コード例 #1
def _create_offspring( breeders ):
    stock = breeders[:]
    kids = []
    random.shuffle( stock )
    print "Making babies"
    i = 0
    while i < len(stock) - 1:
        parents = stock[i], stock[i+1]
        print "  Parents %s and %s" % ( parents[0].identifier, parents[1].identifier )
        for k in range(4):
            mom = parents[ k % 2 ]
            dad = parents[ (k + 1) % 2 ]
            kid = copy.deepcopy(mom)
            kid.age = 0
            kid.game_activations = 0
            kid.total_activations = 0
            kid.identifier = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10))
            kid.strength = (mom.strength + dad.strength ) / 2
            kid.specifity = 0
            mutation_chance = random.random()
            for j,cond in enumerate(kid.conditions):
                if ( j < len ( dad.conditions ) ):
                    division1 = random.randrange( 1, len(Message.game_msg_def) )
                    division2 = random.randrange( 1, len(Message.game_msg_def) )
                    l = 0
                    while ( l < len( Message.game_msg_def ) ):
                        if ( l > division1 and l < division1 + division2 ):
                            cond[l] = dad.conditions[j][l]
                        if ( cond[l] != None ):
                            kid.specifity += 6 - len( cond[l] )
                        l += 1
                # Chance of mutation
                if ( mutation_chance < 0.01 / len(kid.conditions) + j * 0.02 / len(kid.conditions)
                    and mutation_chance > 0.02 / len(kid.conditions) * j ):
                    index = random.randrange( len( Message.game_msg_def ) )
                    if ( cond[index] == None ):
                        cond[index] = random.sample(xrange(6),5)
                        kid.specifity += 1
                    elif ( len(cond[index]) == 1 ):
                            choices = [ x for x in range(6) if not x in cond[index] ]
                            cond[index].append( random.choice( choices ) )
                            kid.specifity -= 1
                        if ( random.random() > 0.5 ):
                            del cond[index][random.randrange(len(cond[index]))]
                            kid.specifity += 1
                            choices = [ x for x in range(6) if not x in cond[index] ]
                            if ( choices ):
                                cond[index].append( random.choice( choices ) )
                                cond[index] = None
                            kid.specifity -= 1
                elif ( mutation_chance < 0.02 / len(kid.conditions) + j * 0.02 / len(kid.conditions)
                    and mutation_chance > 0.02 / len(kid.conditions) * j ):
                    index = random.randrange( len( Message.game_msg_def ) )
                    swap_index = index
                    while ( index == swap_index ):
                        swap_index = random.randrange( len( Message.game_msg_def ) )
                    tmp = cond[index]
                    cond[index] = cond[swap_index]
                    cond[swap_index] = tmp
            # Chance of mutation of output
            if ( mutation_chance < 0.04 and mutation_chance > 0.02 ):
                msg, act = kid.output
                if ( mutation_chance < 0.03 and mutation_chance > 0.02 ):
                    if ( random.random() < 0.1 ):
                        msg = Message()
                        msg = None
                elif ( mutation_chance < 0.04 and mutation_chance > 0.02 ):
                    act = random.choice(['Heal','Mine','Attack','Wait'])
                kid.output = msg, act
            print "    %s and %s Made %s." % (mom.identifier, dad.identifier, kid.identifier )
            #print kid
            kids.append( kid )
        i += 2
    return kids
コード例 #2
    def _create_classifier(self, message = None):
        """Create a new classifier that optionally matches a message"""
        c = Classifier()
        min_specifity = 10
        total_str = 0
        if self.classifiers:
            for classify in self.classifiers:
                total_str += classify.strength
            average_str = total_str / len(self.classifiers)
            c.strength = average_str
            c.strength = 100

        # Set condition(s)
        elements = range(len(Message.game_msg_index))
        elements_specifity = [ random.randint(1,5) for x in xrange(len(Message.game_msg_index))]
        c.specifity = 0

        # Create the condition
        for i,value in enumerate(elements):
            c.specifity += 6 - elements_specifity[i]
            c.conditions[0][value] = \
                random.sample(xrange(0,5),elements_specifity[i] )

            # Ensure message's value is in the condition
            if ( message != None ):
                if ( message.status[value] not in c.conditions[0][value] ):
                    c.conditions[0][value][0] = message.status[value]


            # Stop adding to the condition sometime after you have > min_specifity
            if ( c.specifity > min_specifity ):
                if ( random.random() < float(i) / float(len(Message.game_msg_index) ) ):
            if ( random.random() < 0.01 and c.specifity < min_specifity * 0.3 ):
                c.conditions.append( [ None ] * len( Message.game_msg_index) )

        if ( len(c.conditions) == 2 ):
            elements = range(len(Message.game_msg_index))
            elements_specifity = [ random.randint(1,5) for x in xrange(len(Message.game_msg_index))]
            # Create the condition
            for i,value in enumerate(elements):
                c.specifity += 6 - elements_specifity[i]
                c.conditions[1][value] = \
                    random.sample(xrange(0,5),elements_specifity[i] )

                # Ensure message's value is in the condition
                if ( message != None ):
                    if ( message.status[value] not in c.conditions[1][value] ):
                        c.conditions[1][value][0] = message.status[value]


                # Stop adding to the condition sometime after you have > min_specifity
                if ( c.specifity > min_specifity ):
                    if ( random.random() < float(i) / float(len(Message.game_msg_index) ) ):
                if ( random.random() < 0.01 and c.specifity < min_specifity * 0.3 ):
                    c.conditions.append( [ None ] * len( Message.game_msg_index) )

        # Set output
        output_message = Message()
        output_message.emitter = c
        c.output = output_message, random.choice(['Heal','Mine','Attack','Wait'])
        return c