def test2(): dataset_names = [ # "/TT_TuneCUETP8M2T4_13TeV-powheg-pythia8/RunIISummer17MiniAOD-92X_upgrade2017_realistic_v10_ext1-v1/MINIAODSIM", "/Dummy_test_StopBabyMaker_v25/CMS4", ] # Make a base directory basedir = "/hadoop/cms/store/user/{0}/metis_test/example/".format(os.getenv("USER")) MutableFile(basedir).touch() # Make a directory sample, giving it the location and a dataset name for bookkeeping purposes # The globber must be customized (by default, it is *.root) in order to pick up the text files ds = DirectorySample(location=basedir, dataset="/TEST/Examplev1/TEST", globber="*.txt") # Make a CondorTask (3 in total, one for each input) task = CondorTask( sample = ds, files_per_output = 1, tag = "v0", output_name = "ttbar_powheg_pythia8_92X.root", executable = "", cmssw_version = "CMSSW_9_3_1", scram_arch = "slc6_amd64_gcc700", arguments = "testarg1", tarfile = "input.tar.gz", condor_submit_params = {"sites": "UAF,T2_US_UCSD,UCSB"}, no_load_from_backup = True, # for the purpose of the example, don't use a backup ) # do_cmd("rm -rf {0}".format(task.get_outputdir())) # Process and sleep until complete is_complete = False for t in [5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0]: task.process() print("Sleeping for {0} seconds".format(int(t))) time.sleep(t) is_complete = task.complete() if is_complete: break # If it's complete, make a dummy sample out of the output directory # in order to pick up the files. Then cat out the contents and sum # them up. This should be 3*2*10 = 100 if is_complete: print("Job completed! Checking outputs...") outsamp = DirectorySample(location=task.get_outputdir(), dataset="/Blah/blah/BLAH", globber="*.txt") tot = 0 for f in outsamp.get_files(): mf = MutableFile(f.get_name()) tot += int( print("It looks like we found 3*2*10 = {0}".format(tot))
def test_instantiation(self): dsname = "/blah/blah/BLAH/" dirsamp = DirectorySample(dataset=dsname, location="/dummy/dir/") self.assertEqual(len(dirsamp.get_files()), 0)
def main(): if data_year == "2016": samples_to_run = dataset.hww_samples_to_run_2016 samples_short_name = dataset.samples_short_name_2016 dslocs = dataset.dslocscms4_2016_allpf # file/dir paths main_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) metis_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(metis.__file__)) tar_path = os.path.join(metis_path, "package.tar") tar_gz_path = tar_path + ".gz" metis_dashboard_path = os.path.join(metis_path, "dashboard") exec_path = os.path.join(main_dir, "") merge_exec_path = os.path.join(main_dir, "") hadoop_path = "metis/baby/{}".format( job_tag ) # The output goes to /hadoop/cms/store/user/$USER/"hadoop_path" if job_tag.find("HWW") != -1: args = "0" # HWWBaby # Create tarball os.chdir(main_dir) os.system( "tar -chzf {} processBaby *.so *.pcm rooutil/lib*.so coreutil/data coreutil/lib*.so *.txt btagsf MVAinput jetCorrections leptonSFs puWeight2016.root pileup_jul21_nominalUpDown.root ../CORE/Tools/ mergeHadoopFiles.C rooutil/ fastjet/fastjet-install/lib" .format(tar_gz_path)) # Change directory to metis os.chdir(metis_path) total_summary = {} # Loop over datasets to submit while True: all_tasks_complete = True for sample in samples_to_run: loc = dslocs[sample] # define the task maker_sample_name = "/MAKER_" + sample[1:] maker_task = CondorTask( sample=DirectorySample(dataset=maker_sample_name, location=loc), tag=job_tag, arguments=args, executable=exec_path, tarfile=tar_gz_path, special_dir=hadoop_path, output_name="output.root", files_per_output=1, condor_submit_params={"sites": "T2_US_UCSD"}, open_dataset=False, flush=True, #min_completion_fraction = 0.5, #no_load_from_backup = True, ) # process the job (either submits, checks for resubmit, or finishes etc.) maker_task.process() # save