methods.CompileInformation("name_video", video_name), methods.CompileInformation("local_creation", local_creation), methods.CompileInformation("creation", creation), methods.CompileInformation("length_vid", length_vid), methods.CompileInformation("fps", fps), methods.CompileInformation("vid_duration", vid_duration), methods.CompileInformation("target_frame", target_frame), methods.CompileInformation("side", side), methods.CompileInformation("conversion", conversion) ] info_video = {} for i in info: info_video[] = i.value start, end, step, _, _ = methods.frame_to_time(info_video) print( "Recording was started at: ", start, "\nRecording was ended at: ", end, "\nThis information might not be precise as it depends on your computer file system, and file meta information" ) os.makedirs("results/processed_videos/", exist_ok=True) file_blob = "results/processed_videos/" + video_name + "_blob.avi" file_mask = "results/processed_videos/" + video_name + "_mask.avi" out_blob = cv2.VideoWriter(file_blob, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), fps, (side, side)) out_mask = cv2.VideoWriter(file_mask, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), fps, (side, side))
except (TypeError, RuntimeError): pass else: print(video_name, "No, file does not exists") head_true = True species = str(input("* Please enter species name for this individual: ")) sex = str(input("* Please enter sex for this individual: ")) handedness = str(input(" *Please enter handedness for this individual: ")) crab_id = methods.CrabNames(name, str("Manual_tracking"), species, sex, handedness) print(crab_id) methods.data_writer(args["video"], info_video, head_true) methods.CrabNames.save_crab_names(methods.CrabNames.instances, info_video) start, end, step, _, _ = methods.frame_to_time(info_video) print("Recording was started at: ", start, "\nRecording was ended at: ", end, "\nThis information might not be precise as it depends on your computer file system, and file meta information.", "\nPress the 'p' key to pause and play the video.") pause = True while vid.isOpened(): _, img = key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if img is None: break else: img = cv2.resize(img, (0, 0), fx=resz_val, fy=resz_val) if pause: