def render_all(con, panel, entities, player, game_map, fov_map, fov_recompute, message_log, screen_width, screen_height, bar_width, panel_height, panel_y, mouse, colors, game_state): if fov_recompute: # Draw all the tiles in the game map for y in range(game_map.height): for x in range(game_map.width): visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, x, y) wall = game_map.tiles[x][y].block_sight if visible: if wall: libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colors.get('light_wall'), libtcod.BKGND_SET) else: libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colors.get('light_ground'), libtcod.BKGND_SET) game_map.tiles[x][y].explored = True elif game_map.tiles[x][y].explored: if wall: libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colors.get('dark_wall'), libtcod.BKGND_SET) else: libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colors.get('dark_ground'), libtcod.BKGND_SET) entities_in_render_order = sorted(entities, key=lambda x: x.render_order.value) # Draw all entities in the list for entity in entities_in_render_order: draw_entity(con, entity, fov_map) libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, screen_width, screen_height, 0, 0, 0) libtcod.console_set_default_background(panel, libtcod.console_clear(panel) # Print the game messages, one line at a time y = 1 for message in message_log.messages: libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, message.color) libtcod.console_print_ex(panel, message_log.x, y, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, message.text) y += 1 render_bar(panel, 1, 1, bar_width, 'HP', player.fighter.hp, player.fighter.max_hp, libtcod.light_red, libtcod.darker_red) libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, libtcod.light_gray) libtcod.console_print_ex(panel, 1, 0, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, get_names_under_mouse(mouse, entities, fov_map)) libtcod.console_blit(panel, 0, 0, screen_width, panel_height, 0, 0, panel_y) if game_state in (GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY, GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY): if game_state == GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY: inventory_title = 'Press the key next to an item to use it, or Esc to cancel.\n' else: inventory_title = 'Press the key next to an item to drop it, or Esc to cancel.\n' inventory_menu(con, inventory_title, player.inventory, 50, screen_width, screen_height)
def render_menu(self, game_state, player): if game_state == GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY: text = "Press the key next to an item to use it, or Esc to cancel.\n" inventory_menu(self.main_console, text, player, 50, self.screen_width, self.screen_height) elif game_state == GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY: text = "Press the key net to an item to drop it, or Esc to cancel.\n" inventory_menu(self.main_console, text, player, 50, self.screen_width, self.screen_height) elif game_state == GameStates.LEVEL_UP: level_up_menu(self.main_console, 'Level up! Choose a stat to raise:', player, 40, self.screen_width, self.screen_height) elif game_state == GameStates.CHARACTER_SCREEN: character_screen(player, 30, 10, self.screen_width, self.screen_height)
def render_all(root_con: tcod.console.Console, con: tcod.console.Console, panel: tcod.console.Console, entities, player, game_map, fov_map, fov_recompute: bool, message_log, bar_width, panel_y: int, mouse_pos, colors, game_state: GameStates): """Render characters on the console screen""" render_main_map(con, entities, player, game_map, fov_map, fov_recompute, colors) con.blit(root_con) render_panel(panel, message_log, bar_width, player, mouse_pos, entities, fov_map, game_map.dungeon_level) panel.blit(root_con, 0, panel_y) if game_state in (GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY, GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY): if game_state == GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY: inventory_title = 'Press the key next to an item to use it, or Esc to cancel.\n' else: inventory_title = 'Press the key next to an item to drop it, or Esc to cancel.\n' inventory_menu(root_con, inventory_title, player, 50) elif game_state == GameStates.LEVEL_UP: level_up_menu(root_con, 'Level up! Choose a stat to raise:', player, 40) elif game_state == GameStates.CHARACTER_SCREEN: character_screen(root_con, player, 30, 10)
