コード例 #1
 def test_good_set_before_init_no_hit(self, random_dt, database, new_config):
     """Trying to set, overwrite everything from input."""
     exp = Experiment(new_config['name'])
     assert exp._init_done is True
     found_config = list(database.experiments.find({'name': 'supernaekei',
                                                    'metadata.user': '******'}))
     assert len(found_config) == 1
     _id = found_config[0].pop('_id')
     assert _id != 'fasdfasfa'
     assert exp._id == _id
     new_config['refers'] = None
     new_config['status'] = 'pending'
     new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['done'] = False
     new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['judgement'] = None
     new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['scoring'] = 0
     new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['suspend'] = False
     new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['value'] = 5
     assert found_config[0] == new_config
     assert exp.name == new_config['name']
     assert exp.refers is None
     assert exp.metadata == new_config['metadata']
     assert exp.pool_size == new_config['pool_size']
     assert exp.max_trials == new_config['max_trials']
     assert exp.status == new_config['status']
コード例 #2
 def test_inconsistent_3_set_before_init_no_hit(self, random_dt, new_config):
     """Test inconsistent configuration because of datetime."""
     exp = Experiment(new_config['name'])
     new_config['metadata']['datetime'] = 123
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
     assert 'inconsistent' in str(exc_info.value)
コード例 #3
 def test_reserve_none(self):
     """Find nothing, return None."""
         Database(of_type='MongoDB', name='metaopt_test',
                  username='******', password='******')
     except (TypeError, ValueError):
     exp = Experiment('supernaekei')
     trial = exp.reserve_trial()
     assert trial is None
コード例 #4
def test_workon(database):
    """Test scenario having a configured experiment already setup."""
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
    experiment = Experiment('voila_voici')
    config = experiment.configuration
    config['algorithms'] = {'gradient_descent': {'learning_rate': 0.1}}
    config['pool_size'] = 1
    config['max_trials'] = 100
    config['metadata']['user_script'] = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "black_box.py"))
    config['metadata']['user_args'] = ["-x~uniform(-50, 50)"]


    exp = list(database.experiments.find({'name': 'voila_voici'}))
    assert len(exp) == 1
    exp = exp[0]
    assert '_id' in exp
    exp_id = exp['_id']
    assert exp['name'] == 'voila_voici'
    assert exp['pool_size'] == 1
    assert exp['max_trials'] == 100
    assert exp['status'] == 'done'
    assert exp['algorithms'] == {'gradient_descent': {'learning_rate': 0.1}}
    assert 'user' in exp['metadata']
    assert 'datetime' in exp['metadata']
    assert 'user_script' in exp['metadata']
    assert os.path.isabs(exp['metadata']['user_script'])
    assert exp['metadata']['user_args'] == ['-x~uniform(-50, 50)']

    trials = list(database.trials.find({'experiment': exp_id}))
    assert len(trials) < 15
    assert trials[-1]['status'] == 'completed'
    for result in trials[-1]['results']:
        assert result['type'] != 'constraint'
        if result['type'] == 'objective':
            assert abs(result['value'] - 23.4) < 1e-6
            assert result['name'] == 'example_objective'
        elif result['type'] == 'gradient':
            res = numpy.asarray(result['value'])
            assert 0.1 * numpy.sqrt(res.dot(res)) < 1e-7
            assert result['name'] == 'example_gradient'
    params = trials[-1]['params']
    assert len(params) == 1
    assert params[0]['name'] == '/x'
    assert params[0]['type'] == 'real'
    assert (params[0]['value'] - 34.56789) < 1e-5
コード例 #5
    def test_good_set_before_init_hit_no_diffs_exc_pool_size(self, exp_config):
        """Trying to set, and NO differences were found from the config pulled from db.

        Everything is normal, nothing changes. Experiment is resumed,
        perhaps with more workers that evaluate (an exception is 'pool_size').
        exp = Experiment('supernaedo2')
        # Deliver an external configuration to finalize init
        exp_config[0][1]['pool_size'] = 10
        exp_config[0][1]['status'] = 'pending'
        assert exp.configuration == exp_config[0][1]
コード例 #6
    def test_get_after_init_plus_hit_no_diffs(self, exp_config):
        """Return a configuration dict according to an experiment object.