some information for the dashboard total_summary[maker_task.get_sample().get_datasetname( )] = maker_task.get_task_summary() # define the task merge_sample_name = "/MERGE_" + sample[1:] merge_task = CondorTask( sample=DirectorySample(dataset=merge_sample_name, location=maker_task.get_outputdir()), tag=job_tag, executable=merge_exec_path, tarfile=tar_gz_path, files_per_output=100000, output_dir=maker_task.get_outputdir() + "/merged", output_name=samples_short_name[sample] + ".root", condor_submit_params={"sites": "T2_US_UCSD"}, open_dataset=False, flush=True, output_is_tree=True, cmssw_version="CMSSW_9_2_0", scram_arch="slc6_amd64_gcc530", #no_load_from_backup = True, ) if maker_task.complete(): # process the job (either submits, checks for resubmit, or finishes etc.) merge_task.process() # save some information for the dashboard total_summary[merge_task.get_sample().get_datasetname( )] = merge_task.get_task_summary() # Aggregate whether all tasks are complete all_tasks_complete = all_tasks_complete and maker_task.complete() # parse the total summary and write out the dashboard StatsParser(data=total_summary, webdir=metis_dashboard_path).do() # Print msummary table so I don't have to load up website os.system("msummary -r | tee summary.txt") os.system("chmod -R 755 {}".format(metis_dashboard_path)) # If all done exit the loop if all_tasks_complete: print "" print "Job={} finished".format(job_tag) print "" break # Neat trick to not exit the script for force updating print 'Press Ctrl-C to force update, otherwise will sleep for 300 seconds' try: for i in range(0, 300): sleep(1) # could use a backward counter to be preeety :) except KeyboardInterrupt: raw_input("Press Enter to force update, or Ctrl-C to quit.") print "Force updating..."
os.chdir(scriptsdir) os.system("tar -rf {} *.sh *.C ".format(tar_path)) os.chdir(wwwdir) os.system("gzip -f {}".format(tar_path)) # Configurations baby_version = "16" exec_path = os.path.join(scriptsdir, "") args = "WWW_ScanChain.C output.root t -1 doskim" total_summary = {} while True: task = CondorTask( sample = DirectorySample( dataset="/WWW_v0_1_{}".format(baby_version), location="/hadoop/cms/store/user/bhashemi/AutoTwopler_babies/merged/VVV/WWW_v0.1.16/skim/", globber="*.root" ), open_dataset = False, flush = True, files_per_output = 1, output_name = "merged.root", tag = job_tag, arguments = args, executable = exec_path, tarfile = targzpath, special_dir = hadoop_path, condor_submit_params = {"sites" : "UAF,T2_US_UCSD"} ) task.process() # save some information for the dashboard
def test_get_globaltag(self): dirsamp = DirectorySample(dataset="/blah/blah/BLAH/", location="/dummy/dir/")["gtag"] = "dummygtag" self.assertEqual(dirsamp.get_globaltag(),["gtag"])
### We test that the tag is actually there repo_name = '%s/NanoAOD-tools'%args.user g = Github(cred) repo = g.get_repo(repo_name) tags = [ for x in repo.get_tags() ] if not tag in tags: print ("The specified tag %s was not found in the repository: %s"%(tag, repo_name)) print ("Exiting. Nothing was submitted.") exit() else: print ("Yay, located tag %s in repository %s. Will start creating tasks now."%(tag, repo_name) ) # example sample = DirectorySample(dataset='TTWJetsToLNu_Autumn18v4', location='/hadoop/cms/store/user/dspitzba/nanoAOD/TTWJetsToLNu_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-madspin-pythia8__RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv6-Nano25Oct2019_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v20_ext1-v1/') outDir = os.path.join(os.path.expandvars(cfg['meta']['localSkim']), tag+'_'+skim if skim=='trilep' else tag) print ("Output will be here: %s"%outDir) maker_tasks = [] merge_tasks = [] sample_list = samples.keys() if not args.small else