into the range
        [-0.5, 0.5].

        Default: 0.9 (map to [-0.9, 0.9])

    z_scale: float 0-1, optional
        Scale factor by which the z-dimension is squeezed. A value of 1
        means the z-range of the points will be mapped to exactly fit in
        [1, -1]. A scale of 0.1 means the z-range is compressed to fit in the
        range [0.1, -0.1].

        The affine transform that creates this mapping
    # 1. Centre the points on the origin
    center = Translation(points.centre_of_bounds()).pseudoinverse()
    # 2. Scale the points to exactly fit the boundaries
    scale = Scale(points.range() / 2.0)
    # 3. Apply the relaxations requested - note the flip in the z axis!!
    # This is because OpenGL by default evaluates depth as bigger number ==
    # further away. Thus not only do we need to get to clip space [-1, 1] in
    # all dims) but we must invert the z axis so depth buffering is correctly
    # applied.
    b_scale = NonUniformScale([xy_scale, xy_scale, -z_scale])
    return center.compose_before(scale.pseudoinverse()).compose_before(b_scale)