def __init__(self, alpha, teta, uncertaintyL, uncertaintyU, graph, ActiveInit): self.Graph = graph self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, ["step", "selectNextActive"]) self.Alpha = alpha self.Teta = teta self.uncertaintyL = uncertaintyL self.uncertaintyU = uncertaintyU self.Active = ActiveInit activeInit = np.random.choice([0, 1], len(self.Graph.NodeList), p=[1 - self.Active, self.Active]) # Create agents for i in self.Graph.NodeList: if activeInit[i] == 1: beliefInit = random.randint(0, 1) else: beliefInit = random.randint(-1, 0) neighborListInit = self.Graph.neighbor(i) a = BIDAgent(i, beliefInit, activeInit[i], 0, neighborListInit, self.Alpha, self.Teta, self.uncertaintyL, self.uncertaintyU, self) self.schedule.add(a) self.datacollector = DataCollector( model_reporters={"BeliefCount": compute_Belief_porportion, "DisbeliefCount": compute_Disbelief_porportion, "UncertainCount": compute_Uncertain_porportion, "active": compute_Active_porportion} , agent_reporters={"Belief": "Belief"})
class TDISModel(Model): """A model with some number of agents.""" def __init__(self, graph): self.Graph = graph self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, ["step", "selectNextCooperation", "selectNextActive"]) # Create agents for i in self.Graph.NodeList: cooperationInit = random.choice(['C', 'D']) if cooperationInit == 'C': trustfulInit = 1 else: trustfulInit = 0 activeInit = random.choice([0, 1]) neighborListInit = self.Graph.neighbor(i) a = TDISAgent(i, trustfulInit, activeInit, cooperationInit, 2, neighborListInit, self) self.schedule.add(a) self.datacollector = DataCollector( model_reporters={"trust": compute_trust_porportion,"active":compute_Active_porportion}, agent_reporters={"Score": "Score"}) def step(self): self.datacollector.collect(self) self.schedule.step()
def __init__(self, N, length=100, lanes=1, timer=3): self.num_agents = N self.grid = SingleGrid(length, lanes, torus=True) model_stages = [ "acceleration", "braking", "randomisation", "move", "delete" ] self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=model_stages) # Create agent for i in range(self.num_agents): agent = CarAgent(i, self, False) # Add to schedule self.schedule.add(agent) # Add to grid (randomly) self.grid.position_agent(agent) # Add the traffic light self.traffic_light = TrafficLight(0, self, timer, 20, 20) self.average_velocity = CarAgent.init_velocity self.datacollector = DataCollector(agent_reporters={ "Position": "pos", "Velocity": "velocity" }, model_reporters={ "Average Velocity": "average_velocity", "Amount of cars": "agent_count", "On Ramp Queue": get_on_ramp_queue, "Waiting Queue": get_waiting_queue }) self.running = True
class EF_Model(Model): def __init__(self, N, threshold, memory_size, nb_strategies, width, height, type_network=None, param_network=None): self.num_agents = N self.G = nx.Graph() self.memory_size = memory_size self.threshold = threshold self.constant = 0 self.bar_location = (5, 5) self.initial_history = [ random.randint(0, self.num_agents) for i in range(self.memory_size) ] self.grid = MultiGrid(width, height, True) self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, ['evaluate', 'decide']) self.running = True #set history n-values (memory-size * 2) [random 100] #check model reporters if they can be accessed by agents: dictionnary # Create agents for i in range(self.num_agents): #threshold=random threshold #memory=random memory size a = Attendee(i, self, nb_strategies) self.schedule.add(a) #add the condition that agents start at home: in this model, as there are no visuals, it doesn't really matter where they are as going to the bar is only defined by self.attend x = self.random.randrange(self.grid.width) y = self.random.randrange(self.grid.height) self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y)) #Create the graph and links and neighborhood if type_network is not None: self.G.add_node(a) if type_network is not None: set_edges(self.G, type_network, param_network) #find the adjacent agents in the graph for ag in self.schedule.agents: ag.find_friends() self.datacollector = DataCollector( model_reporters={"Attendance": compute_attendance}) def step(self): self.datacollector.collect(self) self.schedule.step()
def __init__(self, shuffle): self.log = [] model_stages = ["stage_one", "stage_two"] self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, model_stages, shuffle=shuffle) # Make agents for name in ["A", "B"]: agent = MockStagedAgent(name) self.schedule.add(agent)
def __init__(self, initial_herdsmen=5, initial_sheep_per_herdsmen=0, initial_edges=5, l_coop=0, l_fairself=0, l_fairother=0, l_negrecip=0, l_posrecip=0, l_conf=0): super().__init__() self.width = GRID_SIZE self.height = GRID_SIZE self.grass = [] self.herdsmen = [] self.initial_herdsmen = initial_herdsmen self.initial_sheep_per_herdsmen = initial_sheep_per_herdsmen self.sheep_survival_rate = [] self.l_coop = l_coop self.l_fairself = l_fairself self.l_fairother = l_fairother self.l_negrecip = l_negrecip self.l_posrecip = l_posrecip self.l_conf = l_conf self.G = nx.gnm_random_graph(initial_herdsmen, initial_edges) Sheep.sheepdeaths = 0 Herdsman.i = 0 Herdsman.x = np.zeros(initial_herdsmen, dtype=np.int8) self.schedule_Grass = RandomActivation(self) self.schedule_Herdsman = StagedActivation( self, stage_list=["advance", "step"], shuffle=True) self.schedule_Sheep = RandomActivation(self) self.schedule = RandomActivation(self) self.grid = MultiGrid(self.width, self.height, torus=True) # "Grass" is the number of sheep that the grass can sustain self.datacollector = DataCollector({ "Grass": lambda m: self.get_expected_grass_growth() / .5, "Sheep": lambda m: self.get_sheep_count(), "Sheep deaths": lambda m: Sheep.sheepdeaths }) self.init_population() # required for the datacollector to work self.running = True self.datacollector.collect(self)
def setup_experiment(self, student_count=10, data_collector=DataCollector(), student_params={}): self.model = Course() gen = Student_Generator(self.model, student_params) self.agents = gen.generate_students(self.model, student_count) self.schedule = StagedActivation( self.model, stage_list=['step', 'interact', 'finish']) self.schedule.agents = self.agents self.model.schedule = self.schedule self.data_collector = data_collector
class MockModel(Model): def __init__(self, shuffle): self.log = [] model_stages = ["stage_one", "stage_two"] self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, model_stages, shuffle=shuffle) # Make agents for name in ["A", "B"]: agent = MockStagedAgent(name) self.schedule.add(agent) def step(self): self.schedule.step()
def __init__(self, b_bar=3, b_range=1, alpha=0.5, gamma=0.5, theta=0.1, q_start=0.1, population=1000, k_bar=0.5, k_range=1): """Create the model with the following parameters: Average level of risk aversion = b_bar Range of risk aversion = b_range Proportion of income spent on vigilance = gamma Mean human capital endowment in first generation = k_bar Equality in access to human capital = theta Initial value of social corruption = q_start Population = population Number of generations = generations Range of human capital endowment: k_range""" #Set parameters self.running = True self.num_agents = population self.b_bar = b_bar self.b_range = b_range self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.theta = theta self.q = q_start self.k_bar = k_bar self.k_range = k_range self.k_min = k_bar - 0.5 * k_range self.k_max = k_bar + 0.5 * k_range self.S = alpha * (k_bar * population) self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=["corrupt", "procreate"]) self.running = True #Create agents for i in range(self.num_agents): a = CorruptionAgent(i, self) self.schedule.add(a) #Add data to report self.datacollector = DataCollector( model_reporters={ "Total capital": total_capital, "Corruption Index": corruption_index, "National Income": national_income }, agent_reporters={"Dishonesty": lambda a: a.p})
def __init__(self, N, neighborhoods, weights, initial_opinions, potentials, coupling, schedule="simultaneous"): self.ALPHA = .001 self.num_agents = N self.neighborhoods = neighborhoods self.initial_opinions = initial_opinions self.potentials = potentials self.coupling = coupling if weights is None: self.weights = [None for i in range(self.num_agents)] else: self.weights = weights #Set schedule if schedule == 'simultaneous': self.schedule = StagedActivation( self, stage_list=["simultaneousStep", "simultaneousAdvance"], shuffle=False) elif schedule == 'pairwise': self.schedule = StagedActivation( self, stage_list=["reset", "pairwiseStep", "noise"], shuffle=True) #stage_list is where you add "coupling" and "noise". #Create agents for i in range(self.num_agents): a_params = OpinionAgentParameters(i, self, self.neighborhoods[i], self.weights[i], self.potentials[i], initial_opinions[i]) if schedule == 'simultaneous': a = OpinionAgent(a_params) elif schedule == 'pairwise': a = OpinionAgent(a_params) self.schedule.add(a) ag_reps = dict() for i in range(len(self.schedule.agents[0].opinions)): ag_reps["Opinion" + str(i)] = self.makeLam(i) self.datacollector = DataCollector(agent_reporters=ag_reps)
def __init__(self, shuffle=False, activation=STAGED): ''' Creates a Model instance with a schedule Args: shuffle (Bool): whether or not to instantiate a scheduler with shuffling. This option is only used for StagedActivation schedulers. activation (str): which kind of scheduler to use. 'random' creates a RandomActivation scheduler. 'staged' creates a StagedActivation scheduler. The default scheduler is a BaseScheduler. ''' self.log = [] # Make scheduler if activation == STAGED: model_stages = ["stage_one", "stage_two"] self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, model_stages, shuffle=shuffle) elif activation == RANDOM: self.schedule = RandomActivation(self) elif activation == SIMULTANEOUS: self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self) else: self.schedule = BaseScheduler(self) # Make agents for name in ["A", "B"]: agent = MockAgent(name, self) self.schedule.add(agent)
def __init__(self, N=2, PassengerPooling=.5, PassengerPopulation=.2, PassengerBlocks={}, width=20, height=10, city_map=[], roads={}, city_blocks=[], routes={}): super().__init__() self.N = N # num of cabs self.grid = MultiGrid(width, height, torus=False) model_stages = ['stage_1', 'stage_2', 'stage_3', 'stage_4', 'step'] self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, model_stages, shuffle=True) self.roads = roads self.routes = routes self.passenger_blocks = PassengerBlocks self.unique_id_counter = 0 self.city_blocks = city_blocks self.passenger_population = PassengerPopulation self.passenger_pooling = PassengerPooling self.max_seats = 3 #Bidding properties self.current_bidding_results = {} self.all_biddings = {} self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporters={ "Normal Passenger": get_average_time_normal_passenger, "Pooling Passenger": get_average_time_pooling_passenger, "Average": get_average_time_all_passenger, "Cars carpooling": get_count_cars_carpooling, "Cars not carpooling": get_count_cars_not_carpooling, "Empty cars": get_count_cars_empty, "Passengers Travelling (not pooling)": get_count_passengers_not_pooling_travelling, "Passengers Travelling (pooling)": get_count_passengers_pooling_travelling, "Passengers Travelling": get_count_passengers_travelling, "Overtravelled (in percentage)": get_average_perc_over_travelled_pool_passengers}) self.fill_blocks_agents() self.make_taxi_agents() self.addPassengers() self.running = True self.datacollector.collect(self)
