def copyFiles(self, src, dst, names=None, overwrite=True): """ Copy files from src directory to dst directory. Subfolders are ignored. If names is provided, copies only files matching those names. Symlinks are not copied """ moDebug("Copying files from {} to {}. Names: {}".format( src, dst, names)) srcDir = QDir(src, "", QDir.IgnoreCase, QDir.Files | QDir.NoSymLinks) dstDir = QDir(dst) if not srcDir.exists() or not dstDir.exists(): moWarn("Failed to copy files with non-existant directories") return False success = True if names: srcDir.setNameFilters(names) fileNames = srcDir.entryList() for name in fileNames: if dstDir.exists(name): if not overwrite: continue dstDir.remove(name) success = QFile.copy(srcDir.filePath(name), dstDir.filePath(name)) if not success: moWarn('Failed to copy "{}" from "{}" to "{}"'.format( name, src, dst)) return success
def messageBox(self, success: bool, msg: str): if not success: moWarn(msg) QMessageBox.critical(self, "MergeWizard", msg) else: moInfo(msg) QMessageBox.information(self, "MergeWizard", msg)
def restoreBackup(self, profileName: str): if not self.backupPathExists(profileName): moWarn( "Cannot restore files from backup. Backup does not exist for profile: {}" .format(profileName)) return False return self.copyFiles(self.backupPath(profileName), self.profilePath(profileName), self.PROFILE_FILES, True)
def createBackupFolder(self, profileName: str): """ Create a backup folder in the profile. The profile must exist """ profileDir = QDir(self.profilePath(profileName)) if not profileDir.exists(): raise ValueError( "Attempted to create backup folder in non-existant profile: {}" .format(profileName)) if profileDir.exists(self.PROFILE_DIR): return True if not profileDir.mkdir(self.PROFILE_DIR): moWarn("Failed to create backup directory in profile: {}".format( profileName)) return False return True
def selectPluginsByName(self, names: List[str]): if not names: return indexes = [] startIndex = self.index(0, Column.PluginName) for n in names: matches = self.match(startIndex, Qt.DisplayRole, n, 1, Qt.MatchExactly) if matches: indexes.append(matches[0]) else: moWarn("Failed to select plugin: {}").format(n)) if indexes: self.selectPlugins(indexes, True)
def enableLoadingProfile(self, enable: bool, gameName="", profileName="", zeditFolder=""): if enable and (not gameName or not profileName or not zeditFolder): moWarn( "Skipping merges from zEdit profile: Check zEdit settings in MergeWizard's options." ) self._enableLoadingProfile = False return self._enableLoadingProfile, self._gameName, self._profileName, self._zeditFolder = ( enable, gameName, profileName, zeditFolder, )
def loadMergeFileForMod(self, mod: Mod): jsonFile = glob( escape(self.__organizer.getMod( + "/merge - */merge.json") if jsonFile: try: mergeFile = self.loadMergeFromFile(jsonFile[0]) mergeFile.mergeFilePath = jsonFile[0] mergeFile.modIsActive = self.addMergeToPlugins(mergeFile) self._mergeFiles.append(mergeFile) self._mergeNames.add(mergeFile.modName) except OSError as ex: moWarn('Failed to open mergeFile file "{}": {}'.format( jsonFile, ex.strerror)) except ValueError as ex: moWarn('Failed to read mergeFile file "{}": {}'.format( jsonFile, ex))
def createProfile(self, name): if self.profileExists(name): return True # TODO: need to fix up the name before creating the directory # Refer to # Refer to profilesDir = QDir(self.profilesFolder()) if not profilesDir.mkdir(name): moWarn("Failed to create profile folder: {}").format( profilesDir.absoluteFilesPath(name))) return False self.profileCreated.emit(name) # copy all files (one level) from current profile to new profile return self.copyFiles(self.profilePath(), self.profilePath(name))
def selectMergeByName(self, name): """ This will select the merge in the view, causing the text box to also update, and will update the MergeModel's current merge. This is one of this class's two ways of updating the MergeModel. The view emits a selectionChanged signal """ flags = QItemSelectionModel.Clear | QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent | QItemSelectionModel.Rows model = self.ui.mergeView.model() idx = model.index(0, Column.Name) if name: idxForName = model.indexForMergeName(name) if not idxForName.isValid(): moWarn("Failed to load merge: {}".format(name)) else: idx = idxForName self.ui.mergeView.selectionModel().select(idx, flags) # update the current merge in the MergeModel self._setCurrentMerge(idx)
def loadProfile(shortGameName, profileName, zEditInstallFolder) -> Merges: zEditProfileDir = QDir(zEditInstallFolder + "/" + ZEditConfig.RELATIVE_PROFILE_DIR) if not zEditProfileDir.exists(): moWarn("Profiles path does not exist: {}".format( zEditProfileDir.absolutePath())) return profiles = ZEditConfig.parseProfileList(shortGameName) for name in profiles: if name == profileName: relName = name + "/merges.json" if not zEditProfileDir.exists(relName): moWarn('Profile "{}" does not have a "merges.json" file.'. format(name)) return try: filePath = zEditProfileDir.absoluteFilePath(relName) with open(filePath) as f: m = Merges(json.load(f)) m.profileName = name m.profilePath = filePath return m except ValueError as ex: moWarn( 'Failed to read zEdit profile. Invalid file: "{}": {}'. format(filePath, str(ex))) moError('Profile "{}" was not found'.format(profileName)) return Merges()
def run(self) -> None: merges: Set[MergeFile] = set() files = glob(self.modDir + "/*/*/merge.json") self._total = len(files) self._count = 0 self._progress = 0 for file in files: if self._stopped: return self.emitProgress() try: merge = self.loadMergeFromFile(file) merge.mergePath = file merge.modName = path.basename(path.dirname(path.dirname(file))) merges.add(merge) except OSError as ex: moWarn('Failed to open merge file "{}": {}'.format( file, ex.strerror)) except ValueError as ex: moWarn('Failed to read merge file "{}": {}'.format(file, ex)) self.result.emit(list(merges))