コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, nodeType, position=None, parent=None, **kwargs):
        super(Node, self).__init__(nodeType, position, parent, **kwargs)

        if not self.nodeDesc:
            raise UnknownNodeTypeError(nodeType)

        self.packageName = self.nodeDesc.packageName
        self.packageVersion = self.nodeDesc.packageVersion
        self._internalFolder = self.nodeDesc.internalFolder

        for attrDesc in self.nodeDesc.inputs:
            self._attributes.add(attributeFactory(attrDesc, None, False, self))

        for attrDesc in self.nodeDesc.outputs:
            self._attributes.add(attributeFactory(attrDesc, None, True, self))

        # List attributes per uid
        for attr in self._attributes:
            for uidIndex in attr.attributeDesc.uid:

        # initialize attribute values
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            attr = self.attribute(k)
            if attr.isInput:
                self.attribute(k).value = v
コード例 #2
    def _addAttribute(self, name, val, isOutput):
        Add a new attribute on this node.

            name (str): the name of the attribute
            val: the attribute's value
            isOutput: whether the attribute is an output

            bool: whether the attribute exists in the node description
        attrDesc = None
        if self.nodeDesc:
            refAttrs = self.nodeDesc.outputs if isOutput else self.nodeDesc.inputs
            attrDesc = CompatibilityNode.attributeDescFromName(refAttrs, name, val)
        matchDesc = attrDesc is not None
        if not matchDesc:
            attrDesc = CompatibilityNode.attributeDescFromValue(name, val, isOutput)
        attribute = attributeFactory(attrDesc, val, isOutput, self)
        return matchDesc