def save(): global couleur_balle global couleur_raquette_droite global couleur_raquette_gauche global couleur_arriere_plant global vitesse_balle global limite_points global tk global input_limite_points global input_couleur_raquette_gauche global input_couleur_raquette_droite global input_couleur_balle global input_vitesse_balle global input_couleur_arriere_plant couleur_balle = input_couleur_balle.get() couleur_raquette_droite = input_couleur_raquette_droite.get() couleur_raquette_gauche = input_couleur_raquette_gauche.get() couleur_arriere_plant = input_couleur_arriere_plant.get() vitesse_balle = input_vitesse_balle.get() limite_points = input_limite_points.get() if (couleur_arriere_plant == "" or couleur_arriere_plant == None): couleur_arriere_plant = "#1C2833" if (couleur_balle == "" or couleur_balle == None): couleur_balle = "#fff" if (couleur_raquette_gauche == "" or couleur_raquette_gauche == None): couleur_raquette_gauche = "#fff" if (couleur_raquette_droite == "" or couleur_raquette_droite == None): couleur_raquette_droite = "#fff" if (vitesse_balle == "" or vitesse_balle == None): vitesse_balle = 2 if (limite_points == "" or limite_points == None): limite_points = 8 with open('settings.pkl', 'wb') as settingsWrite: pickle.dump([couleur_balle, couleur_raquette_droite, couleur_raquette_gauche, couleur_arriere_plant, vitesse_balle, limite_points], settingsWrite) with open('settings.pkl', 'rb') as settingsFile: print(pickle.load(settingsFile)) tk.destroy() menu.start()
def login_button_Cmd(self, event=None): if len(self.coon) > 0 and self.coon == "noCoon": showinfo(title='提示', message='未连接到服务器,请检查你的网络!') else: validate = self.verifyAccountData() # 管理界面 if validate == 'master': # self.root.destroy() # gui_user_manage.start() pass # 用户界面 elif validate == 'user': login_qq = self.GG_Text_NumberVar.get() print("登录成功") # self.create_session() # self.insert_session() menu.start(login_qq) elif validate == 'noAccount': showinfo(title='提示', message='该账号不存在请重新输入!') elif validate == 'noPassword': showinfo(title='提示', message='账号/密码错误请重新输入!')
# coding=utf-8 import pygame import config import towerdefense import player import game import menu menu = menu.Menu() menu.start() # game = game.Game() # game.start() # player = player.Player("Vinicius") # towerDefense = towerdefense.TowerDefense(player, "maps/") # while not game.getGameExit(): # mousePosition = game.getMousePosition() # for event in game.getEvents(): # if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # game.setGameExit() # if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # towerDefense.mousePress(game.getMousePosition(), game.getGameDisplay()) # if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # if event.key == pygame.K_f: # if game.isFPSOn(): # game.turnOffFPS() # else: # game.turnOnFPS()
# phase 4: Travel Phase distance, g_dist = t.travel_phase(distance, distance_traveled, g_dist) # Check for win conditions if break # Check for loss conditions if ed.lose(fuel, food, power, hull, crew, morale, g_dist): break # Display menu, run game loop, ask player if they want to play again if m.start(): # begin play again loop playing = True while playing == True: game_loop() # Prompt user for play again if true continue loop if false break loop if play_again() == True: pass else: break
def main(): global stdscr print BT_LOGO time.sleep(1) try: # Crash protection ;) init.init() stdscr = init.stdscr h, w = stdscr.getmaxyx() # Create falco and put him into the map # falco = Person(-1, "Falco", -1, [0, 0], ["F", curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE], # configs.colorof["falco"][0]) # falco.jumpTo(1, 0) # falco.crashWith = FalcoCrashMike theWorld = world.World(stdscr, w, h) # Mike is the hero! mike = Player(theWorld.statusBox, -1, "Du", -1, [0, 0], ["M", curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_RED], configs.colorof["mike"][0], profile={"hp": [100, 100], "mp": [0, 0]}) # Adding mike and falco to Bermuda Triangle World theWorld.setPlayer(mike) # theWorld.addPerson(falco) theWorld.setCheatWalkEverywhere(False) # Adding water in map (mike cannot move on it) for i in range(10): theWorld.gMaps[1][1].gMap[10][i] = ["~", curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE, True, nothing] for i in range(10): theWorld.gMaps[1][0].gMap[10][198-i] = ["~", curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE, False, nothing] theWorld.load("testsave") while 1: # Gameloop timer.fpsDelay() # FPS-Control clearError() # +++ Event handling +++ c = stdscr.getch() # I don't think an eventloop is needed in a # textadventure if c == ord("q"): theWorld.sendText("Bitte