def __init__(self, fire_data): username = USERNAME password = PASSWORD lat = fire_data[0] lon = fire_data[1] startdate = dt.datetime(fire_data[2], fire_data[3], fire_data[4]) - dt.timedelta(days=3) enddate = dt.datetime(fire_data[5], fire_data[6], fire_data[7]) + dt.timedelta(days=3) interval = dt.timedelta(days=1) parameters = ["t_2m:C", "relative_humidity_2m:p"] self.dataframe = api.query_time_series([(lat, lon)], startdate, enddate, interval, parameters, username, password)
def getData(d): now = dt.datetime.utcnow().replace(hour=12, minute=12, second=0, microsecond=0) startdate_ts = d startdate_ts.replace(hour=12, minute=12, second=0, microsecond=0) enddate_ts = startdate_ts + dt.timedelta(days=1) interval_ts = dt.timedelta(hours=1) coordinates_ts = [(51.507351, -0.127758), (50., 10.)] # London parameters_ts = ['t_2m:C'] model = 'mix' ens_select = None # e.g. 'median' cluster_select = None # e.g. "cluster:1", see interp_select = 'gradient_interpolation' limits = api.query_user_features(username, password) try: df_ts = api.query_time_series(coordinates_ts, startdate_ts, enddate_ts, interval_ts, parameters_ts, username, password, model, ens_select, interp_select, cluster_select=cluster_select) print(df_ts.head(13)) line = str(df_ts.head(13)).replace( 'lat lon validdate ', '') line = line.replace( ' t_2m:C', '') line = line.replace('51.507351 -0.127758 ', '') line = line.replace('+00:00 ', ',') line = line.replace('+00:00 ', ',') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = str(line).replace('\n\n', '') if line != '': SaveLine(line) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e))
def example(): ###Input timeseries: now = dt.datetime.utcnow().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) startdate_ts = now enddate_ts = startdate_ts + dt.timedelta(days=1) interval_ts = dt.timedelta(hours=1) coordinates_ts = [(47.249297, 9.342854), (50., 10.)] parameters_ts = ['t_2m:C', 'rr_1h:mm'] model = 'mix' ens_select = None # e.g. 'median' cluster_select = None # e.g. "cluster:1", see interp_select = 'gradient_interpolation' ###Input grid / grid unpivoted: lat_N = 50 lon_W = -15 lat_S = 20 lon_E = 10 res_lat = 3 res_lon = 3 startdate_grid = dt.datetime.utcnow().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) parameter_grid = 'evapotranspiration_1h:mm' # 't_2m:C' parameters_grid_unpiv = ['t_2m:C', 'rr_1h:mm'] valid_dates_unpiv = [ dt.datetime.utcnow(), dt.datetime.utcnow() + dt.timedelta(days=1) ] ###input grid png filename_png = "grid_target.png" startdate_png = dt.datetime.utcnow().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) parameter_png = 't_2m:C' ###input lightning startdate_l = dt.datetime(2017, 8, 6, 00, 00, 00) enddate_l = dt.datetime(2017, 8, 6, 00, 20, 00) lat_N_l = 50 lon_W_l = 10 lat_S_l = 40 lon_E_l = 20 ###input grads filename_grads = "path_grads/grads_target.png" startdate_grads = now parameters_grads = ['wind_speed_u_100m:ms', 'wind_speed_v_100m:ms'] # ['t_500hPa:C','gh_500hPa:m'] model_grads = 'ecmwf-ifs' area_grads = 'europe' ###input netcdf filename_nc = "path_netcdf/" startdate_nc = now enddate_nc = startdate_nc + dt.timedelta(days=1) interval_nc = dt.timedelta(days=1) parameter_nc = 't_2m:C' ###input png timeseries # prefixpath_png_ts = 'path/to/directory' #TODO prefixpath_png_ts = '' # TODO startdate_png_ts = now enddate_png_ts = startdate_png_ts + dt.timedelta(days=2) interval_png_ts = dt.timedelta(hours=12) parameter_png_ts = 't_2m:C' ###input grads timeseries # prefixpath_grads_ts = 'path/to/directory' #TODO prefixpath_grads_ts = '' # TODO startdate_grads_ts = now enddate_grads_ts = startdate_grads_ts + dt.timedelta(days=2) interval_grads_ts = dt.timedelta(hours=24) parameters_grads_ts = ['t_500hPa:C', 'gh_500hPa:m'] model_grads_ts = 'ecmwf-ifs' area_grads_ts = 'australia' # For Lat/Lon setting: None ###input station data timeseries startdate_station_ts = startdate_grads_ts - dt.timedelta(days=2) enddate_station_ts = startdate_grads_ts - dt.timedelta(hours=3) interval_station_ts = dt.timedelta(hours=1) parameters_station_ts = ['t_2m:C', 'wind_speed_10m:ms', 'precip_1h:mm'] model_station_ts = 'mix-obs' coordinates_station_ts = [(47.43, 9.4), (50.03, 8.52)] # St. Gallen / Frankfurt/Main wmo_stations = ['066810'] # St. Gallen metar_stations = ['EDDF'] # Frankfurt/Main mch_stations = ['STG'] # MeteoSchweiz Station St. Gallen limits = api.query_user_features(username, password) print("\ntime series:") try: df_ts = api.query_time_series(coordinates_ts, startdate_ts, enddate_ts, interval_ts, parameters_ts, username, password, model, ens_select, interp_select, cluster_select=cluster_select) print(df_ts.head()) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) print("\npng timeseries:") try: api.query_png_timeseries(prefixpath_png_ts, startdate_png_ts, enddate_png_ts, interval_png_ts, parameter_png_ts, lat_N, lon_W, lat_S, lon_E, res_lat, res_lon, username, password) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) if