def test_config_jsonschema(self): """ test a working config schema """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) schemas = {'config': 'config.json'} adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) in_msg = json.loads( msg = adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) assert msg["config"]["inlinestr"] == 'prefixbarsuffix'
def test_input_jsonschema(self): """ test a working input schema """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) schemas = {'input': 'input.json'} adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) in_msg = json.loads( in_msg["payload"] = {"hello": "world"} msg = adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) assert msg["input"]["hello"] == "world"
def test_output_jsonschema(self): """ test a working output schema """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) schemas = { 'output': 'output.json' } adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) in_msg = json.loads( msg = adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) messageConfig = msg.get('messageConfig') handler_response = { "goodbye": "world" } result = adapter.createNextEvent(handler_response, in_msg, messageConfig) assert result["payload"]["goodbye"] == "world"
def test_failing_input_jsonschema(self): """ test a failing input schema """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) schemas = {'input': 'input.json'} adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) in_msg = json.loads( in_msg["payload"] = {"hello": 1} try: adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) except ValidationError as e: assert e.message == "input schema: 1 is not of type u'string'" pass
def test_failing_config_jsonschema(self): """ test a failing input schema """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) schemas = { 'config': 'config.json' } adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) in_msg = json.loads( in_msg["workflow_config"]["Example"]["boolean_option"] = '{{$.meta.boolean_option}}' in_msg["meta"]["boolean_option"] = "notgoingtowork" try: adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) except ValidationError as e: assert e.message == "config schema: 'notgoingtowork' is not of type u'boolean'" pass
def test_failing_output_jsonschema(self): """ test a working output schema """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) schemas = { 'output': 'output.json' } adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) in_msg = json.loads( msg = adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) messageConfig = msg.get('messageConfig') handler_response = { "goodbye": 1 } try: adapter.createNextEvent(handler_response, in_msg, messageConfig,) except ValidationError as e: assert e.message == "output schema: 1 is not of type u'string'" pass
# use input with both python 2 & 3 try: import __builtin__ input = getattr(__builtin__, 'raw_input') except (ImportError, AttributeError): pass if __name__ == '__main__': functionName = sys.argv[1] allInput = json.loads(input()) if 'schemas' in allInput: schemas = allInput['schemas'] else: schemas = None transformer = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) exitCode = 1 event = allInput['event'] try: if (functionName == 'loadRemoteEvent'): result = transformer.loadRemoteEvent(event) elif (functionName == 'loadNestedEvent'): context = allInput['context'] result = transformer.loadNestedEvent(event, context) elif (functionName == 'createNextEvent'): handlerResponse = allInput['handler_response'] if 'message_config' in allInput: messageConfig = allInput['message_config'] else: messageConfig = None
class Test(unittest.TestCase): """ Test class """ s3_object = {'input': ':blue_whale:'} bucket_name = 'testing-internal' key_name = 'blue_whale-event.json' event_with_replace = {'replace': {'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Key': key_name}} event_without_replace = {'input': ':baby_whale:'} test_uuid = 'aad93279-95d4-4ada-8c43-aa5823f8bbbc' next_event_object_key_name = "events/{0}".format(test_uuid) s3 = aws.s3() cumulus_message_adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter() test_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'examples/messages') schemas_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'examples/schemas') os.environ["LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT"] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'examples') def setUp(self): self.nested_response = {'input': {'dataLocation': 's3://source.jpg'}} self.s3.Bucket(self.bucket_name).create() self.s3.Object(self.bucket_name, self.key_name).put(Body=json.dumps(self.s3_object)) def tearDown(self): delete_objects_object = { 'Objects': [{ 'Key': self.key_name }, { 'Key': self.next_event_object_key_name }] } self.s3.Bucket( self.bucket_name).delete_objects(Delete=delete_objects_object) self.s3.Bucket(self.bucket_name).delete() # loadRemoteEvent tests def test_returns_remote_s3_object(self): """ Test remote s3 event is returned when 'replace' key is present """ result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.loadRemoteEvent( self.event_with_replace) assert result == self.s3_object def test_returns_event(self): """ Test event argument is returned when 'replace' key is not present """ result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.loadRemoteEvent( self.event_without_replace) assert result == self.event_without_replace # loadNestedEvent tests def test_returns_loadNestedEvent_local(self): """ Test returns 'config', 'input' and 'messageConfig' in expected format - 'input' in return value is from 'payload' in first argument object - 'config' in return value is the task ($.cumulus_meta.task) configuration with 'cumulus_message' excluded - 'messageConfig' in return value is the cumulus_message.input of the task configuration """ nested_event_local = { "workflow_config": { "Example": { "bar": "baz", "cumulus_message": { "input": "{{$.payload.input}}", "outputs": [{ "source": "{{$.input.anykey}}", "destination": "{{$.payload.out}}" }] } } }, "cumulus_meta": { "task": "Example", "message_source": "local", "id": "id-1234" }, "meta": { "foo": "bar" }, "payload": { "input": { "anykey": "anyvalue" } } } nested_event_local_return = { 'input': { 'anykey': 'anyvalue' }, 'config': { 'bar': 'baz' }, 'messageConfig': { 'input': '{{$.payload.input}}', 'outputs': [{ 'source': '{{$.input.anykey}}', 'destination': '{{$.payload.out}}' }] } } result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.loadNestedEvent( nested_event_local, {}) assert result == nested_event_local_return # assignOutputs tests def test_result_payload_without_config(self): """ Test nestedResponse is returned when no config argument is passed """ result = self.cumulus_message_adapter._message_adapter__assignOutputs( # pylint: disable=no-member self.nested_response, {}, None) assert result['payload'] == self.nested_response def test_result_payload_without_config_outputs(self): """ Test nestedResponse is returned when config has no outputs key/value """ message_config_without_outputs = {} result = self.cumulus_message_adapter._message_adapter__assignOutputs( # pylint: disable=no-member self.nested_response, {}, message_config_without_outputs) assert result['payload'] == self.nested_response def test_result_payload_with_simple_config_outputs(self): """ Test payload value is updated when messageConfig contains outputs templates """ # messageConfig objects message_config_with_simple_outputs = { 'outputs': [{ 'source': '{{$.input.dataLocation}}', 'destination': '{{$.payload}}' }] } result = self.cumulus_message_adapter._message_adapter__assignOutputs( # pylint: disable=no-member self.nested_response, {}, message_config_with_simple_outputs) assert result['payload'] == 's3://source.jpg' def test_result_payload_with_nested_config_outputs(self): """ Test nested payload value is updated when messageConfig contains outputs templates with child nodes """ message_config_with_nested_outputs = { 'outputs': [{ 'source': '{{$.input.dataLocation}}', 'destination': '{{$.payload.dataLocation}}' }] } result = self.cumulus_message_adapter._message_adapter__assignOutputs( # pylint: disable=no-member self.nested_response, {}, message_config_with_nested_outputs) assert result['payload'] == {'dataLocation': 's3://source.jpg'} # createNextEvent tests def test_with_replace(self): """ Test 'replace' key is deleted from value returned from createNextEvent """ result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.createNextEvent( self.nested_response, self.event_with_replace, None) assert 'replace' not in result def test_small_result_returns_event(self): """ Test return result is the event result when it's not too big """ result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.createNextEvent( self.nested_response, self.event_without_replace, None) expected_result = { 'input': ':baby_whale:', 'exception': 'None', 'payload': { 'input': { 'dataLocation': 's3://source.jpg' } } } assert result == expected_result @patch.object(cumulus_message_adapter, 'MAX_NON_S3_PAYLOAD_SIZE', 1) @patch('uuid.uuid4') def test_big_result_stored_remotely(self, uuid_mock): """ Test remote event is stored in S3 and return value points to remote location with 'replace' key/value """ event_with_ingest = { 'cumulus_meta': { 'workflow': 'testing', "system_bucket": self.bucket_name } } uuid_mock.return_value = self.test_uuid create_next_event_result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.createNextEvent( self.nested_response, event_with_ingest, None) expected_create_next_event_result = { 'cumulus_meta': { 'workflow': 'testing', 'system_bucket': self.bucket_name }, 'replace': { 'Bucket': self.bucket_name, 'Key': self.next_event_object_key_name } } remote_event = self.s3.Object(self.bucket_name, self.next_event_object_key_name).get() remote_event_object = json.loads( remote_event['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')) expected_remote_event_object = { 'cumulus_meta': { 'workflow': 'testing', 'system_bucket': self.bucket_name }, 'exception': 'None', 'payload': { 'input': { 'dataLocation': 's3://source.jpg' } } } assert remote_event_object == expected_remote_event_object assert create_next_event_result == expected_create_next_event_result def test_basic(self): """ test basic.input.json """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'basic.input.json')) out = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'basic.output.json')) in_msg = json.loads( out_msg = json.loads( msg = self.cumulus_message_adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) messageConfig = msg.get('messageConfig') if 'messageConfig' in msg: del msg['messageConfig'] result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.createNextEvent( msg, in_msg, messageConfig) assert result == out_msg def test_jsonpath(self): """ test jsonpath.input.json """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'jsonpath.input.json')) out = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'jsonpath.output.json')) in_msg = json.loads( out_msg = json.loads( msg = self.cumulus_message_adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) messageConfig = msg.get('messageConfig') if 'messageConfig' in msg: del msg['messageConfig'] result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.createNextEvent( msg, in_msg, messageConfig) assert result == out_msg def test_meta(self): """ test meta.input.json """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'meta.input.json')) out = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'meta.output.json')) in_msg = json.loads( out_msg = json.loads( msg = self.cumulus_message_adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) messageConfig = msg.get('messageConfig') if 'messageConfig' in msg: del