samples.keys()[:2] sample_list = [ x for x in samples.keys() if args.only in x ] # print ("Will run over the following samples:") print (sample_list) print ()
def get_tasks(): samples = [ # DirectorySample( # location = "/hadoop/cms/store/user/mliu/mcProduction/MINIAODSIM/www/", # globber = "*_MiniAODv2.root", # dataset = "/PrivateWWW/www-cms4-Private80X-v1/MINIAODSIM", # gtag = "80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6", # ), # DirectorySample( # location = "/hadoop/cms/store/user/mliu/mcProduction/MINIAODSIM/www_ext/", # globber = "www_ext_*_MiniAODv2.root", # dataset = "/PrivateWWW/wwwext-cms4-Private80X-v1/MINIAODSIM", # gtag = "80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6", # ), # DirectorySample( # location = "/hadoop/cms/store/user/mliu/mcProduction/MINIAODSIM/TChiWH_HToVVTauTau_HToBB_mChargino200_mLSP50/", # globber = "*_MiniAODv2.root", # dataset = "/TChiWH_HToVVTauTau_HToBB_mChargino200_mLSP50/cms4-Private80X-v1/MINIAODSIM", # gtag = "80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6", # ), DirectorySample( location= "/hadoop/cms/store/user/bhashemi/mcProduction/MINIAODSIM/wh_ext/", globber="*MiniAODv2.root", dataset= "/TChiWH_HToVVTauTau_HToBB_mChargino200_mLSP50/cms4-Private80X-v1/MINIAODSIM", gtag="80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6", ), ] tasks = [] for sample in samples: pset_args = "data=False" cmsswver = "CMSSW_8_0_26_patch1" tarfile = "/nfs-7/userdata/libCMS3/lib_CMS4_V00-00-02_2017Sep27.tar.gz" task = CMSSWTask( sample=sample, files_per_output=30, output_name="merged_ntuple.root", tag="CMS4_V00-00-02_2017Sep27", pset="psets/", pset_args=pset_args, # condor_submit_params = {"use_xrootd":True}, condor_submit_params={"sites": "T2_US_UCSD"}, cmssw_version=cmsswver, tarfile=tarfile, special_dir="run2_moriond17_cms4/ProjectMetis", min_completion_fraction=0.90, publish_to_dis=True, ) tasks.append(task) return tasks
def get_tasks(samples_dictionary, year, baby_type, baby_version_tag, dotestrun=False): job_tag = "{}{}_{}".format(baby_type, year, baby_version_tag) # file/dir paths main_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) metis_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(metis.__file__)) tar_path = os.path.join(metis_path, "package_{}.tar".format(job_tag)) tar_gz_path = tar_path + ".gz" exec_path = os.path.join(main_dir, "") merge_exec_path = os.path.join(main_dir, "") hadoop_path = "metis/{}/{}".format( hadoop_dirname, job_tag ) # The output goes to /hadoop/cms/store/user/$USER/"hadoop_path" # Extra arguments that will be passed on to ./processBaby to specific which baby to create from the babymaker binary executable args = "" if job_tag.find("WVZ") != -1: args = "1" if job_tag.find("Dilep") != -1: args = "2" if job_tag.find("Trilep") != -1: args = "3" if job_tag.find("WVZMVA") != -1: args = "4" if job_tag.find("Truth") != -1: args = "5" if job_tag.find("WVZAll") != -1: args = "6" # Change directory to metis os.chdir(metis_path) tasks = [] # BEGIN Sample Loop --------> # loop over the samples for sample in sorted(samples_dictionary.iterkeys()): # # Job 1 : Creating baby # # define the task maker_task = CondorTask( sample=SNTSample( dataset=sample, # exclude_tag_pattern="CMS4_V08-*", # ignore new samples by sicheng for 2016 exclude_tag_pattern= "*v516*", # ignore new samples by sicheng for 2016 ), tag=job_tag, arguments=args, executable=exec_path, tarfile=tar_gz_path, special_dir=hadoop_path, output_name="output.root", files_per_output=1, # files_per_output = 1, condor_submit_params={"sites": "T2_US_UCSD"}, # condor_submit_params = {"sites" : "UAF,T2_US_Wisconsin,T2_US_Florida,T2_US_Nebraska,T2_US_Caltech,T2_US_MIT,T2_US_Purdue"}, # condor_submit_params = {"sites" : "UAF,T2_US_Wisconsin,T2_US_Florida,T2_US_Nebraska,T2_US_Caltech,T2_US_MIT"}, # condor_submit_params = {"sites" : "UAF"}, open_dataset=False, flush=True, max_jobs=5 if dotestrun else 0, # min_completion_fraction = 1.0 if "Run201" in sample else 0.9, # min_completion_fraction = 0.9, #no_load_from_backup = True, ) print sample, job_tag tasks.append(maker_task) # # Job 2 : Merging baby outputs # if maker_task.complete() and not dotestrun: merge_sample_name = "/MERGE_" + sample[1:] merge_task = CondorTask( sample=DirectorySample(dataset=merge_sample_name, location=maker_task.get_outputdir()), # open_dataset = True, flush = True, executable=merge_exec_path, tarfile=tar_gz_path, files_per_output=1, output_dir=maker_task.get_outputdir() + "/merged", output_name=samples_dictionary[sample] + ".root", condor_submit_params={"sites": "UAF"}, output_is_tree=True, # check_expectedevents = True, tag=job_tag, cmssw_version="CMSSW_9_2_0", scram_arch="slc6_amd64_gcc530", #no_load_from_backup = True, max_jobs=1, ) merge_task.reset_io_mapping() merge_task.update_mapping() tasks.append(merge_task) # <------ END Sample Loop return tasks
# tag = tag, # cmssw_version = "CMSSW_10_2_5", # scram_arch = "slc6_amd64_gcc700", # tarfile = "inputs_nm1.tar.gz", # executable = "", # condor_submit_params = { # "sites":"T2_US_UCSD", # }, # ) # tasks.append(task) tag = "histsv3" task = CondorTask( sample=DirectorySample( location= "/hadoop/cms/store/user/namin/ProjectMetis/ScoutingCaloMuon_Run201*_v13_RAW_v25/", dataset="/Scouting/main/HISTS", ), files_per_output=2, output_name="output.root", tag=tag, cmssw_version="CMSSW_10_2_5", scram_arch="slc6_amd64_gcc700", tarfile="inputs_main.tar.gz", executable="", condor_submit_params={ "sites": "T2_US_UCSD", }, ) tasks.append(task)
def runall(special_dir, tag, total_nevents, events_per_output, config): #def runall(special_dir, tags, total_nevents, events_per_output, configs): for _ in range(2500): # for i in range(len(configs)): # config = configs[i] # special_dir = special_dirs[i] # tag = tags[i] proc_tag = "v1" #special_dir = "workflowtest/ProjectMetis" #special_dir = "miniaod_runII/JHUSample_ttH" cmssw_v_gensim = config["cmssw_v_gensim"] pset_gensim = config["pset_gensim"] scram_arch_gensim = config["scram_arch_gensim"] cmssw_v_aodsim = config["cmssw_v_aodsim"] pset_aodsim = config["pset_aodsim"] scram_arch_aodsim = config["scram_arch_aodsim"] pset_aodsim2 = config["pset_aodsim2"] cmssw_v_aodsim2 = cmssw_v_aodsim #config["pset_aodsim2"] scram_arch_aodsim2 = scram_arch_aodsim #config["scram_arch_aodsim2"] cmssw_v_miniaodsim = config["cmssw_v_miniaodsim"] pset_miniaodsim = config["pset_miniaodsim"] scram_arch_miniaodsim = config["scram_arch_miniaodsim"] step1 = CMSSWTask( # Change dataset to something more meaningful (but keep STEP1, as we use this # for string replacement later); keep N=1 sample=DummySample(N=1, dataset="/" + tag + "_STEP1"), # A unique identifier tag=proc_tag, special_dir=special_dir, # Probably want to beef up the below two numbers to control splitting, # but note that step2 is the bottleneck, so don't put too many events # in one output file here events_per_output=events_per_output, total_nevents=total_nevents, #events_per_output = 50, #total_nevents = 1000, # We have one input dummy file, so this must be True split_within_files=True, pset="psets/" + pset_gensim, cmssw_version=cmssw_v_gensim, scram_arch=scram_arch_gensim, condor_submit_params={ "sites": "T2_US_UCSD", "classads": [[ "SingularityImage", "/cvmfs/" ]] }) step2 = CMSSWTask( sample=DirectorySample( location=step1.get_outputdir(), dataset=step1.get_sample().get_datasetname().replace( "STEP1", "STEP2"), ), tag=proc_tag, special_dir=special_dir, open_dataset=True, files_per_output=1, pset="psets/" + pset_aodsim, cmssw_version=cmssw_v_aodsim, scram_arch=scram_arch_aodsim, condor_submit_params={ "sites": "T2_US_UCSD", "classads": [[ "SingularityImage", "/cvmfs/" ]] }) step3 = CMSSWTask( sample=DirectorySample( location=step2.get_outputdir(), dataset=step2.get_sample().get_datasetname().replace( "STEP2", "STEP3"), ), tag=proc_tag, special_dir=special_dir, open_dataset=True, files_per_output=1, pset="psets/" + pset_aodsim2, cmssw_version=cmssw_v_aodsim2, scram_arch=scram_arch_aodsim2, condor_submit_params={ "sites": "T2_US_UCSD", "classads": [[ "SingularityImage", "/cvmfs/" ]] }) step4 = CMSSWTask( sample=DirectorySample( location=step3.get_outputdir(), dataset=step3.get_sample().get_datasetname().replace( "STEP3", "STEP4"), ), tag=proc_tag, special_dir=special_dir, open_dataset=True, files_per_output=1, output_name="step4.root", pset="psets/" + pset_miniaodsim, cmssw_version=cmssw_v_miniaodsim, scram_arch=scram_arch_miniaodsim, condor_submit_params={ "sites": "T2_US_UCSD", "classads": [[ "SingularityImage", "/cvmfs/" ]] } # condor_submit_params = {"sites":"UAF,UCSD"}, ) ''' step5 = CMSSWTask( sample = DirectorySample( location = step4.get_outputdir(), dataset = step4.get_sample().get_datasetname().replace("STEP4","STEP5"), ), tag = proc_tag, special_dir = special_dir, open_dataset = True, files_per_output = 1, pset = "psets/", # The below two lines should match output file names in the pset output_name = "step5.root", #other_outputs = ["step3_inMINIAODSIM.root","step3_inDQM.root"], cmssw_version = "CMSSW_10_2_22", scram_arch = "slc6_amd64_gcc700", # condor_submit_params = {"sites":"UAF,UCSD"}, ) ''' #for _ in range(25): total_summary = {} for task in [step1, step2, step3, step4]: task.process() summary = task.get_task_summary() total_summary[task.get_sample().get_datasetname()] = summary StatsParser(data=total_summary, webdir="~/public_html/dump/metis/").do() time.sleep(2000)
# Make a directory sample, giving it the location and a dataset name for bookkeeping purposes # The globber must be customized (by default, it is *.root) in order to pick up the text files # Make a CondorTask (3 in total, one for each input) maker_tasks = [] merge_tasks = [] for dsname, samploc in cms4_samples.items(): cmsswver = "CMSSW_9_4_1" scramarch = "slc6_amd64_gcc630" tarfile = "input.tar.gz" tag = "v25_10" maker_task = CondorTask( sample = DirectorySample( dataset=dsname, location=samploc, ), # open_dataset = True if dsname.startswith("data_2016H_singleel") else False, files_per_output = 20 if dsname.startswith("data") else 1, tag = tag, cmssw_version = cmsswver, scram_arch = scramarch, tarfile = tarfile, executable = "", outdir_name = "stopBaby_" + dsname, output_name = "stopbaby.root", arguments = "1" if dsname.startswith("SMS") else "0", # isFastsim condor_submit_params = {"sites": "UAF"}, # condor_submit_params = {"sites": "UAF,T2_US_UCSD,UCSB"}, # no_load_from_backup = True, )
]] }, #"SingularityImage":"/cvmfs/"}, #condor_submit_params = {"sites" : "T2_US_UCSD,T2_US_CALTECH,T2_US_MIT,T2_US_WISCONSIN,T2_US_Nebraska,T2_US_Purdue,T2_US_Vanderbilt,T2_US_Florida"}, special_dir=hadoop_path, arguments=args.replace(" ", "|")) task.process() allcomplete = allcomplete and task.complete() # save some information for the dashboard total_summary[ds] = task.get_task_summary() with open("summary.json", "w") as f_out: json.dump(total_summary, f_out, indent=4, sort_keys=True) # Loop through local samples for ds, loc, fpo, args in local_sets[:]: sample = DirectorySample(dataset=ds, location=loc) files = [ for f in sample.get_files()] print "For sample %s in directory %s, there are %d input files" % ( ds, loc, len(files)) #for file in files: # print file task = CondorTask( sample=sample, open_dataset=True, files_per_output=fpo, output_name="test_nanoaod.root", tag=job_tag, cmssw_version=cmssw_ver, executable=exec_path, tarfile="./package.tar.gz",
# in one output file here events_per_output=200, total_nevents=500000, # We have one input dummy file, so this must be True split_within_files=True, pset="psets/", #cmssw_version = "CMSSW_9_3_6_patch2", cmssw_version="CMSSW_9_4_6_patch1", condor_submit_params={"sites": "T2_US_UCSD"}, scram_arch="slc6_amd64_gcc630", ) step2 = CMSSWTask( sample=DirectorySample( location=step1.get_outputdir(), dataset=step1.get_sample().get_datasetname().replace( "STEP1", "STEP2"), ), tag=proc_tag, special_dir=special_dir, open_dataset=True, files_per_output=1, pset="psets/", cmssw_version="CMSSW_9_4_4", scram_arch="slc6_amd64_gcc630", ) step3 = CMSSWTask( sample=DirectorySample( location=step2.get_outputdir(), dataset=step2.get_sample().get_datasetname().replace(
print(dict["xs"] * 1000.) / (dict["n_events"] * (1 - (2 * dict["frac_neg"]))) return (dict["xs"] * 1000.) / (dict["n_events"] * (1 - (2 * dict["frac_neg"]))) basepath = "/hadoop/cms/store/user/smay/ProjectMetis/" all_jobs_done = False total_summary = {} while True: all_jobs_done = True for key, info in mc.iteritems(): if args.test_run: continue sample = DirectorySample(dataset=key, location=basepath + info["globber"]) job_args = '%s %s %.12f' % ("none" if args.selection == "2" else "Reweight", args.selection, scale1fb(info)) output_name = "Zll_histograms.root" task = CondorTask( sample=sample, open_dataset=False, flush=True, files_per_output=1, #files_per_output = info["fpo"] if args.selection == 1 or args.selection == 3 else info["fpo"] * 3, output_name=output_name, tag=job_tag, cmssw_version="CMSSW_9_4_9", # doesn't do anything arguments=job_args, executable=exec_path, tarfile=tar_path,
[ "WZ_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-pythia8_RunIISummer17MiniAOD-92X_upgrade2017_realistic_v10-v2_MINIAODSIM_NanoAODv1", "/hadoop/cms/store/user/namin/NanoAODv1/ProjectMetis/WZ_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-pythia8_RunIISummer17MiniAOD-92X_upgrade2017_realistic_v10-v2_MINIAODSIM_NanoAODv1" ], [ "ZZ_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-pythia8_RunIISummer17MiniAOD-92X_upgrade2017_realistic_v10-v2_MINIAODSIM_NanoAODv1", "/hadoop/cms/store/user/namin/NanoAODv1/ProjectMetis/ZZ_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-pythia8_RunIISummer17MiniAOD-92X_upgrade2017_realistic_v10-v2_MINIAODSIM_NanoAODv1" ], ] total_summary = {} while True: allcomplete = True for ds, loc in dslocs: task = CondorTask(sample=DirectorySample(dataset=ds, location=loc), open_dataset=False, flush=True, files_per_output=1, output_name="merged.root", tag=job_tag, arguments=args, executable=exec_path, tarfile=targzpath, special_dir=hadoop_path, condor_submit_params={"sites": "UAF,T2_US_UCSD"}) task.process() allcomplete = allcomplete and task.complete() # save some information for the dashboard total_summary[ds] = task.get_task_summary() # parse the total summary and write out the dashboard
NTUPLE_TAG = "v3" exec_path = "" tar_path = "input.tar.gz" input_dir = "/hadoop/cms/store/user/ryan/beammuons/beammuons_PROC_{0}_FOURVECS_{1}".format( FOURVEC_TAG, SIM_TAG) hadoop_path = "milliqan/milliq_mcgen/geant_ntuples" proc_types = ["qcd", "qcd_nonbc", "w", "dy"] total_summary = {} while True: allcomplete = True for proc in proc_types: ds = "/beammuons_{0}/{1}_{2}/GEANT".format(proc, FOURVEC_TAG, SIM_TAG) sample = DirectorySample(dataset=ds, location=input_dir.replace("PROC", proc), globber="*.root") task = CondorTask( sample=sample, open_dataset=True, files_per_output=1, output_name="output.root", tag=NTUPLE_TAG, executable=exec_path, tarfile=tar_path, condor_submit_params={ "sites": "T2_US_UCSD", "container": "/cvmfs/" },