class Experiment: def __init__(self, steps): self.steps = steps def setup_experiment(self, student_count=10, data_collector=DataCollector(), student_params={}): self.model = Course() gen = Student_Generator(self.model, student_params) self.agents = gen.generate_students(self.model, student_count) self.schedule = StagedActivation( self.model, stage_list=['step', 'interact', 'finish']) self.schedule.agents = self.agents self.model.schedule = self.schedule self.data_collector = data_collector def run_experiment(self): while self.schedule.steps < self.steps: self.schedule.step() self.model.step() self.data_collector.collect(self.model)
def __init__(self, num_nodes, productivity, demand, shape, network_param, resource_inequality, capacity_inequality, uncertainty, shock): # Initialize graph self.num_nodes = num_nodes self.G = create_graph(shape, num_nodes, network_param) self.G = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(self.G), key=lambda g: len(g.nodes())) # Initialize other attributes self.grid = NetworkGrid(self.G) self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=[ 'add_link', 'cut_link', 'settle_env_transfer', 'settle_link_transfer' ], shuffle=True, shuffle_between_stages=True) self.productivity = productivity self.demand = demand self.resource_inequality = resource_inequality self.capacity_inequality = capacity_inequality self.uncertainty = uncertainty self.datacollector = DataCollector({ "Gini Coeff. of Capacity": gini_capacity, "Gini Coeff. of Resources": gini_resources, "Satisfied": num_satisfied, "Dissatisfied": num_dissatisfied }) self.shock = shock # Initialize agents on graph (cap capacity at 25 to avoid overflow errors) for i, node in enumerate(self.G.nodes()): a = RegimeAgent(i, self, self.demand, math.exp(paretovariate(1 / resource_inequality)), min(25, paretovariate(1 / capacity_inequality)), True) self.schedule.add(a) self.grid.place_agent(a, node) for e in self.G.edges(): capacity_transfer = expovariate(1 / self.uncertainty) agents = ([ self.G.nodes[e[0]]['agent'][0], self.G.nodes[e[1]]['agent'][0] ]) resource_transfer = calculate_transfer( self.productivity, agents[0].capacity + capacity_transfer, agents[1].capacity + capacity_transfer, capacity_transfer) # Give the agent with the higher capacity 2*transfer capacity to # simulate a prior interaction where the transfer was made, when # both the nodes had their current capacity + transfer. max_capacity_agent = max(agents, key=attrgetter('capacity')) min_capacity_agent = min(agents, key=attrgetter('capacity')) max_capacity_agent.capacity += 2 * capacity_transfer min_capacity_agent.exp_resources += resource_transfer # Initialize edge attributes for transfer rates, memory of # resource transfers, and which agent is the patron. self.G.edges[e]['capacity_t'] = capacity_transfer self.G.edges[e]['resource_t'] = resource_transfer self.G.edges[e]['exp_resources'] = [ resource_transfer, resource_transfer ] self.G.edges[e]['patron'] = max_capacity_agent self.running = True self.datacollector.collect(self)
class MarketModel(Model): def __init__(self, n_agents, population_composition={'zero_information': { 'R': 1 }}, settle_type='limit', dt=1 / 252, init_rf=0.02, n_shares=1000, init_agent_wealth=1000, glob_risk_aversion=0.5, glob_loss_aversion=2.5, confidance_levels=(0.7, 3), glob_interact_rate=0.25, agent_particip_rate=1, init_price=50, init_dividend=5, dividend_freq=4, dividend_growth=0.01, dividend_vol=0.2, div_noise_sig=0.1, price_adj_speed=0.1, max_short=0.0001, max_long=0.02): super().__init__() self.running = True self.n_agents = n_agents self.population_composition = population_composition #self.glob_risk_aversion = glob_risk_aversion self.confidance_levels = confidance_levels self.glob_interact_rate = glob_interact_rate self.rf_rate = init_rf #to be controlled by a regulator agent in the future self.eta = price_adj_speed self.max_short = max_short self.max_long = max_long self.current_step = 0 self.dt = dt self.stock = Stock(ticker="STK", model=self, init_price=init_price, outstanding_shares=n_shares, init_dividend=init_dividend, dividend_freq=dividend_freq, dividend_growth=dividend_growth, dividend_vol=dividend_vol, div_noise_sig=div_noise_sig) self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, ['stage1', 'stage2', 'stage3']) self.order_book = OrderBook() self.settle_type = settle_type agent_id = 0 # if sum(population_composition[strat] for strat in population_composition) - 1.0 > 1e-06: if sum(population_composition[strat][beh] for strat in population_composition for beh in population_composition[strat]) - 1.0 > 1e-06: raise NameError( 'population_compositions elements must sum up to 1') init_shares = n_shares / n_agents for strat in population_composition: for beh in population_composition[strat]: for i in range( int(population_composition[strat][beh] * self.n_agents)): a = MarketAgent(agent_id, self, init_shares, init_agent_wealth, glob_risk_aversion, glob_loss_aversion, beh, strat, agent_particip_rate) self.schedule.add(a) agent_id += 1 while agent_id < self.n_agents: init_shares = n_shares / n_agents strat = choice(list(population_composition.keys())) beh = choice(list(population_composition[strat].keys())) a = MarketAgent(agent_id, self, init_shares, init_agent_wealth, glob_risk_aversion, glob_loss_aversion, beh, strat, agent_particip_rate) self.schedule.add(a) agent_id += 1 self.global_wealth = sum( [agent.wealth for agent in self.schedule.agents]) self.agg_sells = 0 self.agg_buys = 0 self.available_sells = 0 self.available_buys = 0 self.buy_ratio = 0 self.sell_ratio = 0 self.matched_trades = [] self.datacollector = ModDataCollector(model_reporters={ "Global Wealth": "global_wealth", "Price": "stock.price", "Return": "stock.last_return", "Vol": "stock.vol", "Skew": "stock.skew", "Kurt": "stock.kurt", "Dividend": "stock.dividend", "Agg Sells": "agg_sells", "Agg Buys": "agg_buys", "Av Sells": "available_sells", "Av Buys": "available_buys", "Buy Ratio": "buy_ratio", "Sell Ratio": "sell_ratio", "Matched Trades": "matched_trades" }, agent_reporters={ "Wealth": "wealth", "Cash": "cash", "Stock Weight": "stock_weight", "Stock Shares": "stock_shares", "Demand": "share_demand", "Target Trade": "target_shares", "Actual Trade": "trade_shares", "Price Expectation": "strategy.exp_p_d" }) = self.generate_net() def step(self): self.datacollector.collect(self) self.schedule.step() self.settle() for agent in self.schedule.agents: *= (1 + self.rf_rate)**self.dt if self.current_step % ((self.dt**-1) / self.stock.dividend_freq) == 0: self.stock.update_dividend() for agent in self.schedule.agents: += (self.stock.dividend / self.stock.dividend_freq) * agent.stock_shares self.global_wealth = sum( [agent.wealth for agent in self.schedule.agents]) self.current_step += 1 def settle(self): if self.settle_type == 'limit': self.matched_trades = self.order_book.get_matched_trades() self.order_book.clear() for trade in self.matched_trades: buy_agent = self.schedule.agents[trade.buy_agent] sell_agent = self.schedule.agents[trade.sell_agent] buy_agent.stock_shares += trade.quantity -= trade.quantity * trade.price sell_agent.stock_shares -= trade.quantity += trade.quantity * trade.price self.stock.price = self.calculate_VWAP() elif self.settle_type == 'market': sells = [x for x in self.order_book.orders if x.side == 'sell'] buys = [x for x in self.order_book.orders if x.side == 'buy'] self.agg_sells = sum([x.quantity for x in sells]) self.agg_buys = sum([x.quantity for x in buys]) if self.agg_sells == 0 or self.agg_buys == 0: self.stock.price = self.stock.price return self.available_sells = min( self.agg_sells, self.stock.outstanding_shares) #add Inventory self.available_buys = min(self.agg_buys, self.stock.outstanding_shares) self.buy_ratio = (min(self.agg_buys, self.available_sells) / self.agg_buys) self.sell_ratio = (min(self.agg_sells, self.available_buys) / self.agg_sells) self.stock.price = self.stock.price * ( 1 + self.eta * (self.agg_buys - self.agg_sells) ) # find a better price mechanism # rho = 0.95 # f = rho / (1 + self.rf_rate - rho) # g = (1/self.rf_rate) * (1 + f) * (self.stock.init_dividend - self.glob_risk_aversion # * (self.stock.div_noise_sig**2) * (1000/self.n_agents)) # self.stock.price = f * self.stock.dividend + g for order in self.order_book.orders: # need to prelist if using RandomScheduler agent = self.schedule.agents[order.agent_id] if order.side == 'buy': trade_quantity = self.buy_ratio * order.quantity agent.stock_shares += trade_quantity -= trade_quantity * self.stock.price if order.side == 'sell': trade_quantity = self.sell_ratio * order.quantity agent.stock_shares -= trade_quantity += trade_quantity * self.stock.price self.order_book.clear() def calculate_VWAP(self): trades = [x for x in self.matched_trades if x.quantity > 0] volume = sum([x.quantity for x in trades]) if volume <= 0: return self.stock.price return sum( multiply([x.quantity for x in trades], [x.price for x in trades])) / volume def generate_net(self): net = nx.scale_free_graph(self.n_agents, alpha=0.1, beta=0.01, gamma=0.89) net = nx.to_undirected(net) nodes = list(net.nodes) shuffle(nodes) for agent, node in zip(self.schedule.agents, nodes): agent.node = node net.nodes[node]['agent_id'] = agent.agent_id net.nodes[node]['strat'] = agent.strategy.strat_name return net
class RoadModel(Model): """ A model with a number of cars, Nagel-Schreckenberg """ def __init__(self, N, length=100, lanes=1, timer=3): self.num_agents = N self.grid = SingleGrid(length, lanes, torus=True) model_stages = [ "acceleration", "braking", "randomisation", "move", "delete" ] self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=model_stages) # Create agent for i in range(self.num_agents): agent = CarAgent(i, self, False) # Add to schedule self.schedule.add(agent) # Add to grid (randomly) self.grid.position_agent(agent) # Add the traffic light self.traffic_light = TrafficLight(0, self, timer, 20, 20) self.average_velocity = CarAgent.init_velocity self.datacollector = DataCollector(agent_reporters={ "Position": "pos", "Velocity": "velocity" }, model_reporters={ "Average Velocity": "average_velocity", "Amount of cars": "agent_count", "On Ramp Queue": get_on_ramp_queue, "Waiting Queue": get_waiting_queue }) self.running = True def step(self): """ The model takes a new step and updates """ # Calculate amount of agents self.agent_count = len(self.schedule.agents) # Calculate average velocity self.average_velocity = np.mean( [a.velocity for a in self.schedule.agents]) # Collect data self.datacollector.collect(self) # Run a step of the traffic light self.traffic_light.step() # Run next step self.schedule.step() def add_agent(self, label, x_corr): """ Adds an agent to the scheduler and model on a particular coordinate :param label: The label of the agents that gets created :param x_corr: The x-coordinate of where the agent will be spawned """ # Create agent agent = CarAgent(label, self, True) # Add to schedule self.schedule.add(agent) # Add to grid on a certain position self.grid.position_agent(agent, x_corr, 0) def delete_agent(self, agent): """ Deletes an agent from the scheduler and model :param agent: The agents that gets deleted """ # remove from schedule self.schedule.remove(agent) # remove from grid self.grid.remove_agent(agent)