        Before initialization is done, it can be the case that the pair (`name`,
        user's name) has not hit the database. return a yaml compliant form
        of current state, to be used with :mod:`metaopt.core.resolve_config`.
        exp = Experiment('supernaedo2')
        # Deliver an external configuration to finalize init
        assert exp._init_done is True
        exp_config[0][1]['status'] = 'pending'
        assert exp.configuration == exp_config[0][1]
コード例 #7
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: hantek/metaopt
def create_experiment(exp_name, expconfig, cmdconfig, cmdargs):
    """Create an experiment based on configuration.

    Configuration is a combination of command line, experiment configuration
    file, experiment configuration in database and metaopt configuration files.

    Precedence of configurations is:
    `cmdargs` > `cmdconfig` > `dbconfig` > `expconfig`

    This means `expconfig` values would be overwritten by `dbconfig` and so on.

    exp_name: str
        Name of the experiment
    expconfig: dict
        Configuration coming from default configuration files.
    cmdconfig: dict
        Configuration coming from configuration file.
    cmdargs: dict
        Configuration coming from command line arguments.

    # Initialize experiment object.
    # Check for existing name and fetch configuration.
    experiment = Experiment(exp_name)
    dbconfig = experiment.configuration

    expconfig = resolve_config.merge_mopt_config(expconfig, dbconfig,
                                                 cmdconfig, cmdargs)

    # Infer rest information about the process + versioning
    expconfig['metadata'] = infer_versioning_metadata(expconfig['metadata'])

    # Pop out configuration concerning databases and resources
    expconfig.pop('database', None)
    expconfig.pop('resources', None)
    expconfig.pop('status', None)

    # Finish experiment's configuration and write it to database.
    except DuplicateKeyError:
        # Fails if concurrent experiment with identical (name, metadata.user)
        # is written first in the database.
        # Next infer_experiment() should either load experiment from database
        # and run smoothly if identical or trigger an experiment fork.
        # In other words, there should not be more than 1 level of recursion.
        experiment = create_experiment(exp_name, expconfig, cmdconfig, cmdargs)

    return experiment
コード例 #8
def hacked_exp(with_user_dendi, random_dt, clean_db):
    """Return an `Experiment` instance with hacked _id to find trials in
    fake database.
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
    exp = Experiment('supernaedo2')
    exp._id = 'supernaedo2'  # white box hack
    return exp
コード例 #9
    def test_good_set_before_init_hit_with_diffs(self, exp_config):
        """Trying to set, and differences were found from the config pulled from db.

        In this case:
        1. Force renaming of experiment, prompt user for new name.
        2. Fork from experiment with previous name. New experiments refers to the
           old one, if user wants to.
        3. Overwrite elements with the ones from input.

        .. warning:: Currently, not implemented.
        new_config = {'metadata': {'user_version': 1.2}}
        exp = Experiment('supernaedo2')
コード例 #10
 def test_existing_experiment(self, create_db_instance, exp_config):
     """Hit exp_name + user's name in the db, fetch most recent entry."""
     exp = Experiment('supernaedo2')
     assert exp._init_done is False
     assert exp._db is create_db_instance
     assert exp._id == exp_config[0][0]['_id']
     assert exp.name == exp_config[0][0]['name']
     assert exp.refers == exp_config[0][0]['refers']
     assert exp.metadata == exp_config[0][0]['metadata']
     assert exp._last_fetched == exp_config[0][0]['metadata']['datetime']
     assert exp.pool_size == exp_config[0][0]['pool_size']
     assert exp.max_trials == exp_config[0][0]['max_trials']
     assert exp.status == exp_config[0][0]['status']
     assert exp.algorithms == exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         exp.this_is_not_in_config = 5
コード例 #11
 def test_algorithm_config_with_just_a_string(self, exp_config):
     """Test that configuring an algorithm with just a string is OK."""
     new_config = copy.deepcopy(exp_config[0][1])
     new_config['algorithms'] = 'dumbalgo'
     exp = Experiment('supernaedo3')
     new_config['status'] = 'pending'
     new_config['algorithms'] = dict()
     new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo'] = dict()
     new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['done'] = False
     new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['judgement'] = None
     new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['scoring'] = 0
     new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['suspend'] = False
     new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['value'] = 5
     assert exp._id == new_config.pop('_id')
     assert exp.configuration == new_config
コード例 #12
    def test_get_before_init_has_hit(self, exp_config, random_dt):
        """Return a configuration dict according to an experiment object.

