class MerossCloudClient(object): _DEFAULT_PORT = 2001 def __init__( self, cloud_credentials, # type: MerossCloudCreds push_message_callback=None, # type: callable auto_reconnect=True, # type: bool **kwords): self.connection_status = ConnectionStatusManager() self._cloud_creds = cloud_credentials self._auto_reconnect = auto_reconnect self._pending_response_messages = dict() self._pending_responses_lock = lock_factory.build_rlock() self._push_message_callback = push_message_callback self._subscription_count = AtomicCounter(0) if "domain" in kwords: self._domain = kwords['domain'] else: self._domain = "" # Lookup port and certificate for MQTT server self._port = kwords.get('port', MerossCloudClient._DEFAULT_PORT) self._ca_cert = kwords.get('ca_cert', None) self._generate_client_and_app_id() # Password is calculated as the MD5 of USERID concatenated with KEY md5_hash = md5() clearpwd = "%s%s" % (self._cloud_creds.user_id, self._cloud_creds.key) md5_hash.update(clearpwd.encode("utf8")) hashed_password = md5_hash.hexdigest() # Start the mqtt client self._mqtt_client = mqtt.Client( client_id=self._client_id, protocol=mqtt.MQTTv311 ) # ex. app-id -> app:08d4c9f99da40203ebc798a76512ec14 self._mqtt_client.on_connect = self._on_connect self._mqtt_client.on_message = self._on_message self._mqtt_client.on_disconnect = self._on_disconnect self._mqtt_client.on_subscribe = self._on_subscribe # Avoid login if user_id is None if self._cloud_creds.user_id is not None: self._mqtt_client.username_pw_set( username=self._cloud_creds.user_id, password=hashed_password) self._mqtt_client.tls_set(ca_certs=self._ca_cert, certfile=None, keyfile=None, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, tls_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS, ciphers=None) def close(self):"Closing the MQTT connection...") self._mqtt_client.disconnect() l.debug("Waiting for the client to disconnect...") self.connection_status.wait_for_status(ClientStatus.CONNECTION_DROPPED) # Starts a new thread that handles mqtt protocol and calls us back via callbacks l.debug("Stopping the MQTT looper.") self._mqtt_client.loop_stop(True)"Client has been fully disconnected.") def connect(self): """ Starts the connection to the MQTT broker :return: """"Initializing the MQTT connection...") self._mqtt_client.connect(self._domain, self._port, keepalive=30) self.connection_status.update_status(ClientStatus.CONNECTING) # Starts a new thread that handles mqtt protocol and calls us back via callbacks l.debug("(Re)Starting the MQTT looper.") self._mqtt_client.loop_stop(True) self._mqtt_client.loop_start() l.debug("Waiting for the client to connect...") self.connection_status.wait_for_status(ClientStatus.SUBSCRIBED) "Client connected to MQTT broker and subscribed to relevant topics." ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MQTT Handlers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _on_disconnect(self, client, userdata, rc):"Disconnection detected. Reason: %s" % str(rc)) # When the mqtt connection is dropped, we need to reset the subscription counter. self._subscription_count = AtomicCounter(0) self.connection_status.update_status(ClientStatus.CONNECTION_DROPPED) # If the client disconnected explicitly, the mqtt library handles thred stop autonomously if rc == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: pass else: # Otherwise, if the disconnection was not intentional, we probably had a connection drop. # In this case, we only stop the loop thread if auto_reconnect is not set. In fact, the loop will # handle reconnection autonomously on connection drops. if not self._auto_reconnect:"Stopping mqtt loop on connection drop") client.loop_stop(True) else: l.warning( "Client has been disconnected, however auto_reconnect flag is set. " "Won't stop the looping thread, as it will retry to connect." ) def _on_unsubscribe(self): l.debug("Unsubscribed from topic") self._subscription_count.dec() def _on_subscribe(self, client, userdata, mid, granted_qos): l.debug("Succesfully subscribed to topic. Subscription count: %d" % self._subscription_count.get()) if == 2: self.connection_status.update_status(ClientStatus.SUBSCRIBED) def _on_connect(self, client, userdata, rc, other): l.debug("Connected with result code %s" % str(rc)) self.connection_status.update_status(ClientStatus.CONNECTED) self._client_response_topic = "/app/%s-%s/subscribe" % ( self._cloud_creds.user_id, self._app_id) self._user_topic = "/app/%s/subscribe" % self._cloud_creds.user_id # Subscribe to the relevant topics l.debug("Subscribing to topics...") client.subscribe(self._user_topic) client.subscribe(self._client_response_topic) def _on_message(self, client, userdata, msg): """ This handler is called when a message is received from the MQTT broker, on the subscribed topics. The current implementation checks the validity of the message itself, by verifying its signature. :param client: is the MQTT client reference, useful to respond back :param userdata: metadata about the received data :param msg: message that was received :return: nothing, it simply handles the message accordingly. """ networkl.debug(msg.topic + " --> " + str(msg.payload)) try: message = json.loads(str(msg.payload, "utf8")) header = message['header'] message_hash = md5() strtohash = "%s%s%s" % (header['messageId'], self._cloud_creds.key, header['timestamp']) message_hash.update(strtohash.encode("utf8")) expected_signature = message_hash.hexdigest().lower() if header['sign'] != expected_signature: raise InvalidSignatureException( 'The signature did not match!', expected_signature=expected_signature, provided_signature=header['sign'], data=message) # Check if there is any thread waiting for this message or if there is a callback that we need to invoke. # If so, do it here. handle = None with self._pending_responses_lock: msg_id = header['messageId'] handle = self._pending_response_messages.get(msg_id) from_myself = False if handle is not None: # There was a handle for this message-id. It means it is a response message to some # request performed by the library itself. from_myself = True try: l.debug("Calling handle event handler for message %s" % msg_id) # Call the handler handle.notify_message_received(error=None, response=message) l.debug("Done handler for message %s" % msg_id) # Remove the message from the pending queue with self._pending_responses_lock: del self._pending_response_messages[msg_id] except: l.exception( "Error occurred while invoking message handler") # Let's also catch all the "PUSH" notifications and dispatch them to the push_notification_callback. if self._push_message_callback is not None and header[ 'method'] == "PUSH" and 'namespace' in header: self._push_message_callback(message, from_myself=from_myself) except InvalidSignatureException as e: l.error( "Invalid signature received. Expecting: %s, received %s. Message: %s" % (e.expected_signature, e.provided_signature, json.dumps( except Exception: l.exception("Failed to process message.") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Protocol Handlers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def execute_cmd(self, dst_dev_uuid, method, namespace, payload, callback=None, timeout=SHORT_TIMEOUT): # If the underlying mqttclient is not connected, let's fast-fail. # Otherwise, if it's connected but not yet subscribed to relevant topics, it's still OK to # queue messages: the client will dispatch them as soon it subscribes to the relevant topics. if not self._mqtt_client.is_connected(): l.error("The underlying mqtt client is not connected.") raise ConnectionError() start = time.time() # Build the mqtt message we will send to the broker message, message_id = self._build_mqtt_message(method, namespace, payload) # Register the waiting handler for that message handle = PendingMessageResponse(message_id=message_id, callback=callback) with self._pending_responses_lock: self._pending_response_messages[message_id] = handle # Send the message to the broker l.debug("Executing message-id %s, %s on %s command for device %s" % (message_id, method, namespace, dst_dev_uuid)) self._mqtt_client.publish( topic=build_client_request_topic(dst_dev_uuid), payload=message) # If the caller has specified a callback, we don't need to actively wait for the message ACK. So we can # immediately return. if callback is not None: return None # Otherwise, we need to wait until the message is received. l.debug("Waiting for response to message-id %s" % message_id) success, resp = handle.wait_for_response(timeout=timeout) if not success: raise CommandTimeoutException( "A timeout occurred while waiting for the ACK: %d" % timeout) elapsed = time.time() - start l.debug("Message-id: %s, command %s-%s command for device %s took %s" % (message_id, method, namespace, dst_dev_uuid, str(elapsed))) return resp['payload'] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Protocol utilities # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _build_mqtt_message(self, method, namespace, payload): """ Sends a message to the Meross MQTT broker, respecting the protocol payload. :param method: :param namespace: :param payload: :return: """ # Generate a random 16 byte string randomstring = ''.join( random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16)) # Hash it as md5 md5_hash = md5() md5_hash.update(randomstring.encode('utf8')) messageId = md5_hash.hexdigest().lower() timestamp = int(round(time.time())) # Hash the messageId, the key and the timestamp md5_hash = md5() strtohash = "%s%s%s" % (messageId, self._cloud_creds.key, timestamp) md5_hash.update(strtohash.encode("utf8")) signature = md5_hash.hexdigest().lower() data = { "header": { "from": self._client_response_topic, "messageId": messageId, # Example: "122e3e47835fefcd8aaf22d13ce21859" "method": method, # Example: "GET", "namespace": namespace, # Example: "Appliance.System.All", "payloadVersion": 1, "sign": signature, # Example: "b4236ac6fb399e70c3d61e98fcb68b74", "timestamp": timestamp, "triggerSrc": "Android" }, "payload": payload } strdata = json.dumps(data) return strdata.encode("utf-8"), messageId def _generate_client_and_app_id(self): md5_hash = md5() rnd_uuid = UUID.uuid4() md5_hash.update(("%s%s" % ("API", rnd_uuid)).encode("utf8")) self._app_id = md5_hash.hexdigest() self._client_id = 'app:%s' % md5_hash.hexdigest()
class GenericPlug: _status_lock = None _client_status = None _token = None _key = None _user_id = None _domain = None _port = 2001 _channels = [] _uuid = None _client_id = None _app_id = None # Device info _name = None _type = None _hwversion = None _fwversion = None # Topic name where the client should publish to its commands. Every client should have a dedicated one. _client_request_topic = None # Topic name in which the client retrieves its own responses from server. _client_response_topic = None # Topic where important notifications are pushed (needed if any other client is dealing with the same device) _user_topic = None # Paho mqtt client object _mqtt_client = None # Waiting condition used to wait for command ACKs _waiting_message_ack_queue = None _waiting_subscribers_queue = None _waiting_message_id = None _ack_response = None # Block for at most 10 seconds. _command_timeout = 10 _error = None # Cached list of abilities _abilities = None # Dictionary {channel->status} _state = None def __init__(self, token, key, user_id, **kwords): self._status_lock = RLock() self._waiting_message_ack_queue = Condition() self._waiting_subscribers_queue = Condition() self._subscription_count = AtomicCounter(0) self._set_status(ClientStatus.INITIALIZED) self._token = token, self._key = key self._user_id = user_id self._uuid = kwords['uuid'] if "domain" in kwords: self._domain = kwords['domain'] else: self._domain = "" if "channels" in kwords: self._channels = kwords['channels'] # Informations about device if "devName" in kwords: self._name = kwords['devName'] if "deviceType" in kwords: self._type = kwords['deviceType'] if "fmwareVersion" in kwords: self._fwversion = kwords['fmwareVersion'] if "hdwareVersion" in kwords: self._hwversion = kwords['hdwareVersion'] # Lookup port and certificate for MQTT server self._port = kwords.get('port', GenericPlug._port) self._ca_cert = kwords.get('ca_cert', None) self._generate_client_and_app_id() # Password is calculated as the MD5 of USERID concatenated with KEY md5_hash = md5() clearpwd = "%s%s" % (self._user_id, self._key) md5_hash.update(clearpwd.encode("utf8")) hashed_password = md5_hash.hexdigest() # Start the mqtt client self._mqtt_client = mqtt.Client( client_id=self._client_id, protocol=mqtt.MQTTv311 ) # ex. app-id -> app:08d4c9f99da40203ebc798a76512ec14 self._mqtt_client.on_connect = self._on_connect self._mqtt_client.on_message = self._on_message self._mqtt_client.on_disconnect = self._on_disconnect self._mqtt_client.on_subscribe = self._on_subscribe self._mqtt_client.on_log = self._on_log # Avoid login if user_id is None if self._user_id is not None: self._mqtt_client.username_pw_set(username=self._user_id, password=hashed_password) self._mqtt_client.tls_set(ca_certs=self._ca_cert, certfile=None, keyfile=None, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, tls_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS, ciphers=None) self._mqtt_client.connect(self._domain, self._port, keepalive=30) self._set_status(ClientStatus.CONNECTING) # Starts a new thread that handles mqtt protocol and calls us back via callbacks self._mqtt_client.loop_start() with self._waiting_subscribers_queue: self._waiting_subscribers_queue.wait() if self._client_status != ClientStatus.SUBSCRIBED: # An error has occurred raise Exception(self._error) self.get_status() # Private methods used by the base class in order to handle basic protocol communication # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _on_disconnect(self, client, userdata, rc):"Disconnection detected. Reason: %s" % str(rc)) # We should clean all the data structures. with self._status_lock: self._subscription_count = AtomicCounter(0) self._error = "Connection dropped by the server" self._set_status(ClientStatus.CONNECTION_DROPPED) with self._waiting_subscribers_queue: self._waiting_subscribers_queue.notify_all() with self._waiting_message_ack_queue: self._waiting_message_ack_queue.notify_all() if rc == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: pass else: # TODO: Should we reconnect by calling again the client.loop_start() ? client.loop_stop() def _on_unsubscribe(self): l.debug("Unsubscribed from topic") self._subscription_count.dec() def _on_subscribe(self, client, userdata, mid, granted_qos): l.debug("Succesfully subscribed!") if == 2: with self._waiting_subscribers_queue: self._set_status(ClientStatus.SUBSCRIBED) self._waiting_subscribers_queue.notify_all() def _on_connect(self, client, userdata, rc, other): l.debug("Connected with result code %s" % str(rc)) self._set_status(ClientStatus.SUBSCRIBED) self._set_status(ClientStatus.CONNECTED) self._client_request_topic = "/appliance/%s/subscribe" % self._uuid self._client_response_topic = "/app/%s-%s/subscribe" % (self._user_id, self._app_id) self._user_topic = "/app/%s/subscribe" % self._user_id # Subscribe to the relevant topics l.debug("Subscribing to topics...") client.subscribe(self._user_topic) client.subscribe(self._client_response_topic) # The callback for when a PUBLISH message is received from the server. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def _on_message(self, client, userdata, msg): l.debug(msg.topic + " --> " + str(msg.payload)) try: message = json.loads(str(msg.payload, "utf8")) header = message['header'] message_hash = md5() strtohash = "%s%s%s" % (header['messageId'], self._key, header['timestamp']) message_hash.update(strtohash.encode("utf8")) expected_signature = message_hash.hexdigest().lower() if (header['sign'] != expected_signature): raise MQTTException('The signature did not match!') # If the message is the RESP for some previous action, process return the control to the "stopped" method. if header['messageId'] == self._waiting_message_id: with self._waiting_message_ack_queue: self._ack_response = message self._waiting_message_ack_queue.notify() # Otherwise process it accordingly if self._message_from_self(message): if header['method'] == "PUSH" and 'namespace' in header: self._handle_namespace_payload(header['namespace'], message['payload']) else: l.debug("UNKNOWN msg received by %s" % self._uuid) else: # do nothing because the message was from a different device pass except Exception as e: l.error("%s failed to process message because: %s" % (self._uuid, e)) def _on_log(self, client, userdata, level, buf): # print("Data: %s - Buff: %s" % (userdata, buf)) pass def _generate_client_and_app_id(self): md5_hash = md5() md5_hash.update(("%s%s" % ("API", self._uuid)).encode("utf8")) self._app_id = md5_hash.hexdigest() self._client_id = 'app:%s' % md5_hash.hexdigest() def _mqtt_message(self, method, namespace, payload): # Generate a random 16 byte string randomstring = ''.join( random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16)) # Hash it as md5 md5_hash = md5() md5_hash.update(randomstring.encode('utf8')) messageId = md5_hash.hexdigest().lower() timestamp = int(round(time.time())) # Hash the messageId, the key and the timestamp md5_hash = md5() strtohash = "%s%s%s" % (messageId, self._key, timestamp) md5_hash.update(strtohash.encode("utf8")) signature = md5_hash.hexdigest().lower() data = { "header": { "from": self._client_response_topic, "messageId": messageId, # Example: "122e3e47835fefcd8aaf22d13ce21859" "method": method, # Example: "GET", "namespace": namespace, # Example: "Appliance.System.All", "payloadVersion": 1, "sign": signature, # Example: "b4236ac6fb399e70c3d61e98fcb68b74", "timestamp": timestamp }, "payload": payload } strdata = json.dumps(data) l.debug("--> %s" % strdata) self._mqtt_client.publish(topic=self._client_request_topic, payload=strdata.encode("utf-8")) return messageId def _wait_for_status(self, status): ok = False while not ok: if not self._status_lock.acquire(True, self._command_timeout): raise TimeoutError() ok = status == self._client_status self._status_lock.release() def _set_status(self, status): with self._status_lock: self._client_status = status def _execute_cmd(self, method, namespace, payload, timeout=SHORT_TIMEOUT): # Before executing any command, we need to be subscribed to the MQTT topics where to listen for ACKS. with self._waiting_subscribers_queue: while self._client_status != ClientStatus.SUBSCRIBED: self._waiting_subscribers_queue.wait() # Execute the command and retrieve the message-id self._waiting_message_id = self._mqtt_message( method, namespace, payload) # Wait synchronously until we get the ACK. with self._waiting_message_ack_queue: if not self._waiting_message_ack_queue.wait(timeout=timeout): # Timeout expired. raise CommandTimeoutException() return self._ack_response['payload'] def _message_from_self(self, message): try: return 'from' in message['header'] and message['header'][ 'from'].split('/')[2] == self._uuid except: return False def _get_consumptionx(self): return self._execute_cmd("GET", CONSUMPTIONX, {}) def _get_electricity(self): return self._execute_cmd("GET", ELECTRICITY, {}) def _toggle(self, status): payload = {"channel": 0, "toggle": {"onoff": status}} return self._execute_cmd("SET", TOGGLE, payload) def _togglex(self, channel, status): payload = {'togglex': {"onoff": status, "channel": channel}} return self._execute_cmd("SET", TOGGLEX, payload) def _channel_control_impl(self, channel, status): if TOGGLE in self.get_abilities(): return self._toggle(status) elif TOGGLEX in self.get_abilities(): return self._togglex(channel, status) else: raise Exception( "The current device does not support neither TOGGLE nor TOGGLEX." ) def _handle_namespace_payload(self, namespace, payload): with self._status_lock: if namespace == TOGGLE: self._state[0] = payload['toggle']['onoff'] == 1 elif namespace == TOGGLEX: if isinstance(payload['togglex'], list): for c in payload['togglex']: channel_index = c['channel'] self._state[channel_index] = c['onoff'] == 1 elif isinstance(payload['togglex'], dict): channel_index = payload['togglex']['channel'] self._state[channel_index] = payload['togglex'][ 'onoff'] == 1 else: raise Exception("Unknown/Unsupported namespace/command: %s" % namespace) def _get_status_impl(self): res = {} data = self.get_sys_data()['all'] if 'digest' in data: for c in data['digest']['togglex']: res[c['channel']] = c['onoff'] == 1 elif 'control' in data: res[0] = data['control']['toggle']['onoff'] == 1 return res def _get_channel_id(self, channel): # Otherwise, if the passed channel looks like the channel spec, lookup its array indexindex if channel in self._channels: return self._channels.index(channel) # if a channel name is given, lookup the channel id from the name if isinstance(channel, str): for i, c in enumerate(self.get_channels()): if c['devName'] == channel: return c['channel'] # If an integer is given assume that is the channel ID elif isinstance(channel, int): return channel # In other cases return an error raise Exception("Invalid channel specified.") def __str__(self): basic_info = "%s (%s, %d channels, HW %s, FW %s): " % ( self._name, self._type, len( self._channels), self._hwversion, self._fwversion) for i, c in enumerate(self._channels): channel_type = c[ 'type'] if 'type' in c else "Master" if c == {} else "Unknown" channel_state = "On" if self.get_status(i) else "Off" channel_desc = "%s=%s" % (channel_type, channel_state) basic_info += channel_desc + ", " return basic_info def supports_consumption_reading(self): return CONSUMPTIONX in self.get_abilities() def supports_electricity_reading(self): return ELECTRICITY in self.get_abilities() def get_power_consumption(self): if CONSUMPTIONX in self.get_abilities(): return self._get_consumptionx() else: # Not supported! return None def get_electricity(self): if ELECTRICITY in self.get_abilities(): return self._get_electricity() else: # Not supported! return None def device_id(self): return self._uuid def get_sys_data(self): return self._execute_cmd("GET", "Appliance.System.All", {}) def get_channels(self): return self._channels def get_wifi_list(self): return self._execute_cmd("GET", "Appliance.Config.WifiList", {}, timeout=LONG_TIMEOUT) def get_trace(self): return self._execute_cmd("GET", "Appliance.Config.Trace", {}) def get_debug(self): return self._execute_cmd("GET", "Appliance.System.Debug", {}) def get_abilities(self): # TODO: Make this cached value expire after a bit... if self._abilities is None: self._abilities = self._execute_cmd("GET", "Appliance.System.Ability", {})['ability'] return self._abilities def get_report(self): return self._execute_cmd("GET", "Appliance.System.Report", {}) def get_channel_status(self, channel): c = self._get_channel_id(channel) return self.get_status(c) def turn_on_channel(self, channel): c = self._get_channel_id(channel) return self._channel_control_impl(c, 1) def turn_off_channel(self, channel): c = self._get_channel_id(channel) return self._channel_control_impl(c, 0) def turn_on(self, channel=0): c = self._get_channel_id(channel) return self._channel_control_impl(c, 1) def turn_off(self, channel=0): c = self._get_channel_id(channel) return self._channel_control_impl(c, 0) def get_status(self, channel=0): # In order to optimize the network traffic, we don't call the get_status() api at every request. # On the contrary, we only call it the first time. Then, the rest of the API will silently listen # for state changes and will automatically update the self._state structure listening for # messages of the device. # Such approach, however, has a side effect. If we call TOGGLE/TOGGLEX and immediately after we call # get_status(), the reported status will be still the old one. This is a race condition because the # "status" RESPONSE will be delivered some time after the TOGGLE REQUEST. It's not a big issue for now, # and synchronizing the two things would be inefficient and probably not very useful. # Just remember to wait some time before testing the status of the item after a toggle. with self._status_lock: c = self._get_channel_id(channel) if self._state is None: self._state = self._get_status_impl() return self._state[c] def get_usb_channel_index(self): # Look for the usb channel for i, c in enumerate(self.get_channels()): if 'type' in c and c['type'] == 'USB': return i return None def enable_usb(self): c = self.get_usb_channel_index() if c is None: return else: return self.turn_on_channel(c) def disable_usb(self): c = self.get_usb_channel_index() if c is None: return else: return self.turn_off_channel(c) def get_usb_status(self): c = self.get_usb_channel_index() if c is None: return else: return self.get_channel_status(c)