class FormationFlying(Model): # ========================================================================= # Create a new FormationFlying model. # # Args: # n_flights: Number of flights # width, height: Size of the space, in kilometers. # speed: cruise-speed of flights in m/s. # communication_range: How far around should each Boid look for its neighbors # separation: What's the minimum distance each Boid will attempt to # keep from any other the three drives. # ========================================================================= def __init__( self, n_flights=2, n_origin_airports=2, n_destination_airports=2, width=1500, # [km] height=1500, speed=0.220, #[km/second] max_speed=0.500, communication_range=1000, #[km] departure_window=3, origin_airport_x=[ 0.0, 0.3 ], # the origin airports are randomly generated within these boundaries origin_airport_y=[0.0, 0.3], destination_airport_x=[0.7, 0.9], # same for destination airports destination_airport_y=[0.7, 0.9], fuel_reduction=0.75, negotiation_method=1, joining_method=0, alliance_ratio=0.30, manager_ratio=0.40, offer_ratio=0.80, entrance_fee=50, bid_increase=10): # ===================================================================== # Initialize parameters, the exact values will be defined later on. # ===================================================================== self.n_flights = n_flights self.n_origin_airports = n_origin_airports self.n_destination_airports = n_destination_airports = communication_range self.speed = speed self.max_speed = max_speed self.height = height self.width = width # The agents are activated in random order at each step, in a space that # has a certain width and height and that is not toroidal # (which means that edges do not wrap around) self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=["step", "advance"], shuffle=True) # This line has changed # in V9 on 13-oct. You could add additional methods to the "stage_list" if you want to do more substeps of a # negotiation within one agent step. = ContinuousSpace(width, height, False) # These are values between [0,1] that limit the boundaries of the # position of the origin- and destination airports. self.origin_airport_x = origin_airport_x self.origin_airport_y = origin_airport_y self.destination_airport_x = destination_airport_x self.destination_airport_y = destination_airport_y self.destination_agent_list = [] self.departure_window = departure_window self.fuel_reduction = fuel_reduction self.negotiation_method = negotiation_method self.joining_method = joining_method self.alliance_ratio = alliance_ratio self.manager_ratio = manager_ratio self.offer_ratio = offer_ratio self.entrance_fee = entrance_fee self.bid_increase = bid_increase self.fuel_savings_closed_deals = 0 self.total_planned_fuel = 0 self.manager_counter = 0 self.new_formation_counter = 0 self.add_to_formation_counter = 0 self.formation_counter = 0 self.agents_in_formation = 0 self.total_fuel_consumption = 0 self.alliance_fuel_consumption = 0 self.alliance_planned_fuel = 0 self.total_flight_time = 0 self.total_delay = 0 self.origin_list = [] self.destination_list = [] self.make_airports() self.make_agents() self.running = True self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporter_parameters, agent_reporter_parameters) # ========================================================================= # Create all flights, the flights are not all initialized at the same time, # but within a departure window. # ========================================================================= def make_agents(self): for i in range(self.n_flights): departure_time = self.random.uniform(0, self.departure_window) pos = self.random.choice(self.origin_list) destination_agent = self.random.choice(self.destination_agent_list) destination_pos = destination_agent.pos flight = Flight( i, self, pos, destination_agent, destination_pos, departure_time, self.speed, self.max_speed,, ), pos) self.schedule.add(flight) # ============================================================================= # Create all airports. The option "inactive_airports" gives you the # opportunity to have airports close later on in the simulation. # ============================================================================= def make_airports(self): inactive_airports = 0 for i in range(self.n_origin_airports): x = self.random.uniform( self.origin_airport_x[0], self.origin_airport_x[1]) * y = self.random.uniform( self.origin_airport_y[0], self.origin_airport_y[1]) * closure_time = 0 pos = np.array((x, y)) airport = Airport(i + self.n_flights, self, pos, "Origin", closure_time), pos) self.schedule.add( airport ) # they are only plotted if they are part of the schedule for i in range(self.n_destination_airports): x = self.random.uniform( self.destination_airport_x[0], self.destination_airport_x[1]) * y = self.random.uniform( self.destination_airport_y[0], self.destination_airport_y[1]) * if inactive_airports: closure_time = 50 inactive_airports = 0 else: closure_time = 0 pos = np.array((x, y)) airport = Airport(i + self.n_flights + self.n_origin_airports, self, pos, "Destination", closure_time), pos) self.destination_agent_list.append(airport) self.schedule.add( airport ) # agents are only plotted if they are part of the schedule # ========================================================================= # Define what happens in the model in each step. # ========================================================================= def step(self): all_arrived = True total_deal_value = 0 for agent in self.schedule.agents: if type(agent) is Flight: total_deal_value += agent.deal_value if agent.state != "arrived": all_arrived = False if all_arrived: self.running = False # This is a verification that no deal value is created or lost (total deal value # must be 0, and 0.001 is chosen here to avoid any issues with rounded numbers) if abs(total_deal_value) > 0.001: raise Exception("Deal value is {}".format(total_deal_value)) self.schedule.step() self.datacollector.collect(self)
def __init__(self, study_path='study.json'): self.gepResult = None with open(study_path) as json_file: config = json.load(json_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) #save the config with the output filename = config['parameters']['output_path'] + study_path #make sure the output_path folder exists if not os.path.exists(config['parameters']['output_path']): os.makedirs(config['parameters']['output_path']) pretty = json.dumps(config, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')) with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(pretty) outfile.close() # print(json.dumps(config['ontology'], indent=2)) self.parameters = config['parameters'] super().__init__(self.parameters['seed']) self.reproduction_report = self.reproduction_report() self.blackboard = config['blackboard'] self.ontology = config['ontology'] self.registry = registry self.emergent_functions = OrderedDict() self.emergent_functions_arity = OrderedDict() self.emergent_functions_call_number = 0 self.stochastic_pattern = re.compile(r'_stochastic\d+') self.prefix_pattern = re.compile(r'^f\d+_') pickle_config_path = config['parameters'][ 'output_path'] + 'pickles/' + 'index.p' if pickle_config_path and os.path.exists(pickle_config_path): with open(pickle_config_path, 'rb') as cachehandle: pickle_config = pickle.load(cachehandle) else: pickle_config = OrderedDict([("count", 0), ("pickles", OrderedDict())]) self.pickle_count = pickle_config[ 'count'] # contains the next number for the pickle file self.pickles = pickle_config['pickles'] self.resultTuple = () # self.cache = LRU(max_size = 512) self.cache = LRU() # Buyers gather offers by ranking those who offer to sell the product that have a price overlap. # call choose partners several times to ensure that all parts that the supply chain has a # chance to be settled in multiple trades, or offer networks have a chance to be filled. # In step the agent has a chance to put out a new message given the knowledge of purchases # made on the last round stage_list = [ 'step', 'gather_offers', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', ] self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=stage_list, shuffle=True, shuffle_between_stages=True) # Create agents # first initial agents then random agents initial_blackboard = copy.deepcopy(self.blackboard) self.blackboard = [] agent_count = 0 for i, message in enumerate(initial_blackboard): if message['type'] in self.parameters['agent_parameters']: agent_parameters = self.parameters['agent_parameters'][ message['type']] else: agent_parameters = None for _ in range(self.parameters['blackboard_agents'][i]): a = globals()[message['type']](agent_count, self, message, agent_parameters) self.schedule.add(a) agent_count += 1 for agent_type, n in self.parameters['random_agents'].items(): if agent_type in self.parameters['agent_parameters']: agent_parameters = self.parameters['agent_parameters'][ agent_type] else: agent_parameters = None for i in range(n): a = globals()[agent_type](agent_count, self, None, agent_parameters) self.schedule.add(a) agent_count += 1 print("Final line of snet sim init")
class ReputationSim(Model): def __init__(self, study_path='study.json', opened_config=False): if opened_config: config = study_path else: with open(study_path) as json_file: config = json.load(json_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) #save the config with the output self.transaction_numbers = [] transaction_number = 0 # print(json.dumps(config['ontology'], indent=2)) self.parameters = config['parameters'] super().