        Assuming that experiment's (exp's name, user's name) has hit the database.
        exp = Experiment('supernaedo2')
        assert exp.configuration == exp_config[0][0]
コード例 #13
 def test_new_experiment_due_to_username(self, create_db_instance, random_dt):
     """Hit exp_name, but user's name does not hit the db, create new entry."""
     exp = Experiment('supernaedo2')
     assert exp._init_done is False
     assert exp._db is create_db_instance
     assert exp._id is None
     assert exp.name == 'supernaedo2'
     assert exp.refers is None
     assert exp.metadata['user'] == 'bouthilx'
     assert exp.metadata['datetime'] == random_dt
     assert exp._last_fetched == random_dt
     assert len(exp.metadata) == 2
     assert exp.pool_size is None
     assert exp.max_trials is None
     assert exp.status is None
     assert exp.algorithms is None
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         exp.this_is_not_in_config = 5
コード例 #14
    def test_good_set_before_init_hit_no_diffs_exc_pool_size(self, exp_config):
        """Trying to set, and NO differences were found from the config pulled from db.

        Everything is normal, nothing changes. Experiment is resumed,
        perhaps with more workers that evaluate (an exception is 'pool_size').
        exp = Experiment('supernaedo2')
        # Deliver an external configuration to finalize init
        exp_config[0][0]['pool_size'] = 10
        exp_config[0][0]['status'] = 'pending'
        exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['done'] = False
        exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['judgement'] = None
        exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['scoring'] = 0
        exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['suspend'] = False
        exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['value'] = 5
        assert exp._id == exp_config[0][0].pop('_id')
        assert exp.configuration == exp_config[0][0]
コード例 #15
    def test_get_after_init_plus_hit_no_diffs(self, exp_config):
        """Return a configuration dict according to an experiment object.

        Before initialization is done, it can be the case that the pair (`name`,
        user's name) has not hit the database. return a yaml compliant form
        of current state, to be used with :mod:`metaopt.core.resolve_config`.
        exp = Experiment('supernaedo2')
        # Deliver an external configuration to finalize init
        experiment_count_before = exp._db.count("experiments")
        assert exp._init_done is True
        exp_config[0][0]['status'] = 'pending'
        exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['done'] = False
        exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['judgement'] = None
        exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['scoring'] = 0
        exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['suspend'] = False
        exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['value'] = 5
        assert exp._id == exp_config[0][0].pop('_id')
        assert exp.configuration == exp_config[0][0]
        assert experiment_count_before == exp._db.count("experiments")
コード例 #16
 def test_try_set_after_init(self, exp_config):
     """Cannot set a configuration after init (currently)."""
     exp = Experiment('supernaedo2')
     # Deliver an external configuration to finalize init
     assert exp._init_done is True
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc_info:
     assert 'cannot reset' in str(exc_info.value)
コード例 #17
    def test_get_before_init_no_hit(self, exp_config, random_dt):
        """Return a configuration dict according to an experiment object.

        Before initialization is done, it can be the case that the pair (`name`,
        user's name) has not hit the database. return a yaml compliant form
        of current state, to be used with :mod:`metaopt.core.resolve_config`.
        exp = Experiment('supernaekei')
        cfg = exp.configuration
        assert cfg['name'] == 'supernaekei'
        assert cfg['refers'] is None
        assert cfg['metadata']['user'] == 'tsirif'
        assert cfg['metadata']['datetime'] == random_dt
        assert len(cfg['metadata']) == 2
        assert cfg['pool_size'] is None
        assert cfg['max_trials'] is None
        assert cfg['status'] is None
        assert cfg['algorithms'] is None
        assert len(cfg) == 7
コード例 #18
    def test_try_set_after_race_condition(self, exp_config, new_config):
        """Cannot set a configuration after init if it looses a race

        The experiment from process which first writes to db is initialized
        properly. The experiment which looses the race condition cannot be
        initialized and needs to be rebuilt.
        exp = Experiment(new_config['name'])
        # Another experiment gets configured first
        experiment_count_before = exp._db.count("experiments")
        naughty_little_exp = Experiment(new_config['name'])
        assert naughty_little_exp._init_done is True
        assert exp._init_done is False
        assert (experiment_count_before + 1) == exp._db.count("experiments")
        # First experiment won't be able to be configured
        with pytest.raises(DuplicateKeyError) as exc_info:
        assert 'duplicate key error' in str(exc_info.value)

        assert (experiment_count_before + 1) == exp._db.count("experiments")
コード例 #19
 def test_after_init_algorithms_are_objects(self, exp_config):
     """Attribute exp.algorithms become objects after init."""
     exp = Experiment('supernaedo2')
     # Deliver an external configuration to finalize init
     assert isinstance(exp.algorithms, BaseAlgorithm)