async def get_config( self, pull_number: github_types.GitHubPullRequestNumber ) -> queue.QueueConfig: """Return merge config for a pull request. Do not use it for logic, just for displaying the queue summary. :param pull_number: The pull request number. """ config_str = await self.repository.installation.redis.get( self._config_redis_queue_key(pull_number)) if config_str is None: self.log.error( "pull request queued without associated configuration", gh_pull=pull_number, ) return queue.QueueConfig({ "strict_method": "merge", "priority": 2000, "effective_priority": 2000, "bot_account": None, "update_bot_account": None, "name": rules.QueueName(""), }) config: queue.QueueConfig = json.loads(config_str) return config
async def test_train_add_remove_pull_idempotant(repository, monkepatched_traincar): t = merge_train.Train(repository, "branch") await t.load() config = queue.QueueConfig( name="foo", strict_method="merge", priority=0, effective_priority=0, bot_account=None, update_bot_account=None, ) await t.add_pull(await fake_context(repository, 1), config) await t.add_pull(await fake_context(repository, 2), config) await t.add_pull(await fake_context(repository, 3), config) await t.refresh() assert [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]] == get_cars_content(t) config = queue.QueueConfig( name="foo", strict_method="merge", priority=10, effective_priority=10, bot_account=None, update_bot_account=None, ) await t.add_pull(await fake_context(repository, 1), config) await t.refresh() assert [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]] == get_cars_content(t) t = merge_train.Train(repository, "branch") await t.load() assert [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]] == get_cars_content(t) await t.remove_pull(await fake_context(repository, 2)) await t.refresh() assert [[1], [1, 3]] == get_cars_content(t) await t.remove_pull(await fake_context(repository, 2)) await t.refresh() assert [[1], [1, 3]] == get_cars_content(t) t = merge_train.Train(repository, "branch") await t.load() assert [[1], [1, 3]] == get_cars_content(t)
async def test_create_pull_conflicts(self): await self.setup_repo(yaml.dump({}), files={"conflicts": "foobar"}) p, _ = await self.create_pr(files={"conflicts": "well"}) p1, _ = await self.create_pr() p2, _ = await self.create_pr() p3, _ = await self.create_pr(files={"conflicts": "boom"}) p.merge() await self.wait_for("pull_request", {"action": "closed"}) ctxt = context.Context(self.repository_ctxt, p.raw_data) q = await merge_train.Train.from_context(ctxt) head_sha = await q.get_head_sha() config = queue.QueueConfig( name="foo", strict_method="merge", priority=0, effective_priority=0, bot_account=None, update_bot_account=None, ) car = merge_train.TrainCar( q, p3.number, [p1.number, p2.number], config, head_sha, head_sha, ) with pytest.raises(merge_train.TrainCarPullRequestCreationFailure) as exc_info: await car.create_pull() assert == car assert car.queue_pull_request_number is None p3.update() ctxt_p3 = context.Context(self.repository_ctxt, p3.raw_data) check = first( await ctxt_p3.pull_engine_check_runs, key=lambda c: c["name"] == constants.MERGE_QUEUE_SUMMARY_NAME, ) assert ( check["output"]["title"] == "This pull request cannot be embarked for merge" ) assert ( check["output"]["summary"] == "The merge-queue pull request can't be created\nDetails: `Merge conflict`" )
async def test_create_pull_basic(self): await self.setup_repo(yaml.dump({})) p1, _ = await self.create_pr() p2, _ = await self.create_pr() ctxt = context.Context(self.repository_ctxt, p1.raw_data) q = await merge_train.Train.from_context(ctxt) head_sha = await q.get_head_sha() config = queue.QueueConfig( name="foo", strict_method="merge", priority=0, effective_priority=0, bot_account=None, update_bot_account=None, ) car = merge_train.TrainCar( q, p2.number, [p1.number], config, head_sha, head_sha, ) await car.create_pull() assert car.queue_pull_request_number is not None pulls = list(self.r_o_admin.get_pulls()) assert len(pulls) == 3 await car.delete_pull() # NOTE(sileht): When branch is deleted the associated Pull is deleted in an async # fashion on GitHub side. time.sleep(1) pulls = list(self.r_o_admin.get_pulls()) assert len(pulls) == 2