__init__(self.parameters['seed']) self.time = #filename = self.parameters['output_path'] + 'params_' + self.parameters['param_str'] + self.time[0:10] + '.json' filename = self.parameters['output_path'] + 'params_' + self.parameters[ 'param_str'][:-1] + '.json' pretty = json.dumps(config, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')) with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(pretty) outfile.close() self.transaction_report = self.transaction_report() self.seconds_per_day = 86400 tuplist = [ (good, []) for good, chance in self.parameters["chance_of_supplying"].items() ] self.suppliers = OrderedDict(tuplist) tuplist = [(good, []) for good, chance in self.parameters["criminal_chance_of_supplying"].items()] self.criminal_suppliers = OrderedDict(tuplist) self.initial_epoch = self.get_epoch(self.parameters['initial_date']) self.final_epoch = self.get_epoch(self.parameters['final_date']) self.next_transaction = 0 self.end_tick = self.get_end_tick() self.goodness_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['goodness'])) self.fire_supplier_threshold_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['fire_supplier_threshold'])) self.forget_discount_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['forget_discount'])) self.criminal_transactions_per_day_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['criminal_transactions_per_day'])) self.transactions_per_day_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['transactions_per_day'])) self.criminal_agent_ring_size_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['criminal_agent_ring_size'])) self.open_to_new_experiences_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['open_to_new_experiences'])) self.criminal_goodness_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['criminal_goodness'])) self.rating_perception_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['rating_perception'])) self.cobb_douglas_distributions = { good: self.get_truncated_normal(*tuple(statlist)) for good, statlist in self.parameters['cobb_douglas_utilities'].items() } self.price_distributions = { good: self.get_truncated_normal(*tuple(statlist)) for good, statlist in self.parameters['prices'].items() } self.need_cycle_distributions = { good: self.get_truncated_normal(*tuple(statlist)) for good, statlist in self.parameters['need_cycle'].items() } self.criminal_need_cycle_distributions = { good: self.get_truncated_normal(*tuple(statlist)) for good, statlist in self.parameters['criminal_need_cycle'].items() } #this stage_list facilitiates ten different time periods within a day for trades stage_list = [ 'step', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners' ] self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=stage_list, shuffle=True, shuffle_between_stages=True) # Create agents agent_count = 0 if self.parameters['deterministic_mode']: num_criminals = math.ceil(self.parameters['num_users'] * self.parameters['chance_of_criminal']) # nsuppliers = {good:int(self.parameters['num_users']*chance # ) for good, chance in self.parameters['chance_of_supplying'].items()} # First get the number of suppliers that is to be had in the scenario, by adding up all of the # chances of being a supplier , and then taking the percent of the total, flooring with an int again # then create a dict for how many of each supplier there are. then, go through the agents designated # as good and assing suppliers, starting from the highest likelihood down to the lowest # these are for the good agents. The bad agents go by another algorithm of what they supply, that is # related to the price #criminal suppliers chance_of_supplier = 0 for good, chance in self.parameters[ 'criminal_chance_of_supplying'].items(): chance_of_supplier += chance num_suppliers1 = round(num_criminals * chance_of_supplier) sorted_suppliers = sorted( self.parameters['criminal_chance_of_supplying'].items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) sup_count = 0 nsuppliers = OrderedDict() for good, chance in sorted_suppliers: if sup_count < num_suppliers1: rounded = round(num_suppliers1 * chance) num_sup_this_good = rounded if rounded > 0 else 1 num_sup_this_good = min(num_sup_this_good, (num_suppliers1 - sup_count)) sup_count = sup_count + num_sup_this_good nsuppliers[good] = num_sup_this_good for good, num_suppliers in nsuppliers.items(): for _ in range(num_suppliers): a = globals()['ReputationAgent'](agent_count, self, criminal=True, supply_list=[good]) self.schedule.add(a) self.criminal_suppliers[good].append(agent_count) agent_count += 1 #criminal consumers for _ in range(num_criminals - num_suppliers1): a = globals()['ReputationAgent'](agent_count, self, criminal=True, supply_list=[]) self.schedule.add(a) agent_count += 1 #good suppliers chance_of_supplier = 0 for good, chance in self.parameters['chance_of_supplying'].items(): chance_of_supplier += chance num_suppliers1 = round( (self.parameters['num_users'] - num_criminals) * chance_of_supplier) sorted_suppliers = sorted( self.parameters['chance_of_supplying'].items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) sup_count = 0 nsuppliers = OrderedDict() for good, chance in sorted_suppliers: if sup_count < num_suppliers1: rounded = round(num_suppliers1 * chance) num_sup_this_good = rounded if rounded > 0 else 1 num_sup_this_good = min(num_sup_this_good, (num_suppliers1 - sup_count)) sup_count = sup_count + num_sup_this_good nsuppliers[good] = num_sup_this_good for good, num_suppliers in nsuppliers.items(): for _ in range(num_suppliers): a = globals()['ReputationAgent'](agent_count, self, criminal=False, supply_list=[good]) self.schedule.add(a) agent_count += 1 #good consumers for i in range(agent_count, self.parameters['num_users']): a = globals()['ReputationAgent'](agent_count, self, criminal=False, supply_list=[]) self.schedule.add(a) agent_count += 1 else: for _ in range(self.parameters['num_users']): a = globals()['ReputationAgent'](agent_count, self) self.schedule.add(a) agent_count += 1 self.print_agent_goodness() def get_end_tick(self): #final_tick = (final_epoch - initial_epoch) / (days / tick * miliseconds / day) secs = self.final_epoch - self.initial_epoch final_tick = secs / (self.parameters['days_per_tick'] * self.seconds_per_day) return final_tick def transaction_report(self): #path = self.parameters['output_path'] + 'transactions_' +self.parameters['param_str'] + self.time[0:10] + '.tsv' path = self.parameters[ 'output_path'] + 'transactions_' + self.parameters[ 'param_str'][:-1] + '.tsv' file = open(path, "w") return (file) def get_epoch(self, date_time): #date_time = '29.08.2011 11:05:02' pattern = '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S' epoch = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(date_time, pattern))) return epoch def get_next_transaction(self): if not self.transaction_numbers: self.transaction_numbers = list(range(0, 10000)) shuffle(self.transaction_numbers) self.next_transaction = self.transaction_numbers.pop() return self.next_transaction def print_transaction_report_line(self, from_agent, to_agent, payment, tags, payment_unit='', parent='', rating='', type='payment'): time = (self.schedule.time * self.parameters['days_per_tick'] * self.seconds_per_day) + self.initial_epoch time = int(time + random.uniform(0, self.seconds_per_day / 10)) network_val = self.parameters['network'] timestamp_val = time type_val = type from_val = from_agent to_val = to_agent value_val = rating if rating else payment unit_val = '' if rating else payment_unit parent_val = self.get_next_transaction() if rating else parent child_val = self.get_next_transaction() title_val = '' input_val = '' tags_val = tags format_val = '' block_val = '' parent_value_val = payment if rating else '' parent_unit_val = payment_unit if rating else '' self.transaction_report.write( "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}\t{7}\t{8}\t{9}\t{10}\t{11}\t{12}\t{13}\t{14}\t{15}\n" .format(network_val, timestamp_val, type_val, from_val, to_val, value_val, unit_val, child_val, parent_val, title_val, input_val, tags_val, format_val, block_val, parent_value_val, parent_unit_val)) #self.transaction_report.flush() def print_agent_goodness(self, userlist=[-1]): #output a list of given users, sorted by goodness. if the first item of the list is -1, then output all users #path = self.parameters['output_path'] + 'users_' + self.parameters['param_str'] + self.time[0:10] + '.tsv' path = self.parameters['output_path'] + 'users_' + self.parameters[ 'param_str'][:-1] + '.tsv' with open(path, 'w') as outfile: agents = self.schedule.agents if userlist and userlist[ 0] == -1 else userlist outlist = [(agent.unique_id, agent.goodness) for agent in agents] sorted_outlist = sorted(outlist, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) for id, goodness in sorted_outlist: outfile.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(id, goodness)) outfile.close() def get_truncated_normal(self, mean=0.5, sd=0.2, low=0, upp=1.0): rv = truncnorm((low - mean) / sd, (upp - mean) / sd, loc=mean, scale=sd) return rv def step(self): """Advance the model by one step.""" self.schedule.step() self.transaction_report.flush() def go(self): while self.schedule.time < self.get_end_tick(): self.step() self.transaction_report.close()
def __init__(self, n_agents, population_composition={'zero_information': { 'R': 1 }}, settle_type='limit', dt=1 / 252, init_rf=0.02, n_shares=1000, init_agent_wealth=1000, glob_risk_aversion=0.5, glob_loss_aversion=2.5, confidance_levels=(0.7, 3), glob_interact_rate=0.25, agent_particip_rate=1, init_price=50, init_dividend=5, dividend_freq=4, dividend_growth=0.01, dividend_vol=0.2, div_noise_sig=0.1, price_adj_speed=0.1, max_short=0.0001, max_long=0.02): super().__init__() self.running = True self.n_agents = n_agents self.population_composition = population_composition #self.glob_risk_aversion = glob_risk_aversion self.confidance_levels = confidance_levels self.glob_interact_rate = glob_interact_rate self.rf_rate = init_rf #to be controlled by a regulator agent in the future self.eta = price_adj_speed self.max_short = max_short self.max_long = max_long self.current_step = 0 self.dt = dt self.stock = Stock(ticker="STK", model=self, init_price=init_price, outstanding_shares=n_shares, init_dividend=init_dividend, dividend_freq=dividend_freq, dividend_growth=dividend_growth, dividend_vol=dividend_vol, div_noise_sig=div_noise_sig) self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, ['stage1', 'stage2', 'stage3']) self.order_book = OrderBook() self.settle_type = settle_type agent_id = 0 # if sum(population_composition[strat] for strat in population_composition) - 1.0 > 1e-06: if sum(population_composition[strat][beh] for strat in population_composition for beh in population_composition[strat]) - 1.0 > 1e-06: raise NameError( 'population_compositions elements must sum up to 1') init_shares = n_shares / n_agents for strat in population_composition: for beh in population_composition[strat]: for i in range( int(population_composition[strat][beh] * self.n_agents)): a = MarketAgent(agent_id, self, init_shares, init_agent_wealth, glob_risk_aversion, glob_loss_aversion, beh, strat, agent_particip_rate) self.schedule.add(a) agent_id += 1 while agent_id < self.n_agents: init_shares = n_shares / n_agents strat = choice(list(population_composition.keys())) beh = choice(list(population_composition[strat].keys())) a = MarketAgent(agent_id, self, init_shares, init_agent_wealth, glob_risk_aversion, glob_loss_aversion, beh, strat, agent_particip_rate) self.schedule.add(a) agent_id += 1 self.global_wealth = sum( [agent.wealth for agent in self.schedule.agents]) self.agg_sells = 0 self.agg_buys = 0 self.available_sells = 0 self.available_buys = 0 self.buy_ratio = 0 self.sell_ratio = 0 self.matched_trades = [] self.datacollector = ModDataCollector(model_reporters={ "Global Wealth": "global_wealth", "Price": "stock.price", "Return": "stock.last_return", "Vol": "stock.vol", "Skew": "stock.skew", "Kurt": "stock.kurt", "Dividend": "stock.dividend", "Agg Sells": "agg_sells", "Agg Buys": "agg_buys", "Av Sells": "available_sells", "Av Buys": "available_buys", "Buy Ratio": "buy_ratio", "Sell Ratio": "sell_ratio", "Matched Trades": "matched_trades" }, agent_reporters={ "Wealth": "wealth", "Cash": "cash", "Stock Weight": "stock_weight", "Stock Shares": "stock_shares", "Demand": "share_demand", "Target Trade": "target_shares", "Actual Trade": "trade_shares", "Price Expectation": "strategy.exp_p_d" }) = self.generate_net()