im Menue Beenden ('m' druecken)") if c == ord("w"): # Switches between colored and b/w misc.COLORED = not misc.COLORED theWorld.redrawAllMaps() if c == ord("m"): menu.start() # Enter menu if c == ord("h"): theWorld.playerGoLeft() # if c == ord("j"): theWorld.playerGoDown() # Player if c == ord("k"): theWorld.playerGoUp() # movement if c == ord("l"): theWorld.playerGoRight() # if c == ord("s"): theWorld.load("testsave.btt") # Loading doesn't really work ;) if c == ord("x"): theWorld.sendText(str(mike.gMap.pos)) # --- Event handling --- # +++ Drawing +++ oldH = h # Need this for resizing oldW = w h, w = stdscr.getmaxyx() #stdscr.erase() # Window size exception if (w < 70) | (h < 24): stdscr.erase() stdscr.addstr(h/2, (w - len(BT_WINDOW_TOO_SMALL)) / 2, BT_WINDOW_TOO_SMALL) elif misc.BT_ERROR != "": stdscr.addstr(h/2, (w - len(misc.BT_ERROR)) / 2, misc.BT_ERROR) else: # Check for resize event if (oldH != h) | (oldW != w): stdscr.erase() # Have to clear the whole screen. Maybe this should do the theWorld object... theWorld.resize(w, h) # Painting wonderful border ;) stdscr.addstr(0, (w - len(BT_SMALL_LOGOTEXT)) / 2, BT_SMALL_LOGOTEXT) theWorld.draw(stdscr) waveWare(w - 10, h - 1, stdscr) stdscr.refresh() # --- Drawing --- init.quit() except SystemExit: # This is not really an error so there happens nothing pass except: # If there was an error python will do this: # Exiting curses curses.nocbreak() stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin() # Telling there is went something wrong print "Hardcore error in Bermuda Triangle " + BT_VERSION + " :`( Exiting forced!!!" print "Please send bt_last_error.log and a description what you did" print "to [email protected]" # Writing error to file errorFile = file("bt_last_error.log", "w") errorFile.write("Error in Bermuda Triangle Text - Version " + BT_VERSION + "\n") traceback.print_exc(file=errorFile) errorFile.close() # If debug is switched on it will print the error to stdout if misc.DEBUG: traceback.print_exc()
def main(): menu.start()
menu.start([ { 'icon': 'bulb.png', 'action': 'asd', }, { 'icon': 'bulb.png', 'action': 'dsa', }, { 'icon': 'back.png', 'action': menu.BACK, }, { 'icon': 'back.png', 'action': [ { 'icon': 'bulb.png', 'action': 'asd', }, { 'icon': 'bulb.png', 'action': 'dsa', }, { 'icon': 'back.png', 'action': menu.BACK, }, { 'icon': 'back.png', 'action': menu.BACK, }, { 'action': None, }, { 'icon': 'back.png', 'action': turn_on_gpio, }, ], }, { 'action': None, }, { 'icon': 'back.png', 'action': turn_on_gpio, }, ], 640, 480, 3, 3)
tile_images = { 'gold': load_image('gold.png'), 'empty1': load_image('grass1.png'), 'empty2': load_image('grass2.png'), 'none': load_image('none.png') } was_on_gold = { "red": False, "blue": False, "black": False } joysticks = [pygame.joystick.Joystick(x) for x in range(pygame.joystick.get_count())] playerskolvo = start(Board, SelectImage, generate_level) level, maximum = load_level("map" + str(playerskolvo) + "_" + str(randrange(1, 6)) + ".txt") selected_cell = (4, 4) board = Board(playerskolvo, left, top, maximum) generate_level(level, board, left, top) SLEEPEVENT = pygame.USEREVENT + 1 sleeptime = 1000 * 60 pygame.time.set_timer(SLEEPEVENT, sleeptime) sleepevent_was = False f = False fon = pygame.transform.scale(load_image('fon.png'), (width, height)) lines = open("settings.txt", encoding="utf8", mode="r").readlines()
# platform MOVE_RATE = 1 brain = new_classes.PlatformBrain() platformCoords = [[400, 275]] allPlatForms = [new_classes.Ground(win, 'dungeon', platformCoords[0], 50)] allSprites.add(allPlatForms[0]) platforms.add(allPlatForms[0]) # Wall wall = [new_classes.Wall(win, 'dungeon', [150, 250], 100)] allSprites.add(wall[0]) platforms.add(wall) #main menu done = menu.start(win) #game while not done: #fill screen with black win.fill((0, 0, 0)) for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: done = True ''' # Checks if touching ground # Go through all Ground new_classes and sees if they collide with the player. isTouchingGround = False for i in range(0, len(ground)): if ground[i].touchingGround(player.coords):
from consts import * import menu import reactions import chimp win = pg.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pg.display.set_caption(TITLE_TEXT) scores = {x: 0 for x in GAME_NAMES} menu = menu.Menu(win) clock = pg.time.Clock() is_running = True if __name__ == '__main__': # Main game loop while True: selection = menu.start() print(selection) if selection == 'Reactions': scores['Reactions'] = reactions.Reactions(win).start() elif selection == 'Chimp Test': pass # scores['Chimp Test'] = chimp.ChimpTest(win).start()