コード例 #1
def add_metpy(option, filename):
    Adds the variables possible through metpy (theta, pv, n2)
    with xr.load_dataset(filename) as xin:
        if option.theta or option.pv:
            print("Adding potential temperature...")
            xin["pt"] = potential_temperature(xin["pressure"], xin["t"])
            xin["pt"].data = np.array(xin["pt"].data)
            xin["pt"].attrs["units"] = "K"
            xin["pt"].attrs["standard_name"] = VARIABLES["pt"][2]
        if option.pv:
            print("Adding potential vorticity...")
            xin = xin.metpy.assign_crs(grid_mapping_name='latitude_longitude',
            xin["pv"] = potential_vorticity_baroclinic(xin["pt"], xin["pressure"], xin["u"], xin["v"])
            xin["pv"].data = np.array(xin["pv"].data * 10 ** 6)
            xin = xin.drop("metpy_crs")
            xin["pv"].attrs["units"] = "kelvin * meter ** 2 / kilogram / second"
            xin["pv"].attrs["standard_name"] = VARIABLES["pv"][2]
            xin["mod_pv"] = xin["pv"] * ((xin["pt"] / 360) ** (-4.5))
            xin["mod_pv"].attrs["standard_name"] = VARIABLES["mod_pv"][2]
        if option.n2:
            print("Adding N2...")
            xin["n2"] = brunt_vaisala_frequency_squared(geopotential_to_height(xin["zh"]), xin["pt"])
            xin["n2"].data = np.array(xin["n2"].data)
            xin["n2"].attrs["units"] = VARIABLES["n2"][1]
            xin["n2"].attrs["standard_name"] = "square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_air"

コード例 #2
ファイル: test_thermo.py プロジェクト: tasrramaswamy/MetPy
def test_brunt_vaisala_frequency_squared():
    """Test Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared function."""
    truth = [[1.35264138e-04, 2.02896207e-04, 3.04344310e-04, 1.69080172e-04],
             [1.34337671e-04, 2.00818771e-04, 1.00409386e-04, 1.00753253e-04],
             [1.33423810e-04, 6.62611486e-05, 0, 1.33879181e-04],
             [1.32522297e-04, -1.99457288e-04, 0., 2.65044595e-04]] * units('s^-2')
    bv_freq_sqr = brunt_vaisala_frequency_squared(bv_data()[0], bv_data()[1])
    assert_almost_equal(bv_freq_sqr, truth, 6)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_thermo.py プロジェクト: dodolooking/MetPy
def test_brunt_vaisala_frequency_squared():
    """Test Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared function."""
    truth = [[1.35264138e-04, 2.02896207e-04, 3.04344310e-04, 1.69080172e-04],
             [1.34337671e-04, 2.00818771e-04, 1.00409386e-04, 1.00753253e-04],
             [1.33423810e-04, 6.62611486e-05, 0, 1.33879181e-04],
             [1.32522297e-04, -1.99457288e-04, 0., 2.65044595e-04]] * units('s^-2')
    bv_freq_sqr = brunt_vaisala_frequency_squared(bv_data()[0], bv_data()[1])
    assert_almost_equal(bv_freq_sqr, truth, 6)
コード例 #4
def preprocessDataResample(file, path, spatialResolution, lambda1, lambda2,
    #delete gloabal data variable as soon as troubleshooting is complete
    """ prepare data for hodograph analysis. non numeric values & values > 999999 removed, brunt-viasala freq
        calculated, background wind removed

        Different background removal techniques used: rolling average, savitsky-golay filter, nth order polynomial fits

    data = openFile(file, path)
    data = interpolateVertically(data)

    #change data container name, sounds silly but useful for troubleshooting data-cleaning bugs
    global df
    df = data
    #make following vars availabale outside of function - convenient for time being, but consider changing in future
    global Time 
    global Pres 
    global Temp 
    global Hu 
    global Wd 
    global Long 
    global Lat 
    global Alt 
    global potentialTemp
    global bv2
    global u, v 
    global uBackground 
    global vBackground
    global tempBackground

    #for comparing rolling ave to savitsky golay
    #global uBackgroundRolling
    #global vBackgroundRolling
    #global tempBackgroundRolling
    #global uRolling
    #global vRolling
    #global tRolling
    #individual series for each variable, local
    Time = df['Time'].to_numpy()
    Pres = df['P'].to_numpy() * units.hPa
    Temp = df['T'].to_numpy() * units.degC
    Ws = df['Ws'].to_numpy() * units.m / units.second
    Wd = df['Wd'].to_numpy() * units.degree
    Long = df['Long.'].to_numpy()
    Lat = df['Lat.'].to_numpy()
    Alt = df['Alt'].to_numpy().astype(int) * units.meter

    #calculate brunt-viasala frequency **2
    tempK = Temp.to('kelvin')
    potentialTemperature = tempK * (p_0 / Pres)**(
        2 / 7)  #https://glossary.ametsoc.org/wiki/Potential_temperature
    bv2 = mpcalc.brunt_vaisala_frequency_squared(
        Alt, potentialTemperature).magnitude  #N^2
    #bv2 = bruntViasalaFreqSquared(potentialTemperature, heightSamplingFreq)     #Maybe consider using metpy version of N^2 ? Height sampling is not used in hodo method, why allow it to affect bv ?

    #convert wind from polar to cartesian c.s.
    u, v = mpcalc.wind_components(
        Ws, Wd)  #raw u,v components - no different than using trig fuctions
    print("Size of u: ", len(u))
    #subtract nth order polynomials to find purturbation profile