class TotC(Model): """ Main model for the tragedy of the commons """ def __init__(self, initial_herdsmen=5, initial_sheep_per_herdsmen=0, initial_edges=5, l_coop=0, l_fairself=0, l_fairother=0, l_negrecip=0, l_posrecip=0, l_conf=0): super().__init__() self.width = GRID_SIZE self.height = GRID_SIZE self.grass = [] self.herdsmen = [] self.initial_herdsmen = initial_herdsmen self.initial_sheep_per_herdsmen = initial_sheep_per_herdsmen self.sheep_survival_rate = [] self.l_coop = l_coop self.l_fairself = l_fairself self.l_fairother = l_fairother self.l_negrecip = l_negrecip self.l_posrecip = l_posrecip self.l_conf = l_conf self.G = nx.gnm_random_graph(initial_herdsmen, initial_edges) Sheep.sheepdeaths = 0 Herdsman.i = 0 Herdsman.x = np.zeros(initial_herdsmen, dtype=np.int8) self.schedule_Grass = RandomActivation(self) self.schedule_Herdsman = StagedActivation( self, stage_list=["advance", "step"], shuffle=True) self.schedule_Sheep = RandomActivation(self) self.schedule = RandomActivation(self) self.grid = MultiGrid(self.width, self.height, torus=True) # "Grass" is the number of sheep that the grass can sustain self.datacollector = DataCollector({ "Grass": lambda m: self.get_expected_grass_growth() / .5, "Sheep": lambda m: self.get_sheep_count(), "Sheep deaths": lambda m: Sheep.sheepdeaths }) self.init_population() # required for the datacollector to work self.running = True self.datacollector.collect(self) def add_herdsman(self): """ At a herdsman at a random position on the grid. """ x = random.randrange(self.width) y = random.randrange(self.height) herdsman = self.new_agent(Herdsman, (x, y)) self.herdsmen.append(herdsman) def init_grass(self): """ Initialise a patch of grass at every square on the grid. """ for agent, x, y in self.grid.coord_iter(): self.grass.append(self.new_agent(Grass, (x, y))) def init_herdsman(self): """ Spawn `initial_herdsmen' herdsmen on the field. """ for i in range(getattr(self, "initial_herdsmen")): self.add_herdsman() def init_node_attr(self): """ Assign the unique herdsman ID as attribute to graph nodes for the social network. """ N = self.get_herdsman_count() for i in range(getattr(self, "initial_herdsmen")): for j in range(getattr(self, "initial_herdsmen")): if i is not j: if nx.has_path(self.G, source=i, target=j) == True: if nx.shortest_path_length(self.G, source=i, target=j) == 1: if sum(nx.common_neighbors(self.G, i, j)) > 5: self.herdsmen[i].friendship_weights.append(1) else: self.herdsmen[i].friendship_weights.append( .75 + .05 * sum(nx.common_neighbors(self.G, i, j))) elif nx.shortest_path_length(self.G, source=i, target=j) == 1: if sum(nx.common_neighbors(self.G, i, j)) > 10: self.herdsmen[i].friendship_weights.append(1) else: self.herdsmen[i].friendship_weights.append( .5 + .05 * sum(nx.common_neighbors(self.G, i, j))) else: self.herdsmen[i].friendship_weights.append( 1 / nx.shortest_path_length( self.G, source=i, target=j)) else: self.herdsmen[i].friendship_weights.append(1 / N) def init_population(self): """ Initialise grass, herdsmen, sheep, and the social network """ self.init_grass() self.init_herdsman() self.init_node_attr() def get_expected_grass_growth(self): """ Get an estimate of the expected grass growth for the next timestep. If grass is fully grown it will return 0.0123 (the average grass growth over its lifetime. """ return sum([ grass.next_density() if grass.density < 0.99 else 0.0123 for grass in self.grass ]) def get_grass_count(self): """ Get a sum of all grass densities. """ return sum([grass.density for grass in self.grass]) def get_herdsman_count(self): return self.schedule_Herdsman.get_agent_count() def get_sheep_count(self): return self.schedule_Sheep.get_agent_count() def new_agent(self, agent_type, pos): """ Create new agent, and add it to the scheduler. """ agent = agent_type(self.next_id(), self, pos) self.grid.place_agent(agent, pos) getattr(self, f"schedule_{agent_type.__name__}").add(agent) return agent def remove_agent(self, agent): """ Remove agent from the grid and the scheduler. """ self.grid.remove_agent(agent) getattr(self, f"schedule_{type(agent).__name__}").remove(agent) def run_model(self, step_count=200): """ Runs the model for a specific amount of steps. """ for i in range(step_count): self.step() def step(self): """ Calls the step method for grass and sheep. """ self.schedule_Grass.step() a = self.get_sheep_count() self.schedule_Sheep.step() b = self.get_sheep_count() c = b / a if a > 0 else 0 self.sheep_survival_rate.append(c) self.schedule_Herdsman.step() self.schedule.step() # save statistics self.datacollector.collect(self)
class CorruptionModel(Model): """A model with population agents.""" def __init__(self, b_bar=3, b_range=1, alpha=0.5, gamma=0.5, theta=0.1, q_start=0.1, population=1000, k_bar=0.5, k_range=1): """Create the model with the following parameters: Average level of risk aversion = b_bar Range of risk aversion = b_range Proportion of income spent on vigilance = gamma Mean human capital endowment in first generation = k_bar Equality in access to human capital = theta Initial value of social corruption = q_start Population = population Number of generations = generations Range of human capital endowment: k_range""" #Set parameters self.running = True self.num_agents = population self.b_bar = b_bar self.b_range = b_range self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.theta = theta self.q = q_start self.k_bar = k_bar self.k_range = k_range self.k_min = k_bar - 0.5 * k_range self.k_max = k_bar + 0.5 * k_range self.S = alpha * (k_bar * population) self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=["corrupt", "procreate"]) self.running = True #Create agents for i in range(self.num_agents): a = CorruptionAgent(i, self) self.schedule.add(a) #Add data to report self.datacollector = DataCollector( model_reporters={ "Total capital": total_capital, "Corruption Index": corruption_index, "National Income": national_income }, agent_reporters={"Dishonesty": lambda a: a.p}) def step(self): ''' Advance the model by one step. Do this in two stages: In first stage, corrupt, then report data and update model parameters. In second stage, breed and die.''' for stage in self.schedule.stage_list: for agent in self.schedule.agents[:]: getattr(agent, stage)() if stage == "corrupt": self.q = corruption_index(self) self.datacollector.collect(self) self.y_min, self.y_max = min_max_income(self) #self.k_min, self.k_max = min_max_capital(self) self.K = total_capital(self) self.S = social_capital(self)
def __init__( self, num_agents=10, num_sick=1, infection_chance=0.1, incubation_period=[2, 6], presypmtomatic_infectious_period=[0, 3], infectious_period=[5, 10], percent_asymptomatic=0, immunity_percent=1, percent_employed_small=0.5, perecent_employed_medium=0.25, percent_employed_large=0.25, family_size=[0, 8], random_contact_mean=5, random_contact_sd=2, contact_trace_percent=0.75, false_positive_rate=0.1, false_negative_rate=0.1, percent_tested_per_day=0.01, turn_around_time=2, ): super().__init__() self.num_agents = num_agents # self.schedule = RandomActivation(self) self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=["move", "infect", "test"]) # self.grid = MultiGrid(width=width, height=height, torus=False) # get workplaces self.infection_chance = infection_chance self.incubation = incubation_period self.infectious_period = infectious_period self.infection_chance = infection_chance self.incubation_period = incubation_period self.presypmtomatic_infectious_period = presypmtomatic_infectious_period self.percent_asymptomatic = percent_asymptomatic self.immunity_percent = immunity_percent self.percent_employed_small = percent_employed_small self.perecent_employed_medium = perecent_employed_medium self.percent_employed_large = percent_employed_large self.family_size = family_size self.random_contact_mean = random_contact_mean self.random_contact_sd = random_contact_sd self.contact_trace_percent = contact_trace_percent self.false_positive_rate = false_positive_rate self.false_negative_rate = false_negative_rate self.percent_tested_per_day = percent_tested_per_day self.turn_around_time = turn_around_time # num_classrooms = math.ceil(num_agents / max_class_size) # for i in range(1, num_classrooms + 1): # self.class_dict[i] = { # "students": [], # "count": 0, # "infected": False, # } random_contacts = np.random.normal( self.random_contact_mean, self.random_contact_sd, self.num_agents ) family_dict = {} # people still available to be in a family. if this gets to 0, remaining # agents will have no family members (should be at end only) family_available = self.num_agents non_family = set(range(1, self.num_agents, 1)) for i in range(self.num_agents): agent = Contact_Trace_Agent(i, self) agent.random_contacts = max(math.floor(random_contacts[i]), 0) if family_available <= 0: print(f"agent {i} has no one left to be in their family") # if you're in a family already, that's your family, if not generate one if agent.unique_id in family_dict: = family_dict[agent.unique_id] else: family_size = min( family_available, random.randrange(self.family_size[0], self.family_size[1] + 1, 1,), ) family_list = [] # grab random id in range of num_agents, if that person is not in a # family already, add them to list, repeat until the family is the # right size family_counter = 0 while family_counter < family_size: person = random.randrange(0, self.num_agents, 1,) if person not in family_dict: family_list.append(person) family_counter += 1 # now that we have the list of family members, assingn them all # to the family for f in family_list: family_dict[f] = family_list # assign the agent's family list = family_list # remove these people from family_available family_available += -family_size agent.random_people = list(non_family - set( if num_sick > 0: agent.sick = True agent.pre_infectious = True agent.state = "pre_infectious" agent.incubation = random.randrange( self.incubation[0], self.incubation[1] + 1, 1 ) agent.infectious_period = random.randrange( self.infectious_period[0], (self.infectious_period[1]) + 1, 1, ) num_sick += -1 # job_asigned = False # while not dining_asigned: # dining_option = random.choice(list(self.dining_dict.keys())) # if self.dining_dict[dining_option]["count"] < max_dining: # agent.dining = dining_option # self.dining_dict[dining_option]["count"] += 1 # dining_asigned = True # break # else: # continue self.schedule.add(agent) self.running = True # self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporters={"Number Sick": num_sick}) self.datacollector = DataCollector( model_reporters={ "Percent Ever Sick": percent_sick, "Number Infectious": num_infectious, "Tested and Quarantined": quarantined, } )
