コード例 #1
def init():
    # Get workbook
    wb_path = get_directory([".xlsx"], "Type path of your excel file (.xlsx): ")
    wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(wb_path)
    sheets = wb.sheetnames      # Edited depreciated function: "wb.get_sheet_names()"

    # Initialize 2D dictionary representing each sheet and its column headers
    sheet_header_lookup = {}
    for sheet_name in sheets:
        sheet_header_lookup.setdefault(sheet_name, {})
        sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet_name)
        for cell in sheet[1]:
            sheet_header_lookup[sheet_name].setdefault(cell.value, None)

    # Get user selections for each sheet
    for sheet_name in sheets:

        # Check if user wants to process this sheet
        analyze_sheet = input("Would you like to analyze sheet " + sheet_name + "? (y/n) ")
        if analyze_sheet not in ("yes", "Yes", "Y", "y"):

        # Menu object used below
        cleanup_menu = menus.Value_Menu("cleanup", ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_LIST, ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_LIST)

        # Get user selections for each header in sheet
        for header in sheet_header_lookup[sheet_name]:
            print('-' * 40)
            print("SHEET: " + str(sheet_name))
            print("HEADER: " + str(header))
            user_selection = ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_LIST.index(cleanup_menu.display_shift_menu())

            if user_selection == BREAK_SHEET:       # Check if user wants to break out of sheet
            elif user_selection == NO_ANALYSIS:     # Check if user wants to skip this column
                sheet_header_lookup[sheet_name][header] = user_selection

    # Analyze data
    change_file_flag = 0
    for sheet_name in sheets:
        sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet_name)
        for col in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1):
            analysis_number = sheet_header_lookup[sheet_name][sheet.cell(row=1, column=col).value]
            if analysis_number is not None:
                change_file_flag = 1
                col_letter = get_column_letter(col)
                perform_analysis(wb, sheet_name, sheet[col_letter], int(analysis_number))

    # Save new file
    if change_file_flag:
        save_file(wb, wb_path, ".xlsx")
        print("File not changed, no need to save new version.")
        input("Press enter to continue...")

    # Loop back to top menu
コード例 #2
ファイル: excel_funcs.py プロジェクト: sydneyfowler/CS3030
def get_sheet(wb):

    # Creates menu
    sheets = wb.sheetnames      # Edited depreciated function: "wb.get_sheet_names()"
    sheet_menu = menus.Value_Menu("duplicate_removal", sheets, sheets)
    print(" Choose a sheet to remove duplicates ".center(70, "="))
    print('-' * 70)

    # User selects sheet to use, returns that sheet
    sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet_menu.display_shift_menu())
    return sheet
コード例 #3
def remove_duplicate_cols(args):

    wb = args[0]
    wb_path = args[1]
    sheet = get_sheet(wb)

    # Select row to base removal on
    col_index = range(0, sheet.max_row)
    col_name = range(1, sheet.max_row + 1)
    col_menu = menus.Value_Menu("duplicate_removal", col_name, col_index)

    print(" Choose a column to base duplicate removal on ".center(70, "="))
    print('-' * 70)

    # Which col to compare
    removal_index = col_menu.display_shift_menu()

    # Initialize col list, duplicate list, col index
    cols_list = []
    dup_count = 0
    col_num = 1
    duplicate_flag = False

    # Iterate over each col
    for col in sheet.iter_cols(min_col=col_num):

        # Store current col repsective row value
        current_col = col[removal_index].value

        # If row is identical, add to duplicates list
        if current_col in cols_list:
            sheet.delete_cols(col_num, 1)
            dup_count += 1
        # Else, add to list of already read rows
            col_num += 1

    # Print how many rows were deleted in what sheets
    if dup_count > 0:
        duplicate_flag = True
        print("Removed " + str(dup_count) + " duplicate rows from list.")

    # Return for change_file_flag in init()
    if not duplicate_flag:
        print("Tool could not find any duplicate rows to remove!")
        input("Press enter to continue...")
        save_file(wb, wb_path, ".xlsx")
コード例 #4
def init():
    # Get workbook
    wb_path = get_directory([".xlsx"], "Type path of your excel file (.xlsx): ")
    wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(wb_path)
    sheets = wb.sheetnames  # Edited depreciated function: "wb.get_sheet_names()"

    # Select sheet
    sheet_menu = menus.Value_Menu("cleanup", sheets, sheets)
    user_selection = sheet_menu.display_shift_menu()
    sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(user_selection)
    wb.active = sheet

    # Create header menu to use for selecting x and y axes
    headers = []
    for cell in sheet[1]:
    header_menu = menus.Value_Menu("cleanup", headers, headers)

    # Select x-axis
    print("Select x-axis:")
    x_axis = header_menu.display_shift_menu()
    x = np.empty(sheet.max_row - 1)
    rows = list(sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2,
                                min_col=headers.index(x_axis) + 1,
                                max_col=headers.index(x_axis) + 1))
    for i in range(sheet.max_row - 1):
            x[i] = rows[i][0].value
        except Exception:
            print("ERROR: Incompatible data type for x on " + str(rows[i][0].value)
                  + ". All data in x must be either a float or an integer.")

    # Select y-axis
    print("Select y-axis:")
    y_axis = header_menu.display_shift_menu()
    y = np.empty(sheet.max_row - 1)
    rows = list(sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2,
                                min_col=headers.index(y_axis) + 1,
                                max_col=headers.index(y_axis) + 1))
    for i in range(sheet.max_row - 1):
            y[i] = rows[i][0].value
        except Exception:
            print("ERROR: Incompatible data type for y on " + str(rows[i][0].value)
                  + ". All data in x must be either a float or an integer.")

    # Plot graph
    plt.plot(x, y, "ob")
    plt.xlabel(sheet.cell(column=headers.index(x_axis) + 1, row=1).value)
    plt.ylabel(sheet.cell(column=headers.index(y_axis) + 1, row=1).value)
    print("Plotting graph...")

    input("Press enter to continue...")

    # Display Menu Header loop