def render_all(root_console: tcod.console.Console, offscreen_console: tcod.console.Console, viewport_console: tcod.console.Console, status_console: tcod.console.Console, log_console: tcod.console.Console, entity_console: tcod.console.Console, player: Entity, game_map: GameMap, mouse_tx: int, mouse_ty: int, fov_recompute: bool, game_messages: MessageLog, box_text: str, game_state: GameState, camera: "Camera") -> None: screen_height = const.SCREEN_HEIGHT screen_width = const.SCREEN_WIDTH bar_width = const.BAR_WIDTH status_console.clear() log_console.clear() entity_console.clear() if fov_recompute: # Show nothing by default[:] = 0 viewport_console.fg[:] = (0, 0, 0)[:] = (0, 0, 0) # Move camera to follow the player camera.move_camera(player.x, player.y, game_map.width, game_map.height) cam_x, cam_y = camera.x, camera.y cam_x2, cam_y2 = camera.x2, camera.y2 # Translate map coordinates to camera coordinates cam_fov = game_map.fov_map.fov[cam_x:cam_x2 + 1, cam_y:cam_y2 + 1] cam_explored = game_map.explored[cam_x:cam_x2 + 1, cam_y:cam_y2 + 1] cam_glyph = game_map.tile_map.glyph[cam_x:cam_x2 + 1, cam_y:cam_y2 + 1] cam_fg = game_map.tile_map.fg[cam_x:cam_x2 + 1, cam_y:cam_y2 + 1] cam_bg =[cam_x:cam_x2 + 1, cam_y:cam_y2 + 1] # If a tile is explored but not visible, render it in dark colors. viewport_console.fg[cam_explored == True] = np.multiply( cam_fg[cam_explored == True], 0.50).astype([cam_explored == True] = np.multiply( cam_bg[cam_explored == True], 0.50).astype([cam_explored == True] = cam_glyph[cam_explored == True] # If a tile is visible then render it in light colors. viewport_console.fg[cam_fov == True] = cam_fg[cam_fov == True][cam_fov == True] = cam_bg[cam_fov == True][cam_fov == True] = cam_glyph[cam_fov == True] #[cam_transparent == False] = 178 # If a tile is visible, then it is now explored. game_map.explored[game_map.fov_map.fov == True] = True # Draw all entities in the list entities_in_render_order = sorted(game_map.entities, key=lambda x: x.entity_type.value) for entity in entities_in_render_order: draw_entity(viewport_console, entity, game_map, camera) render_bar(status_console, 1, 1, bar_width, 'HP', player.fighter.hp, player.fighter.max_hp, tcod.light_red, tcod.darker_red) status_console.print(1, 3, f"Dungeon Level: {game_map.dungeon_level}") status_console.print(1, 0, get_names_under_mouse(mouse_tx, mouse_ty, game_map.entities, game_map), fg=(128, 128, 128)) y = 0 for message in game_messages.messages: log_console.print(game_messages.x, y, message.text, fg=message.color) y += 1 entity_console.print(5, 0, "Visible:", (128, 128, 128)) visible_entities = [ entity for entity in entities_in_render_order if tcod.map_is_in_fov(game_map.fov_map, entity.x, entity.y) ] for index, entity in enumerate(visible_entities, start=1): if entity.entity_type not in [EntityType.PLAYER, EntityType.CORPSE]: entity_str = f"{chr(entity.glyph)}: {}" entity_console.print(1, index, entity_str, entity.fg) draw_frames(offscreen_console) # offscreen_console.print(0, screen_height - 1, f"{mouse_tx}, {mouse_ty}") viewport_console.blit(offscreen_console, 1, 1) status_console.blit(offscreen_console, const.VIEWPORT_WIDTH + 2, 1) log_console.blit(offscreen_console, 1, const.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT + 2) entity_console.blit(offscreen_console, const.VIEWPORT_WIDTH + 2, const.STATUS_HEIGHT + 2) offscreen_console.blit(root_console) if game_state in [GameState.SHOW_INVENTORY, GameState.DROP_INVENTORY]: if game_state == GameState.SHOW_INVENTORY: inventory_title = "Press the key next to an item to use it, ESC to cancel.\n" else: inventory_title = "Press the key next to an item to drop it, ESC to cancel.\n" inventory_menu(root_console, inventory_title, player, 50, screen_width, screen_height) elif game_state == GameState.LEVEL_UP: level_up_menu(root_console, "Level up! Choose a stat to raise:", player, 40, screen_width, screen_height) elif game_state == GameState.CHARACTER_SCREEN: character_screen(root_console, player, 30, 10, screen_width, screen_height) elif game_state == GameState.MESSAGE_BOX: message_box(root_console, box_text, len(box_text), const.VIEWPORT_WIDTH, const.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT) if SHOW_STATS: fps = tcod.sys_get_fps() if fps > 0: fps_str = f"FPS: {fps} ({1000 / fps:.2f} ms/frame)" root_console.print(0, const.SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, fps_str, fg=(255, 255, 255)) tcod.console_flush()
