コード例 #1
ファイル: test_topic_api.py プロジェクト: 3taps/MessageMe
    def test_create(self):
        """ Test topics/create.
        # Create a dummy user for testing, and log in.

        username = utils.random_username()
        password = utils.random_password()

        user    = users.create(username=username, password=password)
        session = users.login(username=username, password=password)

        # Create a new topic without a name.  The topic API should allocate a
        # random name for this topic.

        topic = topics.create(session)

        self.assertTrue(topic['user_id'] == user['id'])
        self.assertTrue(topic['name'] not in [None, ""])
        self.assertTrue(topic['active'] == True)
        self.assertTrue(topic['default'] == False)
        self.assertTrue(topic['num_views'] == 0)
        self.assertTrue(topic['num_conversations'] == 0)

        # Create a named topic.

        topic = topics.create(session, topic_name="bike")

        self.assertTrue(topic['name'] == "bike")

        # Finally, make sure we can't create a second topic with the same name.

        with self.assertRaises(DuplicateTopicNameException):
            topic = topics.create(session, topic_name="bike")
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_topic_api.py プロジェクト: 3taps/MessageMe
    def test_update(self):
        """ Test topics/update.
        # Create a dummy user for testing, log in, and create a topic.

        username = utils.random_username()
        password = utils.random_password()

        user    = users.create(username=username, password=password)
        session = users.login(username=username, password=password)
        topic   = topics.create(session)

        # Try updating the topic.

        updated_topic = topics.update(session, topic['id'],
                                      name="bike", active=False)

        self.assertEqual(updated_topic['name'],    "bike")
        self.assertEqual(updated_topic['active'],  False)

        # Finally, log in as a second user and make sure we can't update the
        # topic for the first user.

        username = utils.random_username()
        password = utils.random_password()

        user    = users.create(username=username, password=password)
        session = users.login(username=username, password=password)

        with self.assertRaises(UnauthorizedException):
            updated_topic = topics.update(session, topic['id'], name="car")
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_topic_api.py プロジェクト: 3taps/MessageMe
    def test_increment_num_views(self):
        """ Test topics/increment_num_views.
        # Create a dummy user for testing, log in, and create a topic.

        username = utils.random_username()
        password = utils.random_password()

        user     = users.create(username=username, password=password)
        session  = users.login(username=username, password=password)
        topic_id = topics.create(session)['id']

        topic = Topic.objects.get(id=topic_id)
        self.assertEqual(topic.num_views, 0)


        topic = Topic.objects.get(id=topic_id)
        self.assertEqual(topic.num_views, 1)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_topic_api.py プロジェクト: 3taps/MessageMe
    def test_list(self):
        """ Test topics/list.
        # Create a dummy user for testing, log in, and create a randomly-named
        # topic for that user.

        username = utils.random_username()
        password = utils.random_password()

        user    = users.create(username=username, password=password)
        session = users.login(username=username, password=password)
        topic   = topics.create(session)

        # Get the list of topics for this user.

        topic_list = topics.list(session)

        # Finally, check that we have two topics: the default one, and the one
        # we created.

        self.assertTrue(len(topic_list) == 2)
コード例 #5
    def test_close_old_conversations(self):
        """ Test the "close_old_conversations" management command.
        # Create three random users for testing.

        username_1 = utils.random_username()
        password_1 = utils.random_password()
        user_1     = users.create(username=username_1, password=password_1)

        username_2 = utils.random_username()
        password_2 = utils.random_password()
        user_2     = users.create(username=username_2, password=password_2)

        username_3 = utils.random_username()
        password_3 = utils.random_password()
        user_3     = users.create(username=username_3, password=password_3)

        # Create a dummy topic for user 1.

        session = users.login(username=username_1, password=password_1)
        topic = topics.create(session)

        # Create a conversation between user 2 and user 1, about the dummy
        # topic.  This conversation will have a message twelve days old, and a
        # second message just two days old.

        conversation_1 = Conversation()
        conversation_1.user_1_id = user_1['id']
        conversation_1.user_2_id = user_2['id']
        conversation_1.stopped   = False
        conversation_1.topic_id  = topic['id']

        message = Message()
        message.conversation = conversation_1
        message.sender_id    = user_2['id']
        message.body         = "The quick brown fox"
        message.created_at   = datetime.datetime.utcnow() \
                             - datetime.timedelta(days=12)
        message.updated_at   = message.created_at

        message = Message()
        message.conversation = conversation_1
        message.sender_id    = user_1['id']
        message.body         = "jumps over the lazy dog"
        message.created_at   = datetime.datetime.utcnow() \
                             - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
        message.updated_at   = message.created_at

        # Create a second conversation between user 3 and user 1.  This
        # conversation will have a message five days old.

        conversation_2 = Conversation()
        conversation_2.user_1_id = user_1['id']
        conversation_2.user_2_id = user_3['id']
        conversation_2.stopped   = False
        conversation_2.topic_id  = topic['id']

        message = Message()
        message.conversation = conversation_2
        message.sender_id    = user_3['id']
        message.body         = "Hello world"
        message.created_at   = datetime.datetime.utcnow() \
                             - datetime.timedelta(days=5)
        message.updated_at   = message.created_at

        # We've now set up the data.  Call our management command to close all
        # conversations older than ten days.

        call_command("close_old_conversations", 10, silent=True)

        # Finally, check that the first conversation has been closed, but the
        # second has not.

        conversation_1 = Conversation.objects.get(id=conversation_1.id)
        conversation_2 = Conversation.objects.get(id=conversation_2.id)

        self.assertEqual(conversation_1.stopped, True)
        self.assertEqual(conversation_2.stopped, False)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_message_api.py プロジェクト: 3taps/MessageMe
    def test_send(self):
        """ Test messages/send.
        # Create the sender and recipient users, giving the recipient a phone
        # number so it can receive messages.

        sender_username = utils.random_username()
        sender_password = utils.random_password()

        sender = users.create(username=sender_username,

        recipient_username = utils.random_username()
        recipient_password = utils.random_password()

        recipient = users.create(username=recipient_username,

        # Verify the recipient's phone number.

        recipient_obj = User.objects.get(id=recipient['id'])
        recipient_obj.verified = True

        # Log in as the recipient, and create a dummy topic for this user.

        session = users.login(username=recipient_username,

        topic = topics.create(session, topic_name=None)

        # Set up a signal listener to check that the message is being sent via
        # Twilio.

        self.twilio_messages = []

        def twilio_signal_handler(sender, **kwargs):


        # Set up a signal listener to check that the message is being sent via
        # PubNub.

        self.pubnub_notification_sent = False # initially.
        self.pubnub_message           = None  # ditto.

        def pubnub_signal_handler(sender, **kwargs):
            self.pubnub_notification_sent = True
            self.pubnub_message           = kwargs.get("message")


        # Log in as the sender, and send a test message to the topic.  Note
        # that we disable Twilio and PubNub so no actual notifications will get
        # sent out.

        session = users.login(username=sender_username,

        with self.settings(ENABLE_TWILIO=False, ENABLE_PUBNUB=False):
            message = messages.send(session, topic_id=topic['id'],

        # Check that the Twilio gateway sent the message.

        self.assertEqual(len(self.twilio_messages), 1)

        # Check that the PubNub gateway sent the notification.

        self.assertEqual(self.pubnub_message.body, MESSAGE_BODY)

        # Finally, clean everything up.

コード例 #7
ファイル: test_message_api.py プロジェクト: 3taps/MessageMe
    def test_stop_via_sms(self):
        """ Test the stopping of a conversation via sms message.
        # Create two users, giving them a phone number so they can receive
        # messages.

        username_1 = utils.random_username()
        password_1 = utils.random_password()

        username_2 = utils.random_username()
        password_2 = utils.random_password()

        user_1 = users.create(username=username_1,

        user_2 = users.create(username=username_2,

        # Verify both phone numbers.

        user = User.objects.get(id=user_1['id'])
        user.verified = True

        user = User.objects.get(id=user_2['id'])
        user.verified = True

        # Log in as user 2, and create a dummy topic for this user.

        session = users.login(username=username_2,

        topic = topics.create(session, topic_name=None)

        # Log in as user 1, and send a test message to the topic.  This
        # creates a conversation between the two users.

        session = users.login(username=username_1,

        with self.settings(ENABLE_TWILIO=False, ENABLE_PUBNUB=False):
            message = messages.send(session, topic_id=topic['id'],

        # Get the created conversation.

        conversation = conversationHandler.get(user_1['id'],

        # Set up a signal listener to check that the "conversation has stopped"
        # messages were sent out.

        self.twilio_sms_messages = []

        def twilio_signal_handler(sender, **kwargs):


        # Ask the twilio gateway to calculate the phone number to use for
        # sending SMS messages to user 2.  This opens up an SMS channel for the
        # conversation we're pretending to have.

        sending_phone_number = \
            twilio_gateway.calc_sending_phone_number(conversation, user_2)

        # Simulate an incoming SMS reply being received from user 2, containing
        # the word "stop".  Note that we disable Twilio and PubNub so that
        # nothing will actually get sent out.

        with self.settings(ENABLE_TWILIO=False, ENABLE_PUBNUB=False):
            response = messages.receive(To=sending_phone_number,

        # Check that the Twilio gateway sent the "conversation has been
        # stopped" message to both parties.

        self.assertEqual(len(twilio_sms_messages), 2)

        # Finally, clean everything up.

コード例 #8
ファイル: test_message_api.py プロジェクト: 3taps/MessageMe
    def test_receive(self):
        """ Test messages/receive.
        # Create the two users we'll need for our test.

        user_1_username = utils.random_username()
        user_1_password = utils.random_password()

        user_1_id = users.create(username=user_1_username,

        user_2_id = users.create(phone_number=PHONE_NUMBER_2)['id']

        user_1 = User.objects.get(id=user_1_id)
        user_2 = User.objects.get(id=user_2_id)

        # Verify user 1's phone number, so that replies will be forwarded to
        # that number.

        user_1.verified = True

        # Log in as user 1, and create a topic for this user.  We'll need this
        # topic for our pseudo-conversation.

        session = users.login(username=user_1_username,

        topic_id = topics.create(session, topic_name=None)['id']

        topic = Topic.objects.get(id=topic_id)

        # Create our pseudo-conversation.

        conversation = Conversation()
        conversation.user_1 = user_1
        conversation.user_2 = user_2
        conversation.topic  = topic

        # Ask the twilio gateway to calculate the phone number to use for
        # sending SMS messages to user 2.  This opens up an SMS channel for the
        # conversation we're pretending to have.

        sending_phone_number = \
            twilio_gateway.calc_sending_phone_number(conversation, user_2)

        # Set up a signal listener to check that the reply was forwarded via
        # Twilio.

        self.twilio_messages = []

        def twilio_signal_handler(sender, **kwargs):


        # Set up a signal listener to check that the reply was forwarded via
        # PubNub.

        self.pubnub_notification_sent = False # initially.
        self.pubnub_message           = None  # ditto.

        def pubnub_signal_handler(sender, **kwargs):
            self.pubnub_notification_sent = True
            self.pubnub_message           = kwargs.get("message")


        # Simulate an incoming SMS reply being received from user 2.  Note that
        # we disable Twilio and PubNub so that the SMS reply isn't actually
        # sent out to the original sender.

        with self.settings(ENABLE_TWILIO=False, ENABLE_PUBNUB=False):
            response = messages.receive(To=sending_phone_number,

        # Check that the response is what we expect.

        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
        self.assertEqual(response['Content-Type'], "text/xml")

        # Check that the Twilio gateway sent the message.

        if len(self.twilio_messages) == 0:
            # Whoops!  The reply wasn't forwarded, which means that something
            # went seriously wrong.  Print out the response so we can see the
            # XML message sent back to Twilio.
            print "Error response sent to Twilio:"
            print response.content
            self.fail("Reply not forwarded -> something went wrong.")

        # Check that the PubNub gateway sent the notification.

        self.assertEqual(self.pubnub_message.body, REPLY_BODY)
        self.assertEqual(self.pubnub_message.conversation.topic.id, topic_id)

        # Finally, clean everything up.