class FestivalModel(Model): def __init__(self, num_party: int = 20, num_guard: int = 5, num_trouble: int = 5, num_celeb: int = 5, num_hippie: int = 20, learning=True, pareto_fight=False, pareto=False, lucia=False): super().__init__() self.num_agents = num_party + num_guard + num_trouble + num_celeb + num_hippie self.num_party = num_party self.num_guard = num_guard self.num_trouble = num_trouble self.num_celeb = num_celeb self.num_hippie = num_hippie self.pareto = pareto self.pareto_fight = pareto_fight self.lucia = lucia self.schedule = StagedActivation( self, ['send_proposes', 'process_proposes', 'step', 'die']) = ContinuousSpace(100, 100, False) self.datacollector = DataCollector( model_reporters={ "Alive agents": lambda model: model.schedule.get_agent_count(), "Mean happiness": lambda model: np.mean([ a.happiness for a in filter(lambda x: x.type == 'guest', model.schedule.agents) ]), "Mean fullness": lambda model: np.mean([ a.fullness for a in filter(lambda x: x.type == 'guest', model.schedule.agents) ]) }) for i in range(self.num_party): x, y = np.random.rand(2) * 100 a_ = PartyPerson('Party%d' % i, self, (x, y), learning) self.schedule.add(a_), (x, y)) for i in range(self.num_guard): x, y = np.random.rand(2) * 100 a_ = Guard('Guard%d' % i, self, (x, y), learning) self.schedule.add(a_), (x, y)) for i in range(self.num_trouble): x, y = np.random.rand(2) * 100 a_ = Troublemaker('Trouble%d' % i, self, (x, y), learning) self.schedule.add(a_), (x, y)) for i in range(self.num_celeb): x, y = np.random.rand(2) * 100 a_ = Celebrity('Celeb%d' % i, self, (x, y), learning) self.schedule.add(a_), (x, y)) for i in range(self.num_hippie): x, y = np.random.rand(2) * 100 a_ = Hippie('Hippie%d' % i, self, (x, y), learning) self.schedule.add(a_), (x, y)) for x, y in ((x, y) for x in [40, 60] for y in [40, 60]): s_ = Store('StoreX%dY%d' % (x, y), self, (x, y)) self.schedule.add(s_), (x, y)) for x, y in ((x, y) for x in [20, 80] for y in [20, 80]): s_ = Stage('StageX%dY%d' % (x, y), self, (x, y)) self.schedule.add(s_), (x, y)) if lucia: x, y = 0, 0 a_ = Lucia('Lucia%d' % i, self, (x, y), learning) self.schedule.add(a_), (x, y)) def step(self): self.datacollector.collect(self) self.schedule.step() def fight(self, agent1: Guest, agent2: Guest): assert self == agent1.model == agent2.model, "Can't fight between other festival's guests" buffers = {agent1: 0., agent2: 0.} buffers_joy = {agent1: 0., agent2: 0.} for agent in (agent1, agent2): if agent.role == 'troublemaker': buffers[agent] += 1 else: buffers[agent] -= 3 if self.pareto_fight: p1 = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] p2 = [0.04, 0.16, 0.16, 0.64] index = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, 4), p=p1 if self.pareto else p2) store = [(0, 0), (0.2, -0.7), (-0.7, 0.2), (-0.5, -0.5)] select = store[index] buffers_joy[agent] += select[ 0] if agent.role == 'troublemaker' else select[1] buffers[agent] += agent.tastes['fight'] buffers[agent] += 0.5 * random.random() - 0.25 for agent in (agent1, agent2): agent.happiness += buffers[agent] if self.pareto_fight: agent.enjoyment += buffers_joy[agent] agent1.learn((agent2.role, 'fight'), buffers[agent1]) agent2.learn((agent1.role, 'fight'), buffers[agent2]) print("A fight is happening") def party(self, agent1: Guest, agent2: Guest): assert self == agent1.model == agent2.model buffers = {agent1: 0., agent2: 0.} for agent in (agent1, agent2): if agent.role == 'party': buffers[agent] += 1 if agent.role == 'guard': buffers[agent] -= 3 buffers[agent] += agent.tastes['party'] buffers[agent] += 0.5 * random.random() - 0.25 for agent in (agent1, agent2): agent.happiness += buffers[agent] agent1.learn((agent2.role, 'party'), buffers[agent1]) agent2.learn((agent1.role, 'party'), buffers[agent2]) print("A party is happening") def calm(self, agent1: Guest, agent2: Guest): # Incorporate this in fight? assert self == agent1.model == agent2.model assert agent1.role == 'guard' or agent2.role == 'guard', "This interaction is forbidden" buffers = {agent1: 0., agent2: 0.} if agent1.role == 'guard': guard = agent1 guest = agent2 elif agent2.role == 'guard': guard = agent2 guest = agent1 else: guard = None guest = None print( "This interaction should not be happening, we don't have a guard involved" ) return if guest.role == 'troublemaker': buffers[guard] += 1 buffers[guest] -= 1 else: buffers[guard] -= 2 buffers[guest] -= 2 for agent in (agent1, agent2): agent.happiness += buffers[agent] agent1.learn((agent2.role, 'calm'), buffers[agent1]) agent2.learn((agent1.role, 'calm'), buffers[agent2]) print("Calming is happening") def selfie(self, agent1: Guest, agent2: Guest): assert self == agent1.model == agent2.model buffers = {agent1: 0, agent2: 0} if agent1.role == 'celebrity': celeb = agent1 guest = agent2 elif agent2.role == 'celebrity': celeb = agent2 guest = agent1 else: print("No celeb in selfie") return if guest.role == 'troublemaker': self.fight(celeb, guest) return elif guest.role == 'guard': buffers[celeb] += 1 buffers[guest] -= 1 else: buffers[celeb] += 1 buffers[guest] += 1 for agent in (celeb, guest): buffers[agent] += agent.tastes['selfie'] buffers[agent] += 0.5 * random.random() - 0.25 for agent in (agent1, agent2): agent.happiness += buffers[agent] agent1.learn((agent2.role, 'selfie'), buffers[agent1]) agent2.learn((agent1.role, 'selfie'), buffers[agent2]) print("Selfie is happening") def smoke(self, agent1: Guest, agent2: Guest): assert self == agent1.model == agent2.model buffers = {agent1: 0., agent2: 0.} if agent1.role == 'hippie': hippie = agent1 guest = agent2 elif agent2.role == 'hippie': hippie = agent2 guest = agent1 else: print("No hippie in smoking") return if guest.role == 'hippie': buffers[hippie] += 2 buffers[guest] += 2 elif guest.role == 'celebrity': buffers[hippie] += 1 buffers[guest] -= 2 elif guest.role == 'guard': buffers[hippie] -= 2 buffers[guest] += 1 else: buffers[hippie] += 1 buffers[guest] += 0.5 for agent in (hippie, guest): buffers[agent] += agent.tastes['smoke'] buffers[agent] += 0.5 * random.random() - 0.25 for agent in (agent1, agent2): agent.happiness += buffers[agent] agent1.learn((agent2.role, 'smoke'), buffers[agent1]) agent2.learn((agent1.role, 'smoke'), buffers[agent2]) print("Smoking is happening") def blessing(self, agent1: Guest, agent2: Guest): assert self == agent1.model == agent2.model buffers = {agent1: 0., agent2: 0.} if agent1.role == 'lucia': lucia = agent1 guest = agent2 elif agent2.role == 'lucia': lucia = agent2 guest = agent1 else: print("No hippie in smoking") return buffers[lucia] += 0.5 buffers[guest] += 0.5 for agent in (lucia, guest): buffers[agent] += agent.tastes['blessing'] buffers[agent] += 0.5 * random.random() - 0.25 for agent in (agent1, agent2): agent.happiness += buffers[agent] agent1.learn((agent2.role, 'blessing'), buffers[agent1]) agent2.learn((agent1.role, 'blessing'), buffers[agent2]) print("blessing is happening")
def __init__( self, n_flights=2, n_origin_airports=2, n_destination_airports=2, width=1500, # [km] height=1500, speed=0.220, #[km/second] communication_range=1000, #[km] departure_window=3, origin_airport_x=[ 0.0, 0.3 ], # the origin airports are randomly generated within these boundaries origin_airport_y=[0.0, 0.3], destination_airport_x=[0.7, 0.9], # same for destination airports destination_airport_y=[0.7, 0.9], fuel_reduction=0.75, negotiation_method=0): # ===================================================================== # Initialize parameters, the exact values will be defined later on. # ===================================================================== self.n_flights = n_flights self.n_origin_airports = n_origin_airports self.n_destination_airports = n_destination_airports = communication_range self.speed = speed # The agents are activated in random order at each step, in a space that # has a certain width and height and that is not toroidal # (which means that edges do not wrap around) self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=["step", "advance"], shuffle=True) = ContinuousSpace(width, height, False) # These are values between [0,1] that limit the boundaries of the # position of the origin- and destination airports. self.origin_airport_x = origin_airport_x self.origin_airport_y = origin_airport_y self.destination_airport_x = destination_airport_x self.destination_airport_y = destination_airport_y self.destination_agent_list = [] self.departure_window = departure_window self.fuel_reduction = fuel_reduction self.negotiation_method = negotiation_method self.fuel_savings_closed_deals = 0 self.total_planned_fuel = 0 self.new_formation_counter = 0 self.add_to_formation_counter = 0 self.total_fuel_consumption = 0 self.total_flight_time = 0 self.alliance_saved_fuel = 0 # In format {'manager': agent, 'n agents in formation': n} self.formation_list = [] self.n_formation_list = [0] # How many agents won auctions self.n_auctions_won = 0 self.total_auction_value = 0 self.origin_list = [] self.destination_list = [] self.make_airports() self.make_agents() self.running = True self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporter_parameters, agent_reporter_parameters) self.iter_step = 0
class SnetSim(Model): def __init__(self, study_path='study.json'): self.gepResult = None with open(study_path) as json_file: config = json.load(json_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) #save the config with the output filename = config['parameters']['output_path'] + study_path #make sure the output_path folder exists if not os.path.exists(config['parameters']['output_path']): os.makedirs(config['parameters']['output_path']) pretty = json.dumps(config, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')) with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(pretty) outfile.close() # print(json.dumps(config['ontology'], indent=2)) self.parameters = config['parameters'] super().__init__(self.parameters['seed']) self.reproduction_report = self.reproduction_report() self.blackboard = config['blackboard'] self.ontology = config['ontology'] self.registry = registry self.emergent_functions = OrderedDict() self.emergent_functions_arity = OrderedDict() self.emergent_functions_call_number = 0 self.stochastic_pattern = re.compile(r'_stochastic\d+') self.prefix_pattern = re.compile(r'^f\d+_') pickle_config_path = config['parameters'][ 'output_path'] + 'pickles/' + 'index.p' if pickle_config_path and os.path.exists(pickle_config_path): with open(pickle_config_path, 'rb') as cachehandle: pickle_config = pickle.load(cachehandle) else: pickle_config = OrderedDict([("count", 0), ("pickles", OrderedDict())]) self.pickle_count = pickle_config[ 'count'] # contains the next number for the pickle file self.pickles = pickle_config['pickles'] self.resultTuple = () # self.cache = LRU(max_size = 512) self.cache = LRU() # Buyers gather offers by ranking those who offer to sell the product that have a price overlap. # call choose partners several times to ensure that all parts that the supply chain has a # chance to be settled in multiple trades, or offer networks have a chance to be filled. # In step the agent has a chance to put out a new message given the knowledge of purchases # made on the last round stage_list = [ 'step', 'gather_offers', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', ] self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=stage_list, shuffle=True, shuffle_between_stages=True) # Create agents # first initial agents then random agents initial_blackboard = copy.deepcopy(self.blackboard) self.blackboard = [] agent_count = 0 for i, message in enumerate(initial_blackboard): if message['type'] in self.parameters['agent_parameters']: agent_parameters = self.parameters['agent_parameters'][ message['type']] else: agent_parameters = None for _ in range(self.parameters['blackboard_agents'][i]): a = globals()[message['type']](agent_count, self, message, agent_parameters) self.schedule.add(a) agent_count += 1 for agent_type, n in self.parameters['random_agents'].items(): if agent_type in self.parameters['agent_parameters']: agent_parameters = self.parameters['agent_parameters'][ agent_type] else: agent_parameters = None for i in range(n): a = globals()[agent_type](agent_count, self, None, agent_parameters) self.schedule.add(a) agent_count += 1 print("Final line of snet sim init") def