def render_all(con, panel, entities, player, game_map, fov_recompute, root_console, message_log, screen_width, screen_height, bar_width, panel_height, panel_y, mouse_coordinates, colors, game_state): if fov_recompute: # draw all map tiles for x, y in game_map: wall = not game_map.transparent[x, y] if game_map.fov[x, y]: if wall: con.draw_char(x, y, None, fg=None, bg=colors.get('light_wall')) else: con.draw_char(x, y, None, fg=None, bg=colors.get('light_ground')) game_map.explored[x][y] = True elif game_map.explored[x][y]: if wall: con.draw_char(x, y, None, fg=None, bg=colors.get('dark_wall')) else: con.draw_char(x, y, None, fg=None, bg=colors.get('dark_ground')) # ordering the entities if stacked entities_in_render_order = sorted(entities, key=lambda x: x.render_order.value) # Draw all entities in list for entity in entities_in_render_order: draw_entity(con, entity, game_map) root_console.blit(con, 0, 0, screen_width, screen_height) panel.clear(fg=colors.get('white'), bg=colors.get('black')) # print game messages, one line at a time y = 1 for message in message_log.messages: panel.draw_str(message_log.x, y, message.text, bg=None, fg=message.color) y += 1 render_bar(panel, 1, 1, bar_width, 'HP', player.fighter.hp, player.fighter.max_hp, colors.get('light_red'), colors.get('darker_red'), colors.get('white')) panel.draw_str(1, 3, 'Dungeon Level: {0}'.format(game_map.dungeon_level), fg=colors.get('white'), bg=None) panel.draw_str( 1, 0, get_names_under_mouse(mouse_coordinates, entities, game_map)) root_console.blit(panel, 0, panel_y, screen_width, panel_height, 0, 0) if game_state in (GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY, GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY): if game_state == GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY: inventory_title = 'Press the key next to an item to use it, or ESC to cancel.\n' else: inventory_title = 'Press the key next to an item to drop it, or ESC to cancel.\n' inventory_menu(con, root_console, inventory_title, player.inventory, 50, screen_width, screen_height) elif game_state == GameStates.LEVEL_UP: level_up_menu(con, root_console, 'Level up! Chose a stat to raise:', player, 40, screen_width, screen_height) elif game_state == GameStates.CHARACTER_SCREEN: character_screen(root_console, player, 30, 10, screen_width, screen_height)
def _handle_keyboard_event(event): """ Handles keyboard event Args: event (Event): Keyboard event to handle """ # Movement if event.key == pygame.K_a: update_creatures(config.GAME_DATA.creature_data, -1, 0) elif event.key == pygame.K_d: update_creatures(config.GAME_DATA.creature_data, 1, 0) elif event.key == pygame.K_w: update_creatures(config.GAME_DATA.creature_data, 0, -1) elif event.key == pygame.K_q: update_creatures(config.GAME_DATA.creature_data, -1, -1) elif event.key == pygame.K_e: update_creatures(config.GAME_DATA.creature_data, 1, -1) elif event.key == pygame.K_z: update_creatures(config.GAME_DATA.creature_data, -1, 1) elif event.key == pygame.K_c: update_creatures(config.GAME_DATA.creature_data, 1, 1) elif event.key == pygame.K_s: update_creatures(config.GAME_DATA.creature_data, 0, 1) elif event.key == pygame.K_x: update_creatures(config.GAME_DATA.creature_data, 0, 0) # Mini_map elif event.key == pygame.K_m: toggle_minimap() # Pickup/Drop Item elif event.key == pygame.K_t: objects_at_player = map_items_at_coord(config.GAME_DATA.item_data, config.PLAYER.x, config.PLAYER.y) for obj in objects_at_player: if obj.item: obj.item.pick_up(config.PLAYER) update_creatures(config.GAME_DATA.creature_data, 0, 0) elif event.key == pygame.K_F12: _toggle_wallhack() elif event.key == pygame.K_TAB: _toggle_camera() # Auto move elif event.key == pygame.K_v: auto_path(config.PATHFINDING) # Menu Buttons elif event.key == pygame.K_p: menu.pause() elif event.key == pygame.K_i: menu.inventory_menu() # Use magic elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: menu.magic_select_menu() # Returns to previous level elif event.key == pygame.K_1: if config.MAP_INFO.tile_array[config.PLAYER.y][ config.PLAYER.x].type == UPSTAIR: config.CURRENT_FLOOR -= 1 config.GAME_DATA.transition_previous_level() # Goes to next level elif event.key == pygame.K_2: if config.CURRENT_FLOOR < NUM_OF_FLOOR and \ config.MAP_INFO.tile_array[config.PLAYER.y][config.PLAYER.x].type == DOWNSTAIR: config.CURRENT_FLOOR += 1 config.GAME_DATA.transition_next_level() elif event.key == pygame.K_F2: save_game() elif event.key == pygame.K_F3: load_game()