msg['messageConfig'] result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.createNextEvent( msg, in_msg, messageConfig) assert result == out_msg def test_remote(self): """ test remote.input.json """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'remote.input.json')) out = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'remote.output.json')) in_msg = json.loads( out_msg = json.loads( bucket_name = in_msg['replace']['Bucket'] key_name = in_msg['replace']['Key'] data_filename = os.path.join(self.test_folder, key_name) with open(data_filename, 'r') as f: datasource = json.load(f) self.s3.Bucket(bucket_name).create() self.s3.Object(bucket_name, key_name).put(Body=json.dumps(datasource)) remoteEvent = self.cumulus_message_adapter.loadRemoteEvent(in_msg) msg = self.cumulus_message_adapter.loadNestedEvent(remoteEvent, {}) messageConfig = msg.get('messageConfig') if 'messageConfig' in msg: del msg['messageConfig'] result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.createNextEvent( msg, remoteEvent, messageConfig) delete_objects_object = {'Objects': [{'Key': key_name}]} self.s3.Bucket(bucket_name).delete_objects( Delete=delete_objects_object) self.s3.Bucket(bucket_name).delete() assert result == out_msg @patch.object(cumulus_message_adapter, '_message_adapter__getCurrentSfnTask', return_value="Example") def test_sfn(self, getCurrentSfnTask_function): """ test sfn.input.json """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'sfn.input.json')) out = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'sfn.output.json')) in_msg = json.loads( out_msg = json.loads( msg = self.cumulus_message_adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) messageConfig = msg.get('messageConfig') if 'messageConfig' in msg: del msg['messageConfig'] result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.createNextEvent( msg, in_msg, messageConfig) assert result == out_msg @patch.object(cumulus_message_adapter, '_message_adapter__getCurrentSfnTask', return_value="Example") def test_inline_template(self, getCurrentSfnTask_function): """ test inline_template.input.json """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'inline_template.input.json')) out = open( os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'inline_template.output.json')) in_msg = json.loads( out_msg = json.loads( msg = self.cumulus_message_adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) messageConfig = msg.get('messageConfig') if 'messageConfig' in msg: del msg['messageConfig'] result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.createNextEvent( msg, in_msg, messageConfig) assert result == out_msg def test_templates(self): """ test templates.input.json """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) out = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.output.json')) in_msg = json.loads( out_msg = json.loads( msg = self.cumulus_message_adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) messageConfig = msg.get('messageConfig') if 'messageConfig' in msg: del msg['messageConfig'] result = self.cumulus_message_adapter.createNextEvent( msg, in_msg, messageConfig) assert result == out_msg def test_input_jsonschema(self): """ test a working input schema """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) schemas = {'input': 'input.json'} adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) in_msg = json.loads( in_msg["payload"] = {"hello": "world"} msg = adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) assert msg["input"]["hello"] == "world" def test_failing_input_jsonschema(self): """ test a failing input schema """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) schemas = {'input': 'input.json'} adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) in_msg = json.loads( in_msg["payload"] = {"hello": 1} try: adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) except ValidationError as e: assert e.message == "input schema: 1 is not of type u'string'" pass def test_config_jsonschema(self): """ test a working config schema """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) schemas = {'config': 'config.json'} adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) in_msg = json.loads( msg = adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) assert msg["config"]["inlinestr"] == 'prefixbarsuffix' def test_failing_config_jsonschema(self): """ test a failing input schema """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) schemas = {'config': 'config.json'} adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) in_msg = json.loads( in_msg["workflow_config"]["Example"][ "boolean_option"] = '{{$.meta.boolean_option}}' in_msg["meta"]["boolean_option"] = "notgoingtowork" try: adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) except ValidationError as e: assert e.message == "config schema: 'notgoingtowork' is not of type u'boolean'" pass def test_output_jsonschema(self): """ test a working output schema """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) schemas = {'output': 'output.json'} adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) in_msg = json.loads( msg = adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) messageConfig = msg.get('messageConfig') handler_response = {"goodbye": "world"} result = adapter.createNextEvent(handler_response, in_msg, messageConfig) assert result["payload"]["goodbye"] == "world" def test_failing_output_jsonschema(self): """ test a working output schema """ inp = open(os.path.join(self.test_folder, 'templates.input.json')) schemas = {'output': 'output.json'} adapter = message_adapter.message_adapter(schemas) in_msg = json.loads( msg = adapter.loadNestedEvent(in_msg, {}) messageConfig = msg.get('messageConfig') handler_response = {"goodbye": 1} try: adapter.createNextEvent( handler_response, in_msg, messageConfig, ) except ValidationError as e: assert e.message == "output schema: 1 is not of type u'string'" pass