limits['area request option']: print("\ngrid:") try: df_grid = api.query_grid(startdate_grid, parameter_grid, lat_N, lon_W, lat_S, lon_E, res_lat, res_lon, username, password) print(df_grid.head()) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) print("\nunpivoted grid:") try: df_grid_unpivoted = api.query_grid_unpivoted( valid_dates_unpiv, parameters_grid_unpiv, lat_N, lon_W, lat_S, lon_E, res_lat, res_lon, username, password) print(df_grid_unpivoted.head()) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) print("\ngrid timeseries:") try: df_grid_timeseries = api.query_grid_timeseries( startdate_ts, enddate_ts, interval_ts, parameters_ts, lat_N, lon_W, lat_S, lon_E, res_lat, res_lon, username, password) print(df_grid_timeseries.head()) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) print("\ngrid as a png:") try: api.query_grid_png(filename_png, startdate_png, parameter_png, lat_N, lon_W, lat_S, lon_E, res_lat, res_lon, username, password) print("filename = {}".format(filename_png)) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) else: print(""" Your account '{}' does not include area requests. With the corresponding upgrade you could query whole grids of data at once or even time series of grids. Please check or contact us at [email protected] for an individual offer. """.format(username)) if limits['historic request option'] and limits['area request option']: print("\nlighning strokes as csv:") try: df_lightning = api.query_lightnings(startdate_l, enddate_l, lat_N_l, lon_W_l, lat_S_l, lon_E_l, username, password) print(df_lightning.head()) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) else: print(""" Your account '{}' does not include historic requests. With the corresponding upgrade you could query data from the past as well as forecasts. Please check or contact us at [email protected] for an individual offer. """.format(username)) if limits['model select option']: print("\nnetCDF file:") try: api.query_netcdf(filename_nc, startdate_nc, enddate_nc, interval_nc, parameter_nc, lat_N, lon_W, lat_S, lon_E, res_lat, res_lon, username, password) print("filename = {}".format(filename_nc)) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) print("\nGrads plot:") try: api.query_grads(filename_grads, startdate_grads, parameters_grads, lat_N, lon_W, lat_S, lon_E, res_lat, res_lon, username, password, model_grads, area=area_grads) print("filename = {}".format(filename_grads)) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) print("\ngrads timeseries:") try: api.query_grads_timeseries(prefixpath_grads_ts, startdate_grads_ts, enddate_grads_ts, interval_grads_ts, parameters_grads_ts, lat_N, lon_W, lat_S, lon_E, res_lat, res_lon, username, password, model=model_grads_ts, area=area_grads_ts) print("prefix = {}".format(prefixpath_grads_ts)) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) print("\nfind stations:") try: met = api.query_station_list(username, password, startdate=startdate_station_ts, enddate=enddate_station_ts, parameters=parameters_station_ts) print(met.head()) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) print("\nstation coordinates timeseries:") try: df_sd_coord = api.query_station_timeseries( startdate_station_ts, enddate_station_ts, interval_station_ts, parameters_station_ts, username, password, model=model_station_ts, latlon_tuple_list=coordinates_station_ts, on_invalid='fill_with_invalid', request_type="POST", temporal_interpolation='none') print(df_sd_coord.head()) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) print("\nstation wmo + metar ids timeseries:") try: df_sd_ids = api.query_station_timeseries( startdate_station_ts, enddate_station_ts, interval_station_ts, parameters_station_ts, username, password, model=model_station_ts, wmo_ids=wmo_stations, metar_ids=metar_stations, mch_ids=mch_stations, on_invalid='fill_with_invalid', request_type="POST", temporal_interpolation='none') print(df_sd_ids.head()) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) print("\nget init dates:") try: df_init_dates = api.query_init_date(now, now + dt.timedelta(days=2), dt.timedelta(hours=3), 't_2m:C', username, password, 'ecmwf-ens') print(df_init_dates.head()) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) print("\nget available time ranges:") try: df_time_ranges = api.query_available_time_ranges( ['t_2m:C', 'precip_6h:mm'], username, password, 'ukmo-euro4') print(df_time_ranges.head()) except Exception as e: print("Failed, the exception is {}".format(e)) else: print(""" Your account '{}' does not include model selection. With the corresponding upgrade you could query data from stations and request your data in netcdf or grads format. Please check or contact us at [email protected] for an individual offer. """.format(username))