remove_suffix(self, func_name): cut_tuple = func_name if (func_name): stochastic_suffix = if (stochastic_suffix): stochastic_suffix = cut_tuple = func_name[:-len(stochastic_suffix)] return cut_tuple @cachedmethod('cache') @pickleThis def memoise_pickle(self, tuple_key): result = None try: cut_tuple = self.remove_suffix(tuple_key[0]) if len(self.resultTuple) and cut_tuple: result = self.registry[cut_tuple](*self.resultTuple)() else: result = self.registry[cut_tuple]() except IOError as e: print("I/O error({0})".format(e)) except ValueError as e: print("ValueError({0})".format(e)) except AttributeError as e: print("AttributeError({0})".format(e)) except TypeError as e: print("TypeError({0})".format(e)) except RuntimeError as e: print("RuntimeError({0})".format(e)) except IndexError as e: print("IndexError({0})".format(e)) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise return result def remove_prefix(self, func_name): cut_tuple = func_name if (func_name): call_number_prefix = if (call_number_prefix): call_number_prefix = cut_tuple = func_name[len(call_number_prefix):] return cut_tuple def get_call_prefix(self, func_name): call_prefix = None if (func_name): call_number_prefix = if (call_number_prefix): call_prefix = return call_prefix def call_emergent_function(self, gep_result, root): print("SnetSim calling emergent function with root {0} : {1}".format( root, gep_result)) self.gepResult = copy.deepcopy(gep_result) func_tuple = self.call_memoise_pickle(root) print("SnetSim called emergent function with root {0} with result {1}". format(root, func_tuple)) return func_tuple def call_memoise_pickle(self, root): # right now, self.emergentfunctions looks like: # f1: a,b,f2,c,d # f2: e,d,f3,f,g # f3: h,i,j # #You should go through the original problem that you had in the modulargep.txt file in the singularitynet directory #its going to be a matter of creating a registry for a functionlist on the fly from the real registry I think. result = None func_tuple = (None, None) if root: result_list = [] func_list = [] # argTuple = () if root in self.gepResult: args = self.gepResult[root] # argTuple = tuple(args) for arg in args: temp_func_tuple, temp_result = self.call_memoise_pickle( arg) result_list.append(temp_result) func_list.append(temp_func_tuple) carried_back = tuple(func_list) strip_prefix = self.remove_prefix(root) func_tuple = (strip_prefix, carried_back) self.resultTuple = tuple( result_list ) # You have to set a global to memoise and pickle correctly if strip_prefix is not None: result = self.memoise_pickle(func_tuple) return func_tuple, result def reproduction_report(self): file = None path = self.parameters['output_path'] + 'reproduction_report.csv' file = open(path, "w") file.write( "time;agent;label;utility;agi_tokens;buyer_score;seller_score;sign_displayed;bought_items\n" ) return file def print_reproduction_report_line(self, agent, utility, bought_items): a = self.schedule.time b = agent.unique_id c = agent.message['label'] d = utility e = agent.agiTokens f = agent.max_buyer_score g = agent.max_seller_score h = agent.message['sign'] i = bought_items self.reproduction_report.write( "{0};{1};{2};{3};{4};{5};{6};{7};{8}\n".format( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)) self.reproduction_report.flush() def print_logs(self): filename = self.parameters['output_path'] + "logs/log" + str( self.schedule.time) + ".txt" pretty = json.dumps(self.blackboard, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')) with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(pretty) outfile.close() #json.dump(self.blackboard, outfile) pickle_config_path = self.parameters[ 'output_path'] + 'pickles/' + 'index.p' pickle_config = OrderedDict([('count', self.pickle_count), ('pickles', self.pickles)]) with open(pickle_config_path, 'wb') as outfile: pickle.dump(pickle_config, outfile) outfile.close() def visualize(self): # todo: visualize changes in price and test score and relative wealth pass def step(self): """Advance the model by one step.""" print("IN SnetSim step, time " + str(self.schedule.time)) self.print_logs() # self.visualize() after learning agents are implemented self.schedule.step() def go(self): for i in range(self.parameters['max_iterations']): print("iteration " + str(i)) self.step()
def __init__(self, study_path='study.json', opened_config=False): if opened_config: config = study_path else: with open(study_path) as json_file: config = json.load(json_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) #save the config with the output self.transaction_numbers = [] transaction_number = 0 # print(json.dumps(config['ontology'], indent=2)) self.parameters = config['parameters'] super().__init__(self.parameters['seed']) self.time = #filename = self.parameters['output_path'] + 'params_' + self.parameters['param_str'] + self.time[0:10] + '.json' filename = self.parameters['output_path'] + 'params_' + self.parameters[ 'param_str'][:-1] + '.json' pretty = json.dumps(config, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')) with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(pretty) outfile.close() self.transaction_report = self.transaction_report() self.seconds_per_day = 86400 tuplist = [ (good, []) for good, chance in self.parameters["chance_of_supplying"].items() ] self.suppliers = OrderedDict(tuplist) tuplist = [(good, []) for good, chance in self.parameters["criminal_chance_of_supplying"].items()] self.criminal_suppliers = OrderedDict(tuplist) self.initial_epoch = self.get_epoch(self.parameters['initial_date']) self.final_epoch = self.get_epoch(self.parameters['final_date']) self.next_transaction = 0 self.end_tick = self.get_end_tick() self.goodness_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['goodness'])) self.fire_supplier_threshold_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['fire_supplier_threshold'])) self.forget_discount_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['forget_discount'])) self.criminal_transactions_per_day_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['criminal_transactions_per_day'])) self.transactions_per_day_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['transactions_per_day'])) self.criminal_agent_ring_size_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['criminal_agent_ring_size'])) self.open_to_new_experiences_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['open_to_new_experiences'])) self.criminal_goodness_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['criminal_goodness'])) self.rating_perception_distribution = self.get_truncated_normal( *tuple(self.parameters['rating_perception'])) self.cobb_douglas_distributions = { good: self.get_truncated_normal(*tuple(statlist)) for good, statlist in self.parameters['cobb_douglas_utilities'].items() } self.price_distributions = { good: self.get_truncated_normal(*tuple(statlist)) for good, statlist in self.parameters['prices'].items() } self.need_cycle_distributions = { good: self.get_truncated_normal(*tuple(statlist)) for good, statlist in self.parameters['need_cycle'].items() } self.criminal_need_cycle_distributions = { good: self.get_truncated_normal(*tuple(statlist)) for good, statlist in self.parameters['criminal_need_cycle'].items() } #this stage_list facilitiates ten different time periods within a day for trades stage_list = [ 'step', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners', 'choose_partners' ] self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=stage_list, shuffle=True, shuffle_between_stages=True) # Create agents agent_count = 0 if self.parameters['deterministic_mode']: num_criminals = math.ceil(self.parameters['num_users'] * self.parameters['chance_of_criminal']) # nsuppliers = {good:int(self.parameters['num_users']*chance # ) for good, chance in self.parameters['chance_of_supplying'].items()} # First get the number of suppliers that is to be had in the scenario, by adding up all of the # chances of being a supplier , and then taking the percent of the total, flooring with an int again # then create a dict for how many of each supplier there are. then, go through the agents designated # as good and assing suppliers, starting from the highest likelihood down to the lowest # these are for the good agents. The bad agents go by another algorithm of what they supply, that is # related to the price #criminal suppliers chance_of_supplier = 0 for good, chance in self.parameters[ 'criminal_chance_of_supplying'].items(): chance_of_supplier += chance num_suppliers1 = round(num_criminals * chance_of_supplier) sorted_suppliers = sorted( self.parameters['criminal_chance_of_supplying'].items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) sup_count = 0 nsuppliers = OrderedDict() for good, chance in sorted_suppliers: if sup_count < num_suppliers1: rounded = round(num_suppliers1 * chance) num_sup_this_good = rounded if rounded > 0 else 1 num_sup_this_good = min(num_sup_this_good, (num_suppliers1 - sup_count)) sup_count = sup_count + num_sup_this_good nsuppliers[good] = num_sup_this_good for good, num_suppliers in nsuppliers.items(): for _ in range(num_suppliers): a = globals()['ReputationAgent'](agent_count, self, criminal=True, supply_list=[good]) self.schedule.add(a) self.criminal_suppliers[good].append(agent_count) agent_count += 1 #criminal consumers for _ in range(num_criminals - num_suppliers1): a = globals()['ReputationAgent'](agent_count, self, criminal=True, supply_list=[]) self.schedule.add(a) agent_count += 1 #good suppliers chance_of_supplier = 0 for good, chance in self.parameters['chance_of_supplying'].items(): chance_of_supplier += chance num_suppliers1 = round( (self.parameters['num_users'] - num_criminals) * chance_of_supplier) sorted_suppliers = sorted( self.parameters['chance_of_supplying'].items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) sup_count = 0 nsuppliers = OrderedDict() for good, chance in sorted_suppliers: if sup_count < num_suppliers1: rounded = round(num_suppliers1 * chance) num_sup_this_good = rounded if rounded > 0 else 1 num_sup_this_good = min(num_sup_this_good, (num_suppliers1 - sup_count)) sup_count = sup_count + num_sup_this_good nsuppliers[good] = num_sup_this_good for good, num_suppliers in nsuppliers.items(): for _ in range(num_suppliers): a = globals()['ReputationAgent'](agent_count, self, criminal=False, supply_list=[good]) self.schedule.add(a) agent_count += 1 #good consumers for i in range(agent_count, self.parameters['num_users']): a = globals()['ReputationAgent'](agent_count, self, criminal=False, supply_list=[]) self.schedule.add(a) agent_count += 1 else: for _ in range(self.parameters['num_users']): a = globals()['ReputationAgent'](agent_count, self) self.schedule.add(a) agent_count += 1 self.print_agent_goodness()
def __init__(self, db_connection, N=100, width=100, height=100, school_x_pos=50, school_y_pos=50): """Makes the new model Arguments ========= - N - number of agents, default: 100 - width - the width of grid, default: 100 - height - height of grid, default: 100 """ self.num_agents = N model_stages = ["stage_one", "stage_two"] self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, model_stages, True) self.restaurants = get_all_restaurants(db_connection) self.school_x_pos = school_x_pos self.school_y_pos = school_y_pos self.decay = 0.2 # this is true when the weather is good, false otherwise self.good_weather = True for i in range(0, self.num_agents): id = i model = self # Generate weather weight as Normal distribution # Mean - 0.5. SD - 0.25 weather_weight = np.random.normal(0.5, 0.25) # Generate likelihood to eat out as Normal distribution # Mean - 0.5. SD - 0.25 likelihood_to_eat_out = np.random.normal(0.5, 0.25) likelihood_to_eat_out_weight = 1.0 # Randomizes likability for each restaurant restaurant_likability = {} for restaurant in self.restaurants: restaurant_name = restaurant[0] restaurant_likability[restaurant_name] = np.random.normal( 0.5, 0.25) restaurant_likability_weight = 1.0 # Previous visit values previous_visits = {} for restaurant in self.restaurants: restaurant_name = restaurant[0] previous_visits[restaurant_name] = 0 previous_visit_weight = 1.0 home_x_pos = np.random.uniform(0, width) home_y_pos = np.random.uniform(0, height) distance_weight = np.random.normal(-0.5, 0.25) agent = HometimeAgent( id, model, weather_weight, likelihood_to_eat_out, likelihood_to_eat_out_weight, restaurant_likability, restaurant_likability_weight, previous_visits, previous_visit_weight, home_x_pos, home_y_pos, distance_weight) self.schedule.add(agent) self.running = True self.datacollector = DataCollector( agent_reporters={"Last Choice": "last_choice"}, model_reporters={"Good weather": "good_weather"})
class CityModel(Model): def __init__(self, N=2, PassengerPooling=.5, PassengerPopulation=.2, PassengerBlocks={}, width=20, height=10, city_map=[], roads={}, city_blocks=[], routes={}): super().__init__() self.N = N # num of cabs self.grid = MultiGrid(width, height, torus=False) model_stages = ['stage_1', 'stage_2', 'stage_3', 'stage_4', 'step'] self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, model_stages, shuffle=True) self.roads = roads self.routes = routes self.passenger_blocks = PassengerBlocks self.unique_id_counter = 0 self.city_blocks = city_blocks self.passenger_population = PassengerPopulation self.passenger_pooling = PassengerPooling self.max_seats = 3 #Bidding properties self.current_bidding_results = {} self.all_biddings = {} self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporters={ "Normal Passenger": get_average_time_normal_passenger, "Pooling Passenger": get_average_time_pooling_passenger, "Average": get_average_time_all_passenger, "Cars carpooling": get_count_cars_carpooling, "Cars not carpooling": get_count_cars_not_carpooling, "Empty cars": get_count_cars_empty, "Passengers Travelling (not pooling)": get_count_passengers_not_pooling_travelling, "Passengers Travelling (pooling)": get_count_passengers_pooling_travelling, "Passengers Travelling": get_count_passengers_travelling, "Overtravelled (in percentage)": get_average_perc_over_travelled_pool_passengers}) self.fill_blocks_agents() self.make_taxi_agents() self.addPassengers() self.running = True self.datacollector.collect(self) def clear_biddings(self): self.current_bidding_results = None self.all_biddings = {} def update_winners(self): #Check if it is the first time being called if (self.current_bidding_results == None): self.current_bidding_results = {} if (len(self.all_biddings) == 0): return passenger_assignment = {} number_of_cabs_bidding = len(self.all_biddings) first_cab = next(iter(self.all_biddings.keys())) passengers_being_bidded = set() for cab in self.all_biddings.keys(): for psg in self.all_biddings[cab].keys(): passengers_being_bidded.add(psg) number_of_passengers = len(passengers_being_bidded) while(len(passenger_assignment) < number_of_cabs_bidding and len(passenger_assignment) < number_of_passengers): passengers_all_distances = {} passenger_assignment_temp = {} for cab in self.all_biddings.keys(): if (cab not in passenger_assignment.values()): for psg in passengers_being_bidded: if (psg not in passenger_assignment.keys()): cab_bidding_for_this_pass = psg in self.all_biddings[cab].keys() if(cab_bidding_for_this_pass): pass_dist = self.all_biddings[cab][psg] else: pass_dist = math.inf if(psg not in passengers_all_distances or passengers_all_distances[psg] > pass_dist): passengers_all_distances[psg] = pass_dist passenger_assignment_temp[psg] = cab if cab_bidding_for_this_pass else None #order the passengers by the distance to the closest cab passengers_all_distances = sorted(passengers_all_distances.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1]) #get the passenger who has the closest cab passenger = passengers_all_distances[0][0] #get the cab cab = passenger_assignment_temp[passenger] passenger_assignment[passenger] = cab self.current_bidding_results = passenger_assignment def bid(self, cab, passengers_offers): self.all_biddings[cab] = passengers_offers def fill_blocks_agents(self): for block in self.city_blocks: agent = Grass(self.unique_id_counter, self, block[0], block[1]) self.schedule.add(agent) self.grid.place_agent(agent, block[0]) self.unique_id_counter = self.unique_id_counter + 1 def make_taxi_agents(self): r = random.SystemRandom() for _ in range(self.N): possible_places = list(self.roads.keys()) r.shuffle(possible_places) pos = possible_places[0] agent = Cab(self.unique_id_counter, self, pos, (1, 0)) self.schedule.add(agent) self.grid.place_agent(agent, pos) self.unique_id_counter = self.unique_id_counter + 1 def step(self): self.addPassengers() self.clear_biddings() self.schedule.step() self.datacollector.collect(self) def addPassengers(self): passengers_waiting = [agent.pos for agent in self.schedule.agents if isinstance(agent, Passenger)] free_spot = list(set(self.passenger_blocks.keys()) - set(passengers_waiting)) r = random.SystemRandom() r.shuffle(free_spot) destinations = set(self.passenger_blocks.keys()) while(len(free_spot)> 0 and \ (len(passengers_waiting)/len(self.passenger_blocks) < self.passenger_population)): pos = free_spot.pop(0) possible_destinations = list(destinations - set([pos])) destination = self.random.choice(possible_destinations) #Just to find another position wich has a road block different from # the current passenger while(self.passenger_blocks[destination] == self.passenger_blocks[pos]): destination = self.random.choice(possible_destinations) isCarPooler = random.random() < self.passenger_pooling passenger = Passenger(self.unique_id_counter, self, pos, self.passenger_blocks[destination], self.passenger_blocks[pos], isCarPooler) self.schedule.add(passenger) self.grid.place_agent(passenger, pos) self.unique_id_counter = self.unique_id_counter + 1 passengers_waiting.append(pos)
def __init__( self, n_flights=2, n_origin_airports=2, n_destination_airports=2, width=1500, # [km] height=1500, speed=0.220, #[km/second] max_speed=0.500, communication_range=1000, #[km] departure_window=3, origin_airport_x=[ 0.0, 0.3 ], # the origin airports are randomly generated within these boundaries origin_airport_y=[0.0, 0.3], destination_airport_x=[0.7, 0.9], # same for destination airports destination_airport_y=[0.7, 0.9], fuel_reduction=0.75, negotiation_method=1, joining_method=0, alliance_ratio=0.30, manager_ratio=0.40, offer_ratio=0.80, entrance_fee=50, bid_increase=10): # ===================================================================== # Initialize parameters, the exact values will be defined later on. # ===================================================================== self.n_flights = n_flights self.n_origin_airports = n_origin_airports self.n_destination_airports = n_destination_airports = communication_range self.speed = speed self.max_speed = max_speed self.height = height self.width = width # The agents are activated in random order at each step, in a space that # has a certain width and height and that is not toroidal # (which means that edges do not wrap around) self.schedule = StagedActivation(self, stage_list=["step", "advance"], shuffle=True) # This line has changed # in V9 on 13-oct. You could add additional methods to the "stage_list" if you want to do more substeps of a # negotiation within one agent step. = ContinuousSpace(width, height, False) # These are values between [0,1] that limit the boundaries of the # position of the origin- and destination airports. self.origin_airport_x = origin_airport_x self.origin_airport_y = origin_airport_y self.destination_airport_x = destination_airport_x self.destination_airport_y = destination_airport_y self.destination_agent_list = [] self.departure_window = departure_window self.fuel_reduction = fuel_reduction self.negotiation_method = negotiation_method self.joining_method = joining_method self.alliance_ratio = alliance_ratio self.manager_ratio = manager_ratio self.offer_ratio = offer_ratio self.entrance_fee = entrance_fee self.bid_increase = bid_increase self.fuel_savings_closed_deals = 0 self.total_planned_fuel = 0 self.manager_counter = 0 self.new_formation_counter = 0 self.add_to_formation_counter = 0 self.formation_counter = 0 self.agents_in_formation = 0 self.total_fuel_consumption = 0 self.alliance_fuel_consumption = 0 self.alliance_planned_fuel = 0 self.total_flight_time = 0 self.total_delay = 0 self.origin_list = [] self.destination_list = [] self.make_airports() self.make_agents() self.running = True self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporter_parameters, agent_reporter_parameters)
def __init__(self, num_party: int = 20, num_guard: int = 5, num_trouble: int = 5, num_celeb: int = 5, num_hippie: int = 20, learning=True, pareto_fight=False, pareto=False, lucia=False): super().__init__() self.num_agents = num_party + num_guard + num_trouble + num_celeb + num_hippie self.num_party = num_party self.num_guard = num_guard self.num_trouble = num_trouble self.num_celeb = num_celeb self.num_hippie = num_hippie self.pareto = pareto self.pareto_fight = pareto_fight self.lucia = lucia self.schedule = StagedActivation( self, ['send_proposes', 'process_proposes', 'step', 'die']) = ContinuousSpace(100, 100, False) self.datacollector = DataCollector( model_reporters={ "Alive agents": lambda model: model.schedule.get_agent_count(), "Mean happiness": lambda model: np.mean([ a.happiness for a in filter(lambda x: x.type == 'guest', model.schedule.agents) ]), "Mean fullness": lambda model: np.mean([ a.fullness for a in filter(lambda x: x.type == 'guest', model.schedule.agents) ]) }) for i in range(self.num_party): x, y = np.random.rand(2) * 100 a_ = PartyPerson('Party%d' % i, self, (x, y), learning) self.schedule.add(a_), (x, y)) for i in range(self.num_guard): x, y = np.random.rand(2) * 100 a_ = Guard('Guard%d' % i, self, (x, y), learning) self.schedule.add(a_), (x, y)) for i in range(self.num_trouble): x, y = np.random.rand(2) * 100 a_ = Troublemaker('Trouble%d' % i, self, (x, y), learning) self.schedule.add(a_), (x, y)) for i in range(self.num_celeb): x, y = np.random.rand(2) * 100 a_ = Celebrity('Celeb%d' % i, self, (x, y), learning) self.schedule.add(a_), (x, y)) for i in range(self.num_hippie): x, y = np.random.rand(2) * 100 a_ = Hippie('Hippie%d' % i, self, (x, y), learning) self.schedule.add(a_), (x, y)) for x, y in ((x, y) for x in [40, 60] for y in [40, 60]): s_ = Store('StoreX%dY%d' % (x, y), self, (x, y)) self.schedule.add(s_), (x, y)) for x, y in ((x, y) for x in [20, 80] for y in [20, 80]): s_ = Stage('StageX%dY%d' % (x, y), self, (x, y)) self.schedule.add(s_), (x, y)) if lucia: x, y = 0, 0 a_ = Lucia('Lucia%d' % i, self, (x, y), learning) self.schedule.add(a_), (x, y))