def encrypt_file(): """ Enters the encryption function """ if os.path.isdir("Encrypted") is False: os.mkdir("Encrypted") mM.draw_Title_and_Undertext(_name, "Encrypt File", _title_font) print("Enter name of the file you want to encrypt: ") try: encrypt_file = input("> ") encrypt_file_2 = (open(encrypt_file, "rb").read()) encrypt_name = encrypt_file + ".bin" encrypt_out = open("Encrypted/" + encrypt_name, "wb") print("Input name of file containing encryption key: ") recipient_key_file = input("> ") recipient_key = (RSA.import_key( open("Public Keys/" + recipient_key_file).read())) session_key = get_random_bytes(16) cipher_rsa = encrypt_out.write(cipher_rsa.encrypt(session_key)) cipher_aes =, AES.MODE_EAX) ciphertext, tag = cipher_aes.encrypt_and_digest(encrypt_file_2) [encrypt_out.write(x) for x in (cipher_aes.nonce, tag, ciphertext)] getpass.getpass("Press enter to continue...") encrypt_out.close() except FileNotFoundError: print("Seems like you entered a nonexistant file.") getpass.getpass("Press enter to return to main menu...") menu()
def message(): """ Allows the user to encrypt some text """ if os.path.isfile("Encrypted/message.txt"): os.remove("Encrypted/message.txt") mM.draw_Title_and_Undertext(_name, "Encrypt Text", _title_font) print("""Type the message you want to encrypt.""") print("Type --Done-- to be finished.") print("You can't reverse writen lines!") encrypt_out_file = open("Encrypted/message.txt", "a") while True: text = input("> ") encrypt_out_file.write(text + "\n") if text == "--Done--": encrypt_out_file.close() encrypt_text = open("Encrypted/message.txt", "rb").read() encrypt_text_out = open("Encrypted/message.txt.bin", "wb") print("Input name of the recipent. End the name with '.public'!") recipient_key_file = input("> ") recipient_key = RSA.import_key( open("Public Keys/" + recipient_key_file).read()) session_key = get_random_bytes(16) cipher_rsa = encrypt_text_out.write(cipher_rsa.encrypt(session_key)) cipher_aes =, AES.MODE_EAX) ciphertext, tag = cipher_aes.encrypt_and_digest(encrypt_text) [ encrypt_text_out.write(x) for x in (cipher_aes.nonce, tag, ciphertext) ] encrypt_text_out.close() os.remove("Encrypted/message.txt") break
def decrypt_file(): """ Allows the user to decrypt a file """ if os.path.isdir("Decrypted") is False: os.mkdir("Decrypted") mM.draw_Title_and_Undertext(_name, "Decrypt File", _title_font) print("Enter name of file you want to decrypt.") try: decrypt_name = input("> ") decrypt_in = open("Encrypted/" + decrypt_name, "rb") privatekey = RSA.import_key(my_private, passphrase=secret_code) decrypt_out_name = decrypt_name.replace(".bin", "") print(decrypt_out_name) enc_session_key, nonce, tag, ciphertext = \ [ for x in ( privatekey.size_in_bytes(), 16, 16, -1)] cipher_rsa = session_key = cipher_rsa.decrypt(enc_session_key) cipher_aes =, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce) data = cipher_aes.decrypt_and_verify(ciphertext, tag) decrypt_save = open("Decrypted/" + decrypt_out_name, "wb") decrypt_save.write(data) decrypt_save.close() time.sleep(10) # menu() except PermissionError: print("It seems like you entered something invalid.") getpass.getpass("Press enter to return to main menu...") menu() except FileNotFoundError: print("It seems like you entered a file that doesn't exist.") getpass.getpass("Press enter to return to main menu...") menu()
def start_menu(): """ Displays the start menu """ mM.draw_Title_and_Undertext(_name, "Welcome to " + _name + "Version: " + _version, _title_font) mM.Make_Tilt_Right("Login", "New key", "About", "Generate a password", "Exit") option = input("Select item: ") if checker.Float_(option) is True: if option == "1": print("-----------------------------------") login() if option == "2": newkey() if option == "3": mM.draw_Title_and_Undertext(_name, "About", _title_font) mM.mlPrint("Name: " + _name, "Version: " + _version, "Creator: Samhamnam") time.sleep(1) getpass.getpass("Press enter to continue...") start_menu() if option == "4": mM.draw_Title_and_Undertext(_name, "Generate a password", _title_font) print("Please choose a password length.") plength = (input("> ")) if checker.Float_(plength) is True: createPassword.createPassword(plength) start_menu() if option == "5": quit() else: start_menu() else: start_menu()
def menu(): """ Displays the main menu """ mM.draw_Title_and_Undertext(_name, "Main Menu", _title_font) mM.Make_Tilt_Right("Encrypt file", "Decrypt file", "Encrypt text", "View publickey", "View privatekey", "Delete key and exit", "Exit") option = input("Select item: ") if checker.Float_(option) is True: if option == "1": encrypt_file() if option == "2": decrypt_file() if option == "3": message() if option == "4": mM.draw_Title_and_Undertext(_name, "Public key:", _title_font) print(str(pkey, "latin-1")) print("") print("md5: " + hashsums.md5("Public Keys/" + user_name + ".public")) print("sha1: " + hashsums.sha1("Public Keys/" + user_name + ".public")) print("sha224: " + hashsums.sha224("Public Keys/" + user_name + ".public")) print("sha256: " + hashsums.sha256("Public Keys/" + user_name + ".public")) print("sha384: " + hashsums.sha384("Public Keys/" + user_name + ".public")) print("sha512: " + hashsums.sha512("Public Keys/" + user_name + ".public")) print("") getpass.getpass("Press enter to continue...") menu() if option == "5": mM.draw_Title_and_Undertext(_name, "Private Key:", _title_font) secret_code2 = getpass.getpass("Password: "******"") if secret_code2 == secret_code: print(str(my_private, "latin-1")) print("") print("md5: " + hashsums.md5("Keys/" + user_name)) print("sha1: " + hashsums.sha1("Keys/" + user_name)) print("sha224: " + hashsums.sha224("Keys/" + user_name)) print("sha256: " + hashsums.sha256("Keys/" + user_name)) print("sha384: " + hashsums.sha384("Keys/" + user_name)) print("sha512: " + hashsums.sha512("Keys/" + user_name)) print("") getpass.getpass("Press enter to continue...") menu() else: print("Wrong Password!") getpass.getpass("Press enter to continue...") menu() if option == "6": mM.draw_Title_and_Undertext(_name, "Delete private key and exit.", _title_font) del_ = input("Are you sure?(y): ") if del_ == "y": let = getpass.getpass("Enter password: "******"Keys/" + user_name) os.remove("Keys/" + user_name + ".public") os.system("cls" if == "nt" else "clear") exit() else: print("Wrong password!") time.sleep(5) menu() else: menu() if option == "7": os.system("cls" if == "nt" else "clear") exit() else: print("enter something valid dumbhead") menu() else: menu()