def render_all(con, panel, entities, player, game_map, fov_map, fov_recompute, message_log, screen_width, screen_height, bar_width, panel_height, panel_y, mouse, game_state): # Define colors of walls and floors colors = { 'dark_wall': from_dungeon_level([[tc.darkest_grey,1], [tc.desaturated_orange,4], [tc.darker_azure,7], [tc.darkest_fuchsia,10], [tc.darkest_flame,13]], game_map.dungeon_level), 'dark_ground': from_dungeon_level([[tc.darker_sepia,1], [tc.darkest_grey,4], [tc.darkest_grey,7], [tc.darkest_sepia,10], [tc.darkest_grey,13]], game_map.dungeon_level), 'light_wall': from_dungeon_level([[tc.dark_grey,1], [tc.brass,4], [tc.dark_azure,7], [tc.desaturated_fuchsia,10], [tc.dark_flame,13]], game_map.dungeon_level), 'light_ground': from_dungeon_level([[tc.dark_sepia,1], [tc.darker_grey,4], [tc.darker_grey,7], [tc.darker_sepia,10], [tc.darker_grey,13]], game_map.dungeon_level), 'burning_ground': tc.dark_flame } # Draw the game map if fov_recompute: for y in range(game_map.height): for x in range(game_map.width): game_map.tiles[x][y].take_turn() visible = tc.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, x, y) wall = game_map.tiles[x][y].block_sight if visible: if wall: tc.console_set_default_foreground(con, colors.get('light_wall')) tc.console_put_char(con, x, y, '#', tc.BKGND_NONE) elif game_map.tiles[x][y].burning: tc.console_set_default_foreground(con, colors.get('burning_ground')) tc.console_put_char(con, x, y, '_', tc.BKGND_NONE) else: tc.console_set_default_foreground(con, colors.get('light_ground')) tc.console_put_char(con, x, y, '_', tc.BKGND_NONE) game_map.tiles[x][y].explored = True elif game_map.tiles[x][y].explored: if wall: tc.console_set_default_foreground(con, colors.get('dark_wall')) tc.console_put_char(con, x, y, '#', tc.BKGND_NONE) else: tc.console_set_default_foreground(con, colors.get('dark_ground')) tc.console_put_char(con, x, y, '_', tc.BKGND_NONE) entities_in_render_order = sorted(entities, key=lambda x: x.render_order.value) # Draw all entities in the list for entity in entities_in_render_order: draw_entity(con, entity, fov_map, game_map, colors) tc.console_blit(con, 0, 0, screen_width, screen_height, 0, 0, 0) tc.console_set_default_background(panel, tc.console_clear(panel) # Print game messages y = 1 for message in message_log.messages: tc.console_set_default_foreground(panel, message.color) tc.console_print_ex(panel, message_log.x, y, tc.BKGND_NONE, tc.LEFT, message.text) y += 1 render_bar(panel, 1, 3, bar_width, 'HP', player.fighter.hp, player.fighter.max_hp, tc.light_red, tc.darker_red) render_bar(panel, 1, 5, bar_width, 'XP', player.level.current_xp, player.level.experience_to_next_level, tc.light_green, tc.darker_green) tc.console_print_ex(panel, 1, 1, tc.BKGND_NONE, tc.LEFT, 'Dungeon level: {0}'.format(game_map.dungeon_level)) tc.console_set_default_foreground(panel, tc.light_gray) tc.console_print_ex(panel, 1, 0, tc.BKGND_NONE, tc.LEFT, get_names_under_mouse(mouse, entities, fov_map)) tc.console_blit(panel, 0, 0, screen_width, panel_height, 0, 0, panel_y) if game_state in (GameState.SHOW_INVENTORY, GameState.DROP_INVENTORY): if game_state == GameState.SHOW_INVENTORY: inventory_title = 'Press the key next to an item to use it, or Esc to exit.\n' else: inventory_title = 'Press the key next to na item to drop it, or Esc to exit.\n' inventory_menu(con, inventory_title, player, 50, screen_width, screen_height) elif game_state == GameState.LEVEL_UP: level_up_menu(con, 'Level up! Choose a stat to raise:', player, 40, screen_width, screen_height) elif game_state == GameState.CHARACTER_SCREEN: character_screen(player, 30, 10, screen_width, screen_height) elif game_state == GameState.PAUSE: pause_menu(con, 'Game paused', 30, screen_width, screen_height)
def __render_all(self, state): con = self.owner.con panel = self.owner.panel hotkeys = self.owner.hotkeys upper_bar = self.owner.upper_bar colors = CONFIG.get('COLORS') if state.game_state == GameStates.PLAYER_DEAD: self.__show_stats(con, state) tcod.console_set_default_foreground(upper_bar, tcod.white) tcod.console_set_default_background(upper_bar, tcod.console_clear(upper_bar) tcod.console_blit(self.owner.upper_bar, 0, 0, CONFIG.get('WIDTH'), CONFIG.get('UPPER_BAR_HEIGHT'), 0, 0, 0) else: offset_mouse_x = state.mouse_x offset_mouse_y = state.mouse_y - CONFIG.get('MAP_Y') if self.fov_recompute or state.game_state == GameStates.TARGETING or self.redraw: for y in range(state.game_map.height): for x in range(state.game_map.width): visible = tcod.map_is_in_fov(self.fov_map, x, y) wall = state.game_map.tiles[x][y].block_sight if visible: if wall: tcod.console_set_char_background( con, x, y, colors.get('light_wall'), tcod.BKGND_SET) else: tcod.console_set_char_background( con, x, y, colors.get('light_ground'), tcod.BKGND_SET) if state.game_state == GameStates.TARGETING: if state.targeting_area and self.distance( x, y, offset_mouse_x, offset_mouse_y ) <= state.targeting_radius: tcod.console_set_char_background( con, x, y, tcod.light_red, tcod.BKGND_SET) elif x == offset_mouse_x and y == offset_mouse_y: tcod.console_set_char_background( con, x, y, tcod.light_red, tcod.BKGND_SET) if state.game_state == GameStates.TARGETING and x == offset_mouse_x and y == offset_mouse_y: if state.targeting_area: radius = state.targeting_radius tcod.console_set_char_background( con, x, y, tcod.light_red, tcod.BKGND_SET) state.game_map.tiles[x][y].explored = True if self.redraw and state.game_state in ( GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN, GameStates.TARGETING): tcod.console_put_char(con, x, y, ' ', tcod.BKGND_NONE) elif state.game_map.tiles[x][y].explored: if wall: tcod.console_set_char_background( con, x, y, colors.get('dark_wall'), tcod.BKGND_SET) else: tcod.console_set_char_background( con, x, y, colors.get('dark_ground'), tcod.BKGND_SET) if self.redraw and state.game_state in ( GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN, GameStates.TARGETING): tcod.console_put_char(con, x, y, ' ', tcod.BKGND_NONE) elif self.redraw and state.game_state in ( GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN, GameStates.TARGETING): tcod.console_put_char(con, x, y, ' ', tcod.BKGND_NONE) tcod.console_set_default_background(hotkeys, tcod.console_clear(hotkeys) tcod.console_set_default_background(panel, tcod.console_clear(panel) for e in sorted(state.entities, key=lambda x: x.render_order.value): #if tcod.map_is_in_fov(self.self.fov_map, e.x, e.y) or (e.stairs and self.game_map.tiles[e.x][e.y].explored): if tcod.map_is_in_fov(self.fov_map, e.x, e.y) or (e.stairs): tcod.console_set_default_foreground(con, e.color) tcod.console_put_char(con, e.x, e.y, e.char, tcod.BKGND_NONE) # Monster scan monster_scan = 1 max_monster_scan = 4 item_scan = 1 max_item_scan = 6 tcod.console_set_default_foreground(hotkeys, tcod.light_grey) hotkeys.print_(22, monster_scan, "Monster Scan", tcod.BKGND_NONE) tcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, tcod.light_grey) tcod.console_print_ex(panel, 1, 1, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, "Ground Scan") for e in reversed( sorted(state.entities, key=lambda x: x.render_order.value)): if tcod.map_is_in_fov(self.fov_map, e.x, e.y) or (e.stairs): if monster_scan < max_monster_scan and is not None and e.fighter is not None: monster_scan += 1 hotkeys.print_box(22, monster_scan, 20, 1,, tcod.white,, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.RIGHT) tcod.console_set_default_foreground(hotkeys, e.color) tcod.console_put_char(hotkeys, 43, monster_scan, e.char, tcod.BKGND_NONE) render_bar(hotkeys, 45, monster_scan, 30, 'HP', e.fighter.hp, e.fighter.max_hp, tcod.light_red, tcod.darker_red) if item_scan < max_item_scan and is None and e != state.player: item_scan += 1 tcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, e.color) tcod.console_put_char(panel, 1, item_scan, e.char, tcod.BKGND_NONE) tcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, tcod.white) tcod.console_print_ex(panel, 3, item_scan, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT,[:19]) #tcod.console_set_char_background(panel, 10, 10, tcod.violet, tcod.BKGND_SET) # Message Log y = 1 for message in state.message_log.messages: tcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, message.color) tcod.console_print_ex(panel, state.message_log.x, y, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, message.text) y += 1 # Hotkeys slot_pos = 0 for slot in state.player.inventory.tome_slots: rel_pos = (slot_pos * 3) hotkeys.draw_frame(rel_pos + 1, 1, 3, 3, str(slot_pos + 1), True, tcod.white, tcod.grey) if slot.quantity > 0: tcod.console_set_default_foreground( hotkeys, slot.item.color) else: tcod.console_set_default_foreground( hotkeys, tcod.light_grey) tcod.console_print_ex(hotkeys, rel_pos + 2, 2, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, "#") tcod.console_set_default_foreground(hotkeys, tcod.white) tcod.console_print_ex(hotkeys, rel_pos + 1, 4, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, "x%i" % slot.quantity) slot_pos += 1 # Upper bar (health and stats) tcod.console_set_default_foreground(upper_bar, tcod.white) tcod.console_set_default_background(upper_bar, tcod.console_clear(upper_bar) tcod.console_print_ex(upper_bar, 1, 1, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, 'Player') tcod.console_set_default_foreground(upper_bar, tcod.console_set_default_background(upper_bar, tcod.white) tcod.console_print_ex(upper_bar, 7, 1, tcod.BKGND_SET, tcod.LEFT, '@') tcod.console_set_default_foreground(upper_bar, tcod.white) tcod.console_set_default_background(upper_bar, render_bar(upper_bar, 12, 1, CONFIG.get('BAR_WIDTH'), 'HP', state.player.fighter.hp, state.player.fighter.max_hp, tcod.light_red, tcod.darker_red) upper_bar.print_box(35, 1, 14, 1, 'Dungeon Level:', tcod.light_grey,, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.RIGHT) upper_bar.print_box(35, 2, 14, 1, 'Gold Coins:', tcod.light_grey,, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.RIGHT) tcod.console_set_default_foreground(upper_bar, tcod.light_yellow) tcod.console_print_ex(upper_bar, 49, 1, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, '%i' % state.game_map.dungeon_level) tcod.console_print_ex(upper_bar, 49, 2, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, '%i' % state.player.purse.coins) upper_bar.print_box(60, 1, 9, 1, 'Power:', tcod.light_grey,, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.RIGHT) upper_bar.print_box(60, 2, 9, 1, 'Defense:', tcod.light_grey,, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.RIGHT) upper_bar.print_box(60, 3, 9, 1, 'Magic:', tcod.light_grey,, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.RIGHT) tcod.console_set_default_foreground(upper_bar, tcod.white) tcod.console_print_ex(upper_bar, 69, 1, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, '%i' % state.player.fighter.base_power) tcod.console_print_ex(upper_bar, 69, 2, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, '%i' % state.player.fighter.base_defense) tcod.console_print_ex(upper_bar, 69, 3, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, '%i' % state.player.fighter.base_magic) # Print all consoles tcod.console_blit(self.owner.upper_bar, 0, 0, CONFIG.get('WIDTH'), CONFIG.get('UPPER_BAR_HEIGHT'), 0, 0, 0) tcod.console_blit(self.owner.con, 0, 0, CONFIG.get('WIDTH'), CONFIG.get('MAP_HEIGHT'), 0, 0, CONFIG.get('MAP_Y')) tcod.console_blit(self.owner.panel, 0, 0, CONFIG.get('WIDTH'), CONFIG.get('PANEL_HEIGHT'), 0, 0, CONFIG.get('PANEL_Y')) tcod.console_blit(self.owner.hotkeys, 0, 0, CONFIG.get('WIDTH'), CONFIG.get('ACTION_HEIGHT'), 0, 0, CONFIG.get('ACTION_Y')) # Overlay menus if state.game_state == GameStates.INSTRUCTIONS: help_menu(con, CONFIG.get('WIDTH')) if state.game_state == GameStates.SHOP: shop_menu(con, state.player,, CONFIG.get('WIDTH'), CONFIG.get('HEIGHT')) if state.game_state in (GameStates.INVENTORY, GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY): if state.game_state == GameStates.INVENTORY: title = 'Press the key next to an item to use it or I again to leave\n' else: title = 'Press the key next to an item to drop it or O again to leave\n' inventory_menu(con, title, state.player, 50, CONFIG.get('WIDTH'), CONFIG.get('HEIGHT')) if state.game_state == GameStates.CHARACTER_SCREEN: character_screen(state.player, 30, 10, CONFIG.get("WIDTH"), CONFIG.get("HEIGHT")) if state.game_state == GameStates.LEVEL_UP: level_up_menu(self.owner.con, 'Level Up! Choose a stat to raise:', state.player, 40, CONFIG.get('WIDTH'), CONFIG.get('HEIGHT'))
def render_all(entities, player, game_map, message_log, bar_width, panel_y, coordinates, camera, game_state, targeting_item): entities_in_render_order = sorted(entities, key=lambda x: x.render_order.value) # Draw the map camera_moved = camera.move_camera(player.x, player.y, game_map) terminal.layer(RenderLayer.MAP.value) if camera_moved: clear_map_layer() game_map.render_from_camera(camera) # Draw all entities in the list terminal.layer(RenderLayer.ENTITIES.value) for entity in entities_in_render_order: entity.draw(camera, game_map) terminal.layer(RenderLayer.OVERLAY.value) clear_layer() for efx in game_map.effects: efx.update() if efx.expired: game_map.effects.remove(efx) elif efx.render: (term_x, term_y) = camera.map_to_term_coord(efx.x, efx.y) terminal.put(term_x, term_y, efx.gfx_effect_tile) if game_state == GameStates.TARGETING: from entity import get_blocking_entities_at_location terminal.composition(terminal.TK_ON) mouse_map_x = int(coordinates[0] / 4) mouse_map_y = int(coordinates[1] / 2) mouse_map_x += camera.camera_x mouse_map_y += camera.camera_y line = tcod.line_iter(player.x, player.y, mouse_map_x, mouse_map_y) for coord in line: if coord[0] == player.x and coord[1] == player.y: continue cell_term_x, cell_term_y = camera.map_to_term_coord( coord[0], coord[1]) if coord[0] == mouse_map_x and coord[ 1] == mouse_map_y and game_map.fov[ coord[0], coord[1]] and not game_map.is_blocked( coord[0], coord[1]): terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(125, 0, 255, 0)) elif get_blocking_entities_at_location(entities, coord[0], coord[1]): terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(125, 255, 0, 0)) elif not game_map.fov[coord[0], coord[1]] or game_map.is_blocked( coord[0], coord[1]): terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(125, 255, 0, 0)) else: terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(125, 255, 255, 0)) terminal.put(x=cell_term_x, y=cell_term_y, c=0x3014) terminal.composition(terminal.TK_OFF) if targeting_item: function_kwargs = targeting_item.item.function_kwargs if function_kwargs: radius = function_kwargs.get("radius") if radius: for cell_x, cell_y in disk(mouse_map_x, mouse_map_y, radius, game_map.width, game_map.height): (cell_term_x, cell_term_y) = camera.map_to_term_coord( cell_x, cell_y) if cell_term_x and cell_term_y: # Omit cells outside of the terminal window if get_blocking_entities_at_location( entities, cell_x, cell_y) and game_map.fov[cell_x, cell_y]: terminal.color( terminal.color_from_argb(125, 0, 255, 0)) else: terminal.color( terminal.color_from_argb(125, 139, 0, 0)) terminal.put(x=cell_term_x, y=cell_term_y, c=0x3014) terminal.layer(RenderLayer.HUD.value) clear_layer() # HP bar render_bar(1, panel_y + 6, bar_width, 'HP', player.fighter.current_hp, player.fighter.max_hp, "red", "darker red") terminal.printf(1, panel_y + 7, f"Dungeon Level: {game_map.dungeon_level}") entity_names = get_names_under_mouse(coordinates, camera, entities, game_map) terminal.printf(1, panel_y, f"[color=white]{entity_names.title()}") terminal.layer(RenderLayer.HUD.value) line_y = panel_y + 1 for message in message_log.messages: terminal.color(terminal.color_from_name(message.color)) print_shadowed_text(message_log.x, line_y, message.text) line_y += 1 if game_state in (GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY, GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY): if game_state == GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY: title = "INVENTORY – press key next to item to use it" elif game_state == GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY: title = "INVENTORY – press key next to item to drop it" inventory_menu(player, title).draw()
def render_all( console, panel, entities, player, game_map, fov_map, fov_recompute, message_log, screen_width, screen_height, bar_width, panel_height, panel_y, mouse, colors, game_state, ): """ Draw all entities """ # Draw all tiles if fov_recompute: for y_pos in range(game_map.height): for x_pos in range(game_map.width): visible = tcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, x_pos, y_pos) wall = game_map.tiles[x_pos][y_pos].block_sight if visible: if wall: tcod.console_set_char_background( console, x_pos, y_pos, colors.get("light_wall"), tcod.BKGND_SET, ) else: tcod.console_set_char_background( console, x_pos, y_pos, colors.get("light_ground"), tcod.BKGND_SET, ) game_map.tiles[x_pos][y_pos].explored = True elif game_map.tiles[x_pos][y_pos].explored: if wall: tcod.console_set_char_background( console, x_pos, y_pos, colors.get("dark_wall"), tcod.BKGND_SET, ) else: tcod.console_set_char_background( console, x_pos, y_pos, colors.get("dark_ground"), tcod.BKGND_SET, ) # Draw all entities entities_in_render_order = sorted(entities, key=lambda x: x.render_order.value) for entity in entities_in_render_order: draw_entity(console, entity, fov_map, game_map) tcod.console_blit(console, 0, 0, screen_width, screen_height, 0, 0, 0) tcod.console_set_default_background(panel, tcod.console_clear(panel) # Print the game messages, one line at a time y = 1 for message in message_log.messages: tcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, message.color) tcod.console_print_ex(panel, message_log.x, y, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, message.text) y += 1 render_bar( panel, 1, 1, bar_width, "HP", player.fighter.hp, player.fighter.max_hp, tcod.light_red, tcod.darker_red, ) tcod.console_print_ex(panel, 1, 3, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, f'Dungeon level {game_map.dungeon_level}') tcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, tcod.light_gray) tcod.console_print_ex( panel, 1, 0, tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.LEFT, get_names_under_mouse(mouse, entities, fov_map), ) tcod.console_blit(panel, 0, 0, screen_width, panel_height, 0, 0, panel_y) if game_state in (GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY, GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY): if game_state == GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY: inventory_title = ( "Press the key next to an item to use it, or Esc to cancel\n") else: inventory_title = ( "Press the key next to an item to drop it, or Esc to cancel\n") inventory_menu(console, inventory_title, player.inventory, 50, screen_width, screen_height) elif game_state == GameStates.LEVEL_UP: level_up_menu(console, 'Level up! Choose a stat to raise:', player, 40, screen_width, screen_height)
def playing_input(): # movement keys is_direction = handle_direction_keys() if is_direction is not None: return is_direction key_char = chr(settings.key.c) if key_char == 'g': for obj in settings.objects: if obj.x == settings.player.x and obj.y == settings.player.y and obj.item: obj.item.pick_up(settings.player) break if key_char == 'i': chosen_item = inventory_menu( 'Press the key next to the item to use it, or any other key to cancel.\n' ) if chosen_item is not None: chosen_item.use(settings.player) end_player_turn() if key_char == 's': chosen_ability = abilities_menu( 'Press the key next to the skill to use it, or any other key to cancel.\n' ) if chosen_ability is not None: for ability in settings.player.combatant.abilities: if ability == chosen_ability: ability.use(settings.player) if key_char == 'd': chosen_item = inventory_menu( "Press the letter next to the item to drop it.\n") if chosen_item is not None: chosen_item.drop(settings.player) if key_char == 'l': settings.game_state = 'looking' settings.highlight_state = 'look' if key_char == '.' and settings.key.shift: if settings.stairs_down.x == settings.player.x and settings.stairs_down.y == settings.player.y: next_level() if key_char == ',' and settings.key.shift: if settings.stairs_up.x == settings.player.x and settings.stairs_up.y == settings.player.y: if settings.dungeon_level != 1: previous_level() else: if settings.boner_dome in settings.player.combatant.inventory: msgbox("You escape with the Dome of Boners!") return 'exit' else: msgbox( "You cannot leave until you have the Dome of Boners") if key_char == ',': settings.game_state = 'running' settings.running_direction = prompt_user_for_direction() run_in_direction(settings.running_direction) if key_char == 'c': # show character stats character_menu("Details about your character.\n") if key_char == 't': settings.player.combatant.set_target() if key_char == 'o': message('target is ' +, settings.